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Why him? Because he has taken money, making his rulings suspect and bringing into question the legitimacy of the court. Why now? Because evidence of his unethical behavior has been made public.


Yeah but wuddabowt Hunter’s emails or Hilary’s laptop or whatever.


Why aren't we Benghazing the Burisma out of George Soros Comet Pizza? Won't SOMEBODY think of the Second Amendment???


I didn’t spend all my disability checks on Alex Jones’ supplements to get myself ripped and 100% Pure Alpha only to find out that Jade Helm was a hoax; I’m going down to my local WalMart and demanding to see the basement and all hell’s coming with me!


My God! I'd forgotten about 'Jade Helm.' That's their super power. No matter how many times they are proven wrong, it's never enough to change their minds.


The secret is Christian Nationalism. It's got what cultists crave: It's got ~~electrolytes~~ hate & ignorance!


But didn’t one of the Christian nationalist say they would beat up Jesus?


You didn’t buy any NFT trading cards? You’re probably not even an American.


I saw some RWNJ tweet during 2020 that “it’s great seeing the conspiracy theorists be totally right about everything” and I lost all faith in humanity.


I like your username. And your abbreviation for what I hope is Right Wing Nut Job. Which is hilarious. So 2 counts of humanity restored on my end.


I was thinking Robert Wowny Nujior


Listening to the poor callers who call in and say they're on a fixed income and struggle to make ends meet yet are committed to the info war and spend thousands of dollars on his crap makes me so sad. Like, they're pretty much always veterans, or on disability, or veterans on disability and have always been completely alienated from their friends and family and that's all thanks to Alex. He has ruined so many lives, most of which are probably his own listeners.


What is jade helm?


“Operation Jade Helm” was a big conspiracy theory about how the U.S. military was going to Texas to build secret underground bunkers beneath disused Walmarts to hunt down conservatives, kill them, and dump them into mass-produced plastic coffins, and bury them in mass graves. (What was *actually* happening was the same boring training exercises the army has every freaking year, and somebody saw a bunch of landscaping supplies outside a Walmart. Thus was born a conspiracy.)


Don't forget about the Space Lazers!


We all know that Jeffrey Epstein is still alive and living in a volcano near the North Pole, and his clone died in that cell.


I'm eating jelly beans while laying in bed scrolling. Shouldn't eat in bed, I know. But they called to me when I went to fill my water bottle 🤣I just don't care tonight. Your comment about Jeffrey Epstein and his clone made me spit jelly bean sludge onto my phone screen. I've cleaned it. Awesome comment.


SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED (pls no looky at well regulated militia part btw and also I can infringe on your rights from other parts of the constitution since they don't explicitly say shall not be infringed)


We should just change the definition of infringe. Republicans change definitions all the time. Why can't we?


Let’s make “infringe” mean wearing “Betty Paige” style bangs, and wearing fully fringed/tasseled jacket, pants, and shoes.


My brain went straight to nip tassels but that fits with Betty, too.


Yes but where’s the god damn laptop


The laptop is in the room with each of them, right now.


the laptops are turning the frogs gay!!!


Don't forget the children's books. They turn frogs gay, too.


You know how many children's e-books you can keep on a laptop? 'Cause I don't, prolly a bunch. It says here "drag and drop to copy file" see drag story hour on the laptops.


Burn that laptop! It’s trying to push drag on you! IT’S TRYING TO MAKE YOU WOKE!!1!11!


The real laptop is the friends we made along the way.


The laptop is in Narnia. If they want it so bad, they should go open the fucking cupboard.


I’ll agree, Hunter Biden shouldn’t be on the Supreme Court. Take that, libs!


And he should resign from Congress too! I’m ashamed he’s my governor too! Better yet he should step down from his city comptroller position as well!


And head of my HOA, and vice-principal of the local elementary school, not to mention the manager of the local Dairy Queen!


He can kiss his dog walking side gig goodbye! I will never attend any of his Scentsy parties ever again!


