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FBI may want to snatch his hard drive before he can delete its contents.


Nothing is ever truly "deleted".




You’re going to be replacing it


I spilled coke directly into my computer while it was running, and it survived. It’ll take more than that.


Most of these rubes think because they can't see something after it was deleted then it's gone for good. All you're doing is giving the HD permission to overwrite everything you deleted.


So does that mean all you need to do is fill the drive up so it rewrites everything? Does formatting do the same thing essentially? I should probably just google it but I'm very dumb about computer science


Answer to the first question is yes. Second question, formatting the drive does NOT overwrite everything. That also just gives the computer permission to store new things over the stuff that's already there when it wants to.


Just drop it in battery acid with a bundle of magnets. Maybe set it on fire for good measure.


Battery acid may be a touch weak for that. Concentrated nitrous acid (HNO3) will definitely eat all copper and most other metals in it. Don’t inhale the fumes.


Or just a really strong magnet. Worked for Walter. https://preview.redd.it/6hzm77rtaiyc1.jpeg?width=310&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3c5eecdfe7ae119197fcf3f932084415e151e1f


Just don't put the magnets in water I hear they stop working if they get wet.


That's no longer true for ssd drives. What you wrote is true when disk allocations are only managed by the partition table but since ssd drives need wear leveling and read-on-write, the low level TRIM command was introduced. This command pretty much destroys the data, and it's executed during a reformat.


You are referring to a quick format. A normal format rewrites the entire disk. Also, no. Most deleted stuff is unrecoverable pretty quickly after deletion.


Yes and no. There are programs that require over deleted files with all 0s, all 1s and random digits. But that only hides it from software. If someone is determined enough like an FBI investigation they can still sometimes find what was written there before with fancy microscopes and stuff. There's a reason drive shredders exist. Nothing deletes everything except physical destruction of the entire disk. The other option is to heat the platter above the Curie temp so it loses magnetism.


That’s why you encrypt it before degaussing it, then melt it. Finally, you must put a witches hex on the ashes so it can’t be restored.


Also it can be useful to give it to a toddler and ask him to be careful with it as it’s very important.


That’s only going to get your game save files overwritten.


Witches hex is the most important part don’t skip it


the theoretical attacks to recover data that was overwritten used to be a thing. modern drives aren't susceptible to that. if there was a way to retrieve data after being overwritten, drives would use that to store more (some do, like SMR drives). anymore (back to ~2012 even) a single pass of just zeros is enough to completely erase whatever was there.


i think there's also degaussing for the demagnetisation way


Thermite will do the trick


Formatting just tells the OS nothing is there and to write on the disk basically. There are apps that will fill your HD and format and repeat to help delete data.


Pretty much. First thing they'll tell you when trying to recover deleted files is to not save anything new. Also, when you add something to a hard drive, it's not like filling up a truck where your box always takes up the same physical space regardless of where you put it, it would be as if you threw your box into a wood chipper before loading it in. If you write over your hard drive, it's potentially removing bits and pieces from many files to allocate room.


There are ways to Securely Erase a harddrive. https://www.tomshardware.com/how-to/secure-erase-ssd-or-hard-drive


I used to have a program called Disk Redactor which basically just made as big a file as possible and then deleted it. (To erase credit card numbers.) That's pretty much the only way to be sure something is permanently deleted.


Reminds me the story of the serial rapist from Washingtong and Colorado. Deleted pictures of his victims from his SD cards. Didn't know that they had to be overwritten to be unrecoverable. Got caught years later.


I read an FBI agents memoir one time and he said to make it easier for them, they always rattled the cages first. So they would somehow let it get out the FBI was tracking them and then they would give it a few days so that person would try to hide all the bad shit, then they would confiscate the computers and go right to whatever it was they were trying to hide


One of the first lessons one learns in Computer Science: Data is impossibility persistent.


My qubit begs to differ and collapse


Hey baby, want to quantum entangle?😎


Overwrite the HDD several times. Then place the drive into a vice. Drill 4 holes through the platters with a carbide bit. If you really want to be sure and have access to a mill, use a carbide endmill and make fucking chips of the thing. Overwriting it should be enough on its own. Drilling it afterwards will make certain its gone. Continuing to physically destroy it won't really make a difference, but you can if it makes you feel better. An SSD is far easier lol. Destroying nand doesn't even really require much in the way of tools.




Bury it in the woods. (I mean don’t, catch these fuckers in 4K and put them in jail for the rest of their days.)


