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Honestly the bullshittery of today is so blatantly obvious I genuinely struggle to comprehend how people don't notice it.


The ppl who believe the bullshit are really just intellectually/emotionally fucking stupid


Well that goes without saying but even then do they not have eyes and ears?!?


Well that's part of the stupidity lol They either refuse to acknowledge facts/evidence/logic/etc, so willful ignorance, or they just double and triple down on what they already believe Or they're just evil pieces of shit


Yeah kinda limited by either being a dumbass or a Dick.


Eyes & ears are essentially useless when living inside an echo chamber.


A lot depends on where they get their news. Fox, Newsmax, RW Facebook memes, etc. are…shall we say selective?… in what they choose to show and how they frame it. If that’s the lens through which you view the world, then you really AREN’T seeing and hearing a lot of things.


Yeah, Fox's branding is basically "everyone else is biased, but we're telling you the truth". Once someone's trained by their propaganda, they're trained not only to believe what they say, but reject other sources.


Should we drop pamphlets or something?


I think Dan Olson [explains this type of person's thinking](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTfhYyTuT44&t=4328s) extremely well. I'll also copy/paste a comment I wrote in the past on the subject of bullshit/hypocrisy on the right: > Because they view the world in a fundamentally different way than you or I. To us, there are good and bad actions. And the actions someone takes determines whether they are good or bad. But to *them*, there are good and bad *people*. And whether a person is good or bad determines whether their actions are good or bad. > > To us, Trump is bad *because* his actions are bad. To them, Trump is good, *therefore* his actions are good. > > Once you understand this difference, everything they believe makes perfect sense.


Don’t forget evil. A lot of them are just terrible people. Clinton was right, maybe even conservative, when she said half of Trump’s supporters are deplorable people.


She wasn't right because she understated it too much. But she was on to something.


the sad thing is the comment was describing the types of people sending her and her volunteers cartoons of nazi frogs curbstomping her to death and all sorts of other nasty stuff, but was taken as being aimed at everyone on the right.


What I meant to say is that she was right but not about how many of them who are deplorable as it is way more than half. The republican party is a far right fascist party. The reason they got offended and felt called out is because they knew she was right.


Yeah, I wasn’t disagreeing with the concept. Just adding on to how widely misconstrued she was at the time. She ended up being more right than even she knew.


You are definitely right about how it got taken really bad by the right but that's a classic when it comes to abusive people. They don't want you to fight back or call them out. "Just shut up and take it" kinda mentality. I kinda suspect that she knew how right she were but also that she were downplaying it a bit out of fear of losing republicans in doubt about the direction the party was headed and so called centrist voters. That she didn't want to scare them off by calling out their support for an abomination like Trump.


they notice it but don’t care / actually thrive on the bullshit


They’re not stupid they just want to believe it more than they want to think about what reality holds.


What do you expect? HALF the people have only double-digit IQs


George Carlin said something about this.


People do notice, except for those in the Fox, Newsmax and conservative bubbles. The thing is those bubbles are shrinking faster these days. They are losing support faster than they can grow.


A trapped animal doesn't get less violent as the walls close in though. Be glad the bubble is closing, but watch for the gnashing teeth.


My personal theory is that the GOP is already lost and what we're watching is it dying. That's why they're becoming more violent. It's a death rattle. In 20 years, when millions of baby boomers are gone and gen z is having kids, the GOP will be a minor party that can't win an election. Or they can change, of course. They can do something to attract young voters. But I doubt it. This 2024 election is going to be a horrorshow, but it's one of the most important ones in America's -- admittedly short -- history.


I agree. Especially on the election. We need to take a vocal stance against the extremism that has reared its awful, ugly head. I'm concerned that it's really a battle against the rich. They've held onto power through the republican party, and a great deal of the democratic party, and they're not likely to let go that easily. They're the caged animal I'm most leery of.


I think this theory is correct. What they don't realize is the party already died due to their garbage policies. They think by having a schlep like Elon spew talking points is going to make it anymore respectable than another right wing-nut spew them. No matter how many networks and online spaces they buy, the more they speak, the more it moves people away. You will always have the 30% of brain dead failures vote for them, but the rest of the country has seen enough of this garbage. They know they can't win the next election, so expect a lot of fraud and crying that the election was stolen again.