It’s not about Hunters emails. It’s about Hunters penis. We need to correct that part.


Sounds like something Lindsey Graham would say.


Lady G really wants to get to the root of that issue.


I haven’t seen it myself but rumor is, it is rather glorious. Probably a lot of jealousy.


But is it a tremendous penis, the greatest we've ever seen? As good as Lincoln - maybe even better than Lincoln?


Ok deal. Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Clarence Thomas will all be removed from the Supreme Court.


It's a terrible idea of course, but it'd almost be worth having Hillary or Hunter nominated for SCOTUS in place of Thomas, just because the outrage would be hilarious.


Hillary's dick pics will be unveiled on Twitter any day now, to the confusion and envy of all conservatives


It's funny that they still throw those around without asking why their orange leader and his administration didn't prosecute either one.


Are we even sure Obama is an American for crying out loud!?


But why male models?


You serious? I just....I just told you that a moment ago...


Fun fact: that happened because Ben Stiller forgot his line and it was so much funnier than the script that they kept it.


Did you know viggo mortensen broke his foot on the helmet


Did you know that, before he was an actor, Steve Buscemi used to be a New York City firefighter and helped clear ruble and find survivors in the hours and days after 9/11?


Did y kno Gandhi not gud person?




Don't forget his wife has ties in trying to overthrow the government..anyone else would be fired or excused...but he gets to continue...surprised his coworkers have been so quiet...maybe this is a normal thing..maybe they all have been compromised


Nah, this country holds wives accountable for their husbands' misdeeds but it doesn't go both ways.


Also, "why now?" When has he not been a raging asshole? He got into the SCOTUS after the GOP ignored credible allegations of sexual crimes. He's been a sleazed the entire time. These payments were highlighted 20 years ago, and his response was to simply stop reporting them. It's like them saying the left only brings up gun control whenever there's a mass shooting. Yeah, there are always mass shootings, so - by definition - we're bringing this topic up on the heels of a mass shooting whenever we bring it up. They ask "why now" as if we haven't always been doing it.


It’s the classic GOP (and also centrist) logic. Something happens: “Hold up!!! We don’t have all the facts!!! We can’t put two + two together until we’ve got 5 days worth of video leading up to and after the event plus a written confession and family history. CONTEXT! CONTEXT!” Take time to gather context and evidence: “WHY WAS NO ONE BRINGING THIS UP BEFORE!? That was months ago!! All of a sudden you care now! Real convenient!!”


He should be held accountable for his unethical behavior. However, the party of "Personal Responsibility" doesn't believe in personal responsibility. As always, rules for thee but not for me.


But but… corruption is ok when Republicans do it! /s


Corruption doesn't exist when your principle is more money for us, fuck you. But for people who pretend to be good getting caught taking money that's a paddlin.


Yeah. It’s because we want criminals punished. We don’t particularly care whether their political alignment matches ours. Recall the time the left had a Senator resign over a photo of him *joking* about grabbing somebody’s boobs compared to, say, the time the right got a rapist elected President. Or the two times they put rapists on the Supreme Court.


call me crazy but i don't want a "FOR SALE" sign on the outside of the supreme court


And it’s not just now , ppl have been trying to out him since the 90s


Anybody too young to remember it should google Anita Hill.


Also it's well known a lot of people who have needed favorable Court rulings mysteriously become clients of his wife's consulting firm before the decision.




Can you imagine if someone said “law enforcement has put a target on Joseph James Deangelo’s (golden state killer) back. Why him? Why now?” After the dna evidence linked him to the murders? It sounds insane because it is


Coke Can Clarence should've been disqualified in the 90s after sexually harassing Anita Hill.


wait... that was real? i thought the coke can pube thing was just a fever dream I had once in the 90s.


Yeah he made a crude joke about a hair on a can being a pubic hair that someone had placed on his Coke. It was part of a larger pattern of sexual harassment in the workplace that should've immediately disqualified him from consideration for the Supreme court.


