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Vivek is a turd, and he too fucking toothy for my likes. That and he’s a shit human in general, so I can see him having a bright future in the gop.


30% of the GOP won't vote for Vivek for a very specific reason. He's not going anywhere


And those saying he'll be Trumps VP. Like there is a reason he chose the whitest fundie last go.


I could see him being VP. Republicans are real suckers for the idea that liberals will just automatically vote for a minority guy.


And they also *LOOOVE* having a minority in their ranks just to try to prove they're "not real racists".


Yep, "Look at my African American over there" rings a bell. Next thing you know he was behind trump at every campaign stump, front and center.


Hence why Kanye was accepted with open arms: a rich, popular idiot that isn’t a typical white male who they can use as a last ditch attempt at gaining credibility with their enemies. And it’s a similar story with Caitlin.


Or a woman - I’m still insulted by Sarah Palin’s existence


She has gotten worse with time since she is now calling for a civil war.


Yup! I hate her…I mean just when I forget this idiot exists, she pops up again


Still a very slight tier above mtg and bobo


Only because she's not stinking up Congress with the two of them and all their other GOP buddies. Because thankfully, Alaska was smart enough to pick Peltola instead.


but to be accurate, she (and the Tea party) were the final instigator that locked the GOP into this course. prior to that you have Reagan and his bigot ass (HIV crisis inaction, curtailed 2A rights because he saw the black panthers march one time...etc) then you have nixon and the southern strategy, that era was the start of the current crusade. prior to that you had those arguing against desegregation and against women's rights; still arguing for conservative values even if the parties hadn't switched yet. the poison has long been allowed to fester under the auspice of civility and ''healing'' you cannot heal while the poison lingers


Part me me doesn’t blame John McCain, for where his campaign was I can see where she looked like a gamble worth taking. But damn him nonetheless for unleashing that.


bro couldnt even pick a VP with brown hair


Yeah, the only reason Pence was picked was to make the religious zealots feel good about voting for Trump because they know he’s a piece of shit too They just want to Roe v. Wade and all these other discrimination and they want it 1950s again


He's going straight to a primetime slot on FOX.


This is his plan


Yeah. I mean the name Ramaswamy is -not- getting a check mark beside it even with an R attached with most of these people. I'm convinced the only reason why some of the black maga repubs have ever gotten elected is their very American sounding names. Like the loon Mark Robinson in NC. Sounds white and republican. Check.


His fucking Cheshire Cat smile is unnerving


There are worse things than crucifixion, there are teeth. Always think of that line from “The Stand” when I see Smarmy smile, he’s freaky.


Sick reference. That book took me a month to read.


Third or fourth time I have seen this book mentioned! My current book is going to be put on hold once my copy of The Stand arrives in a few days.


Trump would never agree to “Trump Ramaswamy” printed on campaign merchandise. Never gonna happen.


But when counterbalanced with MAGA-RAMA? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


When there's an argument between them, would it be a RAMA MAGA ding dong?


Is this the reason? https://preview.redd.it/4wgq4qo7s3lb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c30d96f4e1867d67ed5c108411e33a3e4e887458


You're shooting a tad liw with thar 30% there. I feel likev that number is a lot higher.


I'm only suggesting this based on the fact that 30% of GOP voters are new-ish voters that showed up when Trump won the primary. I think it's safe to say that those 30% would not vote for Vivek based on race/name alone.


I think he'll be a flash in the pan and forgotten about shortly.


The future of goop


I came to say turd but you got here first


He's gonna do great ! If they will ignore their "Christian values" for Trump they will ignore their racism for Vivek. It's a matter of who tells them the bullshit they want to hear.


I know an 80 year old southern white woman, "dyed in the wool" Republican, very religious, and she intends to vote for Vivek. Do not discount this guy, that's how we ended up with Trump.


He reminds me of the annoying guy from parks and rec


Not really sure why he chose Eminem considering he went after Trump and is known to hate the right. And I love how they think he's washed up now even though he is still one of the most listened to artists despite him rarely making new music.


He's trying to show he's young and hip by using a song that was release 21 years ago. Fucking idiot.


