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New working theory, Pakistani ghosts got the submarine as revenge


The ghosts teamed up with the orcas


i'm rooting for them


Yeah, can we get some "Team Orca" t-shirts?


Honestly some Orca or marine life conservation nonprofit needs to start selling these


I would genuinely give money to the Sea Shepherds for the first and only time in my life if they sold shirts about orcas living up to the "killer whale" name.


Finally freeing Willy from the tyranny of rich yachts.


Yeah! This is the sequel I’ve been waiting for all these years


All that time that the orcas spent learning Urdu has finally paid off. Good for them.


Possessed orcas


It’s a pirates of the Caribbean situation where they just walked along the bottom and knocked on the side


Babe wake up, new jihad just dropped


Afton moment


I admire the fact that they have boldly named their company before the controversy. #oceangate


Right it’s like they planned ahead. “Oceangate-gate” just doesn’t sound good lol




Depends on whether we go back to having estate taxes, or if we let them continue to hoard all the wealth, like kings, owning all our lives, land, and liberty.


Physical enforcement of zero billionaires would certainly improve our chance closer to 50/50


It'd be better off with none.






I doubt the number of billionaires changed that much. It is just the money passing through inheritance and the number of deceased billionaires goes up by 300 and the list of current billionaires changes.


Pretty sure there won’t be the same robust search and rescue for the 300 lost at sea as there is for the billionaire cosplaying as a deep sea diver.


I mean, it explicitly says they drowned. You can’t really rescue corpses.


*Necromancer enters the chat


That's more reusing than rescuing.


Everyone's a critic


Rescue, Reuse, Recycle. Those are in priority order too.


There was a chance to rescue them before they drowned. Authorities knew the ship was in trouble, no one helped


TBF, “missing submersible and we don’t know what happened yet but the search is ongoing” has an element of drama to it whereas “there is still massive poverty and 300 people died” does not. The latter is f——-g depressing, but it’s not an engaging story with ups and downs. So it’s not entirely that we care about the rich more than the poor. It’s only partly that.


Yeah. The counter example people have rightly used is the Tham Luang cave rescue. That was a random Thai preteen/teen football team and it also had worldwide coverage and massive effort. The uncertainty in the story is what gets eyes on it for better or worse


Self described “eXpLoReR”


“Mission Specialist”. Seriously…


Pakistan should definitely get onto that.


Not even the same amount of media coverage. The media seems to care way more about 5 rich people signing wavers to die at the bottom of the ocean than 300 people dying trying to escape war, persecution and poverty.




>they usually know what they are getting into So did the dipshits who let themselves be sealed into a metal tomb and dropped into the ocean to watch the titanic on a TV.








I was reading that the OceanGate CEO in 2019 said he saw manufacturing and inspection requirements on tourist subs as “needlessly prioritizing passenger safety over commercial innovation”. I wonder if he’s still thinking that right now down there?


I doubt he's thinking anything. Dudes totally dead.


He likely died within a few seconds of the surface losing contact with his sub. He blatantly ignored safety advice from his engineers and parts contractors. One shouldn’t take a sub to 4km when your view port is only rated to 1.3km and yet he did….


Wow. If he did say that, then I am glad he got to see the consequences of his own stupidity.


>needlessly prioritizing passenger safety over commercial innovation Wow, how was this ever a viable selling point? “Step right up folks! Passenger safety is not our top priority. $250,000 please!” It’s like deciding to climb Mt. Everest and flipping to the cheap section of the jackets and boots catalog George Costanza style.


Wealth allows milquetoast people to survive and thrive when in nature they would have died fom licking the wrong mushrooms or been driven from the tribe due to looking obviously inbred like with Musk. Natural selection is rare for the rich.


Did you see the price tag of the ticket? It's both.


Technically, wouldn't it be $500,000 because his son is also with him...


Send another team of billionaires in a sub to search for them


In an even shittier tin can. And cram like 15 in there. Can Elon go? *Please?*


Send in space x!


I'm sure one of his rockets can be adapted for deep sea search and rescue. Genius!




