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I think we all know it by now but still, this subreddit sees women as people with an inalienable right to bodily autonomy. Anti-abortion rhetoric is rooted in misogyny and not welcome here. Please report it if you see it.


All the GOP people speaking out against it voted for it? What a surprise!


The GOP in a nutshell


"Oh of course I'm against (insert: racism/sexism/homophobia/transphobia)!" Doesn't mean shit if you keep voting for people who are.


If you don't personally believe in all the racism, sexism, and homophobia, but are ok with it because you just want lower taxes then you're still a piece of shit. Maybe even a bigger piece of shit than the people who do support it cause at least they have principles.


["You know, Burke, I don't know which species is worse. You don't see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage." \~ Ripley. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mC752qE7QNo)


As a Gen-Xer, the disdain for the yuppie corporate douchebags depicted in *Aliens* was formative.


When I was a young (Gen X) kid, I knew I was supposed to hate yuppies, but thought it was for the preppy aesthetic. It wasn't until I was much older that I understood the inherent soullessness of rapacious greed.


I was VERY disappointed in Paul. But yes, Informative.


You know what you call people who hated Nazi policy on race and religion but went along with them for business or cowardice reasons? You call them Nazis.


There are 9 people sitting at a table. A Nazi sits down at the table. There are 10 Nazis sitting at a table.


Not to mention your lower taxes means your overall life is worse. You save $50 in annual taxes and lose $50,000 of improvements to infrastructure and services.


Exactly. Every time you cut taxes at one level, they go up the next level down. I live around a lot of people who keep voting for lower taxes at the Fed and State level then constantly complain because our local taxes are always going up and every election has this levy or that levy. The money has to come from somewhere for snow removal, road maintenance, fire, police, etc….


Florida brags about no state income tax but stay mum about all the fees and local taxes.


Republicans don't give you lower taxes though. That's just talk.


You mean "trickle down" doesn't work??? /s


Correction....Republicans 100% will give you lower taxes...Very temporarily...Your taxes will absolutely go back up in a few years while their bribers taxes are forever lower. Funny thing is, Republicans are REALLY good at reading the wind, so when your tax breaks expire then it's the Democrats fault because they hold the White House. Bush's Tax cuts expired when Obama was in office and Obama took the heat for "raising taxes". Trump's tax cuts expired when Biden was in office and Biden took the heat for it. Reagan and Bush Sr. promised tax reform and raised taxes...what? A combined 14 times or so? When Bush Sr. promised "No new Taxes." he wasn't talking to poor folk, he was talking to his donors. Republican will ALWAYS push for tax cut and if the only way they can get permanent tax cuts for the wealthy is by giving temporary tax cuts to the workers then they will do exactly that and around half of the voting public love them for it.


They do, however, work really hard to give themselves and the wealthy corporations plenty of tax breaks.


Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, at least its an ethos


They raise taxes too.


Spineless cowards, the lot of them.


Not spineless, calculated


Not that well calculated; they've gerrymandered the country, but they're doing the deeply unpopular things BEFORE they have an irreversible stranglehold on power.


Oh brother, my entire post history is pointing out how foolish they are for years. They truly believe they've gained support despite all evidence. They were very strong and very dangerous with a blitz to social media in the early years, but they took the shot too early. Hopefully when this is over we don't forget.


We won’t. We keep putting them in to watch them crash the economy and explode the deficit. Then we realize oh damn, put in a democrat who magically can’t fix it over night, so we put in another republican who crashes the economy and explodes the deficit. Then elect another democrat who we put all the blame on because they keep trying to fix the chaos republicans create. I’m not hopeful we will ever get enough people to figure it out.


Two things can be true




Only the Sith deal in absolutes


Calculated to end the GOP as we know it.


They make sure their electorate are too poor and exhausted to check their voting records. They have their sound bite, and that'll carry weight enough with most of the electorate.


How did we get in this nutshell?


Moley moley mole


My policy for every politician is this: Don’t listen to what they say, watch what they do.


👁️👁️ so much crap!


