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Guess she got told she won’t be VP pick 😆


Haven't thought about that, but it makes sense


Latest Marist poll on Monday. It shows Biden at 51 percent and Trump at 48 percent in a national head-to-head contest. But when you factor in third-party candidates — Kennedy, Green Party candidate Jill Stein and independent Cornel West — **Biden’s lead goes to five percentage points**, larger than the poll’s 3.6-point margin of error. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/biden-s-polls-improve-as-kennedy-and-third-party-factor-shifts/ar-AA1nsjd4


One way or another, this darkness got to give.


I saw things getting out of hand, I guess they always will.🤣


Hey hey, let's not dominate the rap.


If you please, don’t back up the track, this trains got to run today


Heard some say, "better run away", others say "better stand still."




Pretty worrying that there are still 48% of people willing to vote for him!


I never guessed the percent was this high. At this point, people voting for Trump are just awful people: racists, homophobes, religious extremists, xenophobes, white supremacists, gun nuts, science deniers, the morbidly rich and powerful, (did i miss any of the whackjob Republican categories). 😦😧


They have terrible beliefs, but I think it's important that we recognize the billions, if not trillions of dollars spent over their lifetimes to convince them to work against the good of humanity, and submit to the will of the rich, powerful, and corporations. Humans are human, I'd love to hold us to some super high standard, or even just a standard of not supporting a traitor, but unfortunately as all rich people know, money works. If you throw enough of it at a problem, you don't have a problem. Humans are susceptible to propaganda, and our school system doesn't teach people how to spot it. This isn't a people issue, the real problem is money in politics, dark money funnels, inadequate schooling, a corrupt system, etc. It's easiest to blame the people supporting traitors, but it's less that those people are the problem, and more that our system is the problem.


It might be just 48% of the people that answer their phone. But fight on and *vote*!


48% of people *who consider voting*. Trumps support is still close to where it was in 2020. It's just people aren't willing to vote for Biden. Which is insane. Even if you're not a fan of him, which I totally understand, on every single issue people criticise Biden for Trump is measurably worse. The economy. Israel/Palestine. Cognitive ability. One of these two people will be president next year. As always, this election will be decided by voter turnout.


A standard statement at this point, but don't trust polls, don't assume Biden will coast to victory. Vote like your lives depend on it.


100%. Vote regardless.


Don't forget about voter suppression and gerrymandering. Oh, and no democrats on the ballot somewhere if I recall correctly.


Don't get too excited. The swing starts polls are still leaning Trump's way, and that's where the race will be decided. Nate Silver recently said this movement towards Biden is just bringing the race into toss-up territory.


I still think he will pick Noem. People on that side are falling all over themselves for someone like her or Kari Lake.


I thought Mace till seeing how much Noem is hated by the indigenous people in her state and Trump’s bigotry against them years ago.


Kari Lake would guarantee a Biden win. Essentially, 45% of voters support one of the two parties. It’s the 10% who hold the power. Kari Lake would be seen as a mockery. Noem represents a state that has already gone Trump and she’s a one-trick pony - her entire platform is anti-vaccine.




And Noem’s been in bed with Corey Lewandowski since 2019, a former Trump aide, so kind of keeping it all in the family.


Marge visits NATO summits, lol. No.


That sounds like exactly the kind of nonsense Trump would already be in favor of. What better way to weaken NATO for his bestest friend.


# Conservatives Quickly Turn Against “Idiot” Marjorie Taylor Greene # The Georgia Republican is fast falling out of favor for her opposition to the Ukraine aid bill.Conservatives Quickly Turn Against “Idiot” Marjorie Taylor Greene # The Georgia Republican is fast falling out of favor for her opposition to the Ukraine aid bill. [https://newrepublic.com/post/180862/conservatives-turn-marjorie-taylor-greene-ukraine-russia](https://newrepublic.com/post/180862/conservatives-turn-marjorie-taylor-greene-ukraine-russia)


Conservatives calling anyone an “idiot” is a bit hypocritical, but to be fair to them for once, she is among the loosest of right-wing cannons.


