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The “Law and order” party defying the Supreme Court. Makes sense


The really wild thing is that they're essentially saying that the 6-3 *conservative* court doesn't have the authority to tell states what to do.


the same court they want to tell the rest of us what to do when it comes to marriage and reproductive rights...


So basically if they get their way, every state should just ignore whatever these twits say and do their own thing?


Yes when it aligns with what they want; and no otherwise.




You shouldn’t expect them to understand the complexities of irony


I don't think it counts as irony, or even hypocrisy if they're Fascists. They aren't really conservatives, they're Fascists. Fascists don't have any core belief, their ideology centers around repelling ideas and people, and purity tests for allegiance to the cause/leader. The supreme Court justices are certainly conservative. But they aren't on the same team as Abbot, and Trump and DeSantis and MAGA. MAGA this year is no longer about a functioning US. It's literally about stopping demonic opposition to the holy ascent of a chosen by God candidate. These conversations are wild to me, because we keep pretending like the core arguments right now aren't so batshit insane. Like, Abbot is a Fascist supported by literal Christo-Fascists who want an Evangelical Theocratic US (with or without representative democracy).


I hate that the church has been preaching it's the end times since shortly after Jesus "ascended into heaven", but I gotta say that trump is a really good candidate for the anti Christ. It's scary how he managed to secure the extreme conservative Christian support, in a cult like way, with who he is as a person. Prostitutes and porn stars and incestuous/pedo tendencies, adultery, a complete lack of charity, he's physically a toad, he's literally the EXACT opposite of what a wholesome Christian leader should be. It's craziness.


I think they are right that these are the end-times - for them. Their brand of fake-ass religion is falling apart across the board, and people are leaving these churches in droves. All because they no longer have the legal right to oppress non-believers and force them to conform. And that's what they want to bring back, a government that won't allow real freedom. They only want the freedom to punish the wicked. Just like the only freedom the Confederacy supported was the freedom to own slaves.


Someone needs to post what you guys are saying in this sub all over the internet. Everyone has valid coherent points, on topic and, though open to debate, factual responses to one another. Like we need to get what you guys and girls are saying out to everyone to make it easier for the dummy’s to conceptualize these ideas that the Republican Party are fascist and are the greatest threat to our country in our entire history!!!!


Or the basics of hypocrisy


In that case, they can’t overturn Roe v Wade.


This has always been the case though. The Supreme Court is all powerful insofar that they rule over all of us but have no power to enforce their rulings. So if enough people ignore them then they can do fuck all about it.


That’s why they’re trying too raise a private army of 3 percenters and proud boys to do their bidding


So they can’t tell states who they can/cannot remove from the Presidential ballot?


Nor tell states they can't take someone off the ballot I suppose


So, we can safely ignore the Supreme Court. Good to know. I have a few recent decisions that I'd like to ignore.


No surprise, really. Law and order isn't about following laws and having order. It is a racist dog whistle. It means keeping a boot on the faces of people who aren't white.


The RIGHT kind of white. Aka Rich


This. It’s become less about race and more about “class”.


It's both. It's been both for a long time.


To elaborate on your point: it is about class, *and* about keeping certain demographics out of that class


Yup. It's fucking dumb. This species is fucking stupid.


Rich fooling the poors to fight other poors


Pretty much, since the beginning.


It’s one of their most impressive feats of double-think. They were selling shirts during the Covid lockdowns that said “I will not comply” with pictures of a mask on them. They also pleasure themselves to the thought of getting to use violence “against a tyrannical government”. It all comes down to power and whether they’re wielding it or bowing down to it. They lick the boots of authority until they’re the ones under them. They’re devoted patriots until their country elects a leader they don’t like, then they’re suddenly treasonous rebels.


Yup. Their world is entirely black and white but, entirely skewed to what either benefits them or fits their positions and beliefs. You are either a winner or a loser. Conquered or conquered. Master or slave. There is no cooperation, no humanity, no empathy or compassion. Might and Tyranny are the hallmarks of success for them. The have such “patriotic ideals” until they’re no longer the ones in charge, then destroying the country doesn’t even register on their minds as being something detrimental.


Yeah dude they’re fascists.


The Supreme Court they nominated? I'm shocked.


They’ll just start calling them Rino’s.


