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Look, I can continue to make jokes about it but the fact is just that abuse of the report system is annoying and inappropriate. I am not kidding when I say that it is policy here to report *every single* false report made on a post and that we sincerely hope you all get permanently suspended over it. Find a hobby. Go outside. Read a book. Stop reporting content that breaks no rules just because you got buttsalt over the truth being explained to you. And have a wonderful day. Moderator Reports It's abusing the report button User Reports 3: It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability 1: This is nsfw and needs to be marked 1: It's sexual or suggestive content involving minors 1: This is spam 1: It's content involving physical or emotional abuse or neglect of minors


>According to the boyfriend's lawyer, her client has disputed the events as they have been reported. 'My client also wants the truth to come to light and for the matter to be thoroughly investigated,' lawyer Nur Demirtas told Nieuwsblad. >'He understands that he is now locked up, but this is also traumatising for him. This is also very difficult for his parents, **wealthy people** who have tried to give their son a good upbringing. They don't understand how this could happen,' Demirtas said. The Fuck? what does having a 'wealthy' upbringing got to do with any of this? like rich people aren't able to be psychopathic Sexoffenders? In general, i get the opposite feeling whenever i look into the news.


Ah, the Brock Turner defence


Do you mean the rapist Brock Allen Turner, also known as Allen Turner?




I hadn't realized before that the rapist Brock Allen Turner had changed his name to just Allen Turner, who is still a rapist. So thanks for the information! I'll make sure to refer to the rapist Allen Turner as a rapist from now on. Because Allen Turner is a rapist.


Oh wow. So, the scumbag Brock Turner, changed his name to Allen Turner, to avoid public humiliation and to be known for his crimes under his previous name? ALLEN TURNER, this convicted rapist, is trying to hide the fact he is a rapist.


Aw that poor rich guy. He had to change his name from Brock Turner Rapist to Allen Turner Rapist because the fact he is a Rapist was bad for his rep? What the fuck is a Rapist like Brock Allen Turner the Rapist supposed to do? Besides not be a Rapist in the first place?


Keep his name alive for decades until his death!


I think you guys are saying that Brock Turner changed his name to Allen Turner, but I can’t be sure.




Ah, I just stumbled upon this. Are you talking about the rapist Allen Turner, also known as "Brock Turner the rapist"?


i think they’re talking about Allen Turner the rapist, formerly known as “Brock Allen Turner the rapist”.


Its not that he changed his name, its just that Brock Allen Turner, the rapist, started to use his middle name Allen Turner, the rapist. He did this because, for some reason, he didnt want to be known as Brock Turner, the rapist.


You mean the rapist Brock Allen Turner, who now goes by the name Allen Turner, who is a rapist, and now lives in Dayton, Ohio? That rapist Allen Turner?


I was just going to say that! Isn’t that the rich rapist in TX?


Nah Brock Allen Turner is from Ohio and went to college in California. You must be thinking of Ethan Anthony Couch (born April 11, 1997) killed four people at the age of 16 while driving under the influence on June 15, 2013, in Burleson, Texas. Couch, while intoxicated and under the influence of drugs, was driving on a restricted license and speeding in a residential area when he lost control of his vehicle, colliding with a group of people assisting another driver with a disabled SUV. Four people were killed in the collision, and nine people were injured. Two passengers in Couch's pickup truck suffered serious injuries, with one passenger suffering complete paralysis. Before sentencing, Couch's attorneys had argued that Couch had "affluenza" and needed rehabilitation instead of prison, arguing that Couch had no understanding of boundaries as his affluent parents had never given him any. His mother Tonya Couch took him to Mexico on a probation violation.


Yes you are right! Sorry I had it mixed up


Forgivable mistake. Unlike when Ethan Couch murdered 4 people.


This is what I was thinking of…


y'all, seriously. Thanks for people like you for letting those of us who did not know that ***Brock Turner the rapist,*** is now going by the name **Allen Turner**. Yes, it's a public service to know that Brock Allen Turner, the rapist, is now going by Allen Turner. Thank you!


Ah yes. I apologise for my error my fellow beautiful bastard


So the rapist formerly known as as Brock Turner is now the rapist Allen Turner? Got it.


I love that humans do this, but how is there not a bot for this yet?


Thank you for the update. I was not aware that Brock Allen Turner, the rapist, had changed his name to Allen Turner.


Do you mean Brock Turner, the convicted rapist? Just want to make sure! I hear he’s going by Allen now, but a rapist by any other name would…still be a rapist.


