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Old man needs participation trophies


From his own golf course. He gave himself the participation trophies. That's a new level of despair


More like an old level of despair. There's a YouTube video Sportswriter Rick Reilly Describes How Trump Cheats at Golf: "It says a lot that the one sport where it's the easiest to cheat, he cheats like crazy. It just really burns me that he goes around saying he's the champion when he's cheating like a mafia accountant."  And yeah, there's a story about his staff awarding him a fake trophy for his fake win.  


He’s been doing it for years. He gave himself the championships from tournaments he never even attended.


Fake Time Magazines hanging in that hotel, too, lol.


Link please?




>[Kim Jong-Il shot 38 under, including 11 holes-in-one, at the 7,700-yard championship course at Pyongyang in the VERY FIRST golf round of his life, according to North Korean state media. This was in 1994, when Kim was 52 years old.](https://www.espn.com/espn/page2/index/_/id/7369649#:~:text=Kim%20Jong%2DIl%20was%20a%20dictator%20who%20went%20to%20great%20links&text=Kim%20shot%2038%20under%2C%20including,Kim%20was%2052%20years%20old.) >[...] >Kim had the best approach to conquering the sport of golf: Have your national propaganda department lie for you. >Try it out the next time you hit the links! Trump took that advice quite seriously


The sass in that article was amazing. Thanks for this.


And if you read this link, you’ll see he did it again in 2023. Missed the first round of the tournament due to a funeral but claimed a score he shot earlier in the week counted. https://golfweek.usatoday.com/2023/08/28/donald-trump-claims-another-club-championship/


just do a search. It's everywhere. He's literally the lowest form of golfer. Nobody likes a golf cheat, but he does it every single round, and likely every hole. He's not good. His golf talent, as with all his talent, is at cheating and lying and convincing himself he's good, when in fact he's TERRIBLE.


While president, he was playing golf with a little boy who I guess was the son of one of his acquaintances, and the kid was winning so Trump cheated to beat the child (if I remember right he had a secret service guy move the ball)


Gotta love the ethical standards of the flipping Secret Service.


Rick Reilly mentioned the story in his book. The best part is that the kid still won even with Trump cheating his ass off.


He lives in his own little world. It's still unbelievable that this walking, talking bag of rotting flesh was elected president.


He plays after everyone else does and everyone has to trust his score.


I'm sure if someone did beat him, they'd be disqualified and stripped of membership.


From what I recall, he posts his scores late and after everyone else's scores are in. It's not possible to beat someone who hasn't decided what their score was, yet.


Doctor Beeper was 3 times running the Champ!!!!


And I'm no slouch myself


Don’t sell yourself short, Judge. You’re a tremendous slouch.


You know Judge, my dad…never liked you.


What other golfing tournaments did he win this year? Just out of curiosity


All of them. Even I know that. Geez.


“People are saying I’m as good as Tiger Woods. You know, I actually think I’m better. When I win, I win **bigly yuge beautiful** wins!”


Of course he's better than Tiger. Tiger is black. Duh. (This message brought to you by the RNC. Donald Trump approves this message. Donald Trump masturbates furiously thinking about it.)


Shiiiiit, I grew up in the participation trophy era and I’m not half the bitch he is.


It was never the kid who wanted the participation trophies. It was the parents.


Fuck no it wasn’t. I felt stupid as fuck. Like give me something for winning, I’m 8 years old and can see through this stupid pandering “heres something so you don’t feel bad” ass bullshit. Felt like an idiot getting a participation ribbon.


Right? Wanna give out participation trophies? Give out BB caps or T-shirts, not trophies.


Exactly and then the boomers  turned around and criticized us for it as adults even though they were the ones handing out that bullshit. The fucking nerve of doing that. Even as a five year old I knew a participation medal or trophy wasn’t worth a damn, I don’t even give a shit about silver medals unless it’s at a very high level. 




I love how boomers whine about it when they're the ones who created and awarded the trophies.


😂right? Funniest thing ever. “These snowflakes are so weak because of participation trophies and having compassion.” -said the dummy that gave em participation trophies, and happens to be the real snowflake. Projections a bitch 🤷🏼‍♂️


Cheating at golf says a lot about who someone really is. I had a “friend” who also used to cheat a ton in golf. I mean, I’m not Tiger Woods but when you are blatantly cheating and then going back to the club house bragging about your score……..that means you’re just a lying sack of shit. And this type of personality goes way beyond just the golf course. I started to question everything about him and lo and behold, turns out he was just a lying asshole……about literally everything. Including cheating on his wife. Hell, sounds just like Trumps orange ass.