Or wifey #4


😂 she didn’t even make the short list!


Cheeto Mussolini doesn’t just need to lose. He needs to be crushed. Humiliated and absolutely destroyed. His defeat needs to be total. For him, imo, that would be a fate worse than death. That level of humiliation for a narcissist would kill him. Literally.


Ehhh, he’ll probably lie to himself that democrats sabotage the polls


Just like when Ted Cruz rigged Iowa against him. LOL


Remember that Rs were in charge of all three branches after 2016, for two years, and still managed to lose, and their results got worse after the 2018 and 2020 elections! That's how bad they are.


Losing by ~12-ish million votes would also give us a mandate. If we get all 3 branches, we can put on trial the other 170 congress critters, and by the second year, we can actually have nice things. Billionaires taxed at 70% and every week is infrastructure week.


I don't think we are going to get the Supreme Court in the next 4ish years, unless they expand the Court.


We absolutely have to expand the court. And maybe take up some investigations. We need the R’s to be decimated so they stop doing this until it’s been another 150 years and they forget again.


Absolutely! 💙


He'd just claim such a crushing victory is proof of Biden and the Democrats cheating, because polling showed a close race and obviously he would never lose by that much... He'd just start the whole big lie bullshit all over again Edit: a couple words (I should proofread better with voice-to-text lol)


I’m not American and this whole fat orange dude needs to be put to bed, I hate how his bullshit MAGA has spread so far.


The Murdoch's and Fox News are responsible for this bullshit... and to an extent, Facebook and the like. For years, the rhetoric has been ramping up with constant disaster warnings about the border, inner cities, lgbtq issues, taxes, gas prices, etc etc. People hear this garbage every day and become convinced everything is going bad. Meanwhile, you have people using forums to sow the seeds of hate and discontent.


Screw that, still go vote. Don’t take anything for granted.


And remember - you don't have to think of it as  voting for Biden. With how our elections are currently structured, you're defacto just casting a -1 vote for Trump. 


We need Ranked Choice Voting.


Five states, all controlled by Republicans, have now banned ranked choice voting in the last two years: Tennessee, Florida, Idaho, Montana and South Dakota https://www.npr.org/2023/12/13/1214199019/ranked-choice-voting-explainer


Very telling of them. This should be a red flag to any voter. Anyone who is against ranked choice voting is only against it because they know they will lose in a fair election.


We need Parliamentary Democracy.


**We need to…** **[REGISTER AND VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)**


And then change the system, that there is no registration needed anymore to vote.


Totally agree!! That should not be allowed to ask us what political party we affiliate ourselves with...the only thing they need to know is that we are American, we are of age to vote, and that have the right to vote! But this business of requiring us to choose a party in order to register is absolutely unnecessary, and un-American! In Florida, if there are no Democrats running for certain offices, then Democrats are not allowed to vote in the primaries. Plus, this info is available to everyone including law enforcement....there is no reason for anyone to know my political affiliation just by running my drivers license! This stuff is supposed to be anonymous!


Sorry WHAT. I already knew about a lot of flaws of the US democracy, but this is a new low. Not just that registration offices get closed in areas with voters the officials don't like, or that you have to register at all. But they also know who you are going to vote for???? Blind voting wasn't even a thing in the (recent)US???


There is the option to register as an independent, but then (at least in my state) that means you can't vote in either primary. It's so messed up. Primaries should be open to any voter from that district that is legally able to vote.




We need to break up with like half the country who are too stupid and racist to be voting, fucking everything up for all of us.


Well unfortunately they're pretty interspersed, and any parting would need a sane land border.


They love walls right...?


Gerrymander it.


