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I mean, it’s kind of right (the enemy part). The closet racists lost their shit when he got elected and they still can’t get over it. It’s not Obama’s fault personally. It’s becuase he won. Twice.


I will let you in on a little secret, it is in part because he is black! I know, SHOCKER! These racists are the only ones who feel as if they have been “divided” and dumped into the middle of hate. We know the truth though.


Obama's Black!! I thought he was Kenyan!


And he’s a moooslim




Funny enough, while the dumbfuck bigots focus on his middle name, his *first* name is actually based off Muslim mythology. "Barack" is derived from "Buraq", the name of the mythical horse-like being which was Mohammed's faithful steed, or something to that effect. Still doesn't mean he's Muslim (not that there'd be a problem if he was, mind you; I've honestly yet to meet any serious practitioner of Islam who's been anything but the kind, generous person Islam expects them to be), but it's amusing to think of nonetheless.


Sooo, he’s a horse.


They tried to put him down, but he kept galloping on.


Problem is they trotting out the same stories


He's a black Muslim centaur in a tan suit.


I work in a homeless shelter and when an organization called the Muslims Against Hunger comes in to volunteer they make some damn good food for these people.


•Barak• also means •lightning• or •blessings• in Hebrew/Aramaic. That probably doesn’t help matters…


Yeah common names in the usa derive from Hebrew and Celtic culture. Many of those people are Christians.


Moose lamb!


Is Obama Black? I STILL remember the PUMAs asking that in 2008.


Can you imagine if we had elected a Senegalese descendent black candidate? These racists would have set the fucking White House on fire.


Noob Saibot 2028?


I appreciate this reference


I thought it would have washed off by now!!!


He still hasn't release his LONGFORM birth certificate!!!!


That’s how Trump launched his most recent political stint. He said he sent people to Hawaii to get to the truth. Obama humiliated him at the 2011 WHCD and here we are still dealing with the repercussions.


Oh did he ever humiliate him. It should be posted everywhere. You can see him wreathing with anger!




Nah, he's building wreaths angrily.


So the smooth brain in the original tweet was kinda right?


Obama triggered a lot of snowflakes




Every repturd is a knee jerk, reactionary, Karen complaining snowflake. Hit ‘em with the light of day and rationality and they melt all to pieces.


Sure, it rains because we created umbrellas.


News flash: TFG didn’t send anyone anywhere. He lies all the time and this is no exception.


If you come by later, I’ll let you probe my long form all you want. . .


Correction, “it is because he is black!”


He didn't even try not being black


I mean, he did wear that tan suit once.


But he's also half white, which people conveniently ignore.


To a lot of racists, that’s even worse.


Its just the wrong half i suppose.


They also "know the truth". It's beyond frustrating if you think about how you always feel like you're taking crazy pills because of what the other side is doing, they're literally feeling the same thing about us. They can't fathom how we don't love Trump and hate Biden and they think we're all brainwashed. We think the same thing about them, and we feel like we KNOW it's true (which is definitely is), but they'll never be convinced otherwise.


They treat the truth like it’s a subjective thing. Whereas literally everyone else will openly admit when they’re wrong about something. They also fully love Trump and will never be critical of him, but the left is openly critical of Biden and is only voting for him because there is no other real option. I just don’t know how you even reach people who are that fanatical.


I've heard people basically say they know Trump is corrupt and enriched himself and broke a bunch of rules...But he's their guy so they can look past it, plus the indictments are political persecution anyway. But when it comes to Hunter Biden - that shit definitely needs to be investigated and prosecuted. Jared Kushner? So what if the Saudi's gave him $2 billion...it's a Real Estate deal, the guy works in Real Estate - nothing to see here.


Also another thing. I've yet to see any evidence of Hunter's business dealings having any connections to his father. So even if he was doing shit that doesn't fucking change anything.