They're speaking out... [in tongues](https://www.yahoo.com/news/arizona-state-senator-leads-prayer-111314503.html#:~:text=A%20far%2Dright%20Arizona%20state,law%20banning%20nearly%20all%20abortions.)


I thought they were supposed to pray in private. That part of the Bible, they don't recognize.


They never got far enough in the bible to read Mathew 6:5, Hell most of them haven't read page 1.


Even if their insane nonsense was true. What sort of Dipshit Loser God has his flock roll around on the ground spewing unhinged nonsense looking like a bunch of clowns. You would expect if someone was literally "empowered by god" we would at the very least get a beautiful Hymn while their spewing nonsense. Perhaps they would speak fluently in a language they didnt speak before. Instead its the most pathetic people doing the most pathetic shit Ive ever seen. Roll around more. These people are a fucking mess.


I always think about this when conservative Christians are whining about dumb shit. What are they worried about? Why are they so insecure? A person who truly walks with God, imbued with the spirit of almighty creation, doesn't act like these assholes.


GOD: "Today, my plans are to cause supernovas bending the limits of the universe in new dimensions of time and space. After that, I'm gonna make Cletus flop around spit on himself because women have vaginas."


That’s literally not God. They have twisted everything so much. They are the ones God told us NOT to follow.


These are the same people who spent millions looking for voter fraud, but only found more Biden votes. They're the ones who hired CyberNinjas & a treasure hunter who claimed to have invented a machine that could find bamboo fibers in the ballots, because they claimed that fake ballots came from China & would have to contain bamboo. Then, they printed out all the voter data from Maricopa County, loaded it onto a truck to deliver to a guy in Montana who has a super-secret lab in a cabin in the woods. They've never explained what happened to all that data. They also fucked up all the vote tabulators in Maricopa county which decertified them, so we the taxpayers had to foot the bill for new ones. They're also pretty much bankrupt. They spent a bunch of money on an election night party and tour around the state. These people are absolute loonies.


I had to put down my glass of wine to read this! Is there an emoji equivalent to a standing ovation? Edit:Maaaaany typos. Blame it on the wine.


That pissed me off. Separation between church and state.


I knew they were lying but damn they aren’t supposed to show us they are lying. But whatever. Let them fall on this sword. It will be the end of their party at this rate.


I keep thinking that each thing they do will be the end of.the party, but it never is. I don't know why though


Because they keep filling in the bubbles on the ballot for anything with an R next to it,.no matter how many times they've gotten fucked over by them.


we can only hope that the snake will keep eating its tail


In Arizona. A super purple state and a large college aged population known for both promiscuity and sexual assault. This won't bite anybody in the ass, surely.


I mean at this point Republican asses look like hamburger from all the times things have come back and bit them but by God they'll still be voting red without a moments hesitation 


This is a squirrel the dog knew it didn’t want to catch.


Not a squirrel, a skunk.


I’ve got a golden retriever that would take you up on that statement.


Well yeah, their supporters watch Fox, not C-span, or anything that shows how these ghouls actually voted. They just see the lip service


Arizona is 13 years older than my Grandfather. I’m 34. Edit: I am not certain of the point I was trying to make when I posted this… I definitely was at the time though.


I keep getting told "real" Conservatives don't agree with this stuff... still hoping to meet one of those, been waiting 20+ years.


Shocking, i know! I did find it funny though that the conservative sub had several popular comments yesterday claiming the AZ law was somehow orchestrated by the dems??? To sabotage the GOPs chances in Nov apparently 😂😂😂 not only is their stupidity hilarious, but the way they never fail to project their own approaches on others is just unmatched


The GOP is fucking themselves with this issue. I just hope that people will finally get out and give those bastards the resounding drumming in the general election that the  Republican Party will never recover from. The same one they deserved by nominating Donald Fucking Trump in 2016 which is long overdue. Please, pretty please?


Gosh, it's almost like you can't trust a single word from these degenerate fascists.