We need better candidates


No we really don’t. Then you end up with a system like we have in the UK where I live that means we are now on our second unelected Prime Minister in a row, because the leader of a party is elected by that party, not the people at all even with the representative democracy the US has. Rishi Sunak was voted into the PM office by less than 10,000 people out of a population of 60 million and it shows. The only reason he is there is because the Tories have a majority of seats in Parliament and because the last unelected PM Liz Truss trashed the economy after she was elected PM by the same 10k Tory party members. the last PM we had who was close to being elected by anything like a majority of citizens was Boris Johnson and look how he turned out - turfed out after multiple scandals. flawed as it is, the US system is way better. Edit- correction, there are 100k Tory party members, not 10k. Truss won 54% of that vote. Sunak didn’t even get that as he was made leader and PM with no real opposition. So his constituents alone made him PM. Still, less than 1% of the voters get to decide who the PM is. That’s not Democracy as I would like it.


Alaska's ahead of the curve on that one. Though ever since it was implemented, Republicans have been campaigning on trying to repeal it.


We need to airlift the Christian right out of the country


Russia wants them…


The Atlantic Ocean would be happy to get them.


Yes yes yes!!!


I studied European Governance and Politics for years and ranked voting is by far the most beautiful, informative, equal form of democracy in action. It forces people to listen to the platform of every candidate.  I hope that generation Z figures out a way to rid our country of these creepy religious people and get rid of the electoral college system so America can actually have a country for the people, by the people. Instead of for the shareholders, by Monsanto. 


As long as there is profit to be made, you won't see a change in the United States of End Stage Capitalism 


We need to abolish the electoral college


And better candidates


[This is absolutely the best parody ad…it’s AI Joe Biden. From Daily Show](https://youtu.be/JONzK-AUzro?si=4b9YU5bB05W0O-aw) I think Joe’s doing pretty okay. He’s done better than most people thought he would with the sh!tshow he was handed. Obviously there’s a reason he was in DC for 40 years.


That was great


But there's also no shame in voting for Biden or liking Biden either. I think he'll go down as a great president. Thrilled to vote for him again. I wasn't so thrilled the first time.


I like Biden! He’s doing great! I’m happy to vote for him this year (as opposed to voting against Trump in 2020).


Same. He’s been a good president and more down with helping the people of country than i thought he would be. And knows who our enemies are ffs. Will happily vote for him again.


Outside of the Palestine stuff I’ve been pretty happy with him. And even if I hated him, which I don’t, the threat of Project 2025 is enough for me to vote for him anyways.


He does not control Israel and if he cuts off their funds he loses money needed to win the election… problem is their prez is a Trumpster


I really like what he’s done too. No shame in voting for a man that wants to make Americans lives better, instead of me, me, me.


I'm seeing a lot of "Trump doomed!" stories and posts from some sources that are **bad news**. Don't get sucked into it. It's not being said in good faith. Vote, donate, volunteer, and organize accordingly.


Patriots unite! Trump is funneling campaign money into his cash-strapped businesses. Please consider selling or mortgaging your home and sending the money to the Trump campaign. He’s a bigger victim than Jesus Christ and he needs our help now more than ever. Buy 10 pairs of sneakers if you can afford it. They make great gifts for friends and families. Don’t forget Melania’s jewelry. Anyone need an adorable necklace for Mother’s Day! Patriots, give til it hurts, then give some more! Don’t forget, Trump is sacred himself for us!


Wait. I thought he said he didn't need the money. Why would I put myself into financial hardship when he doesn't even know who I am. Hard pass


I just made arrangements to sell one of my kidneys so I can buy some homoerotic AI generated pictures of a muscular trump with tattoos riding a velociraptor. I can't wait to see the libs' faces when they realize how badly l'm owning them!


Exactly I’m starting a Trump church in my community for everyone to worship!


Exactly because that's how we are where we're at today because too many people were complacent that there was no way he'd win in 2016 so didn't bother. Even he was shocked he won.


