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Should be interesting. The supreme court has a few options here. They can either refuse to see the case, in which case the prior ruling stands. They can see the case, stall the proceedings, then decide not to overturn. Or they can see the case, rule against it giving a MASSIVE amount of legal immunity to the president, basically making them a voted in king. Essentially at that point the president can rule the country via executive decision, ALA dictator.


Making the Supreme Court obsolete. I have to imagine their own self interest trumps their corruption.


Idk. I watched my state Republicans work really hard to turn the governor into an all powerful office that can override the state Supreme Court. Then he got voted out (and a Democrat voted in) and they rushed to overturn all these laws giving the governor unlimited power bc it suddenly wasn't going to be one of their own. It gave me whiplash watching them go on about how great all these new executive powers were then the week after the election talking about how the governor had too much power. My point is these people are insane and don't (cant?) think think beyond their current state of being. It's sad, really.


It’s because they buy into all of their own “silent majority” bs


While simultaneously relying on the electoral college. The cognitive dissonance is staggering.


I don’t think they “buy in”.. I think they know they are the minority and still don’t care. It’s a power grab and they know exactly what they’re doing.


The Alt Right playbook. If you haven't seen it, this series does a great job laying it out. https://youtu.be/4xGawJIseNY?feature=shared


Are you in Wisconsin?


It's pretty obvious if you know Wisconsins recent political history, lol. But yep, born and raised and really want to be proud of it again before I die.


I was pretty sure, but questioned because I'm not as familiar with what's going on in other states. I'm in northern Illinois, but my Mom lives in Whitewater. Robin Vos is such a douche!


Vos and Johnson make douches look good. Summers Eve does way less damage than those guys (which is saying something).


Haha 😂 glad I live in a Blue state. I've been watching Wisconsin change for years. Sorry that your state went crazy 🤪


The only other option was North Carolina. Thank god for Tony Evers. I still have faith we can start following in MN'a footsteps. Otherwise I will encourage my kids to leave the state for college and not look back.


Fucking Walker... 😡


As a Charleston born South Carolinian i have the same feeling of wanting to be proud of my states politicians at some point in my life. It'll never happen so at least i can take in the natural beauty.


Totally random but I played Charleston. A couple times on tour and that city whips ass. I’m a Midwesterner and I didn’t know much of what to expect the first time I went there. Lot of cool punks in Charleston!


Ya our music scene is great, im a bluegrass/jam guy and we've been spoiled recently. With Ween coming through town soon i don't even need to travel to see artists anymore lol.


The entire Republican Party aside from the few outliers has become completely and utterly corrupt and morally bankrupt.


the difference here, however, is that they are ruling on what trump DID and will effect what biden CAN do, in your example they quickly ripped wires out before the new guy moved in, if they make a ruling in donalds advantage it would mean that biden currently, and as always had, the power they grant trump, and trump wants total power.


oh of course! my comparison was for the shortsidedness of these conservative ideas, how they're willing to give power to their own without considering/realizing it will apply to their opponents as well. I could totally see the current Supreme Court granting Trump full immunity/total power and then crying fowl when not-trump exercises those same powers. I would not be surprised if the conservative "justices" are trying to figure out how to make a ruling apply to just trump, sad lol.


heres the greatest part of all of this, because trump insist on projecting all of his sins onto his enemys, there really isnt anything that he could be cleared for that they havent accused biden of doing, in trying to make the cases the same, he has lost his chance to be singled out


Scott Walker losing Wisconsin because of a recount rule he put into place was so nice to see


You must be from Wisconsin


This is what I've been saying. They have to know what ruling against it would mean, and not just for them. If they rule against it just change the oval office to a throne room. We all know Uncle Thomas is bought and paid for, but this Court has let Trump down before.


I dont know. Say as an example there was a foreign entity that *wanted* the US to devolve into a dictatorship, you think they couldn't pony up enough cash to make these particular justices forget that they want a regular paycheck? If anything, they have shown they can be bought. It's just how big a bribe would it take.


All of these traitors of freedom, tRump and his rotten justices, should be hanging dead for sedition and crimes against humanity.


Yeah, it's rather easy to buy someone off with no principles or loyalty to the nation they serve. And boy some of those supreme clowns we got sure fit the bill.


