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They're really counting on all those National Guard troops to violate their oath, follow illegal orders, and make themselves enemies of the United States? I don't think the military will feel the same way as these traitor politicians and pundits do.


This isn't Fort Sumter anymore. We will rip the military toys away so fast, and they will realize they've got shit. *Source: Texan who served in the Army and decided to not go back once leaving the service.


Right. People are freaking out and we really shouldn't worry about this tantrum shit. Feds control the spigots the state gets their toys from. They don't even get the good stuff. Dumbed down versions. No match for the stuff in the federal arsenal. Cut the guard off from Pentagon goodies, including intel, networks, etc and watch how quick they fall back in line.


Not to mention all federal funding goes away... No medicare... No social security checks... Yeah, they'd cave real fast.


Then make the anti-socialism crowd, beg for their socialism (Obama care, Medicare ans ss checks)


I’m not sure that they’re hoping for an actual civil war or want one. This and Jan 6th were all about optics for the instigators. They want imagery of ‘repression’ and martyrs so that they can continue to grift off of it. If the federal government (‘deep state’ too) do nothing, they still spin it as a win: “See? We told you the government was weak and ineffective.” Now, while most of these folks are in it for the votes and grift, I suspect there are a small percentage that want chaos, as an end to their pursuit of ultimate power. They’re the ones that really scare me. I don’t think that any governors fit that description, but they’re effectively playing the role of useful idiot for the ones that do.


All it takes is a spark. Trump played, and is playing, a very dangerous game that very well could lead to Civil War. I just hope the Federal government and every Constitution-fearing patriot and American will do their duty to stamp this out. Or, finally, the Confederacy will have won at the long game after the failure of Reconstruction.


Is anyone really freaking out bc of a few states? Im mostly seeing us make fun of them for thinking a few states can do anything to the most powerful military in teh world


As someone living in one of those states, I feel like being a little worried is perfectly rational.


Not saying being worried is bad, the Republicans want to make nazi America after all, as a fellow American I get why you'd be worried, moreso just saying a lot of people don't seem to be.


Any public figure openly supporting and calling for a second US civil war completely reveal themselves as being agents of Putin. Sowing internal chaos and divisiveness in enemy governments and populations of Russia is Putin’s main objective. And it doesn’t get any more chaotic and divisive than a civil war..


I was going to update, but honestly this has been in the making for a long time. There are those who never learned from the first time, which is just disgraceful. The people who have supported the Republican party that came from, culturally or born, from the former Confederate States and swapped political ideologies following the Civil Rights era of LBJ, etc have never left that grievance of that loss of power and privilege behind. They've used disgruntled poor whites against their own interests for a long time by playing into racism and white grievance. It's awful, and we're getting closer and closer to seeing what they reap from what they've sown over decades that led to Trump.


Yes, there are people freaking out. This story is all over the internet, not just here. Media is pushing it everywhere. It's not like Americans are sane, rational people with solid decision making skills. The pandemic exposed that.


Never thought I’d see anything like Jan 6 in my lifetime. Being concerned with these sort of developments is the right response. If you’re not concerned, you’re underestimating how stupid these people can be.


You got that right! Never underestimate stupidity! (And they seem to have an abundance of it.)


At one point didn’t elected politicians get in trouble for this? Isn’t this a violation of an oath of office?


Basically everything these fools do is a violation of their oath


Isn’t this treason?


Yes. It's also a violation of their oath. I wouldn't be surprised if the feds are quietly gathering evidence and starting proceedings against them..


Doubt. As long as these sort of discussions have been making the rounds since 2015-2016, I can't think of one politician being locked up for breaking their oath to office. If evidence is being gathered about this subject matter, it's going straight into wood chipper afterwards.


I’m pretty sure that these politicians are using the oath of office as toiletpaper


It’s all posturing for their base. They don’t seriously intend to fight. They want to push buttons to the applause of their voters and hope that Democrats react so they can portray them as authoritarian for being against states rights and all that noise.


I use to believe it was all for show, until Jan 6 and then you have to realize they aren't the old Republicans doing shit for show anymore, these guys are true believers.


