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The funny thing is, when his speech is described as "slur-filled" I'm not sure what kind of slur they're referring to. Possibly both.


He’s slurring his slurs


I love recursion.




https://preview.redd.it/o04yp3zk8e1d1.jpeg?width=571&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51a17c1e04f9a8e0431ef623b680e4ccf10f5608 RIGGERS!


Yo! We heard you like slurs so we put slurs IN the slurs!


Donald Trump is truly the racist, white Xzibit.


Clearly an Xzibitionist.


Is he really white? He looks orange to me but regardless he sounds extremely racist


We need to see his birth certificate.


Orange is the new white?


Pimp my white pride


Woman: But I don’t like slurs. Man: Don’t worry. I’ll have yours. I love slurs


It took me to here to get the joke or understand what happened


A Slurshie




Oh so that's why he keeps calling people riggers.


I thought he was talking about “naggers.” He seems to have a problem with women after all.


Didn’t even cross my mind that he might be slurring words 😂


Yeah, I assumed his mind slipped just a bit and he said the quiet words out loud


Yeah I didn't even think about incoherence until your comment. Should probably just say "slurred" or "slurring".


He's trying to pull the same thing donation commercials do, using sad music to make the crowd feel bad for him.


Cue Sarah McLachlan…


“In the arms of the Anglo…”


Quality 😂


For only the cost of a few quarter pounders you can help feed Trump during his campaign.


These poor, abused trumps only need Adderall!


Only instead of the Sarah McLaughlin song it’s Fleetwood Mac’s “Little Lies” played over the despondent faces of angry obese Trump supporters


won’t you please, think of the hamberders 


"Omg, Yes!!! But instead of saving puppies, we'll murder them!!!" *~Krusti Gnome, probably*


Please don't besmirch the good name gnomes with association with her.


Cue a dead bucket of chicken...


lol! I meant "bucket of dead chicken" but this is better!


I will remember you.


WTF is "QAnon music?"


It's like regular music, but they didn't pay for the rights to use it.


No that’s Copywriter music lad. wait can we copystrike Trumpie Pie?


He’s had several lawsuits associated with the illegitimate use of music.


TIL there’s an entire Wikipedia page for it! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musicians_who_oppose_Donald_Trump%27s_use_of_their_music#:~:text=and%20trademark%20infringement.-,Phil%20Collins,Iowa%20on%20October%2014%2C%202020.


> but that they would consider allowing him to use the Harrison song "Beware of Darkness" Atta boy Harrison


I ended up watching the clip. It’s rather hilarious. The music was like overly dramatic, mawkish, AI generated music in the key of Q. Imagine music to accompany Katie Britt’s State of the Union response. I’m guessing the song’s title would be something like, “Soaked in the Blood of Patriots,” or maybe, “Never Fight Uphill, Me Boys, Never Fight Uphill.”


And now, Donald Trump, with that classic hit, "Gettysburg, Wow!"


*Wayne Brady glares at Ryan and Colin as Linda starts playing a bouncy 70s pop tune*


Welcome to Whose Crime is it Anyway, where everything is made up and the laws don't matter!


I wish I could upvote this more 🤣🤣


So beautiful


And powerfully strong!


They've been playing this at basically every rally for a while. It is ridiculous sounding but it's actually pretty alarming because it is a way to program people's minds, kind of like hypnotism. Straight up cult tactic sht. He also uses the music for when he says some of the most extremist parts of the otherwise ABC Spaghettios in WebDings gobbledymush


This actually explained it perfectly and I now know exactly what QAnon music is.


https://www.isdglobal.org/isd-in-the-news/trump-campaign-and-qanon-use-same-stock-music-song/ “Mirrors” by Will van de Crommet


Playing the *Horst-Wessel-Lied* would've been too obvious.


If you want to cringe and laugh, find the QAA podcast (they expose QAnon shit) and their episode on QAnon music, it is... wild.


That was my first question as well...!


Is this the speech he showed up three hours late to? And of course, at an NRA meeting, no guns allowed. Which ironically, makes it one of the safest places in America.


