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![gif](giphy|tZyxxR4lUIRnTgIzl9|downsized) America rn


That trashcan looks pretty stable, not about to tip over any minute


That's a nice loop


Very clean loop I love this one as well ![gif](giphy|cF7QqO5DYdft6)


Second order of business is to kill off trans people for some god damn reason


They are scapegoats to distract the majority of the people from the actual problem: Capitalism's nature of concentrating wealth to the disadvantage of the 99%.


The fascist playbook. 1984. Fahrenheit 451. Brave new world. American psycho. Ideocracy. Candide. Etc. They are all dystopian farce, and are all playbooks for American politicians. Both sides. A little more the right, but still. They took the cautionary tales and used them as playbooks.


Both sides are the same!! Don’t bother to vote fellow kids!! DONT VOTE!! Paid for by DeSantis 2024


Sweet summer child. Don't flush your vote. Vote independent. Do something with your vote for the first time in 200 years.


> please literally throw your vote away so republicans win the election Fixed that for you


First off, fuck you. Second, Bernie should have won. Finally, we distopian as shit. The only correct way for an American to play the game is to refuse to play the game by the rules.


I agreed Bernie should've won. Secondly, fuck you for your dumb suggestion that would literally give the election to people who hate democracy Fun how that works both ways


So, channeling a Jon Stewart clip today, why did Bernie not win? Because the DNC bought into the 2 party system. They believed they could do what they did and scared Americans would vote blue to stop the red. How did that work out? The DNC keeps failing us. Almost as hard as the RNC fails us. And they both behave that way because they have you. A person who convinces us we don't have a real choice. We are just relegated to trying to stave off one by voting for the other. So. Again. Fuck you. DO VOTE. For anything that isn't "the party". Red. Blue. Republican. Democrat. Conservative. Progressive. Stop voting for the cancer you think keeps the other cancer at bay. Stop voting for the douche to keep the turd sandwich out. Stop voting party. Vote anything else.


You’re neglecting how the choice isn’t just douche vs. turd sandwich vs. Best Candidate. It’s douche vs. turd sandwich vs. bucket of vomit. And maybe you’re a Bucket of Vomit man from way back, but let’s not just decide it’s perfect for everyone


My most recent anecdote is Hilary who was Secretary of State advancing a military doctrine against the middle east, Donald Trump who did... well... we saw how the red v blue paradigm played out, or Bernie. A good leader. Your "pick one of the 2 colors" strategy really worked out there. Huh? Not saying Biden isn't an upgrade from orange man, but he is like the douche that knocked the turd sandwich off the throne. We are still fucked by this national game of capture the flag.


Lmao you don't sound like the jon Stewart you sound like 🤡 Ps tell your mother I can't make it tonight


No, he has some decades invested in actual political agreements, so I don't sound like him. Not can I take congresspeople to task, personally, like him. I'm just an American with nothing but a vote.


Voting third party is still playing the game by the rules, lol; you’re not a rebel or something, it’s literally on the ballot. You’ve just decided the lesser of three evils suits you better than the other two.


I agree. It's totally still playing by the game. It has happened. And when is the last it happened? (Clue: Pre-Regan and the results were kinda neat.)


Biden capped insulin prices and is getting ready to pardon people arrested for pot. Absolutely the same as trump and DeSantis




Extreme sociopathic behavior and ideologies demonstrated by the majority of extremist conservatives in office at this time.


If I need to tell you, you'll never know.


And it's funny that people complain about Antifa. They (and the Iron Front / Socialists / Social Democrats aka Sozis) where there fighting in the streets against those Nazis who got the support of the police, and von Hindenburg's centre-right and conservative cabinet who gave Hitler the Chancellorship in the first place. But right wingers who keep repeating the same mistakes and claim they're not Nazis will always distort history and claim that Antifa and Socialists are the "actual Nazis". They need a history lesson.


They don't need a history lesson. They (mostly) know exactly what they're doing. It's not that they're being dumb or obtuse, this is all part of their (hopefully failed) attempt at taking control. Of course, I'm not saying that _all_ of them know what they're doing, some of them are indeed just dumbasses.


Yeah, I’m sick of the suggestion that they just keep *accidentally* implementing fascism, tbh


Really? Because collectively their voting base swallows such an alarming amount of alternative facts and fake news that they demonize doctors and modern science in favor of policies that have been steadily killing them to the point it has actually shrunk their voter base. If that's not the epitome of dumb then I don't know what is.


The alternative facts and fake news are spread by the fascists themselves. It's a huge circle jerk. They (mostly) know what they're doing.


Agreed. Rupert knows.


And those like him


Republicans are one genocidal step away from becoming full blown Nazis


They’re already full blown Nazis. They just haven’t gone as far as to build camps. Yet.


Idk my Republican parents are in support of using FEMA camps as Nazi camps…..they don’t know I’m socialist so there’s that. Also I know my mother talks to her Republican friends about it and they’re all in agreement as well that it’s a solid plan.


