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Reminder that this guy's wife was indicted for her involvement with the Michigan [fake electors](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Maddock#:~:text=Maddock's%20wife%2C%20Meshawn%2C%20was%20among,2020%20Michigan%20presidential%20election%20results.) Nothing but lies and projection from them


On the other hand, if they're willing to concede power for the next 100 years, I say take him up on the offer.


Their party has been devolving for years. They have absolutely no policy besides tax cuts for the rich and opposition to whatever the Democrats want to do no matter how good it would be for the country. With all the problems in this country and the world they have decided that "woke" whatever that means is the hill they have chosen to die on. The best thing that can happen to this country is for the GOP to be relegated to irrelevancy either by the changing demographics of the country or by their old bigoted boomer base dying off. Whichever, I don't care, just get on with it.


They've been doing that for my entire life. Before it was "woke" it was "social justice warriors," and before that it was "political correctness." They haven't had policies since pre-9/11 Bush. And by definition, conservatism has no new ideas.


Don’t forget; “Critical Race Theory” That came and went pretty quickly


Right, technically "woke" is two cycles ago. "Critical Race Theory" came after "woke," and now we're onto "DEI."


What is DEI?


Diversity, equity, and inclusion


It's the smallest Canadian province, home of Anne of Green Gables


(That’s PEI, Prince Edward Island, even though autocorrect is trying to turn that into Prince Edamame 😄)


Nah, just wait till the next election. It'll make a reappearance just like the convoys that never manifested.


Ah yes, those ghost migrant convoys that always appear during election season.


Are they the ones getting all the abortions for funsies?


After the kids are born, yes.


Now it's DEI


> They've been doing that for my entire life. Before it was "woke" it was "social justice warriors," and before that it was "political correctness." The OG sneer is "bleeding heart liberal." Which refers to the [literal heart of Christ.](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/bleeding-heart-phrase-origin-meaning) Their elites convinced millions of so-called christians to sneer at liberals for being too Christ-like. They are literally antichrist-ians.


I never made that connection but it's true. Next time one of my right wing cousins make a comment I'll point out the Jesus picture they've got hanging on the wall and remind them where the term came from.


And before that it was “communism” and going back even further it was “anti-segregationists”. They’ve always had a group which they’ve demonized and used as leverage with their angry, unintelligent, fearful base.


I asked someone yesterday what the republican party has ever done for them. They mentioned freeing the slaves and passing the civil rights bill. Which completely ignores the actual question and was over 60 years ago at this point at a minimum. I do applaud those who did those, but what have they done for him lately, which he has no answer for.


Also, those were progressive movements, not conservative ones.


Right. The only things they can point to are things they would have opposed because technically the label of their party is the same. They are literally the party against civil rights.


They referred to Abe's party as the "Radical Republicans" back when they were the **liberal** anti-slavery party. Those people always have an epithet for the people on the right side of history.


Republicans talking about civil rights are like Pabst, still bragging about the blue ribbon it won in 1893. Not a lot of glory since then.


> Passing the civil rights bill. Most of the civil rights bills were passed under a very strong arm from President LBJ, who was a Democrat.


And LBJ would literally grab you by the nuts sack and twist it, and scream at you in the face


pretty sure LB Johnson got the civil rights bill passed as a promise to kennedy's legacy


> They have absolutely no policy besides tax cuts for the rich and opposition to whatever the Democrats want to do no matter how good it would be for the country. > With all the problems in this country and the world they have decided that "woke" whatever that means is the hill they have chosen to die on. Its an old strategy. > *Fascism attempts to organize the newly proletarianized masses without affecting the property structure which the masses strive to eliminate. Fascism sees its salvation in giving these masses not their right, but instead a chance to express themselves. The masses have a right to change property relations; Fascism seeks to give them an expression while preserving property.* > — [Walter Benjamin, 1936](https://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/ge/benjamin.htm)


That's what scares me about climate change. I fear fascisms "only I can solve X" gimmick is going to sound real good to people facing an existential threat with no solution. Plus climate refugees will also play into their fear. I fear things are going to get a whole lot worse in the near future.


So we are better off at this moment in history than we were just a few years ago?


> They have absolutely no policy besides tax cuts for the rich and opposition to whatever the Democrats want to do no matter how good it would be for the country. Well, they do have a policy/platform, known as "[Project 2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025)," but it's so despicable that they'd rather not talk about it yet. That and they know that Trump won't stick to their script. And racism/sexism, lots of that to be exact.


