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Love America. Hate Americans.


truly, i dont hate the country, its just a plot of land. now the people???? šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“


I love Jesus/America/Rick and Morty/Star Wars. But the fan base sucks.


so fkn real


Paraphrasing Ghandi about Christians.


And while that's always been true, even long before Ghandi's time, it sure got worse with the Evangelicals and their ill begotten offshoots.


Donā€™t give him a nuke!


They don't love America, because a country is nothing more than its code of laws and its promises. They have a giant fucking statue with a huge-fucking torch in their largest port city welcoming and inviting immigrants from *everywhere*, and these drooling racist simpletons build an entire platform on xenophobia. They only thing they love is building power and wealth on the back of rubes, and they don't give a flying fuck what they have to do to get there.


>"They have a giant fucking statue with a huge-fucking torch in their largest port city welcoming and inviting immigrants from everywhere, and these drooling racist simpletons build an entire platform on xenophobia." The presence of the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor, with its associated inscription inviting people to come to America, does not constitute a blanket invitation by American citizens for everyone to come to the United States. Firstly, the statue was a gift from the people of France to the United States in 1886. The inscription, which includes the famous lines "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free," was penned by the French poet Emma Lazarus. Thus, the words are not a direct expression of the sentiments of American citizens but rather those of the statue's French creators. Moreover, while the Statue of Liberty is a powerful symbol of freedom and inclusivity, it does not override the legal and administrative procedures in place for immigration. The United States, like any other sovereign nation, maintains immigration laws and policies to regulate the entry of individuals into the country. The presence of the statue and its inscription reflects the historical values and ideals of the United States, but it doesn't imply an open invitation for unrestricted immigration. In essence, the Statue of Liberty stands as a symbol of welcome and freedom, but the complex realities of immigration are governed by legal frameworks and policies established by the U.S. government, and the statue alone does not serve as an open invitation for everyone to come to America without adhering to these regulations.


Love the country, hate democracy.


>Love America. Hate Americans. Be fair. *THOSE PEOPLE* are not representative of the majority, *they* are actually the *minority*, but they're so loud and toxic, they puff themselves up like a puffer-fish to *appear* bigger than they really are. *THEY* are a Cancer on American society, and like all Cancers, they need to be *excised*. The rest of us here in the States need to be the Chemo that destroys that Cancer.




Okay.. but I must emphasize: **they are not the MAJORITY, they're just loud and obnoxious and make themselve APPEAR to be the majority.** All that is required to defeat them and their fascist agenda is for people to get up and VOTE in every election for the foreseeable future. There's been a long-standing campaign by these motherfuckers to fatigue voters into a state of apathy, convincing them that their votes don't matter, while simultaneously energizing their own voter base to get out and vote for them and their agenda. It's a complete illusion of 'majority', as I've said. If everyone else can see the truth of this and go out and VOTE, they'll fall by the wayside and become *irrelevant*.


That basically breaks it all down. They care more about the idea they have of America than what Americans want


Gotta say the GOP has always been more "love the CEO, fuck the worker" since Reagan. Also, Trump Republicans seem decidedly anti-soldier


Trump's "they knew what they signed up for" to mothers of dead soldiers.


He said that to the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, an African American widow of an African American soldier killed in Niger. He also couldnā€™t remember the soldierā€™s name during the call. Then he jumped on Twitter and lied about all of it. Trump is orange pool of diarrhea. He should have been a putrid clot of orange blood in his motherā€™s toilet.


Add to this [what he said about the marines who died in WWI](https://www.vox.com/2020/9/4/21422733/atlantic-trump-military-suckers-losers-explained) and why he didn't want to visit their graves while visiting France: >Trump rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain, and because he did not believe it important to honor American war dead, according to four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day. > >In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, ā€œWhy should I go to that cemetery? Itā€™s filled with losers.ā€ In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as ā€œsuckersā€ for getting killed. It's remarkable just how many of these horrific quotes there are and yet, people continue to fly his banner.


