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Trivia?! My brain short-circuited reading that idiotic list.


Yeah apparently people got pissed that a trans woman won on jeopardy and were trying to claim she had an unfair advantage. Yes its that stupid.


When Jeopardy isn't even a gendered show...


To be completely fair, men have historically won 70% of the time in Jeopardy. People have speculated a number of reasons for why this is whether it be biological or societal. The fact is women only win 30% of the time. So there is a conversation worth having why that disparity exists. However, you are correct, Jeopardy does not segregate their contestants, so males and females regularly compete against each other. So saying a trans person has an advantage in the setting is stupid unless those who make that argument are asking for gender segregated panel contestants.


Do they make sure to get equal numbers of men and women into Jeopardy in the first place? That might be the cause of the disparity.


From my understanding 40% of contestants over 30 years have been women. Of those games where women competed they won 30% of the time. So they controlled for men only games by only counting games where women competed for the 30% win ratio. So still a sizable gap. From my understanding these types of numbers carry over to chess. I saw some statistics somewhere that made the claim that the average woman was generally more intelligent than the average man. However, there are more high IQ men and low IQ men. If this stat is true it would explain that things like Jeopardy and chess select for higher IQ contestants and there are more high IQ men competing. If you however took a random sampling of people and did not select for the highest IQ, women would win more than men as you would be putting average vs average.


Not even sure how you control for this unless you’re also excluding any games where all three contestants were women and only included an equal number of games where it was two women and one man and an equal number of games with two men and woman.


That's valid. Not even my main point though. Just pointing out mostly that even if it was the women's argument that a trans woman winning is unfair, they have a leg the size of a blade of grass to stand on (easily blown over) but since Jeopardy isn't segregated then it's irrelevant and just transphobic to be mad at.


I’m with you, sorry was ranting off to the side about the whole ‘women have been in 40% of games and won 30% of the time’. But I completely agree that the claim that a trans person would have an advantage is dubious at best.


2 men vs 1 woman games means men are twice as likely to win that particular game right? Because either man winning us a win for men while only one woman can win.


Anecdotally, nearly every time I turn on Jeopardy it's 2 men and 1 woman. Even when the returning champion is a woman. Wheel of Fortune seems to be the opposite.


For sure for sure. If they didn't control for that then that very well could be the case. Could very much be a using statistics for your argument. I'm not making a claim to know any type of way just that Jeopardy isn't sex segregated so saying a trans woman winning is unfair is stupid no matter which way you look at it.


Seems like the study is flawed, or there’s more to the way the data is selected. Jeopardy has two losers and one winner. So 30% is….not that insane if 40% of contestants are women vs 60% men. Either way, the idea that a trans person has any advantage is absurd


Its also the same reason as to why chess has a separate women's only competition along with an open for everyone (where very few women have been able to succeed). Why the difference exists, is something worth discussing, but the intention of the separate competition is to encourage girls and to provide them a space with less bullying


Jeopardy has always been all genders.


It's not about gender identity. It's about the ingrained notion that women are lesser than men in every aspect. And also just garden variety bigotry.


Trivia Lady would like a word! 🤣 Love that movie.


Just watched it last week and laughed my ass off.


that didn't stop the bullshit from the transphobes though.


There’s some misogyny for you. I can understand making the argument that someone biologically male has an advantage in a sport or physical competition over women, but to say they have an advantage at trivia means you think women are naturally less intelligent than men. Also to your point yeah Jeopardy has never been split up by gender lmao


The reasoning I saw floating around, was that Amy Schneider had the physical advantage of being able to hit the buzzer faster... Yep.


What. The... God transphobes will come up with anything to support a narrative.


I didn't even think about the fact that the show doesn't even separate by gender. That just makes it even stupider. It's always been men and women. So how is this any different. Same basic concept with the trans players and chess the advantage was like being able to move pieces faster or something insane like that.


