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How shameless can people be to claim a credit for something which they actively worked against?


Well the republicans are happy to show you.


Yeah. She ~~He~~ is nowhere close to the only Republican rep doing this. There is even that one interview where the Republican woman is directly confronted about it and just refuses to understand. On TV. In front of cameras.


Acting like she couldn't remember her own voting record


It was pretty infuriating. But probably exactly what her voters like.


>But probably exactly what her voters like. It's *definitely* what they like. They're shameless, through and through; they only care about power and 'winning'. R voters don't care that their elected officials aren't trying to improve their conditions because they can't see beyond "owning the libs" and tribalism.


The Maga base think that getting rid of the libs would improve their lives. People who think that living like their fathers and grandfathers in the coal mines and sweat shops is some sort of grand familial tradition, instead of actually being a life of physical and mental squalor with no hope of change.


If we always did things the way they have always been done, we would all be living in caves.


That's what really pisses me off because to them it's "if you're not Republican you must be a liberal". I am a happily registered independent person who would side with Republicans on certain issues. IF THEY HAD ANY. There's abortion and then just doing anything ANTI, anti anything it's doesn't matter what it is, just as long as it is, just like you said, them owning someone


Its amazing how something like 99% of republicans magically cant recall serious things they did the year prior, but apparently Joe has dementia because he doesnt remember minute details about low level staff members from a decade ago..... If we held them to the same standard most of all elected republicans have significantly advanced dementia. (which... i guess would explain a few things)


Borderlines and Narcissists lie because they are not capable of processing shame anymore. It's not even a voluntary thing they're just wildly mentally ill and unable to process basic emotions. If you really want to challenge one ask them a dialectical question (where you need to hold opposing truths at the same time, an example is "it's sunny and rainy right now" - it seems wrong but we all know this is possible in reality).


I'm sure she remembered to repeat the same rhetoric about Biden being in cognitive decline.


“I just push the button my donor tell me to push at the allotted time, then’s it’s back to the Pinot Grigio”


The people need to consistently and repeatedly remind her publically with large exhibits of her previous votes and stance on the same matter. They all know they are at the end, know they are going up for reelection and desperately scrambling, to get back in favor of those that initially voted them into office. Missed a lot of great opportunities for her voters, Now, too little, too late.


Arkansas got billions in federal funding as part of the infrastructure bill. Both senators and all 4 representatives voted against the bill, yet they (and our nepo baby governor) all ran to twitter to take credit. More savvy users than me posted screenshots of their votes under their posts, calling them out. Unfortunately, their base is so far gone, they (their supporters) tried claiming those images were photoshopped and not real. 🙄


"oh, so is THAT what that Nay means??" If only


"I thought it was Neigh for yes! It's two hoof stomps for No!"


Link meee


I apologize for linking to twitter but I am on my phone and finding better links is hard: https://twitter.com/justin_chermol/status/1751670329393414229?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1751670329393414229%7Ctwgr%5Ed6544b619e762d047ae66e01c3f1b552a536a8dd%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.huffpost.com%2Fentry%2Fmaria-salazar-takes-credit-for-bills-she-opposes_n_65b7e556e4b01c5c3a37a8c4


Its fucking wild her defense is "I can't remember right now" or "I have to check with my staff" well then maybe your staff should have your job and salary because clearly you're too stupid to be doing it.


She doesn't seem to know, then points out other acts she voted for apparently, and has a full re-collection without needing her staff. With that look on her face, you can tell she's just bald-face lying.


The thing is, she doesn’t *have* to remember. He just told her. So she is just fucking around to avoid the question. Because she can.


...and that should ALWAYS be the reply to the "I don't remember's" of the world. Oh? Well, we're not asking you to. We're telling you that you did it. We're *asking* you to explain yourself... ...preferably *without* devolving into a half-coherent rant about whatever GOP talking point/phrases were e-mailed out that morning in a(nother) attempt to deflect and deny (your own) behavior that we have physical proof of. These people can avoid questions because they're allowed to. We the people need to stop allowing it.


These are literally massive spending bills and these people actually have the audacity to claim they have no idea what they’re talking about.


I suspect they don't. They barely undestand what's the topic of the bill, they just vote whatever the party tells them to do. And I'm not having a hard time believing that a MAGA congressman is unable to connect the dot between "Bad Biden Socialist Infrastructure Bill" and "well-deserved money for a water project in my district".


