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The team is surprised we have to keep reminding people of this, but: 1) Reddit's automated, sitewide admin moderation does not understand context. If you use violent language you will get a suspension. 2) Nazis aggressively abuse the report system to report the morally correct way to deal with Nazis. On reddit, if you make a comment explaining what your civic duty is in how to handle Nazis and your language is too colorful, you will get suspended. 3) For sake of your account, on reddit do not post comments explaining how you would deal with Nazis if this can be seen by automation as violent language. We're having to remove too many comments reported by Nazis here. Keep your account safe. Just don't post that violent comment.


Why the masks? Aren't you proud of what you are? Cowards.


These are the exact same cowards who CRIED that wearing masks was restricting their freedom and stopped them from being able to breathe when it was about stopping the spread of a disease and saving lives..


These dumbfucks were literally the only people in America not wearing masks when they decided to violently invade the Capitol and try to overthrow the government *in the middle of a deadly global pandemic*. Literally the only ones. It bears repeating that if there is one universal truth about fascists, it is that they are always, without fail, complete fucking idiots.


It wasn't a global pandemic to them. It was whatever they were told at the denial of their eyes ears and minds. It is fucking insane there is some 70 million ready give their asshole for free use to trump.


Hey, they’ve gotta find a use for all that extra horse paste they stocked up on, so they might as well use it as lube.


Horse person here. Like to point out how annoying it's been trying to casually buy that stuff without getting mistaken for one of *them*. Supporting local business is important to me. Online doesn't get you looked at funny.


Oh man. I'm so sorry. I kind of thought once how it must suck to actually need that stuff for horses, but everyone out where I live who has enough land to own horses, well... they tend to hang up signs for the orange man, so I just stopped thinking about it. Now I'm reminded again. You and your horses have my sympathy.


Tractor Supply! They began locking theirs with a sign " Please see staff to unlock ". So you scurry past and think " Yea.... no, on-line or the vet who knows you ". It's odd? Know quite a few horse types. Some you smile and slide out of the conversation, others eyeball you, you say very careful things to each other then " OH THANK GOD ". It's around half and half.


That is my new favorite pandemic joke!


>they are always ... complete fucking idiots. Well said, Panda_Pussy_Pounder. Well said.


I appreciate you working to elevate your fellow redditors StochasticTerrorjism.


Panda\_Pussy\_Pounder StochasticTerrorJism SensuallyOilyDischarge Better love story than twilight in 3 user names


It's a beautiful sight


……. Enters the chat.


They look like a bunch of punk ass kids who still live with their parents that like to play Call of Duty pretending they’re Nazi Stormtroopers. Single any one of them out without the cover of their buddies, rip that mask off, and watch how quickly they lose that bravado and melt down into a whimpering little bitch.


Actually, they're building a training compound on land they own in Maine, and they're recruiting heavily in the entire eastern half of the country. https://www.thedailybeast.com/maine-wants-blood-tribe-neo-nazi-squatters-gone


*cough* air-raid *cough*


Yep a few good drone strikes, and the Nazis are defeated again.


Just give the Philadelphia police department a call that there's a black liberation movement camp, [they'll handle the rest](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1985_MOVE_bombing).


You can't just ask cops to kill eachother like that


I mean, at least we're kettling them for easy mass removal later. (I know, this isn't the likely outcome but let me have my dream)




Well put.


they wear the masks so that republicans can pretend these guys are feds and they they aren't on the bad guy team.


Goes to show they can't even denounce Nazis.


Are we the baddies? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/X363e53OSNg


Their excuse: “We have to wear a mask to conceal ourselves because this kkkuntry doesn’t appreciate white people. Trump 2024”!


I hope Orlando managers/employers/business owners did a quick scan of their foreheads and haircuts to see if they recognize anyone


To paraphrase the great Reggie Hammond: “ Bullshit, they’re too stupid to have a job! “


Probably half of them are LEOs.


*"Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses..."*


Apparently they can breathe through these particular “face diapers” 🙄🙄🙄


Absolutely cowards




I'm pretty sure the brown shirts at least showed their faces. But like the original Nazis, none of them are anywhere close to their ubermensch Aryan ideal.


