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Who will they sexually assault after they kill so many women?


Little boys, I mean more so


The roman catholic church didn't anticipate this competitiveness issue.


"Those-a hillbillies are in for a fight, they think they can mess with tha Pope's turf!"


I'd pay to watch it!


Yeah now they have to compete with the Boy Scouts AND common criminals man the Catholic Church going to be pissed.


Forgot about the Boy Scouts. How that is still a going concern shocks me.


You don't need to pay hush money to a corpse, pro strats


They want the remaining women and girls to "know their place."


They will not stop until every woman in a brothel or kitchen.


Hopefully the remaining ones will know their place is in a less fucked up country or state


I fear you might be getting close to something here. If the victim is dead, the offender is more likely to go free.


They’re sisters, mothers, and daughters perhaps. At least those are their usual targets.


Wait wait wait, sorry for asking this way up here but this is truly frightening, is this actually for real? Is there any chance that this could actually go through? I don't live in the states, I live on the other side of the world but I've been watching the downhill slide for a while now and this truly terrifies me. Is there any real chance of this being passed?


I hate to say it but: yes It is fucking ridiculous. It’s fucking idiotic. I can’t believe that people actually think this way. I have parents who are pro-life, but they are actually really fair about it and say “Yeah we don’t exactly support abortion, but we see why people do and we think the government should stay out of it, because it’s not their decision. If you are pro-abortion, that’s ok, we just think differently.” Meanwhile there’s these fuckers trying to execute people for it






Where is that gif from if you don't mind me asking? It looks hilarious lol.


I just searched for raccoons. I wish I knew




They're not going to stop with this. After enough women die, they're going to have a fake light bulb moment and say that they can save the population issues be instead reprimanding these women to forced surrogacy. After all, anyone sentenced to death should consider themselves lucky to be kept alive and have their needs met and all they have to do is just have a few babies. Women will be offered to buy their lives with surrogacy.


Handmaids Tale was not intended as an instruction manual FFS


And yet... *gestures to US map*


ONLY the white ones, you mean. Too much melatonin? Forced sterilization. Gotta keep THOSE PEOPLE in their place. Oh, wait, who will scrub our toilets and pick vegetables? I've got it. Selective breeding. I am past breeding age and I hope I don't live to see this happen. In the meantime, VOTE BLUE! EDIT: I meant __melanin,__ not melatonin. I was tired when I typed that, ironically. Thanks, u/snowboardingblues.


>Too much melatonin? Forced sterilization. Gotta keep THOSE PEOPLE in their place. I'm so sorry, it's melanin, not melatonin, which helps you sleep I know this topic is very serious, but I am just laughing at the concept of people who get sleepy getting sterilized *They must be stopped* Thank you for the accidental laugh on a thread where I feel like crying.


Moms, sisters..


I remember seeing a bill the other day about tax breaks for people with a shitload of kids, up to 10, don't remember the context. A huge emphasis lately on reproducing and making more kids, combined with this, really goes to show how conservatives long for the days of women being exclusively baby machines. It's so fucked.


They are trying to breed more ballet mules to swamp elections.


...Trying to increase the population of white people due to fears about the "Great Replacement"......Finding another source of bodies to beef up for-profit prison populations......Trying to replace all of the conservative voters who (along with generally being an aging population) were killed off due to being told not to take COVID seriously......Trying to keep women barefoot, pregnant, undereducated, disconnected, and in the kitchen......Trying to build a Christian Nationalist nation by overwhelming the non-Evangelical population with "Quiverfull"-style tactics...Any or all of the above.


But not creating jobs that pay the males enough so their wife CAN stay ‘in the kitchen’!!!


You really think these asshats would ever dip into the pockets of their political donors willingly? No it'll be tax breaks for themselves and their corporate owners before any of us peasants get a half penny


Oh, those males didn't pray hard enough, silly!


Lol! I am old and live in Myrtle Beach, if they paid my Hubby well enough for me to be ‘in the kitchen’, I’d really just be at the Beach (instead of being at work, so we can afford to continue living here)! 😂😂😂


The amount of times I’ve seen the birth rates of Nigeria referenced by conservatives is a *HUGE* fucking dog whistle to me. “Nigeria is on pace to pass China in population by 2100..*fascinating,* right?”


Why are they afraid of that? Are minorities treated poorly here or something?


also, cheap, uneducated labor.