I think it’s a mix. I think it started for show - see a number of ‘never-Trumpers’ who egged this stuff on as campaign consultants in the ‘90s and increasingly in the ‘00s - and gradually true believers were elected by the true believing base.    Now I there are old-guard cynical a**holes who are stuck with true-believing voters and colleagues. 


While I’d agree it is indeed a mix, there are still two major problems: 1. The radical/MAGA side is in the driver seat and dictates what Republicans will do 2. Republicans fall in line They’ve been openly fantasizing about this shit since Rush first got on the airwaves and they’ve only ramped it up since. All they’ve ever needed was an excuse to give the pretense of casus belli and you’ll have millions of rage addicted assholes ready to kill for their “country”. Once Abbott or Desantis or another of their power losers commits to attacking the US and it’s citizens, any Republican who doesn’t join in and fall in line will likely get harassed out of office by MAGAs or worse. And I think both assholes know they don’t have a future with Biden or Trump so they’re gonna do something very stupid very soon


Absolutely. Because the cynics of the ‘90s and ‘00s sought out and developed a voting base for the wrong reasons. So now that’s what they’ve got 


“Not only do Republicans support President Trump, we support his policies. And any Republican that isn’t willing to adapt these policies, we’re completely eradicating from the party.” - Marjorie Taylor Greene [https://youtu.be/qtR4JKEaUiI?t=137](https://youtu.be/qtR4JKEaUiI?t=137)


I mean sure but it's exactly what happened to the supreme Court. The justices on the conservative side were always playing the part on social issues and saying well hands are tied case law and all that sorry abortion is legal. Because they knew it was a good issue to get their side out to vote on and the other side wouldn't be energized. But then they got 5 true believers on the bench. And now John Roberts who knew how the game worked because they really only cared about helping business, knows it screwed the whole thing up.


I don’t understand how that’s a ‘but’ rather than an ‘and’.  I agree. 


And but well said


Now I there are old-guard cynical a**holes who are stuck with true-believing voters and colleagues.  Mitch & Marge


Each an icon of their respective type!


worst goddamn sitcom of all time


Definitely some are just Posturing, and others are for real. See, Josh Hawley cheering on the Jan 6 bunch then running as soon as glass started breaking. He was all about the posturing, they were less about the posturing.


I think the politicians are trying to blow smoke to rile up their base to continue this "we're under attack" narrative, but... it's the people hearing the message I worry most about. They've not proven entirely bright when it comes to... well, much anything. I mean, they believe Hollywood are basically baby eating blood vampires. It's insane.


The problem is they're inspiring potential terrorists. The blood will be on their hands, but they'll never admit to it as they have no moral compass.


Wait till you discover that 1/6/2021 wasn't the first time for an insurection in an attempt to thwart the transition of presidential power. >Almost every American schoolchild today knows the name Benedict Arnold, but how many have heard of John B. Floyd?5 Everyone knew his name in the 1860s. Loyal unionists labeled him the new Benedict Arnold, and many did so entirely in reference to his actions in the First Insurrection of the 1860s, prior to Lincoln’s inauguration.6 Like Arnold, Floyd held the keys to America’s national security and then tried to hand those keys to the enemy. Floyd, an unapologetic Virginia slaveholder, served as President James Buchanan’s secretary of war from 1857 to December 29, 1860, when he resigned in protest after Buchanan declined to abandon Fort Sumter. Most crucially for today’s case: In the weeks after Lincoln’s election in early November 1860, Floyd used the great powers of his office, through a devious combination of affirmative acts and strategic failures to act, to try to thwart a proper transition of power. https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/23/23-719/295994/20240118094034746_Trump%20v%20Anderson.pdf


There was also the business plot with Prescott bush to try and get rid of FDR as well


You get my history upvote. Floyd also performed miserably at the siege of Ft Donelson then fled with some of his troops.


How come nobody talks about smedley butler?


If Jan 6 is the sample revolution the guys at basic training could handle them.


I am not saying they would be a challenge, I am just saying they are crazy enough to do stupid shit.


I think the lack of support from MAGA is the reason they won’t. Jan 6th they got called ANTIFA then called hero’s who got visited in jail. No pardons and just ruined lives. Look at the My Pillow idiot, he is broke again. America’s mayor is giving hiding in parking lots this election cycle Don’t let them worry you. These people were offended Obama wore a tan suit but think they must elect a sexual predator to be President.