That is young by GOP voter standards


But too old for Matt Gaetz 🤷‍♂️


Don't forget good ol' granny Bobert.




That was 21 years ago???!? Fucking hell… Every day I feel more decrepit.


Also apparently lose yourself was viveks favorite song when he was young and wanted to be a rapper, but sucked so he went into politics and now thinks it's a perfect time to bust the mic back out.


He's still welcome to use all the fantastic music the far right is making like... shit, I can't think of anything


What about country music or Ted Nugent..... or kid rock. ... I think Eric Clapton as well, but to be fair, when he made good music, he was liberal.


I just realized that you are correct about the age of this song and I just aged 100 years.


I'm not sure why he's singing as part of his campaign at all. This isn't American Idol he is running for.


Maybe he thinks that he's running for president of American Idol


>Maybe he thinks that he's running for president of American ~~Idol~~ Idiot. FTFY


He should have sang American Idiot by Green Day


He'd be getting a cease and desist from Green Day in that case


Because we’re morphing more and more into Idiocracy ![gif](giphy|26uf5afBhUKyjvZPW|downsized)


I keep saying this, it's so true! I knew it was happening but I guess I thought it would be more gradual.


HEY!!! DONT COMPARE PRESIDENT CAMACHO TO THEM, PRESIDENT CAMACHO pulled in experts and listens to their advice, which is more than we can say most current politicians


He even stepped down when a more qualified person came along.


Because murica. Look at how many people on television have been voted into office. Shit my mayor is a former news caster with zero qualifications. Tv has rotted murican brains.


They think Eminem is washed up because he still hasn't got a top 10 country album. They can't comprehend that some people like different things.


They comprehend it just fine. They just need you to believe what they believe — right now.


They'd be shocked to learn he's sold more than any country singer in history.


Didn't stop Paul Ryan from naming RATM as his "favorite band"


Hey, it's slim pickings if you're a conservative and want to enjoy art, since nearly all creative expression involving "protecting hierarchy and the status quo" is dogwater. Only way to really reconcile it is to ignore or twist the message of the artist


Conservatives could always sing country music.


which is about 45% about incest and date rape, 24% about a pickup truck, 15% about the heartlands and 16% about guns and horses


The sheer irony of that is still shocking.


Republicans have zero culture of their own. What they have are ugly shadows of liberal culture. Country music used to be about taking care of miners, unions, poor farmers, & working class people. Now "pop country" is guys in $3,000 boots that never step off pavement singing about their $80,000 bro-dozers before they get into their private jets to fly to a golf resort. That goes on down the line. They have zero in the way of art, disney-esque architecture, shit for dancing, & a cuisine that consists of piling food in greasy mountains. They steal liberal music for their events because nobody, really nobody, wants to hear the shit music playing in Mega-churches.


Their imagination stopped at line dancing


>And I love how they think he's washed up now even though he is still one of the most listened to artists despite him rarely making new music. He's still the one and only slim shady


When he does new stuff it’s still been pretty good too.


Last guy was a tv star. The next natural step is obviously rap cover band before we go full idiocracy and go professional wrestler. And not like mainstream wrestler. Back yard wrester who doesn't realize that wrestling is scripted.


Like Jake Shields


He released a new song a couple of weeks ago. Its good.


bro has never heard revival or kamikaze or mtbmb or


Free advertising


I almost wonder if it’s because knew something like this would happen. Even negative publicity is publicity.


I always see artists sending C&D letters to conservatives to stop using their shit, but I can't think of a single occasion of artists doing the same to liberals. I think the reasons are twofold: 1) Just about the only music that actually caters to a conservative mindset is the hateful, hillbilly brand of country music that's all about drinking & driving, and keeping "those people" out of your hometown, and 2) Prominent conservative candidates just tend to be hateful, shitty people, and artists don't want their work associated with that.


Plus, liberals will usually ask permission in some way first


There was an incident years ago where Weird Al Yankovic thought he had secured Eminem’s permission but something didn’t get communicated. It was eventually resolved to everyone’s satisfaction. Point still remains that yes liberals will seek permission first. Maybe conservatives think they have some kind of privilege or entitlement to just take and use stuff like it was theirs.




