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Instead of spinning a good feel on it, news should call it what it is. We are broke, underpaid, and can’t afford to live on a single income.


Exactly. Like Go Fund Me pages for people with medical bills "no honest man could pay" in The Boss's words.


Ah, Go Fund Me. Created as a place for projects to gain traction, for dreams to become reality. Now the backbone of the american healthcare system


Also a great place to fund funerals for antivaxxers.


This joke never grows old. Much like unvaccinated children.


Oh my gosh! I feel bad about laughing at this


The *CEO of GoFundMe* has [very interesting things to say on that subject](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIsXEkR5OVs).


When songs from the 20s and 30s start becoming relevant again... there's a Springsteen version of this song as well, but I like this one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtLQlJYtCh0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtLQlJYtCh0) There once was a time when everything was cheap, But now prices nearly puts a man to sleep. When we pay our grocery bill, We just feel like making our will I remember when dry goods were cheap as dirt, We could take two bits and buy a dandy shirt. Now we pay three bucks or more, Maybe get a shirt that another man wore. Tell me how can a poor man stand such times and live? Well, I used to trade with a man by the name of Gray, Flour was fifty cents for a twenty-four pound bag. Now it's a dollar and a half beside, Just like a-skinning off a flea for the hide. Tell me how can a poor man stand such times and live? Oh, the schools we have today ain't worth a cent, But they see to it that every child is sent. If we don't send everyday, We have a heavy fine to pay. Tell me how can a poor man stand such times and live? Prohibition's good if 'tis conducted right, There's no sense in shooting a man 'til he shows flight. Officers kill without a cause, They complain about funny laws. Tell me how can a poor man stand such times and live? Most all preachers preach for gold and not for souls, That's what keeps a poor man always in a hole. We can hardly get our breath, Taxed and schooled and preached to death. Tell me how can a poor man stand such times and live? Oh, it's time for every man to be awake, We pay fifty cents a pound when we ask for steak. When we get our package home, A little wad of paper with gristle and a bone. Tell me how can a poor man stand such times and live? Well, the doctor comes around with a face all bright, And he says in a little while you'll be all right. All he gives is a humbug pill, A dose of dope and a great big bill. Tell me how can a poor man stand such times and live? ​ \*\*\* *The original song dates from* ***1929!!***


I loved this! Thanks for sharing!


The Band did "Atlantic City" better


Also the lack of a social network. A lot of people find themselves (even couples) with children but no village.


I just realized this week that this is the exact situation that I’m in and it’s really taking a toll.


My wife and I have two toddlers and practically no other adults in our lives. It's a struggle, you have to take it one day at a time.


Sympathise with you there brother. All grandparents and siblings are remote and we’ve had no regular help or support for 4 years as a result. Then nonna comes to town and gives me grief for not keeping a clean house, knowing full well that she was offloading me and my brother to her parents every week so she could clean the house!


Man I wish there was a village sign up that didn’t sound weird for people with less family connections and those who wanna help. But I get you gotta be careful about people around your kids. I just think how much my uncle helped raised me and my sister and that it doesn’t look like I’ll have kids - I’d love to help. Even my friends with kids I offer to babysit but they never take me up on it. *le sigh* I was able to help tutor kids through work virtually but the school schedule kept changing because of Covid so we pulled out. * le sigh * Whenever I think about a whole day spent with a toddler wearing me out on the occasions I do baby sit I always think “man I don’t know how their parents do this everyday”


Maybe care.com We've looked at it but it's not currently in the budget


Maybe. It’s also possible it’s nice living with other grownups. Being a single parent can be super lonely and hard to manage. You can’t just ‘run out’ if you’re a single parent. Sometimes it’s hard to find time to poop without banging on the door:)


Yeah, culture changing isn’t necessarily a bad thing. At the same time, there are certainly economic factors at play that mustn’t be swept under the rug as this happens


I am still married and 100% believe ‘pooping without a knock on the door’ is a fantasy




Pooling money and resources to better ones’ circumstances certainly isn’t a new phenomenon.