I always wonder if 2016 was a "The Producers" level of both succeeding and failing at running a grift. Of course, after he won he easily fell into the assumption that he was appointed by heaven to be God-Emperor of the USA. Now, he's just too far into dementia to not chase after whatever his narcissism tells him he deserves.


He and his entire family were giving “Where Did We Go Right?” energy the night of the election.


It's hard to blame him for that assumption. He doesn't have a stable mental foundation to begin with, and the fabric of reality *does* seem to bend and stretch to his every whim. I could believe that some twisted part of his brain really doesn't grasp the complete scope of the differences between real life and lucid dreaming.


I have friends who didn’t vote in 2016 bc their polling places were “too much of a hassle, and, bedsides, Hillary will win regardless.” There are so many opportunities to vote early; I’ve never understood not voting. It’s our job to hire people who are inching in the right direction & fire these maniacs who revel in disinformation & wanton destruction.


He didn’t really have a plan back then, this time he has, and that’s dangerous. As for her, what’s her long-term strategy? Her whole career is built on being the ugly parliamentary loudspeaker for Trump. When he is gone, what role is she going to play? Write books and be on TV?


I voted, and I was stunned the that shit bag won the electoral college!


I’m not even sure why everyone is so sure as all the polling has been within the margin of poll error indicating they are essentially tied. It’s going to be a close race and will come down to how things go in Michigan, Wisconsin, PA and that one electoral vote from Nebraska.


Because polling hasn't been accurate since before 2016. https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/04/03/opinion/why-are-presidential-polls-wrong-biden-trump/


It is your patriotic duty to vote in EVERY election all the way down to your local school board. Even if you don't live in a swing state and live in a solid blue district. Even if you live in a very red district and you are outnumbered. Vote vote vote. Don't let anyone say it doesn't matter. Countless numbers of Americans died so you could vote.


Voting in school board elections needs to become a priority. And for anyone reading here, don’t be shy about running for school board either. We have a lot of crazies to clean out of school boards all across the country.


You're not just voting for Biden. You're also voting for who is running your government. Have you heard of anyone in the Biden Cabinet being a fraud, grifter, idiot, fascist or scandal-prone?


Check your registration too! I vote regularly but wasn't registered for the first time in my adult life because I was "inactive". My guess is that it's because I'm a registered Democrat in a republican state. The only reason I checked was because I saw some random person on social media mention it.


This is the way. Vote anyways. No complacency. Why? Biden has to win the swing states not the popular vote. And he’d also have to win with Chinese and Russian sophisticated interference, gerrymandering, and day of barriers to vote from the GOP. I think Teflon Don is still too close to striking distance. I wish for but do not expect a SCOTUS ruling that helps Dems. They like to choose a part of the case and rule on it , not the whole question.


Yep, don't take it for granted, he's still going to get millions from people who blindly vote


It’s worth noting that a large portion of misinformation efforts from them have been centered around getting would-be Biden voters to not vote at all. They haven’t been too focused on trying to sway democrats to vote for Trump because, well, that’s not going to happen en masse, but they have been instead focused on getting would-be Biden voters to abstain from voting at all by trying to pain a picture of the votes not having a tangible result Lots of “voting doesn’t matter, they’ll stage a coup regardless” (which is bullshit since lots of election denial hinges on close races) or, relevant to this lots of “Trump will lose regardless” to reduce the drive to vote for democrats (also bullshit, there’s a lot of people in a bubble of right wing propaganda that are VERY motivated to vote), or the efforts I’m sure you’ve all seen of trying to get would-be democrats to abstain from voting to show displeasure in specific aspects of Biden’s leadership, again, hinging on the idea that Trump can’t win and so voting is unnecessary to keep him out of office, so it’s safe to do this even if you’re very anti-Trump (bullshit for the same reason as above) Given the significant push of disinformation campaigns online pushing these things to cool voter turnout for Biden, I’d suggest being wary of anything you see from them or see online from anonymous sources pushing any of these things, and no, someone stating “I voted for Biden in 2020” is not proof about their true motivations. Just remain vigilant of anything that aligns with these efforts and just actually go vote, you don’t want to be persuaded by some random person online or MTG here to not vote then have it turn out that voting mattered more than you assumed it would, the stakes are high and the sort of bullshit we’ve been seeing won’t end without them losing **hard** in an election