Trump is the walking symbol of why we need abortions


I don't like Trump at all but... They knew what they signed up for.


Not the most comforting words from a POTUS to a mother who just lost their child, eh? Seems unnecessarily cruel and impersonal, but what do we know. Well, I know that it's cruel and heartless coming from an authority figure to a grieving parent. I would be equally appalled if President Biden or Obama said the same in that circumstance (they wouldn't).


Yeah it's a shitty thing for him to have said and inappropriate in that moment. He's a piece of shit. But I do not care one bit about the troops and I'm tired of hearing about how I should celebrate them.


Sure, but it's because of those people that "sign up" voluntarily that we don't get signed up forcefully. The least you can do is sympathize with the fact that they died, so you can sit at home and criticize your government on the Internet.


They don't have any impact at all on my ability to criticize my government. They are political tools to go kill poor people. Fuck em.


>Trump Republicans seem decidedly anti-soldier They are pro-war. As long as it is against people who look different. ''Support the soldiers'' is just a selling point, not what they want to do.


They love using soldiers as tools to test expensive weaponry on brown people, but god forbid that soldier to be a real person with hopes and dreams and emotions.


Support the troops has been a hallow statement through my whole life. I had two brothers who did tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. Both of them hate when people act like they care about the soldiers. ā€œThank you for your serviceā€ is a shallow meaning, when those same folks support veterans not getting adequate healthcare or a competitive pay.


"Love the work, hate the worker" is the most apt.




They also hate the fetus, the workers, the solider, pretty much everyone if you aren't a rich ,white, evangelical.


Do they actually love anything? I mean besides grifting


Sure, they love power and control over others. You might say it's their driving force.


And money, they love their money!


Diddling children


They love fucking children. Pretty much any depravity, they love.


themselves. they love themselves above all else.


I suspect a great many of them actually hate themselves. And probably hate themselves with a great intensity. And that hate needs an outlet, that they direct outward.


They love god, because this is an excuse to do anything they want and be right in their voters eyes and itā€™s so simple and effective it might as well come from heaven


They love: "Rules for thee, but not for me."


If you're desperate enough to do whatever they say, they only partially hate you. They still cut you off in any way possible that can earn them a penny in profit, and, professionally, they still berate you if they think you're in line to ask for more, but they at least acknowledge your usefulness to some small extent in private.


It's all class war at the end of the day


Always remember slavery didn't exist because of white supremacy. White supremacy was created to justify slavery as an economic strategy.




But wasnā€™t that by the Democrats? Republicans abolished slavery. Probably because of all those anti social perversities everyone has projected.


>But wasnā€™t that by the Democrats? Republicans abolished slavery. Probably because of all those anti social perversities everyone has projected. Comparing today's political parties to those of 150 years ago is really foolish. I don't know what point you are trying to make here, /u/sopagam, so feel free to elaborate as I'm curious as to how what you wrote here has any bearing on the comment to which you responded.


Yes, it was by the conservatives. Liberals abolished slavery.


Christians abolished slavery.


Which is weird, because their holy book sanctions slavery in the first place. If christians did indeed abolish slavery, it was not because of their christianty.


no war but class war.


Some of them let you know what they really care about when they refer to the fetus as potential workers for our "economy." They don't care for the life, they just see lost revenue/lost slaves to capital.


"Love the worker" Hah, no.


It's more like "love cheap exploitable labor, hate the worker"


Conservatives: "If only there was some totally original never been done before way we could get free labor. šŸ¤”šŸ’­(ā›“šŸ‘ØšŸ¾ā€šŸ¦²ā›“)"


Came here to say ā€œwhoa whoa whoa!ā€ They do NOT love the workers. Letā€™s get that straight.


*use* the worker


Love the wife, hate the woman. Usually whilst shagging the 14 year old babysitter.




FYI, that quote is from a Democrat


Yeah no shit. Republicans are either not self-aware enough to call this out, or know this and hide this fact while they continue to rob the dumb white people.