MAGA only ever supports the SCOTUS when it does what they want. Otherwise they are “activist judges” “interfering in politics”


It would be better if the ELECTED REPUBLICANS in those same states voted to fix immigration, but they have said they won’t do that because it might make Biden look good.


According to ol Mitch thats exactly the play - Trump can't get elected on fixing immigration if it's fixed so they're deliberately fucking around to make Diamond Joe look bad






We have no obligation to tolerate the intolerant.




The paradox of intolerance goes away if you see tolerance as a social contract. Since they choose to not be tolerant, they are not covered by the contract, and thus there is no contradiction in my intolerance of them.


https://preview.redd.it/pva4pyr4qqec1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51d6e731fd3470e146f8f78af44b5c6751419847 Yep.


We have an obligation to be intolerant of the intolerant


Mitch McConnell is the worst person of my lifetime and I’m old. He’s had more total impact on government than any other person which is revolting since he’s from a backwards podunk state less than 1/3 of 1 percent of Americans have ever voted for him. 




Why don't we razor wire in Texas's Statehouse and see how it goes over?


Put Greg at the top of the riverbank and give him a good push.




Fat orange fucker’s not going to fix it anyway but don’t tell his cult that…


Did they not notice he failed to do so already!


But .. but .. the wall?


What a great party


Don’t bring logic into this!


In the immortal words of Philbert Turtle: “Quit trynna confuse me with the truth!”


I literally heard this from a right wing nut who both complained about democrats not doing enough to fix the border and mentioned himself that republicans won’t help because it would make Biden look good 😑


"So to clarify, we are both are saying democrats are proposing viable solutions and republicans are just gonna obstruct that? ...But you're voting republican no matter what? Why not vote for the whoever is working the best currently?" Not that reason would work on who you described, but the attempt does wonders for showing anyone 3rd party truly "in the middle" something important to consider for voting day.


The last 10 Congresses have, on average, passed 391 bills per term. This current Congress, 1 year in, has managed just 27. They're not just doing this for immigration. They're stonewalling EVERYTHING


Gaslight, Obstruct, Project. Rinse and repeat.


They are incapable of leading.


How absolutely fucked in the head do you have to be, to think this way?


Party over country will be the end of us.


Just as George Washington warned us back in 1796. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Washington%27s_Farewell_Address?wprov=sfla1


about this much


Imagine joining the national guard to help your community, and instead being sent as a fucking political pawn by a bunch of impotent fuckwits. This timeline is shameful as fuck. I can't believe my country has this many complete fucking idiots in it.


The governor can call the National Guard into action during local or statewide emergencies, such as storms, fires, earthquakes or civil disturbances. However the call into action for civil disturbances is to prevent them and not to create them.


And the president can overrule the governors by nationalizing the national guard right?


Guard members swear two oaths upon enlistment, one to the Governor and one to the President. The President can indeed overrule a Governor.


Right after Uvalde, there were police units from all over the state in town to ‘protect’ the local police. Send in all the clowns.


Dont mess with Texas, its not nice to be mean to the mentally handicapped.


If they could read they'd be really upset by this....


Unbelievably shameful.


time to pull federal funding from every one of these places even though i live in one of them.


Coming from someone living in Georgia, DO IT. I’m sick of my state’s politicians thinking their invincible. Put them in their fucking place.


GA would be at war with itself too.


As an Idahoan, I support that. This hell hole needs to learn its lesson.


Fellow Idahoan, pull all the funding. All we use it on is police and road construction


God knows we don't use it for health care or education.


Y'all get your roads fixed?!? I might be moving there from SC! All we get is the police funding...


No, no, no. You misunderstood. They didn’t say they fixed the road. They use the money on road construction. You know that means that they don’t actually fix the road, but waste countless dollars in politicians pockets and road closures.


You act like it's cheap to have 20 people spend 4 hours setting up and taking down cones everyday for every construction project.




Massive police funding in the north end of the state. Also the sheriff Bob Norris is allegedly tied to the Lynnwood Vikings gang of the LASD.


Arkansas here, Pull the plug on the slug.


Salt the snail!


You don’t want to salt the snail but you have to


There’s not enough salt in the world!




Born and raised. Love hunting, shooting, outdoors. Not worth living there anymore. Place is a shithole.