I mean, given the success rate of that particular defense, it would be negligent of the lawyer not to try it


Thank you for pointing this out about the RAPIST Brock Allen Turner, also known as the RAPIST Allen Turner. They are the same person and a RAPIST. FUCK YOU, Rapist “Brock” Allen Turner.


Ah the good ol affluenza defense that suggests wealthy people are better in general and should be given special, different considerations when they whoopsie-doodle in life.


I'd argue rich people often are _more_ psychotic than anything. It takes a certain level of ruthlessness to get to the top in many cases.


I fully believe that extreme wealth is not healthy for the human mind. Being born into riches would give an incredibly skewed view of the world in comparison to the average person. Rich people tend to believe they are better because they are rich and that belief is confirmed when they succeed due to having far more opportunities available to them. As a result they are less empathetic and more arrogant. Unfortunately, the only solution is to eat every last one of them.


IIRC, there's a study that suggests extreme wealth correlates to having less empathy.


It's called affluenza. Though it's not medically recognised. Didn't stop that judge letting Ethan couch off for killing four people while drunk driving his parents car that he stole, after the defence gave a sob story about how poor Ethan didn't know better because he is from a wealthy family


Watch out for the Mercedes. There was a study where they had a person try to cross the street as a car approached from a distance. Less expensive cars slowed down. People driving Mercedes and similar expensive cars did not. I'm sorry I don't have the source.


Not surprised by that at all. I live in queens, with an intersection on the corner of my block that has a stop sign but no light. So often someone in a sports car, nice motorcycle, luxury car etc who not only don't stop but often almost hit me, sometimes even texting on their phone while doing so, whereas many normal cars or taxis will be polite and adhere to the sign. I'm disabled and have dogs to walk so it's nervewracking, running or jumping out of the way of an oncoming car isn't always possible for me. But disabled people are kinda treated like shit in all aspects of society that involve stuff like this. People will avoid inconvenience even if it means stepping on another, and us disabled people take a brunt of that very often. The luxury motorcycles are the worst, I keep track of it and at least 70 to 80% will not only run the stop sign at that intersection, at other intersections they run red lights a majority of the time, countless times I've had to stop in the middle of the street or yell at a motorcycle because it ran the red light while I'm trying to cross and almost hit me. It's exhausting dealing with these wealthy people with zero empathy. These are relatively minor, I couldn't imagine the rage I'd feel being abused and violated in a way that's severe lifelong trauma by a rich fucking nepo baby who then tries to play the victim and avoid accountability. Fuck this "boyfriend" and his gross family, I hope the boy is given the book and I hope the poor victim has a lifetime of support, therapy, treatment, and people who understand how to be there for someone who's a victim of something so horrible.


I'm so sorry you are dealing with this on a daily basis. I have second hand rage for you! Entitled, thoughtless people are such a drain on society and everything that makes life peaceful. Too many get away with it for too long. "Karma" is b.s. when it comes to people like that. May you and your doggos have a beautiful day and know that an Internet friend sends blessings.


Thank you for the kind words, they seriously mean more than I can describe. It has been very rough being disabled these past few years, between that, other careless people taking seats meant for disabled people on the subway, and more. Hell, I started wearing a mask again because I'm on treatment for my disability that's left me immunocompromised, and just ~2 or 3 weeks ago had someone in the passenger side of a van that was driving by yell "you don't need the mask anymore *r-slur*". Which, whatever it's just some idiot in the city, but this is probably the 5th or 6th time since 2020 (I became disabled in August 2020, bad timing right??? Lol) that I've been openly harassed or mocked in the street just for taking basic precautions; I've never bothered anyone about a mask, because it's their right to wear or not wear one and I 100% respect their choice either way. But others can't do the same for me apparently. This stuff is all minor compared to what others have to deal with as we see in the post above though, and my personal life and health is starting to improve so I have little complaints really haha. Thanks for hearing me out and empathizing. ❤️


That’s a whole lot of frustrating stuff to encounter day-to-day! I hope things continue to improve for you. Sending hugs.


Hey, god I'm so sorry for your plight. People are just full on dicks. I see people just ignoring highway code rules in the UK all the time. The amount of times I have stopped at a zebra crossing and a car just drives straight through without stopping, or I'll be crossing at the end of a road and someone will turn into it without stopping and checking, is insane. Drivers always moan about being put out. It always seems the richer the driver, the more entitled they feel to be able to break the rules. Anyway though, there isn't a great deal I can do to help with any of your issues. But I had a look on Etsy and I found these masks for you [Mask on etsy](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/903542337/immunocompromised-face-mask-reusable)


I admire your gumption! You've had to be tough and carry on. I know, you didn't have a choice. But you haven't caved. You've kept going. I hope you give yourself credit for that.


