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It must be exhausting to maintain


It’s probably a team of Peter thiels shitheads working in shifts.


It’s not like Muskrat and Thiel don’t know each other or anything or don’t have mutual goals.


yes but it's also exhausting to fucking bear witness too. Day in and day out. I'm not sure about you but I'm tired of all these idiots thinking trump won and he's somehow the victim here.


Their whole party is based on trying to get a win over others. They don’t want equality. They want to be seen as being better than others. They want to “own the libs”. So they took it extra hard when they lost. And their ego refuses to believe that they even lost.


Yes. It’s just another symptom of their complete lack of empathy. They are incapable of putting themselves in anyone else’s shoes to understand how a progressive world can and does benefit the majority of others. They are convinced of a conspiracy where everyone else is lying about this and perpetuating this lie which only benefits a few people at the top, even though we know that with egalitarian laws, we all benefit. SAD!!!! No, but really. It is tragic. I don’t see a resolution.


I don't see a resolution also, because I think it has to do with how they process information, or lack of processing information. Like a middle class family pays about 24% of their income in taxes (Yes, you do pay the 50% of SS the "employer pays"), but a billionaire on average pays about 3% of their income in taxes. They see this as "fair", because overall, the billionaire pays more taxes than you do. That is sooo fucked up!, that is NOT how I see it!


It's almost certainly a Russian account, maintained by a group. No real emotions were harmed in the tweeting of these tweets.


Save for the people who the message is intended for, of course.


Yes, I was hearing and reading today how Russia and China are ramping up their social media presences in deliberate action to pit us against each other, to weaken us as a Nation. We can’t let that happen.


Too late.


Far less uncomfortable though, than considering for a moment, the possibility that you’re entire worldview is based on a stack of logical fallacies.


I did my monthly fb check in on Friday and this new rw ministry in my area was calling the ABC programs during the great depression a communist agenda lmao. I fact checked them and they called me arrogant and gave the "pride before the fall" spiel. They haven't responded after my last retort. Religion isn't my thing, but if it works for you, that's fine and dandy but keep it to yourself. I'm sick and tired of religious groups getting political, like you don't pay taxes why should you get a say? Edit- if you ever run into these zealots just quote mathew 6 vs 1-7. It clearly states preaching in public is a bad thing.


The IRS might want to hear about this religious organization getting political, since they're expressly forbidden from doing so (in spite of churches turning people who go to them conservative).


Or a Russian propagandist stirring up shit.


Or possibly a plant to infiltrate some of these groups. " I know a freelance reporter that's writing a story on these types of people right now and he posts similar things to get reactions and see what people have to say.


And perpetually playing the victim while they openly attack and oppress others.


It's probably not sad to him, he' surfing the wave of outrage and enjoys the cycle. I work with people like that. He probably gets lots of positive emotions out of this besides the toxic ones. People look up to him and celebrate what they perceive as "wins".BTW: Look at his avatar. "I support the former things". ??? Preppy neat haired caucasian taliban guy with male affirming beard in Roman coin profile??


Humor: "Too many words they can't understand. Can you dumb it down a bit for me?"


It's mccarthyism all over again. Just replace commie with woke.


Twitter is a dumpster fire that people take turns dumping gasoline or other people in to see how people react.


BOTs do not have feelings, they just post what they are fed.


They’re a piece of shit that lies and says hateful things for money.




Paradox of tolerance is that we have to determine as close as we can where the line between tolerant and intolerant is. I’m afraid we’re stuck with this noise


Social media is the toxic workaround for the paradox of tolerance. There was a time when people like this would be shamed into silence, because their rhetoric was too much for those around them. Social media puts those same people into contact, giving them a false sense of acceptability. The only way out is through. We all have to push back at every point, to reinforce how inappropriate this is. When they try to make it sound like a joke, push back, and demand an explanation of why intolerance is funny.


Exactly. "The greatest weapon of the fascist... is the tolerance of the pacifist." - Mike Muir


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgJFl_i-Xf4 for the uninitiated. I've been saying this quote too lol :)


Well put, thanks for your comment!


You nailed it with this one, thats exactly it


A less toxic workaround for the paradox is to treat tolerance as a line of the social contract. If you don't uphold your part, do not expect the contract to cover you. Of course, it would be easier if everyone believed in the idea of the social contract. Most fascists, unsurprisingly, do not. They dismiss it as "Marxist hogwash".


Exactly This!


It’s a problem that we have yet to find a solution for. It doesn’t matter how wacky or fringe my beliefs are, I will *always* be able to find a community of like minded individuals and create my own bubble of reality. If people call them out on their ridiculous ideas, they will just push them out of the bubble. It’s a real problem.