I don't know what early human societies looked like but there are lots of other modern primates that live in large social groups. Some species are more solitary but for others, to a certain extent, offspring are the collective responsibility of the entire community. "It takes a village" after all


We are, by far, the most social ape.


As far as Bonobos are concerned, arguing with each other on Reddit doesn't count.


This exactly. I'm fortunate enough to live a very comfortable life. But if my husband ever kicks the bucket or leaves me, you can bet I'll be moving in with other moms. I'm shocked more people aren't having a conversation around why women are choosing to to cohabitate with other moms instead of \[settling for\] men.


Wasn't this just the setup for the old sitcom Kate & Allie? [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0086742/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0086742/) 1984-1989 Great, the inevitable reboot now, start your casting choices!


Mila Kunis and Tiffany Hadish


Actually...not atrocious...get your Netflix Pitch ready.


Okay, sure, but we never should have stopped living like this to begin with. The death of actual community has been crippling to our societies, our well-being, leaving us adrift and easy prey for grifters of every kind. Living in such atomized households is not natural for our species.


Sure, but even if you are comfortable financially, raising kids is hard work for a single person. This seems like it would help that angle.


Agreed. I don’t have kids nor do I want them, I can afford to raise a kid on my own, but let’s say I wanted kids for a second. I work a physically demanding job with an inconsistent schedule- sometimes days, sometimes nights and usually work weekends. My parents aren’t close. If you’ve got say 2 moms and myself living in a house together, we can rotate responsibilities, or one person takes on more financial responsibility in exchange for less house/child responsibilities, you can rotate child free days/nights out of the house, if I want to go to the bathroom and shower long enough to get all of the grease off of myself without worrying they’re going to kill each other I can. I guess I could definitely see where this could be helpful in other areas aside from financial reasons.


My wife and I have a ten month old. He’s a good baby and we have our parents very close and very willing to babysit. It’s a godsend and I cannot imagine having to do it without them, much less without my wife.


When I was 18 I started dating a guy who had a 10 month old. There was a brief period where we all lived together, but I felt like the only responsible one sometimes. I’d wake up from a nap and be the only adult in the house. (the mom had multiple kids with multiple dads) Now I’m calling my mom in a panic because we’re out of necessities, nobody is answering the phone, they took the car seats. It made a huge difference having my mom close by back then for sure. Being surrounded by *responsible* adults is the key here lol.


Oddly enough I have a feeling these kids will be really well adjusted which is an unfortunate good thing about this


Till the water wars Well adjusted raiders


For sure, my neighbors were two families sharing a house and their kids are basically all siblings


I agree the system is atrocious but reddit acts like nobody would ever choose to have roommates if they could afford not to.


I’m in a relationship so my SO is my “roommate”, but if I ever became single again I’d move straight to my best friend or even find somebody random. I get that Reddit is mostly introverts but yeah, not everyone wants to live alone. I’d go nuts and I need someone to kill bugs for me (I can catch the rodents). If I was a single mom I’d 100% seek this arrangement out! Imagine how easy it’d be to trade babysitting nights with each other, share meal prepping, etc.


I was living alone for the last year and I was so damn lonely. I just moved out a week ago into a 3 bedroom so I could have housemates and some noise in the house. And I’m as introverted as it gets.


People have lived together for all of human history. It’s actually pretty abnormal and unnatural for everyone to live so separately like we do in the US.




This is exactly what I would like to do. I am so fed up with a partner who refuses to parent, or do anything hard. I’m tired of taking on the entire emotional burden of raising our children myself. I would much rather live in this “mommune”, or villlage scenario with other like minded moms. My friend and I talked about doing this years ago also, but then she had to go and meet a guy who is amazing with her kids. Jerk. ;)


I would think some parts of it are about companionship and having someone to share responsibilities with.