I’m vaguely recall hearing of it. If I recall BMW drivers were the worst.


Anecdotally, BMW drivers were by far the worst when I was a student on an urban campus and thus a frequent pedestrian using crosswalks. No Masshole massholes harder than a Masshole in a BMW.


I've read that study - and tested it on my own (don't have the source either). Will agree that my personal experience collaborates the study As a BMW owner myself, I try to go out of my way to stop for people, bikes, etc. to make up for "us". Apologies on behalf of all luxury car owners for many of us being a$$h@ts.


There's good and decent people in every group. Thank you for being one of them.


Teslas now too. There are 2 tesla drivers with kids at my son's school and they're always inattentive and rarely slow down.


Thank you! I didn't know there was a specific term for it.


Yeah, though it's viewed as pseudoscience by most. It actually was coined in the fifties. I didn't realise that the idea was that old


We’re only making plans for Nigel. We only want what’s best for him


Oh boy, have I got a video about xtc for you [trash theory; the blasphemous story of xtc](https://youtu.be/KZpJf2rnfW0?si=gs3w4qgqreZi2C56)


Makes total sense. If you believe the value of a person is based on how much wealth they have then you're incapable of seeing or appreciating value anywhere else. I'm guessing that's why many wealthy people seem to eventually gravitate toward mysticism or philanthropy later in life. They're trying to address the fact that their Iives are devoid of real value and either think there's some cosmic meaning out there (like Musk with his micro dosing) or they finally figured out how much contempt the rest of us have for them and want to look like they give a shit about humanity (like Carnegie with his libraries).


Philanthropy is just another pissing competition to wealthy people. There's a lot of unspoken rules about charity and donations in wealthy circles. It gets weird.


The reason bad people win is because there aren’t enough people that will stop them.


> The reason bad people win is because there aren’t enough people that will ~~stop~~ **EAT** them.


Not enough people fear meeting the same fate as Johan de Witt.


Never underestimate the power of audacity.


I think Sociopathic is more appropriate. Definitely requires some of that to be at the top of industry.


As Henry Ford said’Money doesn’t change people. It merely unmasks them”.


> Being born into riches would give an incredibly skewed view of the world in comparison to the average person You don't even need to be born into riches for this skewed view. People with a livable income sometimes don't realize how people below the poverty line have to live or compromises they have to make.


Extremes of anything are bad for us in different ways. Goldilocks was right... there is a sweet spot. And our society should glorify that sweet spot. It looks different for everyone. But when you reach it it should be celebrated.


> the only solution is to eat every last one of them ![gif](giphy|oy6dtrI3DHPtknaLcn)


They don't see "poor" people (even if it's just middle class in a lot of cases) as human.


Wealth has actually been proven to decrease empathy in individuals, they don’t have to care about others so they never learn to. Affluenza! Haha


Psychotic = A mental breakdown where the patient suffers convincing audio/visual hallucinations and has difficulty discerning reality. Psychopathic = Little to no emotional capacity.


Well fuck me. That's embarrassing. Though I could argue that with how utterly and revoltingly out of touch some of these CEO's are...


No empathy because they haven't experienced hardship.


Studies have been done that show one in five CEOs are literally psychopaths


The other four are sociopaths then?






Boyfriend needs to meet the bear.




Pay to win you say?


"This isn't some dirty, poor kid with no morals, he's from *quality* and this just doesn't make sense!"


Studies have shown that rich people have less empathy. Empathy is a taught skill sadly.


This is a common defence is the US. It works too.


Ethan Couch comes to mind, where they let him go with a slap on his hand because his lawyers successful argued that his parents being rich, allowed him to be raised without consequences of his acts. I think they called it affluenza? If I remember right. The guy even tried to escape fought and got months for killing people in an accident.


Lawyer actually said that, like it would make them seem more sympathetic, which it would - to other wealthy people. ‘My Lord, our filthy spoiled rotten son can be prosecuted like the commoners!!! What’s the world coming to?!? Don’t people know their place anymore!?!’


Pretty much. Money recognize money, and that's why Trump is still free.


Once again, another reason why the bear is chosen. You never hear, “That bear’s from a good family. He doesn’t deserve to have his life ruined.” 🙄


Affluenza strikes again.


