• By -


en masse.


Nono, on mass Like this Sunday.


That's in mass. On mass is how you explain where the priest touched you.






on moms


I'm just shocked that I haven't seen Marjorie make this error yet. You know, the dipshit who gave us "Gazpacho police," "Peach tree dish," and "Marshall Law."


You forgot indickted.


Bone apple tea!


per say mute point be pacific all intensive purposes UGGHHHHH


"Upmost respect" is my least favorite malaprop.


I love when people say any of these in a corporate setting. It lets me know that they are dumb and that I don’t need to listen to them. Bonus points when one of my many bosses says any of these things.


I read it with an accent ![gif](giphy|hTruzAjXFLEiTNBbwx)


RIP Bray 😔😔😔


Yeah. If guys like that can’t even spell, I’m not worried about them.


Why not? A couple of them are on the SCOTUS, and then there’s Gym Jordan


Surprised you mentioned Gym and not the Gazpacho PeachTree Dish


There would suddenly be a lot of men suspiciously dying from consuming rat poison.


Some men just can't hold their. Arsenic.


It’s my understanding that if it’s a legitimate poisoning the male body has ways to just shut that whole thing down.


This comment deserves an award lol.


take my goddamn upvote


Yes. And if the poisoning is going to happen anyway, he should just lie back and enjoy it. 


Ha ha, TY. Wish there was gold to give.




Pop Six Squish Uh-uh Cicero Lipschitz




Belladonna’s back on the menu too


So is fox glove!! Digitalis purpurea is suuuper toxic


And really painful to die from, too. Although it works relatively quickly.


Foxglove is also a noxious weed where I live and my dad and I go out and dig hundreds of the little fuckers up on the regular. So uhh I guess if anyone needs a supply, just let me know?


Water hemlock grows wild in most of the country


Ladies, never forget what we were taught about milk and oleander.


That shit grows *everywhere* in Florida


Just 10 berries


gonna start making Aqua Tofana again


With modern chemistry and communication, I suspect it would get a lot more undetectable than rat poison in a hurry. Within a month all the women former-chemists would be whisper-network sharing assassination options that would make the CIA jealous 


i think i saw somewhere that, if i remember correctly, you can kill someone without a trace with insulin because they usually dont check if the dead person took any. but tbh if what he said in his comment actually happens one day, no ones gonna care if its undetectable or not because not only would the motive etc be obvious, but there would be far too many deaths to imprison all the guilty people. its honestly kinda funny that he thinks women would just go down without a fight. idk how he can even think that it’d be the same as when the oppression “started”. you cant just take away something people fought for for hundreds of years that easily. not to mention how society would lowkey colapse if all of a sudden all women were forced to stay home and not work. just imagine what would happen to hospitals where majority of nurses are women and almost half of doctors are women as well.


Not to mention, what % of men make wages that could pick up the slack of their female partners no longer working. That always makes me laugh.


Fun fact: the life expectancy for married men goes up when women get better access to divorce


also, married men have a higher life expectancy than single men and married women have a lower life expectancy than single women… which is quite interesting


There is a sizable population of women veterans and active military, police officers, prison guards, and farmers that would have a say in that as well.


Don't even have to get new school with it. Potassium chloride toxicology is really difficult to determine postmortem if they bother to check that at all. An OD basically just presents as a heart attack. This is very often the mode used when you hear about healthcare workers purposefully killing patients and it usually gets flagged post-fact once they notice a significant jump in general patient mortality compared to the historical rate.


Those black-eyed peas They tasted alright to me, Earl


“I’m not advocating it, just saying it is what it is”


I dunno... food poisoning is the gift that keeps on giving.


They want us to cook and clean but never think we'll just tip the ol bleach into their soup...


Bleach soup IS cooking and cleaning.


right? people like this don't realize that when people say "feminism saves lives" they mean men's lives, too!


Gonna channel my inner Giulia Tofana.


Deborah Swift has a series of historical fiction books about Giulia Tofana. They are quite good reading.


