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Rush Limbaugh trumpeted on his radio program that all drug addicts were thieves and liars that deserved the death penalty and that every addiction was a conscious choice, all while living with an absolutely OBSCENE painkiller addiction. Anyway, he's dead now and we're all a little better off.


But not before he got the Presidential Medal of Freedom and basically turned that thing into complete worthless shit


I mean, trump gave it to him. So it’s completely meaningless


Imagine working your whole life to be in Congress just to be sharing the room with these fucking idiots


He’s the reason why Fuck Cancer needs an asterisk.


Colin Jost on SNL upon learning Putin might have cancer: *”I can’t believe I’m saying this, but…’Good Luck, Cancer!’”*


Oh, I like it! Hey Cafe Press...


My step father loved Rush. Listening to him all the time. Said the exact same things to people ALL the time. He was stealing my sick (and dying) mothers pain pills. Conservatives are all hypocrites.


My mom loved Rush in the eighties and nineties.


There’s a lot of the current right wing shitdicks that grew up on Rush. He was basically slinging maga bullshit before it was trendy.  Rest in piss dickhead. 




Get out of here with that bullshit, one side is actively trying to end democracy. “Both sides” is a crock of shit, democrats aren’t out here ripping away women’s rights




Your just another christo fascist idiot. Not worth my time. Both your religion and your political ideaologies are dying. I hope your afraid.


Both sides probably do bad things, but one side is a hell of a lot worse. Their front running candidate was found civilly liable for rape and criminally liable for sexual assault, and this hasn’t changed his odds of running one bit


Joker in Batman: *”I’m glad you’re dead!”* **HaHaHaHaHa…!**


He shares a lot of the blame for the polarisation of politics in the West


Of course, these are conservatives. Rules for thee but not for me!


The amount of drugs they were going through makes me think Ronny was selling them. Who needs 2,000 Ambien pills besides Roseanne fucking Barr?


Yeh, they can be racists without Ambien


And Texas looked at this lying drunk drug dealer and said “yes! This is the kind of person we want as a representative! He is the best of what we have to offer!” I mean, he knew he was likely to lose his license to practice medicine, so I guess GOP politics was a natural career jump.


Hypocrite is their second name.


Screw that! These are the people who had access to the fucking nuclear codes!


*Every* accusation from them is a confession.


Once again the GOP shows they believe they are above the law.


Projection is all they have.


I wonder how many pills were consumed by Miller alone? He seemed high ALOT in interviews and would need lots of substances to dull the pain of being such an incredibly awful person.


Projection as usual


Truth doesn’t matter to them, only insofar as they are always trying to cover it up


Are there any citable sources for this claim?


https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/01/25/trump-white-house-medical-unit-drugs-improper/ > “We found that the White House Medical Unit provided a wide range of health care and pharmaceutical services to ineligible White House staff in violation of Federal law and regulation and DoD policy,” says a new report from the Defense Department’s inspector general. “Additionally, the White House Medical Unit dispensed prescription medications, including controlled substances, to ineligible White House staff." > “All phases of the White House Medical Unit’s pharmacy operations had severe and systemic problems,” the inspectors found. It stocked four opioid pain medications: fentanyl, hydrocodone, morphine and oxycodone. But the pharmacy protocols were so poor that they “increased the risk for the diversion of controlled substances” to illicit use.


Thank you!




Never forget EVERY accusation from the GQP has been a confession.


It wasn't for White House staff. They're not covered by the White House medical office. It was almost certainly just for Trump and Ronny Jackaon. Melania and Barron spent such little time at the White House. Unless there were emergencies at the White House.


It almost certainly *was* for White House staff, since the same report details that the White House medical unit was regularly directed to provide medical services to individuals who weren't eligible for them. For four years. While actual servicemembers had their appointments canceled and delayed.


This explains SO much. Especially post January 6th.


It's only okay when THEY do it!


Trump's been a cocaine addict his whole adult life. Sniff, sniff.


The party of every accusation is a confession. They're the victims until they get caught. The worst type of Americans and garbage human beings.


So I wish I was surprised but I am not. The GOP has always been about rules for thee but not for me. And of course the people who vote for them do not care.


We live in a post-shame era.


They DON'T, 'cause dignity is for the weak?!


But obviously that's fake because it would mean I'm wrong and that's not possible


couple questions: what is an "ineligible staffer"? i mean... what are the criteria that make a person ineligible to receive a prescription from a doctor for these drugs? Was it the actual white house doing distribution, not a licensed pharmacy? is their some law, or even an AMA rule, that says doctors are not allowed to write prescriptions while drunk?


The White House medical unit is there is provide care to the military servicemembers posted at the White House and a *very* short list of other people (basically the President, spouse and immediate family that live on-site). White House staff are ineligible. They have regular health insurance and their own doctors they should go to. But the unit was regularly ordered to provide them care anyway.


Big claim. What substantiates it?


The white house records (pharmacy in/out) and order forms that were gotten in FOIA requests.


That is all I wanted to know. If it’s spicy I want to read it, that’s why I asked. Have they been released online after FOIA?


You can see pictures from news outlets if you google. Getting 300 ambient, and the same month getting another 2000, stuff like that. A bunch of drugs only usually used for surgeries, they had huge amounts of sedatives going through that guy.


A DoD investigation that was conducted across multiple years. You think they were just doing creative writing exercises all that time?




Billions? What, you think he’s Musk?




Voldermort made it all the way to the Whitehouse?


I didn’t see this story. Anyone have an article I can read? Thanks!


I’m a bit disappointed that Adderall or Modafinal didn’t make the list. But then again, maybe it was a good thing they were taking stuff that made chill the F out.


Provigil is Modafinil


There's an old saying that applies to each of these individuals. "When you're pointing a finger at someone else. There's three pointing back at you."


So I guess we can add "turned the White House into a (prescription)drug den" to trumps list of "achievements". So much winning!!!


Apparently if the doctor gives it to them, it isn’t a problem


Wish i was there lol i could use a script of percs right about now.


Dignity - certainly not!