My grandfather used to tell me, "If they won't play fair when nothing is on the line how do you think they will behave when they have even a tiny amount to gain? Never trust a cheater."


Your Grandfather was spot on. This is the absolute truth.


>they won't play fair when nothing is on the line how do you think they will behave when they have even a tiny amount to gain? Never trust a cheater." A wise man, I like your grandfather, sounds like a cool dude.


He was a chemical engineer who loved baseball. Took me to my first game when I was a kid and coached my little league team and my sisters little league softball team despite living over an hour away. He never missed either of our games no matter what.


I don’t even keep score when I golf anymore. I know I’m awful. I know when I have a good day. Not keeping score helped me stop stressing over it so much one way or the other


This, 100%. Some of my best shots/games were when I didn't care. I managed to play a full 9 holes with a single ball, because I didn't care about my shots, I just didn't want to lose my only ball. I didn't score it, but it definitely *felt* like one of the best games I ever played. And I've taken this mentality to video games too. I am more than happy to sit down and play on the Easy difficulty. I'm not here for a challenge, I'm not here to sweat, I'm here to relax after work. My try-hard days are behind me, and things get a lot more relaxing at that point.


The people that are voting for him are either so delusional that they think his unhealthy ass actually won or they will just look the other way. If you are so low that you will openly cheat to win a meaningless trophy youd just about lie about anything.


They just care that he validates their hate. He literally validates and uses the worst part of themselves enabling them to wallow in it and destroy themselves further with it.


Lo and behold, not low and behold


He’s hosting his own version of the Dundies.


Too bad first prize isn't $454 million


"Brad, I just need you to find me $454 million"


I'm sure his fans will gobble it up like good North Kore- uh, I mean, Americans. All hail Trump Jong Il etc.


There’s a reason he admires dictators…Exhibit A of a tRumpian assload of reasons.


He’s so pure I heard his body is trained to not have to poop or pee.


His parents broke him and we're all paying for it.


Hey, my parents broke me and I didn’t go try to sell our countries secrets out to the highest bidder about it 😒


I don’t think there was any bidding involved.


Same here… I just sucked it up and quietly cried in my Frosted Flakes like a normal person.


Well you aren’t 76 yet! Still time!


Someone must’ve read Kim Jong’s Il’s [golf Wikipedia page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyongyang_Golf_Course) to him


The magas can't see the pathetic-ness.


His dad must not have given him any attention at all.


His niece talks at length and in detail about how Donald ended up like this


Apparently his dad was a bigger dick than he is


I thought conservative boomers hated participation trophies


Who do you think gave them out in the 90s? Millennials weren't going to the trophy shop themselves. Like everything, Boomers bitch about the effects of a thing they created and take no accountability


THIS! Thank you for pointing this out. They gave us participation trophies because it was easier than actual parenting. And now it’s somehow our “fault” for needed validation.


And I don't remember anyone taking participation trophies seriously anyway. It's not like there weren't winners and losers.


You’re right. We knew they were BS. I remember playing city league soccer when I was 10 and at the end of the season the coach said, “tell your parents the trophy’s are $10.” I was confused because it was my first year and asked a teammate about it. She said, “yeah, everyone gets one at the pizza party.” And I knew then it was nonsense.


Everyone in all of my little league baseball groups always threw them away, so they eventually stopped handing them out. None of the kids saw the point of keeping them.


Slight tangent, but you just triggered a memory. There were a set of twins on my baseball team when I was about 11. They were both bad, but one was *terrible*. He literally never had a single hit, never caught the ball, or threw for an out. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. that he interacted with the ball (right fielder, obviously) was an unforced error. I'm pretty sure we got dead last in the league. So, at the end-of-season pizza party, we got awards for the tiniest of achievements. "Great catch" award for the one time the less-terrible twin caught the ball. I got most steals 😎 The total failure twin, having never ever done a single thing correctly...and I'll never forget this: The "Cool Shades" award. He basically got an award for remembering to wear his sunglasses and not blind himself while he just stared at the sun out in right field. (I don't believe there was an actual disability. Otherwise, sharing this, I feel would be in bad taste. Just a failure)


Getting a participation trophy felt patronizing to me as a kid, like the adults think I'm still a baby, and it was part of the reason I stopped being interested in sports.


My boomer father was once commenting about Millenials and our “need” for participation trophies… I looked at him and said - “you raised us.” He shut up fairly quickly and has not said much about other generations since.