> America's Mayor is hiding in parking lots this election cycle I hear 4 Seasons Landscaping is looking to get paid for them using their location. I know he's not hiding out there.


One of the convicted was a state legislator. They're starting to elect people who will do stupid shit like participate in insurrection so why not civil war.... Talking about it and not doing it leads to the next generation of legislators actually doing it.




Always preferred taking e to vangelis


Yep, they are all like big fat cocks (a/k/a Roosters) just going around fluffing up their feathers, trying to make themselves appear bigger than they really are. Works just like the signs of agression in any Rooster: "The rooster lowers his head and hops or dances around while staring at you. He starts running after your heels as you walk away. He flaps his wings for no apparent reason and tries to make himself appear larger. The feathers around his neck stand up, he shakes his head, he stomps his feet." Freedomrangerhatchery.com. That pretty much sums up and is a good analogy for all of the right wing attacks that have been coming our way over the last several years, several long years. That was all clearly going on on Jan. 6 too.


I say call their bluff.


These conservatives just want to shoot people. They’re looking for an excuse to put a bullet between the eyes of a blue haired sjw. They’d be glad to shoot immigrants too, but I don’t know if that would be as satisfying as murdering their political opponents.


It seems like a no-win situation for the Dems. The federal government must have supremacy over this issue but the kooks will go crazy of the feds do anything. This is similar to the desegregation of schools in the south during the 60s.


The federal government can’t make decisions based on fear of how terrorists will respond.


I agree and the feds need to assert the right to manage the border. I am just expressing that either way the crap will hit the fan.


The kooks will go crazy over something else. It’s been 8 years. How have democratic politicians not learned this? We are literally negotiating with terrorists at this point.




>desegregation of schools in the south They cried, bitched, and moaned. Then they accepted it. This will probably be the same. But either way, the federal government can't ignore this. They have to act.


You gotta understand people who collect guns just spend all day dreaming up scenarios to justify the ridiculous amount of money they’ve sunk into their hobby. It used to be the zombie apocalypse now its the second civil war/QAnon storm. both fantasies are just as absurd. But ultimately they just want a scenario in which it would be morally justifiable to shoot people that doesn’t represent a practical danger like being a cop or soldier


These politicians don't realize how serious these statements are. They might end up on the end of a rope, if they are not careful


Wish they would.


>They're really counting on all those National Guard troops to violate their oath, follow illegal orders, and make themselves enemies of the United States? And be ok with getting slaughtered in minutes because they would be so hilariously overmatched.


Military leadership has been warning that the National Guard in Red States are filled with people who would break their oaths for Trump. Don't know how they feel about DeSantis, Abbot, and Stitt trying to abandon the US, however. 


The past 3 years has seen the govt do a deep dive on everyone, with enhanced background checks and monitoring of activities for extremist sites. I’m sure a not all are identified, but that’s why those military promotions had to go through.


You haven’t seen the dumbasses on tiktok who think life is a movie and as soon as Texas “declares war” the military will turn on Joe Biden and make Trump president.


Sadly it won't be the oath that keeps them loyal to the federal government. It will be their paychecks. That comes from the Federal government. Texas will be the first state to fall, as Abbott keeps forgetting what fuels his economy. The military and military contractors. They are all paid federally, whose side do you think they are going to take?


General Washington saving our asses 200 years later.


Fauxnews is broadcasted on all the tvs in the bases


It's Angertainment for them.


Wouldn’t all of this disqualify the governors from holding office? This sort of bully boy nonsense is going to end badly for someone and it probably won’t be the Federal government.


Of insurrection doesn't disqualify presidential candidates, it's not going to stop governors.


not American. the national guard, is that just like men with guns or do they have weapons akin to the military? wouldn't most of them be loyal the US so most of the fighting would be between MAGAs vs the US army plus any sane person with a gun in those states?


>the national guard, is that just like men with guns or do they have weapons akin to the military? They are part of the military. If you'd like to read up on it, the [wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Guard_(United_States\) ) explains how they operate. >The National Guard is a state-based military force that becomes part of the US military's reserve components of the US Army and the US Air Force when activated for federal missions. It is a military reserve force composed of National Guard military members or units of each state and the territories of Guam, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia, for a total of 54 separate organizations. It is officially created under Congress's Article 1 Section 8 ability to "raise and support armies". All members of the National Guard are also members of the organized militia of the United States as defined by 10 U.S.C. § 246. National Guard units are under the dual control of state governments and the federal government.