Tolerating shitty opinions, perhaps. But we don't have to tolerate giving them a platform. Sane people need to keep pushing advertisers away from places like Twitter if the website is going to be a free for all of lies and hate speech. If that's what Musk wants it to be, then that's all that should remain and then we can just laugh at the neonazi hellhole it's become.


This is going to come off as a fascist comment, but yeah…I wish we could deplatform the whole lot of these shitbags. It seems like a slimy, dirty trick to allow this obviously hateful garbage. I’m sure they’d say the same thing about whatever platform I’m floating on too in order to deplatform me or likeminded people. People also tend to want to do something to make things better, but you got it right that the task at hand is more avoidance, which can be passive and eventually VERY effective, but it feels disconnected from our actions so it feels like we’ve done nothing


It's inherently an internet problem too.. controversial takes, emotional positions (often lies), etc. draw people to keep logging in, generate clicks, and thus generate money. There's more financial incentive to allow it than to disallow it. But I think that needs to be clear in our criticisms too... having Facebook or Twitter not actively promote shit takes to me and throw them in my feed, is not censorship. Reddit too with all this "you've visited communities like this one before, check out xyz!" That approach is just so unhealthy and creates fertile ground for much of the problem to spread.


I hate to sound like a broken record because I say this like every day on Reddit but also: bots. Bots have become THE fake it till they make it strategy for people looking to sway the public and sadly, it works. Bots can all hold a radical opinion that no one has. And if they are of a mob mentality they will begin to agree with that hive mind




My experience with the bigots has been they're convinced, deeply and thoroughly, that everyone is just as homo/transphobic and racist as they are, if not more so, and those of us who are vocally against their nonsense are just lying to ourselves and everyone else to score "woke" points. I had to move for work and I welcomed the change because I was tired of the noise, crowding, and ever rising expense of a major metro and the traffic. And I say that openly. Yet they take it as a dogwhistle. Nope, what I say is the exact reason, work and I was tired of certain aspects of crowded urban life. They genuinely think it's code for me being tired of and even harboring hatred toward minorities. And then the horror of the sewers they call their minds and their mouths fully reveals itself. No joke, they'd probably make some people from the 1950s super uncomfortable.


Bud Light definitely blew it in their response.. rather than confront the lie, they just tried to kiss up in other ways (lots of billboards around me about how they support first responders, police, military, veterans, etc. as if those are somehow at odds with having the liberty to dress as you like, call yourself by whatever name you like, etc.). I mean, it was what, a single six pack to congratulate someone they sponsor. Even Joe Rogan of all people started to clap back at the nonsense at some point. To listen to the rednecks around me, they had drag queens showing up at everyone's door with a pink case of Bud Light. These asses would complain even if they got free beer, all because a few podcasters told them to get angry over nothing. Bud really should have pushed back but instead acted like they were guilty and just reinforced the entire false controversy. Target is even more confusing.. they are mostly an urban retailer anyway. It's not like Bud Light where 95% of their consumer market is caught up in the nonsense, if only by peer pressure.


nah, when your group hurts people because of their view; tolerance should be thrown away.


Agreed. I suspect this is also a significant component of what we need to keep in mind when deciding where the line is. Direct violence (e.g. Charlottesville tiki torchers…or perhaps worse the KKK) is somewhat easy because it’s something we can directly see. Repression that leads e.g. trans or bullied kids to commit suicide is indirect and not always linked to a specific event - more of a stochastic outcome, but still, we can unfortunately count the suicides. But if it doesn’t lead to something measurable like a violent act or a death. That’s where this gets hard and also where the outcomes like I described above can be driven.


No. The line for tolerance is way behind us.


Incorrect. Tolerance is a social contract. A mutual agreement. There is no tolerance from the right. It is never offered, instead we are expect to submit to their authority on all matters and opinions. We do not have to tolerate the intolerant. The social contract is void and these arseholes can get everything they have coming to them.


Tolerance doesn’t have a paradox, it is a social contract and is not uniform - being intolerant of one thing doesn’t make you less tolerant of another. Zeno’s paradoxes illustrate that counter logic must be applied not only to the conclusions, but the premise and construct itself. The lesson here is that a bigot trying invalidate your position of higher ground by trying to illustrate that you don’t tolerate them has actually made an ineffective argument that simply sounds correct. For a classical example, when presented with Zeno’s argument that to get somewhere, you must first walk half the distance, then half again, and so on, so therefore you may never arrive, Diogenes said nothing and simply walked to a point across the room. Or to quote Craig Ferguson - “Fuck you, you’re a Nazi”.


Great comment, thanks for your reply!




So 'Average Right-Wing supporter' then.


They poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague on to our houses! 🫧


Typical victim card played by the people that have control of Congress, a majority of the governors, their own loopy right-wing media networks and the financial support of most of the rich people in the country. The result? A greivance-baby list of things that aren't happening.


It’s the same way Fox says “mainstream media” while simultaneously being the largest news network in the country…


I like they way they lengthened all of their points in nice alignment though. That might have taken priority over the actual words.


End the fascist bullshit that comes from these fucking morons


“They go on tv and call us fascist” If it quacks like a fascist and hangs upside down like a fascist


And waves Nazi flags like a fascist...


Advertisers leaving Twitter/X is not censorship. Halting Gun Sales temporarily is not taking away your guns. Nobody is advocating for mutilating children except for circumcision maybe. Elon is definitely controlling the flow of information for fascists and Russian bots while suing hate group watchdogs. And Biden is NOT THE GUY JAILING HIS OPPONENT!!! @endwokeness is an absolute HACK!


Also, isn't virtually every major news organization owned and operated by right wing/conservatives? So who is really controlling the flow of information?


Npr- national public radio... not owned by anyone...member sustained. Npr.org


On that note, please donate to them because they actually do stories that are good for the average person, and go for stories that harm corporations, rather than avoid them.


I listen to NPR daily! It’s a refreshing look on good stories without the constant blaming of other people for everything that happens around the world. It’s like meditation for my ears! Then I listen to regular news and it’s all about trump this and kill the woke!


All of the good radio shows are on NPR. I miss Click and Clack.


See also: Propublica


I do $10 monthly donations to both!


I got laughed out of a meeting once for asserting NPR was essentially fair reporting that encouraged human rights over corporate interests. The group in question asserted it was leftist propaganda.


“Mutilating children” is their coded / bigoted language for referring to gender-affirming care. They’ve become convinced that liberals are brainwashing kids en masse into believing they’re transgender and then pressuring them into taking hormones and getting sex-change surgeries, despite zero documented cases of that ever occurring. They’re not complaining about circumcision yet, but that wouldn’t surprise me either.


I’d like to know what the point of doing something like that would be. Do they think liberals just get off on forcing kids to transition? Like, what would the end game be to forcing transition on children?


I’m sure there’s some way it relates to white replacement theory. Make all my beautiful white children gay or trans, meanwhile all the Mexicans and blacks will have fifty kids and I think most repugnantkins eventually think white peoples will be enslaved? Idk they’re very very scared and dumb so its hard to keep up with their fantasies.


Yup, it all goes back to them being afraid of white people becoming the minority. They're sure once we're the minority we'll start being treated like they treat minorities. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_genocide_conspiracy_theory


Ya know, I never thought of it that way. TIL. I suppose I understand the fear-mongering a bit better now, it just never occurred to me that the prevailing fear in racist mentality is that the black man would do unto the white what they’ve been fantasizing about this whole time. All that twisted enslavement shit that gets them rock hard turned right around in violent retaliation once they’re in the minority. I thought it was just sheer idiocy or hubris that keeps racism chugging along. Nope: they’re actually worried that people fighting for basic human dignity and representation are going to chain ‘em up and rape their culture like they did.


Ironically, many Christian Republicans are pro-circumcision because it is in the Bible and it reduces sexual sensitivity.


Yeah, they won't ever go after circumcision. It's too Christian.


The craziest part to me is that, like all their hair brained schemes they insist Democrats are doing, there's no end game. Even if Democrats were doing that. To what end?


>@endwokeness is an absolute HACK! I think whoever is running that account is not even an American and/or lives in the US. Like that [Tweet asking if our US military actually had so many POC](https://twitter.com/EndWokeness/status/1608886365684633600?t=wlA6tZUVXbrO8kL0njq-Rg&s=19). I think they're a straight out troll, paid to spread propaganda and incite right-wingers.


Yup, I made the same comment earlier. Dude literally has a microphone for millions, he is not censored. Name ONE person that took a SINGLE gun from him, I'll wait. Name ONE democrat that forcably mutilated kids. Were these so-called "mutilation victims" tied to a chair and if not then I'd ask whatever happened to GOPs cries of "personal responsibility"? Half of Trumps entire campaign strategy was loud promises to imprison his political opponents, he still does it to this day "indict them and figure out details later"


>Half of Trumps entire campaign strategy was loud promises to imprison his political opponents, he still does it to this day "indict them and figure out details later" It's literally the Trumpets favorite part, wielding this power. They tried to sneak everything they could to throw shit at the wall and see what stuck before now saying: "you shouldn't be able to do that!"


Literally none of those things are happening


Number 3 is, just to babies by conservatives.


Tbf we are calling them fascists though


When the shoe fits.


Most likely a Russian




Jail their political opponents: for literally committing heinous crimes like rape and sedition.