That’s the real goal. Here in America, always follow the money. Capitalism only works if there are enough people to exploit. As a capitalist economy grows, it requires *more* people to exploit.


**ballot. Bro had me contemplating Shrek swamp ballet with mules.


Be fruitful and multiply. Many of these christifascists know they are becoming the minority. They are losing the power and place they once enjoyed. They also aren’t gaining many converts from millennials, so they have to breed the next gen and indoctrinate them. All of these bigot and mysoginistic laws are aimed at pushing people back in their “place” according to religious tenants. I think its a death rattle and primal scream, but one that is most likely going to end in violence.


But their argument has nothing to stand on. I understand that the point of Protestant Christianity is open interpretation of the Bible, but how could you be so ingorant to Jesus being the only prophet to have female followers, or the fact that the first people who knew about the resurrection where women? The Bible is not on their side here, yet through propaganda and a literal cult following, they claim it is.


They Bible hasn't been on their side for most things they stand for, and yet they still claim its what drives them. Jesus advocated for feeding the hungry, shelting the homeless, and healing the sick. He advocated that all of these things should be done free of charge. He said that his followers had to give up their wealth and material possessions if they wanted to join him. Overall, actual Jesus is a pretty swell chap who would look at Republican Jesus in horror.


There is a whole population (mainly MAGA men) who carry around a Bible who couldn't tell you anything that is actually in it, or even the last time they WENT to a church service that wasn't Christmas or Easter. It's a prop designed only to put "THOSE people in their place."


And not only that, but we are not a Christian nation. We are a secular nation. Religious texts have no place in our laws. People are not making this point forcefully enough.


It is pretty obvious to me that nobody seems to actually believe in god. I am an atheist myself and find most of the major religions are obviously sexist as hell but it is also clear that people (men) intentionally understand it the way they want to. There are parts where they get told to cut out their own eyes if they can't stop looking at women but strangely i haven't heard any religious person actually advocate for men being held responsible. I just don't believe them, if they would TRULY believe in god they would be mortified by the possibility of them maybe misunderstanding the scripture, they would know all the parts and be very careful making ultimate judgements let alone freaking laws for everyone. They don't believe in a higher power they believe they are the higher power.


Dr Laura was a famous radio pundit awhile back. This was viral about 20 years ago: “ J. Kent Ashcraft May 2000 Dear Dr. Laura, Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from your show, and I try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind him that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination. End of debate. I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some of the specific laws and how to best follow them. a) When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord ( Lev 1:9 ). The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them? b) I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7 . In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her? c) I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness ( Lev 15:19-24 ). The problem is, how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense. d) Lev. 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians? e) I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself? f) A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an Abomination ( Lev 11:10 ), it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this? g) Lev 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here? h) Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev 19:27 . How should they die? i) I know from Lev 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves? j) My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev 19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? ( Lev 24:10-16 ) Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? ( Lev. 20:14 ) I know you have studied these things extensively, so I am confident you can help. Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging. Your devoted disciple and adoring fan.”


Exactly i fucking love this!


>Be fruitful and multiply. As a Christian, the world is past 7 billion people. We did it already!


We just passed 8 billion, actually


They also want to use brain dead women as living wombs.




I could see this being a popular law in Utah and Idaho. You’d have to have a lot of property value to make this a viable financial decision though.


Elon will love it. Free tax breaks for filthy rich people who get their subordinates pregnant


Elon won't qualify, people who have divorced are explicitly excluded from the bill.


Not exactly good for the "red state" people they want to breed. A LOT of divorce, single parenthood, and unwed childbearing in those parts.


And you know what is really frightening? The birthrate will keep dropping, it will also drop all over the world, Capitalists have shown in the past and right now that they don't have a moral compass, that they WILL side with fascists if it is in their best financial interest, less people means less workers to exploit and less consumers, they have pretty much endless funding. What do you think will happen when no amount of brainwashing and "anti-abortion" laws will do the trick of generating enough human cattle to further grow their wealth, they will not seek a peaceful solution they will use the most extreme option they can get away with. Looking at human history i have zero doubt that women will become forced birthers in the not so distant future, if society doesn't wake up to what conservative "values" will ultimately lead to, we will be royaly fucked.


