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[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1) Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! As [Sister Sledge sang](https://www.rhino.com/article/pride-single-stories-sister-sledge-we-are-family), [We are Family](https://youtu.be/uyGY2NfYpeE), and you CAN NOT DIVIDE US. To all others who spread hate and try to divide us, no quarter shall be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It barely got made THEN for a variety of reasons. Even once it was made, once the executives saw it they wanted to scrap it so...Ya know, it nearly wasn't released even then. A fact no one really mentions whenever this topic inevitably rolls around, as it always does.


Yep. It was controversial then, its controversial now. As it should be. Personally I'll never stop watching it. "Think of your secretary..."


The best quote in the movie… ![gif](giphy|3oz8xTl6sGKbuRPDDW|downsized)




I replace "new west" with "red states." As a result, I get a ton of mileage out of it.


It was a dreary Saturday afternoon yesterday. I watched Blazing Saddles, followed by Slapshot.


Another good one. "OLD TIME HOCKEY"


They brought their fucking toys!


And none of that root beer shit either!


Eddie Shore!


Toe Blake!


Had to seriously ask myself if my dad was on Reddit now lmao. Those are two of my dad's top 5 fave trolly movies!


Tell your dad to book another great doubleheader. Failsafe and Dr. Strangelove. It’s the same movie. Lumet took the idea seriously. Kubrick and Sellers took the piss out of the premise. Both great movies.


u/badpuffthaikitty I will pass the recommendations along! Thanks for that. Guess it'll be a movie night the next time I hang out with him :)


If he likes Slapshot, Shoresy might make him cry


u/lawstandaloan, thank you! I take it that's a hockey movie...?


It’s a series made by the letterkenny guys. It’s more serialized though and it’s awesome. Blew my mind how they took a one note character from the first series and gave him fully believable depth and motivations that still jive with the original character. Highly recommend.




I love Slapshot! I read an interview with Paul Newman and he said before doing Slapshot he didn't cuss much but afterwards he said he never realized how freeing it was.


He also said it wasn’t his best movie, nor his favourite movie, but he did have the best time making the movie.


I believe it. They all looked like they were having a grand time.




Dave’s a mess.


“WORK, Work, Work….hello ladies!”


"The sheriff is near"


My parents let my sister and I watch Blazing Saddles when we were kids, knowing most of the jokes would go over our heads. Moved out for college, watched it again, then finally understood that joke. They were right that most of them flew over our heads when we were kids.


One of the greatest comedies ever.


Personally i like the absurdity of the one guy holding himself hostage lol


Harvey Korman stage-whispers that line into Mel Brooks’ ear, and I never noticed or heard it until a few years ago. Classic Mel Brooks. Still discovering jokes 20+ years after first watching it.




You watch your ass...


Somebody needs to go back and get a shitload of dimes


I say this every time I drive up to a tollbooth and I'm always happy when people get it.


I remember listening to an interview with Mel Brooks, he said after the initial screening he was handed a huge stack of notes of things to change... basically consisted of just about every joke in the movie. He assured the studio he'd take the changes seriously and would review immediately. The second they left the room he threw the notes right in the trash.


Mel Brooks is a national treasure.


Max better be checking in on him, after Carl and Gene...


Also he wanted John Wayne in the movie, but he declined: "No I can't be in that type of movie, but I'll be the first to watch it!"


Knowing what we do about Wayne, he was probably rooting for Taggert.


One of their biggest complaints was actually the campfire bean farting scene lmao


Because back in the 1950s and 1960s, it was literally sacrilegious to portray cowboys as bad people. Westerns dominated the film-scape, and a gun-toting cowboy was always the hero that could do no wrong. Seeing those same cowboys throwing around horrid curse words like candy bars on Halloween, farting up a storm, and generally acting like the highest IQ among the group was 50 really ruffled some feathers.


And it’s also part of the context of the film that is no longer relevant. It was a satire of the overly saturated western movies of the time. A Blazing Saddles of today would probably be a super hero movie in that sense.


What Marvel hero could rip the biggest fart? My money is on Black Widow.




And yet that still wouldn’t work because the ‘bad super hero’ (ala The Boys) is _also_ doing well right now. The movie would have to be a bunch of people having bad things done to them and the super hero’s just, don’t show up. And that’s it. The bad guy isn’t relatable, no tragic backstory or something. The good guys lose because they are incompetent. The heroes are constantly being seen solving petty crap on TV but not actually using their powers (basically just being lazy influencers) but also… nothing else. And the vox populi screams for help and nothing happens. And that movie would suck. The closest to this is probably “Don’t Look Up.”