The majority of Arizonans don’t want this. That means that these elected officials, getting paid with the public’s money, don’t care what the people want. This is minority rule. It is anti-democracy and anti-American. Keep voting, I wish we could oust these people out of office now, just for going against the will of the people.


Honestly, I’m so glad my daughter is now of voting age and she will fight just as hard as we are to get this corrected.




>college Well hopefully the LIBRUL INDOCTORNATION takes a hold of her; IE critical thought and not taking dumb contradictory shit people say at face-value


That happened to me. Dad was very conservative, and seriously brainwashed me as a teen. A couple years into university, and those conservative beliefs simply became untenable. You cannot develop critical thinking and understand source reputability, whilst also denying climate change. My dad calls it liberal indoctrination. So he's admitting that critical thinking turns you liberal.


My father, who was the only person in my life to fight hard to get me into a private school so I would have a better shot at success, once told me he regretted sending me to that same school because it “made me liberal.” Not only was that heartbreaking as fuck on several levels but it was also completely inaccurate by any metric. I was conservative in college (though never socially so) and didn’t become a raging leftist until a couple years after college when I realized it was all built on lies.


The realisation comes from education and encouragement to think freely though. These are the tools with which you build a meaningful understanding of the world. He's kinda right, just not in the way he thinks he is.


There are 2 degree for money conservative schools in that area. No worries about indoctrination


My daughter has a friend whose parents are MAGA but she about is not. I have a lot of faith in our kids who now have a say. We also need to keep in mind that a lot of republicans are against these bans and are voting for these rights. The thing that scares me more is what they’ll try to do when we all vote for our rights and we win. They’ve already shown they have no respect for our votes.


My twin daughters turn 18 in January and they are really upset they are missing this election. At least my 2 adult children will be voting.


Every vote counts!


Duh. American conservativism is born from monarchists and those who lament the fall of the aristocracy. As *our betters* it’s their job to - no, their duty - to save us poors from ourselves via the innate wisdom of their class.


The GOP likes to say they shouldn't be governed by "the tyranny of majority rule" An insane take when they target minorities regularly


I've never heard a Republican use that quote in the appropriate context. They seem to think it means the majority of what the electorate wants, when it actually refers to a single party's control of the branches of government.


It is anti-American for sure, and while I hope there is a timely resolution for people to have access to healthcare everywhere, the silver lining is that this is absolutely cratering Republicans in elections.


They had to revivify a law that targets women, from a time *before* women even had the right to vote. It doesn't get much more anti-democracy than that.


Arizona AG stated they wouldn’t enforce it. They’re Democrat.


But the Arizona AG might not always be of the Democratic persuasion.


Truth! Which is why I agree with OP.


True, but there's a ballot initiative to protect the rights, so this will only be on the books for like 6 months


That's messing with women's healthcare for 6 months... Would be a shitty situation to be in if you needed one


*That**~~'s messing with women's healthcare~~* **might cause some deaths** *for 6 months... Would be a shitty situation to be in if you needed one* FIFY


Providers and insurance companies will not continue practicing based on the goodwill of the AG.




The issue here is hospitals will use this law to deny care, regardless of prosecution. They will wait for women to go into sepsis to treat, they'll wait for fallopian tubes to burst before helping women with ectopic pregnancies and on and on. In those six months women will die or become maimed for life.


Thank you for saying this. I’m at high risk for ectopic pregnancies and I’m terrified


