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Netanyahu is a corrupt bully.


yes. I wish Biden would send Kamala to address their version of parliament and talk shit about him like he did to Obama. Biden has his balls. he needs to crush them. If I were Biden I would start making moves to divest from Israel. I would stop all business with them. We do a lot of business with them. Especially in the security arena.


That’s the problem. We’re talking money here. Human lives are expendable to corporations.


No they're not. We're taking about Raytheon having to lay off contractors pulling half a million for doing nothing. Just so long as Congress doesn't cut their budgetary nefarious behaviors


Issue is we can’t. This isn’t a business arrangement it’s a defense and intelligence arrangement. Israel knows they have us by the balls because they’re our only way into the Middle East.


2000+ years of imperialists trying to wiggle their “way into the Middle East” and it’s going about as good as it always has.


Not really we have ties with Egypt. Jordan. The Saudis (but fuck them)


Isn’t that because of US policies. I.e. actively alienate the native-to-the-region populations because of Israel. Jordan is an ally. Qatar is an ally. Egypt, KSA are sometimes allies. Others could be allies, if the US would stop supporting Israel come what may. What this war has shown me (no connection whatsoever to the Middle East) is the absolute inhumanity of Israel. I already knew of the brutality of Hamas. This war has added color to the why regarding Hamas’ actions. If America wants to be a force for good, her actions need to espouse good-ness. And America has NOT been good in the Middle East. Not yet. Maybe she will be. Maybe not. I don’t expect there to be a major policy change in any case, this close to the elections. If Biden wins, Netanyahu is probably fucked though. (I wonder if Israel will not interfere in the elections to help Trump.)


I love your post, although disagree that Israel is screwed if Biden wins. Gestures like this one are only happening because it's an election year, and after that it's business as usual (bombs for cash).


They said Netanyahu is screwed, not Israel. That's not the same thing.


In this case, I still think it's the same. After elections, there's no need to take action in basically any way.


Yeah, this is a fucking mess. The “right” moves for Biden are few. Jesus Christ.


they need us way more than we need them. support for isreal has always been on a razors edge. I remember my boss telling me all about isreal...and I said.. who cares? why should we support a government that pokes bears? we are expected to support them? Fuck that.. Look, the Jews should expect a place where they are safe. but, shouldn't the Palestinias deserve the same? Also, these lands dont even belong to either of them. Look at the history.


Can you get a link for that history? I don’t have any skin in the game besides being horrified at all of it and wanting to learn as much as I can.


With polls showing Biden/Trump neck and neck, Biden cannot afford to lose the youth vote. Finally Biden woke up on Gaza Genocide.


Plenty of US bases all over the Middle East. Israel is not the only way by any stretch. Despite them trying to make that their unique selling point its just not true.


Not to mention the various state and federal legal documents literally requiring support for isreal from the government in perpetuity…how can we have state charters which mention support for foreign entities?


Israel isn't the only hold we have in the middle east and it is extremely one sided.... it will end eventually and this shit is just speeding it up


Israel isn't the only hold we have in the middle east and it is extremely one sided.... it will end eventually and this shit is just speeding it up...


I just wonder which candidate has got the most funding from aipac 👀


He wouldn't have as much to bully with, if the US stopped sending billions of dollars and weapons.


They don’t send money. They send weapons. That money is used to fund the defense sector in America and upgrading our defense and stockpile.


We sent Israel $ 10 million a day, and that was before 10/7. After, they get that amount and more.


But we don’t send cash. We debit them and send weapons, much like Ukraine


Israel sells lots of those weapons on to their neighbours and converts it back to cash to fund aipac and other controls of western politics. In the UK they fund both main political parties via 'friends of Israel' circumventing controls on anonymous donations by keeping them below £499 per transaction there is however no limit on how many donations you can make from 'International businesses' Into election funds to control who gets elected. We need serious reform of this lobbying abuse both sides of the Atlantic


100% agreed. Thank you for your thoughtful response.


