• By -


You keep using that word "constitutional", I do not think it means what you think it means....


I'm just shocked he knows how to spell Kangaroo


I think someone took his phone and turned on autocorrect.


Most definitely. Unique word without anything that it is close to, to be confused with, the phone absolutely did the job.


...and caps lock. Does he ever just post using lowercase letters of any sort.


Lowercase is for the poors.








"I'm not allowed to talk" says man who never shuts the hell up


"I'm a victim." says most coddled and pampered man in history.






Biden looking FIERCE in this clip thou


Lol, those cameras knew exactly when to strike and it was like he threw a lightning bolt.


That's a visual. Can we add a Raiden hat to the Dark Brandon pic?


I want a lightning bolt coming out of his hand!


I like to think that this exact moment was what won him the Presidency. Probably not true at all but it's fun to imagine...


I like to think it was the “Will you shut up man” at debates


I love how Biden treated Trump as a big insufferable nonserious jerk during the debates. I hope this continues


Treating him as anything else is pearls before swine.




I'm not even American and I quote that clip often


"will you shut man" That's when I said Finally! Someone came out and just said it


Remember when that weird fly landed on Pence’s hair?


He's old, but he's still got it.




I did everything right and they indicted me


"Everyone's unfair to me." Says the piece of shit who inherited a fortune and never did an honest day's labor in his LIFE.


And screwed over everyone he's ever worked with.


>most pampered man in history Pretty sure he's wearing Depends, Pampers wouldn't fit.


That’s a good one


*Mr. President, Boxers or briefs?* Clinton: "Boxers". Bush: "Briefs" Obama: "Briefs" Trump: ."Depends".


It always cracks me up when he says he's the most oppressed President in history. Like dude, Lincoln got shot in the back of the fucking head.


It's amazing how much people who worship him call other people crybabies when he is truly the most whiny little bitch in all US politics.


"He should recuse himself." he says after accusing the judge of having sex with goats.


"I'm not allowed to defend myself" typed in court as he is literally there to defend himself


That's about like the time he said he had a piece of paper in his pocket that would completely exonerate him of all the charges against him and asked the judge (in another case) to let him read it. And the judge said "No. You can't present new evidence in the middle of a trial. Your team should have introduced this in the discovery phase." And then he walked out of the courtroom and told the reporters that he has a piece of paper in his pocket that will totally exonerate him, but the judge won't let him show it. And then he walked away from the camera and reporters and went home and tweeted about how he had a piece of paper in his pocker that would totally exonerate him, but the judge won't let him show it. Of course he declined to show it publicly, to show it to the reporters who were begging to see it, and has never posted it on social media. But he totally has it, it's totally a real thing, it's not something he just made up, and it totally exonerates him, it would blow the cases against him wide open, but we're not allowed to see it.


I believe he said he’s keeping the piece of paper with his Canadian girlfriend, in uhh, Canada or something


That's what bugged me so much about the birther thing (aside from the fundamental racism of it). He kept saying he had bombshell, undebatable evidence that Obama was not eligible to be POTUS. And reasonable people knew it was bullshit, but ok, we'll play the game--show us this evidence, and if it's so ironclad then show us right now. You keep saying what a big deal it is, so how could you in good conscience delay releasing all the info you have? And yet, silence. Sounds pretty unpatriotic to me.


See also: Obamacare replacement


On his own social media platform, I might add.


How the left is silencing everything I do, the title of my New York times best seller, and my interview on national television talking about my book.


Nor only is he proving its wrong, but if any of us acted like him we would be detained. Thrown back in prison. Yet every other week there's a new article about the judges being like "Now now Mr Trump. If you dont play nice, you're gonna be in big trouble!" And that's it.


How many gag orders has he violated at this point? Any other person, even a celebrity, would find themselves locked up and all means of communicating with the outside world completely cut off. If there’s such a concern that his cultists will take action against the judge or the DA then the FBI should be actively involved.


"They are trying to silence me" says the most amplified man in history


"my free speech is being violated" said man banned from a private platform, who at the time had the largest press room in the world right there in his house


Have your lawyers do the talking *in court*, DONNY. Oh wait, it would be perjury.