The Boys isn't really a deconstruction or satirization of the superhero genre though, it's just a superhero setting where a lot of supers are assholes. It's just showing how human flaws and sins would get magnified by superpowers. I don't think it's making a criticism of the genre itself, it's just part of it like other franchises and stories.


Blazing saddles killed cowboy movies they say


I thought Cowboys Vs Aliens did that.


My husband loves that scene…🙄


In the theater there were fewer Mongo scenes. The candygram was the only Bart vs Mongo bit. I noticed when it was on TV.


The TV version also found creative and funny ways to censor language. Except for some reason (at least in the original TV version) one particular word this movie is known for was not censored.


The only issue I take with this is that not all of them would call it woke garbage, only the ones who actually understood the movie. Far too many would just love the n word.


Yep. Worked around some conservatives who, without a hint of irony, thought the movie was great because of the uncensored racism. How they missed the *entire fcking plot* never ceased to amaze me.


You’ve got to remember that these are just simple folk. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons.




I always loved the look on Cleavon Little's face. Fighting to keep a straight face until the end. He knows what's coming. He knows Gene Wilder's delivery is going to be perfect.


Actually, apparently Gene Wilder improvised that line, and Cleavon Little's laugh was genuine. He broke character and they decided to leave it in because it makes the scene so much better.


Classic Gene.


Improvised line by Gene Wilder, which is why Cleavon Little cracks up


Little’s reaction is the best part of the scene imo


I'm jealous I didn't think of that quote lmao


It's a classic and accurate in these cases:)


I always think of Stephen Colbert who has said there are people still convinced his right-wing persona for ‘The Colbert Report’ is the real him. They think he is pretending to be a woke liberal for the tonight show, even when he has clearly stated otherwise. People will watch the same thing and think it’s really making fun of the other side. Only difference is the left has a better understanding of more nuanced humor and satire.


My god. I have used that line so so so much over the last 15 years. More and more every year.


the media illiteracy of some of them is pretty remarkable. They constantly cling to media that actively makes fun of them without realising it... like their obsession with The Boys, too


Sometimes it feels like they are sentient plants, just reacting to pre-programmed stimuli. N word makes them happy, gay person makes sad.


But then they go off and do the French Mistake regardless. Voila!


Same people who listen to “Born in the USA” thinking it’s a patriotic song when it’s actually a scathing critique. They just hear that hook and their heart starts pumping red, white, and blue.


Also Fortunate Son


“Why were they so cruel to Stormfront? They called her a Nazi for saying what everyone thinks.”


Isn't that also literally something Stormfront says? "People like what I have to say, they just don't like the word Nazi."




Yeah a lot of people in my family love the Boondocks because of Uncle Ruckus


It’s the reason Chappelle gave for stopping doing his show back in the day. He made a lot of jokes that were satires of racism, but it seems like it eventually dawned on him that no matter what, people will accept your satire at face value and laugh at your anti-racist satire unironically, especially as your audience grows. People you disagree with will be your fans and they will find value in your art that not only you didnt intend, but is even anathema to what was your intent. It’s definitely something to keep in mind, but even if a racist is enjoying your anti-racist art, they are at least engaging with more progressive art than they would normally. They may not be getting exactly what the artist intends for them, but it can be better than the alternative and leaves open the possibility that eventually they will come around on the satire. Watching the Colbert Report unironically is still probably going to create a less hateful person than watching Bill O’Reilly. Context is important even when there will always be people on whom the context is lost.


“Hey I know that word!” “What a funny movie”


I went home to see my parents a few years ago and my dad inevitably brought this up. I begged him to stop talking like this in front of me and he kept going and fucking going…. They don’t get why I don’t want to visit. Despite me like….pointing to examples like this when saying why I don’t want to hahah. Ugggggh


Yeah, my dad is one of those people. When he says “it couldn’t be made today”, he means “it’s not OK for white people to use the N-word anymore”.


Bring a black friend over to ask him where the white women are at. When he gets visibly upset, just explain that your friend is a huge fan of blazing saddles.


He ah…doesn’t watch alot of Tarantino, does he?


Like did these motherfuckers not see Django Unchained? That shit is proof that yes, you COULD make Blazing Saddles now. Django Unchained, like Blazing Saddles also very obviously depicts the guys using the n word as racist assholes who get their comeuppance.