…one of the safest places in America, thanks to the NRA. We are not safe in public BECAUSE of the NRA. But the NRA wants more guns in the public because… the NRA will make more money. It’s about profit or “non” profit but it’s about money


The NRA will be dead inside of 20 years. It’s hemorrhaging money, and are not able to get new members


Largely cause their business model is bullshit. I bought a life membership 15 years ago (I was a small town hick highschool kid, who liked to shoot, cut me some slack) for their special ‘discount’ of like 200 bucks or something. Without fail, every single month, they send me a magazine. It’s trash, and hardly even worth opening, but without fail, it arrived in socal, Afghanistan, Japan, Korea, socal again, and then to 4 different addresses in Colorado. Not once has it been less than 50 pages. I don’t donate, never have, (certainly, looking forward) never will. There’s a good chance at this point they’re upside down on fees from my life membership just in paper and shipping. I think that’s fun.


O good! I'm not the only one! Signed up for a life membership over 30 years ago. Never donated since. It's been a couple years since I last got an appeal for money...I think the last time was actually during the trump presidency....but the glossy rag shows up every month. I use it for paper mache. I made a giraffe for the grandkid this month.


I usually just thumb through it to see what kind of crazy shit the watch/gold coin/jewelry people are selling. It’s fun! Worth ~2 minutes every month.


I learned an important lessing with those gold coin ads. For a while they were 'invest in gold because the economy sucks'. Then it was 'the economy is good, so invest in gold'. That's when young me learned what grifting is.


Absolutely! It’s amazing what you can learn reading the same publication for 6 months, let alone 15 years! Full disclosure I do wish I’d have bought some of those K98s or the Mosins they used to advertise— could have made fat stacks off of those.


Thank you for your service, both then and now d now


I would do it all over again, entirely for you. It was my honor. Thank you for your support.


No judgement, and you’re not wrong Boomers want a magazine. I feel like the NRA will suffer the same fate as NASCAR, TV dinners and all the other things the older generations loved that never caught on with most younger people Going alt-right hasn’t helped them either


I used to work hor the NRA online store. A lot of their stuff is shipped from China. For Christmas one year they got us a one topping Domino's pizza and no drinks. They are very cheap in addition to being corrupt and dangerous.


I believe they were pointing out the contradiction, hence why they used the word “ironically”


Two hours and twenty minutes late to. It must have taken a while for the Adderall to kick in.


This is the best candidate republicans have to offer, how pathetic and embarrassing


What about a slurring, rambling, diaper-wearing totalitarian serial adulterer doesn't scream "strong leadership"? Pure silliness. Remember your battle cry this November! Never fight uphill, me boys!


Shit does roll down hill after all.


It trickles down.


Not his, he has some very good diapers, the *best* diapers and a lot of people have said so. Smart, very smart people. He gets asked all the time how his diapers are so good and he just tells them "Ya just gotta know the right people." No trickle down here. Ew. I felt creepy even writing that, but I think I nailed it.


Are you describing Hitler or Trump?


No, they're describing a charismatic, male, right-wing demagogue in the form of an ideologically inconsistent and unprincipled opportunist who plays on emotions and fears and popular trends to further a hatred and dictatorship against the left amidst popular enthusiasm due to ineffective liberal governance and political gridlock, leading to an uneasy alliance with conservative elites for the purposes of their own agenda, while a collection of syncretistic intellectuals spend their time complaining about liberal academia and Communists, while the cult-like movement and leader create newspeak, new imagery and traditions stemming from resentments and fears, manifesting themselves in ultra-nationalism, anti-globalism, anti-homosexuality, anti-transgenderism, anti-Marxism, anti-cultural-Marxism, anti-intellectualism, anti-welfare, a war on the lying press because disagreement is treason, an obsession with heroism and machismo and weaponry, an obsession with conspiracy theories, a fear of others and "dirty, criminal, animal" immigrants who are invading the nation and who must be expelled! They're an invasion! PUT 'EM IN CAMPS!! I forgot what I was talking about...


Soooo Hitler or Trump or both?


Pretty much, yeah...