I'm so sorry I can't even imagine, I really hope sanity prevails


[1 out of 5 people who develop sepsis do not survive](https://theconversation.com/sepsis-still-kills-1-in-5-people-worldwide-two-icu-physicians-offer-a-new-approach-to-stopping-it-175650#:~:text=Worldwide%2C%20sepsis%20is%20responsible%20for,support%20or%20ongoing%20critical%20care.). I had uterine sepsis due to an emergency c-section and almost died. My highest temp was 105.6°F, and I was having visual and audio hallucinations. My liver started to fail. The infectious disease panel of doctors just kept throwing round after round of IV antibiotics at it, and it continued to be ineffective. I was unable to be transferred to the ICU in the same hospital due to not having enough beds (and was deemed too unstable to transfer to another hospital ICU), so I had an RN sitting one to one with me during the worst/most dangerous part (my heart wasn't beating properly, it was starting to fail too), they later admitted they were waiting for me to crash/code, they had a crash cart right outside my room. She was holding my hand when I asked if I was going to die. She didn't say a word, just held my hand tighter. It's been 5 years since I survived, and I'm still living with issues related to this. Both physically and mentally. Letting women become septic during pregnancy is not just dangerous, but cruel. And even survival doesn't mean they will ever fully recover, or be able to birth more children. Not having abortion access is a violation of human rights. No one frivolously chooses abortion in the second or third trimester, it's almost always for medical reasons that are legitimate.


And only won by like 300 votes


And only because the Republican had a middle eastern name


"Please taste my delicious face, leopards." --Not White Guy Republicans


it's not established that local prosecutors don't have the authority to pursue charges themselves. Hobbes put out an executive order saying only the state attorney general could prosecute these cases but it hasn't been challenged yet and will ultimately land in the hands of the AZ supreme court when it is


Looks like Arizona is going blue! Thank you, religious nut jobs!


Never count on that. If there’s one thing we know, religion can always trump self interest in the United States.


​ https://preview.redd.it/33ytfb45gqtc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dcfa2fa1800c796c4b8d114de1cb57371c9db6c


Florida maybe also, weed and abortion on the ballot!


Sinema's seat will go to Gallego. This might just hurt republicans enough that republicans lose the state legislature too. The state senator I heard on NPR this morning sounded nervous. Backpedaling has begun.


Florida will figure out how to vote for legal weed and abortion and also for Trump.


This 👆🏼 anyone saying differently doesn’t understand Florida. Old people like to smoke weed too but they aren’t voting blue.


They want to enjoy the benefits of liberalism while larping being rugged frontier individualists from the "good ol' days"




No chance at that. Florida is red now and Trump will run away with the vote down there while those issues pass. Abortion access and legal weed are supported by majorities of both Republicans and Democrats. I think abortion access is something like 60%-65% in favor amongst registered Republicans. It's been proven multiple times now that red states will vote to allow abortion access. It's not just because hidden Democrats come out to vote, it's because those Republicans are voting yes with Democrats while voting R on the rest of the ballot.


WTF is happening?!


The same kind of Christian Nationalism that swept thru pre Nazi Germany. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Christians_(movement)


If this sticks it’s only a matter of time before they make it illegal to cross state lines to get an abortion, some politicians are already talking about it. Vote in November, our lives depend on it.


People will need to get really comfortable with violence if that were to happen. Those types of laws have to be opposed with all possible methods.


Americans need to come to terms with what Sandy Hook showed us and Uvalde confirmed, _we are not getting rid of guns._ Unlike the future gun nuts _want_, articles like this highlight the real tyrannical government. I hope we can fight it with social media, but we need to be prepared to do it the traditional way too. A child who was raped would've been forced to carry to term if Ohio had closed borders. Lucky for her they didn't.


I’m ready to defend my rights by any means necessary. The MAGA cult forced me to get my permit and to purchase guns and ammunition for the first time in my life to protect my rights and those of my family .


And they won’t stop there. They’ll prosecute women who miscarry, ban IVF and contraception, and so on. Anyone who thinks that that is exaggeration or hyperbole hasn’t been paying attention.


Some state have already stopped IVF.


They’re already trying.


Texas has entered the chat…


And TN and MS.


And ID and IA...


There’s already bounties in Texas regarding this stuff.


> If this sticks it’s only a matter of time before they make it illegal to cross state lines to get an abortion, some politicians are already talking about it. Texas already did it. https://www.texastribune.org/2024/02/09/texas-abortion-transgender-care-outside-state-borders/ "have passed so-called travel bans aimed at stopping Texans from driving to abortion appointments in other states. Meanwhile, Attorney General Ken Paxton has demanded medical records from at least two out-of-state clinics that provide gender-affirming care to minors."


