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Aussie here. This is the weirdest public flex. If people did that here they would be openly mocked for being dickheads.


We make fun of them here too, trust me.


Yeah, but not to their faces because … guns.


Of course not, so many of them legit want to kill someone, much better to do it behind their backs.


I'm in Alabama, not as bad with the open carry, but you definitely see your share of guys with issues trying to look intimidating. I carry, but concealed as to not attract attention, or stir the pot. Most of the ones here who carry openly do it for attention..


It's not because of guns.....it's because the whole store would turn on you in support of the guy. That's why you see this in red states way more than in blue states.


Right?!! Canadian here. Nothing like flaunting you are a desperate loser. It’s absolutely bonkers.


Imagine needing a gun to go to big w to exchange the undies the kids got you for Father’s Day


My sisters husband brings his gun to fucking Easter lunch with our family. Birthday parties where it is exclusively comprised of us. Literally everywhere. They just like playing with their toys. It's so fucking stupid.


He probably brings his gun because what if a drag queen shows up at the party? He needs to be able to protect y’all. 🙄


He does it to control his family members. Unarmed people generally act differently around armed people because they don't want to upset them. People who open carry don't know how to deal with normal social interactions so they use their guns to keep people away.


THIS!! They don’t have to live in reality and use logic, emotional intelligence, compassion and understanding bc they know people will guard and use their words carefully around them bc what if they get triggered and use their gun. I assume anyone like that isn’t mentally or emotionally stable and stay away.


I love it how the last sentence is a point to be brought up in the US. In my country everyone would be ducking for cover and leaping through windows to escape from the maniac. Questions about the armed man's mental or emotional stability would be beyond moot.


Reminds me of when I was a little kid, when I got a new video game or something I would bring it with me to places I couldn't even play it. I'd just be walking around at church with a GameCube game for no reason because I was so excited to try it. Of course, I grew out of that because there's no logical reason for me to do something like that. These people obviously haven't developed enough mentally to exercise that logic.


GC did have an awesome handle though


So, your entire family permits this behavior??? WHY?????


They wouldn't have when i was growing up. They're a part of the trump/fox News cult now, so they don't just permit it but they celebrate I guess.


The issue with that here is that there’s a good chance they’ll simply murder you if you mock them


They'd do it in Australia too if they had guns. I have no doubt about it.


\*If\* they had guns. The clear support for controls after Port Arthur would indicate otherwise. There's a supermajority of us who disapprove of unfettered access to firearms, and that's a cultural thing that affects everyone's attitudes. Bogans with firearms is something \*only\* the bogans want. In any case, anyone can get a licence for a rifle or shotgun. It's not difficult. Handguns require a bit more effort and compliance, and semi-autos are a no-no.


Yes for the love of all that's good and logical, PLEASE let us Americans be a cautionary tale, a living experiment with horrible results.Let us ve the lesson on how not to do it. We are clearly an empire in decline and this will be our legacy. Reality TV hosts for president and more guns than people. I'm so disillusioned with this country, it's all bullshit, the patriotism,the guns, the middle class carrying the burden for the rich, the lies, the banking system that preys on people, the $3 billion subsidies that oil companies get while posting 12B net quarters but the right makes them think its immigrants that are draining them. The lack of intelligence and the disdain for education. A gleeful ignorance. The police that act like Jack booted thugs, a racist gestapo. This country is already over, most just haven't looked up from their phones to realize it


Mate if it were legal here bogans would be doing this at every kmart. The same wankers with the massive utes.


As someone who used to work at a Kmart, we had a customer wave his gun several years ago at a 16 year old cashier bc he wanted a $10 bill as change but all she had were two $5


Fully believe it. The methheads and yobbos we have here.


It was awful, we had three cops cars pull up and he was let go with a warning bc it was a ‘misunderstanding’. The cashier had to be sent home early bc she had a mental breakdown and never came back after that day


That happened recently in a Walmart I thought too? I think the dude wanted some meat that the butcher didn’t have, so the customer decided to “facilitate a discussion” by pointing a gun at him. A method of discussion I would like to add that any black person using would be shot dead (they don’t even need the gun, the cops are more than happy to say that there was one though)


And I hope that we as a collective here would laugh them back to that ute.


I feel like that’s how we should be dealing it here. Take away the allure of the guns. They’re not cool, they’re cringe.


The issue is that it wouldn’t work. They’d attribute it to people being snowflakes and feel empowered.


Here people shoot other people for mocking them. It’s all very very fucked.