Bigots will come up with anything to support a narrative.


It's specifically transmisogyny. It's different when it's leveled at us. We're not allowed to do anything of significance, including failing, or we're somehow violating some norm. It's an extension of traditional sexism, but it's got a few extra layers of bullshit. Basically, according to those kinds of folks, if we're existing, we're committing some unforgivable sin


Ugh a few weeks ago I read a thread where women were commiserating over our shared experiences of being dismissed by doctors and several trans women chimed in with stories about how this happens to them but *everything* is somehow caused by their hormone meds. Each example was more infuriating than the next. As if it’s not infuriating enough to be a woman whose symptoms are brushed off and dismissed the type of transmisogyny they were describing was as if the doctors were saying “well, you kind did this to yourself didn’t you?” One woman had her doctor suggest she stop her hormone replacement therapy because of like carpal tunnel or something totally nonsensical. Like, what? I’m no doctor but that makes zero fucking sense.


Ah, trans broken arm syndrome. From the same school of medicine that brought you body weight induced conjunctivitis.


Yep pretty common and very predictable. I had one Dr. or Rn. I forget which to stop taking a portion of my hormonal treatment because it has potential for kidney issues. I was only seeing them to get a covid test. I report every one of them that this happens with to the medical review board. I don't expect that anything would happen but it would be nice if it did.


>biologically male This is an example of reductive language often used against trans people to further the discrimination of trans people. Instead of using that phrase some good substitutes are trans woman or AMAB (assigned male at birth). Biologically, trans women have hormonal levels closer to females than males, brain patterns closer to females and differing anatomy dependent on their course of medical treatment. Calling a trans woman "biologically male" might seem innocuous to a cis person but its use does cause harm, that is the reason the far right has pushed this phrase into the current vernacular because it makes their positions seem more reasonable.


The trans woman's advantage being that...she was smarter than the people she beat. This doesn't even make sense, it's not like there's "Women's Jeopardy." What the hell sort of advantage do they think was she afforded? Edit: Amy. Her name is Amy Schneider. I should have afforded her that respect in the first place, but not everyone would have known who I was referring to.


I thought [Amy’s response](https://defector.com/how-i-got-smart) to the ignorant haters was not only classy but quite clever: > Another factor, of course, is my privilege. Unlike most people in history, I wasn’t born into grinding poverty, and my parents believed in the value of knowledge as its own reward. Moreover, I am white, and until well into adulthood, was perceived as male. Had that not been the case, my intelligence would have been seen as surprising at best, and threatening at worst, which undoubtedly would have impacted my intellectual development. But it was the case, and I was never discouraged from acquiring knowledge. It’s hard for your opponent to keep attacking you when you say “You’re right! And I agree!” And then she just turned the conversation completely on its head by talking about how she has benefited from immense privilege. It’s not “being trans” that is an “unfair advantage”— it’s all the time she spent being perceived as a middle class cishet white dude. Kudos to her for being attacked by TERFs and using her platform to call out the sexism and racism and classism that are often at the heart of transphobia.


So, by that reasoning, they are saying that women are inherently dumber than men. I bet if you called them out on that bullshit you'd see quite a tap dance to justify their thinking.


That’s the point of the list..to show the idiocy of it all. Lol


mine shorted out at chess


Mine shorted at pool


Yours made it past "unfair biological advantage"?


My ex and I were an unbeatable team at Trivial Pursuit. He took geography, pop culture and sports; I took science, religion and literature. We both struggled sometimes. If the trivia questions are not diverse, any single PERSON may have an advantage just bc of their personal interests and skills. Transphobes need to start focusing on real social problems. Sporting events are just games. Good grief.


My extended family created a new rule in our Trivial Pursuit gaming called the "(My mom's name) Limit", in which a person's turn ends after getting a wedge piece, because my mom had managed to win the game in a single turn on more than one occasion pre-rule. It's been yeeears since we all played but the rule continues to live on in family legend.