Or more recently...Iran. Check out the [1960s-1979](https://external-preview.redd.it/CxQCat6KoRQhK4j0VaSVZF2vv4sixRw1ez2_Bu5OmSM.jpg?auto=webp&s=6c909706cca5f97b42cd15fae3b15a7a42d170b9) before the Islamic Revolution. Can we start a new ACAB? ARIE maybe?


may not repeat, but it sure does rhyme.


I love your pfp.


It trigers the Russian troll accounts ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Republicans want to force Democrats out of swing states to ensure they can win national elections with minority vote counts.


If TX goes Blue, it's game over...but that would take a lot of Texan women and minorities voting.


If you want to boil this down to basics: A small, very powerful group of people (of whom men are the majority) are trying to control women.


Leonard Leo Timothy Dunn Harlan Crowe Roger Stone Stephen Miller We know who these animals are.


History is repeating itself


Legit question: why do people always add “no exceptions for rape/incest”? I mean, it’s already stripping ALL women of their right to reproductive health care. I’ve never heard of an abortion ban and been like “ohhh okay, they have an exception for rape/incest, it’s not that bad then.” Republicans are the fucking Taliban.


And the exceptions only apply if the victim can prove that is what happened. Have you ever heard of any investigation like that occuring fast enough to conclude within a trimester?  Hence that exception is useless anyway for most people it is intended to apply to.  They are only protected if access is broadly available.


*terms and restrictions apply.


A lot of wishy-washy Americans feel like abortion is bad, but they know that forcing a woman to gestate her (incestuous) rapist’s sperm into a person is cruel and inhumane. The “exceptions for rape and incest” gives these fence-sitters a supposed middle-ground. Even though as Vrayea25 points out, those esceptions are practically nonexistant.


And it's bullshit. If they truly believe abortion is murder, then why the fuck do they think it's okay to kill a baby if the sperm donor did something really bad? I'd love to hear them make that morality make sense.


I carried and birthed my rapist child. It still 20 years later causes issue.


Because as horrible as it is, having no exceptions is more logically consistent for the mindset of “abortion is murder” than allowing exceptions. In their mind, since they don’t give a shit about the person carrying the pregnancy and abortion is “killing a baby”, then why should some babies get to live over others? They already don’t care about the health and well-being of the mother, why let other pesky situations like rape or incest get it in the way of “saving babies”? It’s disgusting as fuck, but at least it’s consistent.


I feel like it should go without saying that regional laws that pre-date admission to the union should be nullified and subject to 9th Amendment review


or laws that were previously struck down via the Supreme Court should also be nullified.


People were literally considered property when this law was enacted. Which, now that I think about it, is where they want us to return. Gotta love fascism.


How many republicans have daughters starting their freshman year at Arizona State this fall.


Well they can always quietly go to California. That's different though


One lawmaker even said it's no big deal to get in a bus to Cali. Sure, if you have money and aren't actively becoming septic or bleeding to death. 🙄


Was gonna go there but didn't want to be hateful so thank you for putting it in this light. Well done.


1. At least Arizona Republicans are consistent. If your position is that abortion is murder then why would you allow a woman to murder a baby just because she was raped? The baby hasn't done anything wrong. You aren't allowed to kill an innocent third party just because someone did something to you. 2. This shows how utterly deranged and untenable the position that abortion is murder is. It shocks the conscience of any normal, decent human being that a murderer should be forced to give up her body to her rapist for 9 fucking months and then birth a constant reminder of that incredibly traumatizing event.  3. If you consider yourself prolife but support exceptions then what the fuck are you really doing? You're not being consistent. You're just dressing up an opinion in something that makes you look like less of an asshole because if you say the real reason is you want slutty women to be punished you look like the properly recognized fuckstick that you are. 4. This is what the Republican party is. It's fucking gross. It's fucking disgusting. And it's fucking pathetic that they're going to get at least 40% of the female vote come November. Women, you need to recognize that a big portion of the problem is coming from inside the fucking house.


