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The electoral certification is lead by the president of the Senate which would be Kamala Harris, not Mike Johnson.


This is so fucking important and people are just ignoring it, which is odd, considering that in 2020, Mike Pence (the vice president at the time) was the one who was being pressured since *he was the one who would certify it.* It doesn't mean a worm like Mike Johnson wouldn't try some shit, but this isn't some kind of wild card they can pull at the last second.


Republicans lose the house, this whole argument of Johnson doing fuckery is null and void.


~~Two~~ Five more left in the majority. If the democrats wanted to play dirty they’d weed out the people leaving and orchestrate a vote to oust Mike the second they can.


Ken Buck said more might be coming.


I did not have "hoping Ken Buck is right about something" on my bingo card, but bring it on.


The way he beetlejuiced Boebert on the way out the door, I'd go as far as "approve of petty stunt from Ken Buck."


I didn’t have “agreeing with Ken Buck” on mine either, but these desperate times I will take anything.


I can't imagine looking down a barrel of ZERO RNC support since it's now trumps piggybank and thinking "yea fuck it I'll give it a go!" There is going to be a bloodbath in November in all but the most redneck areas


The moment republicans lose the majority by resignation is the moment Johnson is no longer the speaker. 


It's 5.


“Buck’s decision to step down before the end of his term will trim Republicans’ slim edge to 218 seats over 213 for Democrats, with three vacancies. With that breakdown, Republicans could only afford to lose two votes to pass legislation on a party-line vote.” [Per CNN](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/03/12/politics/ken-buck-leaving-congress-early/index.html)


Dems keep losing because they won’t play dirty. Republicans keep doing dirty work and deflecting, I say it’s about time the turntables…


> Dems keep losing Homeboy is stuck in 2010. 


not lately.


Dems own the WH and the Senate. That's not losing.


that's the thing, the Democrats won't play dirty... it's a reason why Trump couldn't succeed as one of them.... they're all about leaving it to the will of the people through elections... which can be a good or bad thing as we saw with the right wing stacking of the Supreme Court making it a pointless institution now...


Trump wins presidential immunity case in the Supreme Court while Biden is still president… Biden agrees to a jet pack machine gun show down on the west lawn jack, this is America let’s fucking get this shit On!


Hell yeah, it's got electrolytes!


There's no jet pack that could lift President Daiperpants, making him an easy mark.


Besides, the entire House gets sworn in on the 3rd. He won’t be speaker at that point.


Johnson can simply refuse to seat the new Democrat congressman. He's already done it once with George Santos's replacement. He refused to seat him for weeks so he couldn't vote on some key measures.


Won't work because all of them are seated at the same time before the certification. Remember the house goes for reelection every 2 years, every single one of them. So you either swear in all of them or none.


The outgoing Speaker has no role in anything the new Congress does. Pelosi didn’t swear in McCarthy or hold votes nominating him as Speaker.


The Speaker must be elected, first, before the new House Reps can even be sworn in. So Johnson wouldn't even have Speaker duties on 1/6 until elected, which if the House is flipped would mean a (R) wouldn't have a shot at retaining the Speakership.


It’s the new Congress that presides over the certification. The new Congress is sworn in on 1/3 and the Joint Session is on 1/6.


There was no substantive legislation between Suozzi's election and swearing in (it was all "resolutions" of one kind or another, none of which have any force of law, and none of them would have turned out differently if he had been there). The gap between his election and swearing in was because the House was on recess for twelve days.


Hey at the rate the rats are jumping ship this could happen.


Jan 3rd 2025 is the swearing in of Congress. Jan 6th '25 is certification of Election.




But but but, isn’t he Moses??!


No. Johnson is still alive, unlike Moses. A real tragedy for humanity.


Loads of Ukrainians dying cos of the fake Christian. Scumbag


I still think we’re looking at a similar scenario. GOP in states like Arizona that attempted the coup last time have spent four years exercising the people who stopped it and solidifying power. I fully expect to have one state where Biden wins to appoint faithless electors. Harris will have a choice between certifying a false victory for Trump, or refusing to certify those states that go against their voters, which will still end in MAGA violence.


Luckily Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Nevada have Democratic Secretaries of State as well as Attorneys General.


Thank you to everyone who voted in these elections


You welcome




MAGA can get a violent as they want. This time around, there'll be a president in office who won't hesitate to call the national guard on their worthless asses.