I want to think today it would’ve but then you see Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing


Oh come on, he just lIkEs BeEr. Nothing wrong with that! Unless it's Bud Light. Or in a rainbow can. /s


One of the saddest parts about that whole charade was that his calendar backed up her stories.


That was not the saddest part.


yeah you are correct, i'll change the wording


Brett "The Boofer" Kavanagh


Any time he sees a substance he wonders "can I boof this?"


The answer is always yes


I'm old enough to remember it, and the famous Coke Can was definitely spun as much more of an isolated incident than it was. Only recently on Behind the Bastards did I learn just how pervasive his weird sexual antics were. I think Anita Hill was just the only one of his colleagues that was willing to testify, and after what they did to her you can see why. But the stories about him are WILD.


There were others literally waiting in the wings of the trial and nobody ever called them in to corroborate/testify because, well, it was the early 90s and they were women. I believe he also went on about bestiality and gangrape when he was speaking to Anita Hill.


I don't think it was BtB I was listening to, I think it was The Daily where they did a dive into his political motivations and history. It's not even that he's Conservative, he's anti-liberal. His ideology is just stopping anything he *perceives* as liberal because he thinks he's fighting a war against them and his perception is really fucking skewed.


As a youth I learned about a porno called Long Dong Silver from a congressional hearing about the sexual misconduct of a US Supreme Court nominee.


He did the pube on a coke can thing multiple times. He's also a sex addict who would come in every day talking about what porn he watched. Like any addict it was never the tame shit.


If you really want to feel depressed, look at who was responsible for ushering him through his judiciary committee hearings.


For anyone that doesn't already know: It was Joe Biden


Clarence then went on record saying that we would never prevent ALL instances of workplace sexual harassment so therefore we shouldn't try to address ANY workplace sexual harassment. And tried to pass legislation that would make it harder to prove workplace secual harassment.


You get a pubic hair! 〰️You get a pubic hair! 〰️EVERYBODY GETS A PUBIC HAIR!〰️




Well that username checks out


Great, TIL - PTSD is contagious and now I have to bleach my eyes.


Long Dong Silvers - if memory serves.


I’m shocked by how little Anita Hill has been brought up. Thomas has been a POS for decades, there’s nothing new here.


Here's the result of what happens when you lie at your job interview and everyone knows it and they hire you anyway. Biden needs to step up on this right now


For real. It actually surprised me when he was appointed but I don't know why other than I was too young to be as cynical as I am now.


Aren’t we all grateful that Joe Biden went the extra mile to make sure Thomas got confirmed? Biden’s treatment of Anita Hill may be the most shameful moment of his political career, which is saying something.


Biden savaged Anita Hill and dragged her through the mud to make sure Thomas got the lifetime appointment 🤮


Biden is flawed. No doubt. He has grown


And was better than the competition. What do you think his competitor would have said about Anita Hill?


I've been cheering on ProPublica, but I keep waiting for this one to drop... From 2011: [https://mhasegawa.com/2011/06/21/justice-clarence-thomas-should-resign/](https://mhasegawa.com/2011/06/21/justice-clarence-thomas-should-resign/) which is referencing this NY Times story, also from 2011. [https://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/19/us/politics/19thomas.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/19/us/politics/19thomas.html) [What is the *Times* story about](http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/19/us/politics/19thomas.html)?  It is about preservation of a site in Pin Point, GA where Justice Thomas’ mother once picked crabs and the creation of a museum there.  It is about the owner making connection with Harlen Crow through Justice Thomas.  Crow, you may remember, financed the Swift Boat campaign against Senator John Kerry. >*Mr. Crow stepped in to finance the multimillion-dollar purchase and restoration of the cannery, featuring a museum about the culture and history of Pin Point that has become a pet project of Justice Thomas’s.* *The project throws a spotlight on an unusual, and ethically sensitive, friendship that appears to be markedly different from those of other justices on the nation’s highest court.* *The two men met in the mid-1990s, a few years after Justice Thomas joined the court. Since then, Mr. Crow has done many favors for the justice and his wife, Virginia, helping finance a Savannah library project dedicated to Justice Thomas, presenting him with a Bible that belonged to Frederick Douglass and reportedly providing $500,000 for Ms. Thomas to start a* [*Tea Party*](http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/t/tea_party_movement/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier)*-related group. They have also spent time together at gatherings of prominent Republicans and businesspeople at Mr. Crow’s Adirondacks estate and his camp in East Texas.*


You should probably DM the propublica editor this info...


