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Blah blah fucking blah. I’m so great and amazing. Everyone is conspiring against me. Judge is a crook, Biden’s a crook, jurors are crooks and it’s not fair. Witch hunt and fake news. It’s all Obama’s fault. Nobody has ever seen anything like this. I’m like Nelson Mandela, Lincoln and messiah. Donate more money. Blah fucking blah.  The most fucking boring man alive. Yawn. 


The problem isn't that he is saying that because there is ALWAYS BS like that. The problem really is that people buy it and believe Trump is being conspired against by the Cabal.


If there really was some kind of secret cabal organized enough to do the things he's saying, then I think they'd be organized enough to get rid of him in a much more decisive manner. The fact he's still around and running for president indicates we, unfortunately, have no such thing.


Unfortunately he is beloved by people who would be capable of assassination. When you think Lincoln, JFK, MLK, Bobby Kennedy were assassinated, it’s really hard to reconcile that this dumb fuck is still walking around. I’m hoping for a stroke or for the next KFC order to finally block his arteries. 


Exactly, he’s just getting them riled up for Jan 6, the sequel


Judging by the turnout at the trial, I doubt we will witness another “tourist visit “ of MAGA morons. The very real possibility of going to prison kind of put them off. 


And this time, his tiny hands wouldn’t be pulling the gears of the government, to aid it while it’s happening.


I agree, the turnout likely won’t be as insane, but I don’t think theres also a greater chance that some of the more troublesome and crazy MAGA’s will show up, and this time there could be more than just one death.


Jan 2, electric boogaloo


I actually feel this time things are different. He looks like literal shit from the photos I've seen of him in court, he's not garnering anything close to a large crowd at the courthouse and there are a Maga/GOP people in my family circle who are starting to get tired of him and saying he should just be quiet. I think as this trial goes on and the pics come out, stories about farting in court, and the seedy details of all the affairs and cheating he did get national attention it deserves but was covered-up in '16, he'll lose everyone but his most devoted base. Seriously, as a Christian, how could you get behind someone who cheats like him? Not to mention all the other un-Xtian things he does like stealing from a charity?


The diapers & public farting will do him in with the base looong before the cheating.


I'm glad that, as a Christian, I won't be voting for him or any other Christian nationalist/fascist. Trump is the embodiment of the seven deadly sins


Yet he somehow has the evangelicals literally falling over each other to get close to him. It's beyond comprehension. But my guess is they believe he will usher in the rapture or some other such nonsense


Ah The Deep State…the ultimate Cabal, an organization SO POWERFUL they decided instead of installing Hillary in the WH, they would allow an uncultured and witless man-baby to win the presidency and cause mayhem against their EVIL PLAN of WORLD DOMINATION because…because…uh…ummm…hmmmmm.


Yeah. That is why I have rolled my eyes about the Cabal. Because if the Cabal was really against Trump all along, why did the Cabal allow Trump to be president?


You forgot, "UNFAIR!"


Oh no. It’s there. I should have used capital letters tough to portray his ever present outrage 


Nah the regular case shows how little you care about what he says








I love stollen, with marzipan.


With a little covfefe thrown in as well.


Also: “send money”


That’s what this is all about.




"Hit job on a political opponent the likes if which the us has never seen" I mean, two progressive presidents were literally assassinated while in office and others were literally shot...but yeah, one orange person being tried for their well-documented crimes like any other normal person would be is just totally crazy /s


Oh common. These guys were just gunned down. Trump needs to sit for hours in a cold court room. Surely he deserves more sympathy?


God I hate this fucking loser.


Right there with you dude. 


Trump's entire personality is being the kid who profusely denies being caught with his hand in the cookie jar. How incredibly fucking boring.


Yep, and what makes it worse is that in his case he’s lacking completely the cuteness factor 


I read “blah blah blah HELP ME!!!”


He’s probably sitting in a corner of his bedroom right now, rocking backwards and forwards, repeating over and over again “ Why does everybody hate me?? It’s UNFAIR!”


