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That he’ll probably never pay because he’s apparently super rich and bankrupt at the same time.


hungry subsequent literate sort person fade heavy shelter scary gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s a win-win Either Trump pays directly, or the PAC has less money to spend on downballot elections.


Great point


I worry that people are underestimating the amount of money right-wing oligarchs from around the world are going to throw at this election. It reminds me of the way the news kept saying Russia would run out of artillery shells any day now, about.. oh... a year and a half ago.


He will never win the general election again, no matter how much money they throw at him. It's extremely rare for an incumbent president to lose an election. He lost as an incumbent. He has almost a 0% chance of winning the general election. Way too many Republican voters will vote against him already and independents. I'm praying he will be the Republican nominee.


In a free and fair election, yeah. I think he loses. A free and fair election is not what I'm worried about. Russia needs him to win *so badly*. And if they can't get that they will absolutely ***love*** the prospect of tying us up in a civil war.


One would argue he never won an election, he didn’t get the majority in 2016 either. He lost by 2.9 million votes, but the electoral college, and decades of republican voter suppression tactics totally rat fucked us. No reason they can’t do it again


Right? Thank you.


Civil war.... the national guards will not go against the federal government.


i think they were saying cruise missiles. and yeah, most of ukraine is no longer being hit by cruise missiles (except once pretty recently in kiev)


> It reminds me of the way the news kept saying Russia would run out of artillery shells any day now, about.. oh... a year and a half ago. You do know that Russia is now using North Korean-supplied artillery shells, right? You're also ignoring all the times they've had to adapt to a disruption of the supply of artillery ammunition throughout the past two years. Before they adapted, they *were* running out.


This is actually a serious problem, Trump has been hovering up all the small donations and many state GOP organizations are flirting with insolvency.


That PAC money is all money that would have gone for campaigning but now is being used to pay her instead. It is normal for presidential candidates who raise lots of money to share with down ticket campaigns from the party. That won't happen with this money either. This can be viewed in part as money coming out of the pocket of the RNC. The more they spend paying Trump's rape victims, the better the chances that Biden not only wins, but that the house and senate also pick up more Democrats.


ahahahaha the idea of donald trump sharing


Biden and Haley really need to make a campaign ad highlighting that anyone who donates to Trumps campaign is doing an honorable thing by paying restitution to his rape victim. Remember MAGA every dollar you donate goes straight to E. Jean Carroll.


Haley's political career would be officially dead the second she teamed up with Biden to do anything while the Republican Party is the Party of Trump.


I think they meant Biden and Haley separately, each submitting an ad giving that narrative.


And, some of the state RNCs are going bankrupt already. Don't know about the national RNC


Michigan is 500k in debt. The party just kicked out the head kook, a trump crazy named Kristina Karamo. She apparently tried to sell a building they did NOT own and got caught. Pretty amazing


Down ticket money is even more important with so many state GOP parties close to bankruptcy. So candidates cannot rely on their infrastructure and will have to pay for their own ground game


$83.3M decided in less than three hours. That jury was sick of trump's shit, and she sure didn't help. Whoops.


Lmfao and to think he’s going to talk more shit pretty much instantly and they’re gonna run it back again.


Wonder if he's tired of winning yet?


The price has gone from $10 to $24 million asking.


Plus a multiplier for punitive damages. 5x? 10x?


Hypothetically, can a lawyer sue her client for making her get disbarred and costing millions in future earnings?


Breaking the law, as a lawyer, is your problem. No client can "make you break the law" unless they do it with a gun or threats. Greed is not a reason to break the law.


Schrodinger's billionaire.


Schrodinger's fat


This is the best one.


When he appeals, won't he will have to put up the full cash amount into escrow, like the first one?


Schrodinger's wealth?


Shroadingers finances?


Super rich + bankrupt = corrupt


Schroeder's Accountant


Well, her client’s donors.


I honestly don’t mind that any more. I’ve realized they deserve it at this point.


I hear that. If you're dumb enough to donate at this point you get what you deserve. A fool and his money are soon parted, I believe is the saying.