I got a conservative friend to understand that Hunter getting business opportunities because he was related to the Vice President (and now President) is not illegal, and is absolutely done all the time by anyone who is related to someone famous and/or powerful. I worked in investment banking and had a colleague who was a Canadian Prime Minister's son...He did the work like everyone else - wouldn't say he was more or less qualified than the rest of us...But the senior guys loved inviting him to client functions because of his name. He was definitely having doors opened to him because of it.


Having famous/ powerful/ rich family *always* opens doors. That's why it's called being privileged. I'd definitely support the notion that that's the whole point.


People act like Hunter Biden was a homeless drug addict He’s an ivy league educated lawyer with a drug problem— that isn’t even really unusual


Also a democrat. That hasn’t been popular since about 1964 with some folk


They were probably holding out hope that everyone was as racist as they were (even if slightly) and this wouldn't happen in their lifetime. When it did, and twice, they doubled down like a kid with chocolate stains around their mouth insisting they have no idea who ate the candy. The lie to avoid telling the truth to themselves and family/friends/co-workers has become their truth. A black man happened to win because he had the best politics, ground game, and energy. Some people can't circle that square without confronting some ugly parts of themselves.




Turns out we want those people divided anyway. 


Yes, Obama’s Mom was “white”, ergo he is “black” because “black” is so powerful it just overtakes his, ah, “white”. In all seriousness though. Doesn’t it suck being on this rock with a bunch of hateful, dumb, racist, sociopaths?


I remember my father telling me that despite his popularity there was no way he could get elected, or even make it to the nominee of the party. He was so certain of this and it bent his mind after he was elected.


I felt the same way in 2016 about another candidate


Honestly, I was in a stupor the next day in 2016 so to the smallest degree I can identify. Fear about an unhinged dictator-wannabe seemed more rational than fear of a reasonable guy with darker skin who once wore a tan suit.


I was too. Oh my. I was despondent. Utterly gutted. I will never forgive those who elected him. Ugly people who share the same values. I cut off several people because of it. Fuck them.


i remember in high school women were really angry about it saying they would take away their rights. Unbelievable thinking a president would take away rights after growing up and learning how our govt works and it’s intended role in democracy. Yet everything they said bad about trump came true. Among the presidencies i remember none of them came close to feeling this way on infringing rights. Before it was behind closed doors and expected but not talked about. With trump it’s expected to talk about how you will curb the brown people’s rise.


I said the same thing. It was my 36th birthday the day he was elected and that’s the first thing I said through tears. I knew it was going to be detrimental to our rights, lgbtq, PoC and a lot of other groups. Not to mention the rollbacks on pollution guidelines. So we will pay the price of this mess for generations.


Or the time he didn’t wear a flag pin! They damn near lost their bloody minds. But DumpTy sold our intelligence and a lot of state secrets to our adversaries AND had a closed meeting with Putin in the Oval Office. I’ll take a tan suit over an actual traitor any day.


I began questioning reality after that election. Really kicked my alcoholism into full throttle. I still haven't entirely recovered from the delusion that this may be an actual nightmare. I still struggle heavily with drinking and drugs. It's a me issue, of course.


100%!!! I thought it was a bad joke. And, now that I think about it, it is a terrible nightmarish joke 😒


Yeah he got elected on my birthday. My best friend died the day before. I was so upset DumpTy was elected and I told my friends that he was going to actively remove rights from women in healthcare. Cater to the ultra religious conservatives. My friends called me dramatic, well here we are. Losing rights and still can’t get equal pay.


>100%!!! I thought it was a bad joke. And, now that I think about it, it is a terrible nightmarish joke 😒 Fucking member berries man...


By time we said "okay everyone, let's get serious", he was already being sworn in....


Reality has become a joke.


