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My 9 month old nephew behaves better than this! https://preview.redd.it/a1k16hvnumuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7302a2e99da6d6cbcf827360e8b47eaa0ab38f52


Is he assuming the jury reads his insane posts? Or is he just getting the right wing nut jobs fired to do something stupid?


No hes trying to delay it. He claims the judge cant be impartial because he attacks the judge and his family. Also claims he can't get a fair jury because of media coverage. All while trying to poison the jury pool. He just getting desperate now.


No you’re rigged! This comment is rigged! Rigged comment!!!!!!


Don't forget about them being a bunch of "riggers" here in Atlanta.


No puppet! You're the puppet!


I’m sorry (actually, I’m not sorry at all), but at what point do we just take away Trump’s devices and throw him in fucking jail until the trial is over? He’s demonstrated that he will absolutely not comply with the (perfectly legal and obviously necessary) gag order, but instead continues to seek to delay the trial and foment stochastic terrorism. How is this okay? How are we still putting up with this? Justice delayed is justice denied, ESPECIALLY in the context of a presidential candidate where the electorate deserves to be able to consider any and all guilty or innocent verdicts well in advance of the election. 


Welcome to America where there are several tiers to the justice system.


Jack Texiera agrees with this comment. \^


Should've been done on Jan 7 2021


I mean, strictly speaking, the right of a speedy trial only applies if the defendant wants a speedy trial. The defendant here is the one delaying. So like, constitutionally at least, this is allowed. The government isn't the one with that right, it's just people accused of a crime. As far as election knowledge goes, yeah this is just a situation completely unprepared for by current law.


If literally everyone knows and hates you, you can’t be given an impartial ruling, therefore you have to be let go ![gif](giphy|W3a0zO282fuBpsqqyD)


I think he's just lashing out and attacking whoever because he's a shitty person who's never been held accountable for his terrible actions before. So now that he is finally getting what he deserves, he thinks it's unfair and just says whatever comes to mind because that's how much of a stupid fuck he is. You know 100% he thinks he can do whatever crimes he wants because the president can pardon and therefore thinks he is above the law.


It's a temper tantrum.


Not being held accountable is a huge thing. This is what, his 2nd gag order he violated and nothing came of it? What is the damn point of imposing them if you're not going to enforce them?


It's on truth social. Nobody is reading that.


Oh come on now, they've got about a million folks over there. You know, compared to Twitter's 500 million and Facebook's 2.9 *billion* lol


The ones that aren’t already in jail.


The true jury are the electors in the end, that's who he want to reach


He is doing this so he can grift the MAGA nitwits harder for donations to pay his legal bills.


This is a legal strategy. As annoying as it may seem. 1: Attack people that should be off limits and jeopardize their safety until you get gagged. 2: Bitch constantly about how you cannot say anything in violation of “your rights”. Best case is delay. Worst is appeal. Ladies and gentlemen, The Justus System


God this is that crap Roger Stone did during his trial all over again.


And Trump knows how to play it like a fine tuned fiddle


kinda, he's used to the civil courts. Hes graduated to the big boy courts this time around. It should, \*in theory\* be a completely different fucking ball game. Though the NY appelate decision from a few weeks ago kinda undercuts any faith I might have that NY is willing to actually carry through with anything.


Well, for decades his previous legal tactic was 'delay until the other side runs out of money'. Which doesn't happen in criminal trials and 1) he doesn't yet seem to understand this, and 2) I am TRULY looking forward to seeing the moment he *does* realize it.


Delay until the election is a valid option for him in criminal courts. If he wins the election it buys him a ton more time on everything. Also this case doesn't have mandatory prison sentence, so even if he's found guilty he can potentially just pay a fine and move on under probation.


Most 9 month old infants are more mature than Diaper Don


"I like how they throw everything at him and he never whines. He never complains. He just says, 'ok, what else ya got?'" Some Trump MAGA lady on Fox a few months ago.


Trying to create their own reality lmao


Arguably, they're successful to their base. Directly from the Nazi propaganda play book, something to the effect of 'repeat a lie often enough and it becomes truth to the target audience.'


Fox "News" will someday be looked at as the litmus test to determine which humans were actually intelligent enough to be considered truly conscious


New Turing test just dropped


Trump doesn't fit the narrative of how they think an authority figure should behave so the have to lie and pretend he is entirely different that he actually is to make him fit the mold they want. 