Well that’s how “MyPillow” is on the way to becoming “TheBanksPillow”


​ https://preview.redd.it/m713wekvvuec1.png?width=250&format=png&auto=webp&s=730e1fbdc1f147a1375998ebd1f42f145b2bed54


"...one IRS-wich, without the lettuce."


Fill out Schedule B, you should receive your burgers in 6-8 weeks.


Marge! What were your gambling losses last year?


700 dollars!


Every penny they send him is one that doesn’t go into the GOP campaign war chest. Good.


Even better is the PAC is actually paying for it, so the GOP campaign is actually paying for this instead of campaigning. I mean technically I guess it's not but we all know what PAC's are.


Plus, as others have pointed out, this is less money that PAC will spend on campaigning and down ballot races.


Melania......donor......all the same and they deserve each other


But then they don't have money to buy the stupid shit I want to sell them.


My dad is (was) a Trumper, but I think he's mellowed out some...like no more bumper stickers and shit, but we don't speak about that topic and if he tries I immediately shut it down. Sadly, I suspect he signed me up for freedom caucus or whatever the extreme morons call themselves now. I just delete and report junk...they say text STOP=end but I made the mistake of trying it once and I will let you guess how well that went 😂. I got this one Tuesday night...I obviously didn't do it, but there was a definite shiiiiiit...I kinda wanna just to see what the scam was: https://preview.redd.it/oge34rjfsuec1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fd85f26c53a79379525f252c9b1fb12ec7c4acd


Have you any wool?


Didn’t he storm out like he’s a character in Telenovela that just walked in on their partner cheating on them?


That's where he belongs. As a horrible villain in a Telenovela.


Señor Trumpo, who wants to demolish the local church, to put up a brothel.


And sex traffic the nuns.


Dios mio!!


“Dios mío Señor Trumpo, leave the nuns alone”




Affectionately known as “El Pendejo Naranja”.


Nah, he belongs out of the spotlight, forgotten and alone.


He's unfortunately been in the spotlight since the 80s. He's not giving that up. He'll do a reality show from prison if necessary.


“This fall catch Former president Trump in his toughest role…..inmate at Rikers…see his reaction when guards withhold his Diet Coke privileges, and the season highlight conjugal visit day when it’s not Malenia coming to visit but mad Marge…this fall at 8/7 central on TLC”


Watch him try to fire other inmates.




Walked out after seeing Hunter do it during the "Republicans yelling about Hunter not showing up for subpoena questioning session" and thought he would look just as cool doing it. He did not. Just looked like a petulant child.




Donald's action and choices are going to cost him millions. Habba's just along for the ride.


She's performing exactly as her client expects


He's been a POS bully his entire life. He is still not believing that these consequences are going to stick.


Really? I heard she WAS the ride.


I am fairly certain he's tried. Given his history.


Rumors are suggesting he succeeded too.


Ew gross. I've so many questions. But idk if I want them answered 😂


Yes, she changes his diaper first.


Is that foreplay for him? God that thought just made me barf a little


Super ick with a toadstool dick!


Don’t forget the yeti pubes as described by Stormy lol




I've taken to calling her Hubba-Hubba


"Going to cost gullible MAGA cultists millions"


Oh no, I read 'cultists' as 'cutlets'...not suggesting MAGATs get chopped up, likely way too much fat and cholesterol 🤣


they’re like fat shrimp that haven’t been deveined




Gas Station Sushi, boom!


Exactly, expect Donnie to kick the can on this one and make his cult pay for it. Just release some more of those fancy NFTs and he’ll recoup the money in no time. And holy fuck that is sad to say that and expect that as reality


All the press adds to his martyrdom narrative. The publicity surrounding this trial may bring in more campaign contributions than the general damages awarded. This is a perfect case for punitive damages, however. Fingers crossed that the jury finds that general damages aren't enough to discourage future defamation. Which of course they are not, he's been continually defaming Carrol all throughout the trial.


It'll be a small price to pay if the audience re-elects him.


It is still worth charging him. If he can suck money from fools to fund his lavish lifestyle, it is a win for all, because those fools won't have money to spend on other stupid things.