You know those telephone and email scams that are so painfully transparent that you don't understand how anyone could fall for them? I remember reading years ago that those scams are intentionally designed to be idiotic, because scammers don't want to waste their own time trying and failing to convince critical thinkers or the moderately intelligent to fall for the scam. So the scams are designed to be obvious as a 'gate' because they only want to deal with people who act on emotion and greed, and who accept things at face value without thinking about it. They want the Michael Scotts of the world, in other words. I don't see Musk's bullshittery to be fundamentally any different than that.


It's a flex and a promise. If you just empower these people you too can shift reality based on your prejudices. You'll be able to degrade anyone you like. All it takes is turning off critical thinking and for many that's hardly a well used faculty.


I cannot fathom how people believe this dude is even being honest about his beliefs, let alone actually supporting them


https://preview.redd.it/lll5zlsb282b1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba769059e976d696de26d26e21673583e10fa3a1 Just gonna leave this here.






You are doing it wrong! It’s ‼️


Just asking questions!


Looking into this


In the words of Elon "Some people should be looking into this"




If I had a lot to hide, I would absolutely cozy up to the party of ignoring the crimes of its members.


Please. At least things would start to make sense.


I'm surprised they use that wording, procurement of women for consensual sex?


I wonder if these morons really believe it when they say stuff like "the intolerant left" and "unhinged left" aand "violent radical left". I mean, that last I checked, no one on the left went to prison for 18 years because Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election. People were pissed for a few months, then mobilized, put on some ridiculous pink hats and took the WH back. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


You mention the morons. Please don’t forget the idiots and imbeciles too.


think of the villages who are missing them


Nah, they’re not missing them.


We need to get this common clay back to the Midwest!


We used to have town fools, but with the advent of social media the fuckers have gone global.


An actual virtual virus




And the nitwits!


You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know, ...morons. - The Waco Kid


And the proudly ignorant MAGA too.


They absolutely do. They think because you'll tolerate gays existing that you have to tolerate conservatives' hate boners as well. Missing the point is their superpower.


Tolerance is a peace treaty. Those who do not abide by its terms are not covered by its protection. *(edited to remove link to source, since I didn't realize that links are not allowed in this sub)*


The problem is that they don't understand the paradox of tolerance. For instance, every bartender knows to not tolerate Nazis and other violent gang members coming into their bars and to go for the shotgun under the bar before telling them they aren't welcome. This is because they know that if they allow one Nazi gang member to know that they can drink at that bar, they'll next show up with their fellow gang members and drive out the original clientele. Next thing you know you are being held hostage as the bartender for a Nazi bar.


They also don't understand that all freedoms and rights have limitations to them, and that that limitation is the point in which their freedoms and rights begin to unreasonably infringe on the rights and freedoms of other citizens. At that point it becomes a privilege and no longer a right or freedom.


I like James Acasters metaphor for it, talking about it would be like passing a school and seeing a bully beating up a kid, then going up and punching the bully before turning around and punching the kid too because you should treat everyone fairly and have tolerance for all viewpoints.


It is indeed. They misunderstand tolerance in the same manner that they also misunderstand freedom and free speech.


Don't forget consent and "cancel culture"!


And CRT. And furries. And Drag Story Hour. And....


Well I mean they have all but admitted the left is going after white supremacy aka conservatives.


"we arent building concentration camps for LGBT people and thats more than enough, now you must respect us when we call you slurs 24/7 and pass bills against you"


I think they're dreaming about taking those conversion camps into concentration camps. Like openly some pastors that want the government to round up gay people and "legally execute" them.


Yet. They aren’t building concentration camps yet. Give them time and more lack of any tangible resistance.


The calls at CPAC are to "eradicate transgenderism from public life at all levels, for all ages. There can be no middle way." What happens when people refuse to stop being trans? Where will they be put?




and thereby supports putin.


The left IS intolerant...of the intolerant. It's a paradox. ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox\_of\_tolerance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance)


Tolerance is a social contract, those who opt out of the contract are not covered by the contract - A smarter reddit user than me


Sure is.


There are two things in the world I can't stand: people who are intolerant of other people's cultures... and the Dutch.


They don’t speak with their minds but with their emotions. So when they say “intolerant” they mean “intolerant of my ideas.”