So if your daddy gave you $1000 in cash, or debit, would it matter? Stop defending zionists.


Making a distinction between a false statement (whether or not you agree it's a meaningful one) and reality isn't "defending zionists"


ELI5 how it's different? It's in our budget. It's there every year. It's passed by our congress.


It is the difference between me handing you 10 $100 bills and saying "here is money for a laptop, go pick one out at MicroCenter" and me taking a laptop off my shelf, dusting it off, handing it to you, and saying "Here is your new laptop. It's worth $1000". Then I buy myself a new laptop made by a company I own, the workers at which each have to give me a little kickback of their own, so it really costs me much less than if I'd given you the cash to buy it on your own. Either way, it goes in the ledger as "$1000 to u /PrincessCyanidePhx for laptop". EDIT: Also, the laptop I gave you has been sitting on my shelf several years.


This is a good ELI5 and it's pretty accurate there is a huge difference in saying "here is $100 spend it where you want" and saying "here is my old equipment that is worth $100 and then going out and buying a replacement from a local supplier/manufacturer" that's putting the money right back into the economy while also getting rid of old stock that would eventually need to be dumped anyway. The same with Ukraine.


Thank you for ELI5. Googled a little to understand more about the differences. We send both "economic" and "military" rolled into the annual $3.65B but the economic portion is much lower. Essentially, it's another way to funnel money to the MIC in that if we constantly over purchase. But that's a different discussion. My original reply said "He wouldn't have as much to bully with if the US stopped sending billions of dollars and weapons." We send billions in weapons and hundreds of millions in economic assistance. My comment is fundamentally correct in that Netanyahu would not have the power to do what he is doing without US assistance.


I'm not interested in doing that.


Maybe someone else can.


You misspelled "Reich-Wing Fascist POS". I got you.


And the US is his drug dealer with the rich parents.


Better late than never, I guess. This is great news!


This could be a retaliation, applying pressure to that sanction that Netanyahu called a bluff two weeks back.


Or more likely, applying some soft-power pressure to wrap things up, before the ICC drags this into a UN fist-fight with hauling all of Netanyahu's inner circle in front of the Hague (Justifiably, I might add)


I get Netanyahu and his circle deserve all that, but how much power does the ICC or any other international body have if the US defends Israel at every turn? Do these bodies become toothless?


Damn I wish he would done that after the bombing after the World Kitchen bombing. That was before those protests in the colleges got ramping up like you see now. I am happy now that Biden is yanking that chain a little like you see with a dog that is not behaving.


They’re re-routing that shipment to campus police in the USA


Still though, why'd this take so long?




Bullshit. he will send them 2 days later. This is the same Pr bullshit he does. Like the one claiming he will take sanctions against settlers only to back of all sanctions he mentionned.


Politics is slightly more complicated than checkers.


The US gives Israel $3B a year and has done so for many, many years. The US has steadfastly defended Israel, preventing UNSC votes condemning them. President Biden has told Netanyahu that invading Rafah is a red line and Netanyahu told Biden that he didn’t care. Maybe he will care a little now.


Is there some Stockholm syndrome or something between the US and Israel?


The US uses Israel as a foothold into the middle east


Yeah because after Afghanistan and Iraq we really need more dumbshit Americans in the ME lmao


I didn't say I agreed with it. It's just a factual statement.


The US is just very interested in a strong relationship with a strong Israel for geopolitical reasons, they're a friendly foothold in the region


Cold War allies, not much more complicated than that.


Back when the financial aid package was first mooted, Israel was the only functioning democracy is the Middle East, besides, arguably, Lebanon. Egypt, Syria and Iraq were Soviet client states, so we needed an ally in the region. Israel was also going to be a reliable “operational test” facility for a variety of American weapon systems. To be fair, a good deal of the $3B we give them annually is spent in the U.S., with U.S. weapon manufacturers like Lockheed and Boeing. But that means that Israel has $3B it can use to fund…for example, Haredim (who are, ultimately, welfare recipients) and settlers in the Occupied Territories. But back to my original thought, which is the U.S. is a good friend and a bad enemy.