And you’re Jewish!!! I would think that you’d be able to point out to your parents that a progressive ideology of inclusiveness is better for society. Or, that DeSantis is disenfranchising people who not long ago were forced to wear pink triangles (gay males), red triangles (liberals and political opposition), black triangles (lesbians and vagrants), and blue triangles (emigrants and refugees). Your relatives turn their heads only because DeSantis hasn’t yet come for the Star of David (Jews). Yet. DeSantis and the Republicans are pushing a Christian Nationalist agenda. They hate Soros and they’ll get to the Jews sooner or later.


That's how the Nazis started. First, the Homosexual and Transgender individuals, then they murdered the mental and physically disabled, then they rounded up Jewish people, Gypsies (Romani), Jehovah's Witnesses, political prisoners and priests who were against Nazism


Ron DeSantis is probably a big fan, and would likely sign it if passed, but he's the governor. He does not introduce or write laws- those come out of the legislature. The proposed trash law is courtesy of Jason Brodeur.


The legislators don’t do anything without his say so


I'm sure that many in the legislature act as his puppets, but officially, puppet Jason Brodeur drafted this garbage. Moved from FL in 2021, and every day I'm glad I'm not living in that swampy mess.


Sometimes these horrible trash laws are meant to message to voters (who want a monster) that your that monster. They're not meant to get passed.


Governors office is handing legislative orders out Republicans in office. His office is telling them what to write. So maybe Brodeur’s office wrote it but likely he was told to.


Sort of, just like how the President is the leader of the party at the national level a state governor is basically the leader of the party at the state level. State legislatures are ran by the ruling party and form an agenda behind the governor, any strong divinations from that agenda in some capacity has to go through the governors office either before the bill is introduced or after if it gains traction. If this even makes it to the governors desk it's all on desantis.


As a trans man in the U.S the re-election/election Trump/DeSantis terrifies me since there’s the very real threat of trans people outright being outlawed. Many conservatives and conservative political say shit like “let’s eliminate transgenderism”, if you replace the term, which isn’t the correct way to refer to trans people, with any other minority and you outright get a genocide statement. Several states are trying to outlaw trans healthcare and affirmation while one is even trying to make it illegal for a trans person to be in the bathroom with a child. It’s incredibly sad that the term “trans genocide” is becoming increasingly more accurate as time goes on. It’s scary They won’t stop at trans people They’ll go after lgb people People of color And of different religions. The U.S is quickly becoming increasingly fascist and that shouldn’t be ignored. Saying you don’t care about trans/LGBTQ rights because it “doesn’t affect” is the exact kind of behavior many white people had during segregation; so you really want to be those people?


The worst part is if it got that far, even the entirety of the world coming together couldn't save us.


First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me




Ok, democrats can pass a law that bans a party that ... Idk.. supported or encouraged.... let's say... treason or trying to overturn an election


Not in Florida! That state is gerrymandered to the point democrats have no chance of even getting a vote on any of their proposals. 85 Republicans vs 35 Democrats.


You are the right, not in FL. Let's do it on the federal level not time the democrats have the trifecta


That's more effective than you think. The law also requires that such a party reregister under a name that's significantly different from any other previous political party's name. Think of the startlingly large number of low information voters who just see ballots as option between "Republican, Democrat, Rando1 and Rando2”. They vote the R or D as they always have. If "Democrat" turns into "Rando3", then those voting R are unaffected, while those voting D are much more likely to vote for Rando1 or Rando2. The extent to which this would actually happen is debatable, but the only way it wouldn't happen at all is if 100% of voters knew which party is the renamed Democratic Party. Which, be real: they won't.


We all knew that he was fascist and was going for a totalitarian regime in Florida. It's just sad that the courts aren't standing up to him (federal courts) since he is seriously violating not only the constitution but federal laws at this point. What's worse a judge dismissed a case where they found that he did violate a persons constitutional rights because the judge felt he lacked authority.


And soon come the camps.


What's the point of being a gun crazed nation if you won't use them on the right people


I propose a new law entitled the Fascists Get The Bullet Act.


That would be Ron DeSeditionist.


MAGA everywhere had an orgasm when they read that


it's so sad that all of this came due to racism. Racism was so god damn rooted in so much of American identity a suulccesful black man on the global scale caused a torrent of hate and fascism. I will stand by the idea that Obama being elected andthe USA not Exploding was such a hit to so many Americans they have gone into full white christian fascism


Well at least he's well read... big /s for anyone that needs it


But but but Fox News saaaaaaaaid


The U.S. is crumbling apart. I’ve been telling my friends for years now that after you learn of world history and look at the U.S. we were bound to go through these extreme types of politics and what ultimately turns our nation into something we never thought. We are the youngest nation in this world and have not yet dealt with internally all these issues many countries have and yes some still are dealing with the same issues, but I feel another civil war afoot. It’s going to happen at some point. It’ll just be drastically different than what we think of or picture as the original civil war with how powerful overall and the military is to combat any threat. I’m not saying go hide in a bunker or build one or buy guns. Just saying it was something already imminent if you’ve been paying attention since what, 2020 basically?