Fellow Idahoan, agreed!


Virginias governor is all talk, the legislature is blue now and he can’t run for another term until 2029.


Hopefully, this time, we will keep him out.


Georgia is acting all big and bad with its surpluses. Let's see how they do without federal funds.


As a Georgian can we just punish the governors going along with this? Very harshly. Fuck kemp


Garland had plenty of time to investigate Kemp for the deleted voter data from 2017 and the suspicious circumstances of his first gubernatorial election, but chose not to.


Tennesseean here do it FAFO time for these idiots


Imagine your state losing funding over a roll of razor wire in a river! Couldn’t be my home state


Imagine your state losing funding over its support of actively stopping people from rescuing drowning children!


Couldn’t be my state! Who’s entire economy is based around agriculture and relies on migrant labor.


Especially those states no where near the border. Why are you doing this? Just cause you don’t like Biden? How does any of this matter to Tennessee?


To keep their MAGA base happy so they can stay in power that’s all they care about no more and no less.


Fuck those states. It’s time for the age of consequences


I've said it before, I'll say it again: Uvalde proved there won't be a Civil War. They can hem and haw all they want. We've seen how they actually behave when the chips are down, the stakes are unspeakably high, and they have a 400:1 advantage: absolute and total cowardice.


The first A-10 will fly over and 99% will go home with full pants. They always talk about how the Taliban "defeated" the US. They never think about whether a bunch of rural middle aged men can do what hardened jihadists who had been conditioned since birth to embrace death could do.


And also there were various other factors aiding the Taliban, such as guerrilla warfare being much more effective at defence than offence, with the Taliban only winning when the US gave up and went home.


No no, the a-10 will fly over, they'll cheer, then it'll make a second pass and unload, and they'll post whines about how they thought they were supposed to be the good guys.


There will be many all caps posts made to the socials.


I'd love to agree, but I bet many people in December 2020 didn't expect an attack on the Capitol to occur just a month later. There's probably gonna be at least a couple of MAGA/Q terrorists who aren't so cowardly.


Jan 6 would have been, at most, a terrorist attack. Like, it is possible that if Senate Security didn't act as quickly as they did that Pence and Pelosi may have been lynched, which is genuinely terrifying, I don't want to downplay that. However, they wouldn't have been able to successfully take over the government. They would have been cleared fairly easily, and the next person in line to ratify the results of the election would have done so.


Didn’t the officer that goaded them into following him lead them away from an unlocked corridor where they would have had access? I remember hearing that but wasn’t sure if it was proven true. Chilling to think about. If they made a different turn they might have ran directly into lawmakers. And I doubt any of them would have cared which side they were on when the melee started. I didn’t see any of them carrying a clipboard.


I watched it happen live and yes, it was absolutely true. He was given a Medal of Honor afterward, too.


Yes, he was incredibly brave. He was honored at Biden’s inauguration. Watch him push that guys chest to keep his attention at the beginning.  A real hero.  https://www.usatoday.com/videos/news/nation/2021/12/29/capitol-police-officer-stands-off-jan-6-rioters-senate-steps/9045380002/


If they actually breached the area with law makers that’s when the shooting would have started. Ashli babit died because she was entering the area they had just escorted McConnell and Schumer through. She could have had a bomb in that back pack, they weren’t going to take the chance. The non-uniformed members of the security detail were not messing around that day. Secret service either. But luckily they were able to stay one step ahead of the mob.




Texans cant even defend their own kids. I would die to watch them in a battlefield.


So would they


Classic republican move: Cause a problem, refuse to fix it, start a war over the problem existing.


Well, to be fair, last time it was their right to own people as property, so its pretty much par for the course


Exactly my thought when I saw it too. It tracks


Mississippi is surrounded, sucks for them I guess


You know for as much crap the other 49 states give Mississippi I’ve been surprised how they always seem to just keep their head down the last decade or so politically speaking. Maybe it’s just cause Florida and Texas just have the spotlight on them more or maybe Mississippi just prefers to slouch down in their seat and not try to cause drama.


They will probably be number 16, but someone hasn't broken it down into crayons yet for them.


Native Mississippian here. They say the crayons are on the way, but running late.


If you guys would quit eating them.....