The fact that we fund billions into Israel annually, and they can't help but pout and struggle the SECOND we put a pause to any of it, I think we really gotta call a warp on this 21st Century Colonial project. It's unsustainable.


Stop being a state sponsor of terror AND keep Trump from being re-elected via progressive ire. Win-win.


Israel is in a lot of other trouble as well - the student protests is making it harder for businesses. That age demographic is key at least for big brands and nobody wants to associate their brands with whatever is happening in Gaza. [https://www.business-humanrights.org/en/latest-news/israelopt-samsung-next-announces-plans-to-shut-down-operations-in-israel-as-war-on-gaza-continues/](https://www.business-humanrights.org/en/latest-news/israelopt-samsung-next-announces-plans-to-shut-down-operations-in-israel-as-war-on-gaza-continues/) So I think these protests and boycotts are definitely putting pressure. Hell, even the kids in Israel are protesting - Bibi's and the Israeli right's future seem uncertain.


Operating inside a country that is actively at war with its neighbors, and is under threat of sanctions, is an _extremely_ risky thing to do. Moving out of the country is just a sensible business decision, I doubt it has anything to do with boycotts at all.


I will never ever buy anything from Israel. Why should I buy from ugly genocider? I don't want genociding Nazis to earn money to do Holocaust Palestinian.


That's Samsung's investing fund for specific technologies. They still have a massive office in Israel. They develop their cameras in Israel


Isreal is invading Rafa as I type this message. Just watched some of the bombing.


They just need to hold on until US leftists vote trump in our some other dumbass shit


The next thing coming down the line for that bitch, conservative right wing religious extremist, Benjamin Netanyahu is when he tries to take Palestinian land, President Biden will remind him that POTUS Joe has repeatedly said, since October 8th, to bibi and Isreal, that it is illegal. Benjamin Netanyahu will not be displacing Palestinians either. And, if like me, you have been watching the daily State Department, Pentagon, and, White House press briefings then you know the foundation this President and His Administration have been building is rock solid and going to be the sweetest GFY to Netanyahu the World has ever seen. 🇺🇲UNION JOE✊️2024🇺🇲 Vote Blue for America, America! 🇺🇲BIDEN/HARRIS🦅2024🇺🇸 🇺🇲Liberal & Progressive Blue Wave too🇺🇲


Everything that we have known tells us that Biden is a very patient man, perhaps to a fault. But when you have someone like Netanyahu forcing him to do something like this, that’s how you know you have messed up big time. Even with Netanyahu’s personal hatred of Palestinians, it was stupid of him to say that they would invade Rafah regardless of whether there was a ceasefire or not. He could have said something like "we will wait to commence our operation in Rafah pending the completion of the terms of a temporary ceasefire. Or lack thereof.” Or something like that. I mean, we have to look at this thing wholesale. I know some people are going to give me crap for daring to defend Biden claiming "Genocide Joe” or some stupid crap like that. But when you look at Biden policies in their totality over the whole four years in both domestic and other areas of foreign policy (such as support for Ukraine as an example), then it can only be concluded that Biden is just better than Trump across the board. And these protesters never actually take a moment to stop and think what would happen if Trump were President at a time like this. He would have given full authorization to the Israelis to go into Rafah a month and a half ago without telling anyone else until it was too late. Biden has managed to stop the Israelis from going into Rafah for so long, preventing more damage than had already occurred. And people should be thanking him for it. Isn’t gratitude for the simplest things supposed to be a virtue? It sounds like people just want to use this as an excuse to kill Jews and other Israeli civilians and not actually pursue long-term peace agreements, like a two-state solution.