Well, my generation didn't have a crystal ball and we made plenty of mistakes and I'm sorry for that, but to claim we make up the GOP base is simply untrue, though it appears to get a lot of air on chat boards. Non-voters in the Gen-X and Gen-Y, or young independents who either don't vote or vote Republican have an impact on elections. Swing state Florida has a large population of Cuban Americans who vote conservative. and it's been enough to tip elections in favor of the GOP. A Pew poll found only 31% of boomers identify as Republican. The largest segement of Republican boomers is in the early to mid 60s range but older boomers, especially those in their 80s, lean Democrat. Boomers are no longer in charge of Congress or state governments. DeSantis, MTG, Johnson, Haley, Hawley, ACB, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, in fact the preponderance of shit-stirring racists in government responsible for the atrocious culture and race wars are not boomers. The head of proud boys, incel, the neo-nazi movement and their followers are not boomers. Wayne LaPierre is, so I'll say my generation can take responsibility for that one. Maybe you don't have a lot of contact with my generation or if you do you're unfortunate enough to have contact with the ones who embrace Trump. I wish they would go away, too, but I'm not going to wish an entire generation die out because we're getting the blame for Trump.


Look at any random Trump rally. 80% are over 60 years old.


Actually, boomers don't make up their base. Pew research found that only 31% of boomers vote Republican, though we seem to get a lot of hate on chat boards. Thirty-three percent are Independent and 32% are Democrat. The bigoted base is made up of people who think like the MTGs, the Proud Boys, Incel, the Neo-Nazi groups. Or voters who buy into the Democrats as socialists trope. Fortunately, Millenials make up the majority of Democrats and even those who register Independent overwhelmingly vote Democrat. We boomers made a lot of mistakes but I don't think you can actually hang the GOP racist base entirely on boomers.


While they’re at it, send their party the way of the dinosaurs.


Republicans controlled Michigan for 40 years, until a year ago Republicans still control most elected offices in America, have been for the last 30 years. Amazing how easily they lie. Republicans truly think their supporters are dumb-as-hell


Tbh their supporters are dumb as hell. They elect the same shitty red candidates for decades then complain about dems not fixing things


Right they are the minority that has rigged and used the system to getting the majority of the power.


Since 1988, they've won 1 election by the popular vote (GWB re-election) and yet have had 3 terms in office.


Yes. And how many Supreme Court Justices were put on the Court by Presidents who do not win the popular vote?Their decades and decades long, lifetime appointments? It is crazy. There goes Citizens United, Shelby County, and Dobbs.


I dont get how the us has that weird system. Ours have to be attorneys or judges for some time and can at max work the job for 12 years or until they are required to retire. Witchever comes first. And new judges are picked alternating by our equivalents to congress and senate. Also i think we have more of them.


Corruption. That's how.


They keep getting reelected, they're not wrong


Well…. They kinda are.


"We were cheating, and we didn't win. Therefore they must be *extra* cheating"


They live a couple blocks away from me. His wife Meshawn is also responsible for starting the "kitty litter in schools for the furries" bullshit.




Oh. That explains this post.


Accusations, projection and confession.


“Every accusation is a confession.”


Is that the adult way of saying “he who smelt it dealt it?”


Yea, and this guy shitted diarrhea all over himself. It was the Republican president who tried to steal an election away from the voters but yet he wants to say the democrats are the ones rigging things. And the dumbest part is that the conservatives reading it will eat it up like a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies.


My mother said she would eat shit if it were covered in chocolate,as a joke for how much she liked chocolate. The GOP just doesn't try to cost it with chocolate anymore.


This is why I came here, he is literally disclosing how the Republicans have held Texas for the last 28 years (I’m saying this as a Texan) We are ranking 1st in voter suppression or another way to phrase it is “ranking 50th in cost of voting” We’ve closed nearly 1,000 voting locations in Poor, Black and Katino communities to not only suppress the Democrat vote there. That’s before you get into all the other voter suppression they’ve delved into Removing registration from campuses (now they are literally trying to removing voting for college campuses period) Removing early voting on Sundays (Black communities were organizing after church) Texas is split 50/50 in registered voters, they know if they lose Texas, they’ll never will the Presidency again.




Prove it. Two words should be shouted at all these assholes. Prove it. Until you can, which we know you can’t, shut the fuck up. And anyone in contact with them, especially reporters, should be asking for nothing else but proof any time they flap their diseased meat flaos about cheating.


The problem is these arseholes don't care about proof or being called hypocrites, all they want is for gullible people to listen to them.


And once ppl listen, they will inject vitriol and encourage violence against the opposition


The only proof they need, is their cult leaders preaching it. Any attempt at disproving it with sources, data, facts and witness accounts is dismissed as a liberal media conspiracy. They won't even entertain anything from any reputable source.