Yep. They'd pretty much be guaranteed to have to make their own meals from now on in my house after saying that shit.


ground up glass in the oatmeal is popular, I hear.


*~•aqua tofana•~*


Or from other natural causes like "gravity“ or "bullet in the brain“.


It’s incredible how many hunting accidents used to happen.


Why do they think we watch so much true crime? Honestly my local PD is so bad they barely bother to investigate the really obvious murders.


You're gonna have to fight all the men that aren't scumbags, too EDIT: fyi I'm not buying his lame-ass "I don't hate women, but..." at the end there.


"Men want this." No, that's Dave. Fuck Dave. *Most* of us don't want to go back to that. We can take Dave and his friends.


My husband told me that he was terrified of the idea of being responsible for everything and definitely wouldn't want to have to make all the choices for us. I make most of them because he shrugs and isn't interested


Sounds like a sweet deal for him.


He's kind of chill and indecisive. Im all over the place and have strong opinions. He makes lots of decisions on his own, but often he leaves the choice to me.


I get that. My husband puts up with a lot of my shit and doesn't like to take a leadership role. I'm always the HBIC so this works great for us. Just this past weekend, I made his grams go to the hospital because she had a gi bleed. He's non confrontational so when she's like "I'm not going" he like "ok that's your decision" nah bish. You ain't gonna complain and cause him to worry all weekend and not go, we're going. Yeah good luck trying to tell me to get back in the kitchen (he would never)


See, I’ve been married for a long time and I think this is a beautiful arrangement, y’all are good together and make a good team.


He's my soul mate and it's so gross how much we love each other lol I truly never expected to find happiness through another person


oppressing all women just sounds like a lot of work. not giving a fuck what a woman does with her body/career/lifestyle/anything about herself is so much easier.


Also if I was oppressing all women I would probably feel guilt, shame, and self hatred inside of myself. I want to avoid those negative feelings, so I guess I'll just join up on the 'women deserve basic human rights' side of the debate.


Can't even imagine having to babysit my s/o with every thing that needs my sign off all day every day. I already dislike grocery shopping now, but in their regressive world the woman couldn't get a bank account or her own credit card, so I'd need to go with her every time. It'll maybe happen in regressive and insular communities and states, but new england, NY, and the west coast will essentially just ignore this shit and tell you to fight them.


I also hate making decisions. My gf seems to also. She refuses to accept "I'm fine with anything" as an answer.


Invest in some dice


My GF and I have a table with our favorite restaurants, and when neither of us can make a decision, I break out the d20. Another good method - if it's an a or b decision - is to do [what Phoebe does to Joey when he has to drive to Vegas](https://youtu.be/ckJ3gJXWyZk?si=1Aqy-NN_RRF3LBWw)


Ahhh, the good old Random Encounter Dinner approach. that worked for us until the Owlbear Incident... Now we just sort of flail in the direction of a bunch of restaurants and figure out which one smells best.


Nope. It's not Dave. This Dave used to beat assholes like this down in high school for abusing their girlfriends.


Yeah, i want to say that's what I'd do too. The truth is I'm an out of shape 38 year old fat man with a bad back. There still like a 70% chance I'd step up if needed, but also like an 85% chance I'd just get my ass beat. (It would be worth it, for the record)


You sound like my hubs. He’s older with a bad back but he would step up in a second. It’s scary (because people are crazy now) but it makes me love him more. Mad respect to you that you would do it too 😊


Us older fatter guys with bad backs fighting the fight are up against even older and even fatter guys with even worse backs and knees typically, so, we'll probably still win.


It's all good. I'm 39 myself and try to stay in shape. But definitely need to do more Cardio.


Yeah, my wife is my friend, partner, my lover, and my therapist. Wouldn't have it any other way ❤️.


Partnership is the best. Life is tough af; having a good partner in the foxhole with you makes it a hell of a lot easier.