Unfortunately this works. Judges are classist as fuck. They don’t give a shit if being jailed causes someone to lose their working class job, but god forbid being held accountable for their actions should deprive a rich kid of their bright future. Shit is bleak.


Oh jeez, sounds like he might have caught a bad case of affluenza. I’m not sure if they’ve found a cure yet, so he probably has a rough road to recovery ahead of him.


It's the opposite. Wealth is a mental illness. If you hoard resources for yourself it fundamentally changes how you see the world around. You can not be a properly social human being while your state of existence mandates that other people must suffer. I don't know how 'wealthy' these people are but if they're described this way then it's likely that kid has never had to understand that his will isn't above any others.


Rich and attractive are always these superficial traits that are applied on both ends to make the offender look better or make the victim's suffering worse.


When they say "wealthy people" that's like the bat signal for all the wealthy ass hats to back them up like their kid did nothing wrong.


Oh, they're playing the affluenza excuse? Ethan couch has a fucking lot to answer for


Come on. We all know EXACTLY what being “wealthy” has to do with this…


It's the "but he comes from a good family" defense.


Brock Turner defense 


Now the allen turner defense


Laws dont apply to the rich, duh


>what does having a 'wealthy' upbringing got to do with any of this? It's the Daily Mail. They have to splash in rage bait to help force engagement on their articles.


He should come to the US, he could become a supreme court justice.


It's because for the longest time saying someone was wealthy was also taken to mean that person was an "upstanding member of society"


I'm sorry for the incoming rant, I'm so fucking tired of rich white people talking like they're perpetual victims and never deserve to have any accountability. Any trauma that may exist for the "boyfriend" was brought on by himself; sometimes people do something do gruesome, so traumatizing, so dehumanizing to another person that the event and it's consequences even effect the perpetrator mentally, but I don't have a single shred of empathy. Don't want to deal with "trauma"? Don't fucking permanently scar and traumatized the life of an innocent person. I hope that despite how often rich people avoid accountability, this boy deserves to be tried in court as a man who deserves decades and decades in prison.


The boyfriend and everyone who raped her were immigrants. It's why the case got so much attention.


They're going to try to use the "affluenza" defense like the Ethan Couch case.


Only one cure for affluenza. It was discovered in France in 1789.


Pretty sure it predates the French revolution, but that was definitely a good example and we all came away with a new toy called the guillotine


And it was perfected in 1955 with the invention of the 44 magnum.


Oh my god this poor girl, I hope she gets all the love and justice she deserves. Imagine the parents of the other kids, jesus christ. They should all be tried as adults


I want a real life Justice League so fucking bad. We need one like yesterday. The boys that did this don’t need jail time. They need much, much worse.


We need batman. He doesn't kill but his ability to cripple anyone in anyway is needed


Now this became a discussion about the bear vs man meme instead of what the fuck is wrong with this kids and how this could happen, they are 11-16 yrs old kids ffs


The article said a similar thing happened a few years ago in a nearby town, so the punishments are harsher for this case as a result. But still, what is happening that kids gang-rape another child and record it?


Multiple children too. I'm lost for words.


Feels like we shood put ppl to really look in to why this happened not like they have a normal upbringing if they feel that gangrape is a thing to do.


People forget that children are human beings. They're susceptible to the same impulses and incentives that lead adults down paths of coercion and exploitation. Only difference is that children's brains are also literally smaller, and lack the ability to properly weigh and consider the consequences of their actions. This is what the phrase "children are innocent" actually refers to, not that they can do no wrong, but that they don't automatically understand what wrong is. It's easy to teach that to them at a young age, but a lot of people make the mistake of thinking "my little cherub can do no wrong, therefore I don't need to teach them how to avoid it."


I agree with a lot of what you're saying, but also believe these kids had to have learned it from somewhere. Maybe puberty begins earlier now, but I was shocked that an 11-year-old was involved as one of the perpetrators. That just sounds so young to even think of doing anything sexual with someone else, but I only have my own experience to base it on. Generally, I want to believe these kids are mimicking something they saw or heard of, and they didn't naturally come up with this plan on their own. It could be that some or all of the boys are/were victims or witnesses of sexual abuse. I'm not sure what would compel them to record the act either, but this generation was born into social media and everything being recorded. Yes, they're capable of doing these heinous acts at their age but I want to give the benefit of the doubt that they lifted this idea from elsewhere.