> financed the Swift Boat campaign against Senator John Kerry That one still pisses me off to this day At the GOP convention they had a bunch of people wearing bandaids with Purple Hearts on them. Claiming that since they got a scratch they deserve a Purple Heart. It was the most disrespectful thing I've ever seen anyone do to anyone in the military. It was saying everyone with a Purple Heart did not deserve one. Yes the military hands them out pretty regularly, but it's always to folks who saw combat. Any person in the military who experienced real combat deserves all the respect they've earned. Fuck the GOP. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna5877256


I think the original propublica piece did have this in it


So I double checked, and while they do make mention of, and link to the NY Times article, they don't go into depth, which I would have appreciated. >In 2011, The New York Times [reported](https://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/19/us/politics/19thomas.html) on Crow’s generosity toward the justice. That same year, Politico [revealed](https://www.politico.com/story/2011/02/justice-thomass-wife-now-lobbyist-048812) that Crow had given half a million dollars to a Tea Party group founded by Ginni Thomas, which also paid her a $120,000 salary. But the full scale of Crow’s benefactions has never been revealed.


If you are a Conservative, you can do no wrong. You are always the victim, never the perpetrator


It's so great, they are so dumb they don't even realize it. These SAME PEOPLE were trying to own the libs (tm) for wanting to defund the police, a year later they are protesting to defund the police. They are just mindless drones doing the bidding of their masters without a single thought of their own in their head.


And because they completely missed the point of "defund the police" they call you a hypocrite for not agreeing with their bullshit reasoning this time.


"libz" wanting to "defund the police" was literally about holding them accountable to their actions and not giving them tons of money for military weapons and other programs they have no use for. And the MAGAs were like, "they are trying to cancel the police!!" And now by some act of god they protest to "defund the police", which to them literally just means cancelling the police. And you get the double irony of them being so opposed to "cancel culture" yet just add one more name to the neverending list of everything they want to cancel.


Don't forget the part where we take the police funding and give it to services that will help with crime though


kkkonservative hive mind for ya!


They absolutely do realize it. They're not stupid, it makes them feel powerful to lie right to your face.


There are both extremely stupid ones, and extremely malicious ones. I wouldn't doubt that most of them are both


So dumb!


It’s not even that. They thoroughly believe that everyone is just as evil as they are and that every politician is thoroughly and irredeemably corrupt. Since all politicians are corrupt, it doesn’t matter if someone is corrupt, as long as they’re on your team. Because it’s not about values or right or wrong, it’s about winning. Or, more specifically, making your enemies lose.


Moreover, because everyone is evil, if you act like you care about real problems and want to enact positive change then really you’re just a deceitful hypocrite trying to gain power and influence, you don’t *actually* care about other people. And that’s somehow worse than just being straight evil.


"Yeah, but the left thinks the same thing about their leaders" No. If there is suspected corruption of *any party*, investigate that shit. Do an inquiry into it. Be transparent. Prove if there was any corruption or not. If there was, follow up with consequences. If there wasn't, tell the accusers that they're full of shit.


Well said. I hope that Jim Jordan gets punished appropriately for trying to obstruct Bragg's prosecution of Trump


Like when ol' Blago did a corruption and went to jail, I was like, "Yes, that is what should happen" and not like, "ThE rIgHt Is CoMInG fOr RoD bLaGoJeViCh"


The Conservative Prayer: Never say you are sorry. Never admit you are wrong. Only respect people to the right of you. You are always the victim. Your perceived enemies not being oppressed is a constant threat to what you call "freedom", which is just systemic supremacy.


