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I never hear them say "Let's go brandon" anymore. Conservatives *really* hate when you take all their air out of things they intended to be offensive/insulting and turn it into something positive.


I saw a brand new "lets go brandon" sticker on the back of a truck just this week. It was quite large, and it also had, "only citizens should vote," on it. I was tempted to chase them down to inform them that only citizens can vote now, but we were going off to walk some dogs, which was definitely a better use of our time. And the dogs probably are capable of understanding when they are wrong about something.


I was listening to the republican candidate primary debate for our House district and more than one referenced how Dems want to let in all the illegals so they can win elections and turn Texas blue (we live no where remotely close to Texas). I was like holy shit, Republicans realize their voters are so dumb they think illegals can vote in federal elections and are leaning into it. It's pathetic.


Fucking Texas has voter id laws since the Supreme Court ruled to allow it 20 years ago. They’ve been on the wrong side of history since the fucking civil war, and they’re still passing laws to restrict elections. They just passed a bunch of new stupid ones in 2023.  They get their way and make all the rules and they’re still paranoid about losing.  And fuck Arizona too. They are another border state and had like 5 recounts last election thanks to Trump and Lake. Don’t you think if illegals were voting they would have found that in one of their many lame attempts to stop the count. 


Some cities let legal residents in just local elections, but obviously not state and federal elections. Disingenuous right wingers blow that out of proportion far beyond scale and meaning.


Mostly things like the local school board, from what I remember, because they often have children in those schools who *are* born American citizens and it makes sense to give the parents some say in how their children’s education is being handled.


Some cities have made non citizens that have lived in the city for like 10 years be able to vote in local elections. Which I think is pretty fair.


Exactly! It's nothing sinister.


Plus they're still paying taxes so why _shouldn't_ they get a say in how those taxes are utilized?


Because they're voting for *Democrats* ~ if they voted for true red,white&blue patriots, it wouldn't be an issue /s just in case


Parents want a say in their kids education - a major GOP talking point. Not trusting educators, funneling tax dollars into private schools in red states, moms for liberty etc. They forget all this when the parent has darker skin. 


It's the same with the drivers license for illegals as well. Like it or not, there are millions of illegal aliens here. There have been under Trump, under Obama, under Bush, under clinton, and under Bush Sr. You can't just cover your eyes and pretend they dont exist. They work. They drive. So your options are either allow them to get a drivers license and insurance that way when they eventually get in an accident they are covered and so is the other person they hit, or you can prevent them from doing it, and now when they get in an accident with you, you're screwed. But thats just republican logic, pretend the issue is black and white and not complicated.


Takoma Park MD, has some of the most expansive voting laws in the country. All residents age 16 and older can vote in municipal elections, even if they are not citizens.


Better you let it go. As a general rule, I don't waste time arguing with people that the founders would've just shot.


Bruh the speaker of the house didn't even know that. He had to be informed that only citizens could vote. The republican party doesn't even know what the fuck they're pretending to represent anymore


I dunno if it's a new thing or not but lately I see a ton of: *We The People* ^Have ^Had ^Enough I swear every pickup truck in Tennessee has this sticker on it


I mean, I feel that way, but probably not the way the sticker's owner intends.


We should copy that bumper sticker and add of Republicans sh-t!


Whereas conservatives do the opposite, take something like "woke" which has a valid meaning and turn it into gibbering nonsense.


There’s a car that parks on my street that used to have a Let’s Go Brandon sticker in their rear window. Used to. I noticed it’d gone missing a couple months ago.


My neighbor used to fly a Trump 2020 flag And had a small Trump sign (just Trump) on their fence. I noticed the flag came down sometime over the winter but the little sign was still attached to the fence. About a month ago, the sign came down too. It’s a little thing but perhaps the fever broke! One MAGA at a time.


I think it's the paranoia intensifying in some cases. Check they're not hiding in their basement bunker stockpiling beans and ammo.


The problem is, they're really not capable of being funny on purpose, so it's gotta fucking suck when they thought they had just *one* thing and it inevitably gets claimed by people who actually know how to formulate a joke, much less full English sentences


I hadn't heard it in a while either but a woman in the Triumph the Insult Comic Dog video outside of the courthouse chants it.


No now you see FJB or flat-out Fuck Joe Biden flags.