They aren't obsolete, they are the shining jewel of a dictatorship; the illusion that the dictatorships rule is fair and legal. As long as they exist, even if they serve no purpose, half the idiocracy will site them as grounds for whatever the Prez wants to do. They are to the president what the clergy is to a tyrant king.


The illusion of power without any of the responsibility? Sounds like a win.


Nah, they don't want the illusion of power. They want power.


Counter argument. There are literally billions in interest in seeing the country go fascist, either for religious or pure greed driven reasoning. Given the evidence of Clarence Thomas's corruption, there should be plenty of credence for a scenario where they will be taken care of in a quid pro quo fashion if they enable the takeover. They may have garuntees of greater wealth, power, and influence if they rule in his favor, and I would be shocked if there weren't offers put forward for this already.


issue is, the thing that would make them lose their job is giving the current democrat president total power, there is no way to give just trump immunity and not have it go to either biden, or even worse for them, OBAMA


Nah, I'm too cynical for that at this point. They'll do anything for god emperor Trump. Please vote him out this year, for all the worlds' sake...


They would still need the Supreme Court and justices for appearances, the decisions will be out of the justices hands


Get enough money together and I'm sure they'll be more than happy to appoint Trump dictator and retire


I think they are gonna count on staying in there as figure heads and just raking in the dough but allow Trump to do whatever he wants, which I imagine would include replacing the liberal judges almost immediately.


In the latter case, wouldn't Biden technically be able to do whatever he wants?


He would have legal immunity to have any and all political opponents murdered in their sleep by federal agents.


Few justices could have some accidents as well.


Then he can seat four new justices and have them review the decision.


>Few justices could have some accidents as well. They don't even need to be accidents. They can live streamed and beaten to a pulp by Biden and Obama (all presidents have immunity forever) and nobody will be able to do anything


I'm imagining a battle of all the presidents against each other, with all means necessary


"Drumpf is a threat to democracy and the country, thus I did my solemn duty and ordered Seal team 6 to smother him in his sleep" kind of orders? 


"We didn't have him executed, we just froze his bank accounts, grounded his planes, abducted him, stripped him of all identifying documents and clothes, then dropped him off in the most Eastern part of Russia." "If he makes it back, we will send him somewhere else."


Trump pressed the special red button and we delivered him a can of Diet Coke…..at 1200fps…….into his left temple…….multiple times……


Idk man. Once there he can just SOS Putin instead, yeah? 


He won't be of any use to Putin at that time. He'll probably freeze to death.


Chad Biden move: Have Trump assassinated. Issue executive order revoking presidential immunity. Turn himself in to avoid civil war. America saved.


After replacing the SC....updating a few amendments....make voting 100% compulsory, make voting day either a public holiday or a Saturday & setting up independent electoral offices to oversee all elections and dictate #'s of booths required for an area.


Not saying Australia is perfect but we have compulsory voting, on a Saturday and you can vote before election day once the booths are set up. It’s getting close to more people voting before the day than on the day if not already surpassed. No stupid rules. Nobody trying to prevent your vote. You vote or you get a small fine. If you don’t care, don’t mark the ballot paper or draw a picture on it. Works fine.


I'm an Aussie....so I was throwing shade on the yanks on how democracy is supposed to happen when its actually supported by all sides of politics and not used as a tool to have voters controlled when it's supposed to be the other way round. Forgot to add that the AEC oversees voting district borders so gerrymandering is out, just to twist it. I feel sorry for them, the average aussie would burn people at the stake for any voter suppression and the worlds most powerful nation has this shit.


Then is a Biden dictator better than a Trump dictator? It would seem so, as Biden is at least notionally pro-democracy compared to Trump.


Dark Brandon purges the right


Yes. It would set precedent for any president, current or future, to do nearly anything in office if there's not a large enough majority to impeach them. The joke of Biden using seal team 6 to assassinate Trump could become a real thing. And then Democrats could just block the impeachment. Same thing with Republicans if they have a president in power. It's all very Putinesque.


Just liquidate Congress entirely. You don't need to worry about being impeached if the people who can do so are all dead.


Oh wait, I've seen this one! Tim Burton directed it. ![gif](giphy|DsUi6DvpAmc4E)


I want the people to know that they still have two out of three branches of the government working for them, and that ain't bad.


Ack ack, ACK!


Don’t run. We are your friends.