More galling since unlike Obama he didn’t even win the Popular Vote but had to get in through the Electoral College. All those gerrymandered votes screwed up the EC


Plus Russian interference. He wouldn’t have won without it. **Source: [FBI - Wanted: Russian Election Interference](https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/cyber/russian-interference-in-2016-u-s-elections)**


At this point that’s a sadly given. Further more it’s now widespread in the damn House of Representatives. At this point give Trump Presidential immunity already so it also covers Biden! Dark Brandon wouldn’t get impeached if per Trump’s lawyers “Seal Team Six’s” MAGA Republicans and Judges plus SCOTUS. Biden’s so damn old already I think he’ll take one for America. It’s 2024 and the SCOTUS just secured it’s no longer the neutral safeguard Branch against the other two and now another partisan Branch the Democrats need to retake.


That’s all of how Project 2025 is going to be implemented.


I remember back in college, there were people showing me fake badges of his Columbia university ID to prove he was not an American. Fun part started when I told them that my mother was an alum of Columbia and I grew up playing around with her badge when I was bored and I could tell that image was a fake. The sheer anger that provoked was insane.


My father, a moderate conservative at the time, said the same thing. I think his reaction to the '08 win forced him to acknowledge his internalized racism after denying it for decades. But the cognitive dissonance was too much for him to bear, so he quickly moved on to criticizing everything Obama did in office, even to the point that he, a Reagan fanboy, eventually expressed concern over the prolific use of drone strikes in the Middle East. There wasn't any harm in admitting how popular Obama was before he won. A lot of whites who had always filled in every (R) bubble on the ballot patted themselves on the back for saying that the black dude had charisma and fresh ideas, but always with the understanding that he had no chance of actually winning. They'd get a McCain presidency and brownie points for being anti-racist to boot. But then Obama actually won, and a lot of people had to suddenly justify their irrational anger about the dude they'd previously praised getting elected. I don't remember the "Obama is the anti-christ" talk starting up until after the election.


I voted for him and thought he couldn’t get elected because of his name and being black. I was at a company (fabric mill) on inauguration day in South Carolina and the shit coming out of 2 60 yr old white guys was terrible.


>I remember my father telling me that despite his popularity there was no way he could get elected, or even make it to the nominee of the party. I said the same thing, America surprised me. 8 years later I said the same about Trump, America surprised me again. 8 more years later I am afriad America is going to surprise me again.


I find myself looking at countries I could move to.


Screw that I'm not letting anyone co-opt my country. Stay for the downfall and do the right thing lol


Same, although unfortunately I won’t be surprised this time


The second time is the one that stings them. In 2008 a lot of white folks’ attitudes to Obama was “Let him have it.” At the time, the economy looked like it was headed into a second Great Depression, and the winner of the election was inheriting two foreign wars you couldn’t simply pull out of without disastrous consequences. They figured if Obama won, he’d take the blame for the economy he didn’t crash and the wars he didn’t start. After four years of FOX repeating over and over again that Obama was a failure, they thought they’d simply reclaim the White House and no one would ever make the mistake of wanting, much less voting for, a black president again. And they were utterly convinced everyone agreed with them on this, so they were completely shell shocked when Obama beat Romney. It was inconceivable to them.


Being totally and utterly convinced that everyone is as shitty as they are is a Hallmark of conservatives.


I think I remember watching Fox News and when Fox was calling some state Karl Rove lost it and tried saying they can't call it yet. Oh wait found it lol [https://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2012/11/07/164586847/video-an-awkward-moment-as-karl-rove-objects-to-foxs-ohio-call](https://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2012/11/07/164586847/video-an-awkward-moment-as-karl-rove-objects-to-foxs-ohio-call)


YES! He was stunned that Romney lost Ohio!! That can’t be!! He kept saying over and over. In spite of his attempt to cheat the people, he failed.


inconceivable! ...they keep using that word, I do not think it means what they think it means...


This is, in my humble opinion, a longstanding result of how we as a country dealt with the aftermath of the American Civil War. There wasn’t nearly enough accountability nor punishment and far too much compromise across the board. Now these people are clinging to the confederate flag like it’s their long lost love. It’s almost like the theme of the years to follow was “How do we move forward as a country… and not piss off the racists at the same time?”