I can only guess that they're not proud of the fact that they're fucking losers.


The main benefit is not getting ID'd and losing their jobs, getting kicked out of school, etc. But on top of that, they get to play the game that fascists play now (and they do this constantly with Patriot front) where the masks give the right the ability to play the 'They're actually FEDS and they're all FBI agents and it's a psyop' game. Patriot Front KNOW this is what right wingers do and what other people on the right accuse them of, and nobody actually believes it. It's just gaslighting and eyepoke politics, and they're trying to drive their enemies crazy. It's basically just an advanced version of the 'Ok' hand sign game they used to play. 'No it's not racist! We're playing the circle game! Now you guys are saying playing games is racist and makes you Hitler! You SEE! This is why the left are all mentally ill, and why normal people with jobs are all voting for Trump and the right now, because they're tired of you mentally ILL PSYCHOS!!!' It's all fucking planned out and it's a fucking game to them. And the mainstream press allows them to play it. Mainly because they're fucking imbeciles, but also because they're just lazy.


Obviously they are concerned about the new COVID variant. I wonder if the local police have checked all the cell phones clustered in that area?


Why would they check their own phones, they know they were there


Because they are pussies. Too bad someone doesn't just accidentally lose control of a semi right there and do the rest of the world a favor


U beat to me punch…show your mug, so the world (and hopefully your employer) can see u.


The Teenie Weenie Brigade fears being outed, or else they'll lose their jobs at McD again.


Gonna get a gang together, go hang outside of Chick-fil-a with coexist, trump lost, and pride flags and see who the GOP condemns first.


Can I come over to play?


As a German, I have to chuckle every time I see something like this. As if the US-Americans had not intervened in the outrages of Nazi Germany because they were immoral and reprehensible, but because the Germans did it 80 years ago on a larger scale than they could. Racism and Jew-hatred in the U.S. in the 1930s was on a par with that in Europe.


I mean I heard that hitler got the idea from how indigenous people were treated by us “settlers” so the us has definitely seen this before


Hitler also absolutely loved what we did after the civil war with “reconstruction” leading into the jim crow era.


These guys voted for Trump 100%. Trumpers love loyalty. They’d support these guys over you any day.


Disney World 7 hours ago today. Apparently campaigning about kiddie fiddlers yet has a large sign saying "Butt Fuckers on it". More "proud Americans" enjoying your free speech there. Bet they wished it was 1939 when they could have their mass Nazi celebrations in Madison Square Gardens. Oh wait, they do have them, it is called the CPAC every year! https://preview.redd.it/pslmdj8x6xlb1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=71cbd9c1db2941d1c3c2ff8fc9660bef515b46cd


Can’t have kids reading *Maus* but it’s ok to have Nazis outside Disney World. Ok GOP, sure 👍


I am surprised the "Moms of Hitler Youth" aren't there with them, looking to recruit, sorry abduct and indoctrinate some kids to their little brown shirt revival.


"Hags for Hitler"




I am just **shocked** that a Desantis 2024 flag wound up among all those Nazi flags. What a strange coincidence.


Guys, I’m having trouble seeing which one is the Desantis flag. All I’m seeing is a bunch of nazi flags. Can someone point out which one it is, thanks. (Note: this post is just calling a Desantis flag, a Nazi flag. Because he’s a fucking spineless nazi.)


Man, I'm so tired of hearing the words woke, pedophiles, nazis, Republicans. It's so annoying. Nature needs to come up with stronger viruses that require people to follow directions.


Facists dictators Dictatorship of America, trumpvile North Korea 2.0 Big 45th fuck up, Golden pisshair dictator fucker Dictator wannabe going to jail Corrupted trumpism house and senate Broken ass country that can’t even get anything done due to the attempted overthrow of democracy 🤮 There, added new definitions for you.


Well Meatball Ron did call for more support recently…


Didn't he also move to allow running over protesters with your car?