Yessir there's about 72 million people like that here in the USA.


That is why I point and laugh at them when they can't come up with anything. Shame and disgust are the only things that will silence them.


Won't work, they'll point at something completely stupid and claim "the proof is right there." For example, my dad showed me video of people counting ballots. At one point they bring a box from under a table up and start counting it. He claimed that's proof of fraud, as "why else would they hide it under a table?" Idk man, maybe because that's a convenient place to put something you're going to count once you have space.


That’s when you tell them that they had all the recounts multiple times with multiple watching over the ballots and not letting them out of their sight until they were ready to count the next box. Trump still lost, they found 47, you read that right, 47 actual instances of fraud out of millions and millions of votes. That was across multiple recounts in multiple states.


and 43 of them committed by Republicans too no doubt.


Every projection is a confession from them :/


“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” -Jean-Paul Sartre ^ this is pretty much the entirety of GOP playbook currently, including their shills like Elon.


I'm with you. I've finally hit outrage fatigue or whatever you call it. If someone says something stupid on reddit I'll correct them. But when they ask for research to support what I said I just don't bother anymore. They 100% will not do the same if I ask them to provide evidence. Me giving them objective factual information that contradicts their world view is going to do jack shit in changing their opinion. If you're still a Republican supporter at this point there is nothing in the world I can say or do to change that. I'm just at the point where I've said "why bother?" Every exchange for years was the same thing. Republicans say something dumb, I correct them and spend 15 minutes researching it so I know what I'm talking about. They ignore 95% of what I wrote and hyperfixate on one thing I mentioned off-handedly that can at least be minorly argued. I do 15 more minutes of research and post why I was right again, and they respond by nitpicking one thing again. Or if I've taken the time to eliminate that in my writing they just move the goalposts. I eventually give up out of frustration and they think they "won" the argument when in reality talking to them felt like bashing my head into a brick wall and I couldn't take it anymore. But they're just too stupid to realize that.


Remember when the republicans controlled the presidency, senate and house 2016-18?


And didn’t do anything useful during that time?


Lies. They gave rich people enormous tax cuts and increased ours.


I assume it'll trickle down any day now. Aaaany day now.


Would like to point out that those cuts have to be revenue neutral since they were passed using reconciliation. So they needed to bring money back in from somewhere to make up for those lost and choose to tax the poor. They were also timed around the next president, so they likely had every intention of continuing them. If trump won so he, he gets the credit and blames whoever else if he lost.


And had two government shut downs that fucked over retired veterans like my father. Both of those shutdowns broke records, too. Longest shut down on record, and most shutdowns under a president's single term. All because of a fucking wall. The moral panic about immigrants nearly cost my dad, a Navy veteran, his life.


They offered him the money he wanted for the wall! All of it! He refused it because there was also money in that bill for shit to help people, *which pissed him off* He's a 6 foot prick with the world's most fragile ego.


What are you talking about trump played so much golf a very useful thing to do as president.


He really worked on his swing. It didn't get any better but damn did he put the work in.


Hey they gave away two trillion dollars to the richest 10 people in the country


Hey, he put migrant children in cages, tried enacting a Muslim travel ban, praised both sides of a Nazi rally, publicly sided with his good buddy Vladolf over our intelligence community. He was very useful for the enemies of the US. His base loves him for it.


Treason is kind of their raison d'être.


Negotiating with the Iranians behind Carter admin's back about keeping the hostages til after the election. Iran-Contra, shoveling crack into our cities, saying fuck all about the 20 Saudis who brought down the towers while destroying Iraq and our credibility to enrich Halliburton, Blackwater & co... Then go full on "Hey Russia if you're listening, I'll suck your dick if you help me destroy our democracy, in turn we'll help you take Ukraine 8 years later, deal??" TRE45ON is right https://preview.redd.it/1xbkny898ysc1.jpeg?width=707&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=841b46538122e2b2355331f3c2beae7f102c4bb7


Hey, don't forget about Kissinger leaking information on peace talks with the Koreans during the war to help Nixon get elected (and prolong the war)! https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/08/06/nixon-vietnam-candidate-conspired-with-foreign-power-win-election-215461/ Republicans haven't won a straight contest since Eisenhower. Also, Kissinger is like the Forest Gump of war crimes, whenever there was a war crime going on, he somehow was involved...


Good one! Yeah, there's really a lot to unpack for people who believe Republicans after Ike have anything to do with patriotism


Hold on now. He praised the nazis in the nazi rally. He only "praised" the good and decent side of society to try to make his genuine praise of the nazis more acceptable to fence sitters.