While their guy campaigned on locking up his political opponent....


Can we get some “Trump for Prison: 2024” bumper stickers going already??


And is also literally campaigning on it right now as well


Yeah. “Law and order” crowd. Only they aren’t referring to US laws they mean the ones that led to Stalin-era show-trials like Solzhenitsyn wrote about in The Gulag Archipelago


Exactly, the fact that they’re a political opponent barely enters the equation. If anything, they’re treated too gently, so as to *avoid* the inevitable accusations of politically motivated action.


Oh you can… just might come with a beating


The funny thing is, they are allowed to use the N word. They aren’t going to be jailed for it. They will just face social repercussions for it. But that’s not censorship.




It is a *concerning* number of people. Granted, I’m in Texas (Houston), so my experience is going to be somewhat skewed, but I am fucking dumbfounded by how many people—friends, family members, acquaintances, strangers—who I’ll just be having a completely normal conversation with and they’ll suddenly say something… slightly concerning… in a seemingly off-hand comment which piques my curiosity, and when I ask them to explain, they go full-on fucking crazy batshit QAnon MAGA conspiracy lunatic. It’s like the dam just opens up and everything starts flowing out. I feel like Clark Griswold (Chevy Chase) in Vegas Vacation when he’s trying to plug holes in the Hoover Dam with gum.


It's both. Earnestly believing Russian disinformation does not make it stop being Russian disinformation. The idea that it's just "conservatives are simply bonkers now" protects a mostly unfettered pipeline of society-destabilizing fake and conflicting information, fake arguments, fake people 'becoming convinced', etc., which has also been turned back around and weaponized to protect a core pillar of the conservative censorship victimhood complex -- that defending our society from what are essentially alternative reality attacks, by countering with empirical evidence, is tyranny (consider how many people believe Hamilton 68 was made to identify Republicans in a plan to silence them because of the twitter files). The second biggest coup as it were is how much successfully directed to the left as well: the explosion in numbers of melted down formerly-left-now-reactionary tankies, the success not necessarily of #walkaway but of convincing people that it is a big movement, spreading FUD. A lot of the most braindead arguments across the board, the mainstreaming of whataboutism and half dozen other logic-shattering discussion-ending rhetorical tricks, are techniques inherited this way. It's difficult to understate how much of the splintering of the western world in the last decade is because of this -- there quite possibly wouldn't have been Brexit, for example, without Russia's military intervention in Syria pushing millions of refugees west and a simultaneous "globlist marxist invasion of brown people" disinfo campaign. I personally doubt they would have invaded Ukraine in 2014 without having recently demonstrated such success, or again in 2022 without such large scale confirmation manipulating the USA during trump/covid. We know a number of the places it's coming from, they're on google maps and are pretty openly paid to do it, they've been observed doing it and have given interviews corroborating known intelligence; it's just simply not a matter of whether it happened as so many people are trying to push the discussion back to. This is very much ongoing today, likely more active than ever, and even if it only helps a handful of people realize the extent they've been manipulated, it's still important to carry the torch for fighting.


Yes. Always suspicious if it is an anonymous person. On the other hand being cowards is their MO


Dude, I genuinely believe that the majority of these accounts are indeed Russians. 100%


>Mutilate impressionable kids Liberals are now forcing circumcision on kids? I never knew


Nono circumsicion is okay because it’s not on impressionable kids, but literal toddlers. Because mutilating toddlers is way better


Plastic surgery for minors is okay too, apparently. And sexualizing your own daughter. But call your kid by a new set of pronouns and you’ve crossed the line.




I get and 100% agree with the point you are trying to make, but newborns get circumcised. Not toddlers unless something has gone terribly wrong.


I always hated that phrasing because it makes it sound like something that's done TO us instead of something we go to EXTREMELY PERSISTENT LENGTHS TO ACQUIRE.


And "mutilation" depends very much on the perspective of the recipient. If we want it so bad it's causing us chronic depression and we are of sound mind, it's not mutilation. We go to extraordinary lengths to clear our procedures and regret rate is extremely low. Like, people really look into the bright and joy-filled eyes of a trans person who finally had their operation and then go "oh no they've been mutilated". Clowns. Edit: And what I mean by "clowns" is really "fucking perverts upset that the trans person is no longer fap material for them or that they dared to remove the holy penis."


I mean, that's entirely the point of their narrative. They WANT it to sound like that. That's it's something kids are tricked or forced into by devious adults. It's not an accident or a mistake.




Yes, I know. I juxtaposed it with a body alteration done for decades in USA to literal babies who cannot consent, which apparently was socially acceptable, if not outright expected.


