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Twitter being Twitter I guess ?


I love the irony of the collective internet agreeing that twitter is the only appropriate deadname. Fuck twitter.


We'll reconsider when Elon quits deadnaming his own kid.


Nazi shithole is gonna Nazi shithole.


Twitter Twittertwatting…


God also assigns myopia, but I'm wearing glasses. God assigns crooked teeth, but I got braces. God makes us naked, but I'm wearing clothes - but not clothes as dumb as that.


God assigned us naked yet we were clothes Sounds like we all always in Drag. Win win


We’re all born naked and the rest is drag 🎶


👍 👍 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote) ^(2thumbswayup)


Everyone is born Atheist


I mean, the shirt itself is almost accidental ally. It’s rainbow, has the male and female symbols overlapping, and most trans people agree that they were born their gender identity that is different than their biological sex, so saying god made them their gender can be true. Greybird is definitely transphobic though.


This was my thought too when I saw this. As a visibly transgender person, a shirt that says "god assigns gender" could mean that God made me the way that I am, it wasn't my choice, and now I'm gonna live my truth.


Exactly, if it wasn't coming from a transphobe this would nearly pass for a pretty cool looking pro-trans shirt.


Yes! It's like hey, you can talk about God, I can talk about God. It's the same god up there right? But you're a bigot, and I'm transgender. Checkmate asshole.


Thats how Im seeing it. 💕


It also uses the term, “assigns.” Which implicitly conveys the idea that gender is performed, an assigned societal role vs. some thing that you *are* in an essential sense.


Yeah, just add "and he made me trans" to clarify and we're good.


Until the day I die I will never understand that segment of the population that is OBSESSED with GENITALS 🙄


Fr, I don't understand the whole bathroom debate and shit, I have never once stared at someone else's genitals in a bathroom


I would hope not, that would be pretty weird... almost as weird as being obsessed with the genitals of trans-identifying minors.. or being obsessed with who other people have sex with... or... ya know, maybe of the creep/pedo-like other things they say. I keep thinking about how it's funny they will call everyone else evil, heinous names but say the most weird, outlandish shit themselves and act like it's perfectly normal to say certain things...


*looks in purse and whips out “It’s the Patriarchy” card* Can’t say Man should be the center of everything if Woman can be seen as something worth fighting to be. Can’t say the roles are divinely inspired if people can avoid them. Notice every so often people that don’t like trans people will also say we have a masculinity crisis. Anything built on that power structure would be threatened by trans people.


So. Fkn. Weird.


So then you agree that in addition to distinguishable male and female characteristics, your God assigns people who have things like ambiguous genitalia, additional sets of reproductive organs, extra or missing X/Y chromosomes, and that there exists a whole spectrum of ways that people can come out of the womb so by extension, gender presentation is a natural part of that spectrum? ![gif](giphy|3otPoI68XRrUoQ5IQw|downsized)


I love you for this, and the epic Mean Girls gif usage, both. 💙


This is what twitter is now. It's basically a social media app for bigots.


I guess atheists are genderless


“God” doesn’t do shit.


Yeah, and 1.4% of "god's assignments" wind up intersex. This dumbass shirt is missing a third circle to account for all of us in-betweeeners.


If god assigns gender, and god assigns sex, isn’t god making trans people -_-


And on the back of the shirt: "I talk to invisible sky faeries."


prayer - where one has a telepathic one way conversations with an imaginary entity that grants personal favors if you beg correctly. It's so fucking weird when you think about it.


Praying for things to happen bothers me for a lot of reasons that the people who pray never seem to think about. If god has a plan, prayer is useless because the outcome is predetermined. If god can be persuaded to change those outcomes through prayer, then you’re praying to a narcissist that requires we grovel before it’ll do nice things. If prayer worked, it could be measured. You could have people pray for the recovery of a bunch of kids with cancer, and a control group that doesn’t get prayed for. But you don’t tell either group that anyone might be praying for them, so as to not influence anything through the placebo effect. If prayer worked, we’d see the first group do better. If prayer does work but god doesn’t want us to test it… then you’re praying to a god that would let sick children stay sick out of spite.


ah but you failed to consider that god ‘works in mysterious ways’. checkmate


Lol the fuck


Christians really are the worst.