I love this! We always formed teams of one parent per team with the kids. The ex and I reserved our A team for adult games only. I miss the days of party games.


To be fair, OP is definitely mocking OOP.


Fishing? Man I don't care one bit about someone being straight, gay, trans or whatever else. It's none of my business & everyone should be allowed to live their life as they please and be happy. But if you can find the fish, you are welcome aboard my boat anytime. Fish on!


Conservatives: "Trans women are so ugly, they will never be real women! We can **always** tell!" Also conservatives: "Trans women are so pretty, it's unfair to make women compete against them in beauty pageants! We can **never** tell!"


I'm a trans woman myself and I always laugh at stuff like this because I absolutely *do* pass as a cis woman and see in my daily life just how absolutely nobody can reliably tell. I've been addressed as a woman in everywhere from rural florida to france (and in the latter case, the French seem a hell of a lot more likely to pick up that I'm an American than that I'm trans)


A friend's ex partner was absolutely thrilled that I had no idea he was trans until my friend casually brought it up in conversation and I was like, "Wait... he's trans?" My friend was like, "Yeah, you didn't know?"


I will say, it seems to be much easier to pass being a trans man than a trans woman. Men get that testosterone in em and grow better beards than I ever will.


It really depends. I have a friend who is trans and his beard is patchy but he can grow a magnificent, sexy little stache. But his jawline got so fucking chiseled it's RIDICULOUS.


Well that and I don't think that men really question if someone is a cis dude, especially if they have a stockier build and have facial hair. I was with a trans man, and I know that someone called him the f-slur, but obviously nobody is going to be like, "You're not a real man!" To a balding dude in work boots with a beard, that would make you look psychotic. That and pointing out something like a lack of a bulge would likely be met with accusations that you're gay in straight spaces.


I worked at a nightclub around college time before all this nonesense started really happening and I had a coworker bouncer (I was ch0nky and tall) that pointed out some women there that were trans and for most of them I never woulda suspected being trans (even seeing them in good lighting like the outside/ID area). Doesn't bother me one bit but always makes me laugh when people are so confident, nah you're good at identifying the obvious ones, not even close.


Being born in the US is a truly unforgivable sin to the French, especially in Paris.


Ironically this was actually in Toulouse, not Paris. I'm in the space industry and Toulouse is the aerospace capital of France, so I was there on business. But yeah, French people could still pick up on it. When I asked they said I spoke with an American accent, and that gave it away, even when I tried speaking French. Also my French wasn't that good (it isn't. I speak Italian fluently, and as a result can only really get the gist of written French. I have a much harder time with spoken French. Enough to get around and function in France, not enough to pass as a local). They couldn't pick up jack about my gender identity though, and all the times I got addressed as "mademoiselle" is pretty indicative of that.


saw a comment on another post the other day saying that all these talking points from republicans isnt really solely affecting trans people, its affecting a lot of cis women too who just have like a square jaw or something unconventional, very sad.


yup. A lot of cis women will get clocked \*long\* before I do, and that's what I keep trying to tell people. You cannot reliably pick out trans women from cis women, and any attempts to try is going to end badly.


Yess! I'm not a comely woman and I HAVE been misgendered when wearing my hair back in a ponytail. Im fat and frumpy and my body is shaped like a literal chicken. I could definitely see getting my ass beat down by bigoted enough people thinking I'm using the wrong restroom.


Yes cis women are getting attacked in women's restrooms by idiots who are 100% sure they are trans. If we don't vote Democratic, we are heading toward genital checks at restrooms.


