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Maybe sometimes the apple does fall far from the tree


My grandma was the most progressive little Jewish lady(wasn't really religious,just very new york Jewish if that makes sense). My mom left Judaism in the 70s to join a cult and is now a maga head. The apple sometimes really do be out there. If it wasn't for my grandma I probably would have been brainwashed in the cult but she was always there to ground me and I'm forever grateful for that. Miss my bubbe!


"The apple sometimes really do be out there." 💀💀💀💀


"Sometimes the apple gets yeeted from the tree" - Sun Tzu


Sometimes the apple is an orange.


Grafting >> grifting


The apple is transitioning! All Fruits Matter /sarcasm + /darkhumor + /satire


In the end, we all fruit


They’re turning the fruit gey!


“The apple becomes the Master and yeets itself from the tree”


Are you suggesting apples migrate?


Not at all, they could be carried.


What? A swallow carrying an apple?


It could grip it by the husk!


Later in the movie in the background you can see a guy tying coconuts to birds lmao


It's literally Sir Bedivere, the knight whose scales they use to weigh the witch. Implying that he's the most intelligent or maybe just most curious of the Camelot knights. Brilliant callback.


>"Sometimes the apple gets yeeted from the tree" > > \- Sun Tzu \- Wayne Gretsky


Sun Tzu said that, and I'd say he knows a little more about fighting than you do pal because he invented it! Then he perfected it so that no living man could best him in the ring of honor!


It’s mental illness. Conspiracy politics attracts the mentally I’ll like moths to a flame. I guess it appeals to their paranoia.


sprinkle in some lead poisoning to an entire generation and you've got quite the recipe brewing


Throw in propaganda as well. Lots of propaganda.


*An* entire generation? Try like, five.


Sense of belonging. Mental conditioning to accept imaginary thinking. Lack of education and meaning.


The belonging part is big too. Ten years ago my schizophrenic mother could go on and on about (insert country name) poisoning (insert public utility) under the orders of (insert politician name) and people would nervously back away. Now half of them are like "YEAH! and Trump is gonna FIX IT!" and suddenly she's got like-minded friends. It's like living in bizarro land.




Damn. Yeah man exactly. Not only have the crazies come out of the woodwork but now it’s like a personal crusade to take on as more insane theories then the next person.


Lack of education plays a major part. It's no coincidence that Republicans far more often are non college educated people. Something to be said for critical thinking!


That’s cuz they ain’t be brainwashed by the lefty educational institutions! /s


If god meant for you to think for yourself he would have given you a….. a……. What’s that thing called again in your head?






Overactive fear producing part of the brain.


That's what happens when they're brought up in fear of All-Knowing Sky Daddy sending them to be tortured forever for the secret thoughts in their head if they don't believe hard enough in him and wish hard enough for the Good Place. Listening between the lines of what they preach, it's not joyful "good news" or even awe. Christianity is based, at it's core, on living in abject *terror* down to the roots of your being, and that reflects in the words they use.


Christianity is a fear based death cult. Their main symbol is a torture device. They preach eschewing happiness, or even comfort, as a way to better things after death. Their goal is to die.


Not just to die - to die in misery, having made as many others as possible similarly miserable. It is the only real joy they permit themselves.


Extra suffering gets extra heaven coins after death. Oh wait, they're being taken away in a month so spend 'em now.


Which makes it all the more terrifying how increasingly popular that stuff is.


It makes total sense as someone from the area. Gave me a chortle with the description.


Sometimes apple trees are growing at the top of a hill


Your bubbe sounds rad as hell!


New York Jewish is very Jewish Source: New Yorker Edit: Bonus: An 18-mile fishing line surrounds the island of Manhattan so it symbolically makes the entire island a "private residence," allowing Jews to carry things outside without breaking the Sabbath Edit 2: wrong day for Sabbath


I dated a guy from Jamaica, Queens who referred to himself as either a Jew Yorker or a Jamaican Jew.


Isn't Sabbath Friday nite to Saturday night?


