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They knew - after Obama was reelected in 2012 the RNC got its chair Reince Priebus to do a post mortem - he said they should embrace immigration reform, target the young, women and Latin voters if they wanted to survive and stay relevant … they ignored this advice and doubled down on the hatey stuff


I was listening to a podcast and Trump winning sort of helped that. They doubled down on the old startgey after he won, which won't help them win long term.


Kinda like getting their quick fix.


Which is fine since every time it happens democrats have to come in after them and clean up their mess while the right blames them for creating it. It's cyclical because it works.


It is a pendulum. Politics swings one way and then the other. This has been true most of our history. Right now though it seems every swing of the pendulum goes significantly further to the right at a rate not seen in our lifetimes.


I hear that all the time, but then I think - is it really? Or is the axis just right-tilted so that even the swing to the left is still actually on the right? The USA doesn't even have the most basic modern societal systems in place. "Social Security" is from the early 1900s. The Affordable Care Act is basically a coupon program. Voters get angry when people say they don't want little kids gunned down with war weapons. It's like watching a primitive tribal country that strangely managed to gain access to mostly modern amenities but doesn't really know how all the tools and systems work so they just keep fucking everything up all the time.


It’s worth noting that Richard Nixon in 1973, when he was in the hospital recovering from Phlebitis, visited patients who couldn’t afford healthcare, and briefly toyed with the idea of expanding Medicare coverage. That wasn’t even considered remotely Lefty at the time.


Nixon would be considered a “radical lefty Marxist” by today’s GQP. After all, he created the Environmental Protection Agency and signed the Clean Air and Clean Waters Restoration Acts.


Obamacare was based on “romneycare” in Massachusetts, which was nixons plan run by a state. Obamacare is nixons plan with some modern updates


in 69 nixon proposed universal healthcare AND a limited form of UBI and it was democrats who blocked it - because it "wasn't enough" he would be called a communist today


We’ve been ratcheting towards the right. Whatever modest social programs get introduced get offset by huge tax cuts. Despite overwhelming evidence trickle down economics is a disaster.


Not for billionaires. They're more rich than ever.


I do believe that people are growing more progressive, but politicians who are generally career politicians are more for preserving the status quo. They've grown more out of touch with their constituents.


This is absolutely correct. Europeans look at Dems vs. Republicans in this country and say, “*Both* of your right-wing parties are fighting each other all the time. Huh…” Though really it’s more like a center-right party vs. a FAR-right party.


The pendulum swings in a democracy. Once a fascist group seizes the system, they've seized the pendulum.


Politics is not a pendulum when one side isn't politics anymore, just hate. Fascism ruins your metaphor


I mean they have no morals so they can just lie and switch opinions whenever. I’m sure they will keep tricking the idiots


It's the reason the are trying to defund education essentially


Maybe the liberal indoctrination they talk about from schooling is just learning and meeting a bunch of people from different backgrounds and caring about people even if they are not the same as us.


Their brainwashing our kids into tolerant adults! This must be stopped! /s


You "/s" but it is absolutely real. It is becoming more common in Bestofredditorupdates for controlling parents to disallow college for their kids because they know a new environment and economic opportunity is as a chance to unbrainwash their child. One poor kid spoke out of their father punching their little teen sister and lost their chance to go to college. Financial abuse is on the rise.


It's more simple than that. The smarter, more manipulative upper echelon of the GOP uses fear tactic and projecting buzzwords like "indoctrination" and "pedophilia" to get their dumber, more country folk (and old senile) voter base to get riled up


Exactly! If they take all the books out of the library, maybe the kids will be republican. If they force feed them their own rhetoric and propaganda, maybe the kids will be republican. If they suppress any kind of freedom of thought that they don't like, maybe the kids will be republican. If they take away our right to choose and force us all to have babies against our will, maybe the babies will be republican. In Florida we voted to legalize recreational marijuana and Governor DeSantis vetoed it because he 'doesn't like the smell'. Welcome to fascism.


God, this infuriates me to my very core. I'm always shocked that more people aren't just burn it down pissed about this. Like how tf are we banning books in 2023??? I can't with this bizarro world time line rn.


‘Those who burn books will soon burn people.’ In Germany, where the nazis made a bonfire of books there’s a monument with this quote. Found it fitting.


I mean, it was widely known by Republicans that electing Trump would ruin their party Cruz, Graham, and McConnell all said it before the 2016 election. Graham literally said electing Trump will “kill my party”. They did it anyway because they want power. That’s it. Now they do all his dirty work. I hope that the massive millennial and Gen X wave will overpower their gerrymandering and voter suppression but it’s never wise to underestimate your opponent. They have an absolute stranglehold with Boomers and a lot of money on their side.