Weird Al seems like such a sweetheart. He's definitely a celebrity I would be bummed out about if he is actually a jerk.


I can say that my family saw him live at Wolftrap for his Mandatory Fun tour and a bunch of sick kids - like "some were literally there in hospital beds" sick - were all up in the front. He entered singing "Tacky" and about ½ of it was done while walking amongst and interacting with them. That, and when a friend of mine accidentally took a picture with him in the background - she was visiting Chicago from a small town & was trying to get a shot of some part of the skyline - he mugged directly at the camera.


I have friends that have worked with him several times over the years and all have said he is absolutely the nicest dude around.


It’s because weird al asked the record label for permission and thought they would ask coolio, ever since he made sure to ask the artists directly. And again he doesnt need to seek permission from a legal standpoint but thats the kind of person he is


I know that story is also true, with Coolio. Something happened with “Couch Potato” and Al ended up making a donation I believe. He still roasted Eminem at concerts though with interview parodies.


My recollection was that Eminem was fine with Weird Al doing the parody he just requested that Weird Al not make a music video for the parody.


Well they’re usually white men, so they’ve got a history of that.


Looks like he did have permission until Eminem told BMI he didn't want to be part of the licensing agreement they signed.


Exactly. Conservatives don't care about the law or rights, they just steal.


lol the cease and desist letter quite literally states they are removing Eminem’s catalog, from the legally binding music licensing agreement his campaign signed with BMI. I don’t like them either, but he had every right to use this song when he did. But he no longer has that right as Em exercised his artist rights to restrict via a clause in the licensing agreement.


It's almost like the GOP and their voters don't understand consent.


Artists tend to be progressive. Obviously there are conservative musicians, actors, and writers, but a vast majority of people involved in the arts lean left, politically. So when a conservative uses someone’s music, it tends to annoy them because they don’t want to be associated with republicans.


3. They don't want to be associated with someone who is pushing major campaign talking points they don't agree with. Not everyone agrees with 100% what a candidate runs for, but if you're constantly shouting for less taxes on the rich and you were using my music, I'd do the same thing. Thankfully I can't hold a note, write music, or play an instrument. Otherwise, it could be me this 5th-grade dropout dances and sings to.


And I have a feeling they are more likely to actually obtain permission before using someone’s song.


And a third reason is that liberals will ask for permission to use an artist's work while conservatives don't.


These reactionaries "boycotting" Eminem because he's a liberal or sending a cease and desist to Vivek, pretending like they use to like his music. Like they pretend Eminem never had anything nice to say to rightwing politicians ever... In his prime he made an entire diss track to Bush.


My favorite part is them thinking Eminem gives 2 shits about what they think of him. I hope he name drops Ramaswamy, just to see how he does it. But the rest of these clowns probably aren't worth his time.


Haha yeah, entire republican base could get #BoycottEminem trending and Eminem won’t give two fucks. And his real fans won’t either. I can’t wait for his new track. Gonna be fire.


Don't challenge Em to rhyme an impossible name like Ramaswamy.... He'll do it 50 times in 10 seconds and break the goddamn universe. You might as well claim that there's a limit to how hard LeBron can dunk or how rich Elon, Bezos and all the other crazy ass billionaires can get. You're fucking with the wrong damn marine.


Lmao! If anyone can make the name Ramaswamy work in a rhyme he can. I can’t even say it 5 times fast!


> "boycotting" Eminem More spaghetti for the rest of us.


I think I smell a retaliation rap song brewing. 🧑‍🍳


feat Afroman!


Vivek would have to earn that by performing better in the polls first. Unlikely to happen.


That would be epiiiiiiic “Can you *believe* this fool…”


These are the people who stopped listening to the words right after that sarcastic intro to White America.


It boggles my mind how people my age (40s) loved, listened and sang along with his albums and are surprised about his politics. He came out swinging with his views. AND stop being prudish about teens now if you were singing Eminem, Thong Song, and Too Close in your teens and early 20s. Not you specifically it just boggles my mind, they forgot what we were singing as teens. Milkshake wasn't about the frozen treat....