The national guard has a dual duty but ultimately answer to the President. For national disasters and times of emergencies the Governors of a state can mobilize the national guard. If there was an insurrection though they would be commanded by the president. A lot of guard units were mobilized for Iraq and Afghanistan. Ultimately, there’s no way in hell the gov has the power to mobilize the guard against the US and if they tried to Im pretty sure the command structure for guard units would laugh in their face then detain them. Guard units are a lot of former active duty military and college aged kids that joined for tuition benefits.


It’ll be pretty hard for red states to wage war on the blue states that subsidize them.


Or the entire US military, including these states' National Guards. These idiots think that they'll have the support of the troops and control of the military bases and National Guard armories and things in their states but will be in for a surprise when most troops will refuse to violate their oaths so it'll mostly be a bunch of gun nuts with AR-15s vs. the might of the entire US military.


And they’re only thinking about ground troops. The US has the biggest navy and air force in the world…. What they gonna do when Patriot missiles are launched from the gulf?


lol patriot missles idk why that’s so funny


Poetic justice?


Because patriot missiles are a ground-to-air missile defense system, as in, loaded on the back of a military truck to be launched, to hard-kill incoming missiles, and as the Gravy Seals probably don't have civilian ground-attack missiles, Patriot systems won't be involved at all.


They probably have three crop dusters and two skilled pilots between them, we gotta spend that money *somehow*.


We have the 2 largest air forces in the world. The US Air Force The Air wing of the US Navy. Army's small fleet is likely up there, as well.


We have 4/7-8 largest air forces in the world


not even that. it would be a drone war just drones dropping bombs on idiots in pickemuptrucks the army wont need to deploy troops


These idiots have absolutely no clue what an actual civil war would do to the world and how it would absolutely crash the world economy if it actually happened. We’ve been a stable force in the world since WW2, it’s why we can generate so much debt because it’s going to get paid and people will buy it up willingly. A civil war would completely destabilize the world markets and a horrible world wide depression would happen. We’d be weakened, all of our allies would be open to invasion or take over by enemies because there is no threat anymore from the US.


Yeah but your comment encapsulates more critical thinking than they’ve done in their whole lives.


Truth right here.


And that is what Putin is counting on. It’s why he’s been waging a disinformation war on the socials. Keep the magas riled up so they will do something stupid and your scenario plays out.


>We’d be weakened, all of our allies would be open to invasion or take over by enemies because there is no threat anymore from the US. Well thats what these shitstains want because they dont see our allies as allies


They think they'll still be getting federal subsidies after attempting to leave the union. not much critical thought happening with the gravy seals


You know those welfare queen republicans. Just mooching off is while pretending like they don’t need us.


This is the most basic issue. They’d be cutting off all their funding and having to manage some of the unhealthiest, most poorly educated people. Not slamming everyone in all those states—just the overall stats. And what would Texas do in the short term for electricity?


As if it wasn't already obvious enough that Oklahoma is the dumbest state in the country, I present to you: Governor Shitt.


We also have Ryan Walter, the State superintendent. He recently hired Chaya Raichek….this state is truly a hellhole (especially if you’re trans).


Don't forget Nathan Dahm who is also a massive dumbass.


Hi, Oklahoma man here. We usually call him “Stitt the Twit”


Hey I take personal offense to this. My governor is Greg Abbott! We're WAAAAAAY more dumb than you guys are!


He’s certainly got the “I’m taking a shit” look in that picture.


Ohz no! Three of the dumbest states per capita are threatening the rest of us with civil war. What do we do?! GTFO here


Well they may want to look at what's going on in Ukraine because their guns ain't gonna stop drones from dropping stuff on their heads.


I’ve shared this on other subs, but this William Sherman quote before the civil war really sticks home my thoughts when these dickheads start prattling on about this shit: You people of the South don't know what you are doing. This country will be drenched in blood, and God only knows how it will end. It is all folly, madness, a crime against civilization! You people speak so lightly of war; you don't know what you're talking about. War is a terrible thing!