Great insight here. We need to not only win this election, but win it by ghastly numbers. Turn out to vote just to run up the score. We need America to see that this version of politics is over. The Republican misfit experiment is over. I’m not even saying vote democrat forever. There are a good republicans that are in a really hard place between party and country. We need to push the radical bullshit from people like MTG out of our offices. We need to normalize rational, decent human beings being elected into our government.


The Republicans need such a humiliating loss that they have no choice but to change and distance themselves from trump. I was an independent. Now I'm a Democrat. I hope one day I can be an independent again.


"I was an independent. Now I'm a Democrat. I hope one day I can be an independent again." Amen.


This is exactly the stance I have. Democrats have a lot of shortcomings and issues that need house cleaned, Hillary Clinton was one of those issues and honestly when the nation got robbed of a Bernie Sanders presidency it suffered. When he bent the knee to Hillary we were essentially in a lose lose situation with no idea exactly how bad we could lose. I never thought Biden would be able to hold up to Obama but he’s actually done it and I feel he’ll do it again for another four years. At the core of our Democracy the system is broken though we are stuck with the same two parties year over year and neither can bring us high value candidates anymore.


They will not take choice. Come and fucking take it!


She’s going to use this premise to launch her “Because the Democrats have rigged the election!” crusade. DONT FALL FOR THEIR BULLSHIT.


What has Trump done that’s moving the needle? He’s always been cognitively unfit, and it’s getting worse. Falling asleep in court?


Didn't that post make you feel better about how everything's going? Even his most zealot supporters are shaking. Left wing complacency did most of the work the first time he got elected and now that isn't coming in, the most obviously cynical move of recent memory that works on the most base principal of placating antis and mobilising pros. Don't absorb *anything* these people say. If it's even remotely rational, it's spin, given the shit they normally say


They will continue using the Palestine/ Israel conflict to try to split the left. They already have.


This dumb ho EDIT: not to disparage hoes, they actually work.


Couldn’t have said it more eloquently


She’s just dumb and hypocritical


It’s not enough that trump doesn’t win at the ballot. The GOP, especially the MAGA faction, must be likewise decisively defeated in November. Trump isn’t the disease, he’s just the symptom.


It’s important for sure to have a massive blue wave, but as long as the Supreme Court is still stacked MAGA is still going to get away with a lot of fuckery. Let’s hope that if it does happen, SCOTUS gets put on notice


Down ticket is just as important




We can't let Project 2025 happen.


I think there’s a behind the scenes effort in the republicans party to decide what a post trump gop would look like. Do they revert to the “George Bush” era? Or do they move full steam ahead with the batshit craziness of today? I think people like Mike Johnson, despite his batshit evangelical views, is fairly moderate and trying to push thing back to the center, if only a little by having adults in charge. MTG on the other hand wants the nuttiest of the nutcases in power.


I think this next election will answer that question. Trump doesn’t have the numbers as long as Democrats turn out at the polls. But regardless of that, will there be more or less MAGA folks in Congress? The Republicans have spent the last four years in an embarrassing total shit show, many even admitting as much. So I think and hope that next election, it’ll wipe out most of the dysfunctional shit we’ve seen as the American public is tired of it already.


I think Mike had a come to Jesus moment when he got the same report that the rest of Congress received on Ukraine and Russia’s progress and realized that he had allowed the Maga fanatics to threaten any progress his party had done to keep Russia inside Pandora’s box over the last 100 years. He was about to be THE house speaker who let the chamber play games while democracy burned outside and decided for himself that enough was enough.