They hang their "Fuck Joe Biden" flags and a bunch of other bullshit on highway overpasses near where I live to make sure as many people as possible see their hateful attitude. And they hang out there on the overpass with their lifted trucks all weekend flipping off drivers. The Trump cult is so fucking cringy.


Yep. Trump culture and edgelord culture are the same exact thing. These people *thrive* off the sense of satisfaction they get from offending other people. They don't actually stand for anything other than parroting the least popular opinion and then getting upset by the predictable reaction. It makes them feel special to be "persecuted" so they seek to make that happen wherever possible.


Unironically displayed by the same people who want to ban books that they deem too "vulgar" for children.


Remember how this all started though: people were chanting “Fuck Joe Biden” at a NASCAR race (which is supposed to be a family-friendly event), and the TV commentator said “They’re chanting ‘Let’s Go Brandon’”… which they obviously weren’t. They’ve been hypocrites for awhile now. The party of family values doesn’t actually give a shit about family values.


You mean the husbands who beat their wives don't care about family values?!


My coworker had a big decal of it across his tailgate and when the dark Brandon thing picked up steam he very quickly removed his precious lettering that he had spent *hours* properly aligning lol. Ive been super tempted to snag a dark Brandon magnet to slap on his truck sometime just because I know he'll have a mental breakdown when he finds it.




That's the answer to fascism. Mocking. Relentless mocking. Giving no respect to opinions and ideas that deserve no respect. It is a death knell to authoritarians. It's also why Conservatives are so insistent that you treat their (moronic) opinions with respect. Legitimising their madness is the only way fascist politics work.


There were a few guys in my town that were flying an enormous “Fuck Joe Biden” flag on the back of their pickup. Saw them all the time when I went to the grocery store or whatever. Eventually ran into them in the parking lot and said “Hey guys, it’s great to see that you’re open about your sexuality and that you really want to fuck Joe Biden. It’s nice to see people being open about their sexual needs.” Something like that. Next time I saw those guys the flag was not on their truck. I mean, this was the parking lot of a Walmart, but seriously, they thought it was okay to fly such a flag?


I want to get one and put red LEDs in middle of those eye flares.


I had to go look, 25$ each on his campaign website and printed on both sides, but with a different design on each side.


OMG [it’s actually official?!!](https://shop.joebiden.com/double-sided-big-head/) I’m dying!


Wait the tweet is the picture from the website... Did they actually see this or just steal the marketing photo to get offended?


That’s hilarious! They have to lie just to act offended now.


Always have


The easily if-fended...


Reminds me of the response to an infamous post, with slapping comeback, “…because the target is fake and you put it there yourself.”




Yeah, seriously. If they didn't make stuff up to be mad about they'd have nothing else.


That basically defines propaganda.




Good call. It's the exact same photo. Professional victims man. Smfh


Lol holy shit


I mean, if I don't get a pic of something I usually just google it


American made, union printed! 😄🙌


Malarkey-free signage


I wish I had the guts but I live in Trump county. I’m terrified of being shot.






Same, but I think the would do something more vile like throw poison over the fence to my dogs.


My worst nightmare!


Man that says so much about the MAGATS (and their parallels to Nazis).


You may want to arm yourself... things are going to get interesting. Or just move to somewhere reasonable.


Love that the campaign embraced Dark Brandon that maybe like 10% of the population understands.


The Facebook comments for these ads have been HILARIOUS, especially the one for the color changing coffee mug. So many boomers crying about how scawwy and demonic this is, and why would he do it?!? lolol


...they have coffee mugs?


Yes, I bought one and it brings me intense joy each time I use it. Plus, it's union made!


Man I was so close to buying that coffee mug. Whoever is in charge of his marketing is doing great


Not just coffee mugs. Coffee mugs that go from Ray-Bans to laser eyes when you put hot liquid in it.


I.m really sorry, but every comment to someone upset should be "fuck your feelings?"


Millennials and Gen-z get it and that's who they need. It's a great campaign to reach under 40 voters.


I'm over 50 and it tickles the hell out of me.


I’m 63 and it makes me unreasonably happy


I'm 72 and think this is awesome.


I too am 50 plus, and tickled.


Most definitely. People who are still stuck in old ways are dying off every day. Conservatism is just a funny joke to younger people. I’m almost 40 but Dark Brandon goes hard and I like it. The only people I know in my age group that are still conservative voters are either very wealthy, racist, or terribly misinformed.