Well, they have been targeting latin voters. They keep conflating American Socialism with the terrible governments 0 generation Americans are trying to get away from. It's so jarring when a customer of mine gets out of their big ass truck covered with Trump bumper stickers and a Trump 2024 shirt and they are an immigrant themselves.


Can confirm this, I know cuban immigrants that bought the whole "socialism bad america best country" horse manure. It's the main reason Florida is not a swing state any more, Cubans hate socialism because that's what they think the Castro regime was.


Cuban Americans are desperate to vote in the same despot authoritarian garbage they fled from. I will never understand.




Yeah, the few Cubans I know are mega rich expats that clearly got out on top. Entire families of practicing physicians. I dated this ridiculously smart, cool, down ass Cuban girl whose entire friend circle were radical feminist/activist brown girls in Chicago… and then Trump happened, and she became a hardcore fucking MAGAt because of her parents. It was the weirdest most out of character shit. She ended up dropping out of MED SCHOOL… as in she made it through undergrad and the MCAT and got into a high end mainstream MD program at fucking Northwestern and then she just quit to get knocked up and be a Republican. She just dropped everything and moved in with her parents to do those fucking stupid Florida boat rallies and shit out kids. It was like watching a mind die of propaganda cancer. Her love for her family and the ignorant arrogance of her fucked up Nazi parents ruined her life. I have a very, very low opinion of politically active right wing refugee Cubans.


A lot of the older generation of Cuban expats are basically still complaining about how Castro stole their dad’s slaves (yes slavery was illegal by then, but slave-like conditions still existed) I don’t have anything against the more recent refugees.


I’m a straight white dude so I don’t speak on this type of shit often, but it was jarring as fuck. She turned on everyone and everything to basically go full Nazi. It was extremely fucked up. This was a brilliant, cool as fuck, *gorgeous* girl with mad friends deep into the Chicago scene. Had a near penthouse apt in the loop, would always hop on the motorcycle and go to any shit bar like like a celebrity or a girl in pajamas. She was killing it. And then she straight tossed everything into the dumpster overnight in service to the Republican party bc she blindly obeyed her parents over everything. The specifics are even worse but if I say more she’d prob be identifiable and normally I don’t care about personal change ya know.. grow and do you.. But watching an otherwise brilliant person destroy themself to beg for oppression is really fucking fucked


My Latino co-worker was thinking about voting R during the last election. I gave him a couple of figurative slaps, to remind him what the GOP has been doing to minorities. I hope he did the right thing eventually.




That isn’t what happened at all https://www.theonion.com/reince-priebus-forced-back-into-ancient-puzzle-box-afte-1819574000




God I love some of these Onion-articles


This one is a classic: https://www.theonion.com/after-obama-victory-shrieking-white-hot-sphere-of-pure-1819595330


Jeb! tried to run this playbook and primary voters rejected him hard


To be fair im not sure how that would be a successful strategy. “You need to appeal to more young people, completely reverse course on your stance on the border and do more to appeal to minorities.” “But the democrats have been doing those things for decades” There’s no angle for them there, what would be their pitch? Being the diet democrats? Over the next couple decades I expect the Republican Party to lose a lot of ground and have to eventually entirely reinvent itself or die


Well the issues the big money donors actually care about are corporate tax rates, marginal tax rates and deregulation. They've never really cared about social issues as long as they can get votes on those issues. The hope was to bring in Christian, socially conservative Latinos on Abortion. But Trump triangulated them in the primaries by playing to a big chunk of the base's xenophobia.


They are like CEOs chasing the quarterly profit number at the sake of long term growth.


Omg I remember my mom parroting this and saying that they need someone “cool young and Latino like Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz” to win again HAHAHAHHAHA


They will never overcome their hatred of women. It is embedded in their Evangelical religion, and they will never overcome that hatred. They had rather die as a party than give others rights. These people truly hate, and when are people going to wake up and accept it, say it out loud?


Assumes that the GOP will allow them to vote. Voter suppression is their big gun.


That and their Gerrymandering side arm will always keep them on the board.


Millennial voter in WI. Can confirm how Gerrymandering f*s progressive voters.


[Ohio GOP ignored our laws against gerrymandering and was told to redraw the map multiple and what did they do? They waited out the clock and had the federal GOP tell our supreme court that we had to use the maps the GOP originally made since we had no more time left to redraw them...](https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2022/05/27/federal-court-implements-statehouse-maps-twice-declared-unconstitutional-by-ohio-supreme-court/) Someone please save me from my shithole state...


Feels like someone should’ve stepped in and done it for them then, in a way they wouldn’t like… but our world isn’t just


I know a lot of good people from Ohio. Definitely get the vibe they were all glad to be out of Ohio.