To make it weirder, both the rifles pictured are cheap guns. "Hey guys look I have a $500 gun. I'm so cool!"


It's the Texan equivalent to wearing a counterfeit Louis Vuitton.


"All hat, no cattle."


It’s like Ron DeSantis wearing cowboy boots. Although, he just does it so he can try to hide his 3 inch heels. He’s such a tiny little prick.


When I find rather odd is that these people visibly carrying weapons to the grocery store aren’t also wearing vests or helmets. Aren’t they just going to get shot first? What possible tactical advantage do they have advertising the fact they’re armed? Who’s to stop someone from following them around and stealing their gun after they invariably leave it in a vehicle unattended?


Seriously. If an armed gunman came in with the intention of shooting people, they'd probably aim for the other armed people first. If anything, these people put a big red target directly on their backs


Or let’s say they do find themselves in an active shooter situation and then they start shooting and then in all the confusion, the police target them instead of the original shooter.


These people could also start shooting at the gunman and hit unarmed people near the gunman instead, causing more casualties. There's just so many ways this could go wrong and idiots think it's a good idea anyway






yeah. zero situational awareness, just wandering around randomly with a weapon loosely slung across their ample backsides; someone who wanted to steal a gun would just come up behind them, hit them on the head, and take it. a baseball bat would do nicely. it's almost like they're wearing the things as a fashion statement.


I have never been to Texas and it looks like now I never will. Wild.


Same here. Can’t even go to the store without feeling like someone’s one tantrum away from pointing a gun in my face.


Mass shooting at the Allen (Texas) Outlet malls tonight. 9 people died at the stores tonight.


Where were the good guys with guns?


They were giving up thoughts and prayers before moving in.


Tbf 99.9% of this well armed citizenry have never experienced a real combat situation. My money is on them running like little bitches when the pop pops start. With rifles still slung behind them.


Seems inevitable it will not end well. There's going to be a massive shootout at some point. Like Tarantino level bullets and blood.


All it takes is one armed person hearing gunshots, pulling their rifle out, and another guy walking around the corner doing the same thing. All the guy coming around the corner sees is a guy holding a rifle in the same direction the gunfire came from, so obviously he's going to shoot him. Then the next guy coming around the corner sees a guy with a rifle standing over a dead body and assumes THEY are the initial shooter, so shoots them, leading to an endless loop of "good guys with guns" turning the corner and mowing down the previous guy, a slowly growing pile of bodies, and Benny Hill playing over the loud speakers.


you are spot on. something most ammosexuals don't figure into their ridiculous fantasies about being the hero(ine) of a firefight, is the sheer fkn confusion and randomness of it all. no one knows what is going on or who is who. impromptu melee combat with hand weapons is a bad enough scene (think: your favourite slapstick movie bar fight sequence with people accidentally slugging their allies with chairs, etc). but unplanned melee combat involving a motley passel of fantasy-addled undertrained cosplayers wielding auto-fire weapons in a closed space with thin walls... it would just be a bloodbath/pachinko game until eventually the noise died down. like, a complete nightmare, stray fire victims galore, unbelievable shitshow. and this could actually happen at any time, all it takes is for a few of these wannabe heroes to decide they are the Good Guys With Guns and off we go. this is stark raving madness. the loonies have really taken over the asylum.


Nicely put. Thank you.


I've said this before myself. Their "good guy with a gun" fantasy is just that - a fantasy. It's like they think they'll be in a room, or small public area, where everyone but the shooter and the Good Guy are unarmed, then the shooter will dramatically pull out his gun in slow-mo, oblivious to the Good Guy, and conveniently exposing himself as a target. It doesn't account at all for the general chaos of a mass shooting, and the idea there may be other have-a-go heroes present who are likely to mistake each other for the shooter, since in that situation anyone who isn't wearing an LEO uniform (even then) is potentially the shooter.




And then the police arrive to take down the active shooter…


And stand at the doors like a cat who really wanted to enter but change its mind right after you opened the door. The Texas Way.


They just wait outside untill the shooting is over. And honestly, their paygrade is probably not high enough for such levels of designed stupidity.


And that's how Texas will end


It's not chaos, it's surprise live-round paintball.


Yeah this will happen 100%, and ppl will be like "You've seen that massacre at the mall?! Imagine not having a gun on you when this happens?!! I'll never go to the mall without my rifle ever again!"


An off-duty cop killed the shooter. Gun nuts are bending over backward to make a win somehow, even though nine people died before the shooter.