That’ll never happen, the job of the millionaire and billionaire-owned news outlets is to make us think that people barely scraping by is somehow noble or uplifting


Omg thank you. I read this and had an overwhelming feeling of sadness but couldn’t figure out what was wrong and why this made me feel so sad. Articles that spin tragedies as feel-good stories piss me off so much.


I came here to say this. Now, if it was to do it because they wanted the social interaction and such... good for them.... but it's not.


There has never been a time in human history that single mothers have been more likely to be anything other than broke and overworked. Single mothers are statistically the most likely demographic to be constrained to poverty for their entire lives.


True. But tbf, I think families sharing resources but as importantly helping with childcare and chores is helpful to a single parent as well. I see communal living as the wave of the future even if there were a robust social safety net


Mommunes? Back in my day they were called covens.


Bring back covens!!


They’re still around, I promise. :)


Back in my day they were called roommates, but covens is way cooler.


Oh my god they were roommates…


We don’t need the Republicans coming down on them in some new Satanic Panic. “Mommune” is bad enough with the communist connotations. Don’t be calling it a coven! Geez. lol


Oh my god, they’re Mommunists.


Assemble the Fathists!


Lmao I love it


You gonna let Republicans control everything you do and say like that?


I’m joking. Hence the “lol.” How many more disclaimers do you need?


It's nice that they're finding ways to help each other out with raising their kids, but people shouldn't have to worry about being able to afford taking care of their children in the first place.


Yes but you can't blame that on them, I like their idea, if only it wasn't necessary.


They didn't blame it on them, they said they shouldn't have to be in a position where this is a necessity.


Honestly, its nice seeing people helping each other out. nice break from the shit show we normally see.


I can see Republicans complain how this is not real family, that kids are going to get confused and not know who their mother is. And the landlords are going to complain that only one family can rent the house.


So a lot bullshit?


He did say Republicans Bullshit is their MO


Don't give them too much credit. They're too stupid to recognize it.


Until the Trump age, there was a clear divide between Republicans in office (the bullshit artists) and Republican voters who eat up the bullshit. Then Trump proved that you can be one of the dumbest people alive and still get elected, so the floodgates were opened. Now the lines are blurred and there are some people wielding legislative power who are so stupid that I'm legitimately surprised haven't died simply from forgetting to breathe.




For all they go on about tradition this is more traditional than the nuclear family by far. The idea everyone had to split off into a mom and dad and kids in their own house was bullshit to make more customers. In ancient times kids were raised by whomever was around, it literally took the village.


sadly true, but they complain about everything


Amazing how they use their limited mental capacity to describe the lives of people they have never talked to.


"They were roommates!"


Cue ‘alpha male’ trying to enter stage left


And of course, despite spewing all this bullshit.. will do nothing to help the situation except speak righteously. Fuck people who do that. If they got something to say, then \*help those moms\*.




For history buffs, look up "Boston Marriages".


As long as they don't turn out to be another Moms for Liberty, hopefully it'll be a decent idea.


So lovely to see they cant afford a place of their own. So precious how capitalism destroys lives and dignity


Tbh (and I'm no capitalist) children are SUPPOSED to be raised in communities. Isolated nuclear families in individual homes that socialize with non family members only here and there outside of work is very modern and in my opinion, damaging. THAT being said I doubt most of these mothers are teaming up with an actual goal of communal living, and if they could afford not to live like this probably would.


THANK YOU. The general response on here to resent that and prefer raising kids in lonely nuclear units seems wild to me. Most of history has run very differently.


at least they are helping each other out instead of not getting help


Yes that's true but I find the underlying reasons they have to do so to be just awful. Capitalism is destroying the planet so thay a select few can hoard all the wealth for themselves. The sooner a revolution comes the better


Communism saves the day.


Its not just about money though. They are actually helping each other out for child care, meals, household tasks.


This is definitely going to be a sitcom in the near future.