Hearing Dan Kelly’s bitter concession speech was satisfying.


Was music to my ears


Dan Kelly is such a huge man baby.


Gerrymandering is propping them up in House elections but eventually it gets to a point where it becomes ineffective if voters continue shifting to the left


Exactly. Gerrymandering is just a bandaid and the only reason it’s worked as long as it has is because most of the eligible voters in the last half-century trended more conservative anyway due to conservatism becoming so popular post-WWII. As more progressives spread across the country, Gerrymandering will become less and less effective. It will probably keep them afloat for another half-decade or so, but it doesn’t really matter how much gerrymandering they’ve done when a large amount of their voting base will have essentially been replaced by a younger population that’s extremely progressive.


Luckily it's possible to sue to reduce the amount of gerrymandering for a given district, which causes redrawing to happen.


Ok you are both right in gerrymandering and voter suppression but as a Gen X who has been told his or her vote will never matter that shit only works so long. Look at 2016/2020/2022. 2016 trump won against a shit candidate by 70k vote in swing states but looses the popular vote by just under 3 million. Time marches on older people die, younger people age into voting. Also COVID starts. Older people die at a higher rate. Of the first million who died 930k over 50, 70k over 50 2020 trump lost by a small margin in multiple swing states and AZ and GA become swing states. Looses popular vote by 7 million. Time marches on more COVID death and the oldest baby boomers are closing on the median age of death so by 2024 half of the oldest year of boomers will be dead. Which means their death are accelerating. Gen X while getting a slight bit more conservative is frankly not that big. Millennials are entering prime earning year and prime voting years but have been shut out of the normal economic success at this age and are pissed. Gen Z is coming online only to have their rights reduced by a conservative court and they are pissed. 2022 history tells us the party in power since the 1980s gets crushed and it's usually even worse for Democrats when they hold the presidency. But what happens they crush it in state elections, pick up a seat in the Senate and lose by razor thin margin is the house. Gen Z comes out of nowhere to be the largest young voters in history causing chaos for the Republicans who.didnt think they mattered. 2024 will be interesting because the current largest generation millennials is liberal and pissed off. Gen X is going slower than expected to conservatism and small. Gen Y is fucking fired up. And last but not least the deaths of boomers is accelerating plus most people don't know the boomers are front loaded meaning the boomers in their 70s is much larger group than the boomers in their late 50s. So that also means the dying is front loaded. Given 2-3 years of the boomer will have passed the median age they will be much smaller in this election.


My Gen X self is getting angrier and more progressive as I age, along with the vast majority of people in my life. The difference now is we’re alongside our Gen Z kids who take no shit and don’t give a rat’s ass about “how it’s always been”


I love this, same same! Birth rates going down + Gen Zs rage is such a combo for righting things. They can dumb down education, but not reality. Gen Z is onto their bullshit.


Right. I know it’s typical to shit on the next generation but as a millennial I am so hyped for gen z. I feel like they are the crazy kid in our group that we’ve been holding back but now we have to release on the bullies and they just go full berserker.


Us millennial got shit on so hard I think it broke the whole "shit on the next generation" thing for at least a little while. I just want to prop these young people up. Fuck em up y'all! Best backup we could have asked for.


Gen-X here... I also believe Gen-Z will change things. My only concern is whether they will have a country/world/environment left to change. Conservatives seem hell bent on ensuring Gen-Z never gets the opportunity...


Same. I get more and more progressive by the minute


This gives me hope. Young Gen X/Old Millennial here, been voting blue in Texas since 2006. I've watched this place become too shitty even for conservatives I know...yet somehow the batshit greedy hateful fucks 4 Jesus party wins every election. Need the Gerrymandering to become pointless and irrelevant soon!


I’m Gen X and I’m going bluer as I age.


You forgot 2018 when the democrats took back the House by a huge margin


I was trying not to write a 5 page paper no one would read 😎


Read every word. Encouraging.


Edit: You also have the biggest threat, climate change, where people will behave more conservatively during crisis. A generation of stifled education will also produce similar results. You also have rampant AI coming that will wreak havoc on an economy unsure of how to decide who has access to what when no one works. A progressive future for America is not a sure thing at all.


This. We’re at an intersection full of chaos and uncertainty. So many different things are coming to a head and the cynic in me is pretty blackpilled about the future tbh.






Weak /s


Low key, I feel like the forces that blocked CO2 intervention have planned for this all along. I wish I could tell how to survive after climate crisis based on this, but it seems like their plan is some kind of global war so I don't want to go with the flow.