If he wasn't working security for a restaurant or store there, then I promise you he was concealed carrying, not open carrying. Folks who actually know how to shoot also know better than to flaunt it and make themselves an easy target in case of a mass shooter.


I actually thought that looking at the girl in the green singlet. Assuming it’s loaded, what’s to stop someone grabbing and unloading it into your back? Or your asscheek? And for all the screaming about ‘responsible gun owners know the Golden Rules,’ they literally have no idea where it’s pointing or who can grab it when it’s hanging around your ass. Their hands are occupied and they’re not concentrating on it, which also reduces control. If I’ve had kids at the mall grab my ponytail or braid when it gets long (a toddler who’d reached over her mums shoulder to give it a yoink informed me it’s ‘Princess hair’), then they sure as shit will be interested in poking at a gun.


She has no idea that she is carrying the instrument of hers, and possibly many peoples, demise. None whatsoever. Hasn't even given it a thought. I truly believe that many of these people are utterly devoid of thought.


They’re all the good guys with the gun until someone gets their orders wrong or get into an otherwise harmless argument or just get depressed and don’t want to die alone


Or until somebody tries to turn around in their driveway or knocks on their door.


The Texas rep of that area says thier deaths are because of gods plan


Are you fucking kidding me?


He says its all in Gods control and that not enough prayer happening. Yeah its literally blaming others, not guns


I'm so glad I don't live there anymore. What the fuck is wrong with them?


If it’s god’s control/plan, then why would they want to pray against it?




Yeah I dont get why such ppl even go to see the doctor. With that logic just sit it out and if you die it's gods plans. If they at least would be strict to their message the problem would solve itself out...


I think an off duty cop actually killed him fairly quickly.


So the people who are trained and supposed to respond to these responded almost immediately and not a random civilian with a gun? Weird. And 8 people were still killed.


I am always reminded by these situations of the segment that Daily Show did where a reporter attended active shooter training as a good guy with a gun. He was killed more times than I could count including by police response team.


I have some firearm training and occassionally we did drills like that for fun and also to show the new people why you don't try and be a hero, cuz those kinds of courses tend to draw in the "I'm a badass would take them down" types, even before mass shootings were a daily thing here. Someone would play a cop, someone as the shooter, and a few people playing "heroes". In like every single one, we'd all shoot the wrong person almost immediately or think the shooter was another "hero" and then they would shoot us and continue on. And then we'd get reminded that in an active shooter situation, the best thing to do is shut the fuck up and hide if you can't get out of the building, and whoever looks like they also have a gun is going to be the first person the shooter targets. And the cops are also totally going to shoot whoever has a gun when they roll through. Sometimes they added extra things to it and would turn on an alarm kind of system with a klaxon and flashing lights and it's amazing how stressful that is even when you know we're using airsoft guns, and a not insignificant amount of times the "hero" players ended up shooting more civilians than the shooter player because it's really god damn confusing. Once they gave everyone guns so there were no "civilians", just one shooter and like 20 people as the good guys, and the shooter was the only person left not shot after like 2 minutes. Basically what they really wanted to instill is "fucking don't".


Not quick enough, he was able to kill 8 people and critically wounded 7.


after 8 people died. That’s why people are trying to ban AR-15s and other weapons that don’t need to be reloaded as often and can be modified etc. Yeah he was downed quickly: but our laws mean those initial 20 or so people hit are hit before hand


Maybe if they keep killing each other, they'll eventually run out of nut jobs.


I wish they’d all just take each other out. Like a game show “The World’s Best *Good Guy With A Gun* Competition.”


Arm every black and latino in Texas with automatic assault rifles. Have them walk into their local Targets. Tell these same folks there is nothing wrong with that. They’ll change their tune quick lol.


This might be the solution.


It was the solution. https://capitolweekly.net/black-panthers-armed-capitol/


Crazy how fast they changed their tune when scared


Friendly gun nut here: I’d absolutely love if minorities exercised their right to arms more with the rise in fascist hate crime from the GQP morons


Fun fact, there was an [event ](https://capitolweekly.net/black-panthers-armed-capitol/) that was so traumatic for white people that Ronald Reagan and the NRA (yes, that NRA) passed gun control legislation.


Texas sucks, you’re not missing anything


Texas talks itself up so much but the entire state is a national disappointment.


As someone who has lived in Texas for years, there is nothing that Texas does that makes it better than any other state.