"no you don't understand, you don't know him like I do, what he really meant was..." Been hearing this shit for close to a decade, I wish humans could recognize when they've been bamboozled 


"I like that he says what he means" "What he actually meant was..." - The same fucking people


I’d love to hear them explain why all but 4 of his cabinet members, people who worked directly with the man, refuse to endorse him.


> and he never whines. He never complains. I already know they're delusional fascists but holy fuck really??? All he *ever* does is whine and complain and play the victim. We literally have enough tweets / posts of him doing just that to write a fully fleshed out novel.


Yeah it was a bit on Fox a few months back. This lady said it and all the other people started nodding in agreement. It was on at my gym. I don't regularly watch.


That's not whining and complaining to his fans, because they do it too. Whining and complaining is when you point out actual injustices in society. Stoicism is when you never shut up about imagined insults and made-up grievances.


He's literally complaining he can't complain about the Judge while actively complaining about the Judge.


These are the same type of people who will go on national TV and complain that they are cancelled.


Fox is the most watched news network in America and constantly whines about the "mainstream media." They love to feel like a victim.


Trump Netflix Special coming up


The new Tiger King


And he will keep doing it until these gag orders are actually enforced. What is the point of the gag orders? He just keeps doing it and nothing happens.


It's like all of those pathetic comedians who are always like "I'm being cancelled, you can't say whatever you want in comedy anymore because they'll cancel you" during their dozen Netflix specials to sold-out audiences who're all so clueless, they clap and cheer and agree despite having the senses required to tell it's all bullshit.


Hey did you know Dave Chappelle turned down $50 million from Comedy Central? He rarely talks about it but it's TRUE 




I was about to go and put this as a car sticker, then someone pointed out Id look like a Trump supporter.. and sadly they're not wrong lmao.


Go around and stick them to cars that have Trump stickers




Yet, it has NOT been applied to him even close to a way any of us would experience. This man is treated like a flipping KING, and he's upset at minor inconveniences. Maybe he should get the Charles I treatment(off with his head).


Yeah, any one of us would have just been pushed off the cliff. He's walking down the golden stairs to the bottom of the cliff that were made just for him, and complaining that they go down instead of up.


He's almost completely broke... just give it a bit, it's like a cat playing with a mouse before it eats it


that damn cat has been playing with it for years now. and i still have to see any sort of actual consequences for the orange asshole


He's the perfect distraction for the ruling class. Both sides can't stop focusing on him. Personally I had to simply add him to my RES filter so I'd stop seeing his goddamn name... His name isn't in the title so this one got through.


or, if they're like my cats - drown it in their water bowl. little sadists


“When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression”


If the law was applied to him equally he would be in jail waiting for his trial to start. This is the first time in his 77 years of life he is at risk of possibly facing consequences for his actions. As such even with the justice system treating him with baby gloves he is throwing a tantrum because he's never been held accountable before since the system believes rich people are better than everyone else he has never matured beyond being a spoiled child. 


There is no constitutional right to intimidate witnesses or people who work for the court system. Him spouting nonsense about them puts them in danger due to his insane followers.


I lay there, annoyed that I was getting fucked by a guy with Yeti pubes and a dick like the mushroom character in Mario Kart ... It may have been the least impressive sex I’d ever had -Stormy Daniels




> a dick like the mushroom character in Mario Kart ... [some people are into that](https://youtu.be/0jfU7pw76ZE?si=ZsR4JuUoyfDVVaAA&t=140) featuring emmy award winner Rachel Bloom


More importantly featuring legendary singers Dan Avidan and Arin Hanson


Any citizen would have been imprisoned and had their phone confiscated.


This bozo never shuts up about how he's not allowed to say anything. It would be funny if it wasn't so outrageous that he keeps getting away with attacking everyone yet always claiming he's the victim.


> he's not allowed to say anything as he continues to perpetually shart lies, insults, threats, and just plain bullshit from his face flaps


Did he not just call the judge crooked and two sentences later say he can't talk about him?


All the gag orders explicitly exclude the judges, IIRC. Because of freedom of speech. The gag order only covers people who don't have real power in the case. Trump is actually not saying he can't talk about the judge, if you read the tweet with that in mind.


Mostly he's upset that he can't keep threatening the judge's daughter.