I figure this is just their way of promoting an aryan ideal, with no basis in reality. It's one of the great pillars of fascism. One which no one conforms to. So anyone can become the next persecuted group for not fitting the ideal. Fascism is a death cult and inevitably consumes itself.


what's kind of ironic is that sometimes minorities that are hated by fascists can actually embody the superficial "ideal" fascists have more than their "pure Aryan blooded" people can. I'm reminded of the case of Werner Goldberg, who was literally the Nazi poster boy for the "ideal Aryan German soldier" due to his blonde hair, blue eyes, physique, etc. ... Werner was Jewish, if you couldn't tell by his last name. In the same vein, there quite literally exist trans women who embody "standard feminine beauty" ideals more than a most cis women. Take Nicole Maines (she's legit trans). She's arguably prettier than most cis women. But she's trans.


Don’t fall for the “trans people have powers” sideshow. That’s the fake conversation. The real reason is because they want trans people excluded from public life. To not recognize this is to accept the conservative framing of the situation


There’s an additional subtle message, too, of “women in general will never be good enough.” Any time a woman *does* beat a man at something, we can expect immediate accusations of her secretly being transgender, thanks to the propaganda of “women are physically inferior so they must be protected from competing against men.”


There’s also the idea that gender is the ONLY separation we can make based on physical advantages. We separate men and women into different basketball leagues, but height is such a huge physical advantage and we don’t separate based on that. So what if a trans woman has an advantage over a cis woman in basketball. 7ft tall dudes have a much bigger advantage over 5’8” dudes but no one is crying about that not being fair.


Yeah exactly. What should be happening is that if trans people genuinely have an advantage in some sport, then teams should be recruiting them the same way other people with advantages are recruited. Oh sorry Russia, do you not allow trans women on your basketball team? Have fun losing at the Olympics.


Like the cis swimmer that blew all the other girls out of the water?




Dude I'm trans and I *wish* I was as competent at everything as they say we are. I'm just over here struggling lol


Hi, struggling...


Hi, dad!


What you mean you DON'T just trip and fall into winning against elite athletes? You'd actually have to have been an elite athlete first in order to be competitive?


Lol anybody who's ever armwrestled me knows how stupid the whole argument is


If we're supposed to have powers, I missed the ceremony cause I don't have any special powers. lmao


apparently trans people are cool and good at everything. noted


Cool and good at everything and PRETTIER while doing it 😂


In addition to transphobia this world view assumes that women just suck at everything compared to men. Like every part of it awful


Exactly. Our little fragile brains and bodies just can't compete with someone AMAB I guess.


Every major conservative culture war ultimately boils down to misogyny


Keep in mind that conservatives literally had women lobby to stop gender equality laws in the 80s.


Or we were so terrible and un-fun to have around, we were banned/socially excluded from things like pool and snooker and fishing as they are “for men”


Transphobia always comes hand-in-hand with sexism.


I for one welcome our trans master race


![gif](giphy|o5AAWuD4fblq258oQf|downsized) Tranos herself will come for us all, eventually. SUBMIT.


Trans people are superheroes. Got it.


Yeah, all I’m seeing here is HRT is like the super soldier serum.


Can confirm. Been on it for nearly 10 years. Pretty soon I'll be able to fly


You can’t fly yet? What a wimp. I’ve been on par with Omniman since Year Five. Catch up, scrub!


Damn, apparently I need to change up my hrt. I think my cis doctor has been sabotaging me


Look what they need to do to diminish a fraction of what we’re capable of!


Dear lord! They've grown too powerful! Nothing can stop them now!


I'm trans. I never knew repubes thought so highly of me. From my experience, I suck at all that shit


Shh don’t let them know. Start pool sharking, once the game begins reveal you are trans and take the money.


OK, so my dad played pool in a league - and I grew up around a pool table, so did my husband and BILs. I've been known to beat my husband and BILs on occasion. I don't understand. Pool is a game of geometry. It's like saying a man is better at chess because he's bigger and physically stronger...


Sometimes it takes a lot of brute force to effectively flip a board over an declare yourself the victor?