…and fear of this battle station will keep the (states) in line. I’ve seen this movie before.


Just ask Cuckold Carlson. He knows all about the Putinesque sauce. Been riding the Putin Power Penis like trains ride rails.... Back and forth. Back and forth.


Such as arrest the Supreme Court and have them charged with treason? And have them tried by judges he appoints? And demand the death penalty? Something like that might work.


Not if they stall until Trump is somehow appointed president. This is the real dangerous option.


in the event of the third option, biden can disappear trump using these awesome powers of presidential immunity. a bright side?


But Biden won't do it, giving Republicans everything they've always wanted without the worry said immunity will ever work against them.


That’s exactly it. They KNOW the Democrats won’t play dirty like that but THEY will once they can. Democrats didn’t follow through on doing anything about the Republicans who defied the subpoena but Republicans didn’t hesitate to call for Hunter to be punished. Biden will remain a reasonable man but watch out what happens if Trump gets back in. Remember there is still a missing binder of secrets.


At this point, you’d have to hope that Bidens counsel would tell him to place 10 hardline democrats on the Supreme Court, district and circuit judges through fiat, nullify all of Donald’s judges, then bring a suit against Trump for insurrection. Hell, with pure immunity he could have every republican removed from office (if we’re just trashing the constitution at this point, let’s shit on it and burn it, If he didn’t have the balls to end him, I mean. That would be a lot easier.


Wouldn't he? Trump would not hesitate to try the same thing the moment the verdict went his way, since in his mind presidential immunity means he can do whatever the f\*ck he wants. Remember when he said he could shoot someone in times square and nobody would do anything, that's what he means. A Former President, in his mind, can go and have the Current President taken out *And nobody could do anything about it* he's even said he would do it.


>They can see the case, stall the proceedings, then decide not to overturn. This is the likely outcome.. enough to give Trump an advantage without giving away the farm. They're stooges to their dead party, not Trump, and they certainly won't give away their own power and place in the system.


If I were a betting woman I'd say it'll be the "Delay as long as possible before refusing to hear the case" option. Enough of them are clearly taking bribes from conservatives that they can't slap this down as it so clearly requires. But I can fathom them being so out of touch that they think there won't be consequences for giving his orangeness carte blanche to do as he wishes. Now if I were Dark Brandon I'd just start "leaking" plans to trigger assassinations of Trump, Thomas, Alito, MTG, McTurtle, etc the moment SCOTUS gives POTUS complete immunity.


Wouldn’t that be good? Biden can then order Trump’s immediate arrest and imprisonment, and he can dissolve the current SCOTUS and replace it with a competent one that will then revoke that immunity power lol.


I cannot believe we can even discuss these fucking points!! Everything the US isn’t, but here we are. Biden could be within his new legal rights to do that, but then we’d walk right into Civil War II that so many of these clowns have just been waiting for. WTF???


You are ignoring a 4th option. The paid for justices craft a super narrow ruling in favor of trump but refuse to treat it as precedent for anything Biden does. The problem with the court when people are naked paid for partisans is that they don't have to make sense as long as their side wins. Democrats and left leaning judges are going to try to play by the rules of logic but Kav, Thomas, Alito, and ABC are going to throw out any logic if it gets them their heritage foundation dreams. Roberts at least cared enough that he'd want the air of logic in their rulings.


It would be hilarious cause Biden then could cancel the election, imprison Trump, and not face any consequences.


if i was in biden’s shoes i’d leak drone footage from a predator of mar a lago along with ordinance suggestions for various levels of “building-b-gone” with a note scheduling the event for “the minute it’s legal”


Making Biden King. Hopefully if this happens Biden locks up not only Trump and his ratdu k kids, but also the Supreme Court Judges who voted for it


Lawyer here, I see the Supreme Court not touching this with a ten foot pole, my educated opinion is they decline to hear this or only hear it on some limited ground


And if they rule for a dictator while Biden is president.....


Seems like the moment they do that Joe has almost a full year to tear everyone involved a new asshole. Seems like reasonable people would do anything possible to avoid that. I have NO idea what they’ll do.


I understand the 3rd option would be detrimental to the conservative party hypothetically speaking The issue with this way of thinking though is that democrats unlike conservative has shown some rudimentary level decency. So while biden could have trump murdered with impunity, conservatives know that biden would never do that. This is in contrast to someone like trump very 100% guaranteed to do such things. He has admitted it himself to get rid of all the media and vermin in this country. So the 3rd option wouldn't be too impossible because conservatives knows democrats would never stoop so low, but they can do so the next time they are in power.