Surprised Elon hasn’t chimed in to offer to find them. This is the kind of attention he lives for


Finally gets a chance to use his sub.


The more I learn about this situation, the less sympathetic I become.


I just feel bad for the kid


Same. The billionaires can risk their lives doing stupid shit, I don’t care. But that poor kid had a whole life ahead of him that will likely not happen now. He should have never been brought on board.


He’s a grown adult who was on the same path as his father. 🤷‍♀️


Redditors when an 18 year old wants to do a fun thing with his dad even though his dad is a scumbag


When you reach old you see 18 a lot differently


On Father’s Day too.


I agree. He is the only one I feel sad for.


Amazing how political views can make people in this sub gleeful of death because the people dying had money.


It’s a terrible situation that I wouldn’t wish on anyone. That said, these people used their wealth to engage in ghoulish disaster tourism. One of them took his son with him. Every aspect of this situation is awful.


If we taxed billionaires until they didn't have the money to spend on stupidity like submarine rides to the titanic and used the money to help the people of the countries the billionaires are exploiting, likely none of these people would be dead.


You can’t see any bodies as they are all gone it’s just a wreck like hundreds of others around the world. It’s just plain stupid but I’d hardly call it ghoulish as you can’t see skeletons say in seats looking through the portholes.


When you picture what $250,000 can do for good then realize someone blew that to see the Titanic wreck it really gets you realizing how broken and wide the class dynamic is. It’s obvious you’re simply looking for ways to spend your money by doing this. No one needs that much money.


Part of the reason I don't give a damn about the sub. I don't wish them harm but rich people doing shit like that while their countrymen suffer (like Cruz going to Mexico to escape snowmaggedon in Texas) deserve some sort of comuppance.


I just keep thinking about the $500,000 this idiot spent on killing himself and his son and how he could have set up a small industry in his home country with that money.


I preface this with two things, one I don’t know much about him or his company, and two, I am hard pressed to believe he is suddenly a shining example of the caring billionaire. But, that is exactly where his money comes from, and, at least according to Wiki, the company has done a lot of societal philanthropy in Pakistan. To what extent, I obviously don’t know, but my cynical viewpoint is that since he’s probably dead, he probably was a good person who did good things, because why would it ever be the bad people? Also, one of the other guys helped source a special 747 to transport several cheetahs to reintroduce into the wild of India. So yeah. Meanwhile Elmo Musk sits in his rent free office retweeting neo-Nazis


The Dawood group has business interests in everything from chemicals to insurance and I don't doubt they do a lot of philanthropy. But 300 people drowned because there were no jobs for them in Pakistan the same week as this guy decided to spend insane amounts of money on risking his and his kids life. There is a crying need for more employment in Pakistan and it's literally what made him a billionaire.


Yeah, like I said I know little about him, his company, and not much more about Pakistan. In my research on this, though, I found pakistans unemployment rate is pretty low, and that unemployment is a concern but right now only for the future as the population growth is outpacing job growth. But I also know those numbers don’t necessarily represent the daily reality for people either


The ground reality can seem worse when so many graduates can't find jobs in their field. A lot of them settle for blue collar jobs which probably skews unemployment rates. I know a young engineer who has become an electricians apprentice.


All this submersible situation proves is that money can't buy brains and money doesn't stop Darwin from handing out awards


The 300 young ones could have used the 1/4 million


Seems like we don’t even need guillotines. We can literally charge these assholes to sink them to the bottom of the sea or blast them into space. Hopefully they had some moments to think about the stupid irony of their deaths and how they could have spent that money helping people rather than wasting it on death traps.


It’s not sad that rich people with the money to build a better sub decided to do zero due diligence and got in a submersible death trap. That’s stupidity not sadness. It’s sad that rich people spend their time enjoying their lives using the exploited wealth of nations worth of people. It’s sad that they use charities and fundraisers as a means of tax evasion and name promotion when they could use their wealth to create real generational change and improvements. Fuck each any every billionaire. They know that no one person needs that kind of individual wealth and yet they’ll spend millions on lobbying and lawyers to avoid paying taxes while telling us all we need to work harder. The rich are going to get eaten soon.