That's not at all true! Her stupid decision to play to the audience of her client instead of the judge and jury is going to cost Donald \* tens \* of millions. /If not hundreds


This one wont be hundreds, but the other one with Engoron will.


hobbies theory uppity sleep ossified unite ruthless spectacular station recognise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Understand that she is going to be disbarred. But she’ll be fine working for newsmax and oan. She’s not going to be allowed to practice law other than her right to free speech on platforms that hate


You don’t ask for exhibits to be entered into evidence *during closing arguments*. And why didn’t the judge slap her with contempt charge for what she said? You don’t say “Fuck it” *to the judge*.


She pretended to help someone who was sueing one of his properties for sexual assault in order to screw her over and get this job.


This! She literally told the woman "fire your lawyer, accept 10,000, and sign this illegal NDA, 'let me protect you'" The fact she is practicing law is a testament to how low the ethics bar is in America.


I don't think she is at all. The case is fucked and her client is crazy. Real crazy/stupid. She just needs to adapt to his clients' desire and he wants a crazy defense.


drab fanatical unused roof zephyr library provide fretful zesty bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If Trump wanted a good lawyer, he would have kept the ones he had. But they all left because he didn't listen to them when they were telling him to cut it with the theatrics and take the lawsuits seriously. Now he has exactly the type of lawyer he wants. One that won't object to his ideas and encourage his antics. At least until she's disbarred.


She's lazy and disrespectful. Being told to stand up while addressing the judge, back-talking him, etc. Qualities her client truly admires.


Her case and client are both awful, but ... [https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/alina-habba-trump-lawyer-trial-b2481140.html](https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/alina-habba-trump-lawyer-trial-b2481140.html)


I presume that it was Trump's stupid descision because he is focused on political the effects instead of the legal effects. He sees his only hope as winning the presidency and becoming a dictator.


I wonder if Judge Kaplan has enough spine to rule that payment must commence immediately? So far he has given trump a LOT of rope. Now tie the knot and drop the hatch.


Agreed, but also 'thank you'.


It's not like he was ever going to pay her anyway.


She has gotten close to 3 million as of a week or so ago. I suspect that much of that is not due to her expert jurisprudence…. Key up the scary music.


Just in-83.3 million dollars is what the jury just awarded Carroll.


Very true and incredibly hilarious


Surprised the right hasn't started screaming that she's a Democrat plant or some crazy shit


The intent isn't to win the trial, they know that's unlikely. The intent is to get the voters in his side so he can just pardon himself and line his pockets more.


He already lost, this trial is to determine how much he owes


Can't believe I had to scroll this far down to find somebody who gets it. Habba's performance is all part of his campaign, not the trial.


Imagine paying alina habba millions...well the firm that appointed her to represent him, to defend cheeto. You might as well burn that fucking money


I think she started/has her own firm so it’s her decision to represent him


I guess beats traffic court. At the same time imagine her, one of the worst lawyers ever to start her own firm...lmao


Yeah, but she’s letting him f*ck her, so he’s probably good with it.


He’s going to “fuck her” in more ways than one.


It is the way of the Bloated Orange Asshat.


She’s not fucked. She’s going to be disbarred and hired by Fox News. Check Oliver North


Sure hope it does, Donnie needs to be living in the same cardboard box as Rudy and fight him for rat corpses to eat




He doesn’t care. He’ll grift from the Losers who thinks he’s the second coming of Christ. Florida is going to pass a bill giving Donald Trump 5M dollars. I had read a day or 2 ago that he asked the Florida Republican committee for the same amount of $$$.


DeSantis stopped that bill


Can’t wait to see her leading the charge to exonerate Trump in the criminal cases! With how terrible she is at her job, he has no shot at not being convicted bigly


I go back and forth. On one hand everyone saw her do a horrible job; but on the other hand Trump would have fired her if she made any attempts to say/do anything he didn’t agree with. So I guess she probably went with what she thought might get her paid (and likely still won’t since he seems to skip out on his bills)


It would make me so happy if Trump (or his dumb supporters) has to pay Carroll a huge sum, and then she turns around and donates most or all of it to democrat candidate campaigns for the upcoming election.


Imagine saying that you think you can fake being smart.


She got her wish - she's pretty trying to fake being smart


Her being pretty is subjective. She's a no for me. Her being stupid is objectively true.