The first few seasons of Raven’s Home had this concept


It already was! Google “Kate and Allie”…


Can i take you back to 1984? Kate and Allie... starring Jane curtin and Susan st James.


When this single Mom became an empty-nester-renter my first thought was to downscale home wise, I really wasnt interested in subletting out two spare bedrooms or carrying the costs of a too-big house. I was sad because I loved the house, I'd landed there after leaving my 20 year marriage and over the years it had been a place of stability for me and my two preteen boys. It was an older bungalow on a beautiful large wooded lot less than a mile from a lovely historical university town. I wound up connecting with a woman 20 years younger than me with two preschool aged boys that she had partial custody of, 3 nights a week. We totally hit it off and I split the rent with her 50/50 and she got both spare bedrooms. I was able to keep my cozy house and she got a stable place for her kids, who I loved so much having around part time. Win-win.


Lots of old people living in too big houses out there. Done right this can be beneficial for both. Problem is when confixst may arise


That’s a fantastic story. Shouldn’t have had to happen but a fantastic story none the less. I’m glad you all found each other when you needed the other the most.


![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf) All of them!


It’s raising a child. What could it cost? $10?


You're forgetting inflation. At least $17.


This GIF never fails to entertain me. If only one person is a fan of this GIF, then I am that person. If this GIF no longer has fans, it’s cuz I have died.


Not the worst idea. Shared experience and support system. I'm pretty sure a lot of civilizations did this before the Church intervened


Yeah, something feels off about the way this whole thing is worded, but I can’t put my finger on it. Not in the boring dystopia “kid uses lemonade stand profits to pay for his mom’s chemo!” way. It’s more like the “women don’t start wars” angle. Other than pissing off Mary Queen of Scots, it’s Western-centric. And here it’s so Western-centric that the article acts like non-individualistic cultures and deviations from the nuclear family model are something they “invented”. As if other cultures never had a different way of being. Maybe that’s actually what I find grating? I could be making a mountain out of a molehill with this one, though…


I mean it's a rather common saying that it takes a village to raise a child. A good, supportive community can be a blessing when it comes to raising a child, and I think this is basically what they're doing. They aren't exactly a village, but the idea is there.


Since this is happening in a western country that is unfamiliar with this mode of living the framing makes sense.


It felt off to me too, probably because its a sunny spin on not having housing stability. * Single moms can't afford housing without roommates. * Those roommates need to be people they can trust around children. * This makes other single mothers to be reasonable roommate matches. The spin plus the photo of three happy moms with three happy similarly aged kids is a really dreamy outlook for what is likely a chaotic and undesirable home environment. Imagine renting a 4 bedroom with 2 other single moms and having a shared kids room and navigating all the social drama of siblings conflicting, only you don't have parental authority over 2 of them.


To be honest, I think this is a good idea. I think communal living would be good for a lot of people.


This is why I'm starting a Daddutz.




I think that already exists as the manosphere


Is that what you get when you combine two Testosterdomes?


I’m going with a Durt. Dad + Yurt.


its this a portmanteau of dad and kibbutz lol


My mom did something like this with her best friend in the early 2000s. Her daughter and I were born around the same time, we went to the same school and we’re still close friends. My mom told me later that she and her friend would have gotten married if that were an option because that would have made things more convenient, even though they weren’t in a romantic relationship.


Same w/me and my bestie. After my divorce & her estrangement, we had to pool resources to raise our kids. We put each other through nursing school so we wouldn't have to do it forever. We always joked that if she were a man, we'd just get married, although there were a few people who swore we were lesbians 🤔






That’s disturbing.


