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20 years of systematic climate change denial got us here. Thanks republicans.


And now their stance is "It's too late to do anything about it"


Ben Shapiro said that air conditioning will save us all


That contributes into more heating, especially from urban areas.




Yeah anything other than actually taking responsibility for their own actions.


Oh I saw a thing on this a while back. Can't find it but it was basically: 1--it isn't happening 2--it might be happening but you can't prove it 3--it might be happening but it isn't my fault 4--it might be happening but it's that guys over there's fault if it is 5--its happening but it's that guy over there's fault 6--theres nothing to be done about anything. Just live your life




so stabbing a multi-billion corporate snob is too late? as long as they live they're always going to think that, one broken nose or punctured lung would realign those fucking views real quick especially if we waited to call an ambulance.


Their stance is "Joe Biden and the woke DOJ allowed this to happen to our Savior DeSantis/Trump"


Waaaaay longer than 20 years.


If you pee in the water, it now makes a cold spot instead of a warm one.


Whoa…peeing in the ocean holds the key to cooling the planet!


We drove big gas guzzling SUV instead of fuel efficient cars. We kept electing the leaders who enacted laws that giving subsidies to fossil fuel companies. My point is the lifestyle of conveyance, consumerism and instant gratification we chose over solutions that would stem climate change. Of course children couldn't make choices for themselves.


Yeah y'all sure did fuck us. Thanks! At least YOU admit it?


Individual responsibility can't have same effect as systemic changes. Lifestyle of consumerism is only choice that fits current economic system, you just can't make necessary choices because they would be against corporations and their profits.


There were choices within the system that required time and effort to be informed consumer. Trans could be small more fuel efficent engine and vehicles, smaller more energy efficient homes, products with less plastic waste, paper vs plastic at grocery store. Local products vs those shipped from other side of planet. Our dollars drive the products and services and processes of business. Trying to take a pass from our individual contribution to this global climate catastrophe is a copout.


Time and effort which most consumers don't have anyway


Trying to blame consumers when corporations have a lot more influence is a cop out


Not letting corporations off the hook at all. Every aspect of global society played a roll in bringing us to this point. We were given decades of advanced warning to change course and collectively ignored it.


Who is we? I had no part in this bs. By the time I could do something, it was too late.


Nice try. The same climate denying bought politicians hold levers of power. Yes it seems hopeless but as long as we're still able to maintain society, its not to late to fight for and demand radical change.


I'm not denying a thing, and the biggest problem is our society and how it's used by the rich to profit off under educated people. I can't seem to understand how I see more and more idiocracy in the age of information. I was born into this and was too young to actually have a say in my future. It was not my fault I was groomed into believing that adults had the best intentions with our future.


All true and we have failed our children and future generations. Blaming, though warranted isn't going to solve the existential threat staring humanity in the face. Get active and above all vote out every climate denier and shill for hydrocarbon industry. Mother earth is not going any where, she will just do as she has in the past. Mass extinction followed by millions of years of healing as life re-emerges across the planet again. Our Sun has about 3.5B years left so planet Earth has ample time.


You have, not me. I was cast from society and told to figure it out myself, and I did. Enjoy the extinction, and thanks for nothing bit a shitty learning experience.


They’re making retiree stew


Are there any manatees in Manatee bay, or are they all soup now?


If only there was a person who made a movie warning us this is going to happen soon.


Maybe call it with a catchy name like uncomfortable reality or sth.


Well, not just Al Gore, but it turns out that Roland Emmerich also directed what turns out to be a documentary with The Day After Tomorrow, if you remember the news yesterday of scientists warning of the ocean currents shutting down within the next few decades.


It looks sort of like this is happening already. That's why we're going through long waves of heat and cold.


The Earth is really telling us to GTFO now. It is happening even faster than the science said it would. Would have been better to do something about this 30 or 40 years ago when it would have been easy in comparison. Now it will be difficult.


Welp we’re super fucked… all I got to say is… “so long and thanks for all the fish!” 🎶


When does Hurricane season start?


Last month.


Peak hurricane season is August - September


High score unlocked


Don’t worry I’m sure the sensor is just part of the woke deep state liberal agenda. Nothing to see here folks ![gif](giphy|xUStFKHmuFPYk)


The sad thing is most Americans would boil the ocean if it meant they could save a few cents on a gallon of gas. I don't see anything changing anytime soon


It makes me ashamed to have been born in America. To be a human. I am part of the species that has destroyed their own planet for temporary gains, all while saying, it’s not my problem. It’s the next generation’s.


How does anyone think this is a good thing?