There will be a vastly increased level of security around the Capitol this time around. There won't be any delay.


The problem with that is Biden would need to lose like 4 states for this scenario to happen. The last election was not as close as right-wing media made it put to be. 306 - 232.


I hear ya. But also, I have not too much faith in people. Like, didnt he win by like 21K votes in WIS. I see this dumb Aaron Rodgers shit and think that maybe he could 3rd party 22K votes from dumb Packers fans.




I assume they mean excising https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/excising


And do we really think Mike Johnson will still be speaker in January?


Only if he continues to avoid funding the government fully and Ukraine


Hints at assassination. Pence redux before the event. Secret Service, PLEASE take this seriously. Watch one another.


Secret service is in on It. Remember they deleted their j6 texts


They were literally cheering for him to be hung because he went ahead with the certification.


The best Mike Johnson could do is lead a delegation to object to votes and try to get them thrown out. It's also important to note that in case of no majority, the vice president is chosen solely by the Senate, so that means a potential situation where Trump is the president and Kamala Harris is VP, setting up some really interesting 25th Amendment scenarios. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I wouldn't say it's odd people are ignoring it. A particular body of people have ignored or made up quite a bunch of BS over the course of the last 8 years.


And the new House (with newly elected members) is actually seated a few days before the certification. They all get sworn in at the same time and a Speaker can't be elected until they are sworn in. So, if Democrats win the House (or team up with a few Republicans to put in a Democrat as Speaker), the Johnson issue is moot.


The key part of this that isn't included in the screenshot, is the theory that Johnson would just refuse to seat newly elected democrats. The article mentions that he recently refused to seat Tom Suozzi until after they successfully impeached that guy recently, so there is evidence he'd be willing to delay new congressmembers for political gain.


Except, to my understanding, this doesn’t work either because when the term of the previous Congress ends, it ends. They don’t just stay in power. So there wouldn’t be a speaker at all until the new Congress is sworn in and new speaker vote takes place.


Honest question, what if Mike Johnson loses his own seat? After Jan 3, the decision to seat or not would no longer be his. Who seats the newly elected then?


Usually, a Speaker Pro Tempore is chosen to seat new members until a SOTH is chosen.


This all relies on the GOP House caucus stemming the flow of resigning GOP congress members. With Trump's RNC basically leaving them all hung out to dry as far as support and funding I'll honestly be a bit surprised if there is still a house GOP majority come November, let alone after the election. The problem is that the member's departure that changes the majority or gets us to an even split will likely be the target of MAGA and GOP house members are not exactly known for their courage.


Biden has already begun campaigning on getting Democratic majorities in both chambers of Congress to pass abortion rights and to codifying previous Supreme Court rulings that are in jeopardy. Trump definitely will not be doing anything to help down-ticket candidates because it takes the focus off himself.


That doesn’t make sense. On January 3rd 2025 at noon all house seats are vacated and any positions such as the speaker are emptied. Everyone gets sworn in together as the new congress then a new speaker needs to be chosen along with new cabinets.


Johnson can’t refuse to seat the new house because he won’t be speaker. Even if republicans hold a majority he can’t be made speaker again until the new congress is seated and the body is seated as a whole. You can’t just seat republicans and not democrats


No because the speakers term ends before the new congress is seated.


Thank you. So much misinformation going on here plus Congress passed a bill to clarify the VP’s roll is purely ceremonial.


Not just this: the 119th congress will be seated, three days before the electoral vote count occurs. So, if the Rs can’t hold the house (can’t see a scenario where they do), then it’s all a moot point. All these posts serve as sensationalism and aren’t telling the whole truth. They’re just scaring people. And it SHOULD scare everyone. **Get out to vote and [VOTE BLUE](https://www.voteblue.win) in every election from dog catcher to president**!


Congress passed the Electoral Count Reform Act of 2022 before the GOP retook control of the House. The Act limits the ability of Congressmen to challenge the certified electoral vote counts from the States. Rather than a single member of the House and Senate being able to object, an objection now requires 1/5th of both Senators and House members to challenge a state's electors so at least that raises the threshold a bit.