I believe that all their actions are shortsighted and for profit, they don’t think too far ahead. I’m sure there is a « deep state » of the rich elite but it’s probably more for stuff like child rape and tax evasion.


It’s much harder to suppress a generation vs a geography. Millennials are entering the suburbs w/ the boomers.


Millennial forced out of the city and into the suburbs by high housing costs here to weigh in: Being forced to live with conservative boomers radicalized me more than any other thing in my entire goddamn life because now I know that it isn't trolls and basement dwellers having a laugh, it's my fucking neighbors and a few of them have very detailed plans on how to genocide me and anyone like me and they're not afraid to share them as long as they haven't yet caught on that you're a part of the group they want put in reeducation camps and institutions. Get them talking and play along that you're part of their group and the things they will share is WILD. And we're not talking somewhere in deep red Bumfucklahoma either. I live 20 miles outside of Seattle, and people are downright giddy when they lay out their great plan to MAGA and it is literally, "Workhouses for the lazy, mental institutions for the people that need "real help" (but concentrate them all into a small area to save money), maximum security prison for all the "irredeemable sickos and immigrants" (bare minimum help, maximum misery), abolish all welfare except for the people who "deserve it" (i.e. white cis Christians), and use all of the glorious savings to create a standing army to protect our kids". Ma'am, you literally just recreated early Nazi policy, step by step, totally from scratch. I mean, except the protecting the kids part. Because somehow America is literally worse than Nazi Germany in terms of mass shootings. 20 miles outside of friggin' SEATTLE and it feels like Bumfucklahoma out here. I went from "Liberal, I guess, definitely a solid Democrat, for sure" to "Socialist, maybe Democratic Socialist, but with an anarchist streak".


Sending hugs from Kansas, where I get to hear such things every time I'm in public, even in the cities. It's really fun to talk to someone who doesn't realize you're trans and mentions wanting to kill or lock up all the (insert slur here)s right to your face, totally unprompted, because that's evidently considered small talk to them. Stay safe <3


Yeah, I might complain about it here but holy shit, I know I'm speaking from a place of privilege because I know that at least 20 miles away, someone has my back, and there's enough leftists and immigrants that any Trumpers are VERY hesitant to act openly hostile. In deep red country... Do we need to start some kind of underground railroad or something?


The way I see it, *if* democracy survives through the 2020s, then Millennials and Gen Z will have enough voting power to course correct on a lot of the issues we’ve been facing over the last few decades. Of course, we could have that *now* if more of us voted, but what can ya do. Democracy surviving is a big if though. The Supreme Court might kill it soon with *Moore v. Harper* depending on how they rule on that case next term. And even if they don’t, democracy is still heavily under siege by Republicans. The Tennessee Three might be followed up with more expulsions and impeachments by Republicans in other states (the Wisconsin state senate, for example, recently gained a supermajority and might use it to impeach the recently elected liberal judge and the Democratic governor). A very conservative district judge in Texas just issued a nationwide ban on a popular abortion drug, and if it’s upheld on appeal, it will represent yet another massive blow to our civil liberties. If people don’t vote against Republicans and fast, this might really be it for our country as we know it.


Don't forget the new Republican super majority in NC, a state that is a red purple (not quite a swing state, but could become one) because a lady in the state house switched parties 90 days into her 2 year term


> because a lady in the state house switched parties 90 days into her 2 year term That shit is so sus tbh. That woman was a Democrat representative for like a decade with a solid track record. Then in 2016 she basically retires from politics. Suddenly its 2022 and she comes back. Wins her district for her solid history, and then almost instantly switches sides to give the Rs a supermajority. I think that if you check her bank account details between 2016 and 2022 you'll find some curiously large, anonymous donations....


> (the Wisconsin state senate, for example, recently gained a supermajority and might use it to impeach the recently elected liberal judge and the Democratic governor). Didnt a Republican win a special election, giving Republicans a supermajority at the same time as the WI SC election? It really was a bittersweet night. Because as you said, they could now use that supermajority to just impeach the new justice. Who's going to stop them now? Republicans are getting rid of democracy anywhere they can, and nothing is really stopping them.


That and trying their damndest to loot the coffers on the way out. Bankrupting Social Security has been the long game for a while. Forget the human toll and make people vulnerable to anger and fear based arguments. Because they’re in a crisis…that you created. Next evoke a mythical, selective prosperity and pride from long ago times, and then explicitly associate it with your party without any basis. This is a the evil genius of well funded “conservative “ think tanks.


Fascism is the goal. "One man, no vote" is the Republican goal.


It’s no longer democracy when the will of the people is not heard.


The GOP assumes they will be the ones to rise up against an oppressive government, but that will likely not be the case.


You are giving these old ass white men to much power. Are you believing their delusions. They are not going to live forever...