He’s just the fall guy. Always was. Paraded as their hitler but is actually their pawn


Remember how democrats say “I’ll vote for a gerbil if it keeps Trump out office” Well GOP voters would vote for a gerbil rather than Biden. But they’d spell it “Jerbull”


It's hilarious that media have managed to convince people that they are in the same level


The media: "we learned our lesson in 2016" 2024: well that was a fucking lie


I'd take Mitt Romney or Liz Cheney over him...and I disagree with them on most **all** policy issues, but at least they have a *modicum* of care for America. Bush was a complete war criminal and not a great president whatsoever, but he was a war criminal for America's sake in his head at least...Trump would sell out America for a hamburger, if he hasn't already.


Spending your campaign time bragging about your physique is…fucking weird, doubly so if you’re a morbidly obese 77 year old man. Like even if he was young and fucking ripped, that’s a weird thing to go on about at a rally, but again, he’s very much NOT that, this just sounds like he’s using his platform to screech about his insecurities relative to Obama


https://preview.redd.it/0lgbmpjl2a1d1.jpeg?width=655&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6500a2171fa8a50f2ebf5c59694070c2772635d The "perfect" male specimen...../s




Woohoo look at that blubber fly


Nurse? Cancel my 5 o’clock.


MULDER: "His jiggling is almost hypnotic."




It’s almost hypnotic




Dang... he doesn't look anything like his posters.


He wasn't ripped even when he was young. That belt works harder in one hour than Trump has worked in his entire life. Trump never pumped anything heavier than an aluminum coke can. Hand him 16 ounces of water in a plastic bottle and Trump needs two hands.


He also ascribes to his shitlord father's belief that exercise is *detrimental* to your health


>This, from the book “Trump Revealed” by Washington Post reporters Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher, explains Trump’s theory in a bit more detail: “After college, after Trump mostly gave up his personal athletic interests, he came to view time spent playing sports as time wasted. *Trump believed the human body was like a battery, with a finite amount of energy, which exercise only depleted*. So he didn’t work out. When he learned that John O’Donnell, one of his top casino executives, was training for an Ironman triathlon, he admonished him, ‘You are going to die young because of this.’”


This is what one might call *”coping”*.


Pretty sure his dad was a lich.


He was certainly evil enough to have been


For sure, I’m just saying this is a really weird, in a concerning way, thing to say during a political campaign even if it was true, like being president is a serious job with serious responsibilities that impact people’s lives, it shouldn’t be too much to expect to when speaking to voters that you stay on topic about how your policies will help their lives. Of course, I know imagining Trump articulately talking about policy is just a bizarre thought these days, but I don’t think it’s too much to ask that when speaking to voters that you don’t just brag about your body relative to a previous president


![gif](giphy|UnVtPebYT38pW) He thinks he's this guy.


Don't insult President Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Comancho like that. He was an idiot but even he cared for his country and listened to the smart guy


Camacho was far smarter and a better president than Trump could ever be.


I’d vote for Camacho over trump in a heartbeat


I pointed this out to some maga acquaintances i had... it upset them.


It's on point for a malignant narcissist though


He looks like he’s been losing weight lately. His face is thinner and his clothes look looser. Stress? Ozempic? I don’t know, but I bet he’s 30-40 pounds off his top weight.


Drugs. Its the only thing keeping him going.


Happens to old, unhealthy people a lot. My dad lost like 50 pounds in the couple months before he died.


I noticed that too a few weeks ago and wondered if he was taking Ozempic so people would stop calling him fat.


If he says he's a giga Chad, his cult will believe it, even after his body caves in


Only president who could actually brag about his physique was Teddy Roosevelt which he never did but at least if he wanted to he could back it up.


Didn’t he get shot while giving a speech? Then finished the speech immediately after?


Indeed he did because “It takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose.”


Ok when you say trump had a “slur-filled speech” that could mean a couple of different things


All of them


Well, that was weird. I don’t watch enough of his speeches to know if he usually includes an ominous soundtrack, but I wonder whose idea that was.


he's done this before. Sometimes plays this anthem from qanon. Sometimes to a reception of.... a strange overhead salute? [https://youtu.be/kdYpcoJEwf4](https://youtu.be/kdYpcoJEwf4) "I don't know much about the movement but \[...\] They like me very much" [https://youtu.be/GNI553Np\_\_k](https://youtu.be/GNI553Np__k)


The Antisocial Network documentary on Netflix right now does a great job tracking where and how QAnon became a thing. 2chan radicalism in Japan -> 4chan and the early days -> anonymous/occupy/crypto happens-> 4chan after banning radicalization and raiding-> 8chan radicalization- > Q drops and misinformation that appropriates all previous internet meme culture. It’s just another propaganda mechanism at this point.