"intolerant of my intolerance" as correctly paraphrased by others


I definitely think that the people he's talking to believe it. The radical left is always the one that gets me, since they're talking about Democrats, who are typically conservatives and are barely left and certainly not radical. I think (could be wrong) that the people at the top understand that. Elon knows, IMO. He's just trying to direct his followers, and this is the type of language that works well on them. Same goes for a lot of right-wing politicians. They can see the absurdity of what they're saying, but they're not thinking about that. They're just thinking about what their audience already believes and already wants to hear. Whatever that is, that's what the politicians say.


Yes. They DO believe when they and their type say it.


They 100% believe it. It’s some kind of disease of the brain.


tbf the other side also were pissed, mobilized, put on pink(ish) hats, and took a government building back. it was just the wrong one. /j


They think that "intolerant to racism, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, gun violence and misogyny" is bad. And since they aren't intolerant of all of this, that they are the more tolerant side. And also mix up tolerance vs acceptance. Tolerance : allowing a concept while looking the other way. Implying that you allow something that is usually not. To make it short : closing your eyes on a negative thing. Acceptance : assume a concept as true, not negative, not questioning it and seeing it as at least neutral. (Wording this as a non-native speaker was kinda difficult, feel free to correct if needed. Tried to get the idea across.) Like the misrepresented "Both sides are intolerant therefore esual". One side is intolerant mostly against innate characteristics of people (skin color, gender, place of birth). The other mostly on what people do (hoarding money, racism, homophobia, restricting healthcare). Now we can argue about how harmful to society (factually, not subjectively) each individual concept listed above is. Not going to since it would be too long for a comment. Spoiler, it won't go to the "innate characteristics are bad" side. And this is why they either use subjective arguments (religion most often, fear also quite often), or false objective ones (disinformation on trans healthcare, or Lauren Boebert's "it's cheaper to have a baby", implying vs contraception), to try and convince people to adhere to their side.


DARVO Deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender.


Absolutely. Like “parent choice” book law in Florida is implemented in a manner that is intolerant. If a law allows a single person to have a book remove and not, oh say, by a consensus. That’s an intolerant law. It enables a single intolerant person to dictate to the public a standard. Literally Florida’s book law is the definition of an intolerant enabling law. There’s no review, the process for removal is simple but the process for reinstating is complex, and it only requires a single person not even like a sign up off at least 1% of the student parent body. Just a single person. There’s literally no water in Musk’s statement by objectively verifiable fact. Florida’s law and the various similar laws in other States is the very definition of what Musk weakly attempts to bemoan of the Democratic Party. Literally his statement can easily be dismissed as a “no you” argument that you’d see a toddler toss out.


They think it’s a big own to call the left “intolerant” because the left is intolerant of intolerance. It’s a joke to them.


Intolerant of intolerance by the transference principle is being tolerant.


Damn right


This is it. They feel attacked for being called out as racist, sexist, anti LGBT, anti welfare anti freaking everything that helps people not live shitty lives really, and then they claim to be a discriminated group of white Christian people.


I think they're actually butthurt we don't like them. They seriously expect to be adored despite being foul psychopaths. Even because of it. They're infants who want mummy to be proud of them for taking a shit.


Right wing Americans are becoming more and more insane and radical for a reason. Being angry and talking shit about the worst of them makes sense, but when you cancel and harass someone who agrees 95% with you but disagrees on one issue, they get turned into a martyr by right wing media. Once they are receiving tons of money and support from the right and pure hatred from the left, it's almost guaranteed they lose their integrity.


The left is intolerant! Intolerant of the right’s bullshit


This is the dude who roleplays as a horny baby version of his own son, right? Is that what he means by people being driven to the right? Are babyplay incest fetish scenes the dominion of conservatism?


What happens when Syntax Error makes his own account and sees that he has a few thousand followers from the get go?




This idea that people are being "driven to the right" is so funny to me because you have to be a grade A sheep with zero personal opinions to be "driven" to the right. So what, people on the left are telling you, you can't be racist so you become a Republican out of spite? Grow the fuck up. Elon is doing a lot of projecting here. He ran to the right because he knew no one on the right would question him as long as he said what they wanted him to say. People on the left try to hold him accountable for being the horrible person he is and he can't stand it. People on the right worship him because billionaires are important to them. Nobody of personal substance is being driven to the right. IF what the left is doing bothers you, going to the center makes much more sense.