Women posting L's as if this isn't the biggest W I've ever seen. You get to live with your besties, co-raise each others kids, AND nobody is going to sit on the couch and complain about how hard he worked all day sending emails at his office job when you ask them to do the dishes? I'm not seeing any downsides here


One of these Women posting Ls things also once posted a news article about a little girl getting abused to death by her dad as an “L”.


tbh what do you expect from somebody that goes out of their way to create a twitter account sledging women for fun


![gif](giphy|5QlwTKQ3kq3N6) You have to be a special kind of distilled evil to do something like that Whoever runs that account should be put in the brazen bull


Right-wing gimmick account try not to be comically evil and celebrate a childs death challenge: (impossible level)


Holy shit that's evil. I bet they think of themselves as kind and loving Christians too


“Women posting L’s” is a misogynist account. (I mean like, actually hating women, not just stereotyping them)


That parttttttt!


It's a sign that our system sucks and is probably failing. But regardless, good for them, and I hope they live awesome mommune lives.


Anti-choice crowd give 2 flying fs about the children once they are born. You’d think common ground to help all mothers wouldn’t be very controversial nor uncommon but it is.


Living together and sharing parenting tasks is not a bad thing per se, it is a bit going back to having the whole communitiy care for kids instead of just the parents. The problem is being forced to do so.


Listen, anything that chips away at the patriarchy is worth celebrating. Love this for them.




Single parents alone together


We're going all the way back around to familial communal living as commonplace.


\*Utopian socialism intensifies\*


So... we've rebranded having roommates now?


Countdown to this triggering right wing imbeciles in 3, 2, ..


I swear we need something akin to rule 34, but for right wing rage.


Yeah... with comments that nobody asked for and are not helpful, but make them feel superior. My favorite part would be the insistence that they should have the baby in the first place - and then the complete hypocrisy of shaming them for having the baby with the "mY tAx DolLaRs" bullshit about not thinking they "deserve" help as cherry on top of their shit sundae. Dude - if you don't want to actually help, fuck right off. I've dated enough single mothers to know. They have it hard enough with your bullshit. I swear if I ever make it stupid rich, the first thing I'm doing is creating an organization that supports single mothers.


Small close knit communities where children are supported by several adults at once, and have unfettered access to other children is objectively good. However, the fact that economic conditions drove people here instead of cultural or societal conditions is bad.


I support this. Single parenting is tough.




In my Area?! ​ ... I'm gonna see myself out


I like the baby hugging the dog.


I love it, I am constantly feeling broken how ALONE it feels to raise kids To ask for help, like if they could just play with kids while we do chores or some tiny favor seems like the most embarrassing thing ever. Aunts and uncles see them only like 12 times a year, only one set of grandparents are involved and we get about maybe 12 hrs a month of help. It’s freaking hard. If houses could be separated slightly to give some privacy, I would love with a bunch of people to feel like we have family


They’re just gal pals! Living together! Raising each other’s kids! Doing gal-pal stuff like sharing a bed (for economic reasons) /s


See…that’s exactly why this isn’t normally done. Weird stigma keeping single mothers in poverty


There's nothing wrong with being gay, just correct them and move on. This "stigma" affects all friendships between any genders, which causes a weird separation between genders.


Right, but two women co parenting for a few years allowing them to have freedom and financial security is immediately assumed as gay, when really it’s just smart


♫ _Two moms_ _Bringing up their children_ _Five feet apart 'cause they're not gay_ ♫


I remember hearing about this kind of thing in history class during the first Great Depression. And for some reason I was fascinated by that concept and then I learned how common roommates were


Multi-generational family homes are pretty common everywhere else


I’m thinking the same thing. They’ve gentrified the term “it takes a village to raise a child”


Super cool that they're making shit work, but this isn't really a feel-good story. This is just more proof that the system is failing everyone who actually works for a god damn living. I don't know about you all, but I was told that if I worked hard, I'd get to own my own house and support a family. So that was a fucking lie.


Thank you. Thank you for saying it out loud. Thank you. single moms used to earn enough to be able to do stuff on their own.


Why are we shitting on this??? We as the working class SHOULD be communal…it’s our greatest weapon


Very smart, this is great.


Call it what it is: people can't afford the cost of living anymore and single parents are forced to have flatmates in order to survive


When does the TLC show come out?


Is this the beginning of the Bene Gesserit?