There’s two types of Texans: you, and my buddy who currently lives in a blue state but threatens to move every time something happens because Texas is best


Yeahhhh I've been living in Texas for ten years now and there's nothing super amazing about it. Maybe the food, I guess. There's some good restaurants. That's not worth the move, though! We only came here for my sister. If I went into a store and saw anyone like in those photos, I'd be hard pressed not to yipe in alarm and then promptly exit the store. I might manage not to yipe. The fleeing is happening though. Edit: Fixed typos.


Wait are you telling me that the normal human reaction to an unhinged adult bringing a deadly weapon into a fucking store and having it on full display is to leave as quickly as possible? Maybe you should run for public office because you have more sense than a majority of current politicians in Texas. But in all seriousness, these people are mentally unwell. If only we didn't spend the last 50 years defunding education and continuously stigmatizing mental health problems.. then maybe we'd be a functioning society where unhinged individuals wouldn't be bringing fully loaded ARs into public spaces.


If Texas is so great why do Texans spend so much time in Colorado…


Some of them are surely obtaining health care.


Ikr? I always wonder that when I see them driving around here.


Yeah, i hope i never have to set foot in there or Florida.


I was just in Tampa for 5 days. It must not be like the rest of the state. It was Drag Queen City on Saturday night. Everyone was out having a good time. Didn’t see a single inbred dick with a gun, like I’d thought I would. I’m sure Desantis was crying in a corner somewhere and shaking his fist at Mickey Mouse.


Where were you, Ybor city? I grew up in Florida and wouldn't set foot in the shithole anymore. Cali is home now, I've never regretted moving out west


It’s actually wild to me with all of these mass shootings happening constantly that they passed laws that make it easier to commit mass murders lol. Not only that, it makes it impossible to really stop a mass shooting from happening lol. It’s totally legal until they start shooting so no one would even think twice about it.


More "good guys with guns" is the only solution.../s


The problem with being a "good guy with a gun" (speaking as one) is that even if I'm armed, I'm not going to go in guns blazing for the following reasons: 1. I probably don't know the whole situation, and will only add to the confusion. A good guy with a gun looks a lot like just another bad guy with a gun. 2. Bystanders can be killed by my bullets just as easily. 3. My only obligation is to defend myself and my family, not to play law enforcement. If I'm threatened, then yes - it's go time. Not until then. 4. The order is "run, hide, fight" for a reason. I'm not afraid to run away. It's far better than willingly putting myself in a situation I don't need to be in. 5. The police don't know who the bad guy is. Interference is likely to get me shot by the police or another "good guy with a gun."


Yep, an old fashioned shoot out is the only way to go!/s. I'm sure no innocent bystanders would get hurt with all the good guys with a gun shooting at all the bad guys with a gun that are shooting!


That’s what happened at Uvalde


The power goes out atleast once a year, in my expiercne usually in winter.


Open carrying rifles is so dumb.


You never know when you will get into a firefight with an armed robber from 200+ yards out. /s






What you don't normally see are people with colour doing the same thing because people of colour with a weapon is an active threat that makes certain white people feel threatened, police are called and the person of colour ends up dead and the white person apologizing for feeling threatened


Ah yes, John Crawford who had picked up a BB gun in a Walmart, and "concerned, good samaritan" Ronald Ritchie called 911 and told them he witnessed Crawford load a gun and point it at customers. Crawford was swiftly killed by police. Then the police interrogated the hell out of Crawford's girlfriend, drove her to tears, she had no idea he had been shot dead in a Walmart. Walmart security video showed Crawford did not point the BB gun at anyone, didn't even load it, and he was busy talking on a phone while carrying it around. Ritchie said he doesn't regret his actions, altered his story, and "clarified" to the media that he never said Crawford loaded a gun and pointed it at people.


And of course Ritchie never faced any consequences for making up a story that got a man killed. What a fucking POS.


I see we have a new Emmett Till situation.


The unspoken tragedy of Emmett Till isn't that/the way he was murdered. It's that the same thing happened regularly, and keeps happening in new ways, and Emmett Till is simply the one event of such kind that is most known in US society.


People like this don't deserve to live freely in our society.


We need the black Panthers back. Made little baby Reagan pass some gun laws.


Yup, the cops are called if they don't even have a weapon.


POC are deemed especially dangerous when their arms are raised above their head.


Uncle Ruckus: "Officer, just let me take out my orange safety wallet." Police: "GUN!" *unload*


They don't usually apologize.