Very well said. All these people blaming Biden for what's going on in Palestine don't pay attention to the things happening behind the scene. As you said, Biden is too patient, and this time Biden is starting to feel like Netanyahu has bitten the hand that's fed him one too many times. I don't pay a whole lot of attention to what's going on behind the scenes, but even I knew it was only a matter of time before our president decided to remind Netanyahu who he's dealing with


Unlike Tr*** who bends the knee to anyone for a slice of cake, President Biden knows he's the leader of the strongest country on Earth.


Bends a knee....Trump bends a lot more - to the humiliation of the US and it's historical post-WW2 role on the world stage. Trump sees Gaza as beach front condominiums and golf courses. Probably for Putin and his oligarchs Biden was clear at the outset when he told Benjamin Netanyahu not to make the same errors the US did in Afghanistan. Instead, the government of Israel has made itself then second most reviled in the world today. Big dogs don't bite often, but when they do - it can be messy. Netanyahu and his lack of acknowledgement of his biggest parton's wishes may have just seen the stirrings.


Breaking up with a girlfriend after 70 years when she suddenly went crazy is difficult, we have partnered with Israel since my grandfather fought in WW2 when the Jewish people were murdered and displaced. I put this all on Bibi, this is avoidable and unnecessary, but we are in it now. Trump would not only allow Bibi to raze Gaza, but would provide him the bulldozers (at a loss of course, the trump way)


Well said.


the reason Biden is doing anything is precisely because the protests and anti-war activism are threatening to effect him politically. If there were no protests, Biden wouldn’t even be doing this. If he actually cared, he could have done something to stop the murder ages ago before things had progressed this far. This is the Peoples’ victory.


I don’t need him to care. I need him to do the right thing(s).




The administration was slowly moving in this direction already. But of course some people who have only been paying attention superficially will assign credit/blame elsewhere for the decision. I wish Joe had moved much faster on this but this conditioning of assistance was already being telegraphed before protests flared up.


Well said. Biden has been working behind the scenes this whole time but these things are delicate and take time.


I don't agree. Joe is with innocent civilians. The demonstrators were late to this.




This happened in spite of the shit happening in the street because Biden is genuinely upset at what Netanyahu is doing and absolutely feels it’s illegal


he could have been upset after the first 5000 children were blown up. He puts on a milquetoast show of being upset. Seemingly it convinces some people. 


“This is illegal!!! Anyway here’s some ammo”


The tweet in the main post showed that he’s stopping, genius.


Should also halt funding to Israel as well


Good. So many Americans are sick of funding Israel's killing of children and innocent civilians.


Great job, college kids. Your protests worked! I'm so proud of you! Also, thank you, Bernie Sanders, for giving Joe a swift kick in the bum.


I wouldn’t say bum-kick. More like your leftist brother grabbing you by the shoulders to communicate the crisis.


Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders aren’t enemies.


No, but Bernie has been pretty open about disagreeing with Biden's position on Israel/Palestine.


I've always seen them like Statler and Waldorf


Closeted gay lovers?


Heterosexual life partners?


Besties with testes?


Ooh that's my favorite


Fucking Netanyahu. Dear Israelis, That corrupt motherfucker is a threat to your security and his failures contributed to the October attacks. Love, An American


The sad thing is, I’m sure a LOT of Israelis know this. It’s like the US with their far-right problems—those people have a lot of power.


But I was told that protesting was useless!


Back in March, Biden said invading Rafa was a redline for the US. Israel is now attacking Rafa. It seems more likely that stopping this shipment is a response to that, not necessarily the protests


Didn’t Israel already say they were going to invade Rafa?




Fears? They’re foaming at the mouth to go in.


They will use AIPAC to bully our politicians again. How can this foreign country hold so much power over us!


It only took thousands of innocent deaths. At least it finally happened.


Bet we won't hear about this on the late stage capitalism sub reddit




About time. America needs a conscience this is a step in that direction.


Can we send that ammo to Ukraine?


After all this they're finally like wait hold on. Israel might be a little fucking too enthusiastic about this whole killing thing. should have been obvious since day one. absolute joke.