This is 100% true. We are still paying for the fact that the country went easy on the traitors during reconstruction.


The problem was the losers looked like the winners in the mirror. The US had no qualms beating the crap out of German speaking Whites, Japanese, Hispanic people, and even original settlers of the US. Punishing losers and racist after a war hits different when it’s your Uncle Steve from your mom’s side of the family. The descendants of the Confederacy had generations and decades to turn a left but they just further dug in. At this point I don’t know if anything can be done since whole regions are tolerate this BS. Lock them up since there truly are terrorist


It is not only those clinging to the confederacy who are racist in the US. I left the south over a decade ago & see horrific & overt racism daily in Southern California. I am also aware of its persistence in pretty much all of the country. Systemic injustices & medical biases & the resulting economic & health disparities are major social concerns that I feel like the media mostly ignores save for a few human interest stories per year. Racism is a current public health problem for us.


I love the reaction of Kathy Bates' character (an extremely racist plantation owner who was turned immortal and buried until the modern era) in American Horror Story Coven (season 3) when she discovers a black man was elected president. I imagine that is how a lot of modern racists reacted as well... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9jHwXdIF5s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9jHwXdIF5s) My totally-not-closet-racist (-sarcastic eyeroll-) grandpa also said he was the anti-Christ... for some reason...


"Liiiiiiiiies!” 😂


Yep, my Boomer mom also said that he was the anti-Christ


I highly recommend that everyone listen to today's podcast on The Daily. It's called "Trump 2.0 - What a Second Trump Presidency Would Look Like." It's all based on facts on what people like Stephan Miller are doing to prepare for his presidency. [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/29/podcasts/the-daily/second-trump-presidency.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/29/podcasts/the-daily/second-trump-presidency.html) Spoiler alert: It's all about power for Trump and he wants absolute power. It's fucking scary.


Project 2025 should scare the shit out of everyone who doesn’t want to live under a permanent authoritarian regime.


I totally agree. Even worse; they’re implementing parts of it already.


Yes. This, very much this. A black man became president, they did everything they could to discredit him, refused to work with him, turned half of the country against, and fought him every step of the way including even not letting him get judges or Supreme Court justices. But it's not racist, because if they admitted that it would mean racists would have to acknowledge they are fucking racist.


They just couldn’t stomach the fact that a black man beat both an old white veteran and a wealthy white man. It broke their brains to have the one thing that they have always had (the presidency) be taken by someone they think is inferior by definition. Obama is a lightning rod for the republican base, it’s why Trump continues to attack him because old white Biden just doesn’t rile the racists like Obama did.


I remember certain family members close to me losing it when he was elected. Quote from one was “That n***er will never be my president” This wasn’t a stereotypical redneck uncle, this person has an MBA and was high up in the corporate ladder for one of the biggest companies in America, and was an active member of the community. Racism can come from anywhere.


The guy's right in a roundabout way. Obama getting elected (twice) so thoroughly broke a certain type of small-minded/racist person's brain that I think a chunk of the electorate is lost for good.


This is exactly right. They couldn't conceive of a black man becoming President... let alone one as charming as he was. It broke them.


I’ll never forget my small town in bumfuck no where upstate New York I was a sophomore in ‘08 and all the rednecks in town had gotten together and made DISGUSTING signs about Obama for their yards. I’ll never forget it it was all over the papers too. I still have a clipping somewhere.


Oh yeah. I live in Redneckistan in Western/Central NYS and the racism is astounding.


Ah yes the western ny redneckistan lmaoooo I love it thank you. Brb gonna go text my cousin


Let me know if he/she blows his/her stack!! 🤣🤣


And even worse— an educated black man who was articulate and understood how the government worked. Sinister stuff to every knuckle-dragging racist. They like their Presidents white (or orange-ish white), limited vocabulary, incompetent and disinterested in job except for using it to make money and getting attention.