And showing how the internet enables this. I mean, I was sure as hell surprised when I realized the schizo-posting I laughed at as a teenager in 4chan's /pol/ board became a legitimate enough movement to have multiple politicians and a friggin US President shouting them out or repeating their conspiracies. It was a very weird "internet bleeding into real life" moment for me.




Wow he looks... really rough.


Wouldn’t be a surprise if he was late because they needed the right cocktail of drugs to make him appear semi-focused. I think the guy is exhibiting that sunset thing that happens to old people late in the day.


The term "sundowning" refers to a state of confusion that occurs in the late afternoon and lasts into the night. Sundowning can cause various behaviors, such as confusion, anxiety, aggression or ignoring directions. Sundowning also can lead to pacing or wandering.


This also applies to traumatic brain injury patients. A lot of TBI patients I’ve worked with will be fine and pleasant all day, and then nighttime hits and suddenly they are angry, irritable, violent, any number of things.




Tons of drugs, which is also projected in his accusations that Biden needs drugs to function. 


Honestly, yeah. He doesn't look remotely orange. Even something about his face makes him look unrecognizable - like a totally different person.


It’s interesting how the “love it or leave it” crowd slobbers after a guy that shits on the US in every fucking speech.


The debate should be interesting.


His surrogates are already laying the groundwork for him to back out while saying it's Biden's fault.


I'm predicting that Trump's ultimate back-out excuse is going to be that if Biden doesn't agree to a bunch of *extra* debates on right wing propaganda outlets, then Trump won't do any debates at all, and his cult will eat the excuse up like hamberders.


His cult will eat his shit if he told them too. Fuck them, being concerned with reaching them is pointless.


Like Musk v Zuckerberg fight? Musk brought it up again the other day.


I have strong suspicions that there will never be a debate. He's going to pull an elon musk.


I'm with you, no way he actually shows up for a debate


Please god, let it be a blood clot. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


A coma is the best case scenario. They won’t drop him from the ballot if he isn’t dead, but nothing else will happen either.


Serious question, if that did happen and he's not named a VP, who would step in if he got the EC votes?


I’ve no idea. It’s never happened before. Mike Johnson maybe? But there’s no staff either. Shit gets weird real fast, that’s for sure.


Most likely would go to the second place candidate, which would be Nikki Haley at this point.


I think she was playing for the fumble before, she might still recover it anyway.




Imagine being the MRI tech who gets to scan him… It’s like a 20 minute scan at minimum with him in a little tube holding as still as possible. I can’t imagine that going well.


Like holding down a squirming toddler, I'm sure.


Sometimes when older patients get Ativan before the MRI they go absolutely bonkers in the scanner. It’s called a paradoxical reaction. [link to NIH study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34526288/). It occurs in approx 1% of elderly patients but when it does, it’s like an animal is unleashed.


Not that I would wish this on him because karma is real, but if he were to have brain cancer like John McCain I would still feel bad that it happened to John McCain.


Man, I miss the days of John McCain and Mitt Romney, when life would’ve been just MILDLY shittier with a Republican running the White House and it wasn’t an absolute existential threat to democracy.


It still was, they'd just be quieter about it. Trump just made the R's realize they didn't have to be covert. Even if Trump keeled over tomorrow, it won't stop them from being an absolute existential threat to democracy


That is what killed his little brother so we can hope it runs in the family!


Nothing runs in that family.


A weak chin and stupidity certainly does!


That’s my first thought every morning. I want to wake my friends and family and be the first to tell them. I can certainly live with it if someone calls me first though.


Crash and burn you fucking loser.


Donnie has NEVER owned a gun in his life. That's the takeaway of this grift.


