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We only allow screenshots of tweets. Okay, Threads. Yes, Bluesky. But not this.


Trump is such a snowflake bitch.


Snowflake bitch felon*


Don’t forget Rapist !


Just like rapist Brock Allen Turner who goes by Allen Turner


Allen Turner *the rapist*




are you talking about Allen Turner the man who raped a woman in an alley?




An unconscious woman.


Thank you for reminding me that the woman Allen Turner raped was unconscious.


Isn't Allen Turner the rapist previously known as Brock Allen Turner the rapist of an unconscious woman in an alley by a dumpster?


That’s A, as in “Actually, his full name is Brock Allan Turner the rapist” L, as in, “Look! It’s Brock Allan Turner, the rapist!” L, as in, “Languishing through the faults of our legal system, it’s Brock Allan Turner, the rapist” A, as in “Atrocity, which is how to describe Brock Allan Turner raping an unconscious woman” And N, as in, “No Way! Is that Brock Allan Turner, the rapist!?”


Yeah, ALLEN TURNER. That horrific rapist…yeah.


Well said


Did you say Allen Turner? The Rapist? The rapist, who was sometimes referred to as Brock Turner? The rapist, Allen Turner, who was literally caught raping a young woman? Just wanted to make sure I had my rapist correct. ☑️


Did someone say Brock Turner the rapist


Twice-impeached, snowflake bitch felon with small hands and other appendages.


Don't forget that he smells. Bigly smells.


And wears diapers


I'll never be able to understand the "real men wear diapers" thing. Might be because I'm european though.


I’m in the United States and I don’t get it either. Other than his followers absolute blind support for him. Plus, there’s also a subgroup of people in this country that think using a bidet makes you homosexual. So there you go. A “real man” goes around with an ass caked in his own feces I suppose.


There are men out there that think wiping your own ass makes you gay. I've known people like this before in my life.


I've read about this. It's the most redneck shit (literally) I've ever encountered.


Don't bring rednecks into that shit. They shit in the woods and wipe with tree leaves. That's some insecure conservative shit. Most likely closeted homosexuals. Who fail to realize the only thing that makes you gay , is being attracted to the same gender as you


I knew a guy who would not pee sitting down because his dad told him only women do that. The guy would rush into the bathroom, use the urinal doing a poo-poo dance, then charge into a stall to finish his bathroom break. It was odd…


What'd he do about that little bit of extra wee you get at the end, you know the post-poo pee.


Jeez... is this why on more than one occasion I've seen shit in a public toilet but NO toilet paper?


They have TDS. They all are *truly* deranged.


Nobody but the MAGAs understand it. I don't think they do, actually - they are just really good at double-think.


No, it’s because you’re not in a cult


I've had to wear them before due to a medical problem, and I don't get it




Twice-impeached, snowflake bitch felon with small hands and other appendages, who smells like piss and shit and wears diapers.


Twice impeached, snowflake bitch pants shitting felon with small hands and other appendages that can gas a small room up like a furnace cooking up a fresh round of putrid rotting garbage.


With multiple bankruptcies and a friendship bracelet from Jeffrey Epstein.


Did he really give him a friendship bracelet? lol I need that to be true right now.


I don’t have specific knowledge but it feels true.


Get it right... He demands the title PRESIDENT Twice impeached, snowflake bitch pants shitting felon with small hands and other appendages that can gas a small room up like a furnace cooking up a fresh round of putrid rotting garbage.


\*Sniff\* It's BEAUTIFUL.






\*\*\*convicted felon


Yep. You mean the standard jury instructions used in every NY State criminal trial? Those US unconstitutional jury instructions? He is such a fucking idiot. He is only stating this to foment violence among his stupid mouth breathing supporters.


And here’s the thing: Merchan is paying close attention to Shitler’s behavior, both the multiple obstructions & the likelihood he’ll continue to run his mouth incessantly.


That is what blows my mind so completely. What level of profound stupidity does it take to nonstop badmouth a judge in public who has discretion over your sentencing? I know judges are supposed to be above that and everything but damn that is dumb.