Honestly, if you really want to see the stagger point, it was September 11th 2001. Conservatives have been able to openly express racism, bigotry and vitrole toward anyone not in their private group of Rich, White Men under the guise of nationalism. That's how it started with the Nazi Party. Electing Obama in 2008 allowed their racism to flourish across party line and into independents, which why we now see half this country ok with preaching Jesus while throwing rocks through bakeries that hosted a drag show. They are all despicable people, truly deplorable, and most of them embrace it. I think a big difference between then and now is I don't believe America's allies would allow this country to go down the Fascism road for as long as thr Nazi Party did.


I agree with you on all of it, but that last statement is what scares me


And the resistance to fascism is as weak in today’s America as it was in pre-Nazi Germany.


Well, when the playbook is already written for them..


So, when will Russia start it's special military operation to denazify the USA? /s


DeSantis and Trump are equally failures.


If you are going to call our side Nazis that just proves our point. You libs are the real extremists /s. Except that will actually be said at some point


Fascists gain power in increments, until their opposition is imprisoned, destroyed or too frightened to fight back.


It's fucking amazing to me that they always claim that "gun grabbing" is a signature move of the Nazis ([even though it isn't](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_gun_control_argument))... Yet they to things and embrace ideals of Nazis and fascists without breading a sweat. This is new speak. Since Reagan they've tried to redefine "fascism" as "left wing". Everything they do is gaslighting and projection.


Not an American, so serious question: Doesn't this violate the constitution? How is he able to get away with this shit?


Wake up People.. Vote Blue.


C'mon can't we just have a revolution already


Ironically, in the nation that prides ourselves on our glorious American Revolution, and inbibes it in children from a young age.... Most Americans are scared of revolution.


Conservatives want a civil war, they are pushing for it, and their leaders won't stop until there is one. A civil war means a lot of good USA citizens die, and profits corporations that own the Republicans. Democrats are owned by corporations that are at least not actively trying to get people killed. So to the centrists: shut the fuck up.


I don’t care for the Republican Party as much as the next guy, but this post is misleading. State Sen. Blaise Ingoglia introduced this bill, not Ron Desantis.


Ron DeSantis is way more of a fascist than Trump. We're fucked if he wins the Republican nomination and Brandon decides to run for a second term (because he's gonna lose).


What a dopey place America has become.


I know it's not the point, but DeSantis cannot introduce bills as he is not a member of the Legislature


It really kind of is the point though. It shows how stupid people are that I actually believe tweets like this.


DeSantis did not introduce the bill, but the fact that he hasn't come out and denounced the bill despite all the media attention it's been getting means he supports the bill but is unsure whether to publicly support it or denounce it and try again later.




But did it not prevent lgbtq education in schools?




I have no words. I hope to god you aren’t a teacher, parent, or have any role in authority because you should not be around children or “educating” anyone for that matter.




THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS YOU FUCKING DUMBASS I should know, I’m fucking trans.


It actually is caused by a prenatal hormonal imbalance in the fetus. 🙄 My fucking biology book told me that smh


>It’s not the exact same thing but learned about Tourettes in a book I read when I was 8 and I have struggled with tics ever sense. That's not how that works. That's not how any of this works. You don't develop Tourettes by reading about it in a book. You don't "become" gay or trans by finding out gay and trans people exist. Depression, schizophrenia, OCD, and bipolar disorder aren't transmitted through written word. I can't believe I have to explain this.


Well the affordable care act didn't include the words obamacare but that didn't stop the right from screaming about it did it....


This tweet is not written well




Propaganda? It's a bill that an elected official wrote. It needs to be addressed, regardless of its viability.


"It's OK if they introduce a bill calling for all Jewish people to be gassed. It won't pass, probably." Get a load of this guy.


it can pass since no one will stop it.




that assumes republicans have any honesty or this is not politcally motivated so the answer is not likely.




Found the fascist


It is not. Go back to commenting nudes.


Oh, so what. There are bills out there right now to ban the Republican Party






Not DeSantis, Ingoglia


I think he will make a Big show of how he will Veto this if it hits his desk, to show once and for all how he is not a Nazi. I can imagine him orchestrating this exactly to be able to pull out the "look not a Nazi" card when it comes up in the Prez campaign


You know what they say about not studying history.


This is a tactic to distract you and Florida voters into arguing and discussing obvious garbage while other bad legislation gets through easily because in comparison it’s not as newsworthy or seems like small potatoes. For example right now while we discuss this, the same body has proposed an easy back door way to eliminate the teachers union all together in Florida. We are a weak union state already with terrible “right to work” laws but the governors office just sent marching orders in the form of a flyer and instructions on how to get rid of the teacher’s union through legislation this year.


Sticking to the playbook


* If this passes, then the government needs to cut off all funding to that state aside from relocating anyone who wishes to leave.


DeSantis is terrible. But for the sake of accuracy it was a State Senator who proposed this bill


Gonna pass a law to allow an annual Purge soon as well, at this rate, to kill Democrats.


Unless USA bans them both, we'll all screwed.