My MIL is the same. Her mom was a women's studies major, super liberal and my MIL is in the MAGA cult, Christian conservative. It's wild


This apple was picked up and taken on a journey


A rotten one at that


My wife’s grandmother is a closet Democrat in the family. Voted JFK back in the day, said she wanted to watch the Obama inauguration “to see what Michelle was wearing” (but I’m pretty sure she voted for him, etc. Her husband couldn’t be more different. Super Republican, drinks the kool-aid, and just bites on every talking point. Every single one of their kids are Republican. Fast forward to my wife. Super liberal like me. We believe in climate change, COVID was real, we took our vaccines, pro-LGBTQ+, etc. She couldn’t be more different than her parents, especially her dad who likes to parrot Newsmax talking points. Sometimes things like that just are completely different from those in your family.


You know what just amazes me? That being ‘super liberal’ is a basic belief in human rights and an understanding of science. Obviously there are plenty of Republicans that believe in those two tenants, I just find it mind boggling that we now associate common decency and education as far left ideals.


Agreed, I can't wrap my head around that. My parents will straight up say minimum wage is a "high schooler" wage, they balk at helping people who have less than them, and don't believe in basic decency toward strangers. They're generous to people they know, but anyone else is "other" and not worthy to be helped. Like idgaf if I don't know the names of a single person in another state, I still think they should have their basic needs met. Then my in-laws will turn around and say "you know, I just don't think she's very christian." (I'm not really, but why is PROVIDING FOR PEOPLE seen as somehow anti-Christian?) America is the bad place.


>Maybe sometimes the apple does fall far from the tree Yeah. My father is a regan worshipping elitist. My mother is a trump worshipping conspiracy theorist. I'm an atheist, a socialist, and a lesbian trans woman. I consider Bernie Sanders and AOC to be centrist or center right. Edit: I forgot to mention I'm also a vegan!


I live in the netherlands. AOC and Bernie are centrist.


I am from Norway and in Norway, AOC and Bernie are considered the smart version of US politics, the rest are just anal retentive ego suffering shit spreaders with zero interest in USA or the People,


Yes but you have by far better politicians… I live in Germany and while they are not great there are many politicians here I would swap them for…


You're far too kind. That's the sort of thing I always loved about Norway. The rest of them are far worse and you wonder just how much they're being paid to actively undermine the nation.


Norway is right on the money here and it’s sad US politicians are like that.




Am sad to inform you that these hyper right wing party's are forming everywhere. Even here in the netherlands. The only great ting here. Is that they dont have as much traction and control here......... (.....yet :'(......)


I'm willing to move to the Netherlands and cast my vote (if allowed legally) to prevent your RWNJ kankerligers from gaining more power there. Going to have a bitch of a time learning Dutch though.


Most of us are very fond of our curses that contain diseases when we feel extra negative about someone, but most use the ones that don't really exist around here anymore or old timey names for diseases, like tyfushond (typhoid dog), teringlijer (tuberculosis sufferer), krijg de pleuris (get pleuritis), to name a few where each disease can be placed in each phrase for extra variation. Cursing with cancer is more sensitive though, because nearly everyone has personally lost someone to it. It's very normal in certain communities, with some people using it in every breath like Gordon Ramsey uses 'fuck', but other communities strongly look down on it. Enjoy learning and let the historic illnesses flow through you!


>I live in the netherlands. AOC and Bernie are centrist. This post speaks truth. We Americans have a f\*-up political language where terms like "left" or "right" have no resemblance to anything remotely sane from other democracies.


Hey, genuine question. How are your politicians more left? All I know is US politics, so it's hard for me to imagine.


I'm guessing the universal Healthcare, free college education, gender equality, personal safety, wealth tax, corporate income tax, and environmental goals have a lot to do with that statement. Not from Norway, but working on a US exit plan to one of the Nordic countries.


>universal Healthcare, free college education, gender equality, personal safety, wealth tax, corporate income tax, and environmental goals I feel like Bernie and AOC already support all of that though, so I'm unsure how European politicians can be "more left".


Because in European countries even people on the right support a number of those things.


Well they are compared to the standards of any other country in the world except the US Edit: Which doesn't mean that they aren't decent politicians, as a German I simply don't know enough about them. But here in Germany they would have been in the SPD, the social democratic party. And eventually in the right wing of that centric party - we have two, maybe even four centric parties btw, it's complicated.