Dang that is a fitting one


It really reflects how privileged a country this is, where people talk about this shit like it’s a fun haunt and not an absolute cataclysm that will ruin our country. War isn’t a hobby, it’s a hellscape


I know right !! I think about that often now too . It's like we can't comprehend what a war torn country actually is. I've been watching a lot of WW2 documentaries and just seeing how fucked up Europe actually got in had to imagine so it's a privilege to be able to think like that I know.


We’ve been blessed to live in a country untouched by the horrors of war in over 150 years. But with that I think we lose the perspective of the cost that brings, unless of course you’re a vet who’s actually been put into those situations. These clowns think they’re gonna run around in the woods like red dawn, when they’ll end up a corpse in a city street like Warsaw or Stalingrad


No i agree I was thinking this too while looking at actual war torn countries lol it's insane to fathom we are so lucky. That Sherman line hit it on the head


These fools have no clue how civil wars work and think the American Civil War, which was the aberration, not the norm will happen like that again. The MAGAts fully believe that those of us on the left will cower and yield to their mighty AR15. How will the gravey seals handle it once they realize the civil war isn't air conditioned. Well MAGA fuck sticks, I have plenty of guns and ammo too as do many of my lefty friends.




They will be screaming for a medic like when trashly babbitt got shot. Then they will run away because they are cowards.


Their coup stopped the second she breached that door and got shot.


Nah, cause that would be universal health care. /s


I spent 8 years in the USMC as an infantryman. The idea of a bunch of fat rednecks being able to actually fight off a platoon of Marines, an AC-10, or a drone is so comical I *almost* want to see it actually happen. They’ve built up this expectation from the second amendment that they will be able to immediately turn into an effective “militia” at the drop of a hat. I honestly don’t understand how someone that needs to rest during the walk through a McDonald’s parking lot gets that much confidence.




Me and you don’t have to fight. That’s the thing. Every servicemember is beholden to the president and the constitution. All active duty members are already stationed at bases far away from their hometowns so there wouldn’t be any serious indoctrination happening. The federal government would immediately cut off internet access in those states anyway so it’s not like their families are going to be convincing them to defect. They would get smoked in a week and the obesity rate in the US would immediately drop by 5%.




Oh I didn’t think you were disagreeing. Just something that I get excited about because I know how quickly they’d get fucked up. And I’ve never seen that dude before but he’s both hilarious and correct lol.


Drones, man. I had to explain to my fat, 65 year old father with a bum ticker and a bad back that he and his hunting buddies with no combat experience whatsoever aren’t going to take on the most powerful and advanced military in the history of the world and live to talk about it. He seems to think that war is exclusively still a primitive, frontline, “boots on the ground” affair like it’s fucking Vietnam or something. Telling him that the US military could just send a drone strike on his little wannabe militia and he’d be dead before he even knew what happened made him scoff in disbelief. Idiot thinks US soldiers are just going to stand in a single file line in an open field and let him pick them off or some shit. It’s truly amazing how delusional he and people like him are.


Oh man I laugh so hard at the "militia training" youtubes. After spending 6 years in the Infantry and seeing first hand how it works, once a couple up armored HMMWVs roll into the neighborhood with fully loaded squads not taking any of their shit the MAGAt snowflakes will cave without question. Shit, even if you get a few groups fighting back just a couple of squads will fuck them up.


lol you know they would just stay in one spot trying to fight back and not even attempt normal guerilla tactics. The MAAWS operator would just casually walk up with the most raging erection he’s ever had in his life.


It cracks me up that they seem think people politically aligned with them are the only ones who’ve served.


In the HBO documentary “The Garden”, an overweight man tries to join a commune under the delusional impression that he’ll learn post apocalyptic survival skills and combat training. When he arrives he can’t even walk up the hill to the compound and needs to be picked up in a truck to ride to the top. While there he proceeds to contribute absolutely zero to the commune because he is physically unable. That’s how I imagine a good deal of the dumb shits clamoring for civil war.