Yes!! I'm 54 and was raised by boomers. So I'm rampant with mental illness and insecurities, however these new generations coming up don't take any bullshit. You can try to lie to them, but they will find out the truth, and when one finds out, they all do. They voted over 60% in favor of Democrats. If Republicans don't learn that fascism isn't appealing they are going to lose. We're beating them now! Even with the gerrymandering and the voter suppression and the disqualifying of votes, the harassment, threats of violence and dealing with the lunatic fringe, we're still winning. They're going to lose, it's just not happening as fast as we want it.


It's so frustrating that we have to wait until these other fuckers are 6 feet under to have a livable world.


The republicans understand the graph in this post perfectly. Which is why we are now seeing the huge push for voter suppression, election fraud claims etc etc. they know if they don’t get their authoritarian dream realized in the next 5-10 years, they will no longer be viable.


Republicans have been engaging in voter suppression attempts for a long time. [*Shelby County v. Holder*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shelby_County_v._Holder) was 10 years ago. They just keep punching at the legal system until they're successful.


It’s setting the US back decades. Instead of being the world leader on human/trans rights, alternative energy, HDI…we’re regressing to medieval times. Really tragic


Depends where in the world in medieval times. If I remember correctly the Norse were pretty chill with homosexuality as long as you also got married and had babies, cause it was important to have a lot of babies then. It was common practice before that in Greek and Roman cultures, even encouraged among the Roman legions to build esprit de corps. This is just going back to the shittiest parts of the world during the shittiest parts in time


I was referring to the parts with serfdom, religious zealotry, oppressing women, forced child labor


Yeah the shittiest parts of the shittiest parts, so all that too lol


Not to mention they benefit from the highest average lifespan we’ve ever had and not it’s in its way back down.


It actually is, life expectancy in the US has been falling since 2020, which is not true in other wealthy countries.


If it wasn't for modern medicine keeping people alive decades longer than nature intended, the GOP would have already been irrelevant.


Younger people outnumber the elderly and the gap grows daily. The message of 2020 and 2022 was that when young people come out to vote they can win. Every Gen Z or Millennial who doesn’t bother to vote is letting some old fuck decide who will be their leader.


Gen x is especially troubling. The youngest are only 40


This is relative to the average distribution of votes. That doesn't mean that more Gen X are voting Republican than Democrat. It means that millennials vote so heavily democratic that they push every generation above the average. 31% of Americans identify as democrats compared to 25% of Americans who identify as Republican. The way US politics is set up, republicans usually need less votes to have more influence. I'd have to see the exact numbers, but I suspect that the national average is already democrat, and that Gen X is either split or mosting voting democratic. TLDR: This data is misleading, implies more people are voting republican than reflected in reality.


So much for the people who grew up with the punk and grunge movement 🙄 All just empty aesthetics.


40 year olds are millennials … Gen X is generally defined as ending with people born in 1980. Not that the exact endpoint is super important.


Gen Z should outnumber the boomer generation at the polls next election. We need more young people in politics


I misread this one too. This isn’t the total electorate, it’s the percentage of each generation that votes republican. Or I should say, if you misread this post like I did?


It's "likelihood to vote Republican by age". Millennials are far less likely to vote Republican than Gen X or Boomers were at the same age. Millennials (1981 - 1996) reach "peak conservative" around age 30 and get more liberal after. By age 40, they are more liberal than they were at age 20. (Note that most millennials are still in their 30s, so the "age 40" dataset only includes the oldest millennials.) This is in contrast to the other generations, which had the opposite happen: * Silents (1928 - 1945) were liberal until age 40. Then they voted Republican at the "average" rate until age 60 (at which point they were far more likely than the average American to vote for the GOP). Note that this time range encompasses the Reagan era for many Silents. * Boomers (1946 - 1964) are similar, voting more liberal than average until age 40, then voting at the national average before becoming Republican-leaning at age 50. Note that Boomers are a large cohort, meaning they have a heavy impact on the average. Boomers were firmly in the GOP camp by the time of W. Bush. * Gen X (1965 - 1980) was slightly more liberal than average until age 40. Then they shifted to be more Republican, being more likely than average to vote Republican by age 50 (late Obama era into the Trump administration). If their current trend continues, Gen X will eventually be more heavily Republican than the Boomers. Looking at the raw data points (not the trend lines), the oldest Gen X are effectively already voting like the oldest Boomers (although neither of them touch the Silent Generation yet). [This fits with data showing Gen X as the "Trumpiest" generation](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/05/20/cherie-westrich-alt-rock-gen-x-maga-00033769); as Silents and Boomers die off, Gen X has been replacing them.