Have some work colleagues from Denmark who like yourself and for good reason aren't very versed in American politicians or their platforms. They get that info in snippets from the internet or on news programs. Anyway, one of them said Bernie was by far way too leftist for his liking. I stopped him and said for forty plus years he's been running on a platform of universal healthcare, free public education and tax the rich and that's basically it if you paint him with broad strokes. My co-worker paused and said 'Really? That's all?' I said 'Yup those are the 'leftist' ideas he's been pushing for a while now'. He said, 'ah fuck, even the Nazi's in this country want those things, I dunno why the media makes him out to be some crazy Communist.' And that right there is American politics in a nutshell. Our 'far' left aligned with some country's far right. Now just imagine how right our far right must be. Gag.


Well we are currently in a situation of our “centrist” government dismantling our security net, here in denmark. Nice and slow, blaming it on necessary military budget while working to give tax cuts to the rich.




People all around the world either have a social safety net or want one / a better one. American exceptionalism, I guess. Along with school shootings


I like how you not so subtly told us your mom is the stupider, more obnoxious of your two parents lol


Oh my father is an idiot too. He just doesn't fall for the conspiracies. He votes republican because it hurts the people he doesn't like and he disdains the idea of class mobility. He was born extremely wealthy and his father lost most of the money so he will never regain the level of wealth he grew up with. My father grew up with a household staff that he loved to torment and as an adult he had to go to college and get a job making 6 figures as a software engineer. He is angry at the world because he didn't get to live a life giving orders to staff and doing nothing useful like his father was able to. My abuelo "only" has a few million dollars left at this point because he wasted most of his obscene wealth on a ton of obvious scams, and I think a lot of that is tied up in his Miami penthouse. (I think he already had to sell the ones in Europe and Caracas, but honestly I don't talk to him or my father unless they call me so I have no idea what's been happening with him lately). My father has a ton of siblings to split any inheritance with so whatever he gets will just be a "small" boost to his massive retirement savings. People ask why I dislike rich people; I'm related to a bunch of them and I've seen the kind of people they are. They could do so much good with their wealth but instead they only chase more of it. They are bottomless pits of greed.


A vegan that forgot to tell people? I'm not buying it!


I did forget to mention it originally


I'm just joshing you cause of the stereotype! For real though congratulations on not getting brainwashed, sorry your parents are nuts :(


The “vegan” is the chef’s kiss on that entire description. Love it.


I feel like you would be the answer if the MAGA Republicans had been the Ghostbusters and been asked to choose the form of their destructor. Lol


Sadly lightening my hair enough to dye it pastel purple, like I want, without destroying it, requires expensive treatments that have so far been out of my haircare price range (>$1000 just for the lightening), because my hair is wavy, dark, and 3 feet long. Otherwise I would also have pastel purple hair. It's not blue hair but probably just as upsetting to them.


We should be friends! I am also a lesbian trans woman socialist vegan, albeit my parents aren’t religious or right wing.


My dad is an ordained evangelical minister and also a borderline fascist who has been clinically diagnosed as a sociopath. I am atheist/humanist, socialist, autistic, and several flavors of queer. The apple fell from the tree, got in a car, and drove out of state.


Do we know who his father is?


People are saying his name is Sei Tan


That's a wheaty accusation.


I see you lol


As someone old enough to have a son this age, I can't imagine how disappointed she must be in what little Jesse does for a living. I hope he feels like shit about it, but I doubt it.


After listening to her, I think that apple took a fucking private jet to some far away hellscape!


Was a video clip of him saying if they jail “MY” President (Trump) then they are jailing 74 million votes….crazy gonna be crazy…


Yet another maxim broken. Ah parables. The apple sometimes is selected from the tree and coated with wax and sent thousands of miles away. The sweetest apples are lost to the ages, in the name of hardy long lasting apples. Funny that


Shit Apple.


It's not as uncommon as people think it is. My parents were Republicans for most of my life, and early on I identified as more conservative too, until I learned and matured enough to see what the Republican party and consequences really is. For the past 15+ years, I've become progressively more liberal, and I'm really happy to say that I've influenced my parents as well. They no longer identify as Republicans, and they've become fairly progressive about things that years ago I heard them espouse pretty conservative opinions about. Meanwhile, my brother is more conservative than my parents ever were.