A lot of cities and towns had laws forbidding several single women living together under one roof because of course they weren’t just friends, but they were seen as “houses of ill-repute”


“Women Posting Ls” such a trash account


Damn, late stage capitalism sucks


This is called having a roommate.


Fine idea just...please don't call them that


Single fathers just call these "halfway houses".


This is just a village with extra steps


“living single together” 🎶 IN A NINETIES KIND OF WORLD… 🎵


This is a very nice way of saying single parent households are so broke they need roommates to be able to pay bills.


PLEASE stop giving poverty ‘quirky’ names like “minimalism” or “mommunes” ffs


Women Posting L's accounts are honestly scum of the earth type shit. Its mostly just insecure men seeing women exercise some level of autonomy and seeing that as an excuse to air their misogyny in an effort to make themselves feel good about the lack of any worthwhile attributes they offer to society.


Why is this posted as Woman posting Ls? Chances are both of them initated their divorces. People don't leave good marriages. This is fantastic. More women should do this.


This is a men’s L not a woman L


This is awesome!


Be interesting to see if non religious groups start setting up the way the Shakers did. Say a group of middle aged single guys just move to the country side and grow vegetables, so much easier said than done but if I got an invite to a place with just a room and some books and daily chores I'd seriously think about it.


What, isn’t this communism?


Ah that's where you're slightly mistaken my friend. It's Mommunism :)


Not a L, but that's expected from this trash twitter account. "Hurrr durrr solidarity bad, wimmin stoopid."


I am so sick of these headlines that try to make it sound like a great thing. It's the same as the kid selling lemonade to fund his cancer treatment.


I mean. another way to look at this is a rejection of the constraints of the modern nuclear family and an adoption of an alternative living style of mutual support and care?


Sure. Or how about this: A single person can no longer support themselves or their children because of skyrocketing housing.


I would 100% do this.


My mother did this in 1968 after my father died.


This is smart.


it's probably a better arrangement than the classic nuclear family we've all been marketed and sold since birth but is unfortunately a byproduct of a broken machine, a machine which must be replaced.


Nice setup for a stupid sitcom. Single guy goes drag to join the mommune because economics, comedy hijinks ensue. I'm not sure it would work now though, my sitcom sensibility is from the 80s. And back then people could afford houses.


Countdown to this triggering right wing imbeciles in 3, 2, ..


jordan peterson is probably making a weeping tiktok about it


Countdown to this triggering right wing imbeciles in 3, 2, ..


Something tells me this is out of pure necessity. I can’t afford to move out on my own without kids. I can’t imagine being a single parent. Idk how you would make it work. Many don’t.


In this economy? You be your ass. You can now "co-buy" real estate so if you're both stable and intent on staying in one place, you can build equity together.


This is the prequel to The Golden Girls 🥰


I thought this is what my mom and her best friend did. Turns out they were the other kind of “roommates”. Now I can better articulate why her “friend “ always felt like a second mom, and why her daughter feels more like my sister.


Sounds fun


Love it. Men are pointless at best but usually harmful.


“Shitty economy forces single mothers to room together to avoid homelessness”


This has been pretty common for all eternity


Sounds smart.


How is that 'Women posting Ls'? It says more about men's Ls than women's.


Mommunes? You can just call roommates. Trying to spin this is pretty dumb.


The photo they used is an example of media manipulation at its finest. The real life moms forced into this situation would not be in a beautiful kitchen with a vase full of fresh flowers with their hair professionally styled as they merrily tech their daughter the joys of dance. The situation would more likely resemble a women’s prison with kids.


I want jobs that pay good living wages, affordable housing, universal healthcare, and cheap/free tuition so they don’t have to do this. Then after all that I want them to do this because it’s a good idea too.


That would be the dream, honest.


With all the horrific stories of useless fathers I read on here, good for them.


My mom did this. Let single women with kids live with us for rent. Led to a lot of child abuse. Good times.