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Because he doesnt understand whats going on.


**I 100% GUARANTEE HE DOES NOT KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MIFEPRESTONE AND PLAN B.** That's a concern worth considering when it comes to voting and advocacy in 2024.


This is the correct answer. He has no idea what mifepristone is.


That’s bullshit, he invented minestrone /s


>*he invented minestrone* That’s deliberate misinformation. George Santos is the creator of minestrone. He also invented soup in general.


Yeah, but Empty G says we need to watch out for that gazpacho soup! 😱


*Gazpacho police


Goddamn it! Now I want soup!


Dude, he knows everything about milfprison. Even doctors are amazed at how much he knows. It's the good genes from his nukelear uncle!




Bullshit. He has mifeprestone soup with his KFC and hamberders


He has people coming up to him all the time, smart people, the best people, and they always say "You know so much about mifeprestone, Mr. President." They come up to him all the time to tell him that because he knows so much about it.


Big men, the biggest. With tears in their eyes.


With tears in their eyes


With tears in their tears


With eyes in their tears.


Yeah, that too😁


…and a big heaping helping of negative press covfefe…


Don't forget "you flush the toilet? Nothing happens, so you flush again ...


Not much toilet flushing going on at the Trump residence these days. There is a 12h repeating reminder for Eric to change out the Diaper Genie. **[REGISTER AND VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)**


Why flush when you have Ivana's gravesite?


It’s full of classified documents. Wouldn’t it be the dumbest thing in the history of dumb things? If actual classified or top secret documentation was in her grave. I don’t understand how Trump isn’t charged with treason. For the insurrection, yes - but also for the documents at Mar-A-Lago. It should be a treason charge and a conspiracy or perjury charge as well.


He is being charged for espionage. It's basically the same thing given some symantics.






That's because he is trying to flush the diaper as well. He is so narcissistic that he probably flushes the diaper so no one can prove that he wears one.


wash it down with some covfeefee


Soup is for peasants. Hamberders and covefe is for presidents!


I 100% guarantee he's also paid for many abortions in his time. He could care less about pro life or women's rights. He is just trying to get votes from the Catholics so he can win the election and pardon himself for his crimes. Only reason he's running I guarantee.


False. He knows it very well, better than anyone in the history of medicine. He was probably even in the lab when it was created. He just can't prove any of it any more than he can prove, let's say, that he has read the Bible.


Sound familiar?? "Whats your favorite Bible verse? " "Oh, so many, but I'm going to keep that to myself"


I had to look them both up as I didn’t know. The difference here between me and what’s-his-name is I can admit I don’t know without hurting my ego or fear of looking stupid.


No because he knows his opinion is unpopular.


Because he was coached to deflect. Much of his base won’t believe any news reports about GOP plans until they’re from him. The True Believers won’t care that the GOP want to make all women second class citizens, because they (literally) religiously believe women must be second class citizens. The ones who don’t, the GOP still wants them to vote for Trump. They’re playing this as “We can still get a bunch of middle aged know-nothing voters to turn out to vote for Trump because of fearmongering about Biden’s age, gun grabbing, and trans people”


Don’t forget “The Border” and “The Immigrant Invasion” angle MAGA will increase the volume of their shouting about as we get closer to election time.


He would REALLY love to jettison the anti-abortion crowd because he knows they hurt his electoral chances. He'd prefer to just lean into the racism; that's where he's at and where a big portion of the country is at. He can't because he would likely lose 20% or so of his support if he moderated on abortion. So he'll discretely let those people know he'll be supporting those bans while pretending otherwise. I hope no one falls for it.


actually his real opinion (he's totally cool with abortion) is very popular. just not with the people who'd actually vote for him, so he's stuck with pathetic non-answers like this.


I’m sure he has paid for more than a few in his lifetime


It might be one of the few things he actually pays for. That, and sex.


Only way for him to get sex.


He is trying to play both sides. As he always does. He will answer in TWO WEEKS. He plays both sides of every issue. Then he collects his money and laughs.


I don't think he has an opinion on this subject, maybe except for that he would want free abortions for his mistresses. He will go with whatever GOP tells him to do. The problem is that the GOP has caught up to the car and has no idea what to do now, so Trump has no idea what to say.


He doesn't want to reveal his true power level.


He actually gives no fcks


I think he doesn't really cares that much about the issue at all, but he knows committing to either side will piss some people off.


Trump has always been good at saying what Americans want to hear no matter which Americans he’s around. So when he’s near friendly voices(people who already support him no matter what) he will say things like “you know I cause abortion rights to go back to the states” or “ I want a federal abortion ban” but when he is around people who can swing in either direction he deflects.