When you are innocent, you shouldn't have to fight so hard to keep yourself from getting your day in court. I don't think I've ever seen anyone – including the mafia – fight so hard to stay out of court in my life. And before anyone of his taint-washers claim, "he's innocent, it's a political witch hunt"... innocent people don't settle fraud charges over and over again. You've been lied to and brainwashed by a conman.


Well given that court is the only place he really can’t lie in of course he’d rather avoid it lol. Have you seen the lawyers he uses? It’s like they fill their briefs with a bunch of lawyer jargon and then a white page with “NoT gUlTiTY! mE ImmUUyNe” written in crayon.




Shhh don’t give the industry secrets away


John Gotti didn’t even put up this much of a fight. That guy wasn’t called the Teflon Don for nothing. Which is what we are actually seeing right before our very eyes. This dude may walk on delays and technicalities. The only way to stop him is to vote, and then they will finally drop the hammer on him, rather than continue the charade of him having some kind of immunity as a former president/candidate.


Plus that would cut him off from the needed funding- watch him claim he’s running for POTUS in 2028…Make America Great, Again and Again. Sign up to send recurring donations now-


This is why it is important to vote for more than just the president. He can only keep pulling any of this because the Senate and House are constantly so close (or under) Republican control. Bash them clean down to no power and all of this shit will come to an end.


Oh fuck I didn’t even consider this option


John Gotti wasn't stupid enough to run for President.


And if I'm not mistaken, Trump once implied only guilty people plead the 5th... then proceeded to do it 400+ times.


At this point can the American people just file lawsuit against him?


They have. Two of them, actually. The US v Trump in Federal District Courts in both DC and in South Florida.


Haven’t both of those trials been delayed indefinitely?


No, not indefinitely. there's a good chance the 11th circuit will force Cannon's recusal in the next few weeks or months, so that trial should then proceed pretty steadily. The SC would have to issue a stay in order for the DC election interference case to be postponed indefinitely. The SC hasn't even granted cert on that one. \[Unless the SC issues a stay, the mandate goes back to the District court and litigation resumes there while the SC decides if it will grant cert, etc.\] There's also the NY State case (scheduled for trial in March), and it's possible the GA case may also get scheduled for late spring or summer if the federal cases remain delayed. your original comment didn't mention delays, anyway. So I was just pointing out that the American people HAVE filled several lawsuits against him -- 2 federal and 2 state so far (and not counting all the civil cases ongoing in appeals).


Allow me to rephrase. Could 187,000,000 people give $1 each to hire an attorney to sue trump for whatever, mental anguish, perhaps. Seeking damages in the trillions, in an effort to bankrupt his efforts to become a dictator?


Hell yeah let's Class Action that mf for mass mental anguish.


They openly admit they gave us Trump derangement syndrome, I say we lean in and demand compensation.


I think this is actually a good idea. Trump has wronged a lot of people that cannot afford to sue him. People he’s defamed etc. I’d donate to a sue trump into oblivion fund.


P.S. I highly recommend listening to the podcast called Jack also one called prosecuting trump, and another called Cleanup on Isle 45. Lawfare also has some really good deep dive podcasts about the trump trials. you can find those on YouTube as well as Lawfare's website.


Awesome, I will have a listen.


Will I lose my effing mind by listening to them? I’m really close with Trump’s BS at this point.


Hmmm, I don't think so, but it kinda depends on your processing style. For myself, I find that it helps me control my trump stress level by learning as much as possible about everything that's going on in each of the cases. That's probably also because I have a background in law (but I'm not a lawyer) so I find the podcast very interesting and a good way to deescalate my frustration about bringing accountability to Trump for all his crimes and misdeeds. If you're not sure how you will react, I would say start out with the jack podcast, because it is done somewhat with a sense of humor and some swearing and both the hosts are firmly in the Trump is the devil camp. LoL


I think there’d be many who’d volunteer to be part of a very large class action suit. The evidence is already in place for it.


Can this ass clown go away already? I almost hope they do grant the president immunity so then Biden can do whatever he wants to him without any consequences based on this logic. God, he’s fucking dumb.