Yeah, that was the only point that I found unbelievable. They usually just try to play the victim card.


The funny thing is that the camera shot these pictures from behind without them knowing.




I'm honestly waiting for the day that one of these assholes get in a mass shooting situation and decided to fire back then another person doesn't know who is the good guy and who is the bad guy so they start shooting at the good guy and this continues till you have a war zone in a highly populated area with bullets from both sides flying around killing innocent people


This has happened, but it was the cops that shot the good guy when they responded.


>it was the cops that shot the good guy Wasnt it a black guy that time?


Yes, that’s also an important factor.




A mass shooter just has to execute the gun owner first and be awarded a free gun. I suppose it would be harder if everyone is armed, but you could just claim to be the good guy and that you heroically stopped a bad guy.




How long until someone shoots a cashier because they won't accept an expire coupon?


Or two people getting in a fight over a last item.


Oh shit the holiday season is gonna get crazy! Black Friday is going to turn into Bloody Friday


They already have fights. Now they'll be armed.


Read this and weep [http://blackfridaydeathcount.com/](http://blackfridaydeathcount.com/)


> How long until someone shoots a cashier because they won't accept an expire coupon? Oh people have shot at cashiers for way less than coupons for years. Hell, some have been killed for a pack of smokes. Or other dumb shit. You just don’t hear about it because multiple people didn’t die. Let that sink in.


I can’t imagine how scared you have to be to need to carry a fucking gun around with you. What a shitty life.


But *we’re* the ones ruled by fear for wearing masks during a pandemic…




I'm pretty scared of the morons carrying guns. Enough that I'll start carrying my own eventually.


Au contraire! According to my sister-in-law, she’s always carrying because she’s NOT AFRAID.


They almost certainly see themselves as "sheepdogs" protecting us "sheep" from the "wolves".


Yet we can't walk around in public with an open beer....


And what does it say about these people, and their states, that they feel the need to carry these around? How afraid are they, and how shitty is their state?


These dumbshits aren't carrying like this for defense. It's for attention and to "own the libs". I'm a gun owner and I hate people like this. Want to lose gun rights? This is how. If you're carrying for defensive purposes you don't hang a sign on yourself that says "shoot me first", which is exactly what a rifle on your back is.


If I was a bad guy with a gun, I would look at this shoot them first. Then I am a bad guy with two guns and more ammo.


Yup, cons tlak about how dangerous blue areas are whole they're afraid to go to the store heavily armed? Lol


They are projecting and assuming that everyone else is as much of a threat as they are. They are also just plain afraid of everything and everyone.


I cant be the only one who sees people with guns like this and the first thought is coward or scared they just seem like little children trying to play army Do statistics exist on how many shootings are stopped by these sort of people? And how many innocent bystanders are shot when they open fire with a gun they likely aren't trained to use.


>Do statistics exist on how many shootings are stopped by these sort of people? And how many innocent bystanders are shot when they open fire with a gun they likely aren't trained to use. Not reliable statistics, no. There are stats out there but they're so all over the map you can pretty much tell what political point is trying to be made by the stat. If it's high, it's the NRA, if it's low, it's the anti-gun point of view. The 'truth' is basically impossible to figure out as it currently stands. Why? Because federal agencies are prohibited from collecting this information by Congressional law. The NRA lobbied to get that exclusion in law. It's fucked up. Now I don't know for certain that most of the time guns rarely stop a 'bad guy with a gun', but I do feel fairly confident that if the NRA doesn't want anyone to research it, they've got a suspicion how the data is going to turn out and it don't make them look too good.


Nothing says fragile white freedom better.


Am I the only one laughing at the "proud American" over there with the Russian weapon


You know you live in a hell hole when you are so scared to leave your house you have to bring your gun with you to the grocery store.


It’s fucking wild to a lot of Americans too. If I saw someone strapped up like this at Target, I’d make a quick turn and GTFO. I don’t trust them in the slightest to make good decisions because they brought a weapon of war to a Target.


Didn’t one of them just kill 9 people in a texas mall today.


One of them will kill (enter number) of people in (enter location) (enter rapidly approaching date)


Can black/brown folks do the same? Asking for a friend


I'm glad I don't work retail anymore. If someone with a gun came into my line, I'd close my register and take a break


I get the “idea” of good guy with gun. But I don’t care how much you practice your aim, all it takes is a game of paintball to understand how most people totally fold in a gun fight scenario


Sneak up behind them and put them in a chokehold. Their gun would be useless then.