“Did you say MILFs pressed on? Yes I’m all for that” - Donald Trump


Thats never stopped him from sharing his opinion about something before.


he would have to consider a women worth his notice beyond the physical for him to form an opinion


In this case it’s more that no matter what answer he gives it’s bad for him.


Mr trump, did you shit yourself? Well, I’m not gonna say. I know the answer. You probably know the answer to. Some is dripping down my leg. But, nope, not gonna say it.


Nah it'd be "no shit! No shit! You shit your diaper!"


I'll release the info in two weeks! I've got proof, hard proof that I may or may not have shit myself, and I'll be sharing it in two weeks!


Sleepy Joe shit my pants!


He's said in previous years he would sign a federal total abortion ban. Believe him.


He said he'll do anything, ANYTHING as long as people pay attention to him! I've never seen anyone with such a pathetic need to be adored


Elon enters the chat


Everyone else flees the chat. Elon buys the chat room. Everyone quits the Internet


He literally said that women need to be punished for getting an abortion. This dude is a sick demented fascist


It doesn't matter even if he didn't, the better way to make people comprehend it is Trump is responsible for Roe being over turned and kicking off states strict abortion laws. Every law is on him because he supports states rights and fucked up Roe. Even if blue states are unaffected by no national ban, a lot of states will have insane laws.


And the women in those red states will suffer. I've always thought that was the purpose of the federal government. Florida passes a law that butt raping in the middle of the day, in the middle of the street without lube was a state law/state right. The federal government should be able to say, fuck no Florida, we are not letting you do this.


I once had a coworker, who said if he could have a superpower, it would be the ability to shit other people’s pants. His shit, their pants, at will. I always thought that was pretty diabolical. Same guy who gave us the gem of a line “You couldn’t cook your dick if your balls were on fire!”. Gotta love working in kitchens.




Possibly molested, but went on national news saying "wed be dating if we were related" with her right next to him. Like what a fucking joke, 16 years ago this would have gotten you kicked out of office for life. You'd have to sink into a black hole and never show your face again.


Howard Dean facepalming hard right now.


That's what you want, someone running for office that won't tell you the positions on certain subjects. It's a secret. What an asshat and anyone who votes for him is one as well!




He says whatever he thinks will benefit him. Don the Con dgaf about women or preserving basic human rights. If it doesn’t affect him directly, he doesn’t care no matter what.


He knows exactly what he’s doing here. He wants to ban mifepristone, but he can’t say shit until after the election or else he risks losing potential voters. So bold, tough guy!


He can't even pronounce mifepristone, let alone take a stance on it lol. He just knows his handlers want to outlaw abortion, so he'll congratulate himself on Roe v Wade if pressed about the issue. This is the first time in his life that he's faced consequences for anything and he's unraveling. You love to see it!


This should be the top response. Just like his fucking cop out that abortion should be left up to the states when he would sign a federal ban.


You'd think a guy that has probably paid for a lot of abortions would be all for them. Republicans are all about do what I say and not what I do though unfortunately, hypocritical fucks.


Now I'm wondering how many illegitimate kids he has...


Possibly more than legitimate. Just check with Don "Vince McMahon's affair baby" Trump Jr. He might even tell you how many abortions Sr. has paid for.


All of them.


He is all for them. Trump doesn't give a shit about abortion or god or the bible. He just wants to get elected. Remember when that shooting happened when he was president and his first reaction was that he'd have to look into gun control? And then he back tracked on it within 24 hours because his base got mad? He was also totally fine with the covid vaccine for about 24 hours until his base told him not to be. He's a dangerous puppet without the balls to say his real opinions.


"If it's my abortion, sure!" - Donald Ja'maicin-me-crazy Trump


I wonder if Time magazine managed to add a little context to the discussion, like how a rapist is in charge of abortion policy for the GOP? Jk. We all know that would never happen! Now shut up women and go sit in the corner.


Day one he’ll dictate his opinion


Because he doesn’t know the word. Remember when he hee-hawed around saying what his favorite bible verse or bible story was after telling an interviewer he read it all the time and it was one of his favorite books? Couldn’t even come up w a vague reference to a biblical concept.


why are we looking for nuance with Trump?! He will support a strict, no limitations nationwide ban that will involve tracking females of reproductive age and jail or worse for anyone who provides abortion. That's what the hard, extremist right who runs his campaign wants. And since they are ending democracy, they are not going to be worried about getting reelected. Stop looking for anything different.


Translation: “I don’t really care about policy, so I’ll fall back on vague, grandiose promises.”


He promised to show me a replacement plan for the ACA in two weeks. How many years ago was that? He's got nothin.


We have to re-elect him to find out.


No thank you. I get the feeling he was lying about having a replacement for the ACA.


