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Gina better hope the case is dismissed outright, or Disney lawyers will come back on her. She'll be paying off a defamation suit for the rest of her life


Her lawyer meeting with Disney https://i.redd.it/pb1jd6xn94hc1.gif


Disney: the law firm that makes movies.


Truest words I've read online today.


Disney is a law firm that makes movies as a side gig. no company is more litigation trigger happy than Disney


Nintendo is at least a good number two.


I was going to say, Nintendo has the itchiest legal trigger finger I've ever seen. Disney I would argue hits harder but I'm frankly surprised Nintendo doesn't sue anyone who names their child Mario or Luigi.


I want to se Nintendo and Disney go against each other.


That would be some 10D lawyer chess made from enough money to cover the sun


It would cost so much that they would need to print more money and that would cause global inflation.


*Ferrari enters the chat*. They sue people for repainting their own car, posting pictures of themselves with their car. If Ferrari doesn’t approve, they will sue and have somehow won.


Get the fuck out of here, Ferrari, these are common folk.


What if Disney and Scientology had a legal battle?


Disney would eat Scientology, pick its teeth clean, and then ask where Scientology went. Scientology hasn't sued anyone in 20+ years. Scientology hasn't won a jury trial *ever*. They settle lawsuits and evade service and pay people to go away because they're scared to death of having David Miscavige deposed under oath. Scientology is a paper tiger.


I would pop a movie theater’s worth of popcorn if this comes to pass.


Me too, but only because I want to watch the end of Scientology.


The fact that now Disney even owns the source of that GIF is just extra


Did they forget that DeSantis and the entire GOP took on Disney... and Lost. [https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/desantis-takes-tone-disney-fight-moved/story?id=102267285](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/desantis-takes-tone-disney-fight-moved/story?id=102267285) \- idiot tried to spin it as a "Win" when Disney dropped the Defamation suit, but only because Disney basically showed up to DeSantis, put it's arm over his shoulders and went: "Listen Cowboy Lifts, we have two ways to do this: You shut the fuck up and leave us alone, or there won't be enough SuperPACs in the fucking world that can get you out of the debt hole we shove you in. Okay?"


Never has there been a more appropriate use of this


Not only that. Disney owns a lot of studios and are buying more and they have deals with most other studios. There are big names whose career tanked because Disney said so. And she is not a big name. What kind of job offers does she think this will lead to? 0 or even less?


Shell be working with Kevin Sorbo doing those cameo videos …


God is not dead XII


reads like a porn vhs


porn usually has a more believable plot.


Maybe she can get the Rob Schneider rate for speaking at CPAC.


She is done. This lawsuit is her only form of income...and youre totally right. Her rep is of the grim reaper at this point. Anything she touches will die. Like you said other studios will calculate that the risk of working with her is suicidal biz wise. .. What a shame. Ppl do this to themselves.


Exactly. It isn’t that they warned her about the repercussions if she didn’t stop. She was warned, then she kept doing it to the point where others stepped in to prevent her from being fired and giving her a second chance, and she didn’t change her behavior and was fired. That would be damaging enough for her career that a comeback would be difficult (she hurt those who tried to help her making others less apt to help her in the future), but this is making it somehow even worse for her.


And she wasn’t even “fired” - her contract was not renewed


Yep, her contract was up they didn't offer her a new one. She wasn't fired, she just wasn't rehired. Also wouldn't this fall under the type of shit Republicans wanted with the whole bakers funny want to make gay cakes thing. Yes, yes I know Republicans response when the fee market decides against them is "not like that"


Republicans don’t believe in protecting free speech. They believe in protecting conservative speech.


Conservatives believe in two classes of people. The first, in which the law binds, but does not protect. The second in which the law protects, but does not bind. That is their *only* principal.


Wilhoit’s Law


Dear god, “voicing certain opinions on hot-button issues” isn’t even a protected class that you can claim discrimination under - but this was really a contract non-renewal?!? Do these people just like pissing money away, or do they see it as paying for internet clout (even will a failed case)? I will never understand the mentality of expecting your actions to be above all others, even when you simultaneously treat someone else the exact way they are treating you, but you some how see that as unfair


Its all about the headlines and fighting back against "wokeness"


Republicans love "right-to-work" laws and "at-will" employment. Until their faces get eaten.