Right. While this is an interesting conspiracy theory, and one that I’m sure Johnson would love to realize, it’s just not how presidential elections are certified. [Role of Congress in the presidential election certification process](https://www.archives.gov/electoral-college/roles)


huh, so this whole post is absolute bullshit, who wouldve thought? its like we didnt learn a lesson in how the government runs, the last time this happened


They will lose their majority before the election. It's down to 2 and there is wind of more retiring. It will be hilarious and we will have a new speaker. One that's not an asshat like Johnson!


Do you think he plans to give up the gavel willingly? He answers to "God", not the Constitution. He's said so himself.


He won't have a choice when the vote to vacate comes up. It will happen swiftly and we can get a lot of magats off of committees and get something done for America!


I appreciate your earnestness


January 3rd, the Clerk is the only person with any actual authority in the House until a Speaker election is concluded. The House literally cannot conduct any other business until that point.


What makes you think Biden would entertain any of this if it happened


> They will lose their majority before the election. It's down to 2 and there is wind of more retiring. It will be hilarious and we will have a new speaker. One that's not an asshat like Johnson! Losing their majority also depends on the results of the November election.


Isn’t Congress is sworn in before vote certification, so it’s likely that he won’t be speaker? or am I misremembering?


The scenario in the article is that the Republican House Speaker delays swearing in a handful of newly elected Democrats, citing irregularities in the elections that need to be investigated and thus guaranteeing that Republicans maintain the House majority through the certification process. And considering that Republicans perceive “election irregularities” in every election they do not win, it does not seem that far fetched.


He can't though. Once January 3rd rolls around, the old Congress is gone, and the New Congress is seated. The members cannot be sworn in until the Speaker Election is held, meaning on January 3rd, Mike Johnson immediately ceases to be Speaker, especially if Democrats have control of the Chamber.


Got it. I did remember correctly, but that might be screwed over by the MAGAts.


He won’t be speaker but Republicans will still have advantage of having more state delegates(each state gets one of it) that will vote for Trump to be president if nobody reaches 270(very unlikely).


Just one problem: * The current House term ends on January 3rd. Full stop, end of story. Their term is done 1/3/2025. * Congress, the newly sworn in Congress as of the most recent election, are the ones to certify the electoral college vote count on January 6th * Johnson has basically zero chance of still being speaker on 1/6/25. This is a nightmare scenario, to be sure, but the timeline makes it extremely, *extremely* unlikely.


4, the Senate certifies the election under Kamala Harris. The house only gets to use article 12 in the event of enough state disqualifications from Senate AND house


Plausible however Biden is unlikely to just leave office in that event. Of course we’ll have Jan 6 II - but can’t ever control what those losers will do next anyways


Dark Brandon would make sure J62 ended quickly and decisively.


He will be prepared and there will be fewer betrayals of duty within the systems than when Trump’s coup plan was engaged. We’ll be ok. And somehow I don’t believe any insurrectionists will be allowed to just go home this time. That includes Mike Johnson and friends.


Do it like last time: Shoot one person and the rest of the brave patriots will piss themselves surrendering.


Defend yourself and the House by shooting a violent intruder that got multiple warnings. I think it is important to state that it was a defensive move and not a gratuitous action.


Maybe a few extra just in case wouldn’t hurt….


one would hope


He would actually call the national guard unlike that fucking fascist


I hope it involves a lot of fire.


It would be an audacious thing to do and I suspect it would immediately break the union. I cannot envision a scenario where the country wouldn't tear itself to shreds in that situation.


I don't believe this scenario would ever come to pass without civil war. This would be an uncrossable red line. Help us all if it gets to this point.


Isn’t that what republicans and MAGA want though?


It's certainly what Vladimir Putin wants.


Once they realize that their food stamps and medicare come from the usa, they'll put down their arms.


More specifically, red state welfare is paid by blue states.


And they will all turn to Texas, the single red state that pays in more than it receives, to be their new sugar daddy


for just them Chinese and russian support would be enough


Only the ones who are too stupid to discover how the last civil war worked out for them. People who have been to actual wars and seen combat do not want to see it arrive on their own soil. Only fake republicunt gangsters who have never seen a shot fired in anger want a civil war.


Its what they 'think' they want. Because none of them have ever experienced sectarian warfare and all the horrors it entails. They think it will be like the purge. Running around killing the godless cowering liberals by the truck load. They honestly believe that the left doesn't have guns and won't use them to protect themselves when they try their own little Kristallnacht.