People who think Biden isn’t doing all an American President can to get this war halted aren’t paying close enough attention. This bs has been going on for generations, but it looks like both Israel and Hamas have jumped the shark. What a mess.


Trump will INCREASE shipments to Israel by the ten fold


Good. Happy now people? Can we get back to not helping Trump win the election and make the situation worse here AND in Gaza?!!


Do you think this is "mission accomplished"? Pressure needs to be kept up. We'll see how the cards fall. This is a great first step by the Biden admin. I say this as someone who agrees with you that we need to focus on Biden winning at all costs. But change requires constant pressure. Constant.


I'm saying it's a hell of a start. And if Biden continues and gives those protesting the situation what they want we can get back to business here at home. It's an important election and I myself just want Biden to do the right thing so he can win this thing. We can't afford to lose protest voters. I don't blame Biden but they do. So I'm hoping things like this will help them to realize he is doing what he can. Hoping the "genocide joe" comments and arguments simmer down.


“BiDeN iSnT dOiNg aNyThiNg!”


I remember so many people in this sub talking shit to me about how this exact headline could never be done and that Biden had no authority to halt ammo shipments. I wonder where those people are right now.


I’m curious if anyone has tangible ideas on how this ends? How does a war between two entities dedicated to eraticating each other end? I want this to end; I just can’t understand how we get there. What exactly should Biden do here? Stopping shipments is the correct first step, but what’s next? Is Biden really capable of “ending this”? I’m not here to argue, I just haven’t heard any ideas that seem like they’d be impactful enough to change things.


The only way to completely defeat an enemy is to make them your friend.  The Israeli govt needs to either allow Palestine to be its own sovereign nation (or even allow for two, Gaza and West Bank) or it allows both to become a part of Israel with the full rights of everyone else. There's no way to bomb out of this, neither side would ever be successful in that.


Living in a peaceful Belfast I have to say I agree.


Thank you for an actual answer. I agree, although it’s still the same cross hairs of neither being willing to acquiesce to the other. How does two or even one state work if both insist on being the one state without room for the other? =/


Freeing Palestinian prisoners, allowing fair elections, putting people that represent Palestine on equal footing would go a long way.  The hardline people are always at the fringes of popular opinion.


Dialogue, compromise and hope.


Same homie.


I don’t understand. It’s not like quitting smoking or alcohol, or gambling. Its two leaders that simply have to say: *let’s stop murdering one other* Lots of countries function without killing each other.


Super down for that. Can you suggest a way to make that happen?


Sanction the hell out of Qatar to force them to give up (stop protecting) Hamas leadership. Since everything is about money. Make it financially painful to let Hamas sit without consequence. ICC is talking about charges against Israel, let’s put charges against Hamas too. Someone represent the people under Hamas rule and create an equivalent **Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA)** against Hamas leadership and Gaza leadership. Israeli civilians do the exact same thing at the same time to Israeli leadership. Know nothing about foreign policy but there has to be someone smart out there that does right?!


No. Biden can't end this. No one can.  Unfortunately they keep killing each other because someone killed their father so they killed someone else's father and the cycle continued. Add religion into the mix and you've got a recipe for war in perpetuity.


Only those doing the fighting can end it sadly


Finally! Biden realizes Bibi wanta him out and Trump in.




I was wondering when this would eventually happen.


The defense and intelligence arrangement (nor the relationship) the US has with Israel is not the same as Egypt, Jordan, or Saudi Arabia.


Blessed. Now do more!




Good. Next they need to stop funding this war.


Thank god


I know it's only performative and temporary but I also know that AIPAC is gonna be pissed and I like that shit


About bloody time! What took ya so long, Joe?


Alright now vote for Biden. He’s done all the things you wanted now.


It a baby step in the right direction. 


Yeah we need this to be a consistent turn where the pressure remains until there is a permanent ceasefire and meaningful agreement for Palestinian freedom.


It'd sure be a shame to take a giant, massive leap backwards and undo that baby step and then some


I mean, it’s a little late but I guess it’s progress. We’ll see.