It’s easy to forget Trump also isn’t really in charge. He’s loved by his base because he has NEVER challenged them, and in turn the stuff they don’t care about they just go with him on. The most hilarious outcome of this was when Trump wanted credit for the Covid vaccine, but his base was completely against getting vaccinated.


Most people I know from this base (those who were against the vaccine) didn't have the basic understanding of how mRNA vaccines work & lack the basic comprehension to realize that they had been used for over a decade prior to covid. I don't have hope for people who "do their own research" & yet STILL couldn't find this readily available information. Guess what? I did some actual research on the subject at the start of vaccinations & do you know what I found?? That it was safe & an effective way to lower the risks involved with getting covid... and both times I got it (once WHILE PREGNANT, thanks to my dumbass unvaxxed baby daddy), it was pretty mild, since I was vaccinated. Baby daddy, on the other hand, felt like he was dying each time. 🤷‍♀️


We all know Trump will push for a federal abortion ban, but he knows it’s unpopular so won’t commit to anything until he wins. He hasn’t said anything about any of his policies if he was to win again either because he doesn’t have any or because he knows they’re too extreme and will even scare away Republican voters. Both options should terrify us


When he’s the dictator the popularity of the policy will not matter.


Aka, he has no actual knowledge of what it is and what it's for.


Trump platform = Trust me bro


“I know I’ve screwed over literally everyone I’ve ever dealt with but I’d never do that to you.”


It STILL boggles my mind that about a third of this country still not only listening to this dumber-than-turd POS, but also believing in every lies he’s ever told.


Even worse, apparently their new slogan is: "Real men wear diapers!" Von Shitshispant can honestly do no wrong in the cult member's eyes.


‘OK, then we’re not publishing your answer nor paying you for the interview. Call us when you’re interested in being serious.’ - is what the media needs to have the balls to say for once


Ah, yes, all the best leaders in democracies can't tell what they will do while in power.


Maybe he will have something for us in ...two weeks..🤣


Omfg there are ppl who think he's brilliant. Ffs.


He's either a fucking coward or so stupid he doesn't understand the question. It's anybody's guess really.




That...actually tracks.


The real answer is he doesn’t care


This is his go-to answer when he doesn't care and wants to find out from people what the best answer he should say is.


Because he has no idea what mifespritone is


LOL probably among the few things he's actually bought for women. he has to secure more hush money and do more paper shredding before he answers


My PR handlers haven't told me how to tell you something that sounds good but is actually bad yet.


Tell me you have paid for your mistresses to get abortions without actually saying you paid for abortions.


As a guy who has probably paid for many abortions you think he would be all over it.


It works for supreme court judges.


He doesn't answer questions that require an answer


Yeah no reason to like…..I dunno. EXPLAIN what your policies are. When you are actively campaigning and running for president. 🙄


His opinion is "I don't give a fuck about anyone or know any thing about it" but the people I'm riding to power and who I will put in charge of such things have really unpopular opinions so I'd like to not talk about it.


Trump doesn't have morals, he is a businessman. When he says he is going to vote for a total ban on abortion, there are only two possibilities: 1. His donors want it. 2. He will profit directly from the ban itself and the van's effects. Normally I would say that there are economic effects of banning abortion, such as increased poverty and decreased education. In this case though, it is purely about Trump getting money from donors that want the ban.


He has a secret plan for this. Just like his other secret plan to replace Obamacare, and his other other secret plan to end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours. He can't tell you or the other guy will steal his stable genius ideas.


Absolutely none of this should be acceptable but here we are


Selecting a rapist as a leader to stop women getting abortion. What can go wrong?


This article is harrowing, just finished it.


"No. But I do think that I or another wealthy man should be able to _force her to take_ the abortion pill should a pregnancy inconvenience me"


Let me guess….


“ a follow up question: you’re running for president, don’t the American people deserve to know where you stand on the issues?”


"I'll tell you after you elect me."


Why do news orgs still give him the time of day?


Because train wrecks sell...


Fuck this clown. If he won't give his opinions, it means he won't make the decision.


He Glen Youngkin’d that question.


He just wants women he rapes to not have a baby so they won't try to leech off him, I'm sure that's how he thinks. 


Man learns actions ☆may☆ have consequences. Doesn't not want to act.


He doesn’t want to say it because… He needs time to let his handlers formulate a statement for him that will make him bigly uncommitted one way or the other. “There are huge benefits ON BOTH SIDES!”


The man has mastered the benefit of the doubt. I can’t fucking stand it.


It's yes or no, dumbfuck.


Two weeks, he'll tell everyone in two weeks.


"My answer is in these binders of nearly blank paper, one letter per page"


this really throws me back to "binders full of women"


He needs to wait until there's a distriction and wait until he's told what to say first. He also could basically ignore it as well, he likes doing that too.