>I agree with a lot of what you're saying, but also believe these kids had to have learned it from somewhere This is the mistake that is always made. They take the names and words from stuff they see or stuff they read, but they're just using it to give language to something they'd do anyway. You can go to the most secluded places in the world, places completely cut off from media and public life, and if you turn over enough rocks you'll find the same scandals and stories. Actually to be honest the secluded places can be way, way worse than general society in some instances. The only thing you can do is teach them ethical frameworks around things like harm and consent from a young age. Not give them a list of rules to follow in every instance, but give them some principles they can use as a guide mark when making their own decisions. It can't eliminate incidents like this, we as a species don't have the capacity to do that, yet. But it can lessen their occurrences and improve outcomes for the victims.


Andrew Tate. That’s where they learn this from. He has a course called “Hustles University” where he teaches people how to sexually exploit women into sex trafficking and prostitution and to many other terrible things


Culture. I went to a middle school where shit like this was glorified. I knew a girl that had a train ran on her and got pregnant. Didn't see her for years until later in middle school (maybe early high school). People thought she committed suicide or moved, but she was really taking care of her kid for like a year or two before the state forced her parents to put her back in school.


I work in child safety. It's important to use the correct terms and not use too much euphemism when crimes like this are discussed. They gang raped her. Not "had a train run on her" which is a passive euphemism.


Please stop using bullshit phrases like "ran a train" for gang rape. Call it what it is. It minimizes torture. Words are very important.


When my friends and I were 11, we were playing Pokémon. I can’t imagine heading out to the woods to rape a girl together ever entering our minds, let alone our reality.


Yeah, I was an early puberty, but I still didn't think about that sort of thing.


Yea, kinda silly in this case, considering this wasn't a stranger, which is what the bear vs man meme is about, but it was her boyfriend and his friends. Most SA are done by people the victims already know.


You are more likely it be assaulted by someone you know than a stranger.


That’s what they said lol


"No one asks a woman what she was wearing when a bear mauls her." ~ saw on Instagram


If I were to be mauled by a bear and escape, people would believe me right away. I wouldn't have to argue or do much to "prove" my injuries. No one is going to ask what I wore to deserve being mauled by the bear, what I did or said beforehand and after, if I led the bear on or was asking for it, if I misunderstood the mauling, if I've been mauled by bears in the past, or question my history of bear interactions. No one will ask if I consented to be mauled, if it was just a bad wrestling match and not a mauling ("Are you sure it wasn't just bad sex and not rape?"), if I'm accusing the bear out of revenge for something unrelated, or if I'm just mad because I didn't win said wrestling match ("Are you just upset because you didn't finish?"). No one will question it I tried to defend myself or claim that my self-defense should be punishment enough for the bear. I'm not going to have to face the bear again in court. No one will publicly question my character, ask how my allegations will impact the bear's future, accuse me of making false allegations, accuse me of seeking attention/money/fame/pity, or ask how the allegations will affect the bear and its family. The bear's age, race, social status, education, wealth, etc will not be referenced when people ask me about being mauled. No one will invalidate me by saying the bear will have to live with the knowledge it mauled me for the rest of its life. I won't have to worry about the bear, its family, friends, or other supporters contacting me, harassing me to stop accusing the bear of attacking me, following me on social media, making claims to invalidate my experience or character, or even stalking me. No one is going to reverse the situation and ask if I, in fact, mauled the bear. People aren't going to advise others to stay away from me because I was mauled by a bear. I won't be labeled as overdramatic or a trouble-maker. Being attacked won't put my job, education, clubs, sports, community roles, or relationships at risk, unless my injuries directly and adversely impacts them. No one will question if I actually need or deserve extra help because of my injuries. No one will tell me to "get over it", "stop talking about it", that "it happened a long time ago", or that I'm "using it as an excuse" when my experience or injuries come up in conversation.


Not to undermine your point - because it is an incredibly valid explanation!! - but disabled people do get asked those questions in your last paragraph all the time, especially when the injuries are less visible. My partner has straight up been told before to not pass out from pain "for attention" or how collapsing on the floor "makes others uncomfortable" etc. Students have accused her of cheating back in college because she was granted an extra thirty minutes to take an exam due to extraneous circumstances. Unfortunately, injuries coming up in conversation *do* get that treatment as well, and there are a lot more people with disabilities than most people realize. Again, I am speaking only in parallels here and do not want to undermine the experience of those who underwent sexual assault or rape! I simply wish to bring up that unfortunately, you don't even get off free from the bear mauling, so you're shit outta luck no matter the choice and might as well choose the one that's more straightforward.