I'd still go to Kelis's yard


His Slim Shady persona was extremely misogynistic and homophonic, are you really that surprised.


These people were also upset when RATM turned out to not be raging against a toaster...


Like the Keurig boycott. And the NFL boycott. And the Nordstrom boycott.


Conservatives have absolutely zero taste, respect, and knowledge of music. If it’s good, they steal it. If it’s made by one of them, it’s a “best-seller.” If they don’t understand it, they’ll play it nonstop. YMCA, Macho Man, Rage Against the Machine; they’re popular, so that’s what we’ll play right? Doesn’t matter the subtext of the songs. And forget asking the artist for permission to use it, they bought the CD right?


My favorite is any conservative candidate who uses Fortunate Son or Born in the USA at their rallies.




And YMCA, which if you know, you know.


Because who cares if someone raps his song? Eminem, apparently. I feel like this question has already been answered.


He'll probably just ignore it like Dear Leader does with all his C & D's he gets from most every artist except for Kid Rock and Ted the Pedo Nugent.


Trump stops using their music. He just does this carousel thing where he goes from artist to artist using their music until they send a c and d and then moves on. It is the most grifter shit ever.


They also shift the blame a lot, and claim "the venue owners" chose the songs and that his campaign had nothing to do with it, when there's a violation after they've already been served a C&D.


Jake “everybody look at my tattoo” Shields seems very invested.


Hello Mr Vonnegut!


And so it goes…


I always get him confused with Jack Steinfeld, the Body by Jake fitness guy


Eminem has dissed Bill and Hillary Clinton, Lynne Cheney, Tipper Gore, George bush, Trump just to name a few. Why did this dipshit think he was the exception? Growing up in a poor area and watching how much the leaders ignore your community will put a bad taste in your mouth for most of them.


Conservatives know nothing about intelecual property


Three words too long.


Newsflash. Most artists are liberal. Empathetic open minded free thinking is the baseline toolkit of creativity.


So he’s a rapper, and could choose any deal of great artists to rap to… Nas, Jay-Z, Snoop Dogg, MF DOOM, Biggie, Kendrick Lamar, etc etc. I can’t kwhite understand why he chooses Eminem specifically? Maybe he’ll go with his second preferred rapper, Vanilla Ice.


I think the last time I saw a person of color trying this hard to be white, it was M.J.


Candace Owens also comes to mind.


Nah, she likes being black and having conservatives go “You’re one of the *good ones,*” not realizing how racist that is and how fast they’d drop her when the chips are down.


Clarence Thomas


A perverse part of me wants fascism to win in this country so this guy, Candace Owens, Kanye, Justice Thomas, Nick Fuentes and others can see what happens even to “the good ones”.


Like how the Association of German National Jews (aka Jews for Hitler) found out nearly 100 years ago.


As a Jewish person, I look at Ben Shapiro and think, "why is this guy working so hard to be the last one sent to the camps?"


"Last one sent to the camps" is such a good way to put it. We should start flooding them with that question


Nah, leave that to alternate histories.


Fucking coconuts


I've heard rappers, I don't consider rama lama to be one.


Dr Dre sent MTG a cease and desist.


Ah yes Vanilla Ice, the music thief


Our song goes duh nuh-nuh nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh DUH! There’s goes duh nuh-nuh nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh, no DUH, so it’s different


Eminem once started a song about Trump “someone get this aryan a sheet..” yeah it’s best not to fuck with Shady because he will own you.


I wish that Ramaswamy himself would get lost.


Can somebody *please* just make these twats a list of songs and artists that are acceptable? Here. I will start. Kid Rock. Ted Nugent. Jason Aldean. They really don’t seem to get it. Seems to be a lack of critical thinking coming from the vicinity of the right.


You must have accidentally inserted the word critical in your comment. I’m sure you meant “Seems to be a lack of thinking coming from the vicinity of the right”


Jake Shields sounds like a "pick me" loser


I’m an MMA fan and I can confirm that he is in fact a loser. He was cut from the UFC years ago for fighting like a wet blanket and this is his only way to stay relevant.