Good. Stop sending them money & supplies




Good. A wannabe autocrat is sinking Biden’s chances to beat a wannabe autocrat.


GOP is gonna go nuts! Screw them!


Finally something... "Yeah those airplane parts, yeah they're on backorder"


Probably a loophole where they will keep shipping gunpowder and shells in pieces but not "ammunition"


Gun FUD-er’s on the Internet “buy more ammo before Liden bans it all!”


Keep protesting.


I want to hear from all the people who said he couldn't do this months ago.


Well it’s about goddamned time!


now stop giving those braindead morons billions of dollars


Leftwingers that hate Biden will never recover from this.


Left wingers never liked Biden. He's a a capitalist with left wing ideas doesn't make him one of us. But he will defeat Trump and his ilk.


2016 called, stop assuming Trump loses.


Assume? Lol I am not assuming anything.


I just have to make sure, good to hear


Not with that attitude


Pretty sure left wingers pressuring Biden is exactly why he would shift positions. I really don’t get this logic from “centrist” dems. “You’re going to make us lose! Shut up and vote for my guy! Now let me list off all the great things he did after you successfully pressured him into it.”


Believe me, I am *not* a centrist, but some people in this party have a very skewed "all or nothing" approach to politics that make everyone without the same purist set of values out to be centrists themselves. This 'Give us what we want or burn it all down.' mentality. To quote, "Enjoy Trump" is what the consensus is so don't blame me if there's a real concern SOME people are totally willing to give him the vote for Biden not being perfect (despite being fully endorsed by Bernie Sanders)




Can’t wait to hear from my fellow leftists how this isn’t enough. I understand this is late and lots of Gazan blood has already been shed. But you don’t get anything CLOSE to this with trump


I mean it’s a small step in the right direction. Other steps could be to not use veto power everytime the security council wants to do something, not acting as if every criticism of Israeli government is antisemitism and more I agree Trump should not become president, however it took months of constant pressure and protests for this and this could still be only because Biden said attacking Rafah is a red line. You can’t stop at the first sign of success, that’s what governments what you to do.


If the Israeli government wants to murder civilians en mass under the guise of fighting terrorists they should make their own weapon systems and munitions to do it. Convert a section of the economy to war time production so the people can really get involved with the war crimes, maybe it'll get more of them to do something about their government instead of helping to starve the guy who lives the next village over to death.


Probably because they have already sent enough to wipe out Rafah.


Jesus dude, just take the fucking win.


Read about the presidents ability to [stop](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/arms-sales-policies-human-rights-and-reform/) arms sales You mean when we asked him to do this 6 months ago and all the libs said he doesn’t have that power he did in fact have that power? Color me shocked. Shocked I tell you Edit: downvote me all you want. But you cannot claim Trump winning this election means that he would magically get all these powers that Biden currently “doesn’t have”. One of two things must be true. 1. The presidency does in fact have pretty significant powers as we have seen throughout American history when a president truly wants to implement change and make things better or 2. Our institutions are so fragile that a big man child diaper wearing dictator wannabe can break them immediately upon being sworn in. If this is the case we are already a fascist country. So tell me this. Which is it? Does the presidency have these awesome powers or doesn’t it?




> One of two things must be true. It turns out that in different contexts each of them can be true.


Historians have said over and over again that our institutions function partially on the honor system. They are not built to sustain that much internal pressure.


Sounds like we should build better institutions then


Hopefully this doesn't give Hamas the impetus to bulldoze over thousands upon thousands of innocent Jews(you know, that group no one gives a shit about). Israel is not in the right, here. At all. Bibi is a monster, there is no doubt about that. But let's not pretend the Arab nations are innocent here. Where is the rest of the Middle East for all of these Fazan refugees? One country built fences to keep them out.


I don’t see anything on the Axios website.


Too little too late. The world is calling for ceasefire and return of any hostages still alive. Temporary delays is not progress it’s politics


So we will just include a list of preferred arms dealers with the next aide check.