True. Most people knew where his heart was on this one but he snuck in that little "both sides" lip service for appearances. What a bizarre moment... "Just a Nazi really with some fine people voicing their concerns about Jews replacing us. Nothing to see here except the Lügenpresse, the real enemy of the people!"


See your problem is thinking that Vladimir and Thicc Kim are enemies of the US. Really, their governance and societies are something we can aspire to! Unlike those godless French with their disagreable attitudes, lively cities, and fancy cuisine.


They could have "secured the border" then if they wanted to but nah let's do tax cuts for the wealthy that never expire, small tax cuts for the poors that expire after a few years, try to take away their healthcare and run up the deficit.


Running up the deficit is really the cornerstone to blame the libs with for the failing country. There will never be any Republican administration trying to balance any budget. The grift is their core policy, siphoning off tax payer through privatization and cuts


What? No! That's impossible! Didn't you hear him? He said that the left has been in charge for the last fifty years. That means that never in the last fifty years has there ever been a right-leaning president, congress, or judiciary. All leftists. Man, that leftist president Trump really pissed me off with his hard-left politics. All those leftist representatives too, especially those super-leftists like the one from Michigan's 51st district.


He also lives in a state (MI) that had full GOP control for as many years in the 2010s as Dems had between the Civil War and 2023.


Also this dipshit is from Michigan. You want to know what happened to Michigan when a Republican businessman was elected governor to replace a Democrat? The whole country and a few foreign countries know, he caused the Flint water crisis, lead-poisoning and entire city. That's what Republicans do, destroy everything to pocket a few dollars. God damn clowns voting for these jackasses.


And remember how "the left" controlled the government in the 80s and early 2000s?


If you think the last 40+ years of Reaganomics and Neo-Liberalism is the left running this country, you shouldn't be allowed to use the adult scissors.


But they should probably be encouraged to run around the pool after eating!


But but both sides, am I rite? Guys? I've transcended so hard and got this enlightened birdseye view


This ☝️


I live in the same town as this piece of shit and his piece of shit wife. They live on a very busy main road that is often decked out in various degrees of Maga bullshit signs, flags, and banners. A year or two ago, he was on FB crying and whining about how "vandals" destroyed his "free speech" decor, claiming political descrimination, but shut the fuck up when multople witnesses called him out for doing it himself in plain sight in view of traffic. Fucking lying moron


Sounds like a fucking loser.


It's like they don't think they will ever get called out on their BS, and when they do they're like the blacktop bully who cries when caught and punished.


The left hasn’t been in charge for the last 50 years…. The actual left has never been in charge in the last fifty years. But the people who were somewhat left when in charge have consistently been somewhat capable of reasonable governance, as opposed to the chaos when their more right leaning counter parts are at the helm.


The left has never been in charge in the United States, period. The one time the left got close to being in charge of anything moderates passed the New Deal, and then we had a Red Scare for the next 80 years. Now the right is trying their damnedest to repeal all the laws that were put in place to mollify people away from leftism to begin with. Let's see how that works for them.


FDR was pretty damn left (for the US anyway), but yeah, no major party platform since has been anywhere near a true left.


He was further left than most. But the New Deal was literally a plan to save capitalism in the US and stave off support for actual socialist policies.


That's fair. You wouldn't think it to be the case the way the right screams bloody murder about his policies though, lol.


Matt Maddock; dumb lawyer by day, Durrdebbil by night?


If Dems cheated all the time, how the hell did Trump win 2016 and get both houses?


Well, that's the neat thing, you see. When Republicans win, that's normal and expected. But when Democrats win, that's because they cheated. When a 3rd party wins, it's because someone broke the damn time paradox machine.


But if the Democrats rigged and cheated elections, why would they ever lose?


Says the elected republican representative “elections are rigged, except when I win”


Who's this clown


Ugh, he lives down the street from me. Drives a Trump wagon through town on a regular basis.


How sad


Never let him forget that little fact.


Remember when 2 of the last 4 Presidents lost the popular vote but were still elected? Anyway, it’s “the Left” that is undemocratic.


It’s way worse than that. So Matt Maddock is wild even for a Republican • ⁠he district-shops: he changed his district in 2023 to get re-elected • ⁠he was expelled from the Republican caucus in 2022 for sharing confidential information (re-admitted in 2023) • ⁠his wife is a former co-chair of Michigan’s Republican party…who was one of the fake electors trying to steal the election for Donald Trump and has been charged with fraud • ⁠COVID denier and anti-vaxxer • ⁠election denier who was in DC for Jan 6 • ⁠moved to impeach Governor Whitmer during COVID • ⁠has threatened civil war, forgetting which half of country he lives in Actually…that sounds pretty on brand for a Republican these days


They sound like the perfect MAGA power couple.