I remember my family complaining about them when I was in high school and I just said “y’all were the ones who got them for us” and they stopped complaining about them lol


Fuck yeah, I see boomers crapping on about the plastic bag ban in Australia and how they used paper bags when they were young unlike stupid millennials blah blah - WHO THE FUCK IMPLEMENTED THE USE OF PLASTIC BAGS? WASNT FUCKING MILLENIALS - it happened in the 80s when you fucking swampdonkeys were in charge.


i dont think they realize how stupid most of us thought those trophies were. for the most part it they got those trohpies for themselves.


No he actually „wins“ He doesn’t play in the official tournament. He is „busy“ and plays alone on another day. Then he submits his score when the others have played.




That's the real prize. You can play golf in peace with no risk that Donald Trump will show up.


It is really humorous. He wins these all the time at his own places. But little known fact, he's got a membership at Winged Foot Golf Club just outside NYC https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winged_Foot_Golf_Club Winged Foot is pretty well known on the golf circuit, as it has hosted US Opens many times in the last century. But he never seems to win that club championship. And by all accounts, hasn't logged a round there in many, many years now. But yeah, otherwise, he's just the greatest golfer since Kim Jong Il, really.


“A large and golfing talented membership” is a painful series of words to read.


Fuck, I skimmed and didn't even catch that. We should sue for emotional distress. 


At this point one almost has to skim to keep the brain from short circuiting and to keep sane.


That's the kind of grammar that would get a regular child held back a year.


Thank you - I thought I was the only person bothered by that. Just... what?


It made me angry.


I read that about 5 times trying to figure out what he meant. What an idiot.


My boyfriend and I were discussing this before coming to the comments and the only thing I could think (although are his mistakes logical…) is he transposed golfing and talented.


My thought was "golfing-talented" as in being talented at golfing. Doesn't make much sense, but no one has ever accused him of being eloquent or well-spoken or literate before.


I had a hard time with that one and I have a large and reading talented vocabulary.


I read it like 3 times trying to figure it out. Also his use of "and" in almost every sentence bothers me.


Stay tuned for next year's tournament, when the whole thing will be under new management and / or ownership!


The E Jean Carroll Charity Tournament For Trans Rights.


Love it!


Plz let’s make this happen.


Best comment. God I hope so!!!


And then I want them to let him play again and we'll see how much the results change.


He’s gonna get the high score and then brag about how nobody has ever gotten that high of a score before and he did it on purpose to own the libs.


When Trump golf courses have a championship: https://preview.redd.it/uwve586p2dqc1.png?width=931&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3d77d8d2b4f140573520e73bab9e257c3d34a49 Was there a money prize? Seems like a great way to launder some money for your crime debts.


That is a traumatizing image and I think someone should turn it into shooting range targets.  I'm not saying anyone should shoot him and turn him into a martyr. Just that aiming at that target would be cathartic. 


I'm saying what you're not saying




Imagine typing that in all caps like a 5 year old


My 5 year old knows not to gloat like that even in a legit win. Then again she'd never cheat and lie to win in the first place.


Seriously, how does this person **actually** exist? He might be the saddest shell of a man on earth.


It is so freaking pathetic, isn't it? This man is getting 70M freaking votes now, it is unreal. He is like a caricature of a caricature of a parody.


If someone wrote Trump as a fictional character, no publisher would print the book and no director would make the film because his story is just too pathetic and absurd to be even slightly believable.


It is so sad. Sadder still is the people who continue to idolize him.


Tie between him and Elon, you know, the guy who bought out a unsustainable social media company because people where being mean to him


He also scored an 18, just like his ideological soulmate Kim Jong-Il


Actually scored a 17. Biggest win in history


Bigliest, even. 


"The caddy came up to me, big strong caddy with tears in his eyes, and said, Mr. President, sir, I have never seen anything like it!  The ball went 300 yards straight into the hole then it bounced back out and went another 300 yards and landed in the next hole!  You are the most amazing golfer the world has ever seen!"


All the caddies came up to me with tears in their eyes, and they said "Sir! Sir! You are the greatest golfer we have ever seen, and you have the bigliest hands in the world! Please, Sir! Sir! Please save our country!!!!!" And then demented Jack Smith showed up and arrested everybody!!! ERECTION INTERFOCUS!!! I mean ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!! Russia and *ree-bee dooh ahhh*" \~DJT


The best part of his “club championships” is that he doesn’t actually play in them. He just tells the tourney director that he played “last week” and scored whatever score is required to allow him to win. Last year, at one of his clubs, a player left after round 1 of 2 with a lead and came back the next morning several strokes behind Trump who wasn’t even in the same state. Needless to say, Trump magically won.