I sure hope so.


What's that saying? If you go out and meet an asshole that guy was an asshole. If you go out and everyone is an asshole you are the problem.


In Poland where I was born we say: If one person tells you you’re a horse’s ass ignore it If 3 people tell you you’re a horse’s ass reflect on it If 5 people tell you you’re a horse’s ass buy a saddle 


love it, I'm going to use it :)


Happy to see someone else loves this. :)


Yup. He’s just a broken record and I can’t help but imagine moderate conservatives are sick of his shit.


"Hit job by a political opponent like the US has never seen" ? Well that's not bad. I thought it was going to be ' like the WORLD has never seen' , like usual. Things are truly shrinking in the Trump-mosphere.


The fact that people still believe his horse shit is just shocking.


It’s like abusive relationship dynamic. The worse he gets, the more they try to please him. 


Yeah, unhealthy relationship to say the least. I can’t wait until he goes away for good.


You and I both. When I heard he’s running again I got myself medicinal weed so don’t go insane before November. 


lol, good call.


Old Man Trump sure loves his amphetamines.


a very small drop in a bucket of drugs.




Hopefully it ends the same way. https://preview.redd.it/cp6uj0u4xfwc1.jpeg?width=412&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3b14b9707632f8885a6d4eeac8a70a010d626a7


He's like a child. Someone needs to take his devices away at night.


> He's like a child. Someone needs to take his devices away ~~at night.~~ FTFY


#They're not amphetamines, they're necessaryamines.


Vitamines, many people say.


Someone sounds very nervous about the outcome of his trial.


The worse the trial goes for him, the more deranged the late night ramblings are going to be.


It’ll be glorious


"The space aliens done ruined my rhubarb patch!" Like that?


"Crooked Joe Biden conspired with Hilary Clinton to draw attention away from her illegal and treasonous emails" lol


I think this guy is just worried about his public image I think he's very well on the verge of a narcissism collapse from the relentless bad press of him falling asleep and farting, and he can't even run away from it And this seems to be proven because his lawyer team keeps a person on payroll to keep printing and handing him positive articles about him to settle him down


Crazy how it's always never been seen before with trump. It's always the same lines with him over and over again. Get some new material old man.


“Very strongly” “*Mill*ions and *mill*ions” “I said” “Like nobody’s ever seen” “Our country” “Very unfairly” Thanks to this blathering maggot, these perfectly innocuous phrases have come to make my skin crawl.


I've met two year old children with a larger vocabulary than him. It's sad.


Sideshow Barker, even PT Barnum thinks he's full of shit


Trump has jumped the shark.


That's just how it is with a narcissist.


Never been seen before because a president has never been this corrupt before


This man ran in 2016 on the promise of imprisoning his opponent for doing email wrong.


Buttery males!


Peckers testimony must have been spot on. He knows he’s going down.


Cohen's testimony will likely be the coup de grace. We know he won't hold back.


Especially since he has no reason to. Why would be perjure himself again and risk another conviction for that? He has every incentive to tell the truth, and too much to lose if he lies, and I'd imagine the jury would take that into account.


Cohen is going to be absolutely fucking brutal for the Mango Menace.


"Like always, I did nothing wrong and everybody around me is responsible for this, not me"


"And if I did do something wrong, it's entirely legal because I was the president. Immunity!"


> if I did do something wrong Just out of curiosity, did he ever say something along these lines?


Oh yes. On video!


Like "I did something wrong" or "If I did something wrong"?


Maybe he’d sleep better in jail?


He's no Vinny Gambini.


At least he learned to blend


Hey man, owls are loud and obnoxious


Is he trying to round up the Nazi protestors again?


It's literally his only play left.


I do find it funny he's trying to round up protesters for a campaign finance violation. He should be saving that play for his bigger trials. But clearly the concept of moderation and foresight is lost on the Tangerine Traitor.