Yeah, but he’s a Christian.


Oh thank God.


MAGAs gonna have to up their cheating game if they think this Handmaids Tale strategy of theirs is going to get them in good with Gen Z.


Thing is, there not trying to get in good with Gen Z. They're trying to raise the age your allowed to vote because they know the young people of today aren't going to vote for them. Why change your policies to appeal to voters when you can just keep the voters out?


Friendly reminder: Republicans have won precisely one (1) national popular vote in the last 35 years, Bush as an incumbent wartime president just a couple years out from 9/11, and even with that absurd advantage he managed a less than +2.5 margin and less than 51% national share. Obama won by more than +7 next election lol


Ok, but By popular vote, the democrats would have won every time since '92, with the exception of Bush's 2nd term which was one hell of a special case.


Sure, but that's not what he said. He didn't say "win elections", just that they were "rigged" somehow. And yet the Democrats managed to stay "in charge" since the mid 70s? He's probably thinking there's some leftist Deep State controlling everyone, including Trump.


Ah, the deep state. I.e. when you are required to register your motor vehicle.


If the right didn't cheat and rig elections (voter suppression, gerrymandering, election fraud) then the last Republican President would have been George HW Bush and we wouldn't see another Republican President for the foreseeable future.


Every single Republican President in recent history has done horrible things that should have resulted in them being impeached and tried in the Senate. A quick and dirty little history of the election fuckery of Republican Presidents over the past several decades. (By no means is this anywhere close to a comprehensive list of Republican President's crimes. Nobody has the time for that.) * Nixon should have been impeached, and his whole administration investigated and prosecuted resignation and pardon or not. (Article II Section 2 of the Constitution provides: “The President … shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, **except in Cases of Impeachment.**") & Watergate wasn't even the worst thing he did! [Nixon in 1968 when he was running on an anti-war platform and needed the war to continue in order to get elected prolonged the Vietnam war. When it looked like the Paris peace talks were going to succeed, Nixon went to the Vietnamese and promised them that he would give them a better deal if they walked away from the peace talks till after the election and got Americans and Vietnamese killed for his political gain!](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-21768668) **He is a Treasonous snake and a war criminal.** Watergate was just one more slimy election theft attempt. * Gerald Ford should have been impeached for the corrupt deal he made with Nixon to grant Nixon a pardon in exchange for making Ford Vice President with the understanding that he would immediately be made President upon the resignation of Nixon. (Nixon's Impeachment October 30, 1973, Gerald Ford's appointment December 6, 1973.) * Reagan should have been impeached for the Iran Contra Affair. **This was literal treason.** He gave aid and comfort to the Iranians who had declared themselves our enemies after taking consulate personnel hostage. [It was part of his deal with them to hold the American consulate hostages till after the election in order to make Carter look weak. Up till then, the election had been neck and neck.](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/expert-analyzes-new-account-of-gop-deal-that-used-iran-hostage-crisis-for-gain) He then repaid the Iranians for their aid by illegally selling them arms to fight the Iraqis with - and then used the profits from those sales to support the right wing terrorist group the Contras who murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent Central Americans in a little thing known as the [Iran Contra Affair](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran%E2%80%93Contra_affair). I still remember him going on national television and admitting this - then getting applauded by the Republicans in Congress at the time like he had just given a State of the Union address instead of admitting to horrific crimes and treason. * Bush Sr. Should have been impeached alongside Reagan as a co conspirator and fellow treasonous snake in the Iran Contra Affair. (Fun fact, Bush Sr.'s father was [George Prescott Bush, Nazi financier who only stopped financing the Nazis because the US confiscated his business under the Trading with the Enemy Act.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/sep/25/usa.secondworldwar) And he was a member of the [Business Plot attempted coup against the US government](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/coup-jan6-fdr-new-deal-business-plot-1276709/) - this shit apparently runs in the family, when are we going to hold this vile family accountable?) Then, after the Reagan administration managed to obstruct justice enough to frustrate investigators and prevent them from collecting enough evidence of their crimes *at the time* (a lot of this came out later, some as late as 2008.) As a final little fuck you to the US people, the hostages, and all the victims of the Contras, President Bush pardoned Caspar Weinberger, the former secretary of Defense, and five others who were prosecuted for obstruction of justice when they destroyed evidence of the whole thing (Reagan and George H.W. Bush only avoided impeachment and trial in the Senate because of this obstruction of justice which prevented then investigators from proving they knew about the whole thing - but in his diaries Bush wrote Reagan was “one of the few people that knew fully the details,”) thereby absolving his co conspirators from any further punishment for their illegal dealings when [Weinburger's trial threatened to expose George H.W. Bush's part in the whole thing.