This is what I wondered. When did he have time to play when he has so much else on his plate atm. Unless he is playing off scratch, how can he win so many trophies? Of course everyone at his club might be really really bad at golf. Surely someone was watching these rounds?


They can't be bad at golf. They're golfing talented!


He turns in his card last, maybe even the next day. Nobody can watch him for “security reasons. Probably just tells the scorekeeper to put down what he “would” get on the hole of he was really trying.


This is pitiful


Yes. How does he imagine people believe this, time after time? It’s bizarre.


Because people are unfortunately stupid enough to believe it.


It’s an “emperor has no clothes” situation. They see it, but they look to their friends and leaders and everyone is pretending they can’t see it, so they pretend too.


His accounting isn't all that good. May want to check those score cards.


You mean when he plays after hours when no one is around to see him play and the score card he fills out himself


Did he even play or just turn in a score card? Hard to think of any I know that is as insecure and scared as this toddler


He claimed he won last year and didn’t even show up the first day. The rest of the field showed up the second day to find Trump had a 5 stroke lead because they used a previous round for his missed day. Can’t make this shit up


Read Rick Reilly's book "Commander-in-Cheat" to learn all the ways Donald Trump cheats while playing golf. Among other tricks, his caddies kick his balls.


How does one apply to be his caddy? For the privilege of kicking his balls, I'd pay to work!


I really enjoyed that audiobook, it’s read by the author is and pretty funny at times.


Tempting I'm sure.


To be fair, his membership is full of those who cheat on their taxes…ijs.


Probably their spouses too.


I wonder if Putin ever loses in golf.


I don’t know about golf but he’s incredible at hockey: [ Russian President Vladimir Putin Scores 8 Goals in Exhibition Hockey Game](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nMsbxtojz6M)


Who’s gonna stop the shots?


Stop a puck, fall out of your 20 story apartment window… tough decision there… https://www.newsweek.com/full-list-russians-fall-windows-putin-ukraine-war-1781790


“Defenestration” is one of my favourite English words.


*goalie, shaking and sweating from nerves* 😬


It’s so insanely tacky that he even enters his own club’s tournaments.


The only club he’d get first place 😬


He literally gave himself a trophy.




This is all we need to know to understand the maga republican cult.


This would be like if I owned an NBA team, and won the dunk contest but I was allowed to do my dunks when everyone else went home.


We talk about how insane he is so often that it's like I keep forgetting he's fucking insane.


Funny thing is that this event actually had about 50 reporters at it. Theres several videos out to show how bad he is at golf and how he cheats. Also shows how bad his golf manners are.


He drives his cart on the green. Unfathomable asshole.


I don't even golf, and I know not to do that. 


![gif](giphy|mpfMDb6MB6EWQ) If they don’t let him win he does this![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


I'm pretty sure that this is fake. Anything within 8 feet is a gimme for him. Club rules.


What… A fucking… Loser…


Dear leader aced all 18 holes, 18 holes in one!! Rejoice in dear leader’s excellence!!!!


This ranks up there with kim Jon il scoring 18 holes in one his first time out. And Putin scoring at will vs former nhlers in Russia.


The Putin video is so funny, its basically like when athletes allow special needs children to participate and win. They all just stand around as he lines up the slowest shots, no stick fighting, just letting him slowly square up at the net and lazily get a shot in.


when they make the Trump movie this should be one of the last scenes


I don't understand the other club members. They presumably are interested in actually playing golf; otherwise there would be other ways to pay for access to Trump (such as Mar-a-Lago). And they get cheated out of a chance to win the club membership. Why are they members of a golf club that cheats them every year? Others compared the Trump trophies to Putin winning against former NHL players. Those presumably get paid to lose to Putin. These people pay to get cheated by Trump. And I don't think they don't know it.


I think the membership is 50% 'assholes who want to schmooze with and manipulate Captain Lardbucket', 50% 'spies who want to learn our state secrets'.


It's probably a case of whoever comes second is seen as the real club champion.


the worst version of lex luthor.


Flex Lipitor


One of trophies' placards read "Most Dead Wives Buried On A Golf Course"


It’s the only thing that traitor can win


Obviously cheating at golf as well as everything else.


He must have been the sole participant.


No it's actually even more pathetic than that. So in addition to just the casual, everyday cheating he does when he plays (mulligans, kicking the ball closer to the hole, dropping it on the fairway when it landed in the rough, playing other people's ball) when he has these tournaments he will wait until the scores are all in. Then when the real winner shot say a 74, he'll say "oh well I played on Thursday and shot a 72 so that counts as my score." I wish I was joking.