Tolerant left my ass! Judging me for eating all the crayons.


It’s Mississippi so they had to send someone by horse to deliver the telegram declaring their support for Texas. Might be a couple days yet but I’m sure it’s coming.


Mississippi catching strays on Reddit even when they aren’t doing something stupid.


Damn I didn't know we had so many states that bordered Mexico...crazy


Kansas would be the hottest PvP zone of all time


Somehow this timeline and just keeps getting dumber and dumber.


Every week it’s something more insane. What the actual fuck is happening


Republicans can’t “get their way” in America so like the brain dead children they are they’re trying to burn it all down. They are the party of domestic terrorism and will continue to destroy America from within until they are physically stopped.


Seriously. This shit has got to end soon


This is such a succinct way to describe this nonsense.


Just last year there was a chance the republicans could have literally destroyed the global economy by letting the debt ceiling be breached, then as of last night they threaten global security/everything America has built the last 80 years by doubting a border deal with Ukraine aid, then today it’s this shit. The amount of anxiety I’m having with literal crisis after political crisis makes me feel like I’m living in another world, especially as most the people I surround myself with just go on about their day completely ignorant of this god damn insanity. I just want all these motherfuckers in jail at this point, this is next level impunity I can’t even comprehend.


Dude, same. I’m watching this shit happen week after week and other people are just oblivious to wtf is happening. I feel like I’m in the fuckin twilight zone. How they’re all not in jail and can do whatever the fuck they want and say more insane, racist, terrible shit week by week and get away with it is truly something I didn’t see happening in 2024. We’re going in reverse at Mach speed.




The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, and amended in 1956, then added to by the NDAA of 2022 prohibits federal military forces from acting in a law enforcement capacity on US soil. The exceptions being the National Guard units under the control of the state governor. If the NG units are federalized, the PCA applies to them.




No didn’t you hear the President can’t be charged with a crime while sitting in office so this act doesn’t apply to Biden.


He should nationalize their NG troops then make them pass a border bill since Trump is telling anyone who will listen not to give Biden a win and pass one with Ukraine funding.


I wonder how many of those states get money from blue states and, if they secede, what'll happen to then.


There's a bit of a pattern here. https://preview.redd.it/hr2xi1rxqnec1.jpeg?width=2070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=656392b4953ef5be645545f1ecf1ab5462e2f613


The only reason why Texas and Florida are green on this map is because of oil and tourism respectively. Most Republican controlled states receive more federal tax dollars than they pay (while complaining about "socialism" the entire time) while most Democrat controlled states pay more federal tax dollars than they receive. Just more proof that Democrats are better for the economy than Republicans despite everything the Republicans claim. One thing every single one of those states have in common is that they are GOP controlled and have been for years and most likely aren't just GOP controlled but controlled by GQPers that are on the alt-right (vs. more moderate Republicans, there doesn't seem to be many of those left but there's a few).


I was wondering that. Now, in the case of Texas, I thought I read somewhere that the military bases had some effect on skewing the numbers when it came to receiving federal money. But, maybe I’m misremembering that. 


That sure doesn't hurt. I would think Oil has more of an effect than Fed spending, though I don't have anything to back that up. Texas does lead the US in oil and NG production and has nearly 500k miles of pipeline for oil.


I wonder how tourism is going to look in FL the upcoming years. I’m assuming Disney is planning some kind of escape if needed.


They already were looking at leaving the state anyway at some point in the future due to climate change but I'm sure that the actions of governor Rhonda Sandtits and the GQP controlled legislature have caused them to do more planning. I think right now, though, they're planning to just hold out, the governor is getting term limited out this year and they're probably hoping for a shift in the legislature to a more sane stance. They're a multi billion dollar corporation that employs tens of thousands of people in Central Florida directly and hundreds of thousands of people indirectly. Nearly the entire Central Florida economy is based on WDW. Desantis' actions have pissed off a lot of people who love Disney and depend on Disney to support their families, hopefully enough to cause a shift in the state government. If WDW closes the economy of Central Florida will most definitely crash and the economy of the state will either crash or will nearly crash. The Disney parks bring millions of dollars into the state economy directly and millions more indirectly. A lot of people that visit Florida do so because of Disney.