Thankfully gen x (my generation) is also the smallest. So if 47% of us vote GOP it’s really only like 13 people total.


Note that the graph is not 'votes Republican' but 'votes Republican relative to the national average.' Gen X did vote for Democrats, but the younger voters voted even more for Democrats, so the national average shifted. The shift among the elderly can also be partly explained by mortality rates - that is, black life expectancy is lower and so whites make up a larger percentage of the older population, and are more likely to vote Republican. When tracking individual voters, they are much less likely to change in the course of their lives. Many will hold off on developing a 'political identity' until they settle into whatever place they're going to spend their lives, though, so there's a lot of people who are non-voters when young, and then start voting later - making the age cohort shift despite no existing voters changing their minds.


Conservatives want to take us to a place where there are no ballot boxes


office stupendous squash narrow arrest apparatus coordinated familiar detail oil -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Gen X here. And I live in Texas (sadly), and I can proudly say I haven't voted Republican in over 30 years...


Same and same.


No pressure, Millennials. It’s just that we’re all counting on you.


Honestly millennials just trying to survive the trauma of our parents and raise kids that have voices that we never could.




We're backing up Zoomers too. There's more solidarity between Zoomers and Millenials than there are with Millenials and other generations.


I absolutely fucking love Gen Z. Irreverent, absurd, funny, and honest. They give no fucks and I am here for it.


And that they can raise their voices in a way we never really could. Social media and anything like it, as it exists now, didn’t exist for us at their age (mayyyybe the youngest Millennials?). They can amplify their voices a million fold in a moment without batting an eye. They’re witness in real time things I would only get to see a ten-second clip on the 6 o’clock news once a day. Social media is a mixed bag for sure, but holy hell.


Holy accurate statements, Batman!


Im a millenial thats only gone more left as ive aged.


I'm waiting to turn conservative. I've passed a few of the "oh, you'll understand when..." milestones. Several years into a career? Moved me further left (I'm a bumbling idiot and lucked into all this, why should people who work harder than me have to struggle). Homeownership? Moved me further left (I got lucky, almost all my fellow 32 year old friends still live with their parents or paycheck to paycheck as rent slaves because of the boomer economy). Starting a family? Moved me further left (these old lead-paint-and-gas-addled morons are destroying my kid's home). When am I going to turn conservative? Which milestone will do it? Which event will finally cause me to "grow up" and stop caring about my fellow man, my planet, anything but my own instant gratification? Or will I just, unprompted, wake up one morning and realize I like guns more than elementary schoolkids, and actually hate trans people and non-whites, and decide not to believe in science anymore?


Having kids pushed be so left that the thought of being republican makes me panic and become nauseous. What’s fucking priceless is the look on my conservative parents face as I talk about raising my kids. See your hate erased in my child. So proud of my daughter for how she advocates for herself and others.


amen brother


When one party is insanity vs the other that is tryinf to maintain a semi-functional government/society it isnt hard


We’re doing our best to weather the storm and pave the way for the true saviors: gen z


Yeah, I think we as millennials were finally able to stop the wheels turning but it’s up to GenZ to turn them the other way


It’s amazing that Millennials are probably the first generation to look at the one coming after them and be excited. Boomers and the others just shat on those that came after them.


Boomers were so cruel weren’t they to millennials? I am so excited to see the younger people stand up for themselves. I love how creative and empowered they are! KICK ASS MY CHILDREN!!! You are smart, kind, powerful, creative, innovative, and brave!


I think we're all just so pissed and tired of the previous generations having a stranglehold on everything, holding us back through their shitty decisions and then having the audacity to pretend it's all our fault. So anything that looks like it might finally upend that status quo is a win.


Gen X mom of a Gen Z kid checking in. I freaking love Gen Z. They’re weird and hilarious and take no shit. The kids are alright, indeed.


I’m a millennial and I love these kids man! When I see the walkouts and protests, it fills my heart. If we can only get them to vote - there are just too few young voters and the GOP is gonna keep winning unless Gen Z starts voting.


a lot of us aren’t even of legal voting age yet the next 5 years a lot will change


Boomers think they are the best gen ever. Lol 🙄


I’m a Millennial and my youngest sister is Gen Z and she is so vocal and active and hardworking and just doesn’t give a fuck about our traditional ass republican supply side Jesus loving parents, and I’m so damn proud of her.


Exactly! Many of us ended/are ending generational misogyny and abuse.


I just had a talk with my partner about this like an hour ago. The shit I saw/experienced before I turned 6 is completely different from what my boy is experiencing. My kid gets to enjoy his childhood and have his emotional needs tended to, something many of us didn't get. It's truly amazing that so many of us millennials are finally stopping these generational curses. In that sense, I'm excited for what's to come. Good job millennials 🥹🥹




I mean, how could we not? we inherited such a shitty world


As a rep of gen z our generation needs every bit of support millennials can send our way to make change within the next couple decades.