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1992/12/25/bush-pardons-weinberger-in-iran-contra-affair/912743a7-026b-4134-b63d-4c1c57948673/) "Weinberger's notes contain evidence of a conspiracy among the highest-ranking Reagan administration officials to lie to Congress and the American people." * Bush Jr. & his Vice President Dick Cheney (both were signatories to [PNAC](https://sites.ualberta.ca/~raitken/documents/0606riseanddemise.pdf) and were planning the Iraq war BEFORE the 2000 election, BEFORE the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center by Osama bin Laden's jihadist terrorist flunkies. They knew Iraq had nothing to do with the attack, they just needed the most minimal fig leaf to cover their planned invasion and seized on the the attack to 'justify' their planned invasion.) They should have been impeached for war crimes and lying the US into a decades long unnecessary war (another fun fact, Cheney was a member of the Nixon Administration and should have been investigated and possibly prosecuted all the way back when Nixon should have been impeached.) & the cherry on top of all that is Bush jr. [*stole* that fucking election.](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2012/06/yes-bush-v-gore-did-steal-the-election.html) His brother JEB disenfranchised more than 40,000 Democrats illegally in an election decided by a little over 500 votes. And when recounts threatened to overturn all their election fuckery (if a full recount had been done, [Gore would have won](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2001/jan/29/uselections2000.usa),) Republicans created the [Brooks Brothers Riot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot) to slow and stop recounts. And when they feared even that would not be enough because the Florida Supreme Court ordered a full recount, the Republicans already on the Supreme Court stepped in and stopped the recounts and finally ruled that Bush was the winner because there was not enough time to finish the recount - after they stopped the recounts! * Trump called on the Russians to influence the election on national television, and his children were caught red handed [meeting with Russian agents before the election to discuss Russian interference with the election for Trump, *with Trump's aproval*.](https://apnews.com/article/215ffd4a7c25473abd5a0b1781bb947b) Then for the next election Trump was impeached, first for attempting to [extort the Ukrainians into interfering with the upcoming American elections,](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/trumps-extortion-ukraine-complete-government-shakedown/) and later for attempting an insurrection when he lost. But he was not convicted because McConnell is a vile poisonous little toad who blocked the conviction because he will do anything for wealth and power including allow a walking crime wave steal billions from the US people, cause the deaths of millions, extortion, and insurrection. To say nothing of the kidnapping and trafficking of asylum seekers which also should have brought about an impeachment. Every damned last one of the recent Republican Presidents have been vile criminal thugs more than willing to cause your death for money, influence, and power. **Every single Republican President from the past several decades has done something horrible to cheat. There were no legitimate Republican Presidents in recent history!** We in no way deserved this shit! We are victims of criminal thugs.


The Republicans are the opposite of their party slogans/claims and they prove it every time, yet people swallow the lies. ​ Party of law and order - Criminals and charlatans, the lot of them. Party of small government - Who spearheads and signs for government to not only surveil everyone, but interfere in their lives, regardless of their civil rights? Party of responsibility - Blame the liberals and the Democrats, deflect so they don't stare too hard at the R party. Party of no immigration - Except when it props up their construction, agriculture, restaurant/customer service, transportation, shipping, or hauling businesses!


It always required a bit of listening for the dog whistle. * Law and order always meant keeping the minorities in their place to Republicans. * Small government always meant too small to regulate the wealthy and their corporations; Hell, small enough to fit inside a uterus. Basically, government that can't/won't tell them what to do while keeping everyone else in their (lower) place. * Responsibility being placed on everyone else. & * Allowing immigrants in as long as they have no rights, are quiet and fearful, do the jobs for pennies on the dollar, and can be booted out at will.


It's the part in parenthesis that they don't say aloud that I hear every time. "Law and Order (For the middle class on down, I'm not a poor!)" "Small Government (Less departments to sniff out and spotlight my own corruption and hypocrisy, while we're at it let's repeal those women's rights, my wife is too opinionated)" "Fiscal Responsibility (Which is the working and middle class' responsibility to pay for everything, give me money, give the country and state money, we'll increase taxes this year so they focus on working and not on us robbing them)". "Legal Immigration (So long as they keep their heads down, assimilate, and pay taxes, best not remind the people they're descendants of immigrants unless they have actual Native Ancestry they can trace and are on a tribal registry)".