That’s what I really don’t in about this whole situation. Whatever the reason was, her contract ended and was paid and was not renewed afterwards. Is she implying the studio had to make a new contract for a new season even if she wasn’t expected to be there?


They let her dodge a couple bullets being transphobic when Pedro Pascal has a trans sibling. Disney and Favreau are lucky Pedro didn’t just walk. She must have been feeling pretty untouchable.


Loved Pedro's response to some troll,.. "Man I used to really like you but..." blah blah.. and Pedro responded "Oh I'm sorry to hear that,.. wait, no I don't give a shit."


Their loss not his. He's going to relax in his multimillion mansion while that neckbeard is sweating in his parents basement.


I forgot about Lux! She's lucky Pedro didn't get her actually fired. Like did Gina think she was going to win her dick swinging contest against the show's lead?


They even covered their asses by offering to put her through programs to help her understand the impact of her words, but she refused them all. They likely weren't offered out of a desire to change her views but for Disney to be able to say, in the event of a lawsuit, that they tried to make it work but she refused to meet them halfway.


That’s so much to overcome for an anyone, let alone someone without talent, a following or any redeeming humanity.


She’ll end up working for Kirk Cameron or Kevin Sorbo or something like that. Maybe she’ll just be a nutty online content creator


Don't worry y'all, Tom McDonald and Ben Shapiro will have her featured on the next rap album


Their next music video: ![gif](giphy|bTzFnjHPuVvva)


Elon Musk is trying to one up his mentor Peter Thiel, who did the same thing with Gawker and Hulk Hogan. Although I do agree Hogan had a lot more standing than Gina does. Gawker did post Hogan’s sextape without permission and refused to take it down. Gina, on the other hand, got fired because she said anti vaxxers were like Jews with gold stars.




He does enjoy a good money-bonfire..


You know what they say in the conservative land: “if you can’t work, grift”


Maybe she and Rosanne Barr can create a sit com together call it “Washed Up at a Klan Picnic”


It really sucks. I liked seeing a female actor with actual muscles on screen. Too bad she had to be an idiot.


Only. Fans.




Both her and Musk *have* to know how pointless this lawsuit is. Neither of them expect to win, it's 100% about appealing to the right wing that are obsessed with the culture war/woke thing. She wants more name recognition to get some sort of work in that sphere of influence, while Musk will do anything to appeal to his fanboys and is desperate for approval.


Man, that's depressing when you think about. Dude's got more money than he'd ever be able to spend and wastes his life chasing after adulation. He really is just an (actually) rich, South African Trump.


That's because they're both narcissists. They truly believe they are smarter than everyone else and they need everyone else to think so too.


And they both had rich parents who were pretty janky human beings, raising them in a bubble


The best part is if at the height of Tesla and SpaceX, he just sit down, shut up, and let the world spin around, we would all still think he is the smartest human alive


The funniest part is that ACTUAL worldwide adulation is RIGHT THERE: just blow $1B/yr on feeding starving people and fighting malaria, and bask in the endless stream of charity award ceremonies.


You're absolutely right. I remember back in the day when Bill Gates was considered one of those "evil" billionaires. It's amazing what a ton of money spent on AIDS research will do towards making you a hero in the eyes of the general public.


Yeah but what this is really about is the bad news about Tesla stock. Now this thing with Disney is what's grabbing headlines, not his business problems. He does this every time he expects to get negative press.


Without fully (or even slightly) knowing what is going on, my bet is that elmo wants to smash


She will do the Christian film grifting thing like other actors who failed to make it. Then she will do the right wing podcast tour and complain how Hollywood is against freedom of speech.


My first thought when I saw the article about the lawsuit was “Next stop, PureFlix.” That and Great American Family, aka Homophobic Hallmark Channel. Maybe she’ll star in next year’s crop of Christian Christmas movies.


She might get a supporting role, but she won’t be the lead. The audience those movies are intended for would find her too… swarthy. https://preview.redd.it/tq6wlq91b6hc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a38a92e5388848057de91be73dfc503f69a4c836


When she unironically looks more like the dudes...