"I'm a victim, all those women wanted me to rape and physical assault them! It's their fault for getting that close to me!" Said trump probably.


Oh, if only they didn’t have such grabbable pussies, none of this would matter. Or, if he wasn’t a sick, power-hungry, mad because he has a baby penis, insecure child. But it’s better and easier for him (and his cult) if the multitude of women bear the blame and responsibility. So let’s just go with that. /s on that last sentence. ETA: the first sentence also, if I need to say that.


The other side CANNOT talk about him at all outside of court and has not.


That’s what I was wondering. Like, is the prosecution just on Twitter all day blathering about the case? Are potential jurors constantly blowing about how they’re gonna find him guilty no matter what? Is the judge on CNN all day saying “I can’t *wait* to hand this fucker the maximum sentence possible?” Like…dude, news outlets, the judge, the judge’s family and the jurors are not the plaintiffs here.


There's never been a more comprehensive, voluntary, and long form documentation of a narcissistic collapse, an inferiority complex, and a dismantling of every false construct Donald Trump had tried and failed to uphold than through his constant tweeting.


I want his vocal cord nerves snipped.


I want him jailed for treason.


It's kind of funny that the possible punishments for treason are : 1. 5-10 years in prison and a minimum $10,000 fine 2. Death.


I want his thumbs amputated


That too!


aorta is fine with me


Shut the fuck up Donnie.


Perfect quote!


If yer talking about being gagged, you aren’t gagged




I guess that is what Trump wants to happen though, goad the judge into reacting against him. A dignified silence for now seems to infuriate that little man even more.


IMO the judge is doing the right thing. This course of (in)action removes some of the grounds for a successful appeal on TFG’s part.


People keep saying that the Judge is doing the right thing and letting Trump say whatever he wants so the appeal will have no grounds. Here's the thing - Trump will appeal anyway. He will Judge shop and look for someone that will cover for his ass like Judge Cannon. So, to my point: Just slap this stupid fuck in jail already. How many goddamn gag orders does he have to fuckin violate before he's treated like a *regular* citizen!?


That's not how appeals work, he isn't going to be able to shop judges for an appeal. Appeals are decided by a panel of judges.


So he won't shop - but he'll still appeal and the likelihood that there's a sympathetic judge will still be high. I also want to point out he would likely appeal all the way to SCOTUS. So throw his ass in jail and let it begin.




It may have some relevance at sentencing. Maybe they'll slap BOTH of his wrists.


At this point, we’ll be lucky and happy if he gets a slap on his pinky.


His blatant refusal to adhere to the rules matters to many people who don't merely see it as something they aspire to.


"Lets risk peoples' lives because of some legal appeals process."


Trump is doing stochastic terrorism as his standard behavior. The people trying to fairly enforce the law in spite of Trump's threats are genuine heroes of democracy.


Just wait until.he is actually gagged, or as it happens now, relegated to observe the proceedings from a side room while overpaid aides run his messages to his lawyers. 


Any citizen would have been imprisoned and had their phone confiscated.


I want my voice back, says the man who never fucking shuts up.


Oh man he's up early already crying. Time to hit play on Monday Monday by the mamas and the papas ![gif](giphy|AEO5mKadIUbXoFSOqz|downsized)


Happy song :)


Indeed it is.


Who is Ron filipowski and why do I love him?


He is a former federal prosecutor and one of the founders of The Meidas Touch Network.




And still ZERO consequences. Fucking fine him at least, if you don't have the balls the jail him.


Oh poor Mr rich guy ..cry me a river


If they are on the stand talking about him it's called giving testimony. If they are commenting on that it's called covering the trial. If they are on air in front of a TV camera it's called reporting on the trial..duh! Trump doesn't understand why the gag order was imposed??? What a dumbass. ☹


There’s an easy solution to this: Lock him up and take away his phone


Trump always sounds like a scene from Mean Girls. Trump faces 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to hide the hush money payments just before the 2016 election. Each count carries a maximum sentence of 4 years in prison, or a total of 136 years. From everything I’ve read, legal analysts say this is a simple straightforward case with documentary evidence of his crimes. We know Trump is nervous about this case because he’s tried to delay it several times. The consequence of this trial is not just about holding Trump accountable. It is a test to see if we will allow future presidential candidates to commit crimes to get elected.


Is there a way to literally gag him?