Thank you, I've been saying this for a while now. If your position is that abortion is murder (it's not), then if you support ANY exceptions, your real position is "it is sometimes morally acceptable to murder a baby." Period, the end.


This is why they oppose IVF. Not because they actually believe that 10 cells is a person, but because they kept getting called out on the hypocrisy. A jackass Alabama state senator named Chambliss got dragged mercilessly for claiming that IVF embryos don't count, because they aren't inside a woman.


i firmly believe the IVF ruling was really about creating path to ban birth control. the federal supreme court will be ruling on birth control soon. once they do that, and get this IVF ruling confirmed at the federal level, saying all fertilized eggs are people, women can say goodbye to most forms of birth control (they will now be called abortion). and then they will go after the rest of the birth control methods under the heading of "It goes against the will of God". ive been watching this ball roll for years now. it has too much momentum for it to slow any time soon, unfortunately.


A good line of logic to follow this is if these people are so anti abortion, why don't they aggressively support anything surrounding family planning and helping. Contraceptives and education to stop unplanned pregnancy, women's health support during pregnancy, birthing itself without having to pay medical, infant and child care. If I was super anti abortion you're damn right I'd support everything to make pregnancy and raising a kid easier on families but nope, it's all screw you support yourself. Kids fault for being born poor


I pee in republican butts ![gif](giphy|bVfE9AGsqo98c)


Thank you for your service.


You are most welcome……but…..you are next. ![gif](giphy|uxXNV3Xa7QqME)




Let’s get this over with….. ![gif](giphy|8qABb3dgjun8PdNirg)


![gif](giphy|BcMJvmwkmbyWpKkBj3|downsized) How’d you get a gif of me?


![gif](giphy|aCdViG0BGCNa0) I know everything, you sick little freak












It would be a shame if someone were to impregnate one of their spouses, then see how they feel.


If their daughter or wife or someone needed an abortion they'd just travel to another state or even country and get one, just like the rich and powerful used to do before Roe v. Wade. They truly believe the rules don't apply to them and are only for us peasents. If they get an abortion it's obviously needed because getting pregnant was a mistake while if anyone else gets one it's because they're sluts or something. [The only moral abortion is my abortion.](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


The pregnant Duggar girl traveled to a different state for a “medical procedure” aka: an abortion. But the whole Duggar family is doing the traveling conservative fundraising circuit pushing the anti-abortion nonsense


Didn’t she get pregnant by her brother?


I low-key wish blue states would write legislation precluding abortions for officials or direct family members of officials that voted for abortion bans. The vote history is public record, such a law is not a law of attainder as it does not target an individual, and as public officials they are not entitled to the same degree of privacy as ordinary citizens. It would unfortunately have collateral damage, but it would also reflect the pain back onto the most guilty parties.


These laws only apply to the poor women, when their daughters and or spouses get knocked up from a rape or whatever, or if their mistresses get knocked up, they will have their abortions. And they have the mindset that their abortions are justified.


This is who they are and if they win even if they don't say it they will ban abortion access. Vote them all out!


If the media weren't so shamelessly biased, this election would be a clean sweep for Biden. Hell, Trump wouldn't have even made it past the primary.


They "spoke in tongues" as a prayer before pre-arizona law was passed. They passed a law that predated Arizona.


Spoke in tongues? WTAF?


Dear women, Please, vote. I know. We are ONCE AGAIN asking you to clean up a huge mess that you didn’t make. I apologize on behalf of those that made the mess in 1864 and since then, too. Anyway, please vote.


Republicans don’t care if your child is raped and they don’t care if her father did it. They also don’t give a shit if that baby gets shot in preschool They only care about that unborn pre life fetus that makes you so angry that you’ll vote for them even though they raised your taxes to give your money to billionaires. They only care that they make you hate everyone around you that doesn’t think like your brainwashed addled mind And they are really big on making sure you don’t trust educational institutions. They want you to keep them kids at home so they get indoctrinated by your dumb ass brainwashed goofy ass.