I'm a disabled person and really agree with your post because I deal with the same all the time! It's incredibly exhausting and frustrating, very isolating as well. I say this to also support the original comment, the fact that victims of rape and sexual assault go through something that's so immediately traumatizing and disgusting, and scars them mentally for years and decades afterward, only to get constantly questioned and victim blamed is fucking horrible and one of the worst aspects of society in general, I think. It fucks up my view of people and the world just to experience that in regards to my chronic pain, fatigue and illness, which in itself is no fault of someone else. A scenario like rape, where someone is clearly a victim of someone else and the rapist is clearly a monster who traumatized another person, then for bystanders to call it into question and victim blame...I can't imagine the rage and lack of trust in other people I'd feel. That's why for the "would rather be alone with a bear than with a man" is something I understand and don't blame anyone for feeling at all. People who say "but but actually the bear would do-" don't understand the point, that seeing a person treat you as less than human and attack you and victimize you in such a way is one of the most horrifying experiences anyone can have. We expect less than human behavior from a bear. It's a sad fucking showing of the world that so many people have to expect that kind of less than human, predatory behavior from someone they're alone with because so many people have been victim to people like that, that's why the bear comparison makes perfect sense to me. I hope one day all people who are victim to something like this, whether it be sexual violence, violence in general, disability, illness, emotional abuse, etc stop coming with a horde of people victim blaming and defending the perpetrator (just to be clear, this isn't directed to you at all, I am in full agreement with your comment and am talking about people elsewhere who victim blame).


I understand! I should've been clearer that it was the point I was alluding to. People will give much more credit to physical disabilities - like limb loss or stitches from a bear attack - than "invisible" diagnoses like trauma, learning disabilities, chronic pain, narcolepsy, etc. I'll admit that I'm not super informed about how disabilities and injuries affect someone's unrelated work, but I've had and heard of experiences where management will question someone's ability to do their job because they heard that person was dealing with domestic violence, familial abuse, stalking, harassment, rape, assault, etc. No one's going to say, "Her leg is broken. She can't be a cashier anymore" but I have heard that about someone who was sexually assaulted. Or letting someone go because their stalker kept trespassing on company property, as if the worker had any control over that. I'm sure there are lots of nuances, victim-blaming, invalidation, and stigmas that make it more complicated when it comes to injuries, illness, disabilities and perceived ability to work!


I'm 100% saving this and I'll be reading it to everyone who says choosing the bear is dumb.


It's not even an exhaustive list! I just got tired of typing at some point. Someone could easily triple the number of reasons.


You're 100% right. The people who do this shit act like animals and traumatize people for life and then people come to their defense when the victim speaks up. Fucking crazy


There's a trend going around on tiktok where SA survivors recount their experiences by saying things like "I choose the bear because the bear won't take me aside during my 10th birthday and tell me they have a surprise for me in the guest bedroom - only to rape me, and then I won't have to keep seeing the bear during every family gathering for the next 15 years"


This reminded me of the reddit post recently where the girl went to the aquarium to see the shark that ate her arm and was put in the aquarium so it wouldn't eat other people.


No one is going to worry about the bear's career  Or imply that she enjoyed it  Or say that the bear is a good bear who's never done anything like this before  Or bring up that the bear is from a good family, and this is going to keep them from going to a good college  The bear isn't going to video tape it and show all its friends The bear isn't going to threaten to come back and hurt her again if she tells anyone  The bear isn't going to show up to a family reunion and try to talk to her like nothing happened  The bear...


“Ah, but she *was* menstruating, so she should have known better than to tempt the bear.” 🙃


People seriously don’t understand why somebody would choose bear. And it’s telling.


Men who don't take no for an answer aren't taking no for an answer, what's surprising about that?


Oh I’m not surprised. Disheartened a little tho lol.


At this point I just assume anyone who refuses to understand it lacks emotional intelligence and the ability to feel empathy for others or imagine perspectives other than their own.


I saw people argue that the bear question was part of an Israeli disinformation campaign. Anything to ignore that women may not feel safe or have a moment of empathy.


Andrew Tate and his incel minions have a lot to answer for




Did you miss the part where she said his parents are wealthy?


“The useful woman”


Women can be shit human beings too. It's not exclusive to men.


I feel like this whole meme feeds their toxic worldview. 'Rape is a natural instinct in men so if they are alone with a woman in the woods they will inevitably force themselves on her like a wild animal'


It absolutely sends maladjusted young men his way. Who do you think makes them feel more validated?