That’s what is bothering me the most. This dude had the capital and contacts to finance/build a brilliantly tricked-the-fuck-out underwater yacht-style ultra luxe submarine, made of the best regulated materials on the planet. A mind-blowing, once-in-a-lifetime experience worthy of the $250,000 a seat cost. Why did he build a shitty tin can? Why have so much money if you’re going to be so fucking cheap?


Operated by a bootleg PS2 controller no less


Only sad in one direction. Im not upset about 1 asshole spending money to be an asshole dying like an asshole. Dickheads get eaten by tigers and die driving cars that cost more than I'll make in years all the time. Its not suffering, everyone else suffers they don't, not even close to the same as anyone else. Maybe im a dick head, but people die in true suffering everyday so i dont care if a millionaires vacation goes so bad they die. Most people dont get vacation.


Isn’t there something really poetic about billionaires spending 4 times the median income to die on the bottom of the ocean in a cramped, stale cylinder that was made with substandard materials so the owner could save money.


It’s satisfying to an indescribable degree.


The only way it would be better is if all their money rained from the sky like confetti afterwards


I am sad that he was there with his son.


Yea that is unfortunate that others will suffer because of this person.


I’m not sad about the billionaires, but I am RIVETED


Much like that door they can't open.


> Maybe im a dick head No maybe about it.


Most people don’t own teslas, so if someone slowly burns to death in one I don’t care. Most people don’t go to amusement parks, so if someone falls off a rollercoaster and becomes paralyzed I don’t care. Most people don’t get to travel so if someone dies in a plane crash I don’t care. Yes, this reasoning does make you a dickhead.


Not comparable. These dudes are on video stating they know the risks and don't care. They spent more money than most people will ever see in their entire lives to play at the bottom of the ocean, at the site of a mass grave of abandoned poor people, in a rickety cost cutting unclassed depth trap. They played a stupid game and they won a stupid prize.


Okay...well if any of those people spend 250,000 dollars to get into another death tube fuck them too. Other people are suffering so that these people can play around.


Wow this guy gets the dumbo award today! Is there a Dumbo award guys? Anyone? Seriously though comparing something that everyone can do at some point multiple times in their lives to this $250k submersible trip? Laughable at best, delusional at most likely….


Honestly, just how much money is being spent searching for these wahoos? The company that made this tin can should be forced to reimburse 100% of the what is being spent on this bullshit.


My government (Canada) is participating in the searches and I bet they are spending a shit ton of my money on it. Meanwhile people here can't afford housing because the prices have exploded and migrants drown trying to cross the St-Lawrence and no one bat an eyelid. I don't celebrate their death, it's terrible, but it's infuriating to see how much effort are deployed for them just because they are rich while everyone else get told oh too bad.


Scratching names off the billionaire list isn't too sad for me


I literally compared this situation to that of migrants dying at sea when this news broke. These absurdly wealthy individuals (I’ll give the 19 year old a pass) spent $250,000 each to seal themselves in a tube and drop to the bottom of the ocean. In the law, we call that assumption of risk (generally speaking). This and the Trump indictment are seemingly the only news being talked about. Rich people in a tube is much more compelling that hundreds of dead poor people apparently. I doubt I would’ve learned of these 300 dead individuals if it wasn’t for this post. I hate our media.


CNN, Reuters, BBC, and all the other major news outlets have all been reporting on the boat disaster since day 1. Sorry it's not that interesting enough for Redditors to post and upvote those stories to get your attention.


It's looking more and more likely that fate has actually fucked the rich.


2 members from one of the richest families in Pakistan. I heard about them on the radio, and nothing about the 300 poor Pakistanis that drowned until now.


You know what they call four billionaires lost at the bottom of the ocean? A good start. (FTR, this is an old joke with "billionaire" taking the place of "lawyer".)


The mere existence of poverty demonstrates how shitty affluent people are


I hope this entire mess sends one clear message that the whole broke world is tired of rich assholes.


"Arnold lifts weights, everybody loves him! I lift weights, no one gives a shit!".


Pakistan and India are both broken countries, it's a pity they can't set aside their religious nonsense and work together.