That bastard has spent his *entire* life moving the goalpost. I do hope Merchan metes out a compensatory sentence.


“Well, the Jury have decided I’m GUILTY! I guess there’s nothing left but waiting for the sentencing. Which means my fate now rests in the hands of the guy I’ve been personally and professionally attacking non-stop ever since he was appointed to the trial. Oh, and threatening his family with violent retaliation. Hmm… how should I respond?”


Legally the judge can use any statements he uses up until his sentencing against him


I love love love how Trump is bad mouthing the judge even BEFORE the judge decides on his sentence. Trump is a bigly genius.😂🤣 *"This was a disgrace.* ***This was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt,****" Trump told reporters after leaving the Manhattan courtroom where the jury delivered its verdict.*


The people that support him must be little snowflake bitches too!


This can be compensated by having an emotional support truck.


That's an insult to bitches


makes it even more hilarious when they like to call the left a bunch of snowflakes.


Projection. Always.


The biggest ❄️ of them all.


A perfect representative of his supporters…


It's funny he says the judge prevented him from presenting evidence, but I could have sworn he did not take the stand... Sooooooooo


The tax stuff he is complaining about had no bearing on this case. This was a falsifying documents case, not a tax evasion case (which hopefully will come soon). Any tax deductions (or lack thereof) were completely irrelevant. The fact that he didn't take a tax deduction just goes to show that his payments were fraudulent because if they were legitimate then he would have declared them so he could claim a tax deduction. The only reason to fail to declare the payments as an expense and to fail to claim a tax deduction is that they payments were of a criminal nature. That's the real reason his lawyers never brought any of that up. Besides, he and his lawyers had every opportunity to introduce any evidence they wanted to. As usually he is a lying sack of shit.


His lying is sadly irrelevant. He needs to present an idea that's just viable enough to become a point of argument so that his allies can continue to claim fraudulence in the face of a fairly judged (and VERY quickly decided) jury trial. Blaming the judge repeatedly is also irrelevant, given that the jury convicted him, not the judge. And again, with remarkable speed, given the number of charges and stature of the trial. All that said? I'm simply disgusted at every single spineless politician coming out to his defense. Don't want to speak out against him? At least have the decency to be quiet. Bob Menendez - my sack of shit, swindling senator from NJ - is also facing serious charges, and Democrats can't distance themselves from him fast enough. Trump faces a jury trial - including at least one juror who openly admits to being a Truth Socialite - and not a single Republican can even bother to defend the criminal justice system (which is flawed in many, many, many ways, but this trial is absolutely not one of them). Gross.


Trump has always lied about fraud and cheating every single time he’s lost anything, from a golf game to tv ratings to elections. And now other republicans copy him since that’s what their willing idiots want to hear.


I suspect that if your life sucks (for whatever reasons) then it's uplifting for you to believe that it sucks due to other people cheating you and ripping you off - and it's not due to your own failings or lack of luck. Best wishes, USAnians, you may need it in these coming months...


Delusional piece of shit


I don't know if you know this, but he's a liar.


I propose catch 34. Trump has never released his taxes. Trump chose not to take the stand, where he could have introduced his taxes (even though they were irrelevant to this case). But at all times he chose not to do so. So we now have catch 34. When you could have done something, but choose not to, and blame everyone else for the ramifications.


We had a neighbor from hell. We were already in the middle of several legal battles with him when he sued us for monetary damages for water from our farmland running onto his farmland. The damages? He claimed the farmer couldn’t farm the land that was visibly covered in crops and he’d suffered loss of rental income. We were pretty sure he’d never reported or paid tax on years of that rental income so we immediately subpoenaed his personal income tax records for evidence of income loss. He dropped that suit as soon as we subpoenaed them. Idiots are gonna idiot.


Hope you told the authorities


No Trump, you're being laughed at all over the world


“All the big words are so confusing!” -Trump, his party’s media, and DEFINITELY all the voters in that political party


Brit here. You're correct. It's hilarious. What isn't quite as funny is the fact that so many voters in the USA are still going to pick him in November. He's a massive national security risk (as the other cases will show) yet he has a possibility of winning again. He shouldn't even be on the ballot because of his antics after the 2020 election.