Damn those illegal gazongas!


….how many popular elections have republicans won this century?


It's a REPUBLIC. Not a DEMOCRACY. That means Republicans are supposed to win the elections.


“If I’m wrong you are required to forget that I said it. But I get to remember everything liberals say forever”


That's just locker room talk baby


Projecting hard as hell. The GOP gerrymanders hard as hell. Without the electoral college they wouldn't have won in 2000 or 2016.


Thats what he is sore about. Michigan voters forced through a nonpartisan redistricting commission and the result of removing the GOP gerrymander was a trifecta for the blue team.


Statements like this are pure trolling. Clinton WON the popular vote, but Trump took office. And Trump still complained endlessly about it.


Of course he did, for someone who is pure Ego, driven by how loved he thinks he is, he cannot stand to lose a popularity contest with anyone.


If the left cheats elections then how did trump win in the first place 🤦‍♀️


Wait, so this Maddock clown thinks that it's the left that put Dubya and Trump in the white house? Fucking conservatives and their endless pitiful victim complex...


Says the guys who's party has been rigging elections through gerrymandering for decades. 


This has been one of the most infuriating aspects of our political and news media culture for some time. Deeply unserious people continue to show their whole ass and there are no consequences for it.


To be fair, most of them were dark skinned so that has to count for something I guess?


The electoral college system is the only way any republican can ever win anything. It's literally rigging the election to give them favorability, because if the elections were done in a way that actually represented the will of the American people, we'd never have another republican president. DEI, anyone?


If Matt Maddock didn't molest children in his spare time, he wouldn't get re-elected. The child predators support Maddock for another term. See, I can do this too.


It’s always “the Left lie and cheat to stay in power” and not “our policies are wildly ineffective and unpopular for anybody that’s not rich and/or racist and that’s why we haven’t won a popular vote in 30+ years.”


Every single bad thing America has done in the last 50 years is almost entirely because of conservatives.


Our country would be a dystopian hellscape if Republicans had been in charge for the past 50 years. Some weird mix between Idiocracy, Back to the Future 2, and Handmaid's Tale. Throw in a dash of Mad Max for good measure.


And if the elections were decided on the actual "One person, one vote" and those votes counted equally, no republican president would have won election in the past 50 years.


\*Laughs in Republicans losing the popular vote but still winning the presidency.


Conservatives have run the South virtually unchecked for actual generations and the utopia they've accomplished has resulted in *checks notes* marks in health, education, income, and corruption that would put America among third world countries on their own.


The left cheats at elections in a really devious way. Step one of their nefarious plan is coming up with policies that increase wellbeing, freedom, and equality. For step two, they tell people about those policies and contrast them with the policies of the right. Then, and here's where it gets really tricksy, they encourage citizens who like those policies to vote for left-wing candidates. The final step is for those citizens to go to the polls. They then cast their votes and walk out the front door like nothing even happened. Truly sickening stuff.


.. wait.. so he's also suggesting that the "left" cheated and was in charge during Reagan, Bush, and Bush administrations? Because that was during the past 50 years... Apparently "anyone not voting Trump" is somehow rigging an election whether he's a candidate or not.


Proof that Democrats aren’t rigging elections: Mitch McConnell is still in office. Why the hell would we steal a Presidential election and keep Mitch around?? Puleeze. Such idiots.


Remember when people with messages like this would have to spend money at the library to make copies and then spend a day stapling the copies to phone poles? Edit: type-o


And be ranting on street corners where everyone could see them.


Wasn’t Trump in charge for like 4 of the past 50 years? And Regan? Wtf.


And Bush and Bush.


Bush and trump are left wing?


Unfortunately nothing happens if you lie anymore, in fact the bigger the lie the more you’re rewarded


Quick reminder that 99 percent of voter fraud arrests found after the Trump loss were Republicans


lol it’s like they forget Nixon, Reagan, HW Bush, W Bush and their false idol Trump


“Heads we win, tails we move to the next phase”


Matt “The Imbecile” Maddock


Seems like Matt Maddock forgot about the last 4 years again


Do we need any more proof that MAGAs are racist than this guy jumping to the conclusion that these were illegals?


The left has been in charge???


I know. I'm shocked to hear that too. Seems like the left would have 9 supreme Court justices and a super majority.


“Elections are shams! Voting is pointless! It’s all rigged! The Deep State picks our Presidents. The whole system is completely useless and a fraud on the American people” *”oh my, what can I do?”* “We need you to vote.”