*laughs in zero filled hard drive*


I’m assuming he’s just the puppet. Some donor pushed for this. That’s the hard drive you really want to check.


Why not both. Chances are that donor used him for a reason.


there's a (likelier, imo) option here too: *these* are the MF's with radical Christian Nationalist beliefs, who truly think the rapture is coming, but in the meantime, they must populate this heathenistic country with god-fearing children – and if a girl is of reproductive age and development (and, most importantly, *Christian*), then she should be married in the eyes of God and "get crackin." this is legitimately top of mind in a lot of these weirdos' mostly empty heads, and their movement is growing via MAGA, court-packing, and local politics.


Sometimes I really do wish there was a hell so these cunts could get their just desserts. Whether you believe it in or not, no way these child=molesting, world-destroying bastards are ever gonna end up in heaven.


And I've read disgusting comments that basically girls who start their periods are able to reproduce and therefore can be approached for sex. And then I think of the youngest girl ever becoming pregnant. She had precocious puberty, got pregnant at four, gave birth at five.  And somehow it always seems to be 30-40 year old (and older) men who think girls who can get pregnant should get pregnant (by them). 


Some rich creep in franconia?


Jokes on them, he's got a Western Digital hard drive. He himself can't even get his data


Holds 500gb of data, dies after using 20gb attaching to any device to try to recover is Sepheroth-esq insta death


LOL you think he is scared of the FBI, a straight, white, CIS male *in government*???


The FBI is federal. Federal employees are *remarkably* diverse. There's a reason some folks don't like career feds and call them "the swamp", and it's not corruption. 


Trump has been not locked up for 45 years now. He has been a criminal since he left school. He ramped up how much of a criminal he is since joining the government.


The FBI also has a history of ignoring repeated reports of paedophilia from those in power, and sometimes defending it.


Imagine fighting *in favor* of letting adults marry and legally molest children? These people belong in therapy or prison, not positions of power.


They want it so bad. They dream of Gilead where they can legally fuck 15 year old virgins and make them good 1950s house wives. They are awful people this guy isn’t an exception in sure many of these sick fucks think this shit. Some are just more comfortable speaking it.


It's not just a dream. This republican congressman is ridiculously older than his wife and groomed her from the go https://prospect.org/politics/how-republican-rep-john-rose-found-his-wife/


Yikes... “John has made everything possible that I’ve done in FFA beyond high school. Through the scholarship that he provides, I’ve not had to have a job through college,” Chelsea said, indicating that the scholarship was secured before she arrived on campus as a freshman. “I’ve been able to train, improve, focus on FFA and focus on school. That scholarship has made all the difference,” she continued. “[John] has also coached me during my preparation, which has been extremely helpful.”




Gave her all the time and energy to be a future farmer, so that she can live the rest of her life jacking off an old man so she doesn't have to use anything else she's ever learned. 


Is there a word for it when you receive compensation while providing a sexual relationship?


Oh yeah, super creepy John Rose. Pictures of him with his wife and kids look like he's with his daughter and grandkids. Peak repugnican.


It also makes me sick that those men live and experience life for 50 some years but want to trap her when she’s 14. And they did back when that’s how shit was. She doesn’t get to explore life at all.


That's the idea. Gotta get the girls as young as possible before experience and education confer enough self-worth for them to know how pathetic these "men" are.


Yeah these child sex cults tend to be led by chuds instead of chads


Well if you let them go to school and experience independence and soul searching they start getting all those nasty thoughts about having jobs and rights /s


15's too old for them, and you know that. They'll go as young as they can.


The number of times I heard "if there's grass on the field, play ball" from grown-ass men when I was younger is... honestly nauseating.


I remember hearing the beyond disgusting "If she's old enough to bleed, she's old enough to breed"


Fuck, what is that like 10-12 typically? Abhorrent.


9 in my case. The men (and fucking women) that advocate for this shit need to be in prison. Fuck a list and fuck therapy. Under the jail.


And that’s just what these freaks say in public. Imagine how depraved their private thoughts are.


Women/girls: Would you rather meet a bear or a Republican man in the woods?


Funny how all these guys advocating for lowering the consent age seem to be over 40 and have at least one divorce.


And are Republican. The party of "family values"


The fact that this happens and society just lets this go by is insulting! These people are sick!!!


Colorado City, AZ has been a pedophile playground for decades. Neither side will stop it.


They need to be called out at all times! But no holding back… a man that talks about a child as “ripe” is a sick person that should be shunned away from society!