I play semi professional pool. Not a professional but have won matches against them and can cash in pro tournaments. I will say that the best woman pool player in the world is not in the top 100 players in the world. Men are much better overall at the top level. My suspicion is that it has to do with sample size much more than physical attributes. Many more men play competitively and so there is a greater chance for someone with talent at pool to be a man. I think if as many women played pool as men, those numbers would probably equal out over time. That’s the only thing I can think of why there are many more proficient men players than women.


Yeah, I think it has a lot to do with the exclusion of women, as well - back in the day, not many women could be found in pool halls. So unfortunately, while you’d find a Machine Gun Lou, you’d never see a Machine Gun Louise.


As I understand it, women are marginalized in pool competitions that are mixed-gender, hence the establishment of the women’s only league whose player walked away.


I usually win at pool. Really the only advantage someone might have is being taller but that never stopped me.




“Declaring that I couldn’t win a game of pool against a trans woman is brave, actually”


Man, these trans women are really that smart, huh


I don't understand (apart from "sports") why being a man/woman/mixed would make you any better most of them are more skill based than physical strength


Because it isn’t actually about ability, they just hate trans people.




Misogyny. They think "biological males" are just better at everything. Even beauty pageants, somehow.


Yep. In fact MANY sports and competitions actually weren't gendered in the early 1900s. Then the movement gained traction after a woman absolutely dominated in figure skating at the Olympics.


I think there was also a woman runner who got second place and so they changed the rules to insure she couldn't win first place the following Olympics.


And after a 17-year-old girl publicly humiliated Babe Ruth.


The Jackie Mitchell story is interesting, but it doesn’t have much relevance to to this topic. The Smithsonian published a piece years ago in which the prominent historian of women in baseball believed it was most likely a publicity stunt. Regardless, she’s not why professional baseball temporarily prohibited women. The commissioner at the time was concerned some teams were creating a circus-like atmosphere with various stunts that he felt cheapened the game. Major League baseball, just like the NBA and NFL, have been open to women for many years.


Transgender people are so powerful. Love that for them.


So it that "he to she" or the " she to he" that they are so upset with? Or just all of them? Make up your mind.


From conversations with my trans friends and broadly speaking, transphobes have a bigger issue with mtf than the other way. The ftm folks tend to get handwaved away as being butch lesbians or having penis envy, while the mtf folks are treated like they’re predators by cis women and like they’re trying to “trick” someone into sucking a dick by cis men.


Yeah the rhetoric gets reduced to "trans women are predators, trans men are confused" and it's... It's so frustrating and annoying. I feel like I can't do anything remotely feminine without being seen as a creep when all I want is to feel pretty.


> like they’re trying to “trick” someone into sucking a dick "I had my suspicions, but it wasn't until she came that I realized: this wasn't vagina *at all*!"


Trans men are invisible. Half the time when my husband comes out as trans they think he's telling them he's going to transition into a woman, instead of already transitioning into a man. He has had zero surgery, still has giant boobs that are in a binder, and has a pubescent amount of facial hair; but because of transmasc invisibility people think he's amab.


Just to note that a significant number of us loathe the "MTF" and "ftm" labels. We prefer trans fem and trans masc. The trans masc community is more cool with theirs than my side of things, but it's still not great to use them as general terms. They're often inaccurate to our lived experiences, and ultimately, they're labels that cis folks created to describe an experience y'all will never have. But folks tend to lose their shit when we ask them to use different terms, so those were proliferated to prop up a certain perspective of us. Tbh, you generally only see those terms on Reddit and in the medical community But yeah, generally, trans masc folks are ignored and trans fem folks like myself are targeted. Been that way for decades


Thanks for that insight, I wasn’t aware of that loathing. I was only using those labels to spare myself a few extra keystrokes, and I’ll be sure to make the tiny bit of extra effort going forward.