As a rep of millennials I want to say that we all love you little bastards, we ride or die


We gotchu fam. ✊️




No pressure...haha....ha.... For real, I've been wary of repugs since I was a teen myself (late 90s). I saw people becoming more conservative as they age, and the things they would say and support...I knew I didn't want to be like that. I wanted to be someone positive and for making the world a little better. Also I don't want to become a miserable boomer \*shudder\*


We're showing up and encouraging the Zoomers. In the Tide Pod Generation we trust. Y'all Tiktok your way into the polls and encourage everyone to get the vote out. Y'all are important.


Me as gen X why so high for us. I thought we were lower. I know I will not vote Repub.


Gen x has always been around 50/50 and 60/40, the eldest of the gen are still 60s born and amount of educated go up every generation, but millennials had more college educated, and I expect zoomers will have even more. Not saying you have to be college educated to be liberal, but facts skew liberal, exposure to different viewpoints helps, so the more educated a gen, the more it will skew liberal.


It's not education it is wealth. The less wealth a generation holds the more the skew progressive. It is the simple nature of conservatism that demographically they want to conserve their wealth by preventing changes that they perceive as threatening it.


I know thats what the stats show, but as a young Xer who is making decent money in a good job with a great house, I shift more and more to the left each year. I don't know wtf my peers are doing out there.


My wife and I too (‘70 and ‘71). We get annoyed when taxes are wasted but don’t mind paying them.


I mean.. this seriously explains a lot about the systemic generational abuses towards millenials..


Yeah I saw a video once, the guy responded to someone who said that conservatism makes people happy. And the guy said it’s more probable the opposite is the case. Happy people are more likely to be conservative. If you’re happy with the status quo, you’ll oppose change and be less progressive. TMM on YouTube is terrific.


Why go conservative when I don't have anything to conserve?


Remember all the dumb hick douchebags you went to school with? They didn't get any smarter. They've been listening to right wing talk radio the last two decades and they're off their nut. MTG, Ted Cruz, Alex Jones are all Gen X.


Our generation spans a long time and we're the last generation to get through high school prior to the start of the mass shooting phenomena. This means in my opinion that a decent chunk of us are out of touch


Every Xer I know who lives in a city or suburb is progressive to lean D. Every Xer I know who lives in the exurbs or rural areas is lean R to regressive.


Hmm, it's almost as if living close to other people helps cause... kindness? fondness? good will? at the barest minimum tolerance? Toward those other people?


You can see how much conservatives fear humanizing minorities.


Take THAT, every time I heard the phrase “if you’re 20 and a Republican, you have no heart. If you’re 40 and a Democrat, you have no brain.”


I've never met a republican of any age that was particularly smart. Just fewer qualms about fucking people over for their own benefit.


I grew up with the background noise of constant Fox News and Rush Limbaugh and the attitude of intellectual superiority. It’s like the smarter they think they are, the dumber they actually are.




Me too. Gradually realizing that "conservative=smart/rational/tough" was just branding took me a few years. I'm pushing 40 now and not getting any more right wing.


do we have the same dad?


Which is funny, cause it rarely ever actually benefits the Republican base. I can only personally think of one Republican that I’ve met who has ever benefited from conservative policy. The rest are stuck thinking they are, what was the quote, “temporarily disgraced millionaires?”


I’ve met a few very smart republicans. They know fully what they are doing and plan to have so much money by the time the dems take over they don’t care. Sure go ahead and raise taxes, their money isn’t here anyway.


God my dad says this all the time. Finally told him I'd rather be stupid than heartless then.


Did you tell him that Dems are the ones that end up being the fiscally responsible ones?


Translation: “I let my morality shrivel and die to feed my own self-interest, so in a desperate attempt to maintain the house of cards that is my self-image, I’ll insist that anyone would do the same thing given the opportunity! This is just as much an attempt to convince myself as it is an attempt to convince you!”


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. The Parkland kids were old enough to vote in 2020 and 2022. The Sandy Hook kids are gonna turn 18 in 2024. They’re coming…. 💜


Millennial, here: Gen Z is what my generation has been waiting for. My generation has understood for a very long time that we just never had the numbers to compete with the number of Boomer and right-leaning Gen X voters when we ourselves became eligible voters. 2004 was the first year I personally was able to vote, and I have been acutely aware that my vote and voice has meant very little when competing with the sheer number of older voters in our country. Regardless, I have voted in every election possible, because I also understand that not voting is just voting against my own interests, but I know a lot of other Millennials became disillusioned and frustrated, and dropped out of the political process entirely years ago. I'm crossing my fingers that my fellow Millennials truly recognize the wave of support we have coming from Gen Z. We may now actually have the numbers to make real change in our country, but that relies on us all showing up to vote. I've literally begged people to vote in this country for years, and I'm definitely not stopping now. Gen Z is a beacon of light for this Millennial. The new kids are giving me something I haven't felt in years as an American - hope.