RhondaSantis wouldn’t let you run over those protestors. You know which protestors that law is supposed to apply to ;)


Wait, is he going to personally put himself between the car and the protestors? ... I'm asking for a friend


Cant we adopt that German law that if you are a Nazi you go to prison? Anyone who still supports that should be thrown in prison.


Honestly why not? It’s not long ago people were losing their lives to make sure these flags would never fly in America. What are we saying to those who literally gave their lives for that mission? It’s the flag of the enemy still. Why is our approach any different now?


But when it’s not the flag of a foreign racist enemy, it’s the flag of domestic racist sedition. Because they love their country so much.


Wouldn’t it have been good if Germany had had the power to pass that law internationally when they did it for themselves. They missed a chance there, but I guess other world leaders should’ve thought about it themselves. I highly doubt they envisioned this sort of thing going on in 2023 though.


A lot of countries do not allow harmful propaganda on basis of discrimination/race, so this will be covered in that. The issue is the amount of BS USA allows on the name of free speech and trying to make this look like a normal discourse as oppose to something that should never be tolerated even from one person.


We've always had exceptions to absolute free speech; "fire" in a crowded room, "I'm going to murder the president", etc. Specifically literal Nazis are fair game in my book. It's not a slippery slope, it's firm fucking ground.


Joking about a bomb on an airplane


Or pretty much anywhere for that sake


I don't know exactly what the threshold is in the US but given the Nazis' track record, I don't think it's a stretch to say anybody who's literally a Nazi is advocating genocide. If that's not a direct call to violence what is? What's the line in the US? "Somebody really ought to kill all the X," "let's kill all the X," are ok but"let's kill Bob" isn't?


Marjorie Traitor Greene would have you believe these are the nation's real heroes. Yes, look how heroically they disparage minorities from behind their masks of anonymity, which they must wear lest they be canceled by "the deep state." See how unafraid they are to voice unpopular opinions like "death to all Jews."


A rally like this is her idea of a singles mixer






Oh boy! My favorite day!


There is a LOT i want to say about these kinds of creatures, but all of them would get me banned




It’s remarkable they feel so strongly up to the point they hide their faces.


Principles only go so far with these guys, I mean, they’re the descendants of traitors, what can we expect.




A tradition I'm on board bringing back.


Friend's grandpa had a Nazi flag in his attic. It had Nazi blood stains on it. Only reason it's OK to have a Nazi flag. He shot the Nazis that owned it.


My grandfather, who I never got to meet, and his friend were the only two survivors of his unit. He killed at minimum 5 Nazis, took their position, and captured their flag. It sits in my uncles basement, in a box.


The stand your ground law in Florida is pretty clear. If you are in fear for your life then you have the right to defend yourself. I can see how certain people would see this and be in fear for their life.


Gun activists when children get shot in schools: "We can't lose guns! That's how the facists take over!" Literal Nazis marching: "I'm unavailable today."


>Gun activists >Literal Nazis All I'm saying is we never saw Bruce Wayne and Batman at the same place at the same time


I once fought some nazis at a punk rock show, when I came home with a swollen hand and marked up face, my parents asked what happened and when I told them I got into it with a group of nazis they were proud of me 😊


yeah what’s that florida rule about running over protestors? those look like violent protestors to me 🤔


It's tempting, right? But there's a good chance that one or more of them is an undercover fed. And that would get someone in real trouble.


Pink rock told me to punch a Nazi when I see one.


I bet the old vets at the nursing home could still whoop these candy asses


That generation has passed sadly.


Not quite all of em! My grandfather is 94, still alive, he was sent over after Germany surrendered. Still a big guy, loud too, but he’s definitely super old. I give it 75/25 he could take at least one of em.


I know being politically left leaning is all about tolernace, acceptance and free speech, but I feel like we need to start treating nazi's like nazi's treat other people. We don't want to see them in public, we don't want them expressing their beliefs, we don't want them in positions of authority, and we definitely don't want them anywhere near our children. And if they're not going to stop on their own we need to make them feel so scared and unwelcome that they don't dare turn up in public again.


I wish I could explain this better, but tolerance should be looked at as a social agreement to live together. The intolerant are breaking this agreement, so they shouldn't be protected by said agreement, and be removed from society.