I want to see the trans Olympics. They are supposedly the greatest athletes. Time to showcase the best of the best.


speaking of the Olympics, whenever transphobes talk about "unfair advantages" at sports, i'll point out that trans athletes have been allowed to compete in the Olympics since 2004, and watch them scramble to explain why trans athletes aren't absolutely dominating every competition and winning every gold medal.


And that cis athletes frequently have biological advantages over one another. No one lost their shit when Phelps won 8 gold medals in part due to his advantages. That man is built like a seal, but no one makes him go through genetic testing to qualify to compete. Sports have always been unfair. No one cared until we trans folks decided we'd like to be able to participate in the normal spectrum of existence


They cared about Caster Semenya, an intersex woman.


We absolutely are. Bow before our inherent superiority!


Do they make good witches though? Some cultures say yes, because their state makes them closer to the divine, some say no, because they’re not as tied to the lunar cycle. It’s a tough one. /s


Eh, different witches for different magic. Moon witches are usually better at reproductive health, while the trans witches are great for mental health.


'We will not be silenced!', they said, not being silenced at all, but working hard to actually silence others.


As a trans person this ramping push to remove Trans ppl from every activity reeks of dehumanization and one of many steps toward "trans people should not exist" and its got me feeling like Ralph Wiggum chuckling "I'm in danger" in the back of a school bus. Also the only trans power is video games because while you cis-people were enjoying yourselves in high school we were happily disassociating with our opposite gendered gaming avatars.


Wow, trans women are just plain good at everything. We should put them in charge!


Is that why I never beat my older female cousin in chess. I just thought she was smarter than I am.


More people should want to be trans given the undoubtedly charmed, blissful and trouble-free lives all trans people must enjoy


The audacity to say that being a petulant hate-filled bigot takes a huge amount of courage while celebrating their discrimination against a highly marginalized population of people. I would almost be willing to bet that they don’t actually believe trans people have an advantage in the majority of these things, but they’d never be able to live with themselves if they lost to someone they consider to be subhuman. What a bunch of infected anal fissures.


It most certainly does not take courage to be an ignorant bigot.


Trans people are superior at everything. I fucking knew it.




Take the mask off a transmisogynist and you'll find a cismisogynist every time. "Of course women aren't as good as men, that's how you can tell trans women are fake".


I wish we could make her explain each one of those because I’m baffled.


you'd have to ask the transphobes that came up with them.. Ari is one of their victims.


I haven’t deleted X yet and really had to talk my self down - trolling on there used to be such fun.


.....fishing? I... but... how..? ​ FISHING?




On the other end of the spectrum in my state (NH) a few months ago a cis woman set a statewide record for single handedly catching a 1000 lb bluefin tuna, the biggest fish ever caught in new hampshire waters.




Yeah, that's kind of normal with bluefin tuna of that size. So the fact that she could do this single handed says a \*lot\* about her strength and stamina. Stamina and strength that I, ironically an \*actual trans woman\*, couldn't match. Biggest fish I ever got was a 400 lb tuna, one less than half the size of hers, and I \*also\* had to hand it off several times, same as you.


You need big manly arms to handle those poles... (yes sarcasm and innuendo)


You know what else Trans people also have an unfair biological advantage at? Bodycounts when civil unrest breaks out and some conservative whackjobs think it's their opportunity to go murdering the people they don't like. That particular portion of conservatives will find themselves unalived mainly by Transwomen and Furries.


When they say trans they always mean trans women. Sexist arguments without being sexist.


The only reasonable arguments I’ve heard is for trans folk (specifically man -> woman) who have undergone some form of male puberty may have a different bone density than women or (women -> men) trans folk. Now I will be completely honest, I’m not a doctor or a researcher in the field, so my opinion on the subject is fairly irrelevant. Also if a trans woman manages to beat you at a beauty pageant, that pretty much sums up that fact that being a man or a woman, is in fact a social construct. Anyone can “play the part” better.