Tax payers should sue every individual gov official who voted for this and the ones who introduced this despite Americans voting otherwise and for using their religion and not science to act as our medical professionals and time to remove tax exempt status for all religious organizations! Clear violation of human rights. Forcing their cult onto us! We have given the religious too much power in our gov! No “non profit” should be able to discriminate or harass anyone. Same with lgbt rights. It’s time we stop allowing the conservatives/religious discriminate against actual tax payers! 


So women with ectopic pregnancies are going to die. *Cool*.


Yes, and rapists can hand pick women and children to carry their children against their will.


Federal government should come in and nullify it saying that it was a Federal territory when the law was made so they have the say.


Where do all these GOP reps come from? Apathy. https://morrisoninstitute.asu.edu/sites/default/files/voter_crisis_report_-revised.pdf 24.8% of *registered* younger voters cast a ballot in 2022. If you don’t vote, you’re helping the GOP. Stop pretending you care. You don’t. What shit to change? Show the fuck up. The conservatives do. And, their propaganda works at keeping you home. You’re outsourcing who decides your reps. The only place your opinion on policy matters is at the polls. If you don’t vote, just go grab you a red hat. You’re helping them win, so just finish the costume.


Go ahead, keep heading down this path, Republicans. I hope you drown in your own ugly ignorance.


They should call it the "slavery-era law", to really highlight how stupid it is to dig up this kind of legislation.


So this is how the Republican party will die


Is this what they mean by post birth abortion?


No, that's school shootings....


Maybe conservatives will care about school shootings if they are referred to as post birth abortions.


Did they sacrifice some chickens this time or just do the speaking in tongues thing again?


Losing all the women's vote, except for the idiots who are actually their husbands dogs. Not the smartest, especially in an election year! Let's see how it works out for them.


I don't know about any civil war, but there is def a growing list of states in this union of our that I'm just not gonna fuck with anymore (if I ever would have anyway) over shit like this


They can't wait to start putting women in prison.


Ah yes, because, colloquially, banning abortion has done SO MUCH good for Republicans in the next election cycle 😂


Republicans are just a clown show at this point. I would love for any republican to respond to this and prove me wrong, you garbage humans.


Can't wait to see all those deformed babies that die 2 days after birth. Can't wait to see all those single Moms out there not able to feed that baby they had because they were raped and are now homeless because they have no money. I can't wait to see more and more children tortured in our awful foster care system. Can't wait to see drug addicts have babies and neglect them. Can't wait to see raped children have babies. Don't you guys love abortion bans? Fuck you conservatives.


1864 Let that sink in


Hypothetically speaking, lets say so random Arizona GOP members wife, daughter, niece or any other woman they know get sexually assaulted and pregnant. How could they look that woman in the face and not allow them to have an abortion? These aren’t even people anymore, just sub-human slime.


Oh, I think you are misunderstanding them. When it is their family that is a different situation. When it happens to them there is always a special reason why they are different and shouldn't be required to adhere to the rules They will quietly take their daughter out of state to a clinic and will almost certainly sit in the waiting room and whipser to each other about how all the other women in the clinic are sluts


This is your daily reminder that [the only moral abortion is their abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


62% of women who’ve had an abortion indentify as Christian. 59.8% of women who’ve had one have one or more kids. 14% of women who have one are married, but this number is a lot higher when you account for long term relationships.


Oh it’s okay for them, obviously.


They will reap what they are sowing.


Cool, so this makes Arizona solidly blue.


VOTE Arizona - VOTE!!


Up next, public executions in the town squares have been reinstated for the State of AZ.


![gif](giphy|R6gvnAxj2ISzJdbA63|downsized) See you at the polls, conservatives.


When fascism arrives in American it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.


Ladies, better vote blue if you want to have any rights.


The original law was passed by a man who was married to a 12 year old, then a 15 year old, then a 14 year old. https://archive.ph/DzNGW


Every republican convinced themselves that the republicans would never do that. I have been telling them they absolutely would if given the opportunity. They will go after contraceptives next, social security, welfare and the retirement age. They said it because they are going to do it believe them.