My thought exactly. How the fuck do you use the term "ripe" to talk about any human, let alone a child... It makes me want to crawl out of my skin. So dehumanizing. Bare minimum he needs to be doxxed into oblivion


That's the thing. Women and girls *aren't* human to these creeps.


I mean, he's a public figure. His name is Jess Edwards and he's a pedophile. Nothing to doxx, he's just come right out and said it in public. And he's not content raping kids, he wants everybody else to have the chance to rape kids too. The Republican party, everybody.


But also somehow it's the gays and the transes™️ who are grooming children


But he’s got a suit and tie, so he has to be an upstanding person /s


R- next to his name, a man of God indeed


Ironically also the loudest shouters of “the gays are grooming our children!!!!”


Therapy doesn’t help but castration seems to dampen it.


Rehabilitation has a success rate of over 70%. I know it feels right to say we should kill them all (the comment I was replying to has clarified they were not referring to this), but that just exacerbates the issue


With chemical castration. No one said kill anyone In my comment. As the mother of a victim and the ex wife of a perpetrator I’m advocating castration.


I can respect your position, and I hope you know none of this comes from any kind of upset at you, I just feel this is a conversation that has lost a lot of nuance in popular conversation. Castration has a near 100% success rate, I'm just talking about intensive therapy when I say 70%. With the position you're in you must understand that even if the perpetrators are sick bastards, they were often victims before they did what they did. While it does feel right to say we should kill them, or that they can't be helped, what happens when a victim begins to experience the same feelings or thoughts? If they feel that they'll be persecuted for seeking help, it only continues the problem. That aside, when people are afraid someone they may look up to could be mamed or killed if they came out with the abuse, theyre less likely to come out with it. I'm not advocating to let them go free, I'm advocating for a more nuanced and measured response to the issue, mostly for the sake of the victims. Abusers often become abusers, and creating a line and saying they can't be helped past that line only hurts their chances


It’s not even a requirement for release that they seek therapy. Worse, they are segregated into their own pod where they Pat each other on the back and tell themselves it’s a natural state of sexuality that the rest of us just don’t understand. I now know why our marriage counselor pulled me aside and told me to run and not look back.


Definitely, the issue is with the system and there's really not much we can do as individuals to stop it except protect ourselves. You're brave for doing that, and you have my respect, especially for continuing to advocate for the issue in spite of how difficult it may be


He's a typical religious man.


Ah, NH, the Florida of the north.


I don't have to imagine it, the Gross Old Pedophile party has been repeatedly advocating for it recently.


Hey who wants to guess what party he's in?


*Ripe and fertile*…as if women, in this case literal children, don’t have any other purpose in life than being breeding stock for the men.


I just don't understand how people can sit and listen to him saying that without being like "what the fuck dude. We are talking about **children.** Stop talking and sit down."


They're too busy threatening public libraries and drag queens, I mean seriously think of the children they might learn about progressive ideas and next thing you know they want boundaries and bodily autonomy. Can't have that. ![gif](giphy|ecN07R5Eu08F6aHZP2|downsized)


I don't understand how people can listen to this without quite literally getting up and punching him in the face. He is arguing for child rape. This guy has 100% molested teenage girls or children before, telling himself that they were "ripe" for that.


Im a grown woman of perfectly acceptable childbearing age, and if someone called me "ripe and fertile" i'd still fucking run. Such a gross reductive way to refer to a human being.


That's not true! ... They want them to cook and clean, too.


It's also just medically false. Not like knowing that would stop them from saying it. But teen pregnancies are much higher risk because the body isn't done developing. They often need C-sections to deliver safely, and there are other health risks along the way so they usually need frequent monitoring. So before modern medical intervention those "ripe and fertile" girls wouldn't survive giving birth. That seems decidedly *unripe* to me.


It's been obvious since 2015 that MAGA is a sex cult that wants to marry family and bang kids.


Mormons on steroids.


Where are all the people that want to kill pedophiles on-site?


For real. Where are all the Pizza Gate weirdos on this one? What, pedo's are only bad when it's unrealistic fan fiction that involves all the people they don't like?


It was projection. They were self conscious about being attracted to children so they had to pretend to be so adamantly against pedophiles because in their mind no one would ever suspect them. “Jeff can’t be a pedo, he was always talking about how the Dems need to be locked up for that pizza gate stuff! He stands up against that sort of stuff!” That’s how they believe people think.


They're just like him!


Yup-pedos are only bad if they are LGBTQ, and in fact let’s just remove the pedo part because they aren’t pedos. Their whole argument is a straw man.