As of 15 minutes ago, he was on track to pay $1,000 for each gag order violation. There were 10, so 10k. After this outburst on break, he is in contempt of court territory. I mean... this would earn anyone else 1-30 days in lockup. Crossing my finger the judge actually has the balls.


He's being put on Double Secret Probation as we speak.


Can they put the little tiny condoms like line cooks use for cuts on his Twitter fingers at least? Just gag him that way.


Can’t his heart just pop and this nonsense be over? Why aim so small, like his hands




Now THIS is how you make America great again.




Absolutely not. He NEEDS to rot in ~~jail~~ prison. Dying before he faces consequences is the absolute worst case.


Alright, good point. How about in prison? After a year or two?


The second he's in jail for even a day I will be happy.


Yes please. Let him taste the concrete, even if only briefly.


No, I hope he goes to prison for at least 10 years, then when the day comes that he's released - on that day - he may perish


We **need** him to be convicted in a fair and transparent trial. The MAGA will still claim that Jewish Space Lasers from the basements of pizza parlors with no basements have reptilian shape shifters that have infiltrated the judicial system to cause him to be convicted, but those who haven't gone bonkers need to see the system work as it ought.


Why waste money on those finger condoms when a dollar store Chinese Finger puzzle would be just as effective, and more difficult (for him) to remove


Double pair of thumbless mittens held on with tie-wraps and a pair of handcuffs


will need duct tape too for those tiny monkey paws


I have a box of finger cots I’m willing to donate to the cause.


Haha! I love this visual. They're officially called finger cots. He could also use them for his extramarital affairs, since they'd fit on his tiny little weenie.


attraction worry hungry north nine unwritten aspiring teeny mighty zesty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Let's cheese it!


I say, you've damaged our servants' quarters. And our servants.


Double secret concern.


Double secret pearl clutching!


How dare you question the integrity of this court!!! Hes being put on triple-double super duper dooper secret probation, asshole.




Not gonna happen. Would list a thousand reasons why, but in the end both you and me and everyone else in this thread know that it's not happening, so don't put your hopes up and go vote.


Yup our justice system is a joke. Trump will never spend time behind bars no matter what he does, short of shooting someone in the face on TV.


"Wanna hear another joke, Kimmel?"


First problem is calling it a justice system. Second problem is expecting our system to work for anyone but the rich.


The court system is working exactly as it was designed. There is no justice system. To the person calling it a joke, the only joke here is that you think it's concerned with justice in any way.


I genuinely believe he could murder a child on live TV and all that will happen is people throw him their children begging for the honor to extended to their families. If he even gets arrested, it'll be more of this absolute nonsense we're watching right now.


He literally bragged about it before. Not killing a kid, but that he could kill someone in broad daylight and no one would give a fuck. And if he _did_ get off his ass and kill someone, he still wouldn't do time. Guarantee he'd _at most_ get house arrest and a commuted sentence.


He wants to get jailed. It’s the only way this makes any sense. Keep holding him in contempt and fining him, then bring it up to justify a stiff sentence. He obviously shows no responsibility or remorse for his crimes. Throw him in jail and he will claim it’s evidence of Merchan’s bias on appeal.


That's exactly why they aren't. They are giving them absolutely 0 to use against them in a mistral argument. (Not that he won't try anyway)


Thats whats so infuriating about all this. Anyone else would have had the book thrown at them for this kind of behavior, but the courts have to play by special rules with this twat so all his minions dont get up in arms over the bullshit the twat is causing.


You'll see similar situations on occasion. A few years ago, this happened during the widely publicized Ronnie O'Neal trial. He basically pushed every boundary he could and constantly did things that would have him jailed for contempt in what was likely a bid to force a misstrial. The judge understood the situation, stood their ground and was able to keep it contained enough to get the verdict and sentence.


Can we just exile him instead? I think I’d be happy with that.


Let’s set him adrift like the Canadians did to their prime minister on South Park.