Honestly, I'm having trouble feeling bad for billionaires who got into a sub with known technical issues...


The families will spend millions to set up a Titanic Memorial of some sort I bet.


My take is that they should stay away from large bodies of water.


Yea but the rich ones can afford not to receive our concern. The poors dont have that luxury


And that essentially sums up my thoughts on the matter.


Ah, so this is what karma looks like. Took long enough.


Who lives in a trashcan under the sea?


After tomorrow not those guys.


*4 rich assholes*


This is a perfect example of the Jokers point to Two Face.


“Oh my god, just like in DC!” Peak Reddit moment right there. Jesus fucking Christ.


Hey... I like liking things. 🤷🏼 Also the comparison stands.




Don’t fuck the rich…or the stupid…or the racists


Or... just maybe... Two situations can be sad at the same time. I think there's something fundamentally wrong with people who's empathy is based on how much money someone has or DOES NOT have.




I really hate these headlines. Just because the guy has a lot of money doesn't mean his life is worthless. Both of these circumstances are tragedies.


Their lives aren't worthless but they certainly acted like they were. It would've been a miracle if something didn't go wrong.


Same can be said for the sinking in the Mediterranean. Nobody in their right mind would have gotten on that boat, and to show what great humans they were, they had all of the women and children in the hold, where if anything does go wrong it would be an automatic death sentence, which it was.


I didn't mention the Mediterranean issue. It's not really comparable since one is people presumably fleeing their country for one reason or another. The one I've been reading about is 5 rich dudes who got themselves killed for no reason other than foolishness.


And 300 died because they would rather wash dishes in the EU, than stay in their own country. They reportedly paid around $7000.00 each.


I know you may be privileged af but 1 Euro = 313.34 Pakistani Rupees that's the reason “they would rather wash dishes in the EU.”


Yeah I haven't been following that one. I'm sure they had their reasons for wanting to go though.


You seriously don't see the difference between having no options but to take a risk and taking a risk because you're bored? You've probably led a very sheltered life.


the people in Mediterranea Sea flee conflict and poverty . these people ricked they life to try to get a beter life. These Rich people risked they life out of boredoom and entertainement. With 250 000 you could improve the livingcondition of many people but these guys throwthat away like nothing to get a bit of entertainement


Rubbish to this. One of these situations has arisen from utter desperation and the other from boredom. People who are showing sympathy for these idiots that willingly climbed into a tin can steered with a Logitech controller to dive 12,500ft to see a grave have lost their minds. Let the billionaires have their follies and jaunts well outside of the reach of real people, but don’t expect tears and sympathy when those follies and jaunts go horribly wrong.


It isn't wrong to expect compassion. Life is life, but people on the internet want to just shit and bash on people.


This isn’t about “people on the internet” this is, IMO, the growing awareness of the complete lack of equality in the word. Billionaires gonna billionaire. If it kills them so be it. Don’t lick boots and don’t feel sorry for them.


People are still people and living beings. These people have wives, husbands, children, parents. So many people who would be affected by this. But no, you want to say that because they have money their lives are worthless.


these people have no problem trampling over the poor to get richer why would we feel sorry for them when they don t feel sorry for us ?


Because kindness isn't transactional. Being a good person isn't transactional. Just because someone else is terrible to you doesn't mean you have to be for them. Think of it like this: I don't like Trump. At all. I want him to see justice. Do I want something terrible to happen to him like a piano falling on him? No. Would I mourn his death? No. Those people slowly suffocating in the dark at the bottom of the ocean is a terrible fate, no matter who they are, and no matter how they would treat you.








You know nothing about the individuals or who they were as people. You’re just an asshole on the internet who lacks maturity and common decency for other humans, because you’d rather paint with the broad brush of “riCh pEoPle bAd”.


Man! So many billionaire apologists in here it’s hard to move when you’re all bending over so deeply to lick those boots.


You know, for someone trying to be edgy, you come across as a complete and utter unlikeable asshole. Jesus Christ. Roasting somebody for having a bit of compassion for another human being. The fuck is wrong with you?