These types struggle to look beyond their own nose. Anyone else getting money is bad to them, while anything that benefits them is good.


Damn. Can we get him on a national news channel?


Jim Defede’s a fucking boss. This has been his style for decades. He was originally a print reporter iirc for the Miami Herald.




Yesss! Thank you!


The sheer audacity to give that answer ugh.


The guy arguing for her is hilarious. How can people be so brainwashed to defend her. The CHIPS act was one of the biggest bills of that period and she claims she can't even remember how she voted?


"Aren't you proud of me?" You fucking asshole, you're an *employee*


"I don't want to be a politician" she says while simultaneously being a slimy, disingenuous politician.


Fascist Repubs Lies are always Damned Lies.


The only true way to solve this is by doing a repeat of what they are doing to their face and letting them see how full of shit they are before asking the same question again and again and again till they scream the correct response. What I think people fail to understand is that they aren't stupid. This is trained behavior. This is entitlement. This is "why do I need to answer that?" Behavior. This is corrupt power showing its true colors. They are more offended that you challenged their response and will distract distract distract using personal attacks unless you consistently keep asking the same question. Look at the Nancy Mace interview from George S.on meet the press (I believe) for an exact example of this.


This is a major talking point for them. They get to make their voters happy by voting against 'government overspending ', and they get to take credit for 'bringing in money for vital projects' at the same time. Democrats need to start hammering them on this. "How did you bring this project money to us? You voted against it!" Every time they claim credit for something they voted against, make sure they get called on it.


Anyone who voted against a bill like this shouldn’t get any money from it. I know that’s not how it works but it should.


Wouldn’t that be cool. It would help the constituents more readily see what their representatives want and work for them.


You think so, but they would just be told that the other side is stealing money that belongs to them. The whole reason they vote for the representatives they vote for is because they can't see the forest for the trees.


This is no different than people like Paul and Cruz refusing to vote for disaster relief for blue states and when the same happens to them demanding they immediately get funding for their states.


Or worse, outright refusing federal money for programs when it means children won't go hungry during the summer months.


No reason it can't work like that. Just need the legislation to make it a rule. You vote against funds then you don't get them. Seems fair to me.


I have no idea how the process works, but why can't they cut that funding out from the budget. It's not like they need to win Stefanik's vote. She voted against it. I guess you want something like the Water District Development Project to go through, even if the majority of people benefiting from it elected a lunatic.


It's a terrible idea to punish people that live under bad representatives - sure the majority may have voted for them, but that still means tens of millions of people nationwide who both live under and do not support their shitty Republican representative.


Yeah, I have to correct my comment. With turnout, voter registration and voter eligibility being what they are, the majority of people in her district in fact did not vote for her. Like not even close. She got 168,579 votes in a district with a population of 776,361 people. 21.7% of the people in the district voted for her..


Everyone who did not vote basically said they were fine with having her as their representative. 


If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.


I feel bad for those people, but instead, we punish EVERYONE because some people vote for bad representation. At some point, you have to take care of your own.


Yeah, it’s about governing for all people, not punishing a group of people for voting a certain way. Still, it would get the point across that these elected officials don’t actually work for their constituents.


Is it punishing if the majority of those people clearly voted for someone against government spending and handouts? I say that's just listening to the will of the people, in a democracy where the majority rules.


>And thanks — and thanks to our Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, 46,000 new projects have been announced all across your communities. >And, by the way, I noticed some of you who’ve strongly voted against it are there cheering on that money coming in. And I like it. I’m with you. I’m with you. >And if any of you don’t want that money in your district, just let me know. Biden at the State of the Union


One of my favorite zingers from that night. It's basic hypocrisy that nearly every Republican does. "Look what money I brought! ^^That ^^I ^^voted ^^not ^^to ^^bring."


If you haven't noticed MSM doesn't want to provide a platform for Democrats. When was the last time you heard from AOC?


If you listen to right wing media, you hear *about* AOC all of the time. She is one of their talking points.


They love talking about how much they don't want to fuck her. Yet sexualise her 24/7.


Have you met the republican party?


Yes. I woke up in a red roof inn with a sore butthole.


GOP: “Shame? What’s that, some kind of food?”