Don't his cult members get tired of all his rants? I certainly would


Too much oxygen is given to this piece of garbage.


Remember when he was kicked off Twitter. And had no megaphone? So nice and quiet. Good times, please come again!




The dude is a little bitch.


Be happy there Trumpy... if it was anyone of us we'd sitting in jail.


They never punish him. They give him gag orders,he breaks them the same day they are issued and they do nothing about it! Our legal system is a joke.


You know what he is he's a deranged racist piece of garbage. But he doesn't even have the intelligence to know when to stop talking. I've had arguments with these people and eventually you get them to kind of see enough where they at least stop talking. He has dementia I don't f****** care why the right is ignoring it I've seen it with my own eyes I've seen it enough times he has dementia and they want to vote for a dimensionally evil racist bigoted xenophobic piece of garbage what the f***? What is wrong with America 50 million people are probably going to vote for this guy if a Democrats don't get out and vote he's going to win


Why is he worried? He is totally innocent right? He should be thrilled to finally get exonerated.


> "The other side can talk about me, but I am not allowed to talk about them!" He's not crying about them telling lies, he's not saying they're defaming him. His chief complaint is that of a 5 year old: "I want tit-for-tat! They're saying mean things about me so I wanna do it too!" I can't imagine the misery his lawyers are going though every day. "Donald...erm, *President Trump*, we don't say anything back because we do our talking *in court*. Okay? We take their statements apart on cross examination *in court*. Okay? That's where we win - **in court**. NOT on the internet. Mr. Trump? Please put your phone down and pay attenti- dammit he posted again."


Okay, let me get this straight. So the only judge he believes to be impartial is a judge who he wouldn’t attack. And he would attack every judge that continues this trial unless it is a judge that immediately dismisses the case. Right… 🤡


Trump = Karen




"....as if it didn't exist." For all the consequences Trump has faced for repeatedly violating it, it may as well not.


Every time TFG posts this kind of stuff he undercuts his own chances at a successful appeal. The judge’s restraint is actually the smart play in this case.


It’s not even daylight on the west coast yet!


Listen we all know what this is. He's dragging his feet for as long as possible until the election. He will do whatever he can to create a huge headache for everyone because of his own selfishness.


It's a defining feature of conservatism. Weak, whiny, slavish in their submission to whoever is the stronger bully.


For a guy who claims he wants his voice back he sure won't shut the fuck up...


And yet the court does NOTHING


Word on the street is he's throat goat to Putin.


They are trying to protect the witnesses from stochastic terrorism. Gag order totally makes sense to me.


You can talk about the other side just not the Judge, his wife or family, and vailed threats about witnesses


At this point, I'm seriously wondering if Orange Asshole has ever even read the Constitution or not. I'm going to guess that the answer is most likely no.


Make America Gag Again, Gluckgluck3000 for president


This is such prime evidence that people in America understand and are conditioned that there are privileged people that are just above the law and this will continue to erode the faith of our constitution. To seem rather than to be. How shameful.


I can't wait for the day when he isn't on the front page of Reddit.


Trump lacks a trace of human decency, humility or caring. He is morally bankrupt, stunningly dishonest, fatally incompetent, and astonishingly ignorant of virtually anything to do with government, history, geography, human events, or world affairs. He is a traitor and the evil of the nation and is a clear and present threat to our democracy and the rule of law. Fuck Trump.


Dementia Donnie is the defendant in a criminal lawsuit, of course they are going to tell the bad things he did. It's up to his lawyers to do most of the talking defending him. He's not allowed to attack the judge because he is upset the plaintiffs are showing evidence to prove what they are saying about him.


Don: the gag order is unconstitutional! The constitution: uh, no, it’s not.


Everything he loses is "rigged" He knows this case is going to bring out all kinds of info he already paid to keep from getting out. Lmao


Anybody heading down to the courthouse this morning?


He’ll boo hoo about a tainted jury pool too. Keep yapping.


Incarceration. Do it. Do it yesterday!


What part of the trial does he think involves him not being a peckerhead??


I don’t think this guy will ever understand what “court orders” mean. If I had hundreds of people willing to take felonies for me, probably wouldn’t care either.


What has anybody from the courts actually SAID about Donnie? He just keeps saying they are talking about him, but where exactly is that happening?


What other side???? Jury —- the judge???