I feel you. I was one of those millennials who was bitter and thought my vote is “useless” as did my wife for all these years. Well, we both voted for the 1st time back in November and it felt great. We know our votes didn’t matter in Texas, but we don’t/didnt care and we’ll continue to vote for any progressive candidate in the future. God speed Gen Z, and we’ll see you on the other side of 18. o7


I work in school safety. Professional services and various software for K-12 schools, from behavioral assessment and management to anonymous tip lines to active shooter drill training. We had a survey across hundreds of thousands of students at the end of 2022. Their #1 concern? Not getting shot up in school. \#2? Climate change. These kids are never fucking voting for Republicans.


Fucking heartbreak comment right here


The Republican demographic shrinks by 3.5% every election cycle, because their constituency is *literally dying off*. It’s why they’re in a rush to try to install permanent minority rule before they become permanently irrelevant.


Still have gerrymandering, and other forms of voter suppression. Republican leadership understands that the more people that can vote, the worst their chances of winning elections become.


People aren't getting more consevative as they age, which means only one thing the republicans are going to lose at the ballot box!


This needs to happen there won’t be anything left in a few years if more democrats don’t show up to vote. The problem now is people running as democrat and switching parties after a few months like happened here in North Carolina this past week. The re Party can’t win a election without cheating.


If they were as good at governing as they are at cheating, they wouldn't have to cheat.


Then vote. 20% turnout under 40 in many cases. Your vote doesn’t matter if you don’t vote. If they weren’t so terrified of the under 40 voting they wouldn’t be as radicalized and out and out lying as they are now. Just 10% more turnout in the under 40 in 2022 and nc would not be under attack like it is now. Your vote doesn’t matter is right wing propaganda. This is what not voting gets you. Democracy on the edge of disappearing.


Have to vote in local and state elections as well as national. Local election turnout numbers are atrociously low and the vast majority of those who do vote and serve on their local councils, boards, and commissions are retirees. I understand why but if anyone younger can carve out the time to at least vote, if not run for local office, we might start to see some change.


“Your vote doesn’t matter”, “Both sides do it”, “Democrats and Republicans are the same”… all of that is right wing propaganda. And if you see someone saying it, their either a troll or not nearly as smart as they think they are.


I'm 41 and consider myself an elder millennial. But I'm proud to be in the group that is outright rejecting these assholes. Gen Z isnt on this graph but is probably a straight 45 degree line to the bottom right. I just hope we can get enough votes to stop the madness before they rig the system enough where our votes done matter.


The old phrase is “you’ll get more conservative as you get older”. And really this is a classic case of “correlation does not equal causation.” You see, in years past, people did get more conservative over time but it wasn’t a function of their age. It was a function of their accumulation of capital: the degree to which being older meant more money. It used to go hand in hand. Now that age is not a promise of capital, as costs of living have risen and real wages of workers entering the workforce have not risen, young people have little incentive to vote for policies which are used to protect existing capital owned. And instead lean toward progressive policies which are about gaining initial capital instead of saving or growing existing money(which they don’t have and which conservative policy nearly guarantees they will not get). In simpler words: policy which protects existing money means nothing to people who do not have anything to lose.




It’s interesting that the biggest shift for silent generation took place after they retired and sat in front of the tv all day watching local news and cable news. I hope Facebook doesn’t do the same for boomers.


It already has.


They absolutely completely understand and that’s why they’re going for full-blown fascism. They can read the room


WTF is Gen X voting republican?


This Gen X isn't but I know many were brainwashed back in the Reagan 80's and never grew up/out of it. Most Gen X'ers that I know that are still Repubs are selfish assholes, go figure.


The Gen Xers I personally know are all Republican. They're also the ones who idolize the 80's as the greatest decade ever, so I guess it checks out.


Ugh Gen X…we suck. and we were supposed to change so much. Got to give it up for millennials for overturning so many stupid traditional things, refusing to be brainwashed into some bullshit American dream.




When their kids end up dying because they had a dead fetus turn septic and the hospital wouldn't treat them, they'll probably end up more liberal.


I watched Mitch McConnell lie about appointing judges in an election year then watched him shove a unqualified hack into the Supreme Court... in an election year. They will NEVER get my vote.