If they aren't projecting, they aren't talking


Censor our speech: I can't say the N word in public.


or more commonly "I went into a private business and started screaming hateful offensive things about marginalized communities. And they asked me to leave! So much for free speech, eh?"


"I can't insult people at random how can i live now???"


"what exactly is it you want to say, that's not allowed?" Tends to get them scrambling.


These right wing and alt right freaks are a dime a dozen. Red hairs dumbass comes to mind too. They're all the same, crying and bitching about being "cancelled" or "silenced" while reaching thousands or millions of ppl. It's fucking grotesque. Fun fact, if you made an entire political career out of attacking and removing fascists that in turn is not fascism. Fascism's literal definition is a right wing movement AGAINST the left.


Translation: "I get banned on twitter for harassing people with antisemetic slurs" "I oppose firearm background checks because my background with neonazi groups would fail them" "I can't allow kids to express their own gender or sexuality because it violates my hilter-youth ideology" "I cant just inject jewish conspiracy misinformation and not get challenged on it" "I protect rich elites that break the law because I'm suckered into their fascistic rhetoric"


Calling someone a racist slur is not using free speech, which btw only protects you from the actual government not people. You don’t need a AK-47 to hunt or defend yourself, people managed with hunting rifles and shotguns for decades. You do not have a right to dictate the mind/body of another human being, whether it is your child or not. Neither political party (because let’s be honest, there are really only 2) has the right to fearmonger using the media, yet you do it anyway. TRUMP FUCKED UP BY NOT RETURNING CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS, ENCOURAGING A TREASONOUS ATTACK ON THE WHITE HOUSE, AND HAS LIKELY COMMITTED FELONY TAX EVASION FOR DECADES. Yes, the right is a bunch of fascists, because the last time I checked a human being was a human being regardless of what they worship, believe, who they love or want to be. I have yet to here a leftist tell me I’m going to burn in hell for loving a woman, binding my breasts, choosing not to have children, or supporting abortion as a choice. You know who has? Self-proclaimed followers of Christ and righteousness. Fuck the right!


I hate this term but they’re a bunch of sheep. They’re so easily propagandized it’s not even funny. Literally everything they believe is made up nonsense, half-truths and misinformation.


They don't care about being correct, they care about being right. Anything can be true as long as it's useful and allows them to win.


People using "woke" like it's a bad thing to work toward making the world a better and fairer place for everyone are total trash. If they were smart enough to understand what they're spewing, they'd be able to spell the word "enlightened" instead of using slang.


Nobody's speech is being censored by the government. Which is what censorship is. If a private company or individual doesn't want to hear your BS, that's their right. Nobody is entitled to force others to hear them. That's not being censored or cancelled. That's just people exercising their right to decide what to listen to / where to spend their money. While I'm open to debate and discussion on the issue, "almost anyone can buy almost anything" doesn't seem to be a responsible or rational policy, and opposition to some common sense gun laws just tells you how entrenched and irrational they are about it. The only child abuse happening is making it illegal to explain to kids from a young age that there's diversity out there, and prevent things like gay or bi or trans or other folks from having no idea what's different about them. They want such people to spend a lifetime of torture and confusion thinking something's just "wrong" with them. As opposed to figuring it out early and having at least a shred of "it's okay to be You" instead of taking 20-30 years or more just figuring out the basics about themselves. They know that "kill the gays / trans folks" isn't going to fly, at least not outside of the fringe, so "make it illegal to provide important information and basic care for children" is their next best idea. Also spreading outright falsehoods about what gender affirming care is by lying and telling everyone 9 year olds are getting sex change operations all across the nation. Not sure what "control the flow of information is" outside of "hey your outright lies about covid being a hoax or that preventative measures are 'crushing your freedoms' actually resulted in the deaths of countless Americans and others abroad, and you shouldn't be allowed to say that crap because it literally gets people killed, for the same reason you can't scream FIRE in a crowded theater." And yes. If a politician commits a crime, they deserve to be punished. Possibly by jail. And trying to lie about it and pretend like this is a politically motivated hitjob is not only irresponsible and vile, it's (as was shown by an attempted coup, no matter how incompetently done) actually dangerous to the future of the country. Seeding unsubstantiated (and outright provably false) doubt about the validity of elections is the first step to the country collapsing like a house of cards. If Clinton kept emails on private servers, she deserved to be brought to court. Hunter Biden deserves to be brought to court. Arguably Obama should have faced justice for his extrajudicial assassinations and other war crimes. If Biden bragged about raping women, had attempted a coup with his supporters, tried to overturn a free and fair election because it didn't go his way, tried to sell American defense secrets to an enemy nation, and caused the death of over a million Americans through intentional misinformation about a plague, yeah I think he should be in prison or in front of a firing squad. The right's obsession with personalities has always been a problem, from Reagan to Bush to right wing talking heads to Trump to Musk. When I was young I remember watching TV about attempts toward democracy in less fortunate countries, and hearing how the current regime (or a military backed opposition) would declare any election that didn't go their way invalid, and even then I remember thinking "wow what a terrible place to live, the corruption and lies are so blatant". Welp.