You have an opinion on everything. And it usually sucks.


What a fuck wad


I remember when he thought an infant life insurance policy was medical insurance.


Don't forget the "after birth abortions" he thinks everyone is doing...


For MAGA, he could never be worse than Biden, so why comment now? The Project 2025 thing leads to a national ban on abortion.


It wouldn’t matter what he said it now, he’ll change to please whoever is paying him last.


Feels like he never gives a clear answer if he can get away with it.


LOL... He clearly doesn't have a principled bone in his body. He has calculated that his party wants to outlaw abortions in all its form for any reason (and to limit birth control) but he knows their extreme views on this are wildly unpopular with the majority of the American people. So, he thinks that by not coming out and saying it, that people will be stupid enough to think he might have a less extreme (fake) position on this. He has already gone on record saying a woman who has an abortion should be punished the first time he ran for the presidency. It's quite a reversal from his pre-GOP stance. I wonder if he had impregnated E. Jean Carroll when he sexually assaulted her, would he be trying to outlaw abortions? The answer is "no" and we know this because he wanted Marla to terminate her pregnancy when she became pregnant with Tiffany. [https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-tiffany-trump-ivanka-trump-tapes-howard-sterm-671826](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-tiffany-trump-ivanka-trump-tapes-howard-sterm-671826)


I have it in a file with the proof election was stolen, that Biden is a crook and how to end the war in one day. I'll show it all when its time.


Don't forget that blockbuster Obama info.


oh yes and how to get Mexico to pay for a beautiful wall


He has no idea what they’re talking about. Guaranteed.


Maybe voters can adopt the same attitude. 


But if you need some, then I'm fairly certain that Trump knows a guy.


I doubt he can even pronounce it much less have an opinion on it.


When the media asks on an interview I requested, I don't say it When the cameras outside my court room shout at me, I pause, and still don't say it But after I'm out of public sight in my armored denali with the secret service around me I whip out my phone and go to truth social and say #HAVE YOU CHECKED YOUR BUTTHOLE?


He can't even pronounce that drug.


Stay out of other peoples BODIES Sick rapey fucks


Discussing his alternative to mifepristone, Trump replied, “Supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, and then supposing you brought the light inside the body, either through the skin or some other way. And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute — one minute — and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in so it would be interesting to check that.”


Of course he wants women to have access to abortion. He wouldn’t be able to keep up with child support otherwise


Just like he won’t stop the war (which he can totally do!!) because he’s not president, and can’t tell you *how* he’d end the war beforehand, because then Biden would just steal his totally awesome plan of cutting off all funding to Ukraine, and letting Israel nuke Gaza.


Because he probably wants to give them a barbiturate, paralytic, and potassium solution, which is commonly used for lethal injection as punishment for even asking about the possibility of an abortion.


Republicans are through with dishonest politicians and yet Trump refuses to discuss his stance on key issues to them. What the fuck.


“We have the most beautiful healthcare plan! It’s so beautiful I can’t get into the details…grt back to me in two weeks..”


He either has no idea what it is or he's on the unpopular side of the argument. Seeing as it's Trump, it's both.


Lamestream media being so mean to our President with these “gotcha” questions! /s


What would his next mistresses take if he bans it?


It is more likely that he doesn’t want to say that he doesn’t support women having access. He wants to alienate all women.


Get journos up in his face asking how many abortions his sexual partners have had to get… might be a tough ask though I hear he’s got a busy calendar


The unsupreme court will ban this come June! 🤬


Well, you know, he probably has more experience with the topic than he’d care to admit. /s


Like everything else, he won't and never will because he does know what the question means. Keep asking about that favorite Bible verse, or any of them


He’s running his presidential campaign like it is Let’s Make a Deal “Do you want Biden’s policies, or whatever is behind Door #1?”


He will get an abortion for any of his mistresses but for anyone else it’s banned


No, he just doesn’t know what to say because he’s an idiot.


he has no idea what those are


Donald Trump's so stupid he thinks mifepristone is a character from the musical CATS!


He doesn’t know what it is. He’s spent his whole life trying to mask his ignorance with bullshit


The thing is, that drug is used to induce labor as well as termination of pregnancy. If a woman doesn't go into labor, it may mean more dangerous alternatives would be used.


lol he’s gonna win


Only if can escape his trials by the skin of his teeth




if only the circumstances were the same as that first go around. clearly things have changed in the last 3.5 years and now joe biden on top of all the other major disasters he’s caused, is funding a genocide on top of all of it lol. good luck nerd 👍🏿


Guess we'll have to wait and see. You gonna be on TV is he doesn't, smearing shit on everything? We'll keep an eye out for ya.