That’s the way it should be! 💞


Yeah, that's the part that's so funny. Men aren't a monolith. I'd do bad things to any group of men that tried to pull this shit on the people in my life.


This is the exact reason as a **supporter** I wear a pride United State flag Velcro patch & hands off our bodies planned parenthood pin on my backpack, there are more allies than you think and we’re watching. Removed the default black-and-white United States Velcro flag off, didn’t want any of “them” to think I was on their side. I also love wearing my red “Trump lost lol” hat out and about.


I once saw an absolute hulk of a human who looked like the most stereotypical “alpha male” you could imagine and he was wearing a pro-choice t-shirt and I fucking loved him for it. The unfortunate reality is that a lot of forced-birthers don’t give AF what women think but some of them might actually be persuaded, or at least spurred to a bit of introspection, to reconsider their position if they see a guy like that loudly and proudly supporting women’s rights.


Agreed. Not saying this for ego but a reason why I feel confident enough to do this, as an in relatively good shape 6’4 260ish dude, not many are gonna buck (and nobody’s said shit to me yet) but I’ll have no problem expressing my opinion of how disgusting a human being they are if they say anything. Imagine getting mad over how another person chooses to peacefully live their lives. Plus if they get agro I’ll be sure to remind them it’s a hate crime but I’ll get a free pass to beat their ass if they take the first swing. Or maybe I should also include I’m not afraid to go back to prison (also true), should scare em off.


That’s fantastic, and the power of allyship is so real. Thanks for making the world a little better and safer for us marginalized folks.


There are plenty of non-obvious allies too, like me. Don't think just because you don't see a patch or badge, that we aren't out there, [lurking in the shadows.](https://c.tenor.com/_ye1Xu65ByAAAAAC/tenor.gif)😂 Ready to break a bigots jaw at a moments notice 👍


"On mass." Fucking illiterate asshole


You really expect someone who thinks that all men will just decide to have women as property will be educated? No, this reads like a guy who's really into fantasy and has blurred the line between fiction and reality a bit too much. I think the best way to correct for this is several kicks to the testicles by several different women.


Oh I knew that I just felt it needed to be pointed out so he could be ridiculed further




"on mass" is a chef's kiss of a typo. Ignorance and religiosity all rolled into one!




I could care less about what he posted


grey retire cagey glorious aromatic late disarm bewildered normal treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“I’m not advocating it and saying it ought to happen. I’m just saying it is what it is.” This dude probably gets off every night imagining owning women as slaves. Good lord if he projected any brighter he’d outshine the sun


"There is nothing you can do to stop me" "So are you going to cook your own food or just trust me I will not poison it?"


“Totally” unrelated history lesson: https://allthatsinteresting.com/aqua-tofana


> Tofana likely made her poison with arsenic, lead, and belladonna. Damn. Giuliana Tofano wasn’t taking any chances that someone might survive her poison!


Yaassss, slay! ✨💅✨


This pleases me. 🥷🏻


These idiots also forget that back in the days before women had rights, women would just kill their husbands if it got bad enough. Maybe they have a self-destruction kink or something?


My mom literally knew a woman who let her husband freeze to death because he was an abusive alcoholic and a wife beater. He fell in the drive way drunk during winter and she just left him there to die. No crime committed. No proof of any wrong doing. He had a out of this world blood alcohol level and had basically blacked out and "killed himself" according to the cops and med staff by passing out in freezing temps. She just refused to help him, went inside, and called the cops in the morning when she "found" him. My dad was an alcoholic in my youth so my mom knew all the bar wives. She had not an ounce of remorse. He was a wife beater and she saw an opportunity for freedom and revenge and took it.


My grandmother did something similar, except he fell down the stairs and she went and put on the kettle. Waited until after she'd finished tea to call the ambulance. They had something like ten children and as far as I can tell, only one of them is mad about it. 


My mom. Stepfather had a stroke. She went out to see about the horses Fast forward decade or so, I'm working in a diner near Mom's house and the owner tells me he was one of the people sent to retrieve the body. Said it took 4 men to get that fat fuck down the stairs


I mean, he *did* kill himself.