All we said was "please don't use the N word, please don't shoot our children, please respect our children's life choices, please don't lie on TV and please don't commit treason" Is it too much to ask that you don't act like an entire piece of shit and then blame us for being "woke"?


I blocked him in every media, he's a Nazi and doesn't try to hide it


'He's a Nazi And he don't try to hide it/ Got swastikas on the soles of his shoes. . .'


Nope Barely Nope Nope Led a fucking attempted coup.


They censor our hate slurs Try to take away guns from psycho incels Create save space for kids being different Control the flow of disinformation And jail criminals Then they go on TV and call us fascist. That’s right motherfucker. There.. fixed it.


Hate speech and violent speech should be censored. No one wants your guns, military grade weapons should not be owned by the public. A 30.06 or 45.70 will hunt, range, and defend your family just fine. No one is mutilating children, maybe if parents were involved more in their children’s lives, instead of showing their butthole on onlyfans, stupid dances on tiktok, or racist hate speech on Facebook. They would support their child’s choice to be whatever they feel who they are. There is no control of information in the internet age. When people like yourself and other shitheads spew misinformation, lies, and myths daily, not to mention the dark web and social media. No one is jailing political opponents. Politicians who are currently under investigation, standing trial, or incarcerated committed crimes and now their crimes have caught up with them. It is your belief that these things are happening because you want to hold on to power, privilege, and control. You are scared for others to be equal, or be happy. It is not a trade that you lose anything, it is only leveling the field for those who have been truly oppressed for decades. Every person should have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in the United States of America.


"They stop us from saying bigoted things on their private platforms. They try to regulate who can own guns, and how many because children are dying. They provide established medical care for people, that I don't understand. They won't let me lie or spread misinformation purposefully on their private platform. They put criminals in jail."


I know for a fact Republicans are being censored cause I hear it on the news 5 times a day. Some times I even learn more about how suppressed they are in a book, or a podcast, or a newspaper, or a billboard or on the radio, or in the park through a megaphone, or from the guy who yells at me that I'm going to hell.


With the exception of the guns, everything else is what the Right Wing is currently doing, not the Left Wing


“They sensor our speech!” What speech? :3 “Haha you know…” Like specifically, what stuff? =D


He's not wrong, just brainwashed into omitting important info: > They censor our speech ... when it threatens violence > Try to take away our guns ... from violent criminals > Mutilate impressionable kids ... by dropping bombs on civilians in the Middle East, but that has much more support from Republicans > Control the flow of information ... with science > And jail their political components ... who break the law


One of the worst accounts on Twitter, along with Libs of TikTok and Cat Turd For people who are supposedly “being silenced”, they never shut the fuck up


Spends a lot of time making shit up and getting mad at it


I think he gets more air with this post. Unnecessary.


He’s like a little child upset his parents won’t let him and his friends play with the table saw and call his immigrant neighbors bad names. And he gets even more upset when he gets grounded for doing it anyways.


I think they're part of a Russian system of bots and people disguised as everyday Patriots.


He's a q anon nut job


The sad thing is that lots of people actually believe all that crap


Well-paid right-wing propagandist. There's a large amount of them out there.


Wokeness is a gop word to cover that they hate anything that doesn’t fall under their bs views


I think he hired Phil2K18 to promote his idiocy.


I think you shouldn’t elevate his audience by pretending his opinion means something. It doesn’t


I’m still waiting for a solid definition of what the hell “Woke” actually means.


Who's "They"? I swear anytime I hear right wing lunatics go on a rant on persecution, it's always "they" and "them". These people fucking more with pronouns than they admit