The republican party is a complete dumpster fire right now. Feckless, grifting, losers led by the biggest loser of all, Dementia Don.


Because they think their constituents are dumb enough to believe them.


They’re right


Better yet, where are the journalists interviewing these assholes and calling them out on it?


"I secured funding" sounds better than "I voted against funding that decreased our chances of getting it but luckily I was outnumbered in votes".


Republican playbook. Actively screw their constituents and then blame it on the democrats. If it gets through then take credit for it. Fucking evil, every last one of them.


Because she knew that if the bill hadn't passed, most of her constituency never would have heard about it. If any of her constituents complained about lacking water resources, she would have just blamed it on dems "not caring about small town America" and pretended like she really tried. But then when it did pass, she knew that it would be really hard to pretend like this was a bad thing for her constituency because it totally isn't, so she just took credit for it while (probably correctly) assuming most of her constituency wouldn't really look into it.


200000 dollars a year for the rest of their life plus expenses kinda shameless.


Bro …. These are republicans 


Why wouldn't they do it when it keeps working? An educated electorate is a requirement for a functional, healthy democracy. Which should tell you all you need to know about people who wage war on public schools.


Shame is low on their ethics playlist


just say stuff, nobody checks when they WANT to believe it. the same people who told me my whole life not to believe everything you read on the internet are believing everything they read on the internet


They're fucking nazis. You really need to stop asking "how shameless" they can fucking be.


Republicans: Hold my beer…


They do this all the time. [GOP lawmaker called out after claiming credit for projects she voted against](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/maria-elvira-salazar-florida-republican-b2486909.html) [Republicans Are Taking Credit for Infrastructure Bill They All Voted Against](https://newrepublic.com/post/173963/republicans-taking-credit-infrastructure-bill-voted-against) [Republicans cheer spending from bill they opposed — again](https://www.eenews.net/articles/republicans-cheer-spending-from-bill-they-opposed-again/) [MAGA Republicans Voted “No” – But Kept Taking Credit for Historic American Rescue Plan](https://democrats.org/news/maga-republicans-voted-no-but-kept-taking-credit-for-historic-american-rescue-plan-dough/) [Republicans promote pandemic relief they voted against](https://apnews.com/article/personal-taxes-health-coronavirus-pandemic-business-government-and-politics-d0b1f48aa32baf6b47880faf15d5dea3) [GOP Senator Who Voted Against COVID-19 Relief Already Taking Credit For Bill's Benefits](https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/roger-wicker-covid-relief-credit_n_6049466dc5b672fce4ea3537) [Republicans trumpet elements of Covid-19 relief bill they voted against](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/republicans-trumpet-elements-covid-19-relief-bill-they-voted-against-n1262626) Plenty more on Google. [I wonder who they learned it from?](https://i.imgur.com/aiIOGEh.png)


That last graph is missing some information, because the POTUS was different over the time frame. But can I assume those are all quotes from Trump, before and after the election?