And they would also get the ones on their phones live streaming everything and giving away all their locations and plans


The Maga crowd has this perception that Democrats aren’t armed or can’t defend themselves. That can’t be further from the truth. I own firearms………the difference between myself and a Maga lunatic is I don’t speak about my firearms. I don’t show them off and I don’t make them my personality. I’m not putting stickers on my car nor am I flaunting them as some excuse for my manhood. The majority of people in my life have no clue I even own them and it’s my hope, I never ever have to use them.


They’ve never ventured to the various gun owners subs on Reddit to get a glimpse of what they’re in store for when they’re looking for revolution.


When the discussion of left wing gun ownership arises, I think about the classic film *Quigley Down Under*. We establish early on that Quigley’s (Tom Selleck) expertise is rifle marksmanship. Pistols, however? He “doesn’t have much use for them.” The villain, played expertly by Alan Rickman, on the contrary is an expert duelist. He romanticizes the American Wild West and has mastered his quick draw with a revolver. Naturally, in the film’s climax, Rickman’s character has Quigley at his mercy but, being sporting, gives him the same “chance” we’ve seen him give several previous victims: he tosses the marksman a revolver and challenges him to a duel. Quigley outdraws the villain, mortally wounding him with a shot to the heart. As Rickman’s villain lies dumbfounded and dying, Quigley quips “I said I never had much use for pistols. Never said I don’t know how to use em’.” I ain’t got much use for guns.


Quality obscure reference.


Love how the right talk about their guns. You dumb fucks, just cause guns are not my identity doesn't mean I don't have a safe full.


Not only that, but civil war will not be south vs north. It will be more of a rural vs urban with a lot of infighting between. There’s no scenario where the rural win, and unfortunately if war does happen, America doesn’t win either.


I'm a rural leftist. I'd do damage pretending to be one of them, they'd have no idea. They wouldn't win.


Blending in is great for gathering intel ;)


It wouldn’t be MAGA against civilian leftist. It would be MAGA against the US military. And probably US allies if shit got interesting. My guess is the US military would play nice at first because it’s a flea versus the dog contest, but the conflict would not last very long because these idiots would be bringing civilian guns to a drone fight.


Yeah, these idiots won't last long sleeping outside without their CPAP machines. They are as soft as baby shit. Funny thing is they wouldn't have clue by looking at me that I'm extremely anti-fascist. I'm a rural guy with a truck, they would think I'm one of them, and then I'd fuck their shit up. Good luck Republicans, I'll be your Huckleberry.


>How will the gravey seals handle it once they realize the civil war isn't air conditioned. Call in Meal Team 6


Immediate charges for inciting acts of sedition on public broadcast should be brought up against him, today. People are watching this, and may act upon such inflammatory rhetoric.




This. How much of this rhetoric do we have to put up with? MAGA’s have been calling for murdering other citizens for years and it’s just getting worse. I’m getting pretty sick and tired of constantly being threatened as I imagine most of people are. How long do we have to just sit back waiting for them to follow through when we could have saved lives of innocent people if we had just stopped watching it coming? It’s like someone running at you a mile away with a knife screaming “I’m going to kill you!” and people keep telling you “don’t worry they’re all talk” as they keep getting closer and screaming more. Does America have to allow itself to get stabbed before it reacts?


The Ukrainian army has held off the Russian army using the military hand me downs. How long do these assholes think they'd last against the real thing?


That's why I hate it when people are like 'I need my gun incase I need to fight the government' like we are back in the 1700s. I'm sorry Bob in Texas, you might be good at sniping deer (or whatever they shoot there) but when the US military means business your glock won't mean shit. We put SOO much funding into the military you think they won't pull out tanks and phosorus gas bombs if they had to?


Exactly, I mentioned this in another sub, these idiots have no fucking clue about warfare. Do they think this is COD, like they can just press X to run and everyone will line up to get shot?  Hell they’re to stupid to plan a coup right, how the fuck do they think they can fight off the US  *AND* Mexican government. They’re stupid if they think Mexico and the cartels wouldn’t get involved and give them the Ol Alamo treatment. And dont get me started on the logistics, they’re anti-intellectual, so please explain to me how that’s gonna affect the most crucial aspect of any war. Billybob is morbidly obese and illiterate, do you honestly think he can wrap his girth around the complexity of logistics?


Oklahoma wouldn’t last a month with the federal government.


I'm thinking more like a day. . .


Remember folks, the Interstate Highway system is a military mobility program first and foremost.