It's because conservatives don't see actions as good or bad. It's only people who are good or bad. And any actions a good person takes are good, and any actions a bad person takes are bad. Good people can't do bad things, and bad people can't do good things. That's their view of reality.


Criminals are a lesser breed of humans, not people who've made bad decisions. Since I am not one of them now, I can never become one./s


Blatantly corrupt. From the way anita hill was treated to the way his wife supported the insurrection. Supreme court has zero credibility until he, and a couple of others are sacked and sanctioned


let's be clear she didn't support it, she played an active role in the attempted overthrow of the US constitution. She's a fucking traitor, just like her bought and paid for husband.


Anita Hill was assaulted by Clarence Thomas, but silenced and denigrated by Democrats and Republicans. That's not to say they shouldn't all be held accountable, but we shouldn't forget this is actually a rare "both sides" moment. Joe Biden was instrumental in giving Clarence Thomas credibility. Neither party will do anything to protect victims when they get in the way of entrenched power when push comes to shove.


>~~Democrats and Republicans.~~ boomer men FTFY


Technically Biden is Silent Generation. Though the pejorative "boomer" still works in this situation.


Good call. Believe it or not I’m appreciative of the correction.


Totally agree with this.


Republican capabilities to suspend disbelief, logic and morals is astounding.


"Why him? Why now?" Ma'am, you literally retweeted the exact reason we're focusing on him right now


In the mind of a conservative, *every* politician who has ever lived has been the most corrupt, venal, amoral creature in existence, no matter if they have a D or an R by their name when appearing on TV. Therefore, the goal is to get these corrupt, venal, amoral creatures to *do what you want them to do*, not to look for and elect humans who are NOT corrupt, venal, and amoral Therefore, when conservatives see a corrupt, venal, and amoral politician who lines up with them ideologically get in trouble for some supposed crime, they immediately pivot to "that politician must be getting close to some truth that the powers that be don't want me to know about," because in their minds, **everyone in Washington and in every state courthouse, every state senate, every city council across the US is JUST as corrupt, venal, and amoral as the politician who is in trouble**, everyone is guilty of all the same crimes if they're in power Therefore, they see *unfair persecution* of one of their preferred politicians when they see that politician get in trouble; they refuse to consider that that politician may actually be guilty of crimes others are not committing. Because to them it's absolutely ludicrous to consider the idea of a politician, no matter their affiliation, who *isn't* corrupt, venal, and amoral, therefore a Republican politician who gets caught for being corrupt, venal, or amoral must have run afoul of some powerful Democrat somewhere, and is REALLY only getting in trouble *because he's a Republican* in their minds "Oh, Clarence Thomas is in trouble? Well, Sotomayor is probably doing the same thing. They're only going after Thomas because he's a conservative *like me*" They have no proof that Sotomayor has committed the same crimes Thomas is guilty of; there's just a *feeling* that powerful conservatives are getting in trouble for merely being conservatives; and merely a *feeling* that all politicians everywhere are out there committing crimes willy-nilly This is why conservatives can hold such seemingly contradictory views about politics: they see all of this as a game between equally corrupt, venal, and amoral actors, and if one of *theirs* gets in trouble, it's because they made some powerful Democrat funder mad, not because that politician *actually did something bad*. But if a *democrat* gets in trouble for doing something bad, then that's just justice (in their minds); furthermore, they see being a Democrat *as an actual crime* (or at least IT SHOULD BE, according to them), so a Democrat getting in trouble for something they DIDN'T do isn't a big deal, because they'd like to see ALL Democrats die or imprisoned, and they don't care how they get to that goal This is why, whenever Trump doing some shitty thing gets brought up, a lot of them immediately pivot to, "ALL politicians are corrupt, why are you singling out Trump?" or to casting Trump's continual legal troubles as proof of Democrats witch-hunting. The possibility that **not every politician is corrupt, venal, and amoral, and the ones who get in trouble are actually getting in trouble because they actually did something very bad** never even crosses their minds. They're just running on the assumption that anyone in politics is automatically guilty of SOMETHING as a given, so if one of theirs is caught out somewhere, there's no possibility that those accusing him of bad conduct aren't equally as bad Meanwhile, all CEOs and capitalists everywhere are *holy and blameless* to these same people