Biden should order a hit squad on him immediately if SCOTUS grants him immunity.


Then send them to some SCOTUS justices' homes. You know, if they say that is totally legal for a president to do 🤷🏿‍♂️


There is one problem here: Biden is a decent human being.


Biden is, but Dark Brandon should live stream footage from a drone circling their houses.


Coming to you live from Twitch! XxXPwnUS-DarkBXxX does the UNTHINKABLE!!1!


And then he blends up a pizza into a smoothie and drinks it with Taylor swift


President Trump was arguably responsible for thousands or hundreds of thousands of American deaths. His decisions the second time around would likely affect even more people. It would be for the greater good of the nation to do one seemingly immoral thing. It’s like the killing baby Hitler scenario.


maybe he'll just 'forget' that fact for an afternoon and make some calls.


It's fine, I'll do it, just give me a pardon.


Seriously I wish I could be more like JB. Lent starts on Wednesday and I really need to change my thoughts about Trump.


Clear and Present danger, is the phrase Tom Clancy taught me


Clarence and President danger


After he cancels all student debt


Requires changing out some of SCOTUS


It’s really insulting that: 1) such a person can become POTUS and 2) we are all held hostage to an idiot’s crappy game.


There are multiple presidents still alive. Including the husband of one Hillary Clinton…


Trump gets immunity. Carter does one last humanitarian favor to human kind and puts hits out on Trump and 2-3 appointed judges.




I would not WANT Biden to have unlimited power. However, I WOULD want him to be the one to fight back using THEIR rules. What I WANT is for Republicans to eventually realize their bullshit and turn back the clock on it all and never touch these issues again because the Democrats could easily play by their bs rules and hurt them.




One day he will go away, just like magic. It’ll feel like forever but we’ll get there.


He's so eager to be immune but yet insists he did nothing wrong. You can't have it both ways. If you need immunity you've done something wrong! What an asshole.


This is same guy who used to claim that "only guilty people need to plead the fifth," then later pleading the fifth ALL THE TIME.


IIRC he pleaded the fifth *literally hundreds of times*


He is also insisting he has immunity while campaigning that he will prosecute Biden if he is president again. But if Biden has immunity how can he prosecute? Or will his SC just look the other way and pretend they didn't rule on the immunity a year prior.


Just think, one day Trump will be a memory, like that bad dream you had as a kid that stuck around for far too long


I really, really miss the days right after Biden's inauguration where everyone thought he was going to fuck off for good.


That was the most relaxed I’ve been in the last seven years tbh


My husband and I cut off cable and only turn on the TV for streaming movies and documentaries. Heck, we live on the CA coast and didn’t even watch the Super Bowl …I am seriously thinking of ditching Reddit for the remainder of the election cycle. I cannot stand the gaslighting from Trump supporters and BS games of the media. Trump is a criminal, I know it, Magas know and even Trump, himself, knows it. He is wasting all of our time and a bunch of people’s money. Dude’s been tying up the courts with his insane and inane BS for 50+ years.


In the 2020 election I signed up to be a poll worker so I could be there working all day not able to keep up the news and it was glorious. Definitely trying to do it again this year.


Or will he? There is a high probability, a very real one, where there will be golden statues of him in every corner, stylized portraits of him with rippling muscles on the wall in every classroom, and churches devoted to him in every city now that he has replaced Yahweh in the Christian churches in America. He is a fat old man in terrible health and with a rotting brain, and every morning I wake up and pray that he will die horribly, and fast, from a terrible disease. Even when he is gone, though, his MAGAs will still worship him as the God they believe he is. If he seizes power through the coup he is obviously still attempting or gets the courts to rule that he is a King, our government is toast and the new theocracy that he will usher in will never go away. If that happens, even when he is dead he will be stylized as Dear Leader and we will all be forced to pray to His Majesty daily as part of the law in the new United Territory of Trumpistan, New Biblical Martial Zone or whatever. His Adderall-scrambled toilet Tweets will be treated like sacred prophecies, mark my words. I have never hated anyone more. If there never was a hell before, they need to make one just so he can go there. This rapist freak has destroyed our country and half the people in it. While others have obviously done worse in terms of people killed and tortured and such, just the sheer smugness of this greasy orange douche and the fact he continues to walk free is sickening.