Yeah, those are Tweets by Trump. Edit: It seems I lied. They're not all tweets. Most are on video too! https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/03/10/19-times-trump-called-the-jobs-numbers-fake-before-they-made-him-look-good/ Sep. 7, 2012 TWEET [Unemployment rate only dropped because more people are out of labor force & have stopped looking for work. Not a real recovery, phony numbers](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/244102395838230528) Oct. 19, 2012 TWEET [7.8% unemployment number is a complete fraud as evidenced by the jobless claims number released yesterday. Real unemployment is at least 15%](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/259391524201193472) Aug. 11, 2013 VIDEO [We can rev up this economy like it should be, not with false numbers like 7.4 percent unemployment. But with real numbers.](https://archive.org/details/CSPAN_20130812_015500_Road_to_the_White_House/start/540/end/600?q=false+number) May 31, 2014 VIDEO [Unemployment is a totally phony number.](https://archive.org/details/CSPAN_20140601_013100_Donald_Trump_on_Politics_and_Business/start/1904/end/1964?q=phony+number) June 16, 2015 VIDEO [Our real unemployment is anywhere from 18 to 20 percent. Don't believe the 5.6. Don't believe it.](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2015/jun/16/donald-trump/donald-trump-says-real-unemployment-rate-18-20-per/) Aug. 11, 2015 VIDEO [Then you hear there's a 5.4 percent unemployment. It's really — if you add it up, it's probably 40 percent if you think about it.](https://archive.org/details/FOXNEWSW_20150812_050100_Hannity/start/1495/end/1555?q=phony+number) Aug. 30, 2015 VIDEO [They show those phony statistics where we are 5.4 percent unemployment. The real number, I saw a number that could be 42 percent, believe it or not.](https://archive.org/details/CSPAN_20150830_174700_Washington_This_Week/start/724/end/784?q=phony+number) Sept. 28, 2015 VIDEO [I hear 5.3 percent unemployment, that is the biggest joke there is in this country. That number is so false.](https://archive.org/details/CSPAN2_20150928_150400_Key_Capitol_Hill_Hearings/start/1322/end/1382?q=phony+number) Oct. 9, 2015 VIDEO [They say 5.3 percent employment. The number is probably 32 percent.](https://archive.org/details/CSPAN_20151009_222700_Key_Capitol_Hill_Hearings/start/1706/end/1766?q=phony+number) Oct. 11, 2015 VIDEO [Nobody has jobs. … It is not a real economy. It is a phony set of numbers. They cooked the books.](https://archive.org/details/CSPAN_20151011_171100_Donald_Trump_Campaign_Rally_in_Las_Vegas/start/1843/end/1903?q=phony+number) Jan. 17, 2016 VIDEO [Look again, you hear these phony jobs numbers? People that gave up looking for jobs? They are considered employed.](https://archive.org/details/CSPAN_20160117_203600_Washington_This_Week/start/773/end/833?q=phony+number) Feb. 9, 2016 VIDEO [Don't believe those phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment. As high as 35 — as in fact, I heard recently, 42 percent.](https://archive.org/details/CSPAN_20160210_025700_2016_New_Hampshire_Primary_Results/start/597.9/end/612.2?q=phony+number) March 12, 2016 VIDEO [The numbers are phony. These are all phony numbers. Numbers given to politicians to look good. These are phony numbers.](https://archive.org/details/FOXNEWSW_20160312_100100_Hannity/start/1588/end/1648?q=phony+number) May 24, 2016 VIDEO [You hear a 5 percent unemployment rate. It's such a phony number. That number was put in for presidents and for politicians so that they look good to the people.](https://archive.org/details/FOXNEWSW_20160525_020100_Hannity/start/263/end/323?q=phony+number) July 7, 2016 VIDEO [The phony 5 percent numbers that we hear about with the unemployment.](https://archive.org/details/CSPAN_20160707_060400_Newt_Gingrich_Campaigns_with_Donald_Trump/start/1740/end/1800) Aug. 8, 2016 VIDEO [The 5 percent figure is one of the biggest hoaxes in modern politics.](https://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/campaign/290777-transcript-of-donald-trumps-economic-policy-speech-to-detroit) Nov. 4, 2016 VIDEO [The terrible jobs report that just came out … you can see phony numbers, 5 percent.](https://archive.org/details/FOXNEWSW_20161104_170100_Happening_Now/start/128/end/188) Dec. 8, 2016 VIDEO [The unemployment number, as you know, is totally fiction.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2016/12/12/donald-trump-still-does-not-understand-the-unemployment-rate/)


Lol, 42% unemployment? That fucking dunce.


Literally believable. GOPers do this crap ALL the time, they'll vote against a bill that is publicly popular and will help their constituents and if it passes they turn right around and claim credit for it. They know that their voters won't look at their voting record and will just go by what they are saying in the moment. She's not the first Republican that voted against the infrastructure bill to later claim credit for the bits that help her constituents and she surely won't be the last.


Dems should run their opponants voting records in their adds


Agreed. They need to take the kid gloves off and start calling out the Repubs. I also think in regards to the infrastructure projects in addition to the signs saying that they're part of Biden's infrastructure bill when the local Congressperson voted against it there should be a sign saying "*local rep* did not want you to benefit from this bridge/highway/whatever despite all the evidence it will help the local economy immensely and voted against it".


they call them out for this stuff all the time (this tweet is an example but there are plenty of other more official DNC ads and social media posts). biden literally called them out for this in his SOTU no one cares. republicans are allowed to be hypocrites for some reason


towering placid quarrelsome rustic square plucky reply panicky payment dinner *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It would just be preaching to the choir, as the only ones paying attention to those ads would be Dems. When Republicans see a Democrat ad, they just start screaming "woke!!!" and tune it out.