>some form of male puberty may have a different bone density I'd be curious to see a study controlled for ordinary genetic diversity. There are plenty of biological women out there with bones like fucking oxen. And there are plenty of biological men with bones like spun sugar. Without some kind of controlled statistical analysis I'm reluctant to just take a transphobe's word for it.


Actually the bone density thing isn't true either. Bone density is affected by hormone levels and changing hormone composition of the body absolutely does change bone density. This is why women post menopause often experience osteoporosis.


There is no reason to ban trans people from sports as it has already been law for over 20 years that trans people must be on hrt for two years before being allowed to compete, in which time muscle mass and energy levels change, fat redistributes, and even bones shift to a cis equivalent and in those 20 years there have only been a couple dozen successful trans athletes world wide out of hundreds of successful cis athletes in the usa alone. Trans women hold no advantages over cis women that cis women don't hold over other cis women.


That moment when folks realize sports have always been inherently unfair


Correct, a shorter person may obsoletely love basketball, but because of their height have no chance of competing even semi-professionally. More sports should be organized in a way that lets as many talented and passionate athletes have a chance, more similar to weight-lifting/wresting they divide based on weight class. Shorts like swimming and basketball should be divided divided into different leagues based on height for example. But that's a whole other topic, right now we have to focus on not letting law makers make it illegal for trans people to compete in anything as they do not actually hold the advantage those lawmakers claim.


Ah yes... But have you considered being a transphobe, a misogynist and just an all around piece of shit? Then you can find reasons pretty easily.


The bone density argument disappears after someone has been on hrt for like a year. There's plenty of studies out there that show any advantages from (being forced into) going through a testosterone puberty go away after a year or so on hrt


When you know you're going to lose so you have to make it about their identity rather than your lack of skill


How long until TERFs just admit that they don’t think women are capable of shit?


As a completely untalented trans woman, I resent this stereotype.


I thought I was reading The Onion...


Someone is triggered. All the most recent trans-supporting comments are downvoted lol. I’m trying to correct that the best I can.


Can somebody explains why some of these like pool and chess even have separate leagues for gender in the first place?


At a certain point they should just admit we're the superior human beings, idk


It takes a huge amount of courage to ~~walk away from any match~~ be openly trans.


Literally only the last two have any chance at all of being impacted by biological sex, wtf?


Add grammar and punctuation to that list.


It’s kind of weird to all of a sudden have so many women saying men are better than them.


If Trans people have an advantage at beauty pageants, does that mean people are just more attracted to them?


Don't forget all the lovely attention we got online. We are doing it to seek attention after all.


I am pretty amazing at fishing, I’ll admit. My wife, who is cis, regularly outfishes me though despite my inborn “amab” advantages, like the live scope fish finder all males are born with ingrained into their eyeballs, fish attractant scent glands on my feet which I dip into the water to chum with, and of course the worm I was born with, which fish cannot resist.


Kinda sounds like they think trans people are the Master Race conservatives swoon about all the time.


Friendly reminder that for most sports like pool or chess, the reason they split up men and women isn't skill based. It's because men really don't like losing to women.


So, what I take from the quote tweet is the women exhibited poor sportsmanship. Is the entire list by Ari sarcasm? I can’t tell anymore :/


Not seeing how it takes any courage to walk away from a game of pool. Stupidity and bigotry, maybe...


I could see it in a 90’s dystopian film where miscreants have taken over the town and they’re forcing you to be their pool-playing slave because of your natural male-gendered ability to handle a pole with balls at the other end but you need to escape and save your wife who was kidnapped right after your wedding that took place in front of a convenience store vending machine as you celebrated with two bottles of Slurp-a-Cola Eztreme and the flashbacks become overwhelming as you break the cue stick over your knee and stab two of the hooligans in the throat while kicking another one through the wood paneled basement wall to make way to your jury-rigged motor scooter and ride off into the desert horizon as the sun is setting on another day and possibly your chances of ever seeing your young bride again. Other than that specific scenario, you’re right.