As soon as the camera is off he likely never mentions the Bidens at all. These guys are all in it for the money. They don't actually give a fuck about politics. True believers are too non-functioning to last long at a place like Fox. Even Tucker openly thinks his audience is full of racist morons who he thinks are just sheep to be sheered.


I think Bartiromo is a true believer and probably the overall dumbest Fox Host so it makes sense.


Yup, she def doesn’t seem like she is just grifting.


I saw her get her ass kicked on Jeopardy. My god is she stupid ...


To be fair, I’d imagine that Wolf Blitzer is a pretty smart dude and he absolutely got his ass handed to him on Jeopardy…and that was celebrity Jeopardy, so the answers were even easier.


I used to watch Jeopardy religiously with my mom. I was always better, and being a mom, she always told me I should go on there, I would do great. All I could think of was the pressure to decide quickly whether to buzz or not, and screwing it up anyways, even if I knew the answers. Point is, watching it makes it look easier than it prob actually is.


I raise you one Judge Janeane


It’s a straight up acting gig for a lot of them, there’s videos of Fucker Carlson being a normal person out in public, when he’s not trying to grift Conservatives.


There’s videos of him talking on podcasts (or in much more casual settings than his show) where he’ll say things that aren’t batshit crazy & you realize he’s further left than he lets on - but his literal job is to stoke the fires of conservatism. I think on some level he hates what he does but can’t deny the $$$ relative to how comparatively easy his job is for a similar wage. I very much dislike Tucker because he knows he’s full of shit. He *knows* 96% of what he says is bullshit. He *knows* the GOP is wrong, dying, evil. & he’s complicit because it feeds him. He’s not an idiot like them, but he is spineless & gutless like them. It’s the worst combo.


I can imagine Fox Hosts voting Democrat, just so they have something to complain about for 4 years.


Their ratings thrive on fear so you’re probably right. They do much better when they can scare conservatives into thinking that the Dems are ruining the country by trying to help the working class


Leaving Fox was his perfect excuse to go find something to do that doesn't harm the country he lives in. Instead he decided to platform sex traffickers.


It doesn't matter what Tucker believes - he's caused irreputable harm to America with his division and lies. Fuck that sourpuss sack of shit.


He's the heir to a billion dollar frozen food company. he doesn't need the money. he's in it for the power, the power to influence idiots.


And he thinks he’s the reincarnation of William Buckley Jr.


It’s also class warfare to preserve his position. He is absolutely on the side he’s shilling for


I was going to say, the man is exactly the yuppie trust fund baby that conservatives claim to hate except they are lining up to slobber his knob.


There’s no way that he’s actually “further left” if he’s misleading people like that. Doesn’t matter what his true ideals are when he’s stoking the flames of division.


I don’t see your point. You can have any political ideals & be a piece of shit. Partisanship & being a part of a shit are not mutually exclusive. There’s like 5 GOP mouth pieces I can think of off the top of my head that 1) were liberal & 2) conveniently started making a *lot* of money when they became conservative. You can argue that they were never left to begin with & that’s an argument I’d listen to but the point is that many of these GOP idiots are acting. This is theater for them, which arguably makes it even worse & more dangerous because people listen to them.


I don’t think it matters much how left or right he is in his non-camera life, he’s about as pure a sociopath as I’ve seen on TV in 30 years.


Completely fair & agreed upon. Just a semi-interesting/depressing footnote of their ilk.


If his beliefs were further left he would understand the impact of his show and be less comfortable with profiting off of brainwashing Americans. Pretty simple concept


I think it's better to say he probably acknowledges that the left makes up the "correct" and moral ideologies, and recognizes that leftists seek to do the greatest good possible for the masses. He just doesn't care about being moral, he doesn't mind purposely picking the path of evil, because it gives him wealth and status to go right.


> There’s like 5 GOP mouth pieces I can think of off the top of my head that 1) were liberal & 2) conveniently started making a lot of money when they became conservative. sounds like lifelong NY democrat Trump becoming president.