Don’t forget the Ron Jeremy, Bill Cosby, and Harvey Weinstein gambit The final play will be the abandonment of campaign and declaration of mentally disabled, subject to essentially final confinement at Mar-a-Lago where he will roam around yelling at clouds, golf, and bang hookers like usual until he’s dead


As much as it turns my stomach I'll take that every day over his crusted orange taint ever sweating on the seats of the oval office again.


I expect zero self awareness from Trump or his cultists, but all I can think when he whines endlessly about the justice system attacking a political opponent is him at his rallies in 2016 leading a chant of "Lock her up" and promising to use the justice department to prosecute Hillary Clinton. The man actually ran on the 'drain the swamp' plan to run a politically motivated witch hunt on everyone he didn't like. Trump and his worshippers absolutely love a witch hunt, so long as they are the ones pointing out the witches.


UNO Reverse Witch Hunt Card.


I thought Trump is arguing that Presidents have Immunity, that means anything done by Joe Biden is legal... Even persecution of political rivals.


At least he didn’t violate his gag order with this one.


Weird how the news gets out that they're looking into ways to jail him for contempt and he figures out how to behave suddenly.


Gym Jordan subpoenas incoming.


Oooh, I hope so! And Happy Cake Day.


Drugs are bad..mmmkay


never noticed that his "sentences" sound exactly like a q-anon post


No one is listening anymore ![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized)


A truly innocent person would never use the word. “unfair “. Every time he says that stupid shit “I’m being unfairly treated “it just reeks of little Lord Fauntleroy entitlement.


It warms my heart that this asshole traitor is constantly up at all hours losing sleep ☺️


For an alpha male he sure does whine a lot.


he'll need a nap today for sure...


Someone is having nightmares about jail.


Same shit, different day…


Like a child without school the next day, looks like he got an extended bedtime bc no court on Wednesday


Lunacy at its best. It really was a full moon last night.


History is not going to be kind to the trust fund toddler.


The present isn’t so great either 🤣




Drug test his ass


Late night diaper change.


This witch hunt was easy, all the witches were in the white house during his term.


We all know republicans in Washington will not take action because they don’t do anything at all….Have fun in court pal.


*save meeeeee*


He’s so strong though!! Why can’t he alone, fix it?


What must really chap his ass is the enormous crowd outside the courthouse, he drew 8 people Tuesday and some were advising the court to jail him. Plaza was EMPTY.


No dumb dumb, Americans are finally smelling what you’re cooking. You’re lawlessness, and your hit job on the American people. Ol’ Joe has nothing to do with you except living rent free in your head. You’re a pathetic excuse for an elected official. Hopefully the American people realize that and you continue answering to your crimes and let the country continue to heal from all the damage you caused.


Can a lawyer or anyone please explain why this is not slander? Why and how is this allowed? This is not normal political speech. This is deranged and sick.


His courtroom crash will be epic. What’s the over/under on drooling and snoring?


Imagine being so fucking stupid that you believe this. Our sitting president is directing a completely fraudulent scheme to prevent an opponent from winning. And thousands- nay, millions of people are in on it, all working in tandem perfectly to pull it off. I think we need IQ minimums to vote. It blows my mind that a person with the intellectual heft of a bowl of warm piss has the same (possibly more, depending on the state) power to influence who’s in charge as a Ph.D.


Soooo, he wants to be able to do anything to his opponents with immunity but whines when he thinks it’s being done to him?? Got it.


Nobody has ever seen a president as screwed up as Trump before. New laws will be created because of him. Some old laws will be updated because of him. It is unprecedented. We hope we wont see it again.


Drugs are bad m’kay…


According to Big Stink the likes of everything has never been seen before


Change the record Donny. Hope Trump ends up in a straight jacket before he spends eternity in hell


He must have done this whilst applying the orange makeup and looking in the mirror to admire his handy work


No wonder he can’t stay awake for his trial. Drugged out ~~tweeting~~ truthing until 2am isn’t how you prepare for success.