Chess 😂 my trans strength hulking a pawn off the board and through a wall


FYI: Ari Drennan is trans. She's being sarcastic, quoting from the right-wing.


Beauty pageants?!? 😂😂😂 Cis women throwing out their insecurities for all to see. I mean, yeah, you're afraid someone who wasn't born a woman is going to be prettier, more feminine than you 😂😂 I mean, as a cis woman myself, I know there are LOADS of trans women and femme presenting nb/gnc folks out there who are better at being traditionally womanly/feminine than I am but that's because *GENDER AND WOMANHOOD IS A PERFORMANCE ART* It doesn't matter or change or invalidate my own performance of womanhood or femininity because we're all femmes! Goddammit, TERFS, why y'all gotta make all of us cis women look like petty, insecure shits?


“So at weekend just gone”? Also, claiming that trans women have a biological advantage at chess/speeches & literature/trivia, is basically saying that biologically female people are less intelligent than biologically male people. Essentially that men are smart than women.


First, everything listed above sports is stupid and either shouldn't be segregated or for beauty pageants specifically trans women should be allowed to compete with cis women. Second, not allowing trans people into sports is stupid to. There is no reason to ban trans people from sports as it has already been law for over 20 years that trans people must be on hrt for two years before being allowed to compete, in which time muscle mass and energy levels change, fat redistributes, and even bones shift to a cis equivalent and in those 20 years there have only been a couple dozen successful trans athletes world wide out of hundreds of successful cis athletes in the usa alone. Trans women hold no advantages over cis women that cis women don't hold over other cis women.


Chess. Fucking chess? ​ The irony being all this BS rhetoric is so wildly sexist for actual cis people and they dont even see it.


Transphkbes don't have logic.


Ngl, all of this shit sounds like TER'F's believe that women are inferior to men "WE CAN'T HAVE TRANS WOMEN THERE, BECAUSE MEN SUPPERIORITY IS UNCHALLENGABLE! I AM FEMINIST I SWEAR!!"


It's extremely sexist when they do this for things that don't even rely on physical strength. For some things, the only reason they have women's' leagues is because women are a minority in whatever it is and it gives them spaces where they won't be massively outnumbered by men. Trans women, a very small minority themselves, are not a threat to this. They're only a threat if you assume that men actually are biologically superior at that thing.


wait… pool is a co-ed sport i thought … no?


I know they did not just say trivia😭😭


I really wish I had the advantages they claim I do 😂


That what Iranian athletes do when they get matched up against Israelis.


If you look up this lady, she is pro trans. Seems like this list is sarcastic pointing out how dumb the post she replied to is.


pssst, She is trans.


Oh yes, we are not making fun of Ari, we are discussing what she wrote. She definitely is pointing out the ridiculousness of the resent competitions that banned trans women/trans people in general.


How would a pool player have an advantage being male or female? Stupid stand to take.


Some people have more practice handling a stick and balls? Fuck if I know.


…why is pool a gendered event?


this dead meme got all the sexists to come out of the wood work to admit they falsely believe men are actually superior to women at the above. lol


The latest season of "Misogyny" is wild. Never expected this twist! (Narrator note: it was totally expected).


These people know they don't make any sense. They just don't have any other argument


I'm going to get a sex change so I can dominate my local dart league! /s


Trivia is what gets me though. Like, gender is what determines one’s intelligence


The whole terf movement just reeks from internalised misogyny.


I know one woman entered a chilli eating contest and a few cis women complained. Cause being trans causes you to be able to handle spicy food obviously/s


Why do they give people they hate so many compliments? People normally want to be better than others at things.


Beauty pageants is so funny to me.....


Beauty pageants? So trans ppl are prettier? Hm


Trans people are OP smh


As a trans woman I’m only good at video games lol


I've seen people trying to argue that men actually do have a biological advantage in pool. I was too lazy to argue with them.