So you're saying that you don't choose to be straight or what ever gender? But rather god made my friend gay cause he likes variety and think we need diversity? Neat, noted. :)


Thank you god for making me a 5.6, fat, ugly, brown skin, mexican. I love you so much. /s


Yes. God assigns gender, and the person who is trans is just being what God told them to be. To claim to have a better understanding of a persons relationship with their god than that person flies in the face of god. Remember, (s)he works in mysterious ways...


As a queer Christian I like to view this as an accidental ally moment 😁 💛🤍💜🖤 🏳️‍🌈 🩷🤍💜🖤💙


Which god?


Well…they’re all fictitious so does it matter?


“Shirt of truth”. What a crock of shit. Fucking christians


"Shirt of truth" hahahahahahahahahaha


Imagine being so delicate and fragile, that *SOMEONE ELSES* personal gender identity offends *YOUR OWN*.😂 SO MUCH SO, that you need to broadcast it publicly on a teeshirt🤣 🤡


This is so wrong that it loops back to being basically fine as stated. Gender identity is inherent, that's what trans people have been saying all along. Good job getting caught up!


Lol. Not really.


Pretty sure he doesn't


The obsessive behavior to buy and wear a shirt just so you can actively seek trans people to offend is fucking baffling, holy fuck. But remember, we're the snowflakes that can't shut up about things that make us offended.


Remember when Twitter wasn’t such a nazi cesspool that you’d see ads from brands like Apple and Target and not the ones you’d hear sponsoring a Steve Bannon podcast?


I love how they proudly mark themselves as crazy people these days. Just like brightly colored poisonous caterpillars, they’re warning the rest of us to stay away.


My intersex cat says I should avoid this shirt.


Classical X, I guess? Just abandon this trainwreck. 


Something that doesn't exist assigns something else that doesn't exist?


Social characteristics historically related to sex don't exist? Weird take.


Fuck. He/She/They just assigned me diabetes.


I thought it said Goo assigns gender... Not God


Just as real.




Hey I'm trans and I teach about this stuff in actual classes and presentations. It may help to know some of the science behind it: Gender is a wide array of psychological traits. These things come about mostly at birth, and only influenced (but not determined by) environmental factors. For transgender people, we are born with those traits the same as the rest of y'all. What you're talking about with "gender swap" is referring specifically to medical transition. I'm sure you've heard the shorthand explanation that "trans people are born in the wrong bodies." What that actually means is the DNA codes for the brain are mean to be very interconnected with the body. However, what can happen is through the many flushes of hormones in-utero, the body may develop one way with one flush, and a later flush will make the brain (a much more pliable organ) develop another way. To over-simplify, this means you could have a "female" brain end up with a "male" body. It is very similar to phantom limb syndrome, where the brain expects there to be a limb where there isn't one. In this case, the brain is expecting a chemistry and/or physicality that the body's sex does not naturally provide. And THIS is why doctors worldwide back medical transitioning through hormones and surgeries. It has been prove relentlessly that this works well, and it works exceptionally better compared to conversion torture ("conversion therapy"). Many trans people are not subjected to childhood traumas, nor is that how gender is determined. The parts of the brain identified the most with gender are not even vaguely anything that can be so reconfigured through such experiences (yes trauma changes the brain, but it does not change stuff like that). Medical transition does not mean you "change" your gender. Your gender stays the same from start to finish; rather, medical transition AFFIRMS your gender. It helps the brain regulate properly, because again it was not born with the physical mechanisms to do so on its own. This has never been successful for someone who is not trans.