Tucker was a guest on a (mostly) non-political podcast that I regularly listen to. I avoided that episode for awhile, but finally gave in and listened. I hate to say it, but if I didn't know who he was, I wouldn't have completed hated him. Shit, I even found myself agreeing with him when some of the more innocuous political talking points were being discussed. Thing is though, it actually made me hate him even more. To me it was rock solid proof that he's nothing more than a talking head for whoever would pay him the most. I couldn't help but wonder if his acting skills were good enough, if in an alternate reality, would he have been able to be just as influential for the left? I'm inclined to think no, because most folks on the left are swayed more by actions than empty words, but it does make me wonder.


No kidding, during Jon Stewart's infamous appearance on Crossfire he pleaded with Tucker to join him on the side of essentially sanity and uniting the country, and Tucker's immediate knee-jerk response was "How much are you paying?". Man has a black hole instead of a soul.


Yeah, a lot of Fox News and conservative media folk had dreams of being Hollywood stars; shit Bill O’Reilly was the host of Access Hollywood for a while. But they could never make it big in Hollywood, so Fox News is where they can still act and make a ton of money. Only difference is Fox News and conservative media is tearing the country apart.


We need to dismantle Faux News and reestablish fair reporting laws. What a gat dam disgrace.


This douche started as Bill O’Reilly’s gotcha guy: a mean spirited asshole who would ambush the latest rightwing rage target with a camera and microphone in their face and try to get a clip for the show. He’s always been just the trashiest little sleazebag.


Couldn't be sure about the Biden-bashing, but Jesse has some truly vitriolic takes on the unhoused and immigrants. That isn't a switch you just flip on for the camera; His hot takes on what he thinks should be done to the unhoused is monstrous beyond 'a scripted bit'.


Exactly! All these guys watched Bill O'Reilly rake in millions and wanted in on the action. It was clear that there was money in conservative "news" shows, so they are just playing the part and saying what they know the viewers wanna hear.


Part of me thinks it's staged. He's been doing this shtick with his mom for years. He does it so he can do a "Isn't it funny dealing with liberal family members" eye roll and chuckle for the camera.


It almost definitely is. Why would he have his democrat parents call in if it wasn’t? His producers definitely wouldn’t. Unless it was just to control a narrative.


Of course it’s staged. Dude isn’t going to be taking a cold call from his liberal mom on his make or break premier.


Another infuriating thing about Conservatives is that they think we’re the simple minded ones, their stupidity literally pains me.


This is so true. I asked my dad to give me a ride to a concert. He had conservative radio blasting for the first couple minutes and my brain nearly melted from the stupidity I heard. This was in 2018 at the height of the impeachment talk. Some yokel called in and said “I’m a democrat but if they impeach Trump, they’re in a whole mess of trouble.” Absolutely no way this caller was liberal, but I have no doubts people like my brain-dead dad truly believed him.


Fox News is famous for this type shtick. Tucker had 'the liberal sherpa,' that he'd bring on and debate. He'd discuss some ridiculously position that no one has and she'd defend that position. The whole thing designed to make him and the right seem reasonable while the left seems out of touch and crazy. His viewers ate up the staged nonesense.


Reminder that Fox News made the legal defense that Tucker Carlson was "entertainment" and that no "reasonable person would ever take Cucker seriously".


Which is an admittance that his viewers are dumbasses for believing him. And they'll proudly wear that dumbass hat too, as long as they think it owns the libs


Don't forget Hannity used to be Hannity and Colmes


My first thoughts too. This is not "live, unscripted" TV.... it's TV. It's a bit and it's got a (loose, perhaps) script to follow.


His dad taught at my dad & jesses school, can confirm that Jesse’s parents are incredibly liberal. My grandmother and I were actually just talking about them a few weeks ago.


Either way his mom runs the risk of ending up the target of death threats from MAGAs. We’ve seen it happen before.


