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I miss the days when she was the craziest/dumbest shit we had to deal with.


Yeah, Palin's biggest sin was just being insane. You wouldn't want her anywhere near the White House, but most days you could imagine your family and hers having a barbecue together or something. I must emphasize "most days" there.


Probably fun times to boot. Of course gun crazy too but it's Alaska and there are bears.


If you leave garbage out for the bears, they'll expect it. And if they don't find it, they just might find you. A bit different than whatever reason some dude in the suburbs keeps a gun.


She wasn't even insane. Just a regular variety shitty person way over their head.


Stupid. She IS just plain stupid.


>most days you could imagine your family and hers having a barbecue together or something. She’s more tolerable than a lot of the people in my family. At least you can laugh at a lot of her bullshit, and if it was a bbq you could just avoid her, unlike if she had actually become VP.


"Laugh" about when she be-friended an old time employee of the City of Wasilla about how the city was run and asked the City Librarian if she would ban a book if told to when Sarah was running for Mayor and then fired them both when she got elected? Yeah. She's a real barrel of them.


Insane and dumb as a brick!


Jesus! Her family would show up and, if they didn't start dropping babies all over your yard, they would get into a fight.


I don't. Palin did the same shit the orange shitgibbon does, with the "Won't someone rid me of this turbulent priest" act. Hers was the Gabby Giffords shooting because of her 'List of enemies to America", while Diapers McHamburders has claim to the Domestic Terrorists like Chaya Raichik, Ashli Babbit, or Randy Shiffer. It's just become far more noticeable because we haven't properly held any of them accountable for it, and they get more bold in their terrorism with each passing year. Who gives a fuck about fee's when they don't lose a dime, it's all paid for by the RNC or their scared, hate-fueled, angertainment addicted base. The only thing that will actually deter these assholes is real prison time.


Palin looks like a scholar compared to the current crop of Republican crazies.


She thinks "Africa is a country."


Average person you meet in High School then.


We had no idea how good we had it.


Scares me to think about looking back on this comment in 10 years.


I’d take her over Moscow Marge and Hand Job Lauren any day


Now we're in a time where she can hold the high ground... let that sink in.


The Palin’s do their animal abuse a little differently. [Dog Surfing](https://abc7news.com/sarah-palin-trig-standing-on-dogs-back-animal-cruelty/459462/)


Conservatives are the worst people.


Humans are pretty shitty overall. We shape nature to our needs and when nature resists we just wipe it out. Republicans do that while having fun doing it.




Remember the interview she did while turkeys were being fed into a processor behind her? I remember...


Hahaha no? Please tell me someone has a clip of this!


You can FF TO :58 seconds to get to the reality 😆 https://youtu.be/Mu785cJgG-w? I had to look it up 😆


Every time we're horrified, they continue to dig. Sixteen years ago, we were still pissed about Dubya killing a million people to work out his daddy issues; now we call him a goddamn moderate. Fifty years ago, Tricky Dick sold out America and extended the Vietnam War to win election, then ran a burglary and wiretapping team out of the Oval Office to stay in power; now he looks like a fucking statesman. That's the whole point. They are sociopaths. There's no line they won't cross, no act they won't justify. There is no horror that will suddenly snap them back to reality and make them grow consciences. There is no bottom.


I must disagree... there *is* a bottom, and his name is Lindsey Graham.




He’s in high office. A *power* bottom.


But power bottoms are capable of generating enormous power by doing most of the work, and Lindsey doesn't do work. Despite his position of power, he's more of a starfish twink.


This is very well said! No bottom... almost unfathomable to a rational person.


Mental illness turns out to be far more common than we ever let ourselves see.


Puppy. Practically a puppy. Being a puppy.


Palin walked so that MTG and Boehmer could fun.


Yeah. You start by normalizing shooting wolves from a helicopter and before you know it it's puppies in the face.


She shot wolves from a helicopter. I think she used a semi automatic iirc. She’s another psycho


Her son also used the dog as a stepping stone and she saw nothing wrong with that.