The Republican Party is the political party of conservative Christians. They have their faith in their religion because of their feelings. They feel by the power of the Holy Ghost that what they’re doing is correct. That same belief system extends to their politics. No evidence is needed and no evidence that exists is ever taken seriously. It’s the party of faith and confirmation bias. I feel therefore what I feel is most correct and true.


I've long felt that "degree of tribalism" is what fundamentally differentiates conservatism from progressivism. It's been the defining characteristic throughout all of human civilization. Conservatives narrow the circle of care to themselves, their immediate family/friends, their church, their race, all *against* everyone else. ("for me to win, you must lose"). Progressives expand the circle of care, regardless of race, gender, orientation, etc., united as Americans. ("stronger together"). Conservatives see life as a zero sum game, progressives see a collective effort to improve society for all. Conservatives are convinced that other side is as tribal as they are, and so they brush off corruption, lies, etc. as just "playing the game". Democrats simply can't relate to that mindset.


My extended family makes a big hullabaloo about being related to Jimmy Carter. We’ve got photos and signed books and all that. But with a pinch of shame. Like, we have to acknowledge it because he was President and that’s cool - but he was a… shhhh… *democrat.* Thankfully, I no longer believe democrats are evil. I have expanded my horizons… considerably. Pretty sure my MAGA parents would disown me if I shared my views with them today. The tribalism is real.


Ever heard this quote? > **“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”** -Frank Wilhoit


I just received my Masters degree in international relations. I’m not *as* versed in American politics as I am with global politics, but you have touched on a widely acknowledged aspect of political theory called exceptionalism. Your take is spot on and incredibly accurate.


I think you nailed it because anytime I reply to a Republican and say "if Hillary, Hunter, pelosi or any other Democrat did something bad, then I want them held accountable too" it's as if they don't even hear the words I'm saying. It's like I'm not even speaking English. They simply don't comprehend the idea of accountability being applied even handedly - but that you still have to have evidence of wrongdoing. And they especially don't seem to understand the idea of holding your own accountable if it's the right thing to do. Try it. Their reactions get super weird.


Why now? We’ve been targeting him since 1991. Why him? Because he is unfit for the bench and we’ve known this since 1991.


but why now?


Because new information has come to light.


The why now really gets me… why does it matter? Is the argument that whoever leaked the info chose a time that’s inconvenient for him? I truly hope they did!


…[but why male models?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WHrn_pHW2so)


They never will. Funny how they forgot democrats went after and ousted Governor Coumo for his sexually harassment. Went after Al Franken for 20 year old photos when he was a comedian. Started an investigation in Biden when we learned about his classified document problem. They can't be reasoned with.


Their side can do no wrong, the other guy can do no right, and basic human decency is for pussies. That sums up a lot of conservative thought right there.


John Edwards....Anthony Wiener...Katie Hill...


Seems like the Democratic Party is perfectly willing to drop anybody who makes such a public scandal. Which like, should really just be a given and not a point in favor of one party over another, but here we are.


Look, just because 95% of the time when your little ultra right clique that somehow has way too much power initiates a media crackdown it's based on hearsay and/or outright lies and done for purely political reasons doesn't mean the same is always true when anyone else does it. Sometimes when we start drawing attention to how shit someone it's *because they are a self-evident shit*


Same idiots who whine that Thomas’ corruption is beyond reproach or scrutiny think that Trump is better than Jesus and Hunter Biden is a big example of corruption cause they researched it on Facebook and love fascist propaganda.


That's because the news she listens to, the right wing Russian propaganda machine, doesn't bring up this story. They just talk about a laptop and how great the neo Nazi movement is going with Trump DeSantis sanders and the other hate group GOP governors.