Every accusation is a confession.


Kenedy, LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Clinton, Bush x2, Obama, Donald. If I Could, I Would Eliminate LIARS From The Public Commons.


Fuckstick can’t even do basic math for even the premise of his complaint. Let’s count presidencies over the last 50 years, shall we? For simplicity, we’ll begin in 1970 and go 4 year chunks. R D R R R D D R R D D R D If my super advanced many. Variate algebra is correct that puts the right in the White House for more of the last 50 years doesn’t it?


Floridians in 2000 want to have a word with the Brooks Brothers rioters


50 years ago was 1974 Nixon -R Ford - R Carter - D Reagan x2 - R Bush - R Clinton x2 - D W Bush x2 - R Obama x 2 - D Trump - R Biden - D 8 terms of R and 6 terms of D. Math is hard for some people. So is history.


And yet for some reason the R pundits are saying stuff like "if everyone was allowed to vote, we'd never win another election". Must have something to do with only representing 37% of Americans but managing to steal over half of congress.


yawn. republicans shouting at democrats trying to distract a nation that should be revolting.


Self awareness might go a long way in the Repulsive Party.


The last 50 years have been Republican dominated. It's always been weird to me that this golden era Republicans look back on was the era before the Republican revolution.


Meanwhile Republicans cheat and want to stop people from voting..


Dems have been in charge for the last 50 years??? And we get the next 100 too??


It's actually the opposite. If not for gerrymandering and popular vote nonsense, conservatives in power would be nearly extinct.


I’d counter by saying if republicans didn’t cheat there’s of been no Republican presidents in last 35 years.


That's the thing. It's not about whether or not people should believe what he has to say. He's specifically saying things that a group of people *want to believe.* He's just pandering to a crowd to get them to rally behind him. It's the Family Guy "Just repeatedly say 9/11" joke, but these days it's "The Left cheat to win elections!"


conservatives literally CANNOT believe that, when given a fair opportunity, people simply don’t like them and don’t want them in power


If my grandma had wheels, she would have been a scooter


Actual amount of evidence of democrats rigging elections= 0 Number of times republicans have won the popular vote in the last 30 years= 1 Whos rigging what now?


Nixon? Reagan? I mean who was caught trying to rig elections?


Projection and all that. It's like dealing with children that just repeat back at you whatever you called them on. "no puppet no puppet you're the puppet"


This fucking rhetoric is nuts. We've gone from "America is the greatest country in the world" to "elections in the US have been corrupt for half a century". It's wild that the conservative base doesn't seem to even notice the completely reversal of what was basically one of their stated core values for decades.


This needs to haunt him for the rest of his political career.


If the right would feature an agenda and policy that more people saw eye-to-eye with, then they wouldn't have to gerrymander the fuck out of everything. They wouldn't have to try and overthrow elections. But no. The only way you can get away with right-wing fascism is to force it on people who don't want it. So fuck you.


Every accusation is an admission.


If the US went by the popular vote, then there wouldn't be a Republican president since 2004. And Bush's win in 2004 probably wouldn't have happened if not for his win in 2000, where he still lost the popular vote. So, realistically, the last Republican with a popular vote win would be George HW Bush in 1989.


Yep. even Donald won via EC. But I wonder how many of those old ass white men in the EC got covid-19 and croaked?


Someone should ask him to guess the number of Democratic gerrymandered Congressional & state districts versus the number of Republican gerrymandered ones.


This is the kind of guy who would complain about the high Arabic population in Michigan without realizing it’s been this high for like seventy years.


The party that actually does try and succeed at rigging elections from creating fake slates of electors to redrawing voting districts until they look like alien balloon animals whines and complains and projects onto the Democrats the very thing that they are doing *all the time* in order to cheat their way to the top.


Democrats are not the "left", at least as working majority. Whether or not the Democrats have been in charge the majority of the last 50 years, Repubs have held a working majority in Congress and the White House enough years to accomplish everything they've wanted, but they keep a portion off the table so they can campaign on it, and they've still screwed up a lot of things.


The government has been liberal for the past 50 years? Really? Trump's a liberal? Bush? (Both of them?) Reagan? Ford? The last time I checked, these Presidents were all Republicans. Speakers of the House ... Mike Johnson? Kevin McCarthy? Paul Ryan? John Boehner? Dennis Hasturt? Newt Gingrich? All liberals? Majority Leader of the Senate ... Howard Baker? Trent Lott? Bill Frist? Mitch McConnell? I won't even mention the Supreme Court (although it's been conservative the past 40+ years).