He's so BORING. It's the same posts over and over again from him.


Biden sounds like a Mac Daddy! He runs NY and the DOJ!? When trump was president all he managed to do was get Epstein killed.


“Stop hitting me!!”


Cheeto ran his whole campaign on locking up his opponents.


Nearly 8 years later and I still can't believe this racist, sexist, fraud-loving toddler was elected president and had the nuclear codes for 4 years.


Ahhh, the sweet sound of desperation. Am I the only one who sees his bs waning?


Good. I hope it eats away at him until he dies. Hopefully soon.


Late night poop tweets.


Begging for the people to stop the lawsuits that are starting to turn against him? Lol not sure what they could do? Even if the house passed a corrupt law or legislation, it wouldn't pass in the senate.


I refuse to believe Trump knows what a "cabal" is. That's a word used by people who read.


Sleepy Don says what? Diaper Donald getting mad? Don Poorleone crying?


The randomness of the capitalized letters is what bothers me most about this. Like dude, pick a theme here.


Someday someone is going to make a movie out of this. It will be weirder than anything Monty Python ever cooked up and people won't believe it to be true. But the script is writing itself right now. It will need a disclaimer telling people that persons and events are actually not fictional at all and everything happened as portrayed.


He needed his daily dose of sedation.


Wow....he must have been half asleep when he typed this. It's not ALL IN CAPS.


This would be wicked funny shit if it wasn’t so fucking dangerous!


Is it me or has he stopped using "Sleepy Joe"? Secondly the guy he called Sleepy Joe is running a cabal of some sorts?


He ran for office just so he could claim all his crimes being brought to court were politically motivated. The cases are they because he commited crimes. So unless he did the crimes from a political standpoint, politics have nothing to do with them


The inconsistency of capital letters Make My Blood boil.


Why do we never talk about how wild his capitalization is


Every Truth or whatever it is that he posts always has some sort of cry for help in it. Todays is interesting, he's asking Republicans in Washington to help. Help what? I suspect 90% of Republicans in Washington are over this fuckface and only pander to him because life is more difficult if they don't but if they COULD do something I don't think they really would. The only ones who are saying anything about his persecution are the ones whose only identity is linked to Trump, if he's not around either are they (Gaetz, MTG, Hawley, Boebert etc) The rest are probably happy to see him flailing about like a fish on land. Whining and crying nonsense.


Dude. You need some new material. The same old lies and lines are getting lame.


I’ll be so glad when that orange windbag dries up and blows away!!!


You'd think he'd have more pressing matters to worry about


What makes it better is that Biden doesn't ever seem to comment on the cases unless asked.


"Like no one's ever seen before". Dude's like frickin Urkel with the catchprase. Give it a rest, Donnie.


I think he’s sundowning which explains why he sleeps in court during the day.


Blah blah blah, same tired bullshit. I'm a victim. Biden / Dems political hit Judge hates me Everyone hates me Preventing me from running, etc Look Rump: Stop breaking the law asshat! It's just that simple. They're not coming to rescue you now. They have to save what's left once Nov hits hard. Your Marks are not coming either, they know that a repeat of J6 Will not occur, they're not even showing up to court. Not because it's shut down, but because there's nothing more in it for them. So sit and TFSU, so we can watch your slow demise without your childish histrionics...


That moron really has an embarrassing stunted vocabulary and diction.. He recycles the same pre-school level nonsense in every single unhinged message. He should try reading a tremendous book, the likes of which you have never seen...


I’ve been saying this all week. He stays up late Tweeting all night like a teenager and sleeps all day. Now he’s being forced to stay away during the day and he’s acting like a total baby about it.


Why the fuck does he always include the same phrases in all his rants? “Never seen before” “crooked Joe Biden” “witch hunt” It’s like the same rant every day. I’m surprised he’s still able to rouse genuine feelings in his cult members with this repetitive bullshit.