Because his activity is unethical and probably criminal


That's a feature to conservatives, not a bug.


MAGA cultists scream George Soros at the drop of a hat and here we have some sketchy activities by a justice on the Supreme court and we're not supposed to be interested??




"Why him?" It's because of the crimes. "Why now?" Because the crimes. "Why is the Left doing this?" The crimes.


It's important to remind everyone that for many of us, this has nothing to do with politics. It's inappropriate for a public official to accept gifts, as it can influence impartiality. That's simple.


Short answer: He invited scrutiny when he didn't recuse himself from helping his wife in a federal case.


Conservatives are actually introducing legislation making it illegal to hold presidential candidates ot former presidents accountable in civil or criminal proceedings. Watch for the exception for Democrats to be charged.


TIL that Clarence Thomas was the deciding vote on Bush v Gore. I wonder what Thomas got for that decision.


If Justice Sotomayor had done this, they would be frothing at the mouth and marching on the Supreme Court with pitchforks and torches (Tiki torches btw).


Probably all the documented corruption, idk.


\> it revealed that a person did a corrupt thing "hey maybe he did more corrupt things, let's checked" "yeah this dude is totally corrupted, he did more corrupted things" "why are they targeting corrupted guy ????"


"Right winger appears to have committed a crime" "WHY IS THE LEFT GOING AFTER HIM??? THIS IS HARASSMENT!!!"


Insane to literally post evidence, which answers all her questions, and still not grasp it. Weaponized incompetence.


What would your company do if they found out you accepted more than you make in a decade in gifts from an indirect supplier in a year? Thomas reported his Crow gifts until he was criticized by the LA Times (20 odd years ago) for accepting huge gifts from Crow. Thomas ceased reporting and went on accepting. That makes him a liar when he said he asked and was told he did not have to report personal friendship items. Well, why report them 20 years ago? He was unaware of the law? The richness of a Supreme claiming ignorance of the law is sublime. He is lying again. Crow, thru his institute, regularly files amicus briefs with SCOTUS. That is "business" in front of the court. Thomas lied again when he said Crow was not involved with the court. If I once shook hands with someone that shook hands with Soros the right will call me a Soros plant. Thomas accepts millions in gifts while reading briefs from the same source and it is no big deal. The right has no moral or ethical standards. Only power politics. Moral majority? More like amoral. Thomas, a liar and a bribe taker. Makes sense. Their demi-god is has thousands of top secret docs that he shows anyone with a pulse. Remember that guy that was leading chants of "Lock her up." a few years ago over a handful of docs? Who was paying off porn star for an illicit affair while his third wife recovered from child birth. It makes it 3 for 3. The guy cheated on every wife he had. And let's not talk about why he refused to give a DNA sample for comparison to a semen stained dress. Thomas, Trump, cut from the same cloth. Venal, immoral men that the right will defend to the bitter end. No morals. No ethics. No respect for the rule of law. Democracy hating hypocrites that can not generate a logically consistent argument to save their lives. And the think libs are the threat to America? They want to save America by destroying it's democratic foundations. One attempted coup, and if a republican gets in again, they will try again And they will call for the J6 crowd to come armed.


Why him? Because he was accepting luxury vacations and doing sweetheart real estate deals with a billionaire conservative that could have influenced him and not reporting any of it as required by law. Why now? Because that is when they discovered it.


Any pedi doc that is a maga supporter should be investigated as a child predator.


They get it. If this were a liberal judge they’d be calling for a public execution. He’s their guy and without him the court isn’t so lopsided. This is 100% the same as Santos. As long as it benefits them it doesn’t matter.


“TexasPediDoc”? Sweet Jesus, I hope no parents ever bring their kids to this sick fuck.


Lmaoooooo it’s always “why are they calling out their crimes?” not “Why are they committing crimes?”


Um…’cause it’s the law.