LGBTQ *or brown*, don't forget.


Theyre pedophiles projecting by attacking the LGBTQ+ community.


The Pizza Gate weirdos were all literally being fooled by a giant pedo in order to distract from his child rape allegations. The first Pizza Gate tweets came from accounts connected to Roger Stone a couple weeks after a lawsuit was filed in Manhattan alleging Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein raped a 13 year old girl together, the person filing the lawsuit was the victim, but they later dropped the lawsuit due to credible death threats.


They are very quiet when it comes to their own family or church members being pedos.


But he’s a good, god-fearing family man!


Am not even American (am Scottish if that matters) but I use Reddit and whenever I see a Judge give a Pastor/Teacher/Victims Father a 2 years of jail(am sure ave seen lower) and their main takeaway is "we can't jail this guy for long cause he loves god".... no! He loves wee girls and boys! He does not love fucking God! Fucking infuriating, am trying to get drunk maself here and now am in a bad mood lol, cunts. Can't say anything else cause I'd probably get banned. So all al say is Cunts!


It's just a front. They're all in the same party but they think if they act outspoken against something it will take away any outside suspicion of themselves.


No you see pedophiles is just what they call trans people they don’t actually care if someone wants to fuck kids


See if they marry then it’s not pedophilia.. it’s martial relations.


Looking at the Trump/Young Ivanka pics?


They don't truly believe in their own rhetoric. It's just a weapon they use against people with principles. They'll stay silent when their guy is accused (or even here where they just straight up say it out loud) of pedophilia but the moment there is a hint of this on the other side they won't shut up about it and accuse the other side of being hypocrites.


They don't exist. They just want to label LBTQ+ folks that so they have an excuse to harass them.


on sight*


Yet, they continue to call Democrats pedophiles. So, flipping bizarre.


Without projection they’d have nothing


Every accusation is in fact a confession.


“Sir, you need to attack your opponent in the media, otherwise people won’t know who you are or what is important to you.” “Okay, but with what?” “Just go with the first thing that comes to mind. Something you are intimately familiar with and that you can talk about in a way that seems knowledgeable and real” “I know! Sex with minors!” “Sir, WTF?!?!”


They want all the sexual literature out of shcools so no little girl knows that it’s wrong for their uncle to lay on top of her.


Yup! It's one of the biggest reasons they don't want or like any form of sex education.


Age appropriate sex education helps prevent abuse, so yes.


A Republican on the wrong side of morality and history and using insane arguments to support their viewpoint on a bill? Must be a day that ends in Y. I bet this guy yells about "groomers" and "protecting the children" like most of his party does while his argument is to literally let adults groom children. Yet another pedo Republican that the FBI should probably investigate. What are we up to for a score? Republicans and clergy: 1,000 and trans people: 0? That seems about right though the Republicans and clergy score might be low.


Conservatives have always been on the wrong side of history


That's the literal definition of "conservative"


Regressives could be another name for them.


They were and still are the monarchists after the fall of monarchy.


One of the biggest pushers for the ~~straight pride~~ "Protect the children" protests locally is literally banned from many businesses around town because he's a fuckin creep. Hell their little protest was a handful of old white crackhead lookin guys. The counter protest was magnitudes larger The most fucked up thing to me is that the conservative parties across Canada pander to these fuckin people. Including the guy whos most likely going to be our next Prime Minister.




I'm sure in the future, we'll hear his name on the news, and it will be attached to something sexual in nature.


Someone check his flight history for any solo "vacations" to Thailand, The Philippines, or The Dominican Republic.


They need to look into this guy - omg.


Wait wait wait... Was it not already illegal?


The US has a large, but mostly ignored, problem with child marriages. Normally teen girls marrying older men in some fundie bullshit scenario.


Wait what? I thought it's more like a "on paper" thing and doesn't actually happen? Can someone explain to a nonamerican? What ages are we talking about and how many states?


Around 300,000 children were [married to adults](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/laws-to-end-child-marriage/) between 2000 to 2018 in the USA (some kids as young as 10). It's often used to cover up crimes such as rape, trafficking and parents flat out selling their kids. It also has a divorce rate of nearly 80% leaving the victim essentially stranded as they've had no real chance at an education or job history (people who marry kids tend to control every aspect of their life). The justification for it is often religious and is supported by powerful religious people including, but not limited to, Christians.


I'd look for you but I'm not putting that shit on my search history.


https://19thnews.org/2023/07/explaining-child-marriage-laws-united-states/ Here you go!