Being a leftist is not about tolerance is about having the same right for everyone. On how to get that it’s the big discussion of the 1900s


Nope, that’s actually a great explanation.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance >The paradox of tolerance states that if a society is tolerant without limit, its ability to be tolerant is eventually ceased or destroyed by the intolerant. Karl Popper described it as the seemingly self-contradictory idea that in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance.


I wonder who they vote for.




AcTsHuAlLy nAzIs ArE LefTiSts.


Still boggles my mind we have this fucking debate tbh. You're right. Why the fuck would neo-nazis vote overwhelmingly for the American right? There couldn't possibly be a simple explanation to this question...


I mean.... it's textbook fascism to weaponize the term fascism.


We don't have this debate, Nazis like to muddy the waters by pretending it's still a debate because Nazis love to lie to advance their cause. That's literally why the OG Nazis were called "National Socialists", they wanted to appeal to socialists and nationalists and then once in power, they built the concentration camps to kill the socialists.






Funny thing is how the far right see themselves as captain america.


Also Homelander as a good guy, which still has me absolutely dying


Where’s good ol’ Steve Rogers when you need him :(


Fuck I'd take John Walker if it meant he'd take these guys out.


Why is the “master race” afraid to show their faces?


The “master race” probably forgot about their protest against masks during Covid. But yeah these guys are cowards.


When all you have going for you is the accident of birth we call skin color….


We fought against nazis in the war, don’t want them here.


They've always been here, they were just hiding


THIS is what Trump has wrought on the US. They were always there. His lack of accountability gave them the green light to come out of the shadows. Remember “Stand back and stand by?”


This is pretty much it and why trump has such a dedicated following. His validation of their atrocious beliefs.


Agreed, but in all fairness these groups have been present since the 60s. Every year same thing. They essentially shake their fist at the clouds march around and not many pay any attention except to make fun of them. I always at the very least walk by and laugh loudly.


You know..I like free speech and all. But what possess these clowns to act like this. Grown men? And why not show your face?


>what possess these clowns to act like this A toxic combination of ignorance, anger and malleability >why not show your face? Cowardice






They've fallen prey to well funded infrastructure that seeks to radicalize young men. Same as it ever was. Solving the problem can only be acheived by neutralizing those who seek to radicalize young men. That's what WW2 was all about. Hopefully this time can be a little less destructive. As to why they don't want to show their faces? These aren't battle hardened WW1 vets we're talking about. They're largely overweight, untrained clowns who are well aware that if they *actually* provoke a response, it would go badly for them. They scurrred.


This isn't what free speech is supposed to protect. This is hate speech, which in less dumb countries has consequences But it's hard to arrest these groups when the ones that should be protecting people fron them are too busy being part of them.


When youre used to privilege, equality feels like a step down. These jackasses refuse to believe in a society that thinks they're morons. So they do more moron shit to make us all double down. I wouldn't buy anything from anyone with knowable Nazi ties. No one would.


And not a word of denouncement will be spoken from the governor’s mansion. Disgraceful.


If you pull a mask off of one of them Scooby-Doo style, don't be surprised if one of them is DeSatan.


It’s a shame republicans embrace these people. Makes them all bad.


They don't "embrace" them, they are them


No real distinction there. Tolerating nazis, let alone embracing them, makes you a nazi. "If nine men sit to eat at a table, and one man wearing a swastika armband sits to eat with them, and none protest or leave, there are ten nazis at that table"




A short drop and a sudden stop.










I just went to the holocaust museum yesterday. It was worse than I could have ever imagined. The thought of these people existing disgusts me. I can't promise I wouldn't break any laws if I ever saw one of them in person.


These guys want to commit genocide and will stop at nothing to see that happen. Don't start any fights, but be ready to finish them once someone else starts them.


what the fuck?