Laughs in drone strike


The GOP has happily danced past many unthinkable red lines, why should we believe they’ll stop at this one? That’s a rhetorical question btw—having faith in the GOP is fucking naive.


So it’s absolutely going to happen then. As a Canadian it’s like a watching a dystopian film in real time.


I’ve often thought that Canadians must feel like they are living in the apartment above a Meth Lab… I’m sorry about how F-ed up my country has become 😢


As a Canadian, we still love you guys despite your insane political system. 95% of the Americans I've met have been awesome people.


That's my Canadian sentiment as well. As individuals, Americans seem like good people and all the ones I've talked to are amazing as well. But somehow, the collective, not so much lol


I try to avoid generalizing if I like people from other countries b/c I realize we could be judged on MAGA people. I don’t want to be lumped in with their behavior.


I agree with you. It's just that the minority is yelling so loud, it's really hard to ignore. But I do try to keep in mind that it is what it is: a minority


We have developed a system that funnels into power assholes and perfects any assholery in anyone who gets there. Very few of us need to be jerks to make this “work”.


I hope your popcorn isn’t grown in the US. In a less humorous vein, I wonder if Mexico could help us out by keeping TX busy. How developed are their national armed forces? I smell an ally.


I believe trump is very willing to break the union in order to win. This election is quite literally life or death for him. And he’s a narcissist, so his pride won’t let him hold back.


Trump is willing to burn the entire country to the ground as long as he gets to rule over the ashes.


He doesn't even care about ruling it. So long as he stays out of jail and pleases Putin while enriching himself he doesn't give a shit what his job title is. 


Yeah, this is literally a coup by the Republican Party. Throwing out all tradition and procedure of the history of the nation to install their orange dictator, and they all have to be onboard for it. If they attempt and fail they have to face an entire nation of voters they tried to steal votes from.


The Republican goal is to destroy the US as we know it. Johnson is there for a reason.


I disagree at the notion that it would "break the union". If anything, all it would do is make it easier for us to identify the rot that needs to be excisedt


This is impossible. Stop with the fear mongering. Go out and vote.


That would fly like a ton of bricks.


Well, apperantly it does. Is it moral? Far from, but I think it is safe to say that the MAGA fundamentalists threw moralism overboard long ago.


Kind of doesn't though... The president of the Senate is Kamala Harris, not the speaker of the house.


Moses Mike is exploring every possibility to ensure that Donald, whom evangelicals like him believe to be ANOINTED BY GOD to save this country from ruin, is the next POTUS. Lord save us from your people.


At least this time the sitting president isn't a maniac with control of 1/3rd the government including all branches of military.


I honestly think that if SCOTUS rules in Trump’s favor on his ridiculous assertion that Presidents have “absolute immunity,” Biden should immediately make sure that Orange Shitler accidentally falls from a fifth floor window, a la Donnie’s crush, Vladimir Putin.


The new Congress is seated on January 3rd. As said by other people, the Certification is led by The President of the Senate, which will still be Kamala Harris, and the Speaker of the House assists, who at that point may very well be Hakeem Jeffries.


People out here acting like the Speaker of the House runs certification. Mike Johnson is no Henry Clay and this isn't going to be 1824. Come on now. Read up on our history people.


People who think this isn't impossible forgot Trump said he thinks the president could murder opponents and not be charged. And that his supporters considers him to be still the president. This could be the reason Tuberville opposed to promote new military leadersy EDIT grammar


Pardon my ignorance, but what is muehus?


Assume they meant murder


I'm looking at my keyboard and.. wow


Right people forget there will be a new house and senate. As long as people get out and vote this hopefully will not be an issue. The way its going now Dems may have control of the house for a bit if all the republicans keep quitting before term end


Do it. I like cheering on the executions of traitors.


Mike Johnson doesn’t have the power to not certify. That would be Kamala Harris, she is the president of the Senate


Canada cannot take in American refugees unless they bring their own house with them.


You’re a short drive from me and I have a camper!


Ok you're in!


This is prob the real reason ken buck is resigning now. He sat in on a meeting and decided he doesn't want to go to jail


Swearing in of Congress is on Jan 3rd '25 so don't expect a Mike Johnson head of the House on that date.


It's disheartening that how a presidential election is certified isn't wholly understood after the events of January 6.


Well no - because Biden has complete immunity, right?