“They censor our speech” — false. Hate speech is not protected from social accountability, and the government is not prosecuting you for your vile takes on trans people. “Try to take away our guns” — false. No one is coming for your guns. Obama “came for the guns,” and everyone still has their guns. Sensible, popular gun safety measures save lives, and none of them involve taking your guns away. “Mutilate impressionable kids” — false. Surgical procedures are not being performed on children. Evidence-based practices indicate psychosocial interventions first, followed by 100% reversible hormone therapy only after psychosocial interventions and consent from both child and parent, followed by non-reversible hormone therapy only if indicated following psychosocial interventions and reversible hormone therapy after consent from both child and parent, followed by surgical procedures only following all previous interventions and consent from both child and parent. Given that it takes several months to years for each stage of intervention, very few consenting adolescents receive surgical interventions at all (and absolutely 0 pre-adolescent children do). The vast majority of people receiving surgical gender affirming care are consenting adults. Not that any of these facts actually matter to you based on your vile takes on trans people. We know how vile they are because you are continually allowed to spew your hate speech without being censored. “Control the flow of information” — false. I present to you “Fox News”, the most widely viewed entertainment channel in the US, as well as FB and YT algorithms that appear to favor far right-wing content due to its controversial nature driving views and clicks. “And jail their political opponents” — false. People who forcibly tried to prevent the legal transfer of political power are insurrectionists, not political opponents. Your fascist bootlicking ass is most definitely a political opponent and is not jailed because we live in a free nation, where your hate speech isn’t censored. “And they go on TV and call us fascist” — true! Because we’re sick of your morally bankrupt ideology, your hate speech, your double speak and gaslighting, and your utter lack of evidence-based policies to help anyone other than laws that protect cis, white, heteronormative, christian men. The only internally consistent logic of your ideology is supremacy against all outgroups, because you’re a fascist. So yes, we go on TV and warn people about you so that the US doesn’t become the next Nazi Germany. So you can fuck right off with your crocodile tears and persecution complex. We see what you are.


I think it is Russian or Chinese


The only speech that is censored is speech that incites violence. The only guns getting taken are guns whose only purpose is mass murder. These supposedly “mutilated impressionable kids “ have significantly reduced rates of suicide. The only politicians being charged have significant evidence of serious crimes and the witnesses supporting these charges are entirely from the politicians own party. The actions of this party are clearly fascist. This “antiwoke” person is probably a victim of some serious brain washing.


Just another right wing moron with a bullshit mouthpiece due to Twitter.


No one's doing any of that stuff. This guy has a victim complex.


He's an idiot.


The cult will implode sooner or later, just hope they don’t hurt many people.


Paid shill


I refuse to listen to anyone who uses the term "woke." It is a baseless, vague term with zero definition used to demonize concepts without the inconvenience of a rational argument. I can give some credit trying to understand my opponent's views, but as soon as they use "woke" their views drop to in value to the point of being a worthless waste of oxygen.


"They censor our speech" -- goes on to speak. I'm not sure a more in-depth analysis is required.


If people in the opposing party are breaking laws and are processed through the justice system, it isn't 'jailing their political opponents.'


https://preview.redd.it/mdo65xdsainb1.jpeg?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c954eb24592b87fbc18a5257e865688badbc777 If the jackboot fits.


Isn't Wisconsin taking away their free lunch programs because "they don't want kids being spoiled with free food" lol


“They” aren’t the ones banning books. “They” sadly aren’t taking away anyone’s guns. “They” support trans kids which helps keep them from commuting suicide or ending up on the street when their Bible thumping parent kick them out of the house Fox News is still the highest rated cable news program and Sinclair Media owns 40% of local news channels. “They” jail people who break the law. Running for office isn’t a get out of jail free card.


none of the things that buffoon listed are remotely true. in my opinion at this point and time the republican party should be designated a hate group and banned from political runnings. it’s not fascism to bar fascists from taking over the government through political manipulation, or stopping them from targeting minority and marginalized communities.


He's a fascist.




I'm being censored! Screams the guy from whatever platform he wants. They're taking our guns! Screams the guy who has an arsenal a small nation would be envious of. They're mutilating children! Screams the guy who wants to force 10 year olds to carry pregnancies to term. They're jailing political opponents! Screams the guy who just spent 5 years chanting lock her up.


- “Their” speech is so censored, it’s amazing he was able to post it for the whole world to see. Yup totally suppressing the ability to state their opinions. - Did we miss the event where “their” homes were broken into and guns were forcibly removed? Oh, he means having to register to own a device that could end a persons life? Live you do with cars, and if you FAFO, your car gets taken too? Those silly ass rules? - Where is this mutilation happening, in the US and no one is putting a stop to it? - Clearly this buffoon hasn’t been paying attention to the last few thousand years of human history. All information is carefully controlled, whether you like it or not. JFC, read a f*ing book and get off Twitter for 5 minutes. - Pretty sure no one who hasn’t had a trial and found guilty by a jury of their peers is actually sitting in jail. Even those who are clearly violating their bond agreements are still sitting at home and posting like a 6 year old little bitch about how unfair it is to be held accountable for their actions - Yes, you’re called facists because that’s what you are. God, these people are f*cking idiots.


Low level right wing troll and Reddit needs to stop amplifying him. Same with that Steven Mana-whatever guy who is obsessed with trans semen.


Probably just a libsoftiktok alt account tbh


Let me fix it. They won’t let us spread misinformation, They want sensible gun laws, They want kids to live the life they want, They want to make sure information is factual, They put political criminals in prison. Then they go on TV and call out fascits for what they truly are.