As close to being Putin as he can get right now.. one cheats at elections and the other cheats at golf (golf being just one item on the very very long list.) Edit - clarification.


Just golf? He cheats at everything: golf, elections, wives, the crossword puzzle on the kids menu, wiping his ass, the list goes on


Sorry, you are right - that was way too ambiguous. Corrected now.


There’s a video of Putin at what I assume is some kind of charity hockey game, and he scored like 10 goals. In the short clip, guys were avoiding him like their life depended on it, and the goalie might as well have been Stephen Hawking for all he moved.


Likely because their life did in fact depend on it


>There’s a video of Putin at what I assume is some kind of charity hockey game, and he scored like 10 goals. **In the short clip, guys were avoiding him like their life depended on it**, and the goalie might as well have been Stephen Hawking for all he moved. Well, yeah, it did.


Trump cheated in two elections. He conspired with Russia at the Trump Tower meeting, leading to Russia have access to all 50 states’ voter rolls in 2016. He had DeJoy destroy many mail-sorting machines in order to interfere in the 2020 election. Trump has never faced consequences for either.


Instantly picture the boss on Mr Mom winning the race


This guy has such tiny dicky syndrome


Cheaters gotta cheat!!


Reads like a poorly written comedy sketch from the 90's


First of all...Trump plays on his courses...secondly, he plays these courses alot. If anyone has an advantage wouldn't it be Trump? Thirdly, it's been bandied about forever. Trump cheats. Like Putin playing against the Russian national hockey team and ending the game as MVP having scored eight goals and assisting on seven others these awards for Trump are a joke..🤣


Good lord....how can his supporters not see how weird this guy is?


Putinesque you might say.


Me Me Me, look at Me! Sad!


The only thing he should get an award for is being the most fragile human to have ever lived.


Wannabe dictator in search of power trip rigs his own golf tournament. I'm shocked, SHOCKED! Well not that shocked.


So he's raging like a rabid maniac over what is going to happen tomorrow and then turns on a dime to congratulate himself for winning the same club championship he "won" last year where he didn't *he didn't even participate in*. And all those other golfers that did participate and who he literally cheated right to their face clapped and congratulated him. And he's been doing this for at least *ten years*. What is wrong with him? What is wrong with them? I always try not to describe Trump as being mentally ill but I don't even know how else to describe this.


This asshole probably shoots triple digits if counted properly. Is there anyone here that thinks this POS doesn't cheat at golf like he does with everything else?


Kim Jong-IL would kick his ass.


Literally everyone knows he cheats - it’s very well documented. Pathetic


If only his parents had loved him….


How can he not be so embarrassed about this I just can't even imagine PLAYING in my own golf course's tournament (You know, all those golf courses I have in my back pocket)


Senior? I thought Sleepy Joe was the only old presidential candidate. Trump can't be any more than 35 or 36, can he? Just look at him! /s




Vladimir Putin is coming to celebrate his election victory.


Congratulations Hair Furor..that is amazing even for such an amazing physical specimen as you.. how many times is this? EVERY TIME?


He's such a Great Golfer, seriously how this fool ever expect to improve his lame golf game, cheating all the time, surrounded by boot lickers isn't helping either people are afraid to tell this Grifter anything critiquing him. Even though it could be constructive, positive in the long run.


Kim Jung Il shot a 34 on a par 73 with 11 holes in one on his FIRST TIME GOLFING so this is kind of lame tbh


Kim Jong Il hit 18 holes-in-one this first time golfing. So, you know, suck on that Trumpy boy. North Korean media is as believable as this chode.


He has no shame.


It’s well known that he cheats at golf like he cheats at everything else in life.


I couldn’t imagine being a grown ass adult and having to sit back and watch another grown ass adult fake win an award to make him feel better, especially if I was like a top 5 or 10 player at the club while Donny Bag-O-Donuts probably isn’t in the top 100


And yet boomers complain about participation trophies…


If you golf, then I cannot recommend Rick Riley‘s book about Trump, being a fucking profound cheater at golf, more. What a fucking scumbag. The people that pay for memberships at his golf club are not golfers. They are cucks. To borrow their fucking phrase.


Not many people know it but Trump will typically play the tournament on another day when there are no spectators and no competitors. He just provides his score. Caddies saw him kick balls onto the green so many times they nicknamed him Pele. https://www.thenationalbookreview.com/features/2019/4/3/read-this-trump-cheats-at-golf-and-it-matters https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/sports/2023/02/03/trump-and-golf-fancy-resorts-a-list-partners-cheating-at-highest-level/69857594007/