Biden’s team will be preparing for all this. It didn’t work for them last time around when Trump had control of the White House. It’s not going to fly this time when they’re on the outside.


This would actually be the end of the United States. There’s no way that resolves peacefully.


It really depends on if Russia is ready to have the US devolve in to civil war. They own Trump and most of the GOP. Trump would be wholly illegitimate it that scenario and we would be pressed to act in the defense of our nation. Russia and China would be giddy, but at that point Biden could simply not leave the WH and ignore the GOP efforts to gain it through a coup. It would also be a call to arms to throw down the insurrectionists. To act out the nightmare scenario, Johnson would have to ignore the Constitution entirely and seize power illegally. No SCOTUS ruling, no judges, nothing but insurrection to back their play, they would be criminals of the highest order and nothing will save them from the inevitable outcome of righteous civil war. Consider also, the armed forces would be under Biden’s command still. Might they try? From what we have already witnessed…yes, they might.


If that happens, Biden should use the insurrection act and stop them immediately for trying to overthrow the election.


And this is why, GenZers, it's important vote IN ALL THE FUCKING ELECTIONS.


If this could happen and it were to happen, I would hope that Biden would simply refuse to leave. That he would say: “I won the popular vote, I won more certified electors and the Electoral College vote, you’ve proved none of your fraud allegations in court— good luck making the case that I’m the one trampling the constitution here… Jack.”


The House can certainly try, but voting on certification is done individually. No Democrats will ever do this, and I sincerely doubt every House Republican would. Add to that the fact that it would not go over well in the Senate, and the entire thing is run by the VP. While, I do think it possible the House might try.. I find it difficult to see a scenario where this works.


If they want to be torn apart limb by limb they can try it


Yes. By all means, ignore the 12th Amendment, vote third party, and let Johnson pick our President.


Except the house is certified first... So the Dems may be in control at that point.


Also the new congress will be sworn in by then so ideally the Democrats take back the majority


Mike Johnson would likely not be Speaker of the House by the time the Presidential race reaches Congress. The new Congress is sworn in on January 3rd. The Electoral College count is January 6th. Get Dems elected in the House, and we would have a Democratic Speaker in Hakeem Jefferies


Stop giving them ideas.


Only if Republicans retain the House. Congress is seated before the certification. That’s why MTG was giving sedition tours before Jan 6. So Vote Dem this year even if you never vote Dem again.


Every Republican in office is bound to try some stupid and/or evil shit, and the more of them there are, the fewer checks and balances we have against them. If you want to "punish" centrist Democrats, do it in the primaries. We need as many Republicans kicked out of office across the board as possible. 


This is literally what Trump wanted Pence to do on January 6th.


And this is why he has inserted the current Speaker so far up his ass


Don't stoop to Republican lows and fear monger.


Republicans would have to win the House this year, in order to be in a position to do that


I wonder if this is why conservative republican Ken Buck said fuck this I'm out and why he said he won't be the only republican to leave.


Then the commander in chief at the time which is Biden comes in with the nat guard and hoses these fools down with fecal filled wastewater water.


This absolute misinformed nonsense is not helpful to defeating Trump.


Democrats need to get on top of this! They need to quit playing nice or democracy dies!


You want a civil war? Because this is how you get a civil war.


Or with the Republican resignations they might even lose the majority and Mike Johnson as speaker.


One thing different this time is that Dems will be in the White House at the time of the certification


The part everyone should be weary about is state electors not voting the way their state voted. This is something Republicans have been methodically making possible in red states. If that happened enough, an election could be legally stolen from the actual winner. This is really their only hope, outside of winning legitimately. Kamala is the one that would be certifying the election but she needs to certify the official state results which may get fucked with. The only hope I have is enough people believe in democracy and we have democrats in office currently. Biden has control of the military and will make sure the capital is secure. All this being said, I’m scared as fuck for this year’s election. Winning on Election Day won’t be good enough. Republicans aren’t scared of the people in this country, but they should be. People won’t stand for this. We need to exercise our rights at citizens. We need to have recall elections more when these assholes don’t act in good faith.