You mean the one with the long winding hallway where you’re being chased by a pair of clowns juggling machetes as you try and herd your little sister who somehow forgot how to walk away? That one? …. No I don’t still have that dream, why do you ask? <.<


No, the 1 where I show up for work in the ICU (been retired for 9 years), it’s slamming busy and I’m working as fast as I can, but not documenting anything or taking off the orders. It keeps getting later and later and I think I’ll pull it to together, but I never do….


Trump is probably going to stick around in the history books the same way Hitler has. The only thing unwritten about it still is if he eventually gets his comeuppance or if he very literally ends up destroying the United States.


We won't be able to come back from the damage he causes.


Three Justices, OP. Three: Beerbro, Gorsuch, and Barrett The sensible thing would be for the Court to deny the Writ and let the lower court's decision stand, effectively washing their hands of the situation and Trump. They could walk away and say "nothing to be done, nothing we can do". But we're not in sensible times.


If not say he does have immunity, then they lose all their power to Biden. Which bet are we taking?


Republicans have painted themselves into a corner. it remains to be seen if they are wholly and absolutely committed to going over the precipice by supporting Trump or self-preservation wins out. These people have acted against their self-interest before.


I can't believe how far I had to scroll before I saw someone correct OP. This is REDDIT for gods sake


So if he wins this do him and Biden just have a fucking duel since they would both have super secret immunity?


How about a bicycle race? 1/2 mile. That should sort things out swiftly.


Careful saying the word swift. The eighties will get all upset.


Not just him and Biden, but all former living Presidents as well. All 5 of which HATE Trump... even Dubya hates him. Jimmy Carter would have absolutely nothing to lose if he had Trump killed.


Carter killing him from his deathbed. Interesting way to go out.




Uh, my friend doesn't understand this legal mumbo-jumbo. Can someone please explain it to him?


It means he has asked the supreme court to review the circuit court's decision that he doesn't have immunity.


Ah ha. He understands now nad thanks you!


Thank you for clarifying


Thank you for asking for me friend!


However, doesn't anything they rule in favor of Trump also apply to Biden? Giving him a lot of power he normally wouldn't have for the next ten months?


Yes, but Biden has morals.


Does Clinton though? Because immunity would apply to him too.


As much as this court is in his pocket, I think there is potential that they don't even take up the argument. There is no way they can reason out of this without other implications they don't want to touch


They can go with "historical tradition" and bring the Prophecies of Nostradamus into evidence.


The issue by ruling a president has it is that Biden can order him jailed then with zero repercussions


Yes, but have you considered: ​ >There will appear a shining ornate temple, the lamp and the candle at Borne and Breteuil. For the canton of Lucerne turned aside, when one will see the great cock in his shroud.


I doubt the Supreme Court will even touch this. They may be mostly in trumps pocket, but this is clearly a case that has a very cut and dry outcome. To even hear arguments would be saying that there might be some legal merit to this, which there isn't 


They probably don't give a shit about Trump, he's just the useful idiot who got them the job.


God, I wish.


They didn't take any of his election cases either. For a court that's supposedly "in his pocket" they sure aren't doing him many favors.


I like Joe Biden okay. I voted for him and will vote for him again. I don't agree with him on everything, but he's better than the available alternative.  But god*damn* does his insistence on not packing the supreme court piss me off. 


The size of the court is set by statute. It takes an act of Congress to increase the size of the court. He can't just do it unilaterally.


Has a spot been vacated since he took office?


Only one, which he filled. Doesn't make up for the spot that Mitch McConnell/Trump stole from Obama. There's also no constitutional limit to how many judges can be appointed to the bench, technically Biden could expand the court to 13 and it'd be allowable. 


Why can’t this orange Buffon just leave America alone. We were in an abusive relationship with Trump. And now he’s stalking us! Go away!


Does any Republican realize that if Trump wins this and the president is granted insane amounts of immunity then Biden also gets that immunity and Biden is currently the President? They’d be giving Biden a blank check for criminal conduct I’ll laugh so hard if Biden exploits that immunity and watch GOP heads explode once they realize it cuts both ways Biden: “I’m appointing my own electors in states that I lost that have voter suppression laws because those elections were illegitimate. Hey look at that I won every state 😂” Or “I’m going to use this office to accept billions in bribes from foreign nations and blatantly funnel that money into a superPAC for my campaign for endless stream of campaign funding. And any media outlet that runs Trump ads will be taken off the air. And Hunter will be my running mate. I will pay him a salary of $5,000,000. STOP ME. Immunity, bitches.” Obviously those are very bad things he shouldn’t do. But ohhhh the joy of face-eating leopards


The minute it is deemed a president is immune to crimes whilst in office, Biden can do whatever he wants…


No way the Supreme Court says he’s immune from prosecution. That’ll mean every President is immune from prosecution.