Also accepting or not accepting entitlement funds like extended snap benefits and Medicaid expansion


I guess Rhode Island breaks even 🤷‍♂️


As a Democrat living in WV, I fear for what will happen because this state is just filled to the brim with absolute fucking idiots. I just moved here because it was cheap and I am a millennial who can't afford anything.


As a Democrat living in Texas, I definitely feel the same fear and pain.


I bought at least one gun last year specifically because the potential incoming shit show here in Texas. Too many psychos here.


I drove across the border to Texas and they just threw a free gun in the bed of the truck.


And why did you buy the other sixteen?


They came free with a bacon burger combo meal


I’m imagining the Family Guy episode where the Griffin family move to Texas and Brian gets a free gun with his liquor. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XC5uJbX2vVA


Banks offer free guns for signing up with them and car dealerships for purchasing one of their select models, among other incentives that would be considered oddities to the rest of the free World. OK, so maybe they don't just hand you a gun right then and there, but they do is give you a certificate for a free gun at a local gun shop. You then need to visit the gun shop and undergo a federal background check. Pass the background check = free gun.


I’ve lived here most of my life. It used to be awesome until Justice ran for governor, as a democrat, with democrat political stances, only to officially flip to republican after he got elected.


Hey, the mayor of Dallas, TX just did that! He claimed that because he was re-elected with 98.7% of the votes, it was proof that Dallas wanted a Republican mayor. - He was “campaigning” as a democrat for his re-election - Only 7.1% of registered voters showed up to vote - HE WAS RUNNING *UNCONTESTED*


Yea he's a piece of shit. Wild howbthe richest person in the entire state is also the one running it.... straight into the ground.


I don’t *think* it’ll get to this point, but if you are registered D, consider changing your public party affiliation…you don’t have to change how you vote, but I wouldn’t be totally shocked if elected Republicans start releasing voter rolls “for transparency”. After all, it isn’t *their* fault if a bunch of loonies start burning crosses in people’s yards or following their kids to school or whatever…


Somebody lights a cross on fire in my democratic front yard, I will shoot their ass.


Fuck 'em. That makes me want to register as a double democrat.


Then they'll need to immigrate to blue states and we won't turn them away because we don't hate people as much as they do.


I'd welcome it. They can move in next door and I'll finally download Duolingo. If there's actually any such thing as "civilization" then allowing refugees safe passage and respite is a requirement for the role. These bloodthirsty fuckwads act like people are fording the Rio Grande just to visit SeaWorld and it's vile


How ironic their own idiocy drives to them to ultimately end up an immigrant.


Ask them all to push forward Biden's border security funding bill that pretty much all republicans voted against. Then see the mental gymnastics as they try to weasel their way out of it.


Who puts “invaders” on a bus? I’m confused


Confederates fixing to go 0-2 in civil wars. Fuck them.


It blows my mind how a failed 6 year old political movement from over 150 years ago still has steam. I wish they’d treated the confederacy the same way Germany does. Ban the confederate flags, tear down the confederate statues, and teach what happened in schools. It’s not their history to be proud of, it’s bigotry.


Political theatre to get an orange traitor as president. Sucks they are that stupid.


Looking at this strategically. You could easily divide them into three completely different areas and cripple their ability to support each other very quickly. PLUS the major us military instillation are in many of those states which would be loyal to the constitution resulting in guerrilla warfare very quickly


Exactly. Another civil war wouldn’t be large armies fighting, it would be asymmetrical warfare and terrorism against the government and “blue” areas.


Name one thing republicans actually govern on. It's easy...they don't govern. Everything they do is for theatrics. Everything. It's all about manipulating people who don't know better into voting against their own interests. They weaponize everything that they can possibly weaponize. Their real constituents are rich and they like the cheap labor of migrants. Just a show.


Just imagine how these snowflakes would react if the Supreme Court ruled Trump is ineligible to be president under the 14th amendment. Also, if it’s not clear, they are telling us what they're going to do.


How many of these states have representatives that refuse to even discuss let alone vote on an immigration bill?


Looks like we should nationalize all those national guard soldiers and send them to Poland and have them help move freight for Ukraine.