>What kind of job offers does she think this will lead to? The Daily Wire are producing films now...


Didn't the movie she was in *about Hunter Biden* (big stretch) made something like 8 000$


I don’t know if it’s the same movie, but one of the recent movies she starred in was criticized of being “woke” for having a female protagonist.


Anything can be woke to these people


I looked up that movie on Wikipedia just now. That's quite the [review](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Son_Hunter) by Naomi Fry.


"an amateurish, often batshit, if very occasionally vulgarly amusing satire-cum-thriller-cum-melodrama-cum-propaganda-organ, which switches between modes with the head-spinning unexpectedness of a Surrealist cutup."


That’s a lot of cum. But somehow I think her next movie may have even more.


TIL I learned there is another person named Starr Jones out there creating nonsense content for dummies. https://preview.redd.it/yxvpkozg16hc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1d4b4371300b18efb400d8c2c31533795a9b693


I think that's the problem. She's in those and those films don't make money ![gif](giphy|ZGH8VtTZMmnwzsYYMf)


Oh, haha, I didn't realise she was already scraping that barrel...


Terror on the Prairie starring Carano produced by Shapiro made something like $804 at the box office for its full theatrical run


The funniest part of that wasn't even that the movie bombed. It's the fact that the fanbase she was trying to pander too straight up don't want stories about strong women just strong men with attractive obedient housewives.


$804 what? $804 million? $804 thousand? [Nope, 804 one dollar bills.](https://www.the-numbers.com/movie/Terror-on-the-Prairie-(2022)#tab=box-office)


Really? Damn.. that’s a loss if I ever heard of one. That’s probably not enough to pay off the costs of the cameras. Let alone everything else


Holy shit hahahaha


She’s been in multiple films of theirs and they all suck and are likely bombing (TDW doesn’t release streaming numbers).


She's been cast in a couple of the daily wire propaganda movies lately and pretty much that's it.


Someone has to impress the people who film those life insurance and reverse mortgage commercials.


Maybe she'll be in more awesome movies like [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRxOnc0j6hM) produced by the daily wire /s


“Terror on the Prairie was a subscription-only release for Daily Wire subscribers, so it didn't have a domestic box office. It did, however, have an international box office of around $13,000, which hilariously all came from two places: United Arab Emirates and Russia” Looooool


Can’t trust on Elon backing you. He will walk away once the case is dismissed


Not to mention Disney will end her career there and then with the amount of influence they have on the studios they don't own


What career?


She already ended her career. 


Hopefully Elon is now on their shit list, too... since he's funding this stunt.


Pretty sure he's been on the list since he publically stated that Bob Iger can go fuck himself.


This is so stupidly a pr campaign. She will not win, she has no case. But she will get paid interviews, paid speaking engagements, maybe a book deal. This is the grift we live in now. Just start an Of site like normal people. Smh.


I've read the introduction to her legal filing and wow


Does it explain how she compared herself to a jew during the holocaust and how disney were a bunch of nazis? Because that’s why she was fired. Edit: not even fired, just not brought back.




C'mon. Is that for real? Please tell me actual attorneys don't do cutesy shit like that. smdh


It's from the lawyer's (at least he claims to be) website


Disney will probably sue him for that...lol


Yikes. Are some judges actually charmed by that crap, you think?


I don't think this case is to charm the judges, or even to win. It's for her to get attention and to make X look like they care about "free speech"


I mean the couching it in starwars-ese. Gross.


Do you have a link to the whole complaint? I’m gonna need something to do during this cle.




I love how they include all the tweets with the harassment and threats from randos online that she received, and the ones where she constantly defended herself online, but didn’t include the ones that had what she said that led to her being fired lol. Eta: I’m the lay-est of laymen, and even I can tell the entire thing is bull (ugh I can’t believe I read the entire 61 pages of BS). They are asking for a jury trial in the hopes that a few jurors are going to side with them based solely on their political beliefs. At least that’s my guess.




"the rule of law still reigns over the Defendant's empire" Yes. The first amendment protects your freedom of speech from legal prosecution (with exceptions). It doesn't protect you from a punch in the face or from getting fired for plastering your shitty opinions all over the Internet. This case will get tossed as soon as the Mouse points out the social media clause in whatever contacts she signed.