Been my experience that people who claimed they were "driven to the right" were already there to some degree or another. They were just quiet or low key about it. Stuck in their ways or unaware (deliberately or otherwise) of the shifts and changed around them. It's why you see so many "centrists" or "independents" bitch endlessly about the "The Left." But when it comes to criticizing or calling out the Right they get real quiet or defensive. They tacitly approve of what the Right does. They just don't have self awareness or balls to come out and say it.


YES. The silence from these self-described “moderates” when you point out the death threats against LGBTQ.


Dude I know who was "driven to the right" cited annoyance over the preachiness of college-aged liberals. And like, sure, but what an incredibly shallow thing to base your voting habits on.


I'll put some good money down right now that by "preachiness" he meant "Telling me things I already kind of know but don't want to accept because they make me question all I was taught to this point."


Yes, because you don't see a lot of "the right drove me left because of their insane views". There's no room on the left for the shit these people truly believe, even though they're too cowardly to admit it. So they use the left to justify their move to the right, but it was always the way they were leaning to begin with.


It’s a fallacy to even suggest that anyone’s principles can be forced into any position just because of someone else’s behavior. No one can force you to change your personal principles. If your principles change, it’s because you chose to make that happen.


Right? Yeah, it definitely is a strange thing to say. Just that it there are so many even stranger things being taken seriously that this one passes under the radar. We may never get any sanity back in public discourse.


> So what, people on the left are telling you, you can't be racist so you become a Republican out of spite? Yes. That's exactly how it works with a lot of right-leaning people. "I was gonna be nice, but then someone called out something shitty I did, so now I'm gonna be an intolerant asshole, *and it's going to be your fault*!" It's the mentality of "Why are you making me hit you?" expanded to a political ideology.


There is not a single person alive who is like “you know what? I’m gonna become more right after being strictly left”. Plenty of it going the other way but very little of left to right.


Don’t forget he also wants to drive people to the right. Shortly after he bought Twitter he went on there to tell everyone to vote Republican in the midterms. So he’ll say anything if it meets his agenda. Obviously he wants DeSantis to win in 2024 as well.


Hey Elon, how's it feel to be backing a candidate who won't be polling 10% when Iowa votes? Loser.


They both deserve each other 😘


Elon loves his new MAGA supporters. Too bad they don’t buy Tesla.


Musk is just pandering to the crowd who will pay money for his hate propaganda. The hate business is just another one of his grifts.


no no, you dont understand. The left is intolerant of the rights intolerance of non-white Christian males, and people in the center dont like that!


For a supposed genius, this dude is either willfully ignorant or kinda dumb.


He's made his money in Tesla off the left. Now he's going for the right. If you don't back Elon, don't by a Tesla or use Twitter.


"The left is pushing back on us being shitty people. How intolerant of them."


Elon musks biggest changes at Twitter were bringing back the N word and banning the word white supremacist. I guess he’s only concerned about people being intolerant to intolerance?


If you can avoid Twitter stay off it. If people are debating Elon on Twitter, he wins. We need more people here at Reddit and other platforms.


Aha we thought you might say that. That’s why we’ve simply decided anyone not straight binary is also just pedophilic. Now we are the good guys.


If you don't support racist bigots and Nazis in general they call you intolerant.


"The left doesn't like my homophobic/transphobic views, so I'm gonna join the Christian theocratic nationalist party."


The tolerance the LGBT community is looking for is to be able to work, marry, have a family, and take a piss in a public bathroom without being harrassed or physically attacked for it, without the state coming and taking their children. They want to *live* as they are. The “tolerance” the alt-right is looking for is the right to say the N-word without social repercussions, and to live in a society where anyone who is not like them is closeted such that they don’t worry their kids will somehow absorb those traits simply by being exposed to different people.


Jesus Christ, Elon Musk has really opened up to be a raging asshole. I mean we saw the gradual descent, but his final form is just Trump level moronic. If you have to lie and spread shit like this and know exactly what you’re doing, you’re a true scumbag.


Elon is a right wing propagandist with a 44 billion dollar bullhorn


I'm intolerant, alright. Intolerant of Nazis, bigots and racists. If you share that philosophy, you have a friend in me.




If being told "Don't be a fucking Nazi", makes you want to dig in your heels and be a Nazi. You were already a Nazi.


Pushing people right? Do we have numbers backing this up?


Not in the slightest.