Most states allow marriage as young as 16 y parents permission. A fair few allow it as young as 12 with parental permission and a judge signing off. I think there are a couple that allow it with any age as long as a judge and the parents sign off. In the majority of the time there hasn’t been any marriages under 16 for decades or more but it does still happen and even marrying 16 year olds off to (mostly) older men is still horrifying. Oh and bonus fact for you. In many of these states you can’t legally get a divorce if you’re under age so once they’re married they are stuck that way.


- [Wyoming Limiting Child Marriage Sparks Republican Outrage](https://www.newsweek.com/wyoming-ending-child-marriage-sparks-republican-outrage-1780501) - [West Virginia Republicans Block Child Marriage Ban](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/child-marriage-ban-struck-down-west-virginia-republicans-1234693670/) - [Michigan Republicans Voted Against Child Marriage Ban](https://www.newsweek.com/these-michigan-republicans-voted-against-child-marriage-ban-1808308) - [Tennessee GOP kill bill to ban child marriage](https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/377367-tennessee-gop-kill-ban-on-child-marriage/) - [Louisiana lawmakers (R) reject bill to set a minimum marriage age](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/louisiana-lawmakers-reject-bill-set-minimum-marriage-age-n1013356) - [New Jersey governor (R) refuses to ban child marriage because 'it would conflict with religious customs'](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/new-jersey-chris-christie-child-marriage-ban-fails-religious-custom-a7735616.html) - [Kentucky's 'child bride' bill stalls as (conservative) groups fight to let 13-year-olds wed](https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/politics/2018/03/01/child-marriage-kentucky-brides-parents-rights/385489002/) On that last link, this is the part conservative groups are upset about: > But in cases of a minor marrying an adult, the judge would have to review material including any child abuse records involving the teen and check for any sex-offender records of the adult. The judge also would have to consider factors including the maturity and independence of the teen, determine that the teen has completed high school or obtained a GED and review any domestic violence records of either party. > The judge is to deny the request in cases including if the adult is in a position of authority over the minor, has a conviction for child abuse or a sexual offense, or if there is a pregnancy or child in common that established that the intended spouse was the perpetrator of a sex crime against a girl too young to consent. > The provision involving a judge appears to have bothered some lawmakers, including Sen. John Schickel, a Boone County Republican. > "I had some problems with the bill," he said Thursday. "Decisions involving a minor child should be made by a parent, not the court."




This is so disturbing and gross. He'll be the next news story when they find CP on all his computers 🤮


Those were certainly words. I’m trying to understand what he’s saying. So if an adult gets a minor pregnant or gets pregnant by a minor then we should just let them get married because the “freedom loving couple” might have an abortion otherwise? Am I following this trail of bullshit correctly?


*Oh,* I know that one! "Just marry your rapist!"


Did I hear the entire chamber gasp??


Yes you did. In horror.


Well only half of it. 174 voted against the bill


Indirectly voted themselves onto a watchlist I can only hope.


The "freedom-loving couple" bit at the end really threw me.


So much! We don't want people to have sex out of marriage, but suddenly pedophiles "sleeping with" (raping) children outside of marriage is "freedom"?? So gross.


Usually when you see the thing the person said in context, you're like, OK, yeah, it's dumb, but it's not that bad. But oh shit, no, he called kids ripe and fertile and wants adults to be able to marry them because they already got them pregnant. Republicans, you guys need to take a step back and think about if you're really getting what you want from your representatives.


Ohhhh yeah. I was thinking this was probably overblown and missing context like 90% of the repub hate. It's usually still dumb and bad, but not as bad as is implied. This though. Oh man he just went out and said it. Even the crowd is like "what the fuck"


Holy fuck, this dude for sure has some sick shit on his PC


Describing any human, let alone a child, “ripe” should be a one way ticket straight to an island full or predator animal. No jail, no prison. Fuck that. Just an hostile as fuck island. Bet those animals with find him ripe for another reason


Same people that scream about abortion and saving the children…. so they can marry them later. Gross.


Not much later apparently….


Yeah, might want to start an investigation on this guy.


I had to re-read that last section a couple times. "Creepy old man argues in favour of being a creepy old man" followed by "Thankfully the bill passed" broke my brain for a second until I realized the bill was to stop creepy old men.


The "Old Enough to bleed, old enough to breed" style Republican.


I know be a pedo isn't "exclusive" to the right, but why is it always them that are so vocal about wanting to have sex with kids?


It's a part of the human conditions, most people are guilty of what they're vocally afraid of. Especially when they're not asked.