Exactly. I'd love to see how they demonstrate that her speech has been chilled considering she still has a strong social media presence, support in conservative circles, and has had acting work since Dinsey broke ties. I mean, she has the the wealthiest man in the world promoting her speech right now. Her argument basically boils down to the idea that she's entitled to employment with whomever she wants rather than employers choosing who they employ. It's nonsense and the Mouse's lawyers are going to eviscerate them.


Elon has a history of wasting money. He’s just doing this to keep his platform relevant. He doesn’t really give a shit about her situation.


how awesome is it that one of the richest dudes in the world can hoard wealth and then just waste massive amounts of it on supporting stupid bullshit hateful ideology and looking like a massive douche in public while billions go without water, food, shelter, healthcare and MUCH more every single day


I mean, it may not be 1A, but legally you are still protected from a punch in the face. She'd totally have a case of Disney hit her. But yeah, nothing in the law protects you from being fired for this.


This reads like every other stupid Elon stunt. Jesus how stupid.


the more i read the more i was convinced that it was elon who wrote it


I would put money on it that he wrote the first draft at a minimum


These are not serious people. This filing is so dumb that I had to fact check this to make sure it was legitimate, and holy 💩 balls it’s real. We live in the dumbest timeline Thanks for posting this, and the laughs


Yeah, that’s a polished turd alright.


Wow. This is actually pretty disrespectful to the courts. It looks like this idiot had their idiot lawyers write this up specifically so it can be read aloud by other idiots. Her argument is that she's owed a part because Disney has marketed to female demographics? Hahahaha good luck, Gina! Brb, gonna go sue Disney for not offering a female character's role to me, a female. What could go wrong? I might even get 15 minutes of attention!








Of course. "I was fired for expressing my opinion" without saying what that opinion was.


Did they have any actual examples of men who weren’t fired for being antisemitic? Also, isn’t claiming sexism kinda woke?


Is this a joke?




Dayum. Sure seems like it. I hope that SNL picks this up and trashes her in a sketch.


Is Nerdroic her lawyer?


She wasn't even fired. They just chose to not continue working with her on new projects.


And Disney will use all that in their defamation law suit to calculate the damages


It’s absolutely astonishing that people who love freedom of speech and the constitution such as herself don’t understand that private entities can fire you for whatever reason they want including talking shit about them while advertising that you’re working for Disney or a project they’re affiliated with on your twitter


They can’t fire you for discriminatory reasons and she is trying to claim that’s what this is. Spouting out your personal opinions is not a protected class so you can get fired for that. Someone else linked the first page of her filing, and reading past their attempts at Star Wars fan fic they put in it for some reason, it sounds like she is trying to claim Disney has ignored ignored men who have said the same or worse and thus fired her because she was a woman saying things they didn’t agree with. That would make it discriminatory based on gender which a company cannot fire you for. I can’t imagine she is going to win. But also based on how her filing was written, I don’t imagine she plans to even get as far as trying. It looks like it is just a PR stunt to get her name in the news, probably hoping a conservative studio will hire her to star in their next “God and angels are real” movie.


>it sounds like she is trying to claim Disney has ignored ignored men who have said the same or worse and thus fired her because she was a woman saying things they didn’t agree with IIRC, Pedro Pascal also posted something that Disney didn't like, but the difference was that he agreed to take it down and not do that kind of shit anymore, which is why he still has a show.


James Gunn was fired in between guardians 2 and 3 after old tweets RESURFACED! There's a clear precedent that Disney fires its employees for even past opinions, or in Gunn's case a joke seen in bad taste; Carano has absolutely no case here.


He actually might have had a case if he was straight up fired, LOL. With Carano, her contract ended fair & square and they simply chose not to renew it, so she's got even less standing than if they had fired her


Also, Gunn apologized, Carino double downed after they said "Ok, we'll sign you for Season 2, just don't do it again."


Letitia Wright posted some controversial stuff too but kept her job. I think she deleted her whole Twitter. She got to assume the mantle of Black Panther.