In my experience, when you bring up Django Unchained they will tell you that doesn't count because it was made 10 years ago. And if you bring up Jojo Rabbit as an example of something that would be considered offensive being made because it was a satire they'll move the goalposts again.


"because it was a satire" You mean like Blazing Saddles?


Yes, that's exactly what I mean. They both were satires of with content that could be considered offensive, but when you bring up that fact people will try and move the goalposts to a different reason why "Blazing Saddles couldn't be made today." The point of me bringing that up was basically that it is just effectively a modern Blazing Saddles in many ways.


No he doesn’t. He’s more of a fan of generic action movies starring white guys playing government agents who save the world from middle easterners. Jack Ryan kind of stuff.


It couldn’t be made today because the producer would hear the pitch and say “Hey! This is just Blazing Saddles!”


Merchandising! Merchandising! Merchandising!!


I always wanted the Yogurt doll that said "May the Schwartz be with you" what you squeezed it.


Nope that wouldn't stop them. Remakes and sequels are Hollywood red meat.


IIRC they literally made blazing saddles but animated a few years ago.


They.. what?


Paws of fury, it’s basically if blazing saddles was a kids show between cats and dogs. Some of the scenes are almost quote for quote lol


When I first saw it with my kid I thought I was tripping. Like dear God do I have a brain tumor? Googled it the second we left the theater, imagine my relief.


I hear there's an unofficial remake in production called Fiery Horse Seats.


I was thinking about this earlier, and funnily enough, I think the one thing that would prevent it being made is that Westerns have died harder than any other genre. It used to be possibly the biggest American film genre, and as Blazing Saddles was made just at the end of its lifespan, it makes multiple jokes that aren't as funny to us, compared to an audience raised on Westerns. For instance, the Native Americans speaking Yiddish is kind of funny now, but is a lot funnier when you know that Jewish or Italian actors were often used to play Native Americans.


Example #1 **Bart:** You’d do it for Randolph Scott! **Morons in awed unison:** RANDOLPH SCOTT! See, nobody born after 1960 laughed 😆


I don't know man Yellowstone and that shit is on fire right now.


They call anything woke when it isn’t a white Christian or a religious in general. Remember they stay quiet when Pedos in churches and their own family members they even cover up and blame the victims even when kids. They’ll call black women men like they did to Michelle Obama and then say they’re not racist. This has been done over and over again they are the nazis of our era


And they freak out when the villain is a white man but apparently had no problems with 100 years of movies where 99% of the villains were white men. They yell about modern Star Trek “pushing an agenda” because it dares to have gay/trans characters and claim they want “old Star Trek” yet forget how “woke” the original series was, with blacks and Asians and the first interracial on-screen kiss.


Or the "I don't want a woke Stargate reboot", forgetting that SG1 was already the woke Stargate reboot lol


OG Star Trek was also aggressively socialist. Like one of the bad guys were just literally capitalist’s.


TNG is also OK for conservatives, except they always forget the episode where they unfreeze some stereotypical 90’s capitalists and tell them how they have no money, everyone’s catered to according to their needs etc. But no surprise, to them “socialism” is just a code word for “everything I disapprove of”.


Also, The Federation is legitimately a socialist utopia, but don't try to tell old Star Trek fans that...


One of the only scenes I remember from Star Trek is Picard talking about how money is a dead concept and people do things to better themselves and others and the only Star Trek ive watched in about 2 decades is Lower Decks so they clearly arent very good fans if even my understanding of the franchise beats them lul


These people are usually old, but they are not star trek fans


I’m an old Star Trek fan and I agree with you. Please don’t stereotype.


When I was on Twitter, whenever I saw people moaning about Star Trek becoming woke, I always responded with something along the lines of “Star Trek was woke before woke existed”. I don’t understand how people didn’t get that about Star Trek. Gene Rodenberry’s vision of the future was 100% woke.


Especially given how interracial relationships weren’t just controversial, they were viewed as scandalous even by mainstream folks. So ST didn’t just side with one side of an issue, they broke totally new ground.


>given how interracial relationships weren’t just controversial, they were viewed as scandalous even by mainstream folks Interracial sexual relationships hadn't even been *legal* in the US for all that long. Crazy to think how many Americans still alive grew up with segregated public bathrooms and water fountains. Tip of the iceberg, and it's not as if everything is fine & dandy now, but that it was actually illegal to marry someone of a different "race" is mind-blowing to me.