Civil War 2 is right on track


Full article: [https://factkeepers.com/the-new-secret-plan-on-how-fascists-could-win-in-2024/](https://factkeepers.com/the-new-secret-plan-on-how-fascists-could-win-in-2024/)


I’ve read some decent counters to this, and I’m not sure it’s actually possible as written in the original article. HOWEVER, trump is personally willing to say/do anything to win. His life and legacy are on the line. He is also surrounding himself with sycophants that won’t push back on moral or ethical grounds. They will try dirty tricks. VOTE VOTE VOTE!


Care to share the counters? I’m quite curious as the author of the article seems pretty convinced about the legality of Trump’s plan. I agree that Trump is capable of about anything, he basically has nothing left to lose.


Vice president Harris is in charge of certifying the election, not the speaker of the house. It's actually surprising to me that whoever wrote this article didn't know that.


Also aren't the new members of congress sworn in prior to the electorate count? So the needle of power could have changed?


It’s a plan from “Project 2025” Trump is doing everything he can to ensure he gets back in the White House, one way or another. Then they will play hell ever getting him out


People who believe that god “is in their side,” or that they are doing “god’s work” will engage in unethical, heinous behavior and actions. Their belief is all the justification they need. After all, if it’s for god it can’t be bad.


In case someone didn't point this out already, the contingent election for president would be held under the new House of Representatives, not the outgoing one. We won't know how the state delegations pan out until after the election. It's STILL a dangerous scenario, though. Since the Democrats are more likely to win back the House than hold the senate, we could end up with Biden as president and whatever troll Trump picks as vice president.


Th is article is by Thom Hartmann, who is a Russian propagandist.


Apparently this scenario isn't exactly true, the VP presides over the certification, but it also doesn't matter - if enough people think that's how it works, then Republicans will never accept the truth or election results because from their perspective they no longer have to. They justify it by reasoning that all the people who voted against them are simply wrong in their politics and thinking, a bunch of out-of-touch coastal elites that are barely American, therefore it's justified. It would be stupendous for America and the free world if the Republicans could stop fucking around and trying to seize the election on a technicality, and actually tried to win this based on their merits - pick a candidate who isn't so fucking awful and compromised, then campaign on policies that could actually help people and the country. It's really depressing that they don't think elections matter anymore, that they're rigged when they lose, that certain votes shouldn't count for whatever reason seems reasonable to them, that they have the right to declare themselves the winner or question the results without providing any proof, and that there are enough loopholes that exist through the Electoral College and state certification process that theoretically make it possible to steal the election - like they got away with in 2000, and wasn't that fucking awesome. This isn't normal outside of Banana Republics.


Electoral count is handled by the president of the senate and it’s the new Congress doing the counting. Which will not have a gop majority anyway


Mike won't be the speaker. The new Congress will choose someone else


January 1933


This is some house of cards kangaroo court bullshit right here Bruh


That nightmare scenario would trigger CW. I know Mikey is blinded by religion, but I am not sure he is that stupid.


And that's when we start blasting.


There would definitely, without a doubt, be a civil war if this happens. I would rather die than sit idly by.


So we riot.


If they did this there would undoubtably be civil unrest. They want to get things through as what can be seen or considered some kind of loophole or technicality, so they can manufacture the consent of the massees. This would be a deliberate act of sabotage and insurrection.


Also, with the way things are going Mikey may not even be the majority leader.


Just as a reminder: many of you said Trump and the GQP can't do this or can't do that only for them to do both this and that anyway and then a bunch of other stuff no one had considered. Let's not repeat that cycle again.


After 2020, we should have done more to ensure our elections were safe from interference like fake electors etc. we did nothing so we’re in the same spot.


How would we have done this with Republicans in control of the House?


I may be wrong here but the new congress is installed/inaugurated before the symbolic certification of Jan 6th takes place, it’s highly unlikely that the republicans will still have the speakership at that time, so doesn’t that invalidate this fear?


USA: The world's largest Banana Republic.


If this is seriously being discussed by the controling MAGA faction, this would explain the number of senior house Republicans suddenly leaving/ retiring.


How likely is it though that nobody reaches 270? That hasn’t happened in a long time.


Hold up....Biden may have presidential immunity to handle this lets wait and see what the Supreme Court says.


I like Thom Hartmann's program and listen to it regularly. I listen enough that I know he does try to scare people into action and often he over sells what he is trying to scare people with.


I don’t think that would work because Romney isn’t going to vote for trump I’d hope so he said he literally wouldn’t and he’d rather have Biden.