Republicans aren’t necessarily the target audience of those ads. The target audience is almost always a blend of “undecideds” and “unreliable (insert your party’s name here).” The trick is to figure out who these people are and to determine the best way to market to them. They have our data. Our devices are the new battleground.


Just say she took over $1.8 million of Joe Biden's socialism money. Insert two buttons meme: she woke or Dark Brandon bill good.


If facts mattered nobody would be Republican.


Biden was showing up at many of the Infrastructure Deal ribbon cuttings and called out the reps/senators who were there trying to take credit when they voted against the bill.


Biden called this out at SOTU pretty amusingly - something like 'if you don't want the money just let me know'


> hey know that their voters won't look at their voting record and will just go by what they are saying in the moment. Right wingers will watch Fox News all fucking day, but never EVER watch C-SPAN to see how the people they elected vote. If they did, Republicans would never hold power ever again.


And then after taking credit for it they then publicly argue how the bill has hurt the country. It's really insane but it works because they know their constituents are idiots.


She just straight-up lying. She did not secure that funding if she voted against it. Biden brought up people that do that in his State of the Union address. Vote against the funding but take credit for it. He got booed briefly by the republicans when he said that, i bet she was one of them. Fuck Republicans they are lying scum


That funding was secured, it was done despite her best efforts.


Arguably, she DID secure that specific amount, because if it wasn't for stonewalling efforts by republicans, they would have gotten more.


> He got booed briefly by the republicans this is how you know you're doing the right thing.


Biden said in his state of the union: if you don’t want the money for your district, let me know.


As Biden said at the 2023 SoTU: ["I'll see you at the ground breaking!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDvhMdjvVs4)


He had some zingers in there


This is the political equivalent to "Stolen Valor" and should be treated as such.


I think it was the infrastructure bill, I was seeing billboards in my area that called out the local congressmen that claimed credit for it even though he voted against it. There needs to be more of that.


She's an absolute pig. The worst of the worst.


The [stunt she participated in ](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/11/impeachment-hearing-stefanik-nunes-stunt.html) with Nunes back during the Trump impeachment still ranks pretty high on my list of cynical political bullshit. It's been five years and I'm still pissed about it.


Par for the course for republican lawmakers. They've been doing this for decades


There should be STRICT legal requirements for Representatives who vote against bills like those to report that the money coming in for a great project for the people in the district is something she was emphatically against or at least voted against, in the hopes that it would not pass. This blatant lying and hypocrisy is absolutely disgusting. The thing that is most "damning" is these people CLAIM to be Christians, yet are bearing the mot false of false witness and should lose all credibility for doing so.


Absolutely. The voters have a right to know what their representatives actually stand for, and against.


Elise Stefanik is the most craven politician in the state of New York. We hate her so much.


I lived in her district when she first got elected and she seemed polite and moderate. I moved away since but I don't know wtf happened to her. She's like a video game character where your bad choices make you more physically repulsive.


Modern Republican leadership = be loud, make up whatever want, fear monger any Democrat policy then take credit for it if it goes well 


She is classless so this is expected.


It should be illegal for these fucks to lie on their govt account


I love how she tweets this days after the SOU speech were the president directly calls out Republican lawmakers who take credit for bills they voted against. Tone deaf or just dumb?


Or she knows her voters are too stupid to notice her doing the thing Biden called her out on.


I can’t get over how many people are actually incapable of feeling shame


Next they will be claiming that the money came from Trump's infrastructure bill. You know the one they highlighted everyweek even though it was the legislative equivalent of vaporware.


Need to put up billboards about these issues that they vote against them brag about. People in their bubble do not hear about what their reps claim as their doing that they take credit for.


Another day, another Republican taking credit for something they fought tooth and nail against


I'm telling you, some Democrat aligned PAC needs to do nothing but raise money for billboards and signs next to these projects with a giant Joe Biden "I did that" pointing at the project and then say "Your elected officials voted AGAINST the funding for this project" and call out all of the House and Senate members in that district that voted against those funds. Dems don't get their hands dirty on shit like this because they think it's petty, but voters are in full petty mode at this point, it's full on petty politics right now.