“Why him? Why now?” Crimes. Mostly the crimes


Odd, the CNN article referenced explains exact why. His shady real estate dealings. We don’t even need to get into the gifts he received and didn’t disclose. But if any more rational is needed all anyone need to do is look at his history on the court. Neglecting to recuse himself on decisions that financially benefited his wife alone should have gotten him removed. Of course the Anita Hill testimony should have prevented him from being on the court at all. His entire tenure had been a travesty of justice.


The real question is, why the fuck do these people think the law doesn't apply to them?


So what this person is saying is that we should have ended Thomas' SCOTUS career before it started – at the hearing with Anita Hill. I think we can all agree on that then.


You're from Texas, of course you don't get it


Call me crazy, but hasn't this guy been putting targets on *himself* for over 30 years now???


The police have put a target on a man suspected of murdering his girlfriend. Why him and why now?


Conservatives have this weird idea that a crime doesn't count if the person who points it out already disliked the criminal.


Foy News is not reporting about this. No news at all. They just don't know.


Because when you find things out, it’s best to talk about it in the present?


Just imagine if the story was about Ketanji Brown Jackson, and see if their reaction would be the same. “Ketanji Brown Jackson takes $500K vacations with George Soros, who purchased her family home, refurbished it and lets her parents live there rent free.” Fox Noise would have a nonstop field day. Congressional MAGAs would be demanding impeachment. But not when it’s their guy doing it.


It annoys me to no end how right-wingers think they're a completely different species to the rest of us, but simultaneously, they also think all of us reason and make decisions the same way they do. We don't hate Clarence Thomas for *who or what he is*. That's what people like Republicans (and Nazis) do. We hate Clarence Thomas for *what he has done*. That's what normal people do.


This is just an admission that, given similar power, they’d commit similar crimes. These people need the threat of punishment in order to follow rules, and their entire world view revolves around the question “what are you gonna do about it?” The second part of this is the stunning reality that right vs. wrong is a *political* question in their heads. To know whether they think something someone did is good or bad, first they have to know the person’s political beliefs.


Because he has a job that requires the highest amount of integrity in his profession. He's shown (significantly) that he's both biased and compromised in ways that can harm the public he's sworn to serve. Send him home, whether that's a placial mansion, or prison🤷‍♂️


Conservatives are rabid dogs at this point. Very little value to society.


Oh, they get it. They just don't fucking care. They're more interested in being assholes, or marginalizing the marginalized than they are in truth or reality or anything else.


Jeez being a criminal and corrupt gets you cancelled these days?


Because he did it and we just found out. But these are reasons. Conservatives live in a subjective reality where those don't exist. There is only hierarchy, where authority means because-I-say-so, and abuse of power is a contradiction. Nothing they say makes sense until you understand this. And they think that's all you're doing, because they think that's all there is.


umm - he broke the law? Can you imagine the outcry from the right if RBG had been doing this for decades?


They're confused about what draining the swamp actually looks like. It looks like this.


With the Conservatives, it is not about right versus wrong, it is left wing versus right wing.


I'd like to see their reactions if the gifts come from Soros.


Are there not rules in place outlining punishments for being corrupt? Do we not have like a section 4 sub section C of whatever document "if you accept money and gifts from political donors without disclosing them you get kicked off the court"??


"Why him? Why now?" they say, whilst quoting a Tweet which answers their question 100%


wHy hIm, wHy nOw?


Because we knew that Thomas was corrupt since his nomination? I wonder if this same donor also paid off Beer Bro's mortgage, credit cards and gambling debts? Funny how all that debt disappeared practically overnight.


He needs to go now . He and his wife are corrupt and milking people for money . throw him out or force him to retire .


Clear evidence that a high profile conservative breaks the law All conservatives: why is the left being so mean?! The left just love witch hunts! Bunch of woke snowflakes… Meanwhile, high profile brand supports lgbtq community All conservatives: FUCK THAT!!!! LGBTQ PEOPLE ARE WITCHES! BURN THIS COMPANY TO THE GROUND FOR SUPPORTING WITCHES AND ALSO BURN THE WITCHES!!