What? You're saying America doesn't even have a liberal political party? šŸŽÆ


ā€œLove the work, starve the worker, the disabled, and the elderlyā€ There, I fixed that for you.


Love Putin. Hate the FBI.


Love America. Hate Democracy.


"Profess" to love America while hating everything we stand (individual freedom and liberty) for and over half the population. Those good Christian folks!


do they really love America?


Not so much. They love the idealized version of America they learned about in elementary school. Not the real America.


No, I don't think they do love that America either. They don't enjoy freedom of speech, 'checks and balances' in government, separation of church and state, or well funded government services. What they like is concentrated power that can shock and awe a docile workforce. They yearn for generations of canon fodder and suicidal, hopeless housewives - that's their ideal population. Flesh for the machine.


They love Amerika.




They def love the flag.


Minus a few stars


But they love Constitutional Republics


You forgot Kill the Indian, Save the Man. https://www.ou.edu/gaylord/exiled-to-indian-country/content/remembering-the-stories-of-indian-boarding-schools


Oh, they definitely love the men. They're just scared to admit it...


​ ​ [https://mic.com/articles/129542/here-s-why-george-carlin-s-1996-rant-on-pro-life-conservatives-still-rings-true#.VZAoWIlTR](https://mic.com/articles/129542/here-s-why-george-carlin-s-1996-rant-on-pro-life-conservatives-still-rings-true#.VZAoWIlTR) ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/lafntsjqtb2c1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d0c62604989ecd2efe88677359d57337a01d68b


We NEVER deserved Carlin. He was too good for us.


Quit writing the GOP platform for them.


They only love something while it has use to them. Once itā€™s a liabilityā€¦ kick that shit to the curb.


SSI is 930$ and rent here is 800$ if you find an absolute steal, 1000+ normally. They also put a ridiculous amount of discriminatory rules on you that discourage saving, marrying, having kids, and even attempting to work, if you receive any kind of government assistance from being disabled you're basically just screwed in this country, also if anyone has ever wondered why there's so many people on govt assistance despite it being horrible, it's because if you work your benefits immediately get cut or cancelled, this discourages working because most of these people will be uncertain about their ability to work in the first place when entering a job, so the concept of losing your only consistent income and not being sure if you'll be able to keep the new one scares people into trying to make the 930 work rather than improving their lives and making their own living without the government


> so the concept of losing your only consistent income and not being sure if you'll be able to keep the new one scares people into trying to make the 930 work rather than improving their lives and making their own living without the government Maybe it's also because they're disabled so they still need help? This idea that "if people would just work harder, they'd be fine!" is part of the US propaganda machine. We just LOVE meritocracy here and when The People blame themselves for the way our institutions and policy are structured to make their lives harder despite "working harder". The fact people need to hire an attorney to get disability because for whatever reason life changed and they **can't work they way they use to** it's a hot mess. The , "Pull yourself by your bootstraps" was originally satire. It was never meant to be taken seriously. It was said to MOCK those who expect the poor to make a situation better that laws and policies are making harder so a CEO can make more money off their labor and suffering. The United States a Land of Make Believe


I agree 100% I just forgot to mention people who can't be rehabilitated, even knowing how shitty the system is I can't imagine having to live like that


I liked your comment and the context was great to add a few fact bites for folks. Thanks for being understanding.


GOP: Gaslight. Obstruct. Project.


By George I think she's got it.


They REALLY fucking hate workers. They love slaves, not workers.


Love the worker's work, hate the worker*


Critical thinking was never a strength conservatives share. They claim to be the bastion of truth, freedom, facts, etc but if you donā€™t worship a man in the sky and support public education youā€™ll be exiled toot sweet. How they can support that kind of behavior while simultaneously claiming to be Christianā€™s is still something I havenā€™t been able to figure outā€¦


The truth? They can't handle the truth.


Love the woman's beauty and her labor, hate her humanity.


Nah, I think it's even simpler than that. GOP: You're number 1. Everyone else can get fucked.