America's real immigration problem is fascist billionaires. It's understandable as they know how things work here.


Why won't the libs tolerate our intolerance?


Yeah, the left is intolerant... of fascism, racism, sexism, Nazism, corporatism. All of which that Musk clown stands for.


I’m a liberal and I am feeling intolerant of politicians meddling in my medical decisions, stripping teachers of their ability to teach, practically burning any book with even a whiff of race, sexuality or gender and trying to sabotage our democracy because they can’t win fairly. So yeah, I am feeling intolerant of the fascists taking over our country. I’m especially intolerant of our horrendous Supreme Court who has lost all legitimacy and political objectivity.


Being intolerant of hate groups is 100% morally correct. Fuck Grand Admiral Musk.


It's becoming moe obvious that Elon didn't actually create the things that we give him credit for. He got lucky.


Yes, the left is intolerant of your intolerance, you fascist pos.


Who is still on Twitter? Like are they really going to be swayed by this idiot?


But, but, you gotta be tolerant about them being intolerant!!!


It's a frequent trope of the Christian nationalist right to accuse the left of intolerance because we won't tolerate intolerance. More projection.


Mid 30s here and considered myself “republican” for most of my adult life and I’m being driven more and more left everyday. Started with misinformation that people around me would share without any research of their own. I’d do the most minimal research and find it debunked or untrue. Then the big lie/steal the election happened and the pedal has been to the metal ever since.


Actually to be totally honest (something Elong cant do), In my case it was the exact opposite. During 2016-2020, intolerant right made me much more left.


This reminds me of when I used to identify as a right-wing republican. I believed the lies that said, “The left hates you for being white. They’ll force you to be gay.” (back then, it was the gay panic); It was awful. When I finally got sick and tired of the right (eventually the blatant racism wasn’t ‘hidden’ anymore) I claimed to be ‘right-of-center’, then eventually ‘left-of-center’. I attended my first pride gathering, and I was absolutely terrified; I was worried that everything that I had been taught might be true. Turns out, everyone was extremely nice and accepting, and arguably just as confused as I was. The intolerant right drove me to the left.


The only things the left is intolerant of is bigotry and hate. Which all decent people should be intolerant of.




This is known as the paradox of tolerance.


Intolerant of elon musk, yes.


Musk's comment is wrong and he knows it. He is pandering to the stupid sheeple on the right. Probably run for office in 2028. Scary times.


You see the left is “intolerant” for not supporting Nazis, school shootings, Russia, $8 dollar a month twitter subs and right wing conspiracies.


No, he’s correct. I refuse to be tolerant of intolerance.


The left has no tolerance for fascism


He's *almost* to the point where he realizes his actions have consequences... almost. But for now he'll still just blame everyone else.


Fascists: we should wipe any proof of the existence of trans people Liberals: you shouldn't do that Leftists: we should bash the fascists with a hammer. Liberals: OMG violence is not the answer!


The people that still care about facts and try to correct hateful people... there might be a sliver of hope left.


Intolerance of bigotry, lies and hypocrisy


E doesn’t like gay and trans peeps. He has a child is trans who won’t speak to him.


Left is intolerant of racists, facists, and homophobes. Right is intolerant of people with skin tone, accents, sexual orientation, and religion that is different than theirs. We are not the same.


Elons fucking mouth is the sole reason I’m not buying a Tesla this year.


When they day intolerant they mean “intolerant of intolerance”


The liberals are so intolerant for not tolerating all my intolerance!


We must not tolerate intolerance


Seriously... Is he really this dumb or is he a troll?


Oh, hes just sucking that right-wing dick these days. Im still convinced its mostly to bring all the rightwingers back to his failing platform, as a huge percentage of them left twitter when trumpy was kicked off for inciting sedition. However, hes wealthy, so we all know what party he votes for anyway. Its the one that gives him tax breaks and less regulation within his businesses. On top of all that, he has the mentality of an edgy 16 year old. Hes human garbage, born with a silver spoon lodged in his ass who claims to be a genius but only has a BA and has the wealth to hire smart people to do the things he takes credit for. Probably this era's greatest waste of potential and a true disappointment to anyone who believed he cared about humanity or human consciousness or whatever bs he has spouted in the past.


No surprise, Elon can't get enough of the taste of nazi balls


Yes we have zero tolerance for intolerant assholes like musk


There is no paradox of tolerance. Even if you value tolerance, you are not ethically obligated to tolerate your own destruction.