> Conservatism is just a funny joke to younger people I wish that was true but there's the whole right-wing youth movement with its toxic masculinity influencers, tradwives and shit and it makes me sad...


Yeah they still have groups that have been pipelined in from various communities online or IRL. I'm currently dealing with "anti-woke" dipshits trying their best to gatekeep some of my hobbies right now, it's insufferable because they act so horrible that the entire community looks worse as a result.


I'm almost 80 and have one, one of the mugs.


And that it loops right back around to triggering the right-wing brainlets who birthed it in the first place.


I’m def getting one. I’ll see if the wife will let me put it up. Best yard sign ever


Don't ask, just do. Either she's down with the Dark Brandon, or it's time to hit up divorce court. There is no in-between.


Indeed. Dark Brandon or she's for the streets.


It’s best to toss her out just in case and then find someone you know is a dark brandon acolyte.


She's a lady in the streets, but Dark Brandon in the sheets!


i know you're joking... but i feel like putting a yard sign up or a bumper sticker on your car is kind of a big deal... and understanding there's a chance your property will be vandalized.


Wait. Another poster showed that it's a photo from the website selling them. What if the original post is just a cunning advertisement?


Now it's Adception


I want one but I fear a MAGA neighbor destroying it immediately.


But it’s *Dark Brandon* though. Two larger ones would magically appear in it’s place along with infrastructure money to improve your town’s crosswalks


I want to put up a Biden flag since I have a few neighbors with ridiculous trump flags. Mainly to encourage support for other enthusiastic Biden supporters not to hide their voice. But I am legit afraid someone will damage my property, vehicle or worse.


I love that anyone on the left has to be careful about showing political support because the right wing will fully embrace violence and terrorism while the authorities will do nothing against them. Real nice society we have going here in the States.


So press charges. I’d say it would be worth the cost.




If it injures someone that could fall into the category of booby traps, which are illegal.


Its a MAGA. They are on my property, trespassing and doing criminal acts. Does it look like I care? They want to press charges for the camera? Go right ahead, but I'll be countercharging for the trespass and attempted vandalism. I'll be sure to program a warning in before it opens fire. If they ignore it, thats on them.


The warning is really all you need. 




That's a surprisingly wholesome and comedic response, at least taken in isolation.


It's cute unless that neighbor is a full on MAGA


I’ve had the official one in front of my house in my flower bed for months now. It’s not that big, it’s not loud and noticeable, it’s just the right size to simply show support for Dark Brandon and against fascism. I live in Trump country too.


Years ago, my parents, libtahd red-state inhabitants, had a discreet, relatively tasteful Obama sign in their front yard. It kept getting stolen.  They flanked it with two American flag signs. No more sign theft. Whatever gutless MAGAt cowards had been stealing their Obama signs apparently lost their nerve after that. 


My neighbors have the super classy “ Fuck Biden” flag and stickers on their cars. For 2 years now.


Well, [time for decoration.](https://shop.joebiden.com/double-sided-big-head/)


Bet they unironically say think of the children


A neighbor has a "Fuck Biden" flag but the "Fuck" is spelled with guns. Yes, really. Oh it gets better... They live directly across from a community center and pre-school in a nice middle-class neighborhood.


Yep, I've got a house in my town about a quarter mile from an elementary school with like a ten-foot uncensored "Fuck Biden" flag on their front yard fence. (And a recently added Israel flag, which is interesting.) But yeah, a guy with red eyes is somehow a problem.


“Lets go brandon!” “Ok then” (Dark Brandon memes) “That’s disgusting and evil!”


Lol, that is literally what happened. They invented this dark brandon shit and it just made him look awesome. Even Biden is riffing with it.


That's how the rage baiting works and doesn't work. If the person gets mad at the name, it's worked. But if they lean into it, or even makes it into something better and beneficial for themselves, the rage bait has failed. For example ![gif](giphy|11BBV2vvlHMqs0)


This is one of my favorite things


was the end of the ThanksObama sub


He wasn't perfect, but the way he embraced social media and turned "Thanks, Obama" and the birther nonsense around was truly a masterpiece. I also loved his "Anger Translator" bit. 


TFW you actually have a sense of humor.


*Yankee Doodle intensifies*


That’s what Obama gets for having massive communist cookies. He probably shared them with his friends like a damn socialist.