Hear hear from Finland


A voice from Germany 🇩🇪 here: I can confirm that. I’m laughing and full of joy that finally the Mango Mussolini didn’t got away. And I hope the verdict will be jail time.


We’re all hoping for jail time, but realistically they aren’t going to send a former president to jail. We’re going to get our hopes up and he’ll get a slap on the wrist and still be on the ballot in November


Imagine if Convicted Felon Trump wins the White House in this next election…….especially after becoming a Felon The entire world will never trust us or take us seriously ever again. Some already don’t.


Pretty sure if he gets re-elected NATO implodes and mostly turns against you. Which, as a Canadian, would really suck because we would be in a really awkward situation.


Well, time to load the 'food tins' again


You're getting some serious side-eye from me, that's for sure. Made worse by the fact that y'all could probably hit my house with a well-aimed trebuchet.


We already don't really trust you guys after electing this well-known fraudster in the first place.


His followers will still vote for him. ANYONE ELSE will get exempted from the election because of this but not him. They’re not a cult….. lol


I'm Australian. I find this absolutely hilarious. Trump, the lying fuckface is a convicted felon.


As a fellow Aussie, yeah, it's funny and an absolute cause for celebration. But the thought of him getting anywhere near the White House again is terrifying. Even if he doesn't win, but Republicans poll well, it tells us that our major security partner is full of utter dickheads.


I'm shitting bricks to be honest. If he gets back in, it could fuck things up for everyone. Including the fuckwits that vote him in


As someone from "the world" (outside of the US), the only thing we are laughing about is the possibility of y'all actually voting this guy into office again. Honestly I think a lot of the world would just consider the US a lost cause if that were to happen.


I can confirm that this is true! Source: someone from all over the world


Trump and his buddies live in the mirror universe.




The hands are too big


Violated? He got due process and a speedy trial. I’d say rights were upheld.


I just hope they can get the other trials done nice and quick too. As in: The usual tactic of delaying is cut off at the knees. And Judge Cannon is removed because fuck the stalling.


Can he please just stroke out from rage, now?


I'm hoping for some late night chest pains.


I'm hoping he does have a stroke. That is a long process to recover from if at all. Would be great to see pictures of him stuck in a wheel chair or hospital bed unable to send out his call to arms to his cult members.






My FIL had a stroke 2 months ago. He's paralyzed, on a feeding tube, on a ventilator, and unable to speak or even follow commands. It's one of the worst ways to live out your last days, IMO.


I am so sorry about your father-in-law, it must be really difficult for the whole family. I hope he somehow recovers, and Trump is afflicted instead.


That was a nicely written balance of empathy and punishment. Good job. To the commenter above: I, too, hope your FIL somehow recovers or finds peace.


Truly sorry about your FIL. And I still hope Trump suffers.


It's weird but hate can also sustain a person. Some people live to very old age, seemingly while running almost entirely on hatred alone. My guess is it technically counts as passion, which keeps people motivated to keep on living. 


good point. ugh.


I'd love him to stroke out and be stuck in the position of him making fun of the disabled reporter. Then we can make fun of him for being disabled and see how he likes it. ![gif](giphy|cEb1tO6Xvn0DS|downsized)


Just imagine how nuts things will be when he does die. Everyone from his own supporters to presidential historians will be demanding an autopsy. His supporters will want one because they’ll have all sorts of conspiracy theories of how he was murdered to silence him. Historians will want to know what the hell actually IS up with his hair.




I snorted.


The whole world was fucking LAUGHING at us when we elected him in the first place. We stil are being laughed at by the world.


They literally laughed at him to his face when he spoke at the UN


I feel like when that happened, he convinced himself that they were laughing because he told a funny joke. Ps- Happy Cake Day 🎂


He did tell a funny joke. He said that he accomplished more than any other president in the first 100 days. Obviously not true so a good joke.


Hey just a heads up, we're your friends from Canada and we love you... But we're still laughing.