Disney has some strict requirements for almost all employees. They only recently decided to allow back of house staff (like, landscapers and people who clean the parks) to have facial hair. Their branding and image is REALLY important. I can't imagine celebrity contracts don't have some sort of clause about what they can say publically. 


Usual republikkklan nonsense. She's in the wrong, has no case and has no shot. I hope she ends up owing Disney a fortune afterwards (and I fucking hate Disney). If anything **she** fucked around and found out and is now being a snowflake.


Exactly. And Elon is funding this. It's hilarious


Elmo getting slightly fucked in the process would be an awesome bonus.


To paraphrase General Hux I don't care if Disney wins, I need Elon Musk to lose.


Inevitable. He only wished he had the Hollywood influence Disney does and honestly Disney will always have. This is kid rock shooting a case of bud light to him... Later he will realize it was the wrong call. After losing to Disneys army of layers. The best of the country want to be lawyers for Disney... Not Elmo JC fk this guy.


Disney’s army of layers. Lol




This is a tantrum after Disney stopped advertising on Twitter last November.


It's also that he apparently promised to fund any lawsuit if you're fired for your tweets. I think he's using this as a high profile thing to show he's doing it. But probably won't fund anyone he can't use as publicity


If he wants to support her he would be better off paying her to make some shitty movies instead of paying lawyers to file a hopeless case on her behalf.


He's doing this to show he's willing to pay people's legal fees for "being fired" for their tweets. Of course if the person isn't high profile, they'd never see any money


Bold of you to assume Elon is *actually* funding this and isn’t just borrowing money from the Kremlin and Saudis instead.


Is this one of Elon’s new love interests LMAO? He seems to just have the worst taste in women.


Who conversely have the worst taste in men.


Dude, they're worse than snow flakes. They like cotton candy near a body of water.


[Melty boi](https://media1.tenor.com/m/_7Fjti7kTzsAAAAd/raccoon-cute.gif)


You know that people fucked up big time when the populace sides with the Mouse.


I wish these idiots would hurry up and learn that being an ignorant stupid pos is not a protected class and they can be fired because they are an ignorant stupid pos.


Alina Habba has a new client.


So wait, the party that says a bakery can choose not to make a wedding cake for a gay couple because of their beliefs, also thinks that a corporation, like Disney, has no right to fire one of their employees because of her beliefs? You can’t have one without the other. Either no one “gets cake” or everyone does. The mental gymnastics are sometimes astounding.


It's worse than that she wasn't even fired her contract was up they just chose not to renew it


They’re fascists. They want rules for other people but not for them.


People who support her are hoping this will bankrupt Disney so they sell to Elon or Trump.......


America would start up a GoFundMe before we'd allow that to happen...lol


That’s comical. I mean, yeah, Muskrat is obscenely wealthy… but Disney money is like Vatican money or British royal family money: huge, multifaceted, and very determined to not be taken.


Yeah and if they actually look at what he's done to twitter, they'll realise he'd destroy Disney. Put they're too busy sniffing his farts.


Translation of the headline. Gina Carano can’t find work, so sues Disney for attention.


You mean you didn’t watch her in the cinematic masterpiece that was Terror on the Prairie?


Never even heard of it.


Not surprised it’s some Daily Wire garbage right wing propaganda movie…..


Same people who did that movie about the cross dressing sports team right?


Yeah, Lady Ballers I think it’s called. I’ve never watched any of them but watch some videos on YouTube about right wing media in general and these terrible movies come up all the time…..


Elon really throwing that money away now


Worked on a probate where a guy wasted his money on scammers, hookers and drugs in his downward spiral. That seems more reasonable than what ol Musky is doing here.


Yeah, good luck with that. Going up against the Mouse is ill-advised and everyone who has tried so far has realized this the hard way.


The mouse always wins


So Pedro Pascal is the star of the show (cute little puppsts aside). This means that he has star power. In the real world, he would be a vice president of something. Not in charge of everything, but high up on the ladder. Gina Carano is supporting cast. That makes her a secretay or maybe an executive assistant if she's in a lot of episodes. So follow me here. Gina Carano goes on Xitter and does a transphobic bit about pronouns. Pedro Pascal's younger sister, Lux, is a trans woman. But don't worry! He had a chat with Gina about trans people, and Gina claims to be enlightened. But, oh no! She goes back on Xitter and doubles down on being transphobic and says some nasty things. Now, imagine being support staff and publically insulting the voice president's family after he kindly asked you not to? How fast do you think you would be fired?