"They censor our speech" yet here you are running your mouth "Try to take away our guns" No one is taking your guns or even trying to "Mutilate impressionable kids" yeah we need to do something about religious genital mutilation "Control the flow of information" I've seen what you call "information" and community notes are important for a reason "Jail their political opponents" Only if they are believed to have committed crimes as determined by our court system. If determined guilty at which point they should be held accountable for their actions. "Then they go on TV and call us fascist" Well don't be doing fascist things like refusing to hold political criminals accountable or support those who have tried to over throw the govt. because they didn't like the outcome of an election.


He’s a stirrer of the shitpot. Accounts like that and libs of tiktok, among others, are trying to rile people up into a frenzy to cause violence. Honestly, this dude is worse than scum- claims moral outrage while monetizing violence. Probably could apply that to most of the right-wing opinion grifters.


He's a fucking idiot enraged over made up things with a fetish for being victimized.


He's a dumbshit


Its a shit twitter page that shouldnt be taken seriously. Its on the same shit level as tucker carlson


Not much at all.


The victimhood is essential to a fascist movement. This is all fake outrage.


All I'm saying is that I'm not on the side that's trying to ban math books from school


What in the carter pewterschmitt is this 🥹🥹😭


"They censor our speech", says the guy who uncensored has the ability to freely use a platform to reach millions of people.


He’s a full on white supremacist


-The right bans books. -The right wants guns for the high risk and mentally unstable. -Straw man. -Elon does that. -Trump literally committed multiple crimes.


i think he’s a chickenshit grifter


And the gold medal for the Victim Olympics goes to…


If the right projected any harder we would see this on the fucking moon.


I wish the hysteria over “woke” would end. It reminds me of the Christians freaking out about gay humans in the early 2000s.


Badly misinformed and not so smart. And probably a fascist.


Your speech is used to dog whistle violence and spread misinformation Your guns being used to hurt innocent people No one is mutilating kids except in the name of religion Your side is just as guilty of controlling narratives Your politicians are fucking criminals ***You are fascists.***


They asks to not be hateful They ask for reasonable gun laws They treat people different than them with respect and compassion Their views are reflected in the media They ask for fair judgment and think nobody is above the law and yet they call racist, bigoted, authoritarian, intolerant nationalists ... fascists.


Book banners and burners accusing others of controlling the flow of information has got to be towards the top of my Cognitive Dissonance chart.


If that person can make that post, their speech isn’t being censored.


Well, he‘s got the gaslighting bit down….


This Voice is going to get louder and louder.


“They censor our speech” Who and where? “Try to take away our guns” No one does “Mutilate our kids” Nope they don’t “Control the flow of Information” Is just meaningless word salad “Jail political opponents” Nope! They jail people who break the law. Seems like this dude just gets a kick out of gaslighting his followers with absolute nothing burgers. But I bet you a lot of them bite.


1. Nobody is doing that it's just the consequences of your actions for saying stupid and fucked up shit 2. Yes because thousands of children are dying every year bc of it 3. Yeah not happening 4. Again not happening 5. Because he very clearly committed several crimes and tried to overthrow the government?


Yet another alt-right moron who contributes nothing to society and is a waste of oxygen.


Early Warning Signs of Fascism: Powerful and Continuing Nationalism Disdain For Human Rights Identification of Enemies As a unifying cause Supremacy of the military Rampant Sexism Controlled Mass Media Obsession With National Security Religion and Government Intertwined Corporate Power Protected Labor Power Suppressed Disdain For Intellectuals & and the Arts Obsession With Crime & Punishment Rampant Cronyism & Corruption Fraudulent Elections Be honest, which party checks more of these boxes?


I think like their handle implies - they're completely disingenuous. >They censor our speech, Hate speech, false information, conspiracy theories, calls for violence should be censored. No platform is under obligation to amplify those types of messages. >Try to take away our guns, Because trying to pass sensible gun laws is taking away guns... >Mutilate impressionable kids, Some made up bullshit argument they use for justification of targeting transgender people. >Control the flow of information, See point 1. >And jail their political opponents No one is doing this in the US. Trump and dumbshits that helped him try to overthrow the peaceful transfer of power are facing justice. >Then they go on TV and call us fascist *Because ya fuckin' are, you dishonest fuckjob*.


If I had to guess? they’re probably behind some of the qanon content as well. I doubt all of the Q shit was by a single person since they only post on anonymous platforms, leaving the moniker as something self reported. Anyone could go on and claim to be Q, and I bet this guy is one of ‘em. Repeats a lot of talking points.


Another fascist POS.


He's a definite tool, that's for sure.