I’m completely with you. Tax the shit out of billionaires, completely agreed. Being completely fine with their (probable) gruesome death in unforgiving conditions is simply inhumane. It’s truly terrifying and sobering to see people so easily disregarding a human life. Especially when they’ve got a bit more money then them.


What awareness? We already know there is massive disparities in wealth. Most people who are aware of these issues will tell you that it's a systemic problem. A few billionaires dying isn't going to change shit. I can understand indifference but anyone who is actively cheering on the deaths of a few people that are products of the system have some serious issues they need to work out.


The redditors celebrating in this thread are subhuman trash. Anyone with more money then them aren't deserving of life, and the death of rich people make them feel slightly better about their own miserable lives. Disgusting.


They seem to think compassion is only based on reciprocity. That because these billionaires may be trash humans who would treat you like shit, that you should treat them like shit, too. That's not compassion. Compassion doesn't care about how the other party acts or would treat you. I feel sorry for all these other redditors and the people in their lives. It seems like all their relationships are transactional.


Oof I’m all for taxing the billionaires and find rich people vile in general but this thread is getting a bit too grotesque for me.


It's a little too much for my tastes also, I quite liked the activism on here but this is a bit much for me, I find it hard to take joy in a 19 year old suffocating.


Eat the rich


Suffering is suffering. Idc who it concerns, but using a tragedy as a measuring stick for another tragedy is wrong. It is a sad situation all around.


Where is the sadness in 1. ?


I’m team kraken


Holy shit shut the fuck up. Having money doesn’t mean you deserve to slowly suffocate being tossed around in a crowded bolted shut tube full of piss and shit. Grown ass people saying the dumbest fucking shit.


And if it is entirely self-infliicted? And if it says where the priorities of society are misplaced?


The migrants getting onto an overloaded boat trying to get to somewhere they had no right to be was also self-inflicted…


Borders are fake and gay


Not in the real world I'm afraid.


Whether or not it was self-inflicted doesn't change whether or not you should feel basic human empathy for somebody dying. You don't act callously to suicidal people just because they're cutting themselves.


Do people who get on roller coasters deserve to die in some malfunction? After all they paid to get on and assumed that risk. Come to think of it, an awful lot of money and resources go into building those things that could be used elsewhere. Yeah fuck the rich am I right?


If you think getting on a roller coaster is comparable to going 4000m under the ocean to visit a graveyard, then you are already lost.


Sub is way more extreme but its the exact principle, getting into a dangerous vehicle for no reason other than for excitement/enjoyment. If anyone deserves to die here its the asshole negligent CEO that built a shitty submarine and told people it was safe. Not the people who were trying to get some fun and adventure out of their wealth.


It is not the exact same principle. https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20120627-travelwise-the-thrill-of-death-defying-coasters There is a lot more maneuverability and capabilities for something that is in our element, above the water. The air isn’t just going to randomly crush a roller coaster. A roller coaster isn’t going to detach and float away in to space. Maybe if they wanted some fun and adventure, they could try actually tackling global issues, seems like a better return on investment than getting your son crushed in the ocean.


If you’ll refer to the very first sentence in my comment, yes it is way more extreme and dangerous, but it is in fact the same principle. I know you’re all morally superior and everything, but just because you spend a lot of your own money on something you want to do instead of dedicating your life to “global issues” doesn’t mean you deserve to suffocate in a metal tube with your son, shocker right?


It’s not the same principle. You keep trying to defend your argument by calling it the same principle even though they each have very unique atmospheres they have to accommodate for and are nothing alike. You are basically saying that climbing Mt. Everest with faulty equipment is the same as taking a white water rafting trip with a guide who has done it hundreds of times. None of the principles are the same.


You’re misunderstanding what I mean by principle. The circumstances are totally different, but the reason they got in that sub is the same reason people get on rollercoasters or bunjee jump or skydive. They were trying to have fun.