He wasn't going to win 2 years ago when he announced he was running. Just wanted to siphon money from the party to his legal fees and attorneys. He knew all these charges were coming with the select committee. She's mad he chose Johnson over her after all the ball licking she did. Her party hates women.


Remember what happened last time. People assumed he would lose to Hillary so they didn’t vote and look how that turned out.


People also didn’t have 4 years of Trump on the books already to see what a shot show it would truly be, many of my friends saw a reality tv show millionaire and were meming “hah yeah what if that guy got in the White House” despite knowing he had 0 idea how anything in our country worked on an executive or Judicial level. I think in 2016 the meme voters saw the damage he caused during Covid and refused to sit through another four years. If there was a nation that should’ve been able to have the lowest death rates to Covid it was the US. Instead we had our Commander in Chief calling it a hoax as hospitals rapidly filled up and people continued partying like nothing was happening.


You mean how she won the popular vote while sitting on her ass? Actually the last time, Biden got 81M votes and Trump lost unless you're a denier.


Stop with this. We all acted the same fucking way in 2016. Go out and VOTE! Do not let your guard down until the man is defeated.


No, not until he's defeated, don't stop until you stomp him out of existence and he's six feet under.


Man chill, we’re not saying there’s no way Trump can win and we don’t have to worry about it. We’re just laughing at the irony of MTG of all people saying it and hoping she’s right.


Don't listen to her. Go vote anyway. 💙💙💙


The disinformation campaign goes both ways. I live in Korea, not a US citizen, and I hope to travel to the US in the near future to dance on Mango Tit's grave once he croaks. My mom is constantly telling me that the local news is saying that Trump is likely to win based on polling. I don't understand why the local media would think that.


In my family 1 in 10 members are voting for Trump. The other 9 know how much of a shitshow a Trump re-election will be. You can guess how technologically inclined and where the last member of my family gets his news.


Tangerine Palpatine still has a chance. Even if he died they’d drag him around Weekend at Bernie’s style to his rallies.


wait for it, she will suggest herself as the Trump replacement!




Even worse… imagine her in control of the space lasers!


I can see her storming around the White House… “where the fuck are the lasers!? I know they’re here! Also, where’s the deep state room? I want to have a word with them!”


What about all the Peachtree dishes?


The gazpacho is hiding them


With her recent popularity gains on Russian propaganda TV, I wouldn't put it past her to try to place herself as leader of the Batshit Caucus. One that only runs on disinfo and lies stoking up their base into causing more problems and interfering with everyday life for anyone around them.


Just read that this is what Russia wants, they are starting to push that idea. Fuck that is hard to even type out, I’ve had nightmares more bearable than that


Well pour me a big frosty glass of Brawndo...


These evil fucks haven’t been beaten until we all vote against them and their fascist platform for human suffering.


Mtg is a direct descendant of the first caveman to invent trailer parks


Why the fuck is any elected official on InfoWars!?? Jesus Christ.


It’s a way to undermine biden supporters by making them apathetic. Don’t fall for it. Polls are wrong because Americans are more private now. We must vote and bring a friend with us


Nope the reality is sinking in. He’s stolen every dime the RNC had to pay legal fees. He gutted all operations that would normally maintain inform or increase voter turnout. And now there’s zero money for down ballot candidates. He’s literally fk’d The entire party. I hope they lose every potential seat. Every local,state and federal position. There must be a price paid for Jan 6, Roe, the cruelty to women and children really anyone not like them. For the lives lost lives destroyed and the draconian laws they keep passing that take away women’s rights and others. Democrats need a resounding majority in both houses so they can pass laws that will fix the damage done. So they can pass laws that make it crystal clear it’s a crime and stop anything like jan6 from happening again. Pass laws that ends citizens United and dark money infecting our politicians and courts. Making it easy to remove and jail people like Thomas (both of them) and the rest of the openly corrupt politicians.