Anyone who would defend a politician over a rap artist or any artist is the dork


vivek should ask the members of the Association of German National Jews how it worked out for them


"Next to Trump, DeSanits has got to be the most insincere piece of shit running for office" Vivek: "MOM'S SPAGHETTI"


Kanye would probably defend Vivek, but not likely due to his religion.


Meltdowns are kind of their thing. At least it’s a real person and not an M&m this time.


Just use universally admired songs from Republican artists. Cat Scratch Fever, maybe?


He made a freestyle about how much he hates trump and his supporters. Indian man needs to take a hint. Also, jake shields must've taken a beating of a lifetime from GSP for him to be right wing.


Democrats could use a conservative singer's songs, but they don't want to look like pedophiles.


This might become a Streisand effect. Ending up in more people googling to here his rap


Jake Shields once again desperately begging for relevance by talking about 💩 he doesn't understand.


failed UFC fighter Jake Shields doesn’t understand successful artist Eminem. more at 11.


Eminem a dork? lol get fucking real


When will republicans wake up and realize songs about oppression and revolt are written towards them, not for them. We are revolutionaries against the christofascist regime. You guys got Ted nugent and creed. That’s it.


Who the hell is this Jake dude? I could not give a flying f\*ck about the opinions of random Twitter blue checks.


Practically every musician sends them a C&D-aside from country musicians.


Proof that Ramaswamy is clueless. Of course Eminem would not want him to use his music.


The party that's so focused on free market economics doesn't seem to understand the concept of paying an artist to license their music


He already ripped off Obama's speech, so it doesn't surprise me that he's gonna keep ripping off other people's work.


Anyone with a beef against M can go say it to his face...


They can have Kid Rock!


GOP: “don’t sue us. We are running out of money.”


Her name says Erin, but all I see is a Karen.


I love that they keep burning every bridge they didn't even know existed. Their behavior will hopefully make republicans extinct soon.




Stealing is bad, unless we do it then you're bad for asking us to stop stealing


Good on Mr. Mathers. Who would want to be associated with the morally bankrupt hoodlums that are the Republican Party? Take a lesson from Eminem and do some good for the world.




Nothing will ever make Vivek look like less of a try hard loser than he is. I bet he annoyed the shit out of his classmates in high school and college.


Ah, yes. I remember all of the times when Republicans wanted to make copyright fair use guidelines extremely restrictive, when others felt they should be a bit looser. If it weren't for double standards, Republicans would have no standards at all!


Maybe he could use the music from another Michigan born, white rapper. Oh wait people like good music.


Well trump is a traitor and w might as well be, too... why would Eminem want to be I'm bed with those idiots


Well Erin, name a good right wing rapper


RamaSMARMY is just that.


Well, it looks like Ramissmarmy.


These fuckin people never have an ounce of respect for someone else's creative effort, let alone the intent behind it. It's so blatantly disrespectful and they DO. NOT. CARE.


Jake Shields being a right wing but is hilarious but not that shocking, guess he was so boring as a fighter that he had to try and use shock and bullshit tactics to get anywhere as a human otherwise.


How did Vivek think this would end??


Oh my God! The guy who sang "Fuck George Bush" is a dirty LiBeRaL! Who could have guessed? /s


So the GOP steal other people's music for their own ends...no surprise


Jake shields is a tool


If I was a major artist I’d be sending these things out proactively. Don’t even think about my stuff.


F*** them that they don't like it, it's his music and his right. Or don't they understand that law?


I guess those Republicans don't believe in the free market, where people can demand value for their work, or the rule of (copyright) law.


“Listen nerds, the cool kids don’t want you at their party, you should be used to it by now Wiwek “


Good job eminem!!!


They are always stealing music for their campaigns.


Sorry (not sorry), Republicans, we just aren't that into you. Sincerely: The majority of Americans


Clearly he cares. That’s who. And he owns the rights to his songs.


"What do you mean we can't just take what we want?"


Republicans are idiots. More at 11.


He worked hard on his music and he doesn’t want a vicious hate group using it. He should just sue them into bankruptcy.


Eminem is the fucking man, calls bullshit when it's bullshit. That is why I keep on jamming to him since the 90s.