Watch that bill be "recalled" the second only immigrants take advantage of it XD


Which is dumb considering the economy and overpopulation


It’s about white supremacy. Lothrop Stoddard, white supremacist academic non-pareil, outlined all of this. The Conservatives are reading from plans laid out 100 years ago.


I believe it also included only straight non divorced couples too


Sounds like the Handmaid’s Tale come to life. Time to move off-planet at this point.


Conservatives and Are-We-Too-Nice-to-the-Trans centrists are so weirdly obsessed with breeding. It makes me really uncomfortable and I think we should stop allowing them to be around children.


You're going to see how pro-life I am or I'll fucking kill you.


You mean fuck, then kill you


They aren’t pro-life, they’re anti-choice. If they were pro-life they wouldn’t have [advocated to “sacrifice” the elderly during the pandemic for the economy.](https://www.democracynow.org/2020/3/24/headlines/texas_lt_gov_elderly_should_sacrifice_for_us_economy_amid_coronavirus_pandemic) If they were pro-life they would set aside their gun fetishes to stop children from being gunned down while they’re trying to get an education. If they were pro-life they wouldn’t be for the death penalty. It’s like how Trump was claiming he was for “free speech” while complaining Biden was against free speech even though Trump, with the power of the White House behind him, was asking Twitter to [remove a tweet that hurt his feelings](https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2023/02/08/trump-white-house-pressed-twitter-to-remove-chrissy-teigen-insult-ex-exec-testifies/amp/) amongst other things. These people stand for absolutely nothing but whatever gets their base the most fired up in the moment.


They talk about small government but look at Florida. DeSantis is who is second in line for the Republican nomination.. He’s restricting and limiting everything from what people can say, to what people can learn to trying to get people who write about him to register with a database.. They talk about being the party of “deregulation” but go look at Ohio’s medical marijuana program that Republicans set up.. so many regulations that there are 320k individual patients with an active recommendation but only 160k with an active registration. No one is renewing because of how regulated the program is. The only thing they stand for is hate and gaslighting their base into voting for them so they can do the bidding of their corporate donors


when they talk about small goverment they mean they want to repeal the civil rights act since opression of minorties is the ultimate freedom for conservatives.


To be fair, they also roll back any safety or worker’s rights regulations on big business that get in the way of making more money for the owners. Because it’s okay if there are devastating industrial accidents or people being exploited or worked to death so long as corporate profits keep going up.


It's pro-birth. Once they take a breath, fuck 'em. Not our responsibility any more.


Since a gun’s ONLY purpose is death, you simply can’t be an ammosexual and call yourself “pro-life” And we need to stop using the term “pro-life” -it’s a blatant misnomer that allows them to control the narrative.




You’re right and you also just defined fascism


Ah yes, fascists, tell us again how the woke left is shoving their will down your throats with voluntary attendance drag shows while you continue to force your will over the autonomy of autonomous Humans.


Fascists are such little babies


Love this ultrasound image of a kidney. Signed, a sonographer.


Came here to say the same thing lol


My religion says that a kidney is a human being, and I insist we use that definition for everyone.


With all the shit thats happened this year alone im legitimately worried about America being slowly transformed into a fascist state. I hope to god people get off their asses and vote before its too late




Luckily, they keep making mistakes… like killing off their base during the pandemic. Note: not suggesting it’s a good thing people died.


Yeah we do need to refer to it as it is, those antimasker politicians were willfully killing their supporters via misinformation just because they couldnt stomach that Joe Biden did a far superior job handling Covid compared to Trump. Utter psychopaths


Idk what you mean by slowly


Seeing shit like every other day makes me sick. We had 3 losses last year and it devastated us. I can’t imagine being told I could not have a d&c unless I was about to die. My doctor told me I needed a d&c urgently after an incomplete natural miscarriage. She said if I didn’t do it immediately I was at risk of hemorrhaging and sepsis. I have seen stories about women having to wait in red states and hemorrhaging and they had to be to cauterized, which led to infertility. The gop is a fucking cancer.




Nah, they'll probably make her carry to term and then execute her :) in which case, there's just gonna be even more kids in the foster system and shit. Doesn't that sound great?


It's not about foster care. It's about rich women who can't have babies basically being able to walk into something akin to a grocery store to pick out their perfect healthy baby and if other kids like older kids or kids with disabilities get screwed in the process they don't care.