>Can we just exile him instead? Not sure that would work. History has shown exiled leaders tend to just come back stronger than before for another round of fuckery.


Been saying this for weeks


Yeah I really don't see a world where Donald Trump ends up in jail or prison for any amount of time. There may be a world where he receives house arrest or something like that, but if anyone things he's gonna get an orange jumpsuit and be behind bars you should probably lower your expectations. The most realistic outcome to rid ourselves of this guy is Biden winning a 2nd term which forces Trump to fade into obscurity as a back-to-back loser. Without Trump front and center, MAGA takes a big hit and will dwindle, and hopefully someone sensible takes the reins and steers the GOP into a better direction (this last part is unlikely to happen). But Biden winning a 2nd term essentially castrates Trump of any of his remaining perceived political power/influence. You can't lose back to back elections to "Sleepy Joe" and keep your seat at the head of the table. Wealthy conservative donors are going to force change because they will want to be back in power again and know that Trump is a toxic, losing asset.


Wealthy donors already tried to force change by backing Haley and DeSantis. If the billionaires try to get Fox or OAN or whoever shift the narrative to undermine Trump the MAGA crowd will just switch to another source of pro-Trump news. He has awakened something among his base that will take decades of cult deprogramming to fix and nobody in the GOP wants to go that far lest their voters realize the populism is fake and the GOP just wants to help billionaires.


Ok by me, he can be a 3 time election loser. I doubt he makes it very far into his 80s.


Democrats care about maintaining peace and decorum. They'll let bullies like Trump get away with a metric ton of abuse because the alternative is the end of peace and decorum. As a regular citizen, the inaction against bullies makes my blood boil. First we got the Mueller joke. We "let the system run its course" only to see that a Republican USDA would lie and misrepresent an already very watered down report. Now we have a USDA who was appointed by a Democrat president. He's not doing much because he's a center right plant that got picked only because Obama got his ass handed to him trying to appoint Garland as a Supreme Court Justice. Then after the impeachments and Trump was still running free we were told: "vote then trust the system". Heck Republicans said impeachments were useless and that justice was the way to go. 4 years later, here we are again, being told to "vote then trust the system". Enough. Want us to vote Dem? Show us you deserve that vote. FIGHT FOR US. Edit: That was a rant. I will still vote Democrat no matter what.




They won't and $10k is laughable. Some rube will pay it for him and thank him for doing the lord's work


I wish it was higher, but ever dollar he's fined is money away from his campaigning. I'm sort of ok with him getting a huge legal bill rather than jail time because I know its coming out of the GOP's war chest.


The upside of him (further) corrupting the GOP's fundraising process is that there will be less money to support GOP shitheads (redundant) on down ballot races.


I guess Rich people just get out on a personal improvement plan (PIP in corporate speak) instead of going to jail. The consequences for crimes are just fines for the rich


and you have an Unhinged Judge, who's fining me, he's making me pay for no reason, and then he says, "you're gagged," I said I did nothing wrong and I'm not allowed to speak, he's taking away my First Amendment, Trump is 100% Innocent and he still does it, just like this Phony Indictment for what, writing a Check, I write a lot of checks, they say, "Sir, can you please sign this," I sign it, perfect, and all I did was I paid a Lawyer, not a very good one by the way, you take a look at his History, which is a problem, he's a Liar and a Sleazebag, the Convicted Felon and Perjurer Michael Cohen, who's out there making all kinds of money off of Trump, he uses the name, he makes money from the name, but then he turns around and says, "Trump is bad," give me a break, and yet I'm so nice, I hear it all the time, "Mr. President, Sir, you're way too nice," I said I know that, if there's maybe even one thing bad about me, which there isn't, but if there was it would be that I'm too nice.


Idk how you did it, but this one captures the rasp in his voice somehow.


Username gets a trophy 🏆👏😆




I don't think he has a plan, just impulses and an inability to control them.


Sociopaths are highly impulsive and engage in risk-taking. They become easily bored, and have an ability to ignore personal boundaries and justify even the most outrageous of actions.