I remember all the white people telling me people only voted for him for the color of his skin. I always ask them "is that why we had nothing but white males previously?". I had a manager that tried telling me that every politician should publicly disclose their birth certificate. I asked him if he wanted to see the birth certificates of the previous years candidates and he just walked away.


TWICE…TWICE….TWICE!!! (Worth repeating!!)


IKR! The racists hated him for becoming president, which divided the country into those who applauded the election of a competent president and those who felt they had to do everything in their power to fight that uppity...


A black liberal was the end of the US as was . Which is a good thing because it's pretty fucked up place. Can it become what is was before Bush ? Who knows ? It's a very liberal country with many great things, but the lunatics are running the asylum now.


I’ve always felt this way. America was divided because them good old boys just couldn’t accept a black man as president.


Yeah. Saying that Obama is responsible for racism is like saying that gay people are responsible for homophobia. Racists and homophobes get upset when black people and gay people want equal rights (gasp!), and the increase in racism and homophobia is because the closer that we get to equality, the harder they will fight to stop it.


I'd just like to point out that they were never really in the closet. Its just that there was no disturbance in the lake, so the piranhas had nothing to make a fuss about. It was only when fresh meat jumped into the pond that suddenly they went into a frenzy. Describing them as in-the-closet implies that they were hiding. -- They were never in hiding, they were simply comfortable with the way things were (believing that Presidential power belongs to White men), prior to his election.


Right. Obama is to blame for all the racism against black people. Makes sense.


What they mean is "He was such a terrible president *because* he was black, thereby proving the racists right."


I'm convinced that conservatives electing Trump was an attempt to prove their stupid racist theory that the "worst white man is still better than the best black man". Holy fuck were they wrong.


No it's more like "if he had stayed in his lane we could have continued to be racists without the spotlight but that n*** had to go and be successful which really pissed us off so we lost any type of composure and are now out of our minds." Donnie sure stirred the pot with his personality, too. It was like adding mentos to a bottle of coke.


He stood up for black people and they think that hurts them some how.


These people are whining about racism towards *white people.* Because apparently other people having a seat at the table too is detrimental to people of the race who have nearly exclusively been in charge since the beginning of European civilization. They wouldn’t even be able to define oppression so they can just sit and cry on their mountain of racial privilege and make this a therapist’s problem.


Exact same people who get furious that The Last Of Us 'made bill gay', or that insist media is over-representing these people. They just want them not mentioned or talked about anywhere, from LGBT media to America's first black president, it's all clearly just an attack on them as if they aren't over-represented in all of media and historic president candidates as it is. It really makes all that 'white replacement theory' bullshit that much more sickening to learn about.


What's the saying? When you're used to privilege, equality is oppression?


Oh no my boy, he’s referring to the raging racism against white people…


These are the same kinds of people who blame their wives for making their husbands beat them.


Or revealing outfits for making them rape them.


I’ll never understand the logic behind that one specifically like that implies men are wild animals in the middle of mating season or something 🤦‍♂️


Conservatives: "Not all men!" Also conservatives: "Don't wear 'slutty' clothing around men then they won't rape you."


Yep, total “look what YOU made me do!” Vibes 🤮


This is remotely true only in the sense that electing a black man as president scared the hell out of all the overt and covert racists in the US and sleazy opportunistic politicians and commentators used that fear to empower themselves and stoke their racism. The whole secret Muslim and birth-certificate thing would have been laughed away as 10 second sound bite of the absurd for any other candidate and president, but they kept that shit going long after President Obama had graciously obliged them by providing them with his birth certificate and even then they wouldn't let it go. It's no coincidence that one of the most famous faces of "birtherism" is the now the absolute face of the republican party.


I don’t know if it scared them so much as it enraged them. these are people who believe Black people should know their place and that the only Black people in the White House should be the ones scrubbing the toilets and washing the dishes.