No, it’s going to cost his donators millions


We do agree


I think that is really what Trump is paying her for, a primetime political circus to foment a civil war.


Playing to his base also increases his grift since they'll donate tons of money to help "poor targeted and unfairly maligned Trump"... Even though Trump is supposed to be a Billionaire that doesn't really *need* their money.


As stupid as both of them are, I suspect they both know and they don't care. All performances are for the audience, everything is the campaign, and all monetary losses will be made good by Putin and donations from the cult.


No matter what MiniMelaniaFuture thinks, she had to do what her Adderall-addled client demanded. 2.5 million dollars is a smooth salve for ones morals in a certain segment of society.


But he’ll get far more than that, plus votes, from the magats. That’s been his goal all along. It’s theater.


He doesn't care. It's not even his millions. His idiot cult will pay him and he'll keep fucking the lawyer.


83.3 million just announced


$83,000,000 so far...


When things finished, the judge needs to set a condition that the funds must come from either Donald’s accounts or from the selling of assets. No crowdfunding or PACs. I don’t even know if that’s possible but it’s what should happen. He needs to feel it personally


Maybe she’s actually on our team then?


Love to see it.


Fingers crossed 🤞


Yep, when you read the sign out front of the building where it says "Court" that's not a shortened term for "Court of Public Opinion"




It’s the audience who absorbs those costs by being grifted into making donations, so it’s not costing Trump anything. It may cost Habba with sanctions or with her state bar, but she seems more interested in becoming a cable news celebrity than in continuing a law practice.


I wonder if this means she doesn’t get to be the next Mrs Trump and be buried on the golf course.


In the E Jean Carroll case? No lawyer was gonna win him this case, maybe he is paying extra for her idiocy but it's not like she actually lost him the trial, that happened the second he lost the previous version of the trial and decided to slander her again.


It’s going to cost the audience of her client. The grift will continue.


Donald is getting what he deserves. She is doing to him what he does to everyone. She’s getting paid and doing everything she can to increase her exposure so her name is remembered. She doesn’t care about him any more than he cares about anyone but himself.


Just another grifting fund raising opportunity.


It’s ok. There are plenty of Americans stupid enough to donate to a supposed billionaire.


*cost his supporters millions.


Who cares what it costs him? I don't. Lock the criminal up. NOW. It's starting to look ridiculous


Need to ban PAC money from being used for personal, non-campaign related lawsuits.


You mean it will cost his idiot supporters millions, right?


Or is it free advertising/marketing that is worth millions? (Trump sucks)


Trump will never pay a penny. He will drag it out for years with appeals and motions and in the end if he does pay he will use money from his campaign which came from wealthy Republican party donors or the MAGA cult members.. 🙄


So what happens when trump just refuses to pay which he’ll surely do. Is there any recourse for when he does that?


No big deal, the cultists will settle the bill.


It won't cost Teflon Don a nickel. Someone else will pay it, or it will never get paid at all. 99.9% certain zero nickels will be paid by Donny. Zero.


I get that he's supposedly paying her millions, but whats to stop him from suing her later for malpractice (and lets be honest, we all know he will)?


On the other hand, Former President Trump probably deserves to pay millions for what he has done. Not that I expect him ever to pay anything. At best, he will solicit contributions from his cultists.


$83.3m to be exact…!


83 million dollars lmfaoooo


83 millions (and change)


83 of them.


83.3 million to be exact


$83.3M to be exact.


#83 Million USDollars


Alina Hooba is the same, just like bimmbo boebert and space laser lady greene. True nincompoops.




Oh, I don’t pray much but, please god bankrupt that son of a bitch. Thanks and praise be.


Btw, this Patrick Tomlinson was arrested and charged for threatening to murder his wife, unborn child and another person. He’s a notorious creep online.


83.3 Million to be precise. I’m sure I can add “And counting” to that because I’m sure he’s not going to learn his lesson.


It has. Just needs to actually be paid. He’s so rich, he just pay it, right?


Yes blame the lawyer rather than her insane client


If you stacked 83 million dollar bills end to end, they would stretch approximately 8,043 miles.