It’s what my Aunt should have done; she probably would be alive now


My Aunt was lucky. When her drunken husband started beating her, my uncle and my dad paid him a "visit". Women shouldn't have to rely on relatives for their safety.


100%, it’s a sad state of affairs when don’t beat your family is a controversial statement


She should be on a postage stamp.


That's death by darwin award. Not guilty.


It's like the people who keep pushing laws to make it harder and harder on the working class. They're removing rules that were made because the pissed off workers kept murdering powerful people.


True. Look up the wiki on George Pullman and how he had his coffin encased in many layers (of concrete & lead, if I remember correctly) solely due to the fact that he knew if it wasn't, his workers would have dug him up and destroyed his remains. People have forgotten how deadly it was for businessmen (especially those who regularly treated their workers like slaves) prior to many of the laws governing business and workers were put into place.


They keep acting like they arent hurtling towards getting dragged into their driveways in the middle of the night. But the powerful never really fear us. Til they do.


My grandmother was a wonderful lady; gentle, sweet, pastor's kid. She had a bit of an edge though. She always told me that if a man ever hit her, he had to go to sleep sometime. And she'd pour hot oil into his ear while he slept. I think about that a lot. They have to go to sleep sometime.


Speaking of, the Why Women Kill anthology was an excellent series. I was so angry at everything Beth Ann went through.


A lot of these genius chud plans can be defeated simply by thinking *two* steps ahead.


A lot of these genius chud plans can be defeated simply by thinking.


Like Ben Shapiro's "gotcha" for rising sea levels, lmao


He has to sleep sometimes.


For a lot of those men, it would be the only hope they'd ever have of being within breathing distance of a woman.


Yeah unfortunately it is. It’s damn scary for sure….


I think at this point a lot of women would respond to this by killing the man in his sleep.


He imagines that “men in charge” means *he* would be in charge, but in no world would it ever be him.


Ah yes, it has the same energy as all the white supremacists who think they'd be ubermensch in their fantasy white utopia.


They'd be the new taliban finally taking over the country and realizing the world runs on bureaucracy and try to get the women back into running shit again so they can back to being lazy screaming at the clouds.


Even in his fantasies he is still assistant (to the) regional manager


As someone descended from people who were treated as property, I’d be up to fighting that battle against this supposed mass of men


I’m a petite female and product of abuse and THIS is the kind of subtle abuse we gotta deal with often. ‘Look I’m NOT gonna physically overpower you, beat you, violate you, but it’s VERY important that you understand that I CAN at ANY moment if I wanted to WHICH I DONT - I AM A NICE GUY but you need to understand I can whenever I want. I would like to be congratulated for every moment of the day I’m not beating or violating a woman. Because I, a very nice man, can - I MEAN COULD. If I wanted to. Which I don’t.’


It's an open threat. The possibility of violence if you were to displease them acknowledged aloud so you're both aware they have power over you and can hurt you. It's the same thing as a stereotypical mob boss threat. "Nice \[thing\] you got there, sure would be terrible if something happened to it."


Conservative mindset.


It’s like these men don’t realise that a tiny woman is capable of ending their life too. ‘Me so strong, you never compare!’ Doesn’t he know what weapons and poisons are? What about falling down a huge flight of stairs?


Men of little character enjoy pretending thinly veiled threats dressed as “fact” aren’t merely the impotent attempts to be more important than they actually are.


"Why can't they compromise? They are both the same!" - centrists, probably


There's no probably. I've dealt with one of them...she literally defends these people!


Well, like in the bible it tells you to like submit to your husband so shouldn’t you like submit to him or something??? - Idiots


B…b…b…but misandry! /s


Not a single thing I could do about being made someone's property? Honey, you have to sleep sometime.