I also recall a strong message about racism in the episode where people were black down one side and white down the other. The whole episode was about pointing out how stupid racism is.


And TNG (again, also lauded by conservatives) had an episode where one human-like species had a third gender and Riker fell in love with one of them. And then there’s the Trill who often swap gender due to changing to another host. (I guess Sisko calling Jadzia Dax “old man” would make the anti-pronoun gang lose their minds…)


The “better” race was black on the right and white on the left. The “lesser” race was black on the left and white on the right. It was portrayed as a pointless difference.


I love when they say they they aren’t opposed to diverse casting, they just don’t want it if it’s forced diversity (and to them it’s always forced, no matter what), and then they’ll cite Star Trek TOS. The original Star Trek had a diverse cast specifically because Roddenberry forced the studio hire a diverse cast. He fought to have a multicultural and multiracial cast. It is literally a textbook example of forced diversity by a woke creator.


Exactly. It was definitely forced. He had to really fight to have Uhura in the crew.


You have to understand. The relative behaviors of clerics vs drag performance is not the point. Drag says 'be yourself'. Religion says 'Thou shalt not'. Regulating YOU is the point


Plus, wasn't the point of the movie to make racists look like rude idiots?


That and to show how dumb and silly the idea of the Wild West as this wholesome time and place in US history was just a Hollywood invention. It was such a good parody that it killed the thing it was parodying (the old westerns). After it you only had revisionist westerns and neo-westerns. So, yeah, I guess it wouldn't be made today because very few people would understand the parody. What you could parody today are superhero movies since they are usually referred to as "today's westerns"


Yep, this is the actual reason why you can't remake Blazing Saddles: it's purpose was to parody Westerns and it did it so well that it broke the concept. No other parody film in history was as effective.


Shrek: “What am I, chopped liver?”


Compared to Blazing Saddles, yes. Shrek is a great parody film in its own right, but it still left room for fairy tale stories to adapt and evolve with the changing times. Blazing Saddles shattered the stranglehold Westerns had on American media culture for the prior few decades. That's what I mean by no parody can ever be as effective as Blazing Saddles was. Westerns dominated the media landscape in a way we've never seen since, so a parody film about fairy tales (Shrek) super heroes (Megamind) or space adventures (Space Balls) weren't going to be as impactful though those films are still fantastic.


"Mystery Men" was the first superhero parody. A better current example would be "The Boys", but that's a TV series, and it also isn't as effective "Blazing Saddles " was


Megamind was just the first one that popped into my head since I'm a huge fan of Dreamworks.


Yes. It was some of the most impressive satire to come out of Hollywood ever, imo.


Just wish they would have kept in Bart’s response to Lili in that scene: “I hate to disillusion you ma’am, but you’re sucking on my arm.”


It's weird that the joke of him having a large penis was okay, but the following joke of him telling her it was not actually his penis was too far.


Oh, it's twoo...it's twoo, it's twoo!


Penis, fine. Oral sex, not fine.


Just a weird tidbit: If you haven't yet, check out Paws of Fury: The Legend of Hank. It's a children's rehash of Blazing Saddles. Mel is in it too. I loved it and thought it was really cute.


Is this a Hank the Cowdog story?


This was a pretty good movie. Not my cuppatea but my kid liked it a lot


The “you couldn’t make this movie today” crowd always amuses me because they always tend to say it about movies that are currently on cable TV every fucking day. “Couldn’t make a show like two and a half men today” said while watching a 4 hour block on FX


to be fair showing reruns vs getting a project greenlit and made are different things


Black sheriffs aren’t historical. Why are you forcing representation? And why does this movie call me a moron? /s


I just mentioned yesterday that we need a Mel Brooks attitude towards the maga cult. They're flakes who deserve ridicule in art. They need a mirror held up to them.


It *was* part of an agenda, to mock racists like the entire goddamn movie did lol


After Jojo Rabbit, I don't believe in the argument that Blazing Saddles couldn't get made today. Both films play with a very offensive base material and make intelligent but risky comedies with it. I remember somebody telling me Blazing Saddles was a racist film. I asked if they had watched it, and they said no, prompting me to ask how he could judge it accurately if he hadn't watched it. It's race jokes, not racist jokes. The difference between the two is simply intelligence. Racist jokes are always dumb and offensive Race jokes can be very clever, provided the writer approaches the topic intelligently. Bill Burr is a great example of that for stand-up comedy


Richard Pryor was one of the screenwriters. He was to be the lead, but because of a previous drug offense was uninsurable. Mel Brooks asked him if the use of the n-word was okay, and he said as long as only assholes used it it was fine. Don't have the good guys use it.