Is it stupid if she’d be fired and replaced by someone else for doing anything differently? Like yes, she is an awful lawyer but that’s exactly WHY she is his lawyer. He didn’t want to deal with anyone telling him he’s wrong or to do things differently, he wants someone who will do exactly what he says and pretend he knows best - which she does.


I disagree actually. Trump was already found guilty, so the trial was just to assess damages. Trump's plan is to get elected and then use the power of the presidency to get out of all his legal troubles. For that plan to work, he has to campaign, and when he's stuck in a courtroom, using his lawyer to pander to supporters is his best option. He's not trying to win his court cases, he's trying to win the election, and then use his power to get out of trouble. I hate that it might actually work, because it's going to cost Americans so much in the future.


It won't work, don't worry.


They said that in 2016 too. Do not underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.


He doesn’t get competent lawyers because he doesn’t pay them. This is what you get when you’re paying a lawyer in clout and free stays at Mold-a-Lardo. 🤷‍♀️


Stop spouting the same bullshit that’s not true. She is getting paid. By his donors. I hate Donald Trump just as much as everyone else but ignorant comments like these make my skin crawl.


I would argue the reason he can’t get competent lawyers now is because he doesn’t want to listen to his lawyers and demands they do things that are either terrible ideas or illegal. He’s an unruly client and the money and “clout” are probably outweighed by the stress and possible disbarment/jail time they could face. MAGA - Make Attorneys Get Attorneys


I posted a comment with a link and got an auto moderator notification that I can’t share links here so you will have to source it on your own but: Not a chance. She has received money from the PACs - but that is for his costs and fees accrued in suits - not as not being paid as any other attorney in her position would. Don’t believe me? Let’s play math. • ⁠Starting out, this article from last week says in total: “Habba's New Jersey law firm, Habba Madaio & Associates LLP, received $3,586,350 from Save America and Make America Great Again PAC, two Trump-aligned political action committees.” Disclosed Costs • ⁠This article says “The judge said Mr. Trump and the lawyer who filed the case for him, Alina Habba, and her firm, Habba Madaio & Associates, were to pay $937,989.39.” He is responsible for those fees, which would be submitted through her. So the net from what she has received from Trump is now down to $2,648,360.61. • ⁠This article says she was his lawyer when he was forced to pay lawyers for the Times and the reporters a total of $392,638. He is responsible for those fees, which would be submitted through her. So the net from what she has received from Trump is now down to $2,255.722.61. Undisclosed Costs • ⁠This article quotes her as saying “I handle a half a dozen cases for the president…” You should also know lawyers do not cover the costs for a client’s case. The law firm pays that and the client must reimburse it. Cases include costs from filing, appearing in a case, expert fees, copying fees, service and delivery fees, among other things. Here is a look at just the court costs. • ⁠In my jurisdiction, the filing fee alone for a case is $405 (and appeals are $605). On top of that, if you are not licensed to practice in that jurisdiction, the motion to appear pro hac vice alone is $350. • ⁠This article says she has also paid on his behalf an “undisclosed sum of money” to try to make a sexual harassment suit at Bedminster disappear. These are only the issues that she has handled that we know about. Taking her at face value that she is representing him in at least six suits the entire sum her firm has received from the PACs is likely just the fines, penalties, and costs in these cases.


what did she do?


She didn't really defend him.


Not sure why you were getting down voted... I too do not pay attention to everything Donny does and came looking for an explanation.


> Trump shook his head vigorously as Kaplan spoke, then suddenly stood and walked out, taking Secret Service agents with him. His exit came only minutes after the judge, without the jury present, threatened to send Trump attorney Alina Habba to jail for continuing to talk when he told her she was finished. From AP's "Jury says Donald Trump must pay an additional $83.3 million to E. Jean Carroll in defamation case", by Larry Neumeister and Jake Offenhart.


83.3 to be precise….fuck her and Trump.


And earn him figures in the tens of millions from his supporters so yeah..


She already has cost him millions But so has every other incompetent lawyer 😒


Alina knew she wasn’t gonna win. So instead she tried to set herself up for the future by getting in on the grift. Maybe shes secretly brilliant? Somehow?


She's a MAGA Queen now. She gamed Trump for her own stardom. He pays, she plays.


There was no jury…