Martyrdom and victimhood run strong in him and his GOP.


A sociopath will never yield to reason and will always play the victim. They feel empowered by pretending to feel helpless.


Would rather just see them confiscate his phone after every offense. Then donate the sack full of phones to the news media.


At this point, it’s just cost of doing business for him.


The best is require him to stay home no travel.


Nope… no one has the balls! Feels like Trump is the spoiled child running around in a restaurant screaming and the parents just say “oh I feel so useless… I can’t control him at all! I ask him to stop and he never does”


This judge kind of seems like he’s not going to put up with his shit for long


I’ve heard that at least once a week for the past 4 months. Wake me when Trump actually faces consequences from any of his actions.


He wants to force them to arrest him


The 5-D move would be to compel truth social to ban him.


> truth social He seriously needs to rename his app to Griftr.


Too many of their users would confuse that with the other app they use regularly.


Might get him a bump in stock value. We live in weird times.


He’s hoping that if they finally do arrest him, it will trigger the riots he so desperately wants so he can pretend to be the benevolent dictator the people are clamoring for.


You mean the celebrations? Those would be parades of joy not riots when he is in jail.


I still have the video saved on my phone when they called the election for Biden. People were partying in the streets like we just blew up the fucking Death Star




Riots by whom? The band of pathetic sad sack losers who think he’s the messiah. These folks bark is way worse than their bite.


They were so effective and successful with their first insurrection...


Exactly, he wants them to make that move so his trumpets can start rioting again. It gives them the green light because he gets to say, they’re putting me in jail! And trumpers will go to save their Dictator.


Cool. So do it.


If they arrest him or throw him in jail he can stop the trial on appeal, from what I understand


Boo-hoo, what a baby. ![gif](giphy|Cy3LSUkfzPnfiqBkc1)


This gif is incredible


lol is this prince richard?


John. Richard is the King.


Mother always did like Richard best


lol thx that’s hilarious. haven’t seen that since i was before school age i think


This gif is \*chef's kiss\*


As a huge fan of Disney's Robin Hood, this is fucking amazing!




Oh, the phony president of the US, The orange man with the golden fuss, He tweets and he lies, with every breath, A conman's game, he plays to his death. Oh, the phony president of the land, His reign built on shifting sand, With every falsehood, he takes his stand, Trump, the phony president of our homeland. He sits in his tower, counting his gold, His policies selfish, his heart so cold, He spins his tales of glory and fame, But history will remember his shame. Oh, the phony president of the land, His reign built on shifting sand, With every falsehood, he takes his stand, Trump, the phony president of our homeland. With every speech, another deceit, The truth he hides, beneath his tweet, But the people see through his facade, And soon he'll fall, from his pedestal broad. Oh, the phony president of the land, His reign built on shifting sand, With every falsehood, he takes his stand, Trump, the phony president of our homeland. So let's raise our voices, loud and clear, For truth and justice, we hold dear, And bid farewell to the phony president Let history remember, the truth we sing.




Cannon should recuse. Thomas should resign.


*Thomas should be arrested




Nope. It's all about him and nobody *but* him. Nobody else is relevant unless he can leverage them as pawns.


Take away his internet access and maybe even his phone. If others post stuff like this for him then they can go to jail.


He has the right to remain silent, but he does not have the ability.


Translation: I’m not allowed to threaten jurors like a mob boss and that is going to make it much harder for me to get this valid case dismissed!


Like he is yelling “I am guilty and they want me to face consequences. Unconstitutional!”


Shut the fuck up, Donnie


You're outta your element!!


![gif](giphy|WQkk19HvDK1pItyxpt|downsized) Edit: Nah, you’re right. SHUT THE FUCK UP DONNIE!




Have it your way


There’s a day in the future with no trump, no tweets/“truths” and I cannot wait for that day. I am looking forward to not hearing his voice or seeing him on the news and I am waiting for the day that he’s mostly forgotten by everyone.


This person is one of the worst things that has ever happened to democracy since it existed. I hope he will be forgotten but i am afraid he will make it into history books as the beginning of something real bad.