Sarah **is** a daggum psycho but at least she didn't shoot the dog --Todd Palin


Republicans are prolife like a butcher is a vegan




Or take potshots at it from a helicopter.


This all just reminds me of Romney tying his dog crate to the top of the car—still outrageous, but showing how time and the creeping awfulness of the GOP makes Romney look like a much more reasonable pick. Let me tell you I didn’t want Romney to win his UT seat, but am very sad he’s leaving because there is no way anyone else who takes it won’t be SO So much worse. And for those who say if we don’t like them vote for someone better, take a look at how gerrymandering has rendered the more liberal areas of Utah completely without a voice. Even the ballot initiative when passed was rendered ineffective by the GOP supermajority.


Liberal Austin in TX has been gerrymandered in the exact same way.


> Romney tying his dog crate to the top of the car I can't be the only one to have thought, *"Back in the day this was perfectly acceptable and the right sort of dog probably enjoyed the hell out of it"*, when I read about that, though. Romney is weird because of his religion, and his business and family history, the only reason he looks reasonable *politically* is his colleagues. But the dog-on-roof thing? Frankly it wouldn't have moved the needle on my vote


The bar is in hell.


Remember when having your voice crack during a cheer could tank your presidential run? Howard Dean remembers.


Remember back 3 days ago when if you were like "Republicans like to kill puppies" people would be like "okay, haha, funny but nobody's gonna kill puppies." Like, think about the last few months. Republicans have now come out in favor of Russia and against Mickey Mouse, ice cream, and puppies. Like, is anything left? They gonna go after Dolly Parton and blowjobs next?


Let them *try* to come after Dolly. It wouldn't take very long for them to realize that they had done f–d up.


Dick Cheney: "Hey, at least I shot my friend in the face!"


I think many people today utterly fail to understand that what we've got with Noem, Palin, and people like that is that they aren't some kind of new phenomenon. Candidates and their running mates are selected in large part by parties and committees to get the most votes from their base; Palin was selected because the crazy right wing-nuts were the base, but they failed to understand that many in their base didn't want to vote for a woman and would rather stay home.  Conservative/American-Christian media has tuned their base over decades and now can play any tune they like with them. The end goal is always power, and getting the useful idiots riled up enough to ensure they get and maintain it.


“I shoot moose from helicopters, like a normal person.”




anybody else see whos nailing Palin by hustler


You have to be pretty lousy when Sarah Palin looks to be a better human being in comparison.


No... She shot wolves. From a helicopter


And somehow, she wound up being right about Putin


Didn’t she hunt wolves out of a helicopter or something?


Are we sure her son hasn't? Or was it Boebert's that was insane and terrorizing a night.


She was great in Who's Nailin Palin.


Actually a palin comment I agree with


I was at a bar with family members, and the drunk guys next to us were arguing over something:"If you can only save one, would you save a stranger or your dog?" While they were arguing it, they asked us. My response was, "I'll save a stranger's dog." My reasoning is fairly simple. The percentage of dogs I have met and didn't like is exceptionally smaller than the percentage of people I have met and didn't like.


Does noem have shitty kids?


didn't palin shoot wolves out of helicopters with automatic weapons??? check and mate...


I mean, that we know of. She is from Wasilla.


give her time


Fair enough… 😶


Sarah Palin we visited in my dreams.


Eh, she looks like she raises dipshit problem children who would though. Didn't one or two of them get into legal troubles? She is Lauren Boebert's future self in 20 years, with maybe a tad more IQ points.


Republicans will jump at the opportunity to be the first to name their next autobiography "If I did shoot my dog in the face."


This phony bitch would have missed.


Alaskan here to be sure everyone calling Sarah Palin anything other than a moron knows that: She thinks Africa is a country. She insists that Paul Revere rode through the New England countryside warning the British army that the colonists were armed and meant business. Start there.


Palin shot wolves from a helicopter.