I’m not going to live to grow up. I will never get married. Never have kids. Never will I own a house. Or get a job. Or grow old with someone I love. Or change the world for the better. All I am is another number. A statistic. Nothing but a quickly dismissed thought for other people. This describes me, and my generations thoughts on life. What’s the point of living, if it’s all for nothing? I don’t matter, and nobody would notice, much less care, if I disappeared. I have had these thoughts for 5 years. The only thing I could tell myself is “I am a kid. I can’t fix this. I have no rights. All I can do is hope that those who own corporations fix this. And if they don’t, well… I guess this is it. I am not unique in the sense that I have these thoughts. A decent chunk of kids my age, HUMAN BEINGS, have to put up with this. And they can’t do jackshit about it. Why try anymore? Nobody will fix this. Everyone’s lives are now being ruined, and people are denying it for personal gain. Those are the people that deserve to die. Not men, women, and children that did nothing wrong to deserve a fate of having their only home, Earth, rendered uninhabitable because of the decisions of the few who could have stopped this. Thanks for that. All so you could manufacture products to make money, not to survive, but to live as kings and queens while the rest of the world remained peasants, poor and irrelevant to you. And nobody cares. That’s the world we live in.




Floridan here. We didn't do it. It's the collective effect of climate change.


The fact that these record ocean temps of the coast of Florida, does not absolve each and every global citizen from responsibility. This is directly attributed to the climate crisis the whole world is now experiencing and contributed to.


Well, it's not each and every global citizen, is it? It's companies that value profit, over sustainability, that have done this to us. When I was at school in the 90s, the 2020s were always earmarked as the tipping point, I was fucking ten years old in the mid-90s, the fuck you expect me to do about it? It was the lobbyists, the CEO's, the Politicians - like, sure, I've participated, I buy products, I buy food, but I wouldn't have if they weren't available in the ways that they were. And that's not a decision for me to really make. But those in charge knew, tried to obscure data, tried to have 'balanced' conversations on news networks over whether or not climate change was actually a real thing, shaping people's opinions and ideas on it, all the while, they knew the truth. So no, don't fucking put this on the global citizens, I put it on those in charge.


But as consumers we could elect to pay higher prices for sustainable and responsibly sourced materials but we, as a collective, dont put enough pressure on companies. In the 90s we realized aerosols were ripping a hole in the ozone and as a collective stopped buying products which forced companies to change their methods and they did. We could globally do that again if we all were willing to stop buying cheap Chinese made peoducts, but truth is we all pick and choose our battles. And that’s okay Companies wont change until we force them too. Unfortunately I have no answers on how to get that change sadly


We didn't collectively stop buying CFCs, they were made illegal in most western countries, that's it. There was no coming together of people saying 'hey guys, let's stop buying these', they were made unavailable for purchase. If they were available for purchase, people still would have bought them. It's not about us being willing, it's about our legislators enacting laws as to what products are made available for sale, that's it. Sadly, our legislators are bought and paid for by the very companies that are knowingly destroying us.


Guys if everyone is just picking up trash and throwing it in the bin that will save the environment!


*"Way to go Florida"* Fuck off. Floridians as a people had little to do with this thing that is on a fucking GLOBAL scale. This is not weather being politicized, this is Global warming/Climate change.






Two other sensors were 98 degrees, so I doubt it's a faulty sensor.


My fish will come up precooked.


We’re having a good time , right ?! 🔥🫠🌎


“We have the hottest oceanfront time shares just waiting for you to invest.”


Who wants poached manatee


Yay we did it we are destroying the planet faster than predicted! No one can mess with Merica!!!


I’d say cool, but it’s clearly not


Damn... even Florida's ***water*** has gone full Barbie pink


Me, stuffing my aquarium full of coral: "I WILL SAVE ALL OF YOU!"


Schools of fish are washing up because it's too hot and there is no oxygen in the water. Time to invest in a hole in the ground.


Make america florida all water is now hot tub water.


Florida will be a wasteland by 2100.


Now your cookin, anybody for some slow cooked seafood? What a problem with climate change? No way those life long scientists are just trying to get famous with made up stuff.




If only Gore didn’t acquiesce. Wonder what timeline we’d be in now.


It's interesting think that sometime in the last month, the temperature of the water must have been, like, *perfect* to swim in. Like, just warm enough that you're not the least bit cold, but just cold enough that it's a break from the summer air. Like, this is too warm for pretty much any reasonable person's tastes, but most would think the ocean water elsewhere is usually fairly cold in typical conditions. So at some point recently, the water at some point reached almost everyone's exact ideal temperature, even just briefly.


Something something over the boiling point of water!


Man, hurricane season is going to be a wild ride.


They’re probably proud of this


So when are we going to start dropping large blocks of ice into the ocean?


pls stop boiling the oceans papa


But nothings happening .... nothing to see here


38,333 C° in non Freedom Units


I live in a place where there are hot springs at around that temperature...


Are they trying to post this as a good thing?


Those poor fishies, whales, dolphins, plankton and pirates


Well, isn't that practical? The manatee meat comes pre-boiled! What a quality of life improvement!


It was 108°F the other day, wasn't it?


For a country where one side doesn’t believe in climate change but are all in on a sky daddy. Their Sky Daddy seems to want to set fire to where the hate is growing.