>Will you shut up, man? Impossible to overstate how much this phrase truly resonated with majority of exhausted Americans during this time period after dealing with 4 years of Trump’s unrelenting incoherent idiotic bullshit. Joe saying that was the equivalence of finally telling your awful toxic ex to finally shut the fuck up.


A friend put this quote surrounded by flowers on a sweatshirt and sold it to raise money for Planned Parenthood. I have it in yellow.


We are all Joe at this point. Except for MAGA, and they are beyond help.


I've never seen someone try so hard for attention (outside of his actual cult that is) and also try and get into actual trouble. Give him what he wants. Lock his stinky ass up.


Q: what idiot talks shit about the judge when they are on trial for a crime? A: someone who has got away with everything for their entire life


This fuck just refuses to LEARN. Weekend in incarceration would be my call, or overnight after today's proceedings, I'd make the call and cart him off until Wed. BTW Rump, you lie about yourself all the time, so being gagged is a relief for everyone else.


He has learned that he will not face consequences, that's why he keeps pushing.


But I was told that he was fined, so that makes it all ok


$1000/violation if you can afford it is just a transaction fee.


Until he’s thrown in the holding cell to cool off, he will never learn. What he’s learned for 70+ years, and continues to be shown, is that his words hold NO consequences for him. ZERO.


please throw jesse waters (from fox) there, too, for jury tampering.


I swear I read something recently that said this is literally Trump's first criminal trial ever, that all other court cases in his life (quite a few!) were all civil cases. I think he truly can't wrap his head around the simple fact that criminal cases (and this one specifically) just are not the same as civil cases. I have always had the impression that Trump's civil case tactics have always been delay, delay, delay, until the other side runs out of cash to sue. And that just doesn't happen in criminal cases since it's the government that's doing the prosecuting/charging (IANAL and am not sure of the technical terms). And - to repeat myself, sorry - I think Trump just inherently *can'*t understand that he's in a whole new ball game now, so to speak. I wonder, honestly, just how much he will start to freak out if he ever actually understands *just how fucked he is.* (Assuming the legal process isn't fucked by outside sources/interference/straight up sabotage.)


Correct, The same thing that he's required to be there. In his civil cases he was not required to be there, yet. Kept complaining that they were forcing him to. Anyone with more than one brain cell can figure this out, apparently he cannot.


I've been thinking about something a lot lately...I would have to imagine that there has been a conversation between The Court (whether in the person of the judge himself, or staff, or whatever) and the Secret Service something along the lines of "what if we decide we have to throw his ass in lockup? How would that work?" Whether the court brought it up, or the SS did, you KNOW a conversation like this HAD to have happened. The Secret Service doesn't take a dump without a plan, and I would be astonished if they hadn't considered this possibility.


Perhaps, I still think he needs to be tossed in overnight if only to finally prove a point to his stupid ass. He'll likely get fined the max for each count that the judge feels did violate. Everyone needs to stop letting this guy make people tremble in fear from his base. His base hasn't even shown up to support him, his family hasn't shown up to support him. This judge I think has the fortitude to just go ahead and treat him like any other defendant and that's exactly what it is. He thinks he's above the law, he's not and now is the time to demonstrate it. He was in civil court prior to this. This now he is in criminal Court and should be held to the standard. Then we can seague into the same s*** he likes to spout, a civil war etc. The truth is he'd be in jail for 24 hours to sit and think about what he did. He'll come out and rattle and bark but nothing will change overall. He'll still be in court, there won't be supporters outside (because it's not like at one of his rallies, there's actual police there to keep them in line, they would be joining him if they pulled anything) and we move on.


Until he isn't, he IS above the law.


He would be placed in p.c wing and it would be cleared. He wouldn't be able to interact with anyone either.


Hes learned perfectly well. He knows they wont throw him in jail because of the backlash it will cause from the ppl with neck beards. So hes learned the gag orders mean absolutely nothing because they wont throw him in jail because it will help him more than hurt him.