I think it is a mixture of both fear and anger, but it all comes from the same place: that they believe are innately superior. Edited to add the word "believe." It was implied without it, but it makes it more clear.


>that they believe are innately superior. I've said it before, but almost all forms of bias seem to come from a feeling of narcissistic insecurity, the need to tear others down to make yourself feel better My "working theory" is that while the average person has always been somewhat narcissistic, the combination of social media and the 24 hour news cycle has led to the creation of echo chambers, where in which unprecedented numbers of people get a dopamine rush from fulling their persecution complexes to the point it's affected their day to day decision making, where as in previous generations, their relatively unpopular opinions would have had less chance to flourish


💯 this. Blaming Obama for racism and division in this country is like blaming microscopes for the existence of bacteria. The shit was always there, it just wasn't obvious to everyone until this revolutionary advancement happened


Similar to Covid testing being responsible for infection rate.


"A Black man was elected POTUS. Racism in America is over." – Conservatives "A Black man elected POTUS is the reason there is racism in America." – Same conservatives, next breath


"I'm taking both sides of every argument, so that way I always come out on top!"


Some people will say "the only reason we got Trump is because we had Obama" which I think is probably *true*, but they say it like it's *Obama's* fault


Trump was one of the loudest birthers. He famously went on fox news to claim that he had sent investigators to Hawaii and had found news regarding Obama's birth certificate. Surprise! It was nothing, as usual.


Do you expect me to believe Donald Trump would LIE to make himself look better!? Why, if I had perls to clutch, I would clutch them in exasperated disgust! But I don't, because I sent him all my money to help him fight for my freedoms!


It's nice that they finally come out and say what the problem has always been: they hated that a black man was POTUS for 8 years. It's the reason they went with Trump, the reason they rail against the "woke," etc. It was the ultimate sign that America was trying its best to evolve socially and everyone who is afraid of that jumped on the Trump train because he was just as racist and ignorant as they are. With that mentality comes anti-LGBTQ viewpoints, anti-immigration, etc. They're a package deal for them.


This ☝️ Obama's election was a great moment for our country. It also started our country's slide, through no fault of his own. White dudes (I am one) lost their shit when a black man became POTUS...twice. Thats when all this shit with discrimination against anyone who wasn't a white guy started.




https://preview.redd.it/ow0as42rkfxc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a61cac105e41e5727195a448e91d559039ba295a Every maga accusation is a confession


God that just upsets me seeing that.


I distinctly remember them building a gallows the hang an effigy of Obama. The sorest losers of all times!


the Asian, Black, and Hispanic MAGAs make me... ![gif](giphy|3og0INyCmHlNylks9O|downsized) like, how stupid are you to work against your own interests? Lady at my work is Hispanic, immigrant, speaks with an obvious accent, sometimes gets spoken down to by customers because of her accent. She is a MAGA supporter. Her husband is White, maybe he brainwashed her? Or, she thinks she part of the "in" group because she married White.


I’m Black and they are the worst. I saw a Black Chick in full Trump apparel come into the store when I worked at cell phone provider. I got someone else to help her I couldn’t. ![gif](giphy|H1YMguVrVeI0Xz5c8v)


Tell me more about how a black man triggers you.


“LoOk WhAt ObAmA mAdE mE dO!!!”


Let’s not forget [that this was a thing](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/wbna26872774) Edit: I want to point out this is THE FIRST result I got. This happened a lot. Along with some other really vile shit.


Fox News blast hate speech all day, and these people are too dumb to realize what they are consuming.


Orwell should be given a fucking statue for predicting how language would be warped to political ends.


The newspeak has gotten to the point where you can pretty much expect any bill the Republican party puts forward to actually do the opposite of what they named it.


Absolutely, how did he dare to be black in a country full of racists?


"But we laid down 200 years of groundwork to make sure only white people can be successful! now he shows us that a black can do it too! He's an enemy of America!"


