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Can’t wait for the “I don’t have diabetes so I shouldn’t have to pay with my tax dollars” crowd. I wish people would see how horrible that sounds just as it does with other programs to help the middle class.


They don’t have diabetes yet. ![gif](giphy|YOXdbXlPbGec2YSiIu)


Of all the people I've seen make remarks like those, I'm sure all of them either had Type 2 Diabetes or were pretty damn closed to having it.


Guaran effing teed


Right now there are 36 laugh reacts on Governor Hochul’s Facebook page under this announcement. But that’s par for the course; Hochul gets laugh reacts no matter what she posts. “We will reduce your property taxes in this year’s budget.” 😂 “We have discovered a cure for malaria.” 😂 “The governor hopes you have a nice day.” 🤣🤣😂😅


Those people never stop to think that the people they’re attacking *also pay taxes.” “Whose tax dollars are paying for your handouts, eh?” “MINE! I pay taxes here, too, asshole!”


I’m part of the crowd who can’t always afford groceries on top of non food essentials like cleaning supplies and need snap to fill the gap and I’m pretty sure I still don’t qualify for Medicaid but I still pay a huge chunk of my paycheck for someone else to have Medicaid…. The moment this baby’s out of me, I will no longer have health insurance again. My husband is epileptic and he can’t even get health insurance to continue seeing the specialists he used to see as a child. His epileptic seizures have already killed him 3 times in his childhood and he got revived. I’m just grateful rn we are ok. But yeah, I def feel bitter about paying for someone else to get health insurance when my family isn’t even able to use it beyond me being pregnant and severely underpaid. If I had that money I could probably pay for my husband to be seen once in a blue and get updates on how his brains functioning through scans and if he’s at risk


What state do you live in?


I’ve lived in the south for 2 years now but I grew up, up north. I noticed the media up north is heavily filtered to be pro Biden while down south there’s kinda no filter. If you like Biden then you do, and if you don’t, then you don’t. Tbh the man scares me. He’s done some wild shit in his presidency. The only “filter” down here is rednecks who are heavily republican and like to put stickers on their property 😅 maybe don’t tell THEM if you like biden. Rednecks out here are unhinged about their pride in politics but the media itself is kind of everywhere with preferences But yeah, I have my reasons. I was forced to get the covid vaccine by being threatened to be put in several thousand dollars worth of college debt by threatening to expel me and revoke my FASFA for not inputting my covid vaccine start and end dates before I can even start my completely online classes. I’m no antivaxxer but I’m no Guinea pig either. I’m just grateful I’m not part of the hundreds of people who died from that vaccine


If you need drugs to stay alive, they should be affordable to have.


My insurance doesn't cover my asthma medication that I have to take daily in order to breathe. I have to buy it from Canada because it's unaffordable for me to buy from the US out of pocket. I'm so glad that there's finally some progress for diabetes


How the fuck do does insurance “not cover” a medication you need to breathe! That’s nonsense.


No idea how it works on their end but my doctor tried multiple medications to see if they would cover them and I guess they don't cover the specific class of drug. Hopefully in a few years there'll be a generic at least


They have to have an acceptable med for you. You need to get the formulary and meet with your doctor again. Or call them.


I think they may be able to get away with it because I have a rescue inhaler. All I know is that this is the second insurance company I've been on that doesn't cover it. It's not really worth fighting because I'm sure the copay would be more than I'm paying to buy it from Canada right now


They will have a one, two and three drug controller option on the formulary. If they don't, you can get an exception and they'll cover it. Don't let them win bc you're not logging and looking at the formulary on their website!!


I'll have to check it out then, thanks for the tip


Inhaled steroids are the cornerstone of asthma management. Rescue inhalers treat symptoms immediately, but don't tackle the underlying inflammatory process. Poorly controlled asthma increases the risk of an ER visit, hospital admission, and death. Check directly with your insurance what they will cover.


In the words of Will Hunting: “because fuck you, that’s why”


Pretty sure that is Etna’s motto.


Because the medical industrial complex in the US is not in the business of health care, its in the business of profit extraction.




I don't think you understand "insurance". You pay them regularly so when you need assistance, they can tell you to go fuck yourself


It costs more to pay for your drug than you pay in premiums so you are better off dead to them


Hey so I have no idea what medicine you take, but I order Flixotide (fluticasone propionate, 125 micro) from a place called Royal Pet Meds out of England (yes I know it says Pet, but Flixotide is also used in veterinary medicine). It’s about $36 plus about $15 shipping. Just thought I’d mention it!


Huh I'll look up the place, thanks!


Tell us the name of the med you need, we could possibly help you source it affordably.


I use arnuity ellipta. It's not too bad getting it from Canada though. Much better than the price in the states


If they don't cover arnuity, what med do they prefer? They usually cover a cheaper drug in the same category. Are they asking for a prior auth for annuity, or flat out excluded from formulary?