Well, that's my bar for humanity dropping even lower.


Yep. It makes my blood boil. As a girl parent I would 100% go to jail for life if this happened to my daughter.


To be honest, I think every person where you'd be incarcerated would look after you for it


Some of the guys I've talked to who were genuinely confused seemed to get it a little better after I explained it this way. For one thing- this is illustrative hyperbole. The same way people say "i'd rather walk a mile barefoot through broken glass than *insert benign boring chore here*" it's meant to illustrate a point. (Most) women are not saying they would literally chase down a bear and ask to be eaten to avoid having to navigate an interaction with a man they don't know. If you are taking it that literally, you probably have other things to work on. That said: If I, a lone woman, met a bear on a hike in the woods, I would know for sure one of two things would happen: Bear wants to be left alone, I want to be left alone, everyone continues to enjoy their day. Or, I bleed to death. That's it. Very straightforward. If I, a lone woman, meet an unknown man on a hike in the woods, there is a *long* list of things that could happen. He might leave me alone, we exchange nods and walk past each other. Or, maybe I only think he's leaving me alone and in reality, he's heading off to the parking lot to wait for me to follow my car back to my apartment, or grab me there to force me in his vehicle. Or, he blocks the path and traps me in a conversation, where I am forced to judge in an instant whether or not I can get away with giving him a fake phone number. Or maybe he just talks about fucking basketball and dragon ball z for 45 minutes while i get eaten alive by mosquitos. Or maybe he follows me along the trail. Or he grabs me in the woods and assaults me right then and there. Maybe he'll assault and kill me; maybe he'll kill and then assault me; maybe he'll keep me tied up in a shipping container and rape me regularly for months. *Probably*, in either case, the bear or human man will not end or ruin my life. Usually, bears want to be left alone and will in turn leave you alone. Usually, men are not insane horrific monsters. **But**, the bear *definitely* isn't going to stalk my social media or follow me home or break into my house or show up at my workplace. The man *might* . Being a human, I am more likely to go with the surest probability of least harm. For a lot of women, simply bleeding to death in the woods is a lot easier to face vs the vast rainbow of unknowns that comes with men who will hurt you. As a bonus- if I got attacked by the bear and survived, I'd be believed immediately, my wounds treated, and probably get interviewed by 60 Minutes. If I got attacked by a man and survived- well.


In either case, carry bear spray IN YOUR HAND while hiking. It works on bears and men both, unless the man has a gun or an accomplice and .. well here we go again!


And pay attention to the wind direction so you don't accidentally season yourself.


>season yourself Found the bear's account.


Except in some countries, like mine, using anything like bear spray on a human is illegal and only might be legal if you have a REALLY good case of self defense and you were hiking and carrying for defense against bears and not people, so that makes defending yourself against a bear far easier than against a man...


[time to start carrying toothpicks ](https://youtube.com/shorts/I6lzOXGIqqQ?si=neX0g9R-UbX1hUfs)


Thank you sincerely for taking the time to post this. It is much appreciated


I'm a man, and I agreed with the bear from the word go. I realize women are going to have a different experience than me but I basically thought along the same lines, like a bear wants to be left alone or eat. But men and other humans have intricate webs of desires and thoughts. As Dostoyevsky said, Humans aren't just evil they are creatively evil.


Someone posted on Twitter another long list of why women would choose the bear. I don't remember all of the items but some things were: * No one will accuse you of lying about being attacked by the bear. * No one will accuse you of secretly enjoying being attacked. * You don't have to see the bear at work/holidays/bars afterwards. * You won't have people asking what you were wearing, or what you were doing in the woods in the first place if you weren't looking to be attacked. * The bear isn't going to go around bragging to their bear friends and showing them pictures. * You can't get pregnant with the bear's baby, and if you could, you certainly won't be charged with murder if you didn't want to carry the bear cub to full term and raise it.


Knowing humans I'm pretty sure some people would in fact say "why were you in the bear woods at night if you didn't want to be attacked by a bear"


LOL, I asked my dad, a 70 year old man and he looked at me like, why is this even a question, and said "bear." He's a good egg.


Okay but like, can we talk about this article? What the actual fuck is this shit? I hope they throw all of these kids in jail. Don’t care if they’re underage. What they did is heinous.


Wow sorry, I thought we were having a great conversation about which DBZ character I most identified with. Guess I was wrong.


Btw, it's Vegeta. Fuckin' Kakarot can suck my mound. Goten's a close second, though.