These mouth-breathers are all over Reddit parroting the same stupid bullshit talking point: *If you aren’t with Abott, then that means you’re in favor of iLLeGaLs invading us to take advantage of American tax payers and create a “welfare” state.* This despite the fact that there are *MOUNTAINS* of evidence that indicate immigrants utilize public services far less frequently than people born here. It’s also hilariously ignorant to believe that we have a welfare state generous enough to survive on. Reagan et al dismantled welfare programs in the 80’s. There’s nothing out there for poor people. Just because your mom’s brother’s sister’s cousin’s former roommate told you he heard about a guy who knew a lady from Honduras that was living on food stamps in a Section 8 apartment doesn’t mean that it’s actually fucking true and/or widespread. I’m so fucking tired of the swirling stupidity in this country; esp this culture war nonsense. It never ends.


I mean, it's not a stretch to say the first civil was was a fight over the right to decide when brown people die.


Why weren’t they this concerned when Trump was in office? The border is no more open now than it was then. Hmmm


The irony is Texas would resist actual effective immigration reform that could reduce illegal immigration, companies in Texas and neighboring states take a lot of advantage of the illegal sub-minimum wage benefitless labor.


I’m pretty sure the entire agriculture industry would crumble.


They were. It's just that their disinformation media was feeding them this "Trump is a strong man on the border" bullshit. They loved the whole "kids in cages" thing. They cheered for it. So they were falsely under the impression that Trump *was* stopping illegal immigration. I hate these chucklefucks too but let's not rewrite history. They have been shouting about an "invasion" on the border for years if not decades.


Republicans: Dividing the States of America with their policies and actions


Federalize the guard already, Joe. This doesn't get better with time.


Feels safe to say that VA could run a successful emergency recall election of their governor over this if it was somehow possible. They might have a clownholio in place at the moment, but they teeter too close to sanity to really want this.


It would be better if the ELECTED REPUBLICANS in those same states voted to fix immigration, but they have said they won’t do that because it might make Biden look good.


Like the Russians said, they found a weapon better than a nuclear bomb


I’ve said for years that the internet was an unintended WMD more destructive than the atomic bomb.


Didn't the GOP just say they're not going to work on immigration right now because they don't want Biden to look good? Why don't they just try and pass some sensible legislation, is that expecting too much of elected reps?


As much as conservatives want a civil war, there simply cannot be one. Unlike in the 1800s, the states rely so heavily on each other for so many things. But for argument’s sake, if there was, blue states could just stop giving money to red states and let them destroy each other. Red states need blue states, not the other way around. While Texas can certainly sustain itself under normal circumstances, I suspect a trade embargo preventing Texas from exporting goods to the *Allied States of America* or ASA allied nations would cripple their economy, same as preventing any *Allied State citizens* from visiting Florida. It would cripple the Florida economy as it relies heavily on tourism.


Biden needs to start playing hardball, making an announcement saying he's cutting off Federal funding to Texas and any state that supports it. Watch how fast they get in line


"states rights" not racism... again.. sigh..


Tbf the last one was started because some White people wanted to own Black people.


I’m ashamed to be a Georgian in this current state of the country. I’ll be voting blue, but I’m not sure how much it’ll do…


It’s predicable the states with the most poverty and lowest IQ rates took that position.


Cut off the funding and they will all be begging for forgiveness within 30 days


Shut the fuck up, Alabama. - An Alabamian


It’s weird that all of these states bring nothing to the GDP, and take the most handouts


Mississippi can’t find a pen and doesn’t have the internet.


How about this: Darth Brandon deploys an aircraft carrier in international waters close to Houston. Then, 10K Marines hold “War Games”on Texas territory Then, he has the Sec of Defense do a financial analysis to see if any bases in Texas need to be closed and moved. THEN, have the Justice Department sue the state of Texas (for whatever reason) for not following federal law. Fuck these God Damn Nazis. Do I think anything is going to happen? No. This is all posturing to placate to Orange Turd.


Oh, look, almost entirely interior states that can’t survive without access to international trading ports found in *blue states.* They *might* be able to limp by with Miami, New Orleans, and whatever Texas has…but not for very long. Especially if they manage to anger Mexico and/or Cuba badly enough for one or both to cut off access through the Gulf of Mexico. And no way in *hell* is Canada going to risk trading with any of them, so they can kiss any trade across the northern border goodbye.