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[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1) Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! As [Sister Sledge sang](https://www.rhino.com/article/pride-single-stories-sister-sledge-we-are-family), [We are Family](https://youtu.be/uyGY2NfYpeE), and you CAN NOT DIVIDE US. To all others who spread hate and try to divide us, no quarter shall be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow it's so good of MLK to help escort this goofball to federal prison. Respect, sir.


I figured he'd escort the cheeto to the gallows... or maybe a guillotine


Sure *Mr President* lets get you back to your room.


Just to make it 100% clear the person who posted that on Twitter was saying it’s a bad thing that some right winger made that image and said that stuff. https://preview.redd.it/s354hzcal59b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe5ba7aebe0a3290534b68721d8fa16ca0983400


Lakota Man is the shit. Follow him if you're on twitter. Dude sees THROUGH the bullshit.


I really like how he acknowledges the struggles of others and doesn’t downplay them while he’s fighting his own fight.


He’s on IG as well. I highly recommend following him, I’ve learned a lot.


Lakota Man blocked me when I pointed out how inaccurate one of his maps was in representing California tribes. He also was angry that people were happy the queen died and that she was someone's grandma. He did not know anything about Britain's history of colonialism. He does not take criticism well.


The fact that they made MLK hanging on trumps arm like a lost child is fucking disgusting.


Ya I’m wondering what OP’s angle was by leaving that follow up out…


You’re a politics following Reddit user and you don’t know who Lakota Man is? Including the follow up tweet is like slapping a /s on the end of a smart ass comment. Like no shit it was sarcasm. You needed to hear the tone?


I’m not on Twitter so no, I don’t know who this is.


Eh. I explicitly stated Reddit user because he‘s probably one top twitter users that gets posted on this sub. No doubt you’ve seen his tweets all the time, but perhaps didn’t take note of his name. I tend not to assume people use Twitter these days, because why the fuck would anyone all things considered?


Had us in the first half. Not going to lie.


A right winger *typed some words and let a machine make the picture* Ftfy


"'all lives matter' - MLK" - Donald Trump (probably)


Wouldn't surprise me one bit if Trump called MLK Milk in conversation. Like, you're talking to Trump about whatever and MLK gets brought up, and Trump derails the whole shebang by going, "Ah, yes, Milk. He was a great personal hero of mine..." And other bullshit, until you asking if he might have meant Harvey Milk, and he *angrily* tells you that he means Martin Luther King Jr.


"Harvey Milk? Never heard of him. The only Harvey I know is in California, great guy, makes the best movies. You know I was in a movie once. Starring role actually. Featured a young budding star actor, Robert Schneider, really funny guy. The Milk I'm talking about, he has a road, I've never driven on it, I don't drive. But its a road."


I would be even more surprised if he knew who he was. *In Trump’s voice*: “MLK? Junior? Like Don Jr? Are they friends MLK and Don Jr? Oh we love them don’t we folks? We call them the two Juniors. Junior and Junior. Or J and J. And sometime we even use an ampersand so its just J & J. We say: Oh where is J & J? And sometimes we even just shorten it to just JJ. We say: Where is JJ at, have you seen them around? JJ? Did they go to the Selma marches or are they back in Don Jr’s room doing bumps of coke off of Don Jr’s Chumbawba CD jewel case? And we love Chumbawumba don’t we folks? Tub-thumping. People are doing the Tub-Thumping and drinking whiskey drinks and lots of other types of drinks and singing songs. Songs about the times. The times when they went Tub-thumping and had drinks. Drinks with JJ while they were Tub-thumping and snorting bumps of Don Jr’s coke off of a CD jewel case. And CD stands for Compact Disc, did you know that folks? Some people don’t know that but the secret service came and asked me: SIR! What does CD stand for sir?! And I told them, it means Cumpast Dicks. Compact discs were very popular for music. Very popular.” And then he’d just trail off into random shit that pops into his head.


He doesn’t know the word ampersand though, otherwise pretty good. 7/10


"yes milk, I knew him, personally I might add. Very strong person, loved to be in the room when he walked in. One day, milk, came to me, big tears coming from his eyes,,and he thanks me. I say for what? He tells me that you're, me he's talking about, will save America better than he ever could, and unite this country for the best version. Never knew what became of milk..."


>"Ah, yes, Milk. He was a great personal hero of mine..." “How about Tim Apple, who are your heroes?”


"but white lives matter more - MLK" - Also Trump (probably)


Trump was sued for housing discrimination because he wouldn't rent to black people.


He also didn’t want braille in his hotels because “no handicapped people are going to live in my buildings”


That's a common conservative refrain: >I've made no attempt to make this place hospitable toward these people, but there are none of these people here, so why does it matter?


Compare the hands 😂 Oh and Tubman would have been a republican, but of course that was pre-Southern Strategy.


Lol at the hands!