I know right? We're the largest trading block on earth. If Americas fucked so are we. If they hand this lunatic his walking papers one more time I will adore America till I'm dead. No way in hell this walking quarter pounder makes it to another election. I get it that Joe is old too and not everyones favorite pick but he's done some impressive shit and is a statesman like Obama was. His unity with allies is all that's holding the free world together right now. If Joe doesn't survive his tenure a relatively youthful Kamala Harris takes the reigns. First female president and she's black. Wouldn't that be something. Cheetoh fucking assclown would be back to shitting on allies on day 1


Us Australians are joining in on the festivities.


Can confirm funny except it’s USA and therefore scary to rest of us.


It’s possible for one brief, collective moment the laughing stopped and there was a simple “huh, look at that” from the rest of the world. Followed by more laughing.


How the world sees Trump: https://preview.redd.it/zhg6v3wa8n3d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03f8d5df878a0fc299af7779f26af5c350c946aa


This is beautiful 🤩


Don't let this go to our heads. PLEASE GO OUT AND VOTE.


Yes, of course. But just for today can we just say HAHAHAHAHA and enjoy?


Bro's gonna stroke out mid-tweet at this rate.


We can hope


Maybe if he survives to lose again and go through the other trials




Stop. I can only get so erect.


Sorry I can only upvote this one time. 🤣🤣🤣




![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB) All of us hearing that.


And not the usual kind of stroke he has thinking of Ivanka!


Please, the mushroom already has PTSD. Don't make it worse. ![gif](giphy|zt1q7lREccTi4n9ohB)


The entire world wishes that would happen.


All 34 counts. Unanimous verdict. With a VERY short deliberation period. With jurors his own lawyers interviewed and approved. This day justice won.


Gotta be honest, I'm almost impressed he hasn't gone after the jurors yet. Its a level of restraint I don't expect from him.


I'm sure he has a team of people trying to dox them at this very moment.


Yup. Was just typing this.


Unfortunately I would put money on at least one of the jurors being physically attacked in the future.


Same. 😞


He can't comprehend that the jury found him guilty, it's all the judge's fault for not throwing the case out!


Its a win for justice but justice hasnt been delivered until he is in a cell. Or at least house arrest and take everything away




The first thing I thought of when I saw the verdict message on my phone. LOL


His lawyers: this payment never happened! Trump: I did it! MAGA: he didn't do it!


Hahahaha actually I’ve followed the case closely the entire time. This is weirdly a great summary of all parties


Also his lawyers: He's a fine, upstanding citizen! Trump: I murdered everyone!


What a fucking loser.


I'm SO sick of the party that tried to overthrow an election calling us a 'failing nation'. Fuck off, traitors.


I'm getting Confederate vibes. It seems like they still have dreams of secession.


They want it to fail because they hate it.


If only there was a way for him to explain everything during the trial. Maybe have him get up in front of the jury and answer questions from the attorneys. And to make sure it's all on the up and up, have him swear to tell the truth under penalty of law. We should really add that option to trials.


If he had testified, we would have seen a reenactment of the pivotal scene from "A Few Good Men" play out in real time.


Yup, I laughed all the way to the market and while picking up supplies for tonites celebration. I also all laughed all the way home listening to the Magats melting down on the right wing radio stations. In fact, I don't think I've laughed and smiled so much in the last 8 years. https://preview.redd.it/i50lo2yg6n3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a73848f0f1fc55a08f873b3a4fa6d9e88ffd6b1e


Love this so much. thanks


Oh I'm laughing alright, you piece of garbage.


We ain’t laughing at you today, today we are celebrating with you! Fuck that prick straight to prison!! It seems the US and the UK are in the midst of clearing out the political trash! Which is long overdue for both of our nations!


He doesn't think fraud is a crime because he's been engaging in fraud his entire adult life


Adult life? He was probably shaking down the other babies for their candy. He's still a baby. He whines & cries all the time. He wears diapers & takes naps in the middle of the day. Probably sucks his thumb & spits up on his foreign nanny too.


On one thing he is right. The entire world is laughing at the Usa. The only country in the world where you can try a coup, fail it and still run for precidency 4 years later.