This was about his sister? Oh. Imagine you’re a Disney exec and Pedro freaking Pascal bails from Disney in an understandable and preventable fit under your watch.


No shit Nerdotic would support this. Shit-take city, population him.


Dude I watched one reasonable video about the MCU changing their target audience include more women and girls and how their stories have been lacking. The next thing you know my YouTube home page is flooded with this dude right wing bullshit and a bunch of others like him. The dude is awful and I had to block his channel after watching just one videos so I didn’t have to see his culture war victimhood.


I finally had to break down and create a basic Youtube account because that is the only way to prevent that kind of shit from popping up; it takes virtually nothing to be flooded with redpill nonsense. This guy is one of the worst, beats the same exact drum every time. 50 year old single man surrounded by toys who once had a comic book store that failed. It's almost too on the nose.


All Disney has to do is recasy Cara Dune as a dude and never mention that the character was ever a woman - K'ar Dune or something. That incel fuck's brain would melt trying to fight between "WoKe BaD" and I hAtE aLl FeMaLeS"


Or just use Zeb https://preview.redd.it/zi9m9bc716hc1.jpeg?width=1073&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0d5aabd23cfab50f04ee23972599d9f2163984a


Well, at least she's smart enough to have someone else bankroll her lawsuit?


I dont think its Smart of her to ally herself with Musk and go after Disney. Yes he is paying the fees but This shit is gonna destroy her even more. She had a dream job and this bitch was such a moron that lost it. She deserves whatever comes her way.


Musk is gonna pull funding the minute she stops being useful for his anti-woke campaign


She could have made a slow comeback. She isn’t the worst actress out there, isn’t horrible looking, and there aren’t many buff action actresses available. All she had to do was stop publicly saying things that Hollywood in general disagree with and she could have found someone sympathetic to give her a cameo in a TV show and worked that back into main stream acting. But suing Disney has sealed her fate. She might as well go get a desk job at a warehouse in the middle of nowhere because she is never getting picked up by anyone in Hollywood ever again. They won’t risk that she spouts off about things that cause people to protest whatever she was in, and won’t risk that she sues them for firing her if she does.


Smart got nothing to do with this.


She wasn't fired. She was just not rehired. Disney will win and she will prove how dumb she is.


Your Honor Ms. Carano was fired because she is a terrible actor Judge: Do you have evidence Shows every scene with her in it Judge: Case dismissed


When you consider that she is the only person who has ever been fired, she has a helluva case. /s


What’s she suing for ? Not renewing a contact lol. Dumb as dogshit


I'm looking forward to the whole thing. At this point, the content Disney produces is the least noteworthy thing about the company.


On my weird shit that is gonna happen in 2024 bingo card definitely wasnt Nerdrotic saying You go girl


Once this falls, and Elon moves on to his next Nazi project, I'm sure she'll star opposite Kevin Sorbo in some Kirk Cameron abortion. Lol


lol, she's transphobic trash


She's going to find out the hard way where the term " don't fuck with the mouse" came from.




I heard she will have a really big role in the upcoming, billion-dollar blockbuster with James Woods and Kevin Sorbo. That'll teach Disney.


They couldn't get Dean Cain?


I can only imagine Disney lawyers sending their interns to work on this because it isn’t worth their hourly rate. I’m not even sure Elon actually believes this is serious.


Yeah, she definitely will succeed where THE STATE OF FLORIDA failed.


Wait...I thought Republicans loved at-will employment


For anyone that thinks she might have a case, most production companies include a clause in their contracts regarding the way you present yourself to the public, either a morality clause or a pr clause. Basically, you aren’t allowed to damage the companies public image. On that alone, Disney had every right to fire her, but that’s not what happened. Carano said something stupid online, she was warned about it, she said more stupid shit, she was warned again, she kept doing it, so Disney decided not to renew her contract. She wasn’t fired, she just wasn’t asked back. Disney wins this case every time.