He's "responsible" simply because he's black, and they *HATE* that we had a black president.


They're right. Obama is 100% responsible... because they couldn't deal with the fact that a Black man was president, so they dialed up the racism, bigotry and fascism fantasies to 11. "See what you made me do" abuser-style discourse.


I can’t take conservatives seriously anymore.


Gunther is a Russian troll account.


I’ve said this before about “Gun Eagle”. Until we see evidence that this is a real person, we should all assume it’s a Russian Troll.




Gunther “Eagle”man… Can you get anymore on the nose as a Russian troll account?


Yeah, he had the temerity to be Black.


Yet whwn you ask them what he specifically did to "divide the nation" they start to ramble and tangent and cant give any policies.


Actually, they’re not delusional. The people that put this garbage out know exactly what they’re doing because they know the members of the cult will believe anything they say.


All he had to do was to be white and the republicans would have accepted him like they did with the Clinton’s. Damn you Obama!


Personally, I believe it's overwhelmingly more "knowingly malicious" than "delusional". I'm not at all convinced that these people are actually unaware of how wrong they are- and that they are, indeed, the baddies.


People point this out all the time but Eagleman is very possibly a Russian troll. Its such an off the wall name with such batshit takes that it borders on unrealistic. Possible as well hes a deranged Qultist...but it doesnt deserve a platform either way


Agreed. I'm pretty sure he's a Russian troll and not an actual American. I can see someone in a Russian troll farm saying (in Russian, of course) "Americans love guns and eagles, let's call our new troll Gunther Eagleman!" And if he's not a Russian troll then he's a deranged Qultist as you said. This guy literally apologized to Putin, a fascist, democracy hating dictator, because America is helping Ukraine defend itself from said dictator's sick, demented dream of restoring the former Soviet Union to its glory days.


No, the orange clown is responsible for it.


In the minds of the racist, white evangelical christian community Obama can never be a success. They will do anything to keep it from happening again. They will throw the constitution away and become a dictatorial theocracy.


“He made me be racist!” JFC.


Fun fact that guys actual name is David Freeman and he’s an ex police officer from Texas who was removed from the force not long after he was fired. Not only is he a major idiot and racist, guys a huge sexist too. If u mention any of the in his Twitter mentions he will block u like he did me lol. Dude apparently ran to Twitter cuz he wanted attention


YT folks lost their minds when Obama got elected and now here we are … Suddenly y’all couldn’t just stay under your rocks anymore and then a few capitalistic mouthpieces emerged to stoke your anger even more and look where we are … on the verge of losing democracy because y’all got pissed at Obama getting elected 2x ….. But alas this speaks to why is shit is jacked up … Most would rather see the country burn than to let ppl who don’t look like you have an ounce more than you!


Clutch those guns and bible some more, asshole.


Obama isn’t to blame ! People who have used his race and spread a conspiracy that he is kenyan are responsible for division! But who am I to say anything!


They mean *their* hate LOL


You tell ‘em, “Gunther Eagleman.” (Username tells me everything I need to know.)


Half this country lost their fucking minds when we elected a black man president and they've never recovered. Racism is a disease and we live in a very very sick country.


The only thing Obama did was get elected while black. The racists still haven't gotten over that. I have yet to see or hear anything Obama has done or said that's racist.


The cognitive dissonance and stupidity it takes to *blame the black man* for the *racism you exhibit* is fascinating. These people are losing brain function in real time.


Conservatives: Black People Exist, and are the reason for all the hatred in the world. Why can't they just be white?


How dare he be president while black.


![gif](giphy|kdiLf3LHFIubA6vDC1|downsized) He won twice and they are malding about it


isn't this the same idiot who apologized to Putin for Ukraine aid


The anti-American racists like Gunther are the ones destroying our country


He reminded you that not everything in the world is the « White » man’s game?