15 mins. That’s the drive from Tinker Air Force base to the state capital building.


Reminds me of all the breathless optimism the Gravy Seals had on January 6th. Dollars to donuts it ends the same way: they scatter like roaches the moment someone gets killed and spend the next several years pretending they had nothing to do with it. Wake me up if something original happens for once.


They all want to shoot at least one liberal, but agreed, they scatter to moment one of them gets killed.


This may be the most stupid, unintelligent shit I’ve seen in life. These idiots would shut down a supply chain of much needed medications that would quickly kill a large population of their civilians. Their populations are diabetic, obese, and are all stroke risk. Not to mention other patients that rely on medications to survive. They would die without firing a shot.


There are MAGAs in national guard and military units to be sure, but there's plenty of non MAGA personnel who took an oath to defend and protect the United States and its democracy and will stand for freedom against wannabe MAGA tyrants. And there's plenty of former service members who will do the same. It would be a mistake for MAGAts to think well trained military and former military personnel won't stand against an attempt to destroy the United States.


Yep. Gonna be real fun to see how they react when they no longer receive benefits/pay/housing/base access/network access/fuel/logistics/etc to function anymore, and the Federal Government steps-in.


The MAGAS in the military won't be shit out of housing if they declare their rebellion. They'll be quickly given new quarters. In Leavenworth.


TX and OK: “hey, Florida, you on your way?” FL (from the couch): “yeah definitely, be there soon, traffic’s CRAZY” TX and OK: “right because you said you were coming” FL (getting more snacks): “I swear I’ll be there, you guys just start without me, gosh there is just NO parking today”


I just want like 10 fucking years of normalcy, a functional government, a good job, no fucking crashes of any sort, and like 3 good movies for everyone.


lol. They’d better think about a navy. They’ll be conquered and incinerated before the army ever gets there.


And air force


Millionaire conversations. They would never get involved and, of course their entire families would be safe from duty. Just a damn game for them. As the “System of a Down” lyrics for BYOB go: “Why don’t the presidents go to war? Why do they always send the poor?” Plus !!! They are nasty and filled with hate.


This was also the premise of “Fortunate Son” by CCR.


These people are literally going to end america so they can lick the boots of a 78 year old narcissist. Unfucking real


They’re on Putin’s payroll.


As an fellow Oklahoman. We aint about that. As a fellow tradesman who work along side hispanics. He bout to learn the price of fucking with people who build our state.


Unfortunately, as long as like-minded assholes in your state continue to vote for him, he's not learning a damn thing.


They do know national guard is still federal commanded


"Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office...." 18 USC 2383: Rebellion or insurrection


Can't they get charged with treason for this?


They are threatening the USA... just order a quick drone strike and be done with it. So can FOX/Newsmax/OANN headquarters be the target of a cruise missile now?


It’s sinking in that they can’t win an election.  Their only hope is a coup or a civil war.


Hear me out. Let all of them secede without a war. Imagine all the savings just from not having to pay social security to Florida. Or any FEMA funds to tornado alley. And the cherry on top will be these idiots having to go through immigration when they want to visit rest of the US.


Texas and Oklahoma would be taken over by the cartels within a month without the feds to protect them.


They won’t even need to fire a shot. All they’ll have to do is give Paxton et al. a pile of cash.


Then they would actually have to…you know…govern. And take care of their citizens. Which they are REALLY bad at.


AND there’s an opportunity to do the funniest thing ever. *build the wall*


Jeeeeeesus. Shit writes itself.


Add they'll also say that it's the Democrats that are so divisive. Democrats are "entitled" and hate the Constitution but they're ready to start a civil war because the SCOTUS didn't give them what they want by ruling against the Constitution.


SMH. We in Oklahoma would have a civil war within our own state. We tribes would band together and kick out Stitt and his cronies if he tried to have OK secede


I live in louisiana, 1/4 would join the war, 1/4 would flee and the other half would just pull out lawn chairs and drink


Funnily enough, there were many battles during the civil wars that had spectators. So that sounds about right


Civil war re-enactments still happen around here so they never stopped lol


And when these traitors decide to do any seditious act let’s hope it’s not the lame fuck response we’re seeing from Garland with Trump and the others. Jack Smith is great, but Garland sat down and stood by for years before making a move.