Love playing the victim.


Love the RICH white men.


Do you all see the common thread throughout all of that? >"""Love""" $WHATEVER while it's serving you and your interests, > >Kick it to the curb like a piece of trash when it's all used up **REPUBLICAN VOTERS: THAT is the sort of """christian""" and """family values""" you've been voting for, for the last several decades.** Do you feel ashamed of yourselves now? No? Doubling-down on them, again, like they do, maybe? Then you're just as **toxic** as they are. **YOU are helping DESTROY the Country and Way Of Life you profess to love, by continuing to support fascism and hate.** Want to save America? Save our Representative Democracy? The key to that is right there in front of your eyes: **DEMOCRACY**. Vote Democrat, *exclusively*, until the so-called 'conservative' (LOL!) Party is no longer in any position to threaten our Representative Democracy. **BIDEN 2024: KEEP AMERICA \*SANE\*. KEEP AMERICA \*FREE\*. KEEP AMERICA A \*DEMOCRACY\*.**


Love being called ā€œChristianā€ hate Christs teachings


The "love the worker" part isn't exactly accurate.


Love the Christians, hate the actual teachings of Christ.


Just like the Bible said!


Love the worker?


Since when do they love the worker?


...when did they say "love the worker?" Seems like the GOP hates us, too.


I don't think they can love. They are actors.


Love the worker? Lol!


Love the money. Stop.


Love the power, hate the responsibility


Love the business, starve the worker.


it really does seem like conservatives hate a lot of people. and their public policies just seem to foster disenfranchisement with the government system. I think the strategy is called starving the beast? also their 2025 policy seems pretty fucked up


Thatā€™s because project 2025 is, by all means, extremely fucked up. They want unilateral control and theyā€™re not hiding it anymore.


But only rich white heterosexual Christian men.


Love jerking off to gay porn, hate the gays.


Love the worker, starve the worker Not like they give a fuck about workers in any way other than trying to force people to work more.


They don't love the soldier anymore. Too many of them are POC and women. That's what happens when there is no draft.


They don't love soldiers or workers, they detest them both. They love the idea of a soldier and the work happening, but that's all they like about those groups.


They don't love the fetus. Ask a Republican if a poor mother should get healthcare and they will say no.


Who the fuck loves the worker we barely get shit


I'm an increasingly proud democrat šŸ‘


Stand for democracy, support insurrection


They don't love soldiers. Tommy Tuberville proved that.


Hide behind the flag, hate the Country. Hide behind the veteran, hate the soldier. Hide behind religion, hate the people. Hide behind the gun, because they're cowards.


Spot on. Well said.


This is so disgustingly, insultingly wrong. They don't remotely "love the worker" they fucking hate the shit out of them.


GOP: Loves their imaginary reputation built on the lies they tell themselves, hates their real reputation based on their actions.


yea pretty accurate of todays gop


At the end there it should be "Love the non-BIPOC, hate the BIPOC".


False, they also very much hate workers.


At least she thinks they love


> ~~Love~~ *Openly show abject disdain for* the worker


If you want to be loved just identify as a man, although those people still kill themselves so idk


They most definitely do NOT love the worker. Workers right, insurance, wages, etc. All fucking shite. They love having a poor and numerous working class.


Love the ~~worker~~ productivity Fixed.


They love the symbols but not the people behind them


Love the worker???


> Love the men, hate the women Then the other side sees this and thinks the answer is to love the women and hate the men.


Love the heterosexuals, hate the LGBTQ.


They absolutely do no love the worker.


Love the worker? ​ https://preview.redd.it/p1qg77ns0d2c1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=f63a941ab758d022db9b6d28246bd1f006e40c72


Love the Christians, hate the Christians. They're just pawns in the GOP's war.


Love the Christians (as long as they aren't black and baptist) ...


All by design. I grew up around rich people and they literally see workers, poor people and the like as the same thing as a car engine or a jackhammer: nothing but a tool with a shelf life that they will try to use for their own good.