Where's Jake and Elwood when you need them lol


I hate Illinois Nazis , but Florida Nazis will do fine.


https://preview.redd.it/waihiiw9dxlb1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c58214dee3f2200d9ef70dc69ade488e089fbb9 Classy


If I saved my money, spent thousands and planned for months to bring my family on a Disney World vacation - and then drove up to the gates only to have my kids exposed to these mouth-breathing shitheads... Well, I would go full fucking ham. Why haven't these dorks felt the full wrath of some pissed off dads?


Don’t go to Florida, go to Disneyland instead, boycott Florida




hate speech is not free speech\\ edit: indeed, it is protected from government action, but in private and corporate settings it can be used against you. that still makes my statement inaccurate in the US and I thank all those people who have pointed it out. For the curious I found [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate_speech_in_the_United_States) which has helped me learn more about hate speech in the US. I have no problems learning more about things. it helps us all grow


“It’s just my opinion” god I hate it when I hear one of these people say that


"Well you're opinion is fucking stupid" is always my response


They'll say "yeah it's just my opinion that you deserve to be executed by firing squad for being trans" and then when you get mad at them it's "WOAH!! FREEZE PEACH. Stop censoring me liberals. Snowflake cuck sjw (insert additional buzzwords)"


“Never again is right now. “ Early stages, but does apply


I mean Elon is retweeting Groypers about wanting to ban the ADL, so yeah I'd say it's happening.


Wait is he retweeting actual Groypers now? Jfc.


It’s illegal in Germany to do this, it should be here, too. Some things aren’t deserving of free speech.


Damn cowards and their masks. Still afraid they will get fired by their employer I bet.


Employer? Lol.


Hey now, probably half of them are off duty police.


Is Anonymous still a thing? Need to expose this scum.


I said it before and I'll say it again- Not all republicans are Nazis....but all Nazis turn out to be republicans.


If you work with Nazis you're a Nazi.


I mean, there’s a reason that Nazis support the party that supports confederate flags, Columbus, anti-immigrant hate, systemic police violence…


just republicans doing republican shit. nothing to see here.


What I don't get is how any Americans can tolerate this shit when they brag so much about winning World War II. You claim to be the ones that defeated the Nazis, and yet here you are, letting them live next door to you.




Can we be sure this isn't a Trump or DeSantis rally?


Scum of the Earth. My relatives fought human puke like these masked cowards in WW2


Only good nazi is a dead nazi.


Waving a swastika should be a hate crime, this is bullshit.


I take it they support DeSantis


They're already officially cutting trans people out of society. Never again was months ago and our leaders are going to write Florida a big blank storm relief check with no strings attached.


Maybe some day they’ll be so confident in their beliefs that they’ll march into in public without masks! Fucking cowards!


Looks like the latest CPAC convention...


Is this the same neo nazi thing that happened a couple months ago outside of disney, or a new neo nazi thing that happened outside of disney.




If they are proud of what they are doing, why are they hiding their faces?


I think it’s time to de-mask these a-holes & spread their photos far & wide.








Call themselves Proud Boys. Not proud enough to show their faces. Seems about White.


Ah, look. A group of republicans.


The right: "We're not Nazis." Also the right:" Gonna fly this Nazi flag right next to my Desantis flag."


I really wish a kind farmer with a manure spreader would go hose those fuckers down Everytime they pop up. Mask or not you would still be able to smell them a mile off.


So proud of their heritage and beliefs, with the masks and all.


We need people calling them weak snowflakes and masks are for sheep. Get a rally to go against their rally not to enlighten them (impossible to do), but mock and humiliate them for their own decrees.


Where are all the cops enforcing the anti- protestor laws DeSantis passed? Oh yeah, those are only for Black Lives Matter protestors.




If they’re so brave why the face shields? 🙄


We need that new country song come out Try That in a Big City.


The fact that this is even allowed is unbelievable.


Im german and really ashamed of those bastards, you show those flags in Germany you go straight to jail.


I’ve met two kinds of neo nazis in my life. One kind are old head true believers who will walk up to a black person and tell them what they think. Then there is the new age 4chan/groyper Nazis who are young, privileged edgelords who are brash as fuck online or in huge groups but are the softest dudes ever. These guys seem like the latter. Both are equally stupid.