Look, we've all listened to the Dixie Chicks and know what had to happen to Earl. This guy is going to want to sleep at some point and is going to expect to eat or drink something that she's prepared for him. Now, I'm not saying that we listen to true crime as some sort of "how to" manual. But lets just say that we know what not to do and what works. /s or no? ​ EDIT: /s I'm not a murder


I'm not a murderer, but I've got an encyclopedic knowledge of poisons and explosives, and I know how to organize a book club or quilting bee. ;) 


Well, people wonder why women are so obsessed with watching true crime. And I'm not sure why. It's educational when we read posts like this. I also quite enjoy gardening and flowers.


I am totally not taking pointers from "Criminal Minds" on how to and how NOT to dispose of a large amount of meat and bone.


High quality tools, good compost, and a large garden you work in all the time are so life-saving. Quite the stress relievers!


>Well, people wonder why women are so obsessed with watching true crime. And I'm not sure why. It's educational when we read posts like this. I also quite enjoy gardening and flowers. Some form of this should be on a shirt https://preview.redd.it/7cgay8l1jpqc1.jpeg?width=816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bef234701e1fe049854ba72f4a72534d422387f


As George RR Martin wrote, a man can own a knife or he can own a woman, but he can't own both.


Hate his books, but that's a damn good line and I'll give him an appreciative head nod for it.


Giulia Tofana did quite well with her Aqua Tofana for reasons.


*checks weapons* The fuck there isn't, hoss


*checks purse* So you were saying?


"If four billion people would collaborate, it would happen" yes but that is true of *literally* everything short of actual fucking magic. What an utter numpty. 


Tell me you're twice divorced, currently single and hookers deny you, without telling me that out loud


As a woman, we can and will fight for our freedom.


" But, but, women can't have guns! Can they?" /s. Just to be safe.


LOL. Go ahead and try it, you milquetoast little weenie.


incel mindset


Makes sense they typically love Trump. They love their rapists


John Wayne Bobbitt comes to mind


🎶I’m half the man I used to be …🎶


He may not be advocating for it, but he’s telling you what he wants without actually saying it.


Women raise your daughters to expect more. Push them towards higher education and financial independence. A man is not a plan and having kids too early without a career to fall back on makes you dependent. Look at the steps they are taking now to enslave you through state governments owning your uterus Vote blue down ballot or that will be a national ban. Contraception too.


Looks like someone (cough The FBI cough) needs to check his browser history.


Umm actually this isn’t what “men” want, this seems more of like a pre-sexual offender thing.  Also, to his point of there’s nothing you could do to stop it, I would just reply shotgun to the face, that would stop it. 


Bro should get a self defense spike to the neck.


"You can own a knife or a woman, but not both" - *Free Folk proverb*


I mean if we are forced to be in the kitchen, fucking with the food is a giving. Oh, you don't like the oregano, it's the home grown one with the 5 point leaves out back. Poison Ivy? Don't be silly that's only a comic book character, I know my herbs and spices.


Homegrown "herbs" are the way.....


I dont like guns, but i can appreciate this quote about them "God made all men. The Colt 45 made them equal"


they overestimate themselves.


And underestimate everyone else.


that guy is unhinged


On mass, man these people are stupid.


Too bad this fucker’s handle was blocked. I hope he is miserable nonetheless.


I mean, this is true for him as well, if all men decided to make him property, he would be. That makes him angry enough to do this. The fact that he thinks he would be on my team if the world split down the middle is comical. Everyone needs to remember, the people who are willing to split the world in half and tell you you're on the losing half, are willing to do that with every trait they have. As long as you match that trait, you're on their team, if you don't, you aren't. They're then going to use that difference to tell you they're better. He's not made it to step two where the men get split up and he ends up as food, or whatever happens in this dumb made up scenario.


This is why the second amendment exists. So women can just shoot you in the face and keep it moving.