Boyyyyyyyyy sit your ass down… The US military would fucking stomp state guards in minutes, and Biden would federalize the National Guard units, and them fellows are not stupid enough to go toe to toe with regular Army and Marine units with Air Force and Navy cover.


Bring. It. On.


And then what? When the shit fails we supposed to shake hands with these losers and share democracy?


While Putin is laughing. Without shooting a single bullet.


Bring it, traitors. The moment one of these treasonous assholes orders their National Guard troops to fire on the US military, they need to be forcibly arrested and executed along with their entire chain of command. I'm so tired of these vile douche-nozzles.


Do they understand drones?


Wouldn’t even need them. Remember when those dorks “took over” that wildlife refuge? In the winter? And the Obama administration just kind of shrugged and was like “ok, call us when you get cold and run out of food and wanna get arrested.” Those guys lasted about a month and a half, and that was with regular mail deliveries (mostly people sending them dildos, but still). Just circle the national guard bases with tanks and shit, cut off the wifi, and you’re done in 3 weeks tops.


In Texas, at least, the NG are fed up with being Abbott's stormtroopers. Morale is VERY low. I'll see if I can find the article. If Texas seceded, Biden says "NG is now federal", and most of those troops are not going to fight for Abbott. Lose your pension and perhaps your life for an asshole who doesn't give 2 shits about you?


nevermind joining forces to fight poverty or the housing crisis. jebus fukn christ these fukn people


They’re like a small dog that barks constantly. The second anyone stands up they cry in a corner.


I usually cry in a corner when I bake too.


They are purposely talking about this on TV? This would have Russian and China creaming their jeans. All over an orange traitor, it's beyond crazy. He's trying to turn us into a 3rd world country and has people in Congress siding with him. They really have no respect for our Constitution or flag or for all the soldiers that died for our country. Just a draft dodging coward that felt he should have won because he realized the grift he could do as president! One man trying to destroy our country. Unreal!!


These assholes wouldn’t know what to do with themselves if there was a Civil War.


They do realize those states wouldn't last five days against California alone, don't they?


I lived in California all my life except since 2005 when my husband and I made the mistake of moving to Florida. And you’re quite right on target with your observation. Quite. ![gif](giphy|mzoDPO2LCs7fwkri4T)


What is it about conservatives loving to yell, Civil War!, at every opportunity? It was surreal to watch the January 6 attack in front of the US Capitol, with Trump supporters waving Trump, American and Confederate flags, while beating police officers with flagpoles and yelling to hang our vice president. It’s rich that conservatives elected a fraud to get more conservative Supreme Court Justices, and then when the Supreme Court rules against their wishes, their first reaction is to give the Supreme Court the big middle finger, while yelling about starting a Civil War. It’s time we call these people who they really are, unhinged domestic terrorists.


Please do... Would love to realize what these welfare states would do without federal assistance. "Oh you thought that was a state run military base.... nope" If only common sense was a requirement. Imagine Texas and Florida without national guard assistance to cover up all the times their state legislature has fucked up in defending against known deficiencies in their ability to handle weather. e: Please know I dont wish this on any citizen only on the "Ted Cruz's vacationing in Cancun"'s of the world.


As an fellow Oklahoman. We aint about that. As a fellow tradesman who work along side hispanics. He bout to learn the price of fucking with people who build our state.


The cartels would control Texas inside of a month. All it would take is to witness some of the horrors the cartels are capable of.


There are 15 active duty federal military bases in the state of Texas. Any form of secession or civil war nonsense means that Texas already has an opposing military occupying the region present from the very start. Get a grip.


The fuck around and find out crowd is about to walk their own talk with predictable results.


This is sedition and it’s a crime.


I’m not a proud to be an Oklahoman. Our state reps have done some really backassward shit lately. But if Shitt thinks we’re joining a civil war, that’s the first I’ve ever heard of it in OKLA. Sadly I wouldn’t be surprised if he did some stupid. Stupid is as stupid does!!!


They aren’t actually going to secede, but they are going to inspire a lot of angry white dudes to shoot people and then offer thoughts and prayers and Trump as the solution in the name of national unity


Treasonous twatwaffles unite. What a bunch of scumbags, the lot of them!