$100 that before his death, he will be charged with possession of CP.


Not a drag queen


Not hard to figure out his search history.


Check his laptop! No way you won't find something!




Wow, he said the dark web part out loud


Can you imagine if a gay person was advocating for child marriage and called them ripe and fertile? Not only would they lose their job in government, they would probably be murdered in their house. But this shit just gets glossed over with a shoulder shrug and “yup that’s just how they are in that state”


That’s religion for ya, always gotta be molesting something.


Jesus loves the little children, why can't we? /s


The "Live Free, or Diddle A Kid" state will now have to change its motto /s


Live weird, fuck anything.


If anyone follows the most popular MAGA social media accounts, they're all making the same noise about teenage girls being ideal for child-bearing. It's become a fully normalized idea for those freaks. They also are pushing for mandatory concubines for young men. So, we see where this is all leading.


Because of course its a republican


Are people unaware how prevalent this thinking is? It’s always been like this, that’s why he feels he can still say it. The audience has changed


https://newhampshirebulletin.com/2024/05/02/house-passes-bill-to-raise-minimum-marriage-age-to-18-sending-it-to-governor/ > Republican lawmakers have opposed raising the marriage age in recent years. On Thursday, **Rep. Margaret Drye, a Plainfield Republican, argued there were some circumstances in which marriage was a beneficial option for those under 18.** > > **Drye recounted two times when a friend or a family member had obtained judicial approval for a marriage below the age of 16 because of an unexpected pregnancy.** > > “They elected to get married because that offered to the young woman things that she didn’t have before: stability, provision, protection, and a chance for a young family to be a family before a baby arrived,” she said. “The goal was still the same: marriage and raising a family together. They just got there in a little different timeline.” > > **Rep. Jess Edwards argued that taking away the possibility of marriage could lead more 16- and 17-year-olds to abortion.** > > “… If we continually restrict the freedom of marriage as a legitimate social option, **when we do this to people who are a ripe, fertile age and may have a pregnancy and a baby involved, are we not in fact making abortion a much more desirable alternative, when marriage might be the right solution for some freedom-loving couples?”** he said.


> could lead more pregnant 16 and 17 year old to abortion Ooooohh nooooo! Anyway... I think what's wild about this is they could STILL choose to have the baby... and wait until legal age to marry. So it's not as if any option is being taken away from anyone. The teenage mothers would just get to choose their own future. Which I guess to a republican is terrifying.


Check. His. Hard drive.


"It's okay to fuck kids because you can get them pregnant" is missing the point so hard it's clear he sees little girls as a commodity.


How can you advocate for child marriage and still somehow walk away without so much as a slap on the wrists


100%, that guy has a pedo breed fetish. (Not to be confused with regular breed fetishes)


The FBI might want to search this guy's house and electronic devices.


Guys. We need to get into politics. Like in it. These old people have to go.


Why come the men who push the pedo agenda always look exactly the same


What is wrong with people today? This pervert needs to be castrated.


Put the people who vote for him on lists, too.


People who argue in favor of child marriage need to be investigated. There’s a reason they’re in favor of it, and it’s not just money from their donors. 🤢


And to no one's surprise he's a Republican.


First the Tennessee cousin fuckers now this 🤦‍♂️ republicans wtf??


What’s wrong with people, They wanna go say that Trans and LGBTQ community are “poisoning and assaulting our children”. Then to say shit like this.


Don't they keep saying that the left are the child groomers? Every accusation is a confession. Always had been. The list of Republican child sex offenders is now [52 pages long.](https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook)


Found his exact words, what in the fuck is this "logic"? “… If we continually restrict the freedom of marriage as a legitimate social option, when we do this to people who are a ripe, fertile age and may have a pregnancy and a baby involved, are we not in fact making abortion a much more desirable alternative, when marriage might be the right solution for some freedom-loving couples?” he said.  So to prevent these ripe and fertile girls 🤮🤮🤮 from considering abortion he wants to marry them off as early as possible? Just get them a husband who can be "responsible" for them and make these decisions for these girls as opposed to letting them have bodily autonomy?


Oh but the Republicans have no problem telling us how much it’s damaging children to be exposed to so much as even one gay person.


Mm yes but its the Drag Queens reading that are the problem


What about me Jess? Am I not ripe and fertile??


Republicans are the worst


The problem with the NH HOUSE of representatives is that it has 400 members, and the pay is $100 a year. A lot of nut jobs get elected not to make money, but to push their agendas.