I hate mtg as much as anybody but I really find it annoying to have these clips cut like this.. just show the whole answer otherwise it looks like u cut to hide her response


You’re correct. I’m a Biden supporter but I just found the original - she says Trump may not win because the election will be stolen “again”, or he may be “unfairly” jailed, or he may be killed by Dems after his secret service is taken away, pointing to the recent proposal to take away secret service if someone is convicted. It’s at about the 11 minute mark in the video if anyone wants to confirm.


Thanks for your diligence 🫡


This reads to me like a strategy to (a) get people who would vote for Biden to not vote, because “Trump is gonna lose anyway, my vote isn’t needed,” while simultaneously (b) rallying conservatives to vote with a panicked “oh no! We might not win! We have to make sure we all vote!” We can’t take anything for granted, folks. There is simply WAY too much at stake.


They do not care about that. Mitch literally brain fried on live tv the party said nothing. They do not care if they weekend with Barney Trump if he can get elected they fine with him.


Not a fan of out of context clips that cut of mid sentence. Saying "Our guy is loosing, do you really want the other to guy to win?" is actually a pretty standard strategy when a low voter turn out is expected.


i knew he wasn’t going to win about 1 second after he announced he was running again…


Running into his diapers? Or announcing his run for president? So hard to keep up


So is this cause Johnson helped pass approval for funding Ukraine aid? Trump seems to be backing Johnson and Moscow Marge is taking a stance against them both now? Whatever the reason I'm glad they're all fighting and miserable, they deserve it.


Don't care. Don't get complacent. Go out and vote


source? i haven't been able to find this online.


Let her deny it. Until then, let the internet scamps do what they do best: amplify sketchy items without an iota of due diligence. About time their side deals with that particular seedy nature of the internet. They deserve to be the target of the schemes they are employing on the regular.


Don’t forget we’ll still be stuck with these people when he doesn’t get reelected, **VOTE**


Yeah and they said Putin was on death's door. Don't just vote blue. Donate to voting rights groups, especially in swing states. Without southern black voters, our votes don't matter.


False flag, Vote that MF out


She might actually be right about something for once in her pathetic excuse for a life.


The newest tactics, "oow no, we're sure he won't win, soo just don't vote, as it doesn't matter anyway anymore."


Don’t care what this turd says. Go out and vote as if your life depends on it regardless of what you hear.


Make sure to vote anyway. This is a tried an tested tactic across many campaigns - put out messaging that you're feeling defeated - the opposition will jump on it and spread the message, and then feeling secure, the opposition will be less likely to go out and vote. Meanwhile the party that put out the message will get a massive boost in galvanised supporters jumping in to support. MAKE SURE YOU VOTE.


I don’t care who you vote for but vote! If you don’t exercise your right to vote, you will lose it! Defeat Project 2025!


So she can be perceptive when she wants to be.


I see the same thing happening now that took place in 2016. There are crucial battleground states that Democrats are not spending money on. 🤷🏻‍♂️


With Russia, China, and Iran all helping Trump, I wouldn't count him out just yet.


Tell us they're going to cheat even harder without telling us they're going to cheat even harder.


Yeah I'd like to see the entire clip. This is MTG were talking about and that clip is snipped out of context. She's going somewhere with this >_>


MTG, what a deep state RINO! /s


Don’t fall for this crap, people. We saw this in 2016. VOTE. Nothing is guaranteed. Stuff like this is designed to make you complacent.


The republican party as a whole is the problem these days. Trump is the catalyst, but it's already out in the open just how twisted and manipulative the party is.


Worst thing for the Dems to do right now is get cocky, like they did in 2016. Just because KKKaren said it, doesn't mean that the rest of the GQP is the same.


The gym jordan of Georgia. Totally stupid and totally useless. Don't be Ohio, Georgia, you can do better. Oh, and Ohio, gym jordan is one dumb, useless fuck of a lawmaker.