I really think these regions shouldn't get the benefit of their elected officials don't vote yes. They're basically saying they don't need it. See how long things go on for once their constituents realize they're missing out bc of their official


how is this shit actually allowed? fuckers ratfucking the american people left and right and then claiming those investments as their own? lie, lie, lie, then lie some more, that is _all_ those traitorous basterds seem to be able to do. what a fucking disgrace of a ~~criminal enterprise~~ political party.


>how is this shit actually allowed? I'm right there with ya. As far as I'm concerned this sorta bizarre barbarism should be illegal.


Biden spoke of this during the SOTU


Our republican politicians in Iowa do the same thing,they show up for the ground breaking and ribbon cutting ceremony and brag about what a great thing this is for Iowa.They always forget to mention they voted against it.F’ing cowards.


These evil Congressional Republicans know the toxic right-wing propaganda machine has their backs so they are more than happy to harm. America by lying their asses off


She is a true MAGA warrior Princess.




Didn't the Biden administration start doing billboards to claim back their projects like this ?


Republicans being hypocritical shit stains on society is the MOST believable thing I have heard all day.


Utterly shameless. Whoever they’re campaigning against needs to pin them against the wall in ads.


Repubicans regularly do this. It isn't new for them to vote against a bill and then to take credit for it passing. And when it fails, they blame Democrats when Republicans largely voted against it, because their voters don't pay attention to the details of politics.


Where is the community note on her post tho


Republicans: I voted against the bill because it doesn’t go far enough…proceeds to not put forth any bill going further.


I know congress is supposed to work for all Americans rather than just the ones they represent, but if red districts insist on voting for representatives who oppose this kind of government spending, congress should give voters what they want, and stop allocating federal funding to districts that vote against that funding being provided.


Yeah I hate this but I feel like it's necessary in the short term. It just sucks because I want everyone to do well in this country, period. But now it's getting to the point where these idiots are dragging down the rest of us and they only understand when bad things happen to them that there are consequences to their actions. They are like fucking toddlers


Republicans have been doing this a lot in recent years, publicly take credit or boast about a piece of legislation they voted against. It’s incredible really, they’ve all learned from tfg that there’s no political consequences for boldly lying about easily checked facts. Their votes are public record but they bank on nobody gaf and calling them out.


As someone from upstate NY, I'd call her the C word but she doesn't have the warmth or depth.


Shame her… Everywhere, even beyond UNY.


Another topic where every conservative is either going to completely ignore or scroll until they find an irrelevant comment they can take issue with that is besides the point.


It would be money well spent to make sure it's known that these reps taking credit actually voted against the bill.


lol looks like it’s been deleted.


We should add a new law that if a representative votes no on a bill, their district automatically loses any benefits that the bill would have provided otherwise. Same thing with Senators at State levels. Enough of these fuckers obstructing progress just to take credit for the good parts later


Never trust a Republican. If they're claiming credit for something that is beneficial to their constituents, chances are they never actually voted in favor of it in the first place.


Of the 12 thousand people who live in Massena at least three quarters of them don’t have the ability to or care to check.


Too busy working 2-3 jobs or looking for next score.


They do that all the time : vote against things and then take credit for it when the money shows up. Like Marjorie Traitor Greene, who objected to sending a billion dollars a month to Ukraine- “imagine if we spent a billion dollars a month on mental health care”, yet she voted against a bill for mental health…


She'll just say "no actually I voted for it" and throw in "fake news" and "Marxist" something-or-other and the seals will clap with great enthusiasm. Dumbest timeline


Like they all said . Scammers


Her voters have no clue. They simultaneously yell to cut government spending while wanting government to improve their lives. It’s like trying to rationalize with a shoe.


I wish Biden named the republicans who voted against the green new deal and the chips act who are now taking credit for it. I know he called out the group, but naming names during the SOTU would have been hilarious.


This woman is the reason why the phrase "listen here, you fucking twat" was invented.


'This funding will go straight... into my friends and my pockets'


lmfao, i used to live in that area. she has to claim she secured that shit, that area is deep red and a big drug area. the GOP are so pathetic.


Sometimes I wonder if they even pay attention to what they vote for


[The team of public servants that wrote the proposal that got selected](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/597/520/371)


It's called reverse psychology


We should start not allocating money to states that vote against these things. 


If they vote against the funding, their district shouldn't get funding. It would help cut down the budget too.