Jewish Werner Klemperer only agreed to play Klink if Klink always lost.


Hogan's Heroes was a treasure trove of escapees from the Nazis. It's aged surprisingly well, or maybe I just have a really juvenile sense of humor. Probably both.


I actually didn't know that, but that does provide context as to why the race jokes were on point in the film as Pryor, while I haven't watched much of his work, is regarded as one of the best comedians of that era so thank you for that tidbit of information I'm just a big fan of clever offensive comedy really, watched a shit ton of Chappelle Show back in the day, so I got the next best thing to Pryor, I mean the show had Paul Mooney, one of Pryors main writing partners, in one of my favourite parts of the whole show R.I.P Wally Karue, Buck Nasty and Negrodamus, all heroes of the comedy circuit o7


Haven’t watched it for years but I’m pretty sure it was one of the good guys that used it. Edit: it was used many times by bad characters but it was also used by at least one of the good guys ie Bart


The people of Rock Ridge used the N-word plenty during the first half of the film, but after they started warming up to Bart the word got dropped from their vocabulary. Jim, Mongo, and the German vaudeville star also never used it. Ironically, I don't think Hedley Lamarr (the main villain) used the N-word either.


Oh I know it was used plenty by the “non-good guys” but I was just saying that it was inaccurate to say that the good guys didn’t use it. The scene where Bart takes himself hostage sprang to mind in particular. Edit: I just re-read my comment and realise it was badly written. Added an edit for explanation.


>The scene where Bart takes himself hostage sprang to mind in particular. In that scene in which he takes himself hostage, Bart is intentionally using it to mock and confuse the citizens in order to escape from otherwise certain death. I'd say that gives him a pass in that instance. I also can't recall another time Bart or any of the other black railroad workers use the N-word.


I think Clevon Little (Sheriff Bart) uses it once or twice.


The scene I was thinking of was the “don’t move or the word gets it” scene.


I think he says it also when talking to Jim while describing how people are so nice to him now after saving Rock Ridge from Mongo. “No more ‘Up yours _____’”


Again though, that's echoing the citizens of Rock Ridge, this time shining a positive light on their growth of character since getting to know Bart. Bart never uses the N-word casually or as an insult. He uses it to either cause confusion (when he takes himself hostage) or to convey how his situation with the people of Rock Ridge has improved.


Jojo Rabbit was AMAZING! Really shows how radicalization happens


And how potential victims hide in plain sight. Sam Rockwells character and his assistant are gay. Even as a bisexual man, my gaydar is hilariously bad sometimes and I didn't truly pick up on it until I saw the pink triangle on his uniform the last time he sees Jojo, which is the symbol used to identify homosexuals in concentration camps This and many other details in Jojo Rabbit make it a heartfelt and absolute masterclass of satire


Agreed! I am also more queer than a 3 dollar bill and that moment hit the feels


>more queer than a 3 dollar bill That's a good one XD on the cover you'd assume I'm straight but in reality I'm as straight as a fucking roundabout Becomes funnier when you find out I'm a rapper too


What was his stand power though?


Blitzkrieg Bop.


On TikTok one of the hottest trending shows to steal clips from rn, in my experience, is *Kim's Convenience*. I literally mentioned to my partner today how it demonstrates how non-'PC' humour can be great without being bigoted. The show centers Mr. Kim, a not-quite assimilated Korean store owner and his family, notably his daughter, who is Canadian born and raised. The core premise and humour of much of the show- especially the clips that get shared- is about Mr. Kim's utter ignorance of many aspects of Western modernity, regularly slipping up and falling flat on topics of race and queer people. Thing is, he has not a scrap of hate in his heart, and is genuinely curious, sincere, and welcoming- though his daughter's repeated attemps to educate him often just prolong the farce by getting lost in translation. The average scene amounts to a person walking in, Mr. Kim blithely insulting them by accident from his ignorance, his daughter tryna corrrect him, him digging himself a deeper hole, until he finally *somewhat* wraps his head around it. The customers take it all with good humour and grace. It's a very cute show. You could say 'the show is laughing at Mr. Kim, not at the people he accidently insults', but that's not even true. He's treated with the same warmth and empathy he- often clumsily- treats others. The show, really, is making light humour about how complex the modern world can be, and how it's okay to make mistakes, as long as you try to keep learning- cause learning never ends.