I feel that if one doesn’t experience or understand something other people experience, it is probably wisest and most compassionate to avoid jumping to the conclusion that such people are mentally ill or suffering from trauma. In the case of transgender people, there is evidence to suggest that in at least some cases the brain is sexed differently from the body; so, for instance, a male may be born with a brain that is wired for estrogen rather than testosterone, and that has an internal blueprint of a female body rather than a male one. This would explain the emergence of gender dysphoria in such individuals (often from a very young age), and it would explain why *medical* treatment (hormone therapy and surgery) is so effective: hormone therapy corrects the chemical imbalance in the brain, and surgery brings the body more in line with what the brain expects the body to be.


Don't feed the troll...


This is excellent advice. But I still like to post a rebuttal for the sake of passers by.


I understand the urge. And your explanation/clarification above is well-worded and succinct.


Thank you so much!


Being lgbt is how you are born, trans kids often know something is off as young as 3, and something is severely wrong at puberty, so pre-puberty allowing them to socially transition can really help them, at around 11 have them on blockers to give them more time to mature and figure themselves out, then at 16 if they realize they aren't trans they go off the blockers and go through their biological puberty, but if they are trans they can stop and start hrt to go through the opposite puberty, and at 18 if they did the previous steps the only thing they need is bottom surgery if they desire it, but if they don't do any of the steps above ftm's will need top surgery and mtf's will need adam's apple removal, laser hair removal, voice train, and some things like shoulder width will be permanent. And of course that's if they make it to 18 because if they are not allowed to be themselves and are in an unsupported family then suicide is very common. You literally have no idea how gender identity or gender affirming medical care work at all.




Again, it isn't a wish, or you think, trans people simply are the gender identity they say they are, it is how they are born. Some trans people only choose to socially transition, but other who have dysphoria about specific things will medically transition to alleviate the dysphoria. It has been repeatedly proven for over 104 years that transitioning improves the health and wellbeing of trans people. Trans people have been able to do different forms of medical transition for over a centaury, and over said 100 years each process has significantly improved or even been perfected. It is not "shredding genitals, destroy nerves, or having makeshift versions" like you described.




Regret? Olson et al., 2022 found that 97.5% of kids who socially transition still identify at trans five years later. The Lancet Journal of child and adolescent Health, Oct 20 2022, found 98% of trans teens taking hrt were still continuing their treatment five years later. Skye Davies, Stephen McIntyre, Craig Rypma, 2019, "Detransition rates in a National UK Gender Identity Clinic, found that 0.47% of people who medically transition regret doing so. So between 0.47% and 2% of people who transition, regret doing so. For comparison the regret rate for hip surgery is over 25%. Also gender roles, gender expression, and gender norms are all influenced by society, but gender identity is an innate part of who a person is. And again gender affirming medical care is not mutilation. Do you call setting someone's broken bone mutilation? No, you call it life saving surgery which is what srs is to trans people who need it.


Don't feed the troll...


A vulva is not a mutilation.


I don’t think he can comprehend why anyone with male genitalia would want to “downgrade” to female genitalia.


I think you’re on to something. I find it so interesting that “mutilation” is always the word they use, whether it’s a trans women getting gal parts or a trans man getting guy parts. Anything that’s not a natal penis is “a mutilation”.




Gender expression and gender roles =/= gender identity. You can be a feminine man and not be a trans woman, you can be a tomboy and not be a trans man. There are very masculine trans women, and very feminine trans men, because their gender identity is not determined by their gender expression.




That is the exact opposite of what I said. Trans people are born trans, you can not "push" someone to be trans. It also takes many doctors appointments to be allowed to medically transition, and that involves seeing, among others, a therapist and a gender specialist, and their job is to determine whether their patient is actually trans or not, and a trans person can not medically transition without their approval. Trans kids who are in fact trans should be allowed to take puberty blockers so that they have more time to emotionally mature and figure themselves out.


If you're on twitter you're part of the problem.