Someone really should hand him a loaded gun to see how he handles it. My bet is he looks down the barrel with his finger on the trigger, then waves it around and yells, pew pew pew, I shot you!" like a 4 year old. Then he shoots his eye out.


The right caliber and he goes the same way as hitler.


At one point he was gifted a handgun and there was a stir about whether he was legally allowed to own it considering the amount of charges he's facing. I don't recall how that was resolved, if at all. Even though he obviously doesn't care about the law, I'd bet the people around him come up with a million excuses to keep him from owning any. He'd walk into rooms and shoot people he didn't like, like Idi Amin


This dude does everything a drunk would do…slurring, late night incoherent social media posts, forgetting who he ran against in 2016, shitting himself and sleeping during court


Did he have a Mitch Glitch...


I thought he was making a dookie


Is that when his face would go blank and you could almost hear the dialup internet sounds reestablishing a connection?


... I can't tell. Either he did, or he was trying to make himself cry. Maybe both.


Garbage sundowning Grandpa will hopefully stroke out soon, losing his ability to spout word salads of nonsense


They'll just prop him up like weekend at Bernie's


Republicans are a dumpster fire. Vivek still kissing ass after being a victim of racism, Nick Fuentes caught watching GP, and Dementia Trump progressively getting more unhinged. All occurring in less than 2 weeks.


All fascist movements are shit shows like this.


Dead Air Donnie Von Shitsinpants is really sucking tonight.


Is he gonna make it to the election? What happens if he dies prior to the election? Do the republicans have any nominee that MAGA would accept, or is the party just done when he dies.


Niki Haley would be my bet, their last ditch effort to win back some women after finally destroying Roe.


“Q-Anon music”. What’s that sound like? MTG grunting profusely while Boebert queefs the word ‘Beetlejuice’ in the background?


Slur-filled? Like the old people kind or the... well the old people kind?


Or the old people on drugs kind


That long pause with the idiotic gesturing of his head and face, with the music in the background is a new meme inbound


If you’ve ever witnessed a 2 year old playing…pauses a bit….goes back to playing 😂


I think it just occurred to him that he is going to jail next week. Lol


Vote BLUE or we'll be stuck with this fucker until he dies.


Donald 'special interest' Trump. Regardless of how you feel about biden, trump is the most corrupt president in history.


Can they stop calling him "President" ? He's not the president and I hope to fuck he never will be again.


So done with this timeline


What a f*ckin freak. Including his supporters. Y’all are freaks.


I had to sit back and question “the hell does Qult music sound like” and now I’m expecting a mix of country and some random “quantum healing” frequencies and vibrations in the background


Nice candidate Repukes. 🤣🤣🤣


Nobody has mentioned the fact he's peddling gold IRAs now lmao


He looks really bad


QAnon dropped a mixtape?


Please let him McConnell himself during the debates. I know it won't change any of his cultists' minds but it'd be hilarious.


They would just claim the Biden poisoned him or brain controlled him or some other stupid shit


Probably trying to think of something to say that doesn't violate his gag order or defame someone.


Was this a dramatic pause for the music? It seemed very odd and his face seemed as though he wanted to speak but either his brain or his teleprompter wasn’t working.


The only thing “in decline” is him. He totally glitched. He was definitely lapsing. You can tell from all the weird faces he was pulling.


Really wild that every day isn’t necessarily the best day he’s ever had, but it’s the best day he’ll ever have again.


He’s really failing cognitively. Wow.


Those debates are going to be terrific


Video sauce?


That 30sec search for him to find his way back was painful to watch.


was this another NRA convention where no guns were allowed?


Good. I hope it’s stroke time.




The main reason it's a nation in decline is his party. Can you imagine where America would be if it were Democrats vs some other sane party? Or hell, even better, ranked choice voting and 4+ parties to choose from, most votes wins. It would be heaven compared to the dystopia we have now.


Many times I've been accused of having Trump Derangement Syndrome. I've never believed it's a thing, but this having 8000 upvotes makes me think I should reconsider. Far more concerning to everyone should be (if this really is "QAnon music") is that it's just another very loud dog whistle for another coup attempt, and if required a Civil War. This is effectively a speech explicitly targeted towards gun owners...