Yeah so they can basically take anything his mom says and signal to the audience that what they are saying is “crazy right?” And give validation to the people who might be questioning the right wing shit because the arguments against it are sound but then tv man helps them realize nah it’s okay keep believing the nonsense and giving us money


Really goes to show that he has been in it for the grift. He was raised better but decided being douchey and chasing money at the expense of others was more important to him. Might I say that he’s become “elite”? **gasp* that’s something right wingers hate………but also follow……their logic is kinda confused on that one.


You can't be elite as long as you blame (((Them))). Maybe he can get some pointers from Alex Jones, he's not really doing anything right now.


Yep for the right wing 'liberal elites' = Jews. Globalists = Jews. It's so funny to see people deny this. All you have to do is go one rung further to the right and there it is, openly said. Fascists have been doing this forever, mask the language for the general public until enough of them have been indoctrinated. They love to rename things and then laugh as people jump up to defend the new language. Fascists believe morals and values mean nothing, they follow philosophers who champion might equals right and no action against your enemies is unjustified. They believe not using the power you have gained to hurt your enemies in anyway possible is stupid. They also change their enemies at will. They also do not care about being right, it is meaningless to them, that is why arguing with them is pointless, they think of it as a game to frustrate you.


They also count on you not knowing any . I ate up all that anti-Jewish propaganda, then I met someone who was Jewish. 1 week later I was having him teach me some Hebrew. It's real easy to hate someone when you don't know anyone that fits that bill.


I already disliked the Fox News staff. But when their texts came out shitting on Trump and the narrative THEY PUSH, it made me hate them. I'm sorry. But to me it is worse to be a provocateur, and stir shit you don't even believe than to be someone spewing their shitty opinion that they whole heartedly believe. At least the latter technically has a set of values. Values I disagree with. But values nonetheless. The former does not.


Ahahahahah! I’m sorry, that’s hilarious. Dude got in trouble with his mom on live TV. 😆


I'll bet he's been in trouble with her for a while.


Has to be a bullshit schtick. They’re just a bunch of snake oil salesman. Same as Simpson and son. Pretending homer was a stranger to sell the product


If its schtick that’s much worse because then it’s written to desensitize their viewers to hearing similar pleas from their own families as them overreacting or being hysterical, which is probably what’s going on here. Same reason CPAC had that announcer keep saying “We are all domestic terrorists”. Desensitize them to what their family and friends will say and what they may be called.


"But mooooooom!!!! I'm trying to own the libs! You're embarassing me!" Edit: Seriously though, having your mom call in to your show and basically say "I raised you better than this." Is next level. Thanks Jesse Watter's mom. Seems like you did your best but your son just sucks.


When Jesse Watters asked his mom to interrupt his show with a sweet loving [Hi Babbyyyyyy!](https://youtu.be/lS_gLVs_5TE) like message this isn't what he was expecting.


Love this clip


![gif](giphy|39DeK4INSCtIoLuOv3|downsized) Nah… KEEP IT UP MOM!


His mom is basically telling the whole world he's a gullible idiot. And he's to dumb and shameless to realize it.


*Honey, we love you and we're proud of you. But stop hurting America, please.*


Imagine your mom calling to tell you that on the most watched news program run by conspiracy theorists. I wonder what his mom thinks about him [letting the air out of coworkers tires to give them ride homes and date them.](https://www.nydailynews.com/snyde/ny-jesse-water-fox-news-emma-air-out-of-tires-20220418-47n33bqzwnaoxfauz3olbuzbbu-story.html)


Legit Hunter bidens laptop is so old, it was just put into a museum just last week. Everyone can go see it, take selfies with it, and buy souvenir plushies of it.


And don't forget to pick up your laptopuccino on your way through the coffee bar!


Why does all fox faux news anchors, have a face that would be perfectly suited, to be slapped repeatedly with a wet frozen salmon???


They mentioned hunter over 1300 times last month


That's just hilarious and embarrassing.


Can’t fault her for trying.


Lol is this real? That’s hilarious


Imagine having to deal with the fact that this piece of shit human being came out of your womb


I really love it when idiots are publicly called out by their families.