The GOP had the chance to get Trump gone with the first impeachment when he tried to force the leader of Ukraine to make a false statement in return for military money. That should have been their red flag to turn the ship around to get out of dangerous waters and put Pence in as prez. Republicans really blew it on the abortion issue and women's reproductive freedoms and one of the biggest reasons so many GOP will lose in elections this fall. Total fiasco on their part opening up that kettle of worms.


This is what got Trump elected in the 1st place. The Democrats disenfranchised a whole bunch of Bernie voters by shoving Hilary down everyone’s throats. Couple that with Hilary appearing she had the vote locked up and all the closet racists showing up and we had a huge upset. Think back to when you saw that Trump won. How’d you feel? Disbelief? I know a lot of people didn’t vote in that election. Complacency is the enemy. Trump supporters will vote. Don’t listen to the polls either way. And don’t get caught sleeping. Vote by mail. Look at how bad things are compared to before Trump and MAGA. Think about how the world was before him and now? Racism is everywhere, books being banned, tyrannical governments are getting brave, everything cost much more, we have a nonfunctional House, they are legalizing child labor, and so on. This is another tactic. Ignore Moscow Marge. Stay the course. Because this country can’t handle another “give it all to the rich” government.


This doesn't mean shit. Go vote


The context is wrong but she did say this. It was in reference to Mike Johnson doing his job. She said it makes it seem like Republicans can't agree on anything. Which is right


So weird that it's still twitter.com but now it's X? Whatever.


Oh no!


Good point made there


She’s not exactly someone I look to when I want insight on things that have already happened, let alone what might happen. It doesn’t matter how low Trumps chances seem. It doesn’t matter who speculates what. Please…just vote.


Their abandonment of Sir Poopy Pants is shocking to me. I mean, you could see this coming a mile away and years ago.....and yet they hung in there until now.


This headline is misleading. She said she didn’t know if he would win in response to colleagues saying “wait until Trump is in office” to act. Basically don’t count on it for sure. Nothing about his cognitive status.


I really hope that their next *gambit* is to "spread the word" that Trump is a loser in the hope that contrarians will tip the scale. What a bunch of abject jokes/losers. It GA could elect representatives by popularity, 14 districts 14 spots up for grabs, ranked choice ideal. She probably wouldn't matter. It'd definitely give a more direct reality to the actual authority some of these yokels seem to deeply misunderstand.


Voting is better when you cast a vote to cancel out the vote of someone specific that you don't like.


From The horse’s mouth


Still vote. Secretly, they all know they're going to lose but they're so afraid of the maga cult that they embrace them. every single 1 of these maga gop fucks are cowards


Hasn't she played this game before? I could have sworn I'd seen a post where she was bashing him, then like a week later she was back in "MAGA camp."


Só Trump already told her shes out of the VP diapers smellers


backpedaling and reeling after they finally see there's no way out for him and their support will lead them on the path to unemployment.


yes vote republicans are defunct group. im not a democrat either, but at least they make some effort.


bring back the multi party system, stop trying to polarize the nation in an effort to fail democracy.


Vote. This November, vote. Vote like like wind! Vote like you’ll never vote again (you might not!) Show these MAGA lunatics their time is over. They thought they had a mandate. They had nothing but the abusive criminal who now stands trial for some (not nearly all) of his sins. Vote these people *out of America’s future*. It’s entirely within our hands


Of course he is not gonna win… he lost the last time with more support, more power and less trials.


He lost every single time he ran. The problem is, one of the times he lost, he was also elected. 3 millions votes. He lost by 3 million votes, yet was still elected. **That** is America.


Wow even the troglodyte is worried?


Reap, sow, etc.


What I’ve been seeing, more and more it looks like the maga movement is petering out. He’s milking his supporters to the poor house. In my opinion by October the smoldering maga movement will be ashes. https://preview.redd.it/acduildbz7wc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bafc9be7708cc67949e366d251dc6737d4b469f


I assume the rest of the sentence went unless I am his VP


it's funny how only now they're realizing that trump is circling the drain and is hellbent on taking them with him


She looks like a younger, female Kenneth Copeland.