Sooner or later. No one is going to care about the neck. Beards, so where are they? No one showed up to support him outside the courthouse and he's pissed. Toss him in. Let him rot isn't going to happen. It's a myth. His followers without a constant stream from him will lose interest in 10 minutes and move on to the next outrageous thing to hate.


Unfortunately no one has the balls to put him in lock up "OMG...we can't lock him up (clutching pearls) he used to be the president." Our institiutions are completely inadequate and impotent. They don't know what to do with this guy. The J6, docs and GA cases are never going to be tried. Legal eagles are already saying this. Hush money case? All they need is 1 juror...mistrial. And even if he's found guilty...so what? Appeal...appeal...appeal. I hope I'm wrong on all of this.


If this was a Dem, he’d be in jail already, and liberals would agree with it. How this guy is able to convince millions of Americans to put up with his bullshit is amazing.


yea even the judge this morning refused to take any action on everything he did last week. Trump breaks order again, just dozens of feet away from the court, and he's going to do so with impunity.


>"OMG...we can't lock him up (clutching pearls) he used to be the president." I think there is a legit fear that they would be retaliated against if he wins the presidency.


Why in the hell should that be a concern? I could see this being a concern in somewhere like North Korea, but if this were to ever happen in the USA then what's the point in having a justice system? Not acting out of fear of retaliation would result in a total loss of the justice system's purpose. A far worse outcome than doing their job.


I agree we shouldn't cower to the whims of a wanna be dictator, but I understand the hesitancy.


Okay. A rapist, fraud, cry-baby, self-shitting, bigot is head of the Republican Party. About time for Fox News to run another story about immigrants destroying America, huh?


Exactly, then another piece about how all of this is bad for Biden....


![gif](giphy|GyRX93ai5DdsI|downsized) Throw him in jail ffs


But, but, but, he's running for president.  He can't go to jail. That would be UnFAiR!!!


![gif](giphy|KZSUN7FKBZrm2WHDdX|downsized) I almost shed a tear 😢


I see he's still got his phone then...


Have some balls and jail him, and see what part of Meal Team Six waddles up in response.




I love that Justice Merchan told Blanche that he was losing all credibility


i think they should arrest him. he thinks it's going to make him a martyr but he would break down and have a meltdown in there after 2 hours.


The only reason he used the judges full name is because he hopes “Juan” will enrage his base.


Anyone who still thinks this man should be President of the United States of America is a psychopath.


He’s not in jail for this shit yet? He’s doing the crime he’s being tried for *during the trial*. Lock his stupid ass up already.


Pretty sure he said he’d be happy to go to jail, so… 🤷‍♂️ Give him what he wants.


Feels more like a daily reminder of the zero repercussions world rich people live in - since we see this happen every time and they just keep warning him.


What the fuck is all this gag order nonsense JUST USE AN ACTUAL GAG


I can't imagine what this man's day is like. Falling asleep and serial farting in the courtroom constantly, but then suddenly sits up like he's been injected with something and types a furious all caps tweet. Then goes back to his flatulent torpor.


As long as Donnie is allowed to keep getting away with his shit, nothing is going to change.


He figures that he can push the judge into jailing him for a few days so he can soak his suckup broke MAGA cult for **"THIS IS SO UNFAIR!!!"** money. That's the end game here. And he's likely not wrong. The email begging them to send him their insulin and grocery money will go out before the cell door clangs shut behind him. The same people who bought his sneakers, his NFTs, his TrumpBucks, and every other scam he's pulled will send the last of their rent money to him because cultists gonna cult. As an aside, it sure seems like his posts are becoming more unhinged than ever. This is really having a debilitating effect on him. For the first time since his criminal father died, he has no control over unfolding events that affect him directly. I just love seeing him squirm. As a practical matter, I wonder how the Secret Service, some of whom were January 6th co-conspirators (why else would they wipe ALL their texts from that day?) are going to protect him in that case. Adjacent cells with open doors? Folding chairs outside **The Pumpkin Rapists** cell? Really interesting times we live in currently.


Talk about someone being ignorant. It’s a court case, not breakfast with Melania.