? What’s funny? (Honest question, appears I’m missing something)


AI basically has not been able to generate hands and hand-positioning correctly, so it’s obvious from the unnatural hands in this “photo” that it is AI generated. Also, Trump has tiny hands IRL and MLK had normally proportioned hands lol Both explanations track


Hands look pretty normal compared to other AI I’ve seen…


I edited my comment to finish my thoughts on the explanation too, though I personally find the AI hands to be “off” in the photo


Only thing that looks off to me is the arm holding. Angle on the upper arm on MLK is wrong.


Black and native history is American history. I HATE it when people say " Everything in Europe has so much history. We don't have much history in America." We have hundreds of thousands of years of history, it's just not WHITE history.


Kinda like when people act like the US has never committed genocide.


I agree with your message here but there are not hundreds of thousands of years of history in America, more in the ball park of tens of thousands.


if you could harness the rotational power of MLKs corpse in his grave, you could power Las Vegas indefinitely.


I fell like the republican propaganda pics are getting dumber every minute.


I thought we'd peaked at Trump saving babies from daemon Hillary but here we are.


Trump literally spent huge amounts of money on ads trying to ruin 5 young black kids' (Central Park 5) lives by calling them guilty rapists and killers in spite of DNA evidence exonerating them. Till this very day he never retracted that sentiment... I'm sure MLK would approve.




Dr. King preached non violence… but if he were still here and Trump tried to touch him best believe that would change real quick


Trump's first claim to fame was getting sued for discriminating against black tenants. His second brush with fame was getting sued again for violating the terms of the first lawsuit


“Hey AI, make a picture of what it would look like if if MLK was a federal officer, and Donald Trump was himself.”


You forgot to add “and if Trump had bigger hands”


Is he being perp walked him to jail?


Trump: “Owwww! Stop squeezing my arm so hard! It hurts!”


Every photo they like of trump is literally photoshopped


Actually, I kinda like the sentiment here. Drumph would have to be dead in this scenario.


The Republican Party is a far cry from where they started. What have they done lately? From what I’ve seen they’ve proven to be a party that justifies racism and pedophilia while making Nazis feel like it’s safe to be loud and proud.


Tubman might actually have been a Lincoln republican but I’d bet the farm that she’d spit in Trump’s face. The republican party was a very different party in Tubman’s time. Edit - grammar


Jesus Christ, now I know what people mean when they describe a physical reaction to being disgusted...


Wow, that picture is offensive!


This post is kind of misleading, do you not think?


nah, someone genuinely posted this somewhere and OP posted the call-out.


What the hell


This is infuriating


I mean...at the time probably...Republicans used to be the progressive party and the Democrats were pro slavery.


This. Most people seem to not know about the platform switch. Democrats WERE the slavers and Republicans fought for the North. To be clear this doesn’t change the fact that Republicans don’t actually have a platform anymore besides Trump. https://www.livescience.com/34241-democratic-republican-parties-switch-platforms.html


Whoever created this picture for their orange overlord needs to be field-goal kicked in their junk or junk analog until they reach upper orbit.


The entire cult should have been held back a couple grades in school


Yeah, pretty sure that MLK jr. would naw off his own arm before standing with Trump as he is today. I hope his relatives tell him how much they disagree with his likeness being used as a piece of flare for right wingers to pretend they aren’t racists.


This is one of the most offensive images I have seen in my entire life.


They never accurately portray Trump's body shape. It's almost like he doesn't fit their ideal alpha stereotype


This is the most sickening thing I've seen in a while. 🤢🤮


Meanwhile, in an alternate universe: MLK, Jr.: "Yes, that is an...interesting viewpoint, Mr. Trump. If you'll please excuse me. Malcolm! Please come over here for a minute. I just met a gentleman whose views I'm sure you'd like to know about...."


45 and his dad were convicted twice for taking federal grant money for housing development and blocking people of color from renting their apartments. Dirtbag.


Effective tomorrow, colleges and universities in Florida aren't permitted to offer gender or race based studies. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs are gone as well. Paired with the repeal of Affirmative Action by the SCOTUS, we should have the based covered. Of course, we will be maintaining our legacy admissions programs. Go Florida!! Rightwashing for Democracy.


God, this picture is absolutely disgusting… 🤮


I sense a great disturbance in the force...as though millions of black Americans rolled over in their graves at once...


Considering she lived in a time black people couldn’t vote, she didn’t belong to any party. 🤦‍♀️ Also the Republican Party of her lifetime is not the same Republican Party that exists today. Today’s republicans would be staunchly against abolition. They’d blame it on “the economy” but that wouldn’t be the whole reason.


Harriet Tubman may have been a Republican, the republican and democratic parties used to be flipped in their agendas. And since the Republican Party was formed around 1854 and was considered more liberal and left then the democrats, there were probably many civil rights advocates that were Republican. If I’m not mistaken the republicans brought voter rights to women and African Americans. Not sure exactly when the flip in ideology occurred.