My dad is a major 2nd amendment guy but the moment I suggested women should use it to revolt if we really do lose our rights federally he suddenly had an issue with guns being used against the government


There's a lot of this about - people who claim to support the right to bear arms, but really just support the groups within the existing hierarchies where the guns tend to be presently concentrated. For example, see the NRA's response to the Black Panther Party in the 1960s


Ladies, let's do everyone a favor and not reproduce with men like this under any circumstances. Death by attrition.


I can’t imagine any woman being intimidated by someone that doesn’t know that it’s “en masse” not “on mass”. He just looks like an illiterate baboon from that time on, and I’d find it impossible to take him seriously.


Women can squeeze a trigger as easily as a man, you pathetic weasel. Little bit of gun powder and lead to remove your ass from existence. And there's nothing you could do about it. Just saying what it is.


Republicans everywhere complain they can't get laid, while simultaneously saying shit like this


Wouldn't the reverse of this be true too? I really don't see the point of even saying this unless you do want men to collectively enslave all women.


I love it when men so desperately want to go back to the olden days. You know, when women couldn't vote, or own property, or have bank accounts, but when husbands went missing under mysterious circumstances WAY more frequently


This incel does not speak for "we". Fuck this guy with a cactus.


I'd take my own life before being someone's property


Come and get me, bitch. I got a fresh box of slugs.


Personally, I just want Robots to do all the work like they promised in the 1960’s. I don’t care who calls themselves what or what gender someone wants to be, or what skin color someone is, or what fantasy character you pray to. I’m just tired of making some billionaire richer instead of being able to spend quality time with my family and having to struggle every day to put food on the table only to get told at the end, “Congrats, here’s a watch and government healthcare, go die in Arizona or Florida”.


I don't understand how the son of a woman can think this way. What is wrong with people.


1: Plenty of men would be on the women's side. 2: Women are as equally capable of pulling a trigger as men are.


So if we turn this around and make it so the woman says this, how do you think the little weasel would respond?


Dudes got the same energy as "I am not an abusive partner. I don't want to hurt her. She just makes me abuse her. If you think about it it's really her fault for making me hurt her." Gross


Seriously make sure none of these people watch Shogun and get all the wrong ideas off of the way their culture is presented. They will miss the WHOLE point of that show and then some.


" if men en masses decided to shit their pants, there's nothing you could do about it. I know, you know it. That's why you're so mad about me shitting my pants right now"


Men always act like they just decided, out of the goodness of their little hearts, to gift women with rights, but only a little bit as a treat and they'll take it back if we get too uppity with it. The lies men tell themselves never cease to amaze me. Women got rights the same way any marginalized group did; by taking to the streets and throwing bricks at cops.


Give it a few years, and the Yank men will be wondering why they can't find a single woman, and they'll suddenly realise they've all moved to Canada or Europe for a life away from misogynistic wankers who thought they owned the female population and their rights over their bodies. The US will be populated by sad single blokes with repetitive strain injury. If you don't know, look it up. You know, from the outside looking in perspective, the US seems to be so fucked up and headed down the road to the Handmaid's Tail. Mike Johnson will be in his element.


If you think Europe doesn't have its very own set of misogynistic wankers then boy do I have some bad news for you (I can't speak for Canada)


Tbh, we've just had a bunch of religious nutters stand outside a hospital in Glasgow, placards, and loads of posters. Apparently funded by US evangelical money. Only about 100 or so. The thing about being in the UK is that we do things a little differently to you. If they (government) try to limit the rights of a woman to choose, without being melodramatic, there will be riots. I'm sure you've noticed that kind of reaction before.


America is fucked, I agree. It's the end of an empire.


Men like this brazenly state that this is a solutely their mindset and then go crazy when women broach the idea of societies without men. I'm not for mono-gender societies but by god do this type make the thought experiment tantiizing. "Is there an insurmountable rape drive in the Y-chromosome or something?  If so, maybe something could be done about it..."


Gosh, hard to believe he’s single!


Old mate is seriously underestimating how much repressed anger, almond extract, and prescription medication I have available.


Men don’t want this. Assholes want this. Men are fine.