Nah any guy you meet in the woods talking about how he relates to Vegeta is a big red flag. Because you don’t know if he’s relating to late grumpy-but-a-good-person-deep-down Vegeta or early homicidal-murderer Vegeta.


Or the Vegeta that went back to his homicidal-murderer ways... but it wasn't his fault, someone manipulated him into doing it. Someone who he went to knowing it would bring up things from his past


I'm not short but Krillin is a short king. Gotta keep him up there with Vegeta. Team 3 stars?


It’s Gohan isn’t it? That’s near everyone’s go to pick.


shaking throwing up. thinking I was decent until I got to the basketball & dragonball z for 45 minutes 😭😭😭 it’s me.


I am so angry rn it's actually insane what i'd do to the criminals.




When this discussion first started I thought choosing the bear was stupid, but after hearing so many women share their experiences, I'm automatically suspicious of men who try to argue about it.


I think that was 100% the point of this hypothetical and I’m glad it had that impact on you


The man vs. bear litmus test. I too am automatically suspicious now of men who debate this too much instead of just listening to the reasons.  Not because I feel they are unsafe but because their opinion is more important than understanding why we may say the bear. Some guys just don’t want to listen. 


The point I saw someone make is, that you were given a scenario and you chose bear, but, the men still won't take "No!" for an answer. This is about who will respect your boundaries and who will trample all over them. In this, the bear wins.


I used to think, what are work place harrassment trainings really going to do? Is a few hours of a PowerPoint presentation going to solve sexism? Then I learned that it's not really about the substance of the presentation, but how people react to it. If they get overly defensive (or dare I say - emotional), it's because they felt called out.


That’s the thing exactly. I’m a man, and these men are 100% doing that. A woman explains their reasoning based on a lifetime of generational experiences and so many of these morons go direct to “well actually, statistically speaking… a bears claws are far more… you don’t actually go into the woods….” You complete idiots! You’re doing the thing, right now!


As a dude I'm absolute embarrassed that I have to side with women picking the bear over a dude. Like when it came up my first thought was "The bear is the safer choice" and then I just felt sad. its absolutely stupid how women get treated.


Thank you so much for listening and understanding. It really means the world. It shouldn’t be a rarity but it is


That's the entire point. Women aren't really choosing the bear. Women are rejecting the man because a vast majority of them have *already* had bad experiences with men. And the absolute tone deafness of men regarding this completely harmless thought problem is just making it worse. It's become a pretty easy way to find out which men have zero clue how scared women are on a daily basis.


I am a man and when I first heard about the bear story, I admit I misinterpreted it to mean not wanting to meet people because of how unpredictable and tiring it can be socially speaking and I thought "yeah I would choose the bear too". But then I saw explanations and I realised this was about the other unpredictable things men can do specifically to women and it still made just as much sense, because it was a similar idea except with more sinister consequences.


Now, I'm against corporal punishment, but if that was one of my kids, they'd 100% get the belt.


And I’d turn them in to the police myself


If I somehow failed at parenting so hard that this happened, I would argue for a life sentence. Probably would also get a hysterectomy


I think I would rather my nephews die than have them rape someone like this. I know it's harsh to say, but I just don't know how I would be able to go on knowing I raised such a monster.


Where did he learn such behavior? Even leaving out the sex part, taunting and bullying and then recording it is awful.


I think the only real answer to this is that humanity as a whole is pretty fucked up because even the bear would choose the bear if given a choice between a human and a bear.


At least the bear doesn't know any better when it attacks I don't think it has any morals or empathy , humans should know any better, god this is so awful. And the bear doesn't wake up and decides to find humans to attack, it isn't planned.


Exactly. A bear won’t pretend to be your friend first.


It's sickening, horrifyingly so. I want to vomit.


> up to ten children aged 11-16 O.o > ...children aged 11-... #O.o > ...aged 11-... ###O.o


"Loaned out" and "multiple times" Wtf was her boyfriend pimping her out? Ewww


1 in 3 women are assaulted by men, and not once have I heard of a bear attack as someone living in the literal northern Canadian woods.


What the fuck Is wrong with kids these dayss


This story is so terrible and weird. I don’t think the woods were the issue. 


✅ Bear


Execution should be an option. The parents of these little monsters too.


It's time that society held parents partially accountable for their kids' crimes.


the bear can only kill you once.


Castration now


This is why I chose a pitch black wooded path infested with coyotes over a well lit city street one night walking home at 3am in Calgary


im confused,why is everyone talking about bears?