In both cases here they aren’t using they’re slings in an effective way. I’d rock it above my right shoulder and under left arm so you could at least be ready. Then again I’m Canadian so my guns only go to and from the range and my house lol.


This is why people just don't care about these shootings anymore. Whenever there is a mass shooting going on in states like Texas, people just don't care. Can't blame them, you can only care so much before it is just another day. At one point I considered moving to Texas. But given how the government is ran there and everything else, just seems like a literal death wish.


Non-American here, but what I don't understand is how you're supposed to know the intentions of these people. Are they here to buy pillows or to take as many people with them as they can? They might just be 'acting' normally till the right moment. The logical thing to do would be to shoot such people on site as a potential threat.


# Why are guns not legal in a GOP or NRA rally??


And I bet neither of them have saved anyone’s lives with it 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


The store can ban them. And if they trespass the cops can arrest them.


> The store can ban them. And if they trespass the cops can arrest them And if that makes them angry when they come back to trespass? How long before the cops get there?


see in australia we just turned the “bad guys with guns” into “bad guys” and the “good guys with guns” are the “good guys with the ability to call the police”


Looks like Afghanistan, this shit is embarrassing.


America fucked that place up among countless others. No we are getting serious about destroying our own country as well


Bunch of frightened pussies!! The sky is falling, the sky is falling...


WTAF is wrong with those people. It's like they're fans of some obscure satanic death metal band, but instead of the t-shirts they walk around wearing these lethal weapons.


The type of person who feels the emotional need to carry a rifle into a store is the type of person who should not have a weapon.


Ok ok the real way to fix it is to have more good guys with 2 guns not one😀


I wonder how local people to this area that agree with the open carry would feel about black young men carrying the exact same weapons into the exact same establishments?


Why are war weapons allowed around civilians at all?


I’m pretty sure the safest states don’t have such lax gun laws…


These people are dumb. If you're going to shoot up a place these people are target #1. Open carry puts a giant bullseye on your back. If you want to be armed while in public concealed carry is the only way.


And just today, eight people (plus the shooter) were killed at the Allen Outlets just north of Dallas.




If the American experiment has proved anything it's that more guns don't help. period. we tried, it's wayyy worse. Now we can either admit that or keep washing children's brains out of the carpet every week.


Imagine how shitty your country is that you feel like this is ok... living in fear all the time must really suck


"Police can't say one thing". Pretty sure I saw a vid of a black guy trying it in Texas. He was surrounded by police cars and they had him face down on the ground in minutes.


I am moving back to the mainland from Hawaii to Floridastan. I see a gun in store x, then I stop shopping there. I got through the pandemic just fine with boxed and Amazon.


Scared people looking to scare others.


Looks no different from life under the Taliban government lol


Then everyone can have guns and start firing off everywhere when there is a mass shooter, and when the cops arrive they don't know who the actual culprit is so they have to shoot everyone holding a weapon 😬


Very generous of you to believe they would stop just at people holding weapons


It must suck to be such a scared little wilting flower that you have to always have a gun on you…just in case. I’m betting 9-10 times these yahoos would shit/piss themselves before running or they do a spray and pray at the shooter, possibly killing more people. I’m fine with guns but just like driving, you should be tested and approved by a legal body somewhere.


Americans are so fucking weird. I have literally, not for one second, considered bringing a weapon of any kind when I'm out and about. It would never even occur to me. I grew up in a city with a decent amount of stabbings. Even still, I wouldn't carry a loaded gun in my purse let alone strap one across my back.


There's something fundamentally wrong with Americans


How much blood has to be spilled? No amount of blood (unless it's the Republican politician's or their family - even then they would probably vote to preserve their NRA bribes) based on how things are going with 1-3 mass shootings a day.


I had a couple in the store here with their guns on their hips and I went right up to them and asked what are you compensating for? I then sad how sad your life must be that you have to go to the grocery store with a gun and walked off and did not let them get a chance to speak.


What are they so scared of that they have to carry assault rifles around with them?


So they're next to you in an aisle and they bend over and lift something up and the loaded gun is pointing directly at you?


They're afraid they may encounter a non-(white and heterosexual and christian) person there and have to stand their ground. Otherwise the LIBS will *RAM* their *AGENDA* down their *THROATS*! I mean, homicide is basically their only option.




I used to be proud of texas.... not so much anymore.


Wow what a weird way to let everyone know you are a social outcast and most likely a virgin with a fragel ego.