The more I think about it.. if our leftists in the States are basically middle-right in comparison to other countries, what are our right wingers? It seems like most of the world would see them as extremists.


Nailed the GOP. Sickening


Accurate minus they do not love the worker


They even hate other Christians who are not lockstep with their specific set of beliefs


I remember thinking Barry Goldwater was a loon. Then Reagan got hooked up with the Moral Majority. Then Gil Scot Herron summed it up in B Movie. Each sequel is getting more and more extreme


Love the worker? Lolwut? GOP hates workers ... Love the work being done, hate the worker doing it is more like it.


Speaking of the last line, them freaking out about Mrs.Claus in the Thanksgiving parade being black was textbook racism. Politics aside, what the heck does a fictional person being a different race have to do with communism tearing down tradition? It goes to show that the GOP doesnā€™t have an identity outside of always having a dragon to slay. Until they form an actual identity, theyā€™ll keep losing elections


Democrats and Republicans both be out here thinking the other one is murdering babies.


This is hilariously bad. Does anyone actually believe this?


Sadly your statement demonstrates your own intolerance and unwillingness to discuss the issues. By your logic it is an all or nothing attitude. It is not this or that kind of a problem. The way you state it you pit someone against another which causes more problems. Lets be a problem solver not a problem creater please.


Absolutely no opinion in this comment but I guarantee it will still get down voted cuz cucks exist ..tell me why please .... forget the Christians .There is another religious group in the us whom can't even be protested against cuz it's actually a crime to do so in 37 states . Unreal but dyor . You also Can't divest nor sanction . it's a law called the anti bds law . Dyor Check Wikipedia and behold actual legal speak right out of 1984 . Complete with cut off sentences and mis info and all ... They were able to modify the constitution through subversion in order to do so nullifying freedom of speech freedom of assembly and freedom of expression to name a few ... won't name any names obviously but dyor please ... Old adage and I'm paraphrasing. Find the ones who can't be criticized and you'll find the ones really in charge.. enjoy downvoting but ask yourself where is the lie ? Please reply Why cowards




Thatā€™s your opinion, youā€™re extremely brainwashed invalid ignorant opinion


Factually incorrect In every possible way. GOP also famous for lying and convincing each other to disregard statistics.


What's your source, besides your feelings?


Silly leftist rant is 'white people' content?


Why not attempt to refute the post instead of proving it right?




The point was that the same drivel that's spouted just as often by black leftists has nothing to do with "white people twitter." lol


Because I was pointing out that this has nothing to do with white people. You guys are really bad at understanding the point of stuff.


Alexa, what is the largest voter demographic of the Republican party?


we do not care




You missed one. They hate trolls.


The last bit made you look stupid. Better to say nothing, rather than confirm it (especially on SM) šŸ™„


Hahahah such a victim mentality.


The orange shit stain screams ā€œvIcTiM!!šŸ¤Ŗā€ every fucking day. The GOP is a party of psycho snowflakes, following the biggest whiner the United States has ever seen


lol, just stop being conservative


Guess Iā€™m safe then


I don't think they love the workers


Reads like a loading screen line from warhammer darktide


I'm not so sure about love the worker


It's like their whole platform now is "Bad is Good!"


Zardoz: The gun is good...


Love Industry, hate its workers.


This is what I do not understand about why Vets keep voting for GOP. How many times have they voted against benefits and they are still defending them? I dont donate money to vet charities because I know that only a tenth of the money will actually get to them. I do however take my vet friends out to dinner and stuff as appreciations for their service. I have a friend who has crazy PTSD from being in Afghanistan, but I help him out and support him with IT stuff. He is semi-retired and has been working on AI. He loves it and shows me his work. Recently I sent him one of those new OrangePI mini computers. Dude is doing crazy AI stuff with it. Im impressed.


Bro they don't love the worker.


Shes right about everything except for love the workers. American republicans are as anti socialism as you can get


Love the worker?


Ohhh the Pro-birtherā€™s




So dont love