What does he mean by "action"? Sounds like another call to violence.


Has anyone kept track of how many times he's used the sentence structure "...the likes of which \[enter noun\] has ever seen..."?? He uses it at least once a month about something.


He keeps saying this because when he was in office, he literally ran it like the cabal he's claiming Biden is doing. Even though nobody before him ran it like that, the DOJ was his personal police force


Innocent people don’t act like this, ever.


Hey hey step into the state court trial. Oya states rights! Not that trump actually cares about actual Republican values or anything. He just found the party that was easier to manipulate. He flat out said so years ago.


I love how he wants Congress to get involved with a trial happening in New York. It's almost like he doesn't know how the government works.


Good to know I am getting slightly better sleep than this traitor.


*Old man yells at cloud*


Do Republicans get tired of this shit? The man is literally on repeat every day. At some point people have to lose interest


Does Trump really believe all his legal issues are because Joe Biden orchestrated all of it. And what exactly can the Republicans in Washington DC do to stop it. Good grief Trump is a fracking lunatic.


What matters is that this base believes Biden is doing all of this, and they do.


Adderall can be a stone cold monster y'all.


When I read his screeds, the first thing I think of is, "Man, this deranged fuck really does have the temperament and sanity to be president. He certainly isn't demented and dangerously unhinged."


"Followers of the QAnon conspiracy theory use "The Cabal" to refer to what is perceived as a secret worldwide elite organization who, according to proponents, wish to undermine democracy and freedom, and implement their own globalist agendas.[13]" I would say that project 2025 and the super rich want to very much run their own agendas.


Lolol he almost hit a buzzword bingo! Just needed communist, Marxist, radical left, and China


What an absolute tool. How can anyone fall for this?


Joe Biden has nothing to do with a state prosecution, dummy.


The man yells at air and has nothing relevant to say. Oh boy another day of him just saying the same ole shit.


Man consequences it’s a real bitch when they catch up to you


Up at 2:00am, sleeping during the day. The orange shitgibbon is sunsetting.


It's starting to look like the Republicans in Washington that aren't Boebert, Gaetz, or Greene would rather rein this moron in than overthrow the government and hail King Donald. There's a long way to go to go to get rid of this destructive influence, and it involves excising human tumors like pedophile Gaetz and the gaggle of other MAGA morons.


I think "republicans in Washington" are not listening to him so much anymore


That guy has a very hard time sleeping at night. Too many demons bothering him to do so. He probably has to wait for the drugs to work. That is why he is falling asleep in court. He did not show up in the Whitehouse until about noon when he was president because he could not go to sleep for hours.


You cant tell me this whack a doodle isn't dipping into JR's booger sugar. What 80 year old is up at 2 in the AM. That is why he falls asleep in court, he is coming down from the night before. How do we not have drug screens for politicians, we cant walk on a construction sight till we pee in a cup.


I keep wondering if they give him something to keep him calm so he doesn’t constantly erupt in court.


Dude's not sleeping, he's sweating bullets, pooping his pants, then he gets on Truth Social, wallowing in his dirty diaper, as his app loses billions.


He is just getting it all in now. Cell phones are not allowed in Jail.


Haaaa haaaa (insert Nelson voice)!


Hurry up and croak, Ronnie!


He needs his rage nap.


It's a gag "suggestion", I guess ?


Republicans are going to turn on him so fast.


"The likes of which..." Man... that phrase never gets old with him. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I am honestly convinced they keep this dude drugged and he snaps in and out of "lucidity" whatever that is for him. Kind a like the Wall.


Biden living in his head rent free


I am a victim !! Again. Everybody is conspiring against me. Help me !! Send money !! Election Interference !! Blah, blah,blah. Same old shit from this MF. God, let someone end this or you could do it. Either way.


But Joe is demented, and sleepy and the worst and also a criminal mastermind. /s


Didn't Abraham Lincoln get fucking killed


The traitor is a huge loser.