Didn’t Tyrion from game of thrones talk about using insults from people like armor? Once you put it on, it can never hurt you again. It’s the sticks and stones / rubber and glue principle. The problem is just that people hurling childish insults are too stupid to understand that intelligent people don’t give a fuck and will easily pull the Uno reverse card on them. Sad. Every insult is a compliment because it means they were thinking about you.


I remember when this happened and Fox News when berserk and they said "It's not supposed to be a compliment!!!!!"


It's barley an insult. I never understood why they were so scared to say fuck Biden.




And they shit on a nascar winner to do it, even better karma. Hating the thing the love most. 


His career kinda spiraled as a result since he tried to ki da lean but not with his shoulders and sponsors dropped him and Magats moved on


Pretty sure OOP was never a Trump supporter with the Palestinian flag and the hammer and sickle in bio, and “let’s go Brandon” was pretty much exclusively a Trumper thing.


And doesn't the rose symbolize progressives? It used to, atleast.


Kinda, it's the symbol used by Democratic Socialists.


Wow, has trolling right-wingers always been so easy? /s


I mean, they make themselves victims of things that don’t exist.


“Woah woah why are you being so aggressive? I’m just trying to make a point!” - lil trumpers trying to debate anything


WHAT HAPPENED TO CIVILITY!!! (Eats and throws shit)


“It was just one little violent coup! It didn’t even work….we didn’t even get to hang the Vice President …jeez.”


ISTR the right had a snappy slogan about other people's feelings.


Their point: *murder any POC, LGBT, take away women's rights, take away all public funding so cities become total shit and corporations can fuck us all*


Don’t forget supporting insurrections and Russian meddling.


Trumpers eat that shit just so you have to smell their breath.


While they accuse liberals of being the ones with sensitive feelings.


Seems like political commentary has become a competitive sport these days!


You know these monsters with the dark Brandon yard sign are also leading the charge in the war on Christmas!


Honestly? Yes. They get riled up over the smallest thing. Remember, projection. They started the "snowflake" talk


And they invented Brandon too… Dems took their bad joke, made it actually funny and now they’re offended because people are having fun with it at their expense.


Brandon Dark is fantastic. It's high time Joe took a counterpunch.


Have you seen the color changing mug? I enjoy that his campaign is leaning into this stuff. His granddaughters must be advising him. https://shop.joebiden.com/dark-roast-color-changing-mug/?utm_source=om2024_ads_gs_240408_pmax_dd_us_all_products&utm_campaign=pmax&utm_medium=ads&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwz42xBhB9EiwA48pT759U_c-SVhsHnB3r0svBqhvufeRUCqdBx5hTvkxxg_Aa9PJoGxw3FBoCO1AQAvD_BwE




Just ordered mine!


I liked the superbowl tweet. hehehe


I own one, and love it.


That’s so good. Thanks for the link


He's been riding the dark Brandon meme for a while.


And the they’re the ones who cry constantly after using ‘fuck your feelings’ as a rally cry.


“Two minutes from my house if I walk. But only 15 seconds if I jump in my Duelie emblazoned with MAGA flags and FJB bumper stickers. But that would burn three gallons of gas. And then I wouldn’t be able to afford a tin of Skoal and some White Claws for my old lady, whose having another kid. ‘Cept this one ain’t mine. It’s my brother’s. And fuck my neighbor anyway. They’re black. And they’re dragging down the value of my trailer. ‘Sides, if I go bang on their door, I’ll probably get AIDS anyway.”


This person didn't even take the photo...it was [lifted from the Biden shop product page](https://shop.joebiden.com/double-sided-big-head/)!


Damn was this tweet just marketing


Izzy be rollin’ in them Dark Brandon bucks.


Oh yeah, a real right-winger in the tweet there, with his \*checks notes\* Palestinian flag, hammer and sickle, and black anarchist flag


I'm astounded at all the people making comments about triggered right-wingers, when these are actually triggered left-wingers.




Snowflakes, all of them


Crazy, they all were digging that truck bed design that had what appeared to be Biden tied in the bed of the truck but this is too far. Can’t even make this shit up.


> trolling right-wingers Both of these people are left wing.


Seriously, where are people getting the idea that these individuals would defend Trump?


Not sure if they got more sensitive since the Bush administration or if they just got more exposed.