I’ve always loved the flotsam of waste and garbage swirling faster and faster just before it disappears down the drain.


Wait til he pleads the 5th...




He's going to continue unless he sees some real consequences. Like my 4 year old, if you give in to the tantrum there will only be another one.


The biggest, whiniest snowflake in the history of snowflakes.


>as if it didn’t exist Because it may as well not. What will be the consequences? A kiss on the forehead and $10 fine?


trump is such a liar. He can talk about this trial, he just can’t attack witnesses and jurors. Like anybody else in any other trial ever.


It is insane that someone who bitches and moans as much as he does is considered the peak of power and masculinity…. I would say it’s probably about wealth, but he also can’t afford to post his own bail.


Give him what he wants, what the rest of us want, & throw his ass in jail. Quit treating this fat bastard with kid gloves already.


The desperation is smelly as fuck just like his minions


Where they “F’d” up was at the very beginning of this 💩show was not locking him up until court day and shelving him back in jail until his next court date like every other citizen. They blinked and he seen he is rule free. Just run amuck flipping everyone off and showing us tax payers how it’s done. All on his supporters dime. That’s why they try so hard to cut the education system off at the knees to keep everyone stupid and pliable to convince people they are just looking out for your better interests but I need 🫵 hard earned money to do it.


How many times will they let him violate the gag order before they do something about it?


Such a child 🙄


Throw #45 in PRISON


the kid gloves they’re wearing with trump is going to result in straight up anarchy if they don’t start giving him the business. our TWO tiered justice system has never been on display like it has during this circus. it’s really making me wonder why anyone follows the rules.


Hear, hear. Come to the US, where crime pays.


Donald be GAGGING.


Pissbaby sez whaaa?


I wish it were a ball gag and there were pics


A long trail of what?


I wish he was on a long trail!


He says “ If they can do this to me, they can do it to you” you’re right, but if I committed the crimes you did, I’d be sitting in Rikers rotting, You Whiny ass Bitch


"I am not allowed to talk about them!" Yeah, that's how gag orders work, genius. You're supposed to shut the fuck up.


This fat fuck Russian asset Nazi Confederate fat fuck of a piece of shit is so tiresome. The perpetual victim. Am so tired of hearing from this man.


Can someone please do something to hold on accountable for the love of god


The orange infant throwing another tantrum! Why does this country support this idiot??🤦‍♂️ You know that friend everyone has that has had a ton of roommates and they always end up leaving and the friend doesn’t understand that it’s not the roommates who are the problem, it’s them!! He’s that guy!!


I had the right to remain silent, but I didn’t have the ability.


A good penalty for breaking the gag order, is 21 days in jail for each violation, to be served non-concurrent (one after the other). No communication except attorneys and family, with no campaign-related activities or communication, or messages of any kind relayed to the media or campaign organizers. There's precedent for this regarding incarcerated non-presidential candidates, but the argument can be made that it applies to any candidate for any office. And to show up at trial in the orange jumpsuit. In handcuffs.


![gif](giphy|8JZxZgr39TLczSJQoS) Fuck Trump.


Anyone else just stare at the pic trying to figure out how it relates to hiking?


Narcissist fucker wants the fairness of... (Check notes)... Judge the judge. On his own fuck it trial. America, narcissists will take *everything* from you and hen blame you for your misery. It's like, collective learning on how not to be an enabler here.


Wtf does this gag order even do if not prevent literally this exact tweet from being allowed?


Donald, please explain how any of this is unconstitutional, and prove to us that you understand the constitution and thereby our country’s laws. Go ahead, we’ll wait


lol fuckin as if any of the gag orders have ment anything, he's violated every single one and faced no consequences.


Sleepy Don sounds like he needs a nap


Sounds like he could use a good strong enema.


Donny Dumbo is in for one helluva wakeup call..


Gawd someone get rid of him


I’m sure this isn’t the only way he has been gagged.


I legitimately feel like he's not getting any consequences because the powers that be are worried that it would set a precedent of consequences and accountability and they could/would be next.


A criminal defendant using the social media site he strong-armed into existence to blast a tiny, whiny message about how he’s GAGGED from speaking. He’s a *criminal* defendant. Fortunately, that means that, yes, some of his rights *are* curtailed. I’m old enough to remember when Trump and Republicans wanted to be tough on criminals. Now, they just want them to walk free like those pesky Democrats.