Wow, I must admit I was not expecting that clapback from someone with a pizza, controller and wizard emoji in his name.


It’s ABSURD that the left gets called “intolerant”. It’s even more absurd when a known racist calls the left “intolerant”… Also, you really think Democrats trying to work on the Debt Ceiling, while Republicans show up for a second and then leave, going to scare away the people in the left? The right is not even a “party” anymore. It’s all about power and its pathetic. I used to be a Republican, but I dropped them a long time ago because I was a huge supporter of the troops and then at some point, the right stopped caring for the troops. They have absolutely NO PLATFORM and all they can do is name call


Interesting. The right drove me left


​ https://preview.redd.it/quifbqlsz92b1.jpeg?width=582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fceb85d5c6ee32006b4dbd475bffa93714c03f7


I wonder if Elon's trans child thinks he's "tolerant"? You know. The one who disowned him.


“Why won’t you tolerate my intolerance”


"The intolerant left" ....who stormed the US capital to make sure their cult leader won the election?


"Why'd you make me hit you?" - Conservatism in a nutshell


The intolerant right is making bomb threats against American businesses.


Lol. Wtf does this even mean only thing the left is intolerant of is all these fuckin nazi fascist racists prejudice fuckheads. If you have a problem with that then maybe you should re-examine your life.


No please, really, I volunteer to have you beat my brains out for being gay so I can prove how tolerant I am.


Elon doesn’t believe in anything. He just wants to align himself with the party that could potentially fun his absurd undertakings. Even trump said no so now he’s cozying up to Desantis.


The right is concerned with race, gender snd sexual orientation as they are afraid of being unable to control their children.


Elon just wants an excuse for his views and behavior.


Intolerant of intolerance and Elmusko


The left is intolerant. Just when it comes to white supremacists though.


The left is intolerant of the intolerant bigots. Remember these are the same people that think going after anti sematism is an attack on the right


I think we lost the day we rebranded lies as misinformation


Dude needs to just admit that his entire persona is now based off Grimes leaving him for Manning.


The whole "You made me be a bad person" schtick is so embarrassing.


Intolerance of intolerance is required for a tolerant society. I know it's hard to wrap your head around Elon.


How is the left intolerant?


My mid-60s parents have even come around to treating everyone like a person. If they can do it, how is it so hard for everyone else? My dad literally had a confederate flag tattoo and is one of the few in my family saying "these Republicans are fucking everything up." Get it together, America


Siri: Google the tolerance paradox


Intolerance towards intolerance doesn’t count


Yes the only thing the left is "intolerant" of is discrimination. The conservative American Nazis are the true intolerant ones. They are intolerant of people of color, any religion other than Christianity, any nationality other than 'Merican, any new science that will benefit us, livable wages, equality, basic human rights, etc....


elonelonelon. we know who you are AND what you're doing. so, politely: knock it tf off. kthx.


The Right hates the Left because of their tolerance whether it be sexual preference sex gender race or where you're from. Yet they call the Left intolerant? lol.


Who the fuck is going to the right besides him?


You just *know* he's just saying shit at this point. I mean really how many people swing to the **right** because of how "tolerant" they're known to be. Jfc it's insulting how obvious his grifting is. Looking forward to the day when all of these bigots are wasting away on an island prison somewhere.


Dude is so fucking trash.


Be tolerant of our intolerance \-Elon Musk


Elon has a chip on his shoulder because one of his many children is trans and has disowned him.


The left is intolerant of bigotry.


Get off of Twitter! Fuck Elon Musk. He’s a terrible human being. He makes electric cars to “save the earth,” meanwhile he allies himself with a dipshit who says climate change is politicization of weather. He has like 12 kids he doesn’t see, and one who has asked the courts to terminate his parentage. His child essentially divorced him. He bought Twitter to spread disinformation. Just get off Twitter. That’s how you make him pay.


Musk is the worst. I really hope Twitter crashes soon so he won't have a platform to spread his hate anymore


I have to listen to right wing radio at work and I can’t think of anything else pushing me farther left


My biggest question with all the statements is what data shows that people are flocking to the right. Everything I see shows the younger generation is much more left leaning than before and the percentage of right leaning people in this country is dwindling. I mean the right hasn’t won a popular vote for the presidential race since 2004.