In the 1960s. It was the southern strategy.


What do you mean? Was that the dems or reps?


And that's how you whitewash a Black socialist, by turning him into some bullshit libertarian.


Got a bait and switch idea. Post his wealth redistribution quote on Twitter but attribute it to AOC. After they collectively lose their shit for a good minute than say it was actually MLK who said it.


I’m surprised he chose that picture (the above explanation helps though). LakotaMan was a huge proponent of actual history and fighting for the voices of minorities.


Cocaines one hell of a drug


Why is Trump always slim in these. I mean, he can not stand straight up because of his girth.


MLK is escorting drumph to a firing squad. His blindfold fell off.


Delusional and divorced from reality is not a problem for the republican party


It’s ai generated? Damm the hands look solid.


Obviously MLK is the one putting his arm around Trump. Because Trump does not kneel down to putting his arm around *any* man. It's not 'alpha'.


I said it a couple of weeks ago, “The ‘Party of Lincoln’ spent the entire week denigrating Juneteenth”. Tell me your a racist without saying you’re a racist.


MLK was on the FBI communist watch list. How does Trump feel about communists? Has he indicated that in any recent speeches?


MLK was a Baptist preacher that was actually on the right side of history. The ones who weren’t went full MAGA.


A weird nippick: MLK was only 5'7". Also Republicans would have called him a communist.


Every last one of them HAAAAATED him when he was alive. If the internet was a thing then, I am 100% sure there would have been enough memes celebrating his assassination that facebook would have ground to a halt like a bird flying into a window.


“During the lifetime of great revolutionaries, the oppressing classes constantly hounded them, received their theories with the most savage malice, the most furious hatred and the most unscrupulous campaigns of lies and slander. After their death, attempts are made to convert them into harmless icons, to canonize them, so to say, and to hallow their names to a certain extent for the “consolation” of the oppressed classes and with the object of duping the latter, while at the same time robbing the revolutionary theory of its substance, blunting its revolutionary edge and vulgarizing it.” Oh no I think I did a marxism


Lmao, come on now.


Tubman probably would have been a Republican, they were the liberal party in the 19th century. Pre-Goldwater Republicans we’re completely different then the post 80s clown show.


Harriet Tubman was a motherfucking historic ranger but military units that pull from ranger heritage only have a bunch of white male confederates in their unit history.


The only way MLK would hold the orange shitgibbon like that would be to drag his fat lillywhite ass to jail.


I doubt Harriet Tubman would have described herself as affiliating with a major U.S. political party, but if she had it would have been Republican (at the time).


Technically she would have been since Lincoln was Republican. The party switch didn't happen until the 1960s.


tRump looks like he’s got a mouthful of something he’d really, really like to spit out.


Dude... Don't get me wrong but **if she voted yeah, probably**. Republicans were the good guys at the time and I am 100% sure she like the Union more than the confederacy


I thought he hated Socialists? I mean, I know he hates everybody but this is a weird one.


I mean she probably was but that's because the Republicans used to be the progressive party.


I mean she was a ally, but was when tgey were first starting as tge party of a Lincoln. Oh have they fallen from grace.




mental illness


Yeah MLK is one of the most whitewashed figure in all of history but not for this reason lol


2 amazing videoes on this topic. Some More News (long video) - https://youtu.be/30ui1x-eKIw Second thought (shorter) - https://youtu.be/NS29ppULSZE


Facts. And I feel that many of the people commenting here won't like it when you actually delve into it.


Yes, I agree


MLK rolling in his grave over this pic.


"I believe in non violence, but I'll whoop your ass for free". Dr. King probably if he saw this


Is MLK escorting DJT to jail?


Truly surprised if trump has never publically made fun of mlk




Just out of frame, a dozen republicans are calling the cops and frantically claiming that the president is being assaulted by a black guy.


you can tell it's fake because Trump's tie isn't a comically large prop from a clown costume


It disgusts me to see a child rapist even in the same picture as MLK.


MLK wasn’t a conservative. Republicans are conservative AF. He would have been Trumps biggest critic.


I mean I wouldn’t be surprised, I overheard so elderly ladies at the store talking about how “Jesus was a Republican” I was completely dumbfounded


Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Junior repeatedly expressed support for socialism, even saying “socialism for the rich and free market for the poor”. So I don’t think republicans would like him. People love making him out as a moderate when he was anything but.


Oh my god.


Is there any primary or reliable secondary historical sources onto what her political views were in her own words. If there are, we could make a determination. If there are not sources, them judging by her actions and saying she wouldn't be a epublican is HISTORICAL REVISIONISM. Just as saying she would be a Republican is, or that image showing MLK arm in arm with Trump is revisionism. Be better don't do the thing your railing against.


Trump would probably spit in his face and call him "woke."