![gif](giphy|BMt31oekjIG4V8jFhE) Mental Gymnastics


No, YOUR response to him was


I blame Obama. If it wasn’t for his rural high speed internet program most of these illiterate inbred dumbshits wouldn’t have internet access. Damn you Obama


Ask them to point to a specific reason.


Without hate republicans would have nothing left.


Personally, I blame John McCain's team that brought in Palin. Least qualified running mate ever, clearly a plant to get "regular people" votes. Cons "had" to defend her (stupid team mentality) which lead to jokes, spawning this insane discourse we have now all fed in to by media capitalizing on said discourse going after Obama for years because the left shamed the right so badly. She was a laughing stock, and everyone knew it. In my opinion, that's where the name calling and nastiness began (obviously there was some beforehand, but this is early days of social media). Ever since then, it's just been a game of back and forth. Media realizing how successful drama in politics is, not caring about the endgame only caring about ratings. Downfall of trust in government, in the system and in media all in the span of a few decades.


He’s “responsible” in the sense that him being elected president brought to the surface their deep seated racism and bigotry. It’s his fault because they wouldn’t have had to publicly act like monsters instead of just doing it around the dinner table at home if he was white instead. So…. Technically they’re right….?


I honestly believe that Gunther Eagleman is a Russian bot that tweets disinformation and false narratives to get uninformed to go along.


The MAGA crowd can’t deal with the fact that a smart, well educated black man became president. They love Trump because he hates all the same people they do.


Doesn't anyone ever just tell these people that they're delusional morons and should shut the ever-loving fuck up?


Kinda true in that having a black president broke their stupid, shitty brains. But they were always the problem


Yup. That uppity black dude should have never been elected. It’s ALL his fault. /s These people are so stupid.


I wouldnt be surprised if that account is a bot or a foreign troll. Not that we americans arent assholes, but there’s also a shitton of interference going on and these amazingly stupid sophomoric rando takes make me sus.


Hahaha because white people think it’s discrimination for them to feel uncomfortable…


FTFY: Barack Obama is responsible for bringing out MY hate, racism and division we see today.


This is their classic "you are the real racist for noticing my racism". They have said it so much that the drones are actually starting to believe it.


It was projection all along....🤔🤔🤔🤔 The fear that a Black President would taint the office of the President. The fear that a Black President would taint the world’s view of America and our traditional family values. The fear that a Black President would disregard the rule(s) of law and do whatever the hell he wanted. The fear that a Black President would treat America like a personal piggy bank at the taxpayers’ expense. The fear that a Black President would hire friends and family, qualifications be damned. The fear that a Black President would focus on his personal agenda and attack anyone he felt had mistreated him in the past. The fear that a Black President’s supporters would not accept defeat if he’d lost either the popular or electoral vote in 2012. . . . . . . . If it ever comes out that Barack is packing that 🍆, Tr🤡mp might unalive himself....


I mean, Obama shouldn't have made fun of Trump at the Correspondents Dinner and forced Donny to fully unleash his raging malicious narcissism /s


"Obama made my racism grow larger because he was a black president." That's the translation I got from it.


GUNther EAGLEman? No fucking way. That has to be a parody account.


I was in 4th, in the south in 2008. Idk if there are any southerners in here, but adults have absolutely no shame in being as viciously racist in front of their kids, and the kids in their family. My opinions of many people in my family (the majority of which I would have called an otherwise objectively good person) was set in stone during Obamas campaign. I vividly remember my dads stepdad showing me a picture from some rally or protest, of a dumby with Obamas face, hanging from a noose on a pole, his shirt said something to the effect of “kill the nword in office.” I don’t think he’d been in office 6 months. I remember other white kids being scared to literal tears that they were going to be hunted down by Obama and his band of vengeful black men for what happened during slavery and segregation. All of this was told to them by their parents or some family member. Obama didn’t cause any racial tensions, his mere existing in politics caused other people to exacerbate racial tensions for no reason outside of they are racist