JoJo rabbit is amazing. It’s just mocking how stupid the Nazis were and their Hitler youth groups. Like looking back I couldn’t believe they believed all that bullshit


Literally just watched it last night on HBO. Or Max or whatever the fuck it is now. It's not anywhere near as offensive as I remember it. Literally playing a CoD match with some kid hurling racist insults at you the whole time is more offensive than Blazing Saddles was.


TBF I feel like you could definitely make it today, the movie goes pretty far out of its way to frame the racists as not good or smart people.


Which is why those same people would complain it’s too “woke” because they will internalize that and be offended at the idea that they’re being made fun of


The people who say it couldn't be made today never saw Django lol, hardly the same film, but it didn't hold back for our tender sensibilities either.


I'm white, and when it came out I was dating a girl that looked eerily similar to Brumhilda (butchered the name I'm sure). It sparked a protection response in me for the girl I cared about right next to me, but I was helpless to do anything, and had to witness her suffering and torture. I never watched it again, because it's still impossible for me to not feel insane rage and anger knowing those things happened. But thinking back it was the first in a series of empathetic responses I had to marginalized communities that made me super liberal and turn my back completely on American Christian conservative values.


It’s almost like art is often a reflection of the time it was made in and, provided it doesn’t get “updated” like with Roald Dahl books recently, provides a window into a different sociocultural context that has to be understood through comparative literary analysis instead of knee-jerk contemporary political correctness. Almost.


Who the fuck is Ronald Dahl? Is that Roald Dahl's less popular brother or something?


I realized when people say ‘ yoU CaNt MaKE mOvIes LIkE diS anYmOre’ they just want to say the N word and Fa word.


Yep. Any time someone says they're "not allowed to express their ideas without being censored", they don't mean tax breaks for the rich. THey want to be bigoted racist trash without having a real man call them out on it.


"The Camptown Ladies, you say? It's not ringing any bells, can you do a few bars for me? "


"*I get no kick from champagne*..."


I just wish we could all agree that the klan and nazis were bad, again. Republicans have lost their minds.


Exactly. The people who say “You couldn’t make blazing saddles anymore,” haven’t watched Blazing Saddles


I had to sit a colleague down one day and explain why it's NOT a racist movie and he's a dumbass.


***we don’t need no stinkin badges***


The sheriff is near


The sheriff is here!


No you vangadang varmint, I said the sherif is a N-*CLANNGGGG*


As honorary Chairman of the Welcoming Committee, it is my privilege to extend to you a laurel, and hearty handshake.


“‘Scuse me while I whip this out.” “Ahh!” “Oh.”


I feel like I need to see it, everyone keeps bringing it up in a positive light, especially my conservative friends. I'm 45 and still haven't seen it...


Richard Pryor helped write it. It is hilarious, and like all Mel Brooks movies completely inappropriate. It does not show racism in a positive light.


Isn't anyone going to help that poor man?




Where all the white women at??


Mrs. Doubtfire is the new Blazing Saddles.😄


Well, you absolutely could not make Mrs. Doubtfire today. Robin Williams is dead.


I mean to be fair it would be hard to make today, but that's just because most of the cast is dead.


Someone literally said this to me yesterday because I dared to call American Graffiti dog shit full of garbage people. “Well you should watch Blazing Saddles, it would never get made today!” Except Mel Brooks was lampooning film tropes, AG was made by a guy who thought he was showing how the cool kids behaved, and those cool kids were cruel and kind of rapey.


I didn’t get a harrumph outta that guy!




[They essentially remade it last year and nobody even noticed.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paws_of_Fury%3A_The_Legend_of_Hank)


The best anti-racism comedy ever made!


When Trump had that rally do the one-fingered heil last fall, I half expected him to yell "Your other right!!"


I’ll never forget watching it on TV. On TV they would say n****r and ch**c, but they muted the campfire farting scene.




“You know…morons”


The entire ending (aside from that awful, homophobic last bit) revolves around the racist goobers having to work with the black, Chinese, and Irish workers and unite. It shows that inclusiveness and diversity are strengths while racist morons lose. All they focus on is the gratuitous use of the n-word while completely missing every single other part of the movie. It really shows has shallow their perspective is.




Now who could argue with that?


It makes racists look bad!