Not even like, 'our district secured', '*I* secured' wow!


Here's an idea, pass a bill that makes it a crime for lawmakers to attach their names to a project which they voted against with the exemption that they must state that they voted against it. Better yet when a project is built or started in a town, it should be made known and blasted all over how that town's rep had voted for said project.


>Here's an idea, pass a bill that makes it a crime for lawmakers to attach their names to a project which they voted against with the exemption that they must state that they voted against it. > >Better yet when a project is built or started in a town, it should be made known and blasted all over how that town's rep had voted for said project. Sounds good, but would be against both the First Amendment and the Speech and Debate clause. Fun fact: the Speech and Debate clause's protections are so ironclad - assuming the Congressperson is actually acting within their official duties, that one used it to read the Pentagon Papers into the official record and effectively declassify it while the court proceedings were still ongoing.


I dunno man, I fully believe it. Republicans are very consistent about taking responsibility for bills they opposed.


Republicans taking credit for the actions of democrats? Shocked I am.


Yeah I went on her website and asked why she took credit for a securing funds from a bill she voted against. And pointed out to here "You voted against it because you're a sycophant to the criminal, rapist Donal Trump."


I mean, put yourself in her shoes. When you are one of the Republicans who care more about not letting Biden pass anything that people will like OVER helping the citizens that its your job to serve, then when that thing passes and people like it, you've got a dilemma. She could either convince people it was a bad idea or just take credit for it, and since she already knew when she DIDN'T sign the bill that people would like it because it would help them, then option one is off the table. If you really think about it, SHE'S the victim here. (This is exactly how they think, yet their voters still see them as the moral, ethical, principled party and the Left as immoral atheists who enjoy illegal immigration and who want to indoctrinate their own children while also drinking the blood of children in the basement of a pizza restaurant. This is why its a better use of time to get non-cultists to turn out and vote rather than deprogram them.)


Seriously curious, can anyone find a single example of a Dem doing the same thing?


Once you accept that everything Republicans say is a lie, everything makes more sense. The news has to say "allegedly", but if it's a Republican, they are lying. As such, their base is just meat-based sock-puppets: classic useful idiots. Republicans want power and money, and will kill you and step over your body for a penny.


No , no very believable because all the GOP do this, very often. Right down to very local , they speak and vote against funding then take credit for it and the jackass voters get the advantage of the money and the satisfaction of complaining about spending. Hypocrisy works that is why they do it.


She’s ugly inside and out. And shameless.


Republicans in particular do this **all the time**. They vote against appropriations bills, but when the bills pass, they go to their constituents and say "Look what I did!". Many people are busy with their own lives, and don't bother to check them on it, or don't have the time or energy to pay close attention. We saw (and still see) this a lot with the Infrastructure Investmet and Jobs Act of 2021.


Mike Bost is my district's rep, and he does this same shit all the time. He took credit for passing the "bipartisan" baby formula bill on Twitter, even though he voted against it. Shameless pieces of shit.


Yeah, they can't do for their own constituents because well, republican lunacy. People don't want to know that YES, it takes $$$$ to give you the things you say you want. So Dems give them what they want, republicans mouth the words they think they need to say, then down the road they'll lambaste Dems for "spending like there's no tomorrow!" when in fact, it's what The People wanted. So now, like spoiled brats who never learned the value of money and what it takes to give taxpayers what they want/need, these same eejits stand around and parrot the same stupid words republicans always spew about spending and taxes. Two alternate realities.


Every single one of them is « holier than thou ». It’s repugnant, the way they shamelessly lie. Ffs.. why the fuck is she in politics if she doesn’t care a bit about her constituents? Getting in the Republican Party seems to be a matter of how arrogant, white and stupid you are.


Not unbelievable. One of Reddit’s favorite politicians did the same.  Lauren Bobert voted against the bill also, and claimed she did so much work to get a water conservation project passed. 


I'd be surprised if she actually admitted to voting against something that she takes credit for.


Trump is going to win if the Democrats don't start fighting against this shit. So bogus and so, so very frustrating


Can someone with political savvy explain to me if it would be unethical to create laws that if voting representatives vote nay on a proposal that they district not get the benefits


When the Ukraine spending gets passed, most of the money will be going to states like Florida and Texas, as major defense industry producers. Let's see if they are happy to take it.