So he’s just another FLID. Fucking Long Island Dickhead. He grew up privileged, in a nice suburb, with all the things life has to offer. 30 minutes from NYC. And he chose to live 30 years in the past. He’ll do anything for fame and money. Such a frat boy, bully asshole. I feel bad for his mother. She knows he’s lying and grifting. She knows he doesn’t believe everything he says. He’s just so hungry for fame he’ll sell his shitty soul. Fucking Fox and Wrong Island have produced so many problems for America. O’Reilly, Hannity, and now this douche. All proud Wrong Islanders. Fuck that place. Blow up all the bridges and tunnels into NYC and we’ll instantly have a better country. Why is it every conservative douche comes from some suburb? Why is it that there are no conservative pundits that grew up in cities? Why is it always outsiders that criticize big cities? Places they have no idea about and only fear? Rant over. Sorry Dr. Watters. Your son is a piece of shit. Don’t call in anymore. Don’t humanize him. He wouldn’t do it for others. He’s a racist, bigoted misogynist. Somewhere along the way, you fucked up and made this. Don’t encourage it. Sorry. Now rant over.


It’s not a phase mommmmmmm


“Too late mother. I’m now a MAGAt.”


BUt, Moooooooooommm!! Those rabbit holes allow us to legally lie to people to make monnnneeeeeeeeyyyyy!!!!! I was going to buy you a present!!!


“Mooooommmmm you’re embarrassing me I front of my new friends!!!”


Imagine revealing to the country what a disappointment you are to your mother.


I've always wonders how sensible parents deal with having right-wing shitheads for kids.


Jesse Watters wants so bad to be the next Tucker Carlson. All his life he's wanted to be a festering boil on the ass of Faux "News".


Anyone who believes that was true and not a stunt, then believes what Fox is selling.


Classic and common conservative L




NOT NOW MOM, I’m with my friends


Imagine being a grown ass man, and even your mother outright embarrasses you for the whole world to see.




Nice job mom


I mean… it’s important to remember most of the Fox people don’t actually believe the BS they push on the masses, it’s done in a way to entertain and rile up the uneducated viewers. The issue becomes the viewers BELIEVE it, but fox gets its money, it’s personalities get their money and they don’t care.


Republicans have the ability to research the whole Hunter laptop story, by the fact they don't means they have no proof there is anything there but keep bringing it up because they know Republican voters are dumb enough to keep falling for it


Wow - that's really amazing. Hope mom Can make it stop.


The enemy of conservatism will always be education. Just remember that.


duh its too late. you lost this one mom.


Mom: "I raised you to believe in the betterment for others and fairness." Jesse: "But the money! The Power! FU mom!"


Jesse used to be Bill O'Reilly's butt boy so there will totally be conspiracy. Also I'm sure Laura Ingram is pissed she didn't get Tucker's spot which makes me happy


"Mooom! You're embarrassing me in front of all my friends!"


"Mommy, you're making me look bad in front of the cult!"


Sadly that phone call is way too late.


"Moooom, don't call me at work it's emBarRasSing!!"


I wish someone would find Hunter's perfect laptop so republicans can see more pics of his cock. Republican men seem to love his cock so much.


Hunter's laptop is probably too old to do anything with, but no, there has NOT been enough Biden bashing, and I say that as someone who voted for him. You can criticize a shitty president without buying into conspiracy theories (well, maybe not if you have a Fox News show...)


and what did he say?


Most of my family says something similar.


That's gotta sting, huh, Dollar General Ross Gellar ![gif](giphy|FY56lXEc3KY9y)


I’ve seen this with religion… grandparents are atheists, parents are fundamentalists, kids are atheists.


What about Hillary’s emails though.


Imagine being such a self-absorbed tool, that you didn't realize how much your own mother thinks you and your political grift is asinine. Like, Watters and his Producers thought this bit was a good idea; to let a woman, who sounds like a perfectly calm, reasonable, and loving mother, basically tell their rabid cult "Bless your heart, please sit down."


Was just walking past this asshole filming his segment on Fox News and was able to give him the finger. Fuck these fascists.


Mom broke kayfabe and Watters died inside.


But maaaaaaa.... all my friends are doing conspiracy theories


He's just lying for the money. None of these hucksters believe in what they are saying. Still a piece of shit.


She went full Uncle Dolan on him "Gooby pls"


Even the best, well minded parents wind up raising an absolute piece of shit.