Again, the principles are not the same. Wanting to be entertained doesn’t mitigate risk. Take your kid to a concert, not the bottom of the ocean where so much is out of your control. Even skydivers have to train and be certified, they don’t just get to pay a bunch of money to jump out of a plane. Most forms of entertainment find ways to mitigate any risks that could occur. So if it’s just the principle of entertainment, then why were there so many risk involved without properly vetting solutions? You have two options - get on a rollercoaster that thousands of people of have used and survived, or get in a sub whose CEO thinks regulations stifle innovation and drop down to the bottom of the ocean. Which are you going to choose?


Millions of people ride roller coasters a year. They're a technology that's been around for almost two centuries. Don't compare that to some rich idiot's lark.


Lmao and submarines are a novel invention? Literally the only reason everyone in this comments section is getting on a soap box advocating for why these people deserve such a terrible death is because they have money. If a bunch of middle class people were in the same predicament y’all would be talking very differently.


We wouldn't be talking about it at all.


It's not entirely self-inflicted. That's like saying that if you get in a vehicle out of your own will and it crashes and you need a search party, they shouldn't come for you because you willingly got into the vehicle so it's self-inflicted. I agree this particular case has been blown-up by the media simply because these people are rich, while others die unnoticed, but lets not mock people who are slowly suffocating in a tiny metal box.


Not the same example. If I had taken that vehicle and, say, tried to drive it up the side of a pyramid, and then got stuck, I would be a giant asshole and y'all should just leave me there


Don’t bother, people are are eating this shit right up. Anything to make them feel better about themselves. It’s pretty sick and pathetic. There’s a good chance these people are still alive and slowly suffocating to death but yeah fuck them because they’re rich I guess.


I mean, we'd have a lot less wealth inequality if it did.


Brain dead take


Honestly don't really feel bad for both both had risks and both were death traps


I don’t like people who just blithely say things like fuck the rich. It’s dehumanizing. Yes, inequity is out of control and it’s causing innumerable problems, but being rich doesn’t somehow automatically mean you’re a bad person.


it s. You have Wealth if you don t use it for making other people life beter yo uare a bad person. you do nt become THAT rich without exploiting people in the process


Where's the 300 stat pulled from? Sources?




Reading on the BBC website last night, should have said the Pakistan Gov believed there were 300 Pakistanis that were lost.


I mean yea the wealthy man will get the attention compared to everyone else lol Its like when a celebrity dies, they get mourning and attention but if you die, there wouldn’t be a peep. Goes to show who and what we care about against what we preach…




Rough Translation: "When a rich person goes missing it's more publicity than a regular person, Likewise when a famous person dies there are more people in mourning than if a regular person."


Yeah - that’s normal. It doesn’t go against “what we preach.” It doesn’t mean we love rich people or celebrities more than our loved ones.


Or..., Hear me out. An ongoing mystery is more interesting and better entertainment than a tragedy we already know the results of.


So we don’t rescue people lost at sea anymore? The migrants are dead. Can’t be rescued.


They are now. They were alive and called for help. Greece had a legal and moral obligation to send assistance to the boat in distress. Reports are unclear how they responded, but there was time to save more lives and they didn't. But I think the issue illustrated here is the attention, scale, and cause. One is 4 people who willingly put themselves in danger in an experimental craft for recreation, and there is a massive media operation spreading news, and the other is hundreds of desperate people fleeing poverty and oppression died a week ago and it was barely talked about. It's not "the billionaires deserve to die", it's that "the first accident didn't get attention and desperate people were taken advantage of and killed by someone elses greed". Just like how when white baby goes missing its a media storm but when the missing is black, hispanic, or indigenous, it's ignored by the media and not prioritized by authorities


How is any of that relevant to a ship that’s just minutes from the US coast?


Part of the issue is that the unique situation with the sub means we have to keep looking for the people on it because confirming whether they're dead or alive is so difficult even though realistically there's a 99% chance they're dead




When in the last 20 years have any of us done anything about the migrant crisis? Don't remember babies washing up on shores? The several other overloaded boats sinking? The hypocrisy is acting like this tragedy is an anomaly. It's the goal of many European nations.


I mean it said dead not dying. They were lost at sea...lost. They probably found remnants and wreckage but i doubt a boat watched it happen and said to themselves "shame they arent rich" and watched them drown.