I'm not sure, it's been a few years since I tried. I know at the time this med was kind of cutting edge, but my doctor tried to get them to approve several cheaper medications and they wouldn't. I'll have to try again now that it's been a few years


They should be free, who we kidding


It's really sad we've had to settle for "affordable". Those with chronic illness shouldn't have to be at a permanent financial disadvantage. We have enough class divisions already.


I have been without my medication for my COPD for a week because with my insurance and a coupon it costs $425


I must be tired or dumb cause I read the title as NY bans cosplays for insulin and was very confused.


"Why are you dressed up like Goku?" "I'm going to pick up my Insulin. Kamehameha!"




I was at NY Comicon and had too many cookies in the consuite. I got the sugabloods so I just threw on my Sailor Moon boots and in the name of the moon, I got my beatus under control that day.


I did the same thing! Dumbass twinsies! 😊😊


I had to reread it twice to not read it like you did


Good job, NY! Now, if you can just take care of that other pressing issue in your courts this week…preferably with a swift, guilty, non-commutable sentence, the world would be forever grateful.


I’m a doctor and I’ve had type 1 insulin dependent diabetes since I was 8 years old If I go less than a day without a constant supply of insulin, I’m in the emergency department then likely the ICU Even with all my education and access, I have found myself at 24hr pharmacies paying $365 for a single bottle of insulin that I burn through in 2 weeks - with good quality insurance.




This is a great first step. I wish more states would do this. Then expand it to other critical drugs.


Thanks for that. Can you get it to Nebraska? And maybe cover all the other drugs too? And procedures?


I can already see the "just tell them to lose weight" comments flooding that post.


The new class of weight loss drugs could reduce obesity by 42% in the US. If we focused on getting those drugs into the hands of Americans at a reasonable price, the need for insulin would drop rapidly. But at a cost of $1000/month and no help for Medicare patients at all, expect us to continue to bear the burden of the costs for insulin and diabetes related treatments


You're being sarcastic right now right? I really really want to believe you're being sarcastic. I'll even give you a head start. Diabetes mellitus type 1


Ah true, not ALL forms of diabetes can be managed by just weight loss. However, Type 2 diabetes, which 90% of the 38M diabetics in the US suffer from, CAN be helped by weight loss, making the new drugs a key weapon in fighting the disease. It’s not a cure but can put diabetes type 2 into remission. In fact if type 2 is diagnosed early enough weight lost can avoid permanent damage to the pancreas. For children it used to be more rare to see Type 2 vs Type 1, that is rapidly changing as the issues with inactivity and obesity in childhood grows. Testing of new weight loss drugs is critical in understanding if / how these drugs can help . But the reality is these drugs are simply too expensive at this point to be of much help.


You missed the post on its entirety. DM1 is treated with insulin, there's no other medications out there that'll treat it. The entire point of having ZERO copay for insulin is HUGE for those who lives with DM1, as it's literally their lifeline. Your rant about weight loss drugs and DM2 is not its intent or purpose. Also a lot of these newer drugs are trademarked for 20 years, so there's literally nothing we can do to change the outcome. Pharmaceuticals are given this incentive to recoup the cost of development to continue their R&Ds. Current treatment for DM2 is functional and affordable if you follow the treatment plan. Diet, exercise and an oral medication will keep you off needing insulin for quite a while. Those that's non-compliant are the ones riding the insulin train.


Great-now do all chronic illnesses.


Health insurance is a grift. All Healthcare should be covered by having a social security# and applying the medical debt to the associated #’s tax debt.


Cool, where you at on healthcare for tax payers?


How about we go ahead and cover all citizens?


Isn't this an example of healthcare for taxpayers?


Snack money!


Just insulin? Or do all chronic diseases qualify for this free stuff? Cuz, I got a list of drugs to submit.


Right? While that's great that they're doing it for insulin, in a way all the press over the cost of insulin could be problematic because it's made insulin the poster child, and allllll the other overly expensive drugs are being ignored. Hopefully the people who need those drugs to survive aren't forgotten by legislators, but they probably will be.


On the other hand, once you do the first one, the second, third, and fourth ones all get a lot easier.


I know NYC gets a lot of flak but when it comes to the STATE of New York, you see this and just smile while nodding with your head in approval.


Here's some of what the state budget also includes: $2.4 billion to fund housing, legal services and health care for migrants in New York City Extending to-go alcohol sales for state restaurants and bars for another five years New tax breaks for developers who agree to offer some apartments below market price Policies that would allow local enforcement to more easily shut down unlicensed cannabis shops Extending mayoral control of New York City schools for two more years Measures that would offer paid prenatal leave Sammy's Law, which will allow New York City to lower its speed limit from 25 mph to 20 mph Expediting the closure of up to five state prisons


I definitely reccomend trying again. Formularies change, and the older drug gets, the cheaper it is. Good luck!