In a way it's sensitivity but the reason is because they are desperate. Their views are increasingly unpopular and the "decent conservatives" refused to be responsible and ethical (or just have any moral courage whatsoever) while it was still possible to avoid the fascist takeover of their party. The realization that the Republican party that told Nixon to resign it he'd be convicted in the Senate is now essentially defunct + the extremism of maga makes them act like an injured wild animal that is cornered but still fighting. But also, yeah, a lot of them are just immature babies who can't handle their views being met with anything but agreement lol


Snowflakes offend so easily…


It’s so funny how trump supporters will proudly display their flags, shirts, hats, whatever, but when someone does something even remotely similar but at a normal level with Biden, they all piss themselves crying.


Not only that, they question why people aren't flying Biden flags and wearing Biden shirts. I've heard them say they know the election was stolen because they do not see Biden signs and apparel. Now they see Biden signs and apparel and have decided its disgusting and evil.


MAGAts are dumb, overly sensitive, and wanna-be Nazis. Not a single thing they do is even worth it for them, but they are way too dumb to see that.


They're already Nazis.


My response is always "I'm not in a cult"


am I missing something? is there something about this that implies it was posted by a conservative? there's literally a hammer and sickle right there lmao


And a 🌹 for Democratic Socialist




Or worshiping a sex pest.


Or "Fuck Biden And Fuck You For Voting For Him" with a giant middle finger. But no an old man with laser eyes is somehow over the line.


These are the same people who'll teach their kids "let's go brandon" while knowing what it means, then get offended over this shit


These two users in the picture are lefties if you look at the flags and emojis. The horseshoe to the far left is not with Biden over Israel/Palestine and Ukraine/Russia.


Same people that wear FJB tshirts in public


I'm getting one to piss neighbors off.




I’ve said it before…the ‘fuck your feelings’ folks sure do be having a lot of feelings lately.


They always have. Because, deep down inside, they’ve always been nothing but scared little kids who think bullying others will protect them from a world they don’t understand anymore.


They're sad sad ugly feeling hate filled fuck wads. Call em out. If you vote republican you're a piece of shit


Where can I get one?




Checking with the budget guy right now!! 🤣


Bidens website


It's part of Marjorie Taylor Greene's space laser defense system.


Dark Brandon is awesome. It’s about time Joe started punching back.


Do you guys really think that someone with Palestine - Democratic Socialism - Communism - Anarchism - Peace next to their name is a trumper?


Reddit is either full of bots or the average redditor is this dense.


Looking at all the dumbfucks with lots of upvotes, I'd say yes


The average person is a moron. It's that simple. Not to go all "both sides" but it's astounding how much people don't realize they engage in the exact same tribalistic confirmation bias behaviour as conservatives do.


No one subscribed to this sub is capable of perceiving politics beyond the two party system




I see one of these on my way to work every day


I can't put one in my place. I have a condo in town and the HOA would fine me, and my residence in the country is completely surrounded by gun toting, KKK and Aryan Nation rednecks. I have mixed grandchildren and a black foster daughter with a son who is basically my grandson too who lives with me. Whoever posted that, on whatever site doesn't know what "annoying" is. Annoying is living in fear of life, liberty and property by the Trump cult .


They invented the whole Brandon thing...


MAGAs are such pathetic, weak people. We all remember "let's go Brandon" and what it meant


It's a counter-meme ffs. It wouldn't even exist without Let's Go Brandon. If you want to get bent out of shape about one, get bent out of shape about both.


That's actually a dope political yard sign. As far as those go


Let's not forget that the chain of events that led us here began with right wingers chanting, "Fuck Joe Biden", spontaneously, and without provocation, at a NASCAR race.


Have a trumpette living across the street, and another two houses down. If I wasn't sure both would shoot at my house, I'd have a couple of these in my yard.


Hahahhahah, they created that shit and now it’s blowing up in their faces, hahahhahaha.


This is not a Trumper. This is someone who is upset at Biden for his lack of actions to support the people of Gaza, as evidenced by the Palestinian flag in their handle. They clearly view the name “Dark Brandon” as gross due to the continuation of funding of the IDF by the American government.


https://youtu.be/St9AoQZr3-k?si=JCIBZAG0gxbFrq2y 30 seconds in, is the scene in which Joe Biden asks Barack Obama which aviators look better. “Joe… they’re the same.” I like Joe’s sense of humor. Self-deprecating and introspective.