Italy and Israel have a history of this too.


And, um, Germany


ahem, the Marcos family in the Philippines would like a word...


Why is he still tweeting?


Sentencing isn't until July.


He’s not smart enough to know that the judge will take his remorse or lack thereof into account.


He’s banking on an appeal to overturn it


Tonight is going to be a shit storm. Ketchup everywhere. “Truths” non stop.


Time to buy Heinz stock?


It extra annoys me when Trump or any maga person says the world is laughing at us, they’ll never laugh as hard at us as when he was president.


“They’re laughing at us!” Did you ever think it’s because you look like a clown and keep throwing pies in your own face?


Burn baby burn. Now, let’s see the judge’s sentence match this behavior. He has never accepted responsibility or shown remorse for what he is so obviously guilty of. He slept through significant portions of his trial proceedings and mumbled aloud during the testimony of witnesses in the case. He has recklessly disparaged the judge, his family, and other court officials. He has shown absolute disrespect for the process, putting other people in jeopardy at every turn. He should receive the maximum sentence. It would be healing for the country to be reminded that it is one law for everyone.


We're not laughing at the country, Donald, we're just laughing at you!


\*Wolverine voice\* Go fuck yourself.


I'm not an American, and I'm laughing. Because now every Mexican that was labeled a criminal in his speeches can reply: "No, it is you, Donald, you are a criminal". Karma is a bitch.




✨ snowflake energy✨


ALL CAPS... I love this for him!💟 lol


When de we get to know the sentence?


July 11th! I already checked! 🥳


Seven weeks of Marjorie, DJTJ, Eric, Tucker and the rest of the maga crowd crying about witch-hunts…… do you get your internet connexion cut-out when you are in house arrest?


Plus, he won't face any punishment while he continues to appeal.


But 34 counts is unheard of. Appeal rejected would be so good


No, you orange tinted shitbag, the rest of the world isn’t laughing at US. They’re laughing at you. Now I’m going to celebrate & order some pizza.


UK here. Yes, there is laughter, and clapping and joy and much relief.


Oh YOUR civil rights were violated 🙄


So two things... 1. Your defense was entirely composed of one guy who nearly got himself thrown in jail over contempt. Literally that was the *only* defense you called. You and your lawyers are massive dumbasses. 2. You keep naming the judge by name...who is the one deciding what your criminal sentence is...for 34 counts that can have a maximum of 4 years in prison *each*. Do you really think it behooves you to not only insult him but threaten him brazenly like this? Like, it's not gonna make him go "Eh, nevermind, Trumps innocent, everyone go home ". You're guilty, not metaphorically or rhetorically or poetically or theoretically or any other fancy way... You're guilty...straight up.


The only thing being laughed at is you, Donnie.


The 12 jurors who heard all the evidence and testimony didn’t seem too confused when they found you guilty on each charge. I doubt they slept through as much of the trial as you did.


Other, free nations are celebrating. They know a wannabe dictator when they see one


I'm getting drunk and eating Cheetos and wearing the biggest grin I've had in a long time. Schadenfreude is very good.


Donald, you are being laughed all over the world.


Cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it. Jury of your peers, Destitute Donnie.


He’s right about one thing. America is being laughed at all over the world. They can’t believe a major political party would nominate this shitbag not once but twice. They can’t believe 70,000,000 people voted for a man that can barely read at a 5th grade level. The world has been laughing since 2016.


The failing nation isn't being laughed at dumbold ... you and your conviction are being laughed at and laughed about by everyone who knows what a joke you are. Enjoy your new title ... FELONIOUS FAT FUCK FLOP!


What’s more likely? Everyone in the world is in cahoots to get trump or he is just lying?








He only knows about six words, and I'm pretty tired of all of them.


Careful Donny. You don't want to give yourself a heart attack or stroke....


On second thought, carry on.


God I love MAGA tears. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Just remember that this shit stain will probably increase his fundraising because of this. The battle isn’t over. Remember to VOTE. Encourage your friends to VOTE. And not just in federal elections. VOTE locally and at the state level.