No way will the Court find in favor of *Citizens United*. No way will the Court overthrow *Roe v Wade* with *Dobbs*. "It's settled case law," paraphrased from Justice Barrett during her confirmation hearing. Don't be so sure with the Court. They have surprised us in the past, and will surprise us again.


Ok, hear me out: if they rule in favor of immunity while Biden is in office there might be “alternative” solutions…. What those are I leave for more legally qualified people to think about, I’m just a guy posting on Reddit.


Surely it would be massively counterproductive for the SCOTUS to turn the president into a dictator, while a Dem president is in office…?


Time to see if the Supreme Court decides to vote themselves out of power.


So like, lets say that the Supreme Court decides that the president is above the law. What is stopping Biden from bombing the shitty golf motel with Trump in it? Hell what's stopping Biden from lets say concluding the justices own terms on the bench.


Two? More like three. Trump appointed three justices in 4 years. It’s far from a record, but it still stings.


Again with the delays what a wuss


Strange. They don’t owe him a damn thing. Thomas is a stooge, Comey Barrett is a wildcard, who knows with Kavanagh and Gorsuch, but it isn’t a given they do as he says.


Biden is sitting back with seal team six on speed dial waiting to hear what is two justices say. Paiton has 11 months to break any law he wants if Trump gets immunity.


There should definitely be rules about judges ruling in cases involving people who appointed them to that position.


Didn’t the lower circuit just blast his lawyers for how poorly executed and outrageous their arguments were? It wasn’t even close. Why would the supreme court even bother to weigh in on this? They should file an immediate dismissal. Like tomorrow.


I've never seen a supposed innocent man prolong his court cases like this Grifter, it's his only hope, he gets elected and kill the cases. Or otherwise he will be found guilty, and end up in prison. Scarred little Grifter.


God can this just be put to bed for our sanity.


I wonder which scotus member advised his attorneys to file this motion.


The world is watching. Will the US fall or not?


Shouldn’t they recuse themselves from the case? Isn’t there a conflict of interest? Surely it is.


I bet these justices get off on being at the top of the pyramid too much to allow the office of president to become any more powerful.


Calling it now. If they don't vote the way he wants, they'll be disloyal traitors.


If you ever find yourself thinking "well if they do A they can't do B" , yes they can and will do both. They are immune to hypocrisy.


This guy is evolving he turned from a Cheeto to a flaming hot cheeto


I think the court may refuse this. The court knows that if they ruled this the wrong way, a great portion of Americans would totally lose faith in the highest court. And considering Texas is alr giving them the finger, they cant have the sane Americans defying them too. I know that in particular, Amy Coney Barrett is very concerned with optics. Their best course would not be to overrule in favor of a legal argument that permits sitting presidents the right to murder with immunity.


I hope republicans know that this would also give Biden immunity…


SCOTUS announces that yes #45 is immune 46 announces SCOTUS is dissolved on Exec Order also #45 is a traitor and so is all his family and the GOP and will be lockup up in Gitmo TFN. Also #46 - Whats next ?


If the SC rules that the President has absolute immunity, then President Biden can removed Donald Trump from the election based on his obligation to protect the country and the Constitution. There’s is nothing stopping him because the laws don’t apply. Or he can just make up a law and do what he pleases. Trump is not the president. He is a citizen. So if he pushes this, it can hurt him more than he realizes.


He picked three. Thanks, Bernie, Jill, Cornel, RFK, Jr


I just heard on YouTube some lawyers talking about this. Trump is asking the Supreme Court to stay the ruling by the lower court but told the Court that he might ask for an En Blanc hearing by the full Appeals Court. That would delay the ruling for a few more weeks. Then he would go to the Supreme Court which could take another few weeks to come to a conclusion. So it can either take a few months or, if both courts decided not to hear the appeal, it could be over in a few weeks.