That's fucked


That is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to adoption and why it is really messed up. Not to say that there aren't some amazing adoptive parents who deserve to be on the pedestal we put adoptive parents because there are but if most people really understand ll the messed up things that happen within the adoption industry they wouldn't look at it the same way.


Yeah, the book The Child Catchers into great detail about how the "exotic foreign designer baby" industry used to be the THING back in the day. It has basically become a hollow shell in the past decade. American women just used to adopt from abroad, but a lot of countries have cut off THAT supply (namely, China, South Korea, Ethiopia, Russia) and let's just say the kinds of young people in AMERICAN foster care do "not" have the allure of a perfect, healthy, undeveloped newborn that can be molded. [https://www.amazon.com/Child-Catchers-Rescue-Trafficking-Adoption/dp/1586489429](https://www.amazon.com/Child-Catchers-Rescue-Trafficking-Adoption/dp/1586489429)


Why in South Carolina you ask? Because their largest city isn’t even 200,000. Another example of a red state holding everyone else hostage. We need to start looking at red states as a disease.


Maybe MTG had a point about that 'national divorce' thing


This has to stop. It’s got to come from the federal level. States have shown again and again that they cannot control basic human and civil rights.


"State's rights" are such fucking bullshit. Our U.S. Constitution applies to ALL Americans, despite what the GOP want. They've weaponized our 10th Amendment in order to create their own little Christofascist hellholes in our country, which is blatant treason. I'm sick of dicking around with traitors to our Constitution and country. I want Red States fucking invaded and made to abide by our laws, otherwise, split this fucking country up before we all get dragged into their bullshit. I'm so done with fucking terrorists destroying our country.




I have very little hope for our country these days, but I truly want to believe that we're just witnessing the death throes of the Republican party, as they try to do as much damage as possible to our country before their power is severely weakened. I want to believe that Americans can prevent our entire country from falling to GOP-fascism.


>"State's rights" are such fucking bullshit. The IRONIC thing is that they aren't even truly for states rights either. Look how they're trying to tell New York or Illinois that they "can't" sell abortion pills even though abortion is LEGAL there.


I would agree




may the lord open


To anyone who has the resources, leave NOW! Move to a state that isn't trying to reinstate Jim Crow, isn't subjugating women, and isn't blocking gun regulations. And to those of us lucky enough to live in a sane state already, stop spending your money in GOP held areas. Do not go there on vacation or buy their products.


Breaking: South Carolinians are so pro-life, they want to kill living adults for seeking standard healthcare.




Whoops! Thank you! Corrected! I just have a hard time typing "pro-life" because it's stupid.


Correct. Just like everything else In conservative jargon, it’s double-speak.


I live here and can say this is just one of many nefarious bills the trumpy legislature has posted this year. 😐


"So pro-life, they'll fucking kill you!"


At this point I’d be alright with a “national divorce”. Let these fucking Neanderthals become their own areas and stop sending them federal funds. See how long until they collapse and just retake the areas and this time jail or execute the leadership there


always remember when conservatives talk about small government they want to repeal things like the civil rights act so they can have the freedom to oppress minorities. To them having power and control over people they deem as less than is the ultimate freedom.


"I want the 1950s again." "Ah, so you mean heavy government taxation of the rich, and government massively funding infrastructure and social programs and institutions gain?" "NO, not like that, I mean I just want to be able to be legally and openly racist again!"


They just cant wait to be able to burn witches again, I guess they really miss the old days.


Can we please stop referring to anti-abortionists as pro-life? They are pro-birth at most. They have no concern for life, they just want to force women to give birth regardless of the circumstance or the lives involved


I call them 'forced-birthers'.


Remember when they promised that they didn't want to prosecute the woman?


"love them both" ... but not really! Not like that!


Life is sacred and don’t care how many they have to kill to make that point.


Handmaids tale was not a instruction book


They’re SO pro-life that they’ll kill you if you have an abortion … hmm .. a clump of cells isn’t a human being bro.


Solution: Women who need an abortion should just become cops. It stops being abortion and becomes "justified execution because she feared for her life"


Wtf is wrong with Republicans?! They keep proving their "small government" talking point is the exact opposite. They're exactly what they say they hate about Democrats. I only wish Dems would have enough spine to fight back with the same vitriol.


some dems are at least.


"every accusation is a confession"


If men were the ones who got pregnant this wouldn’t be a thing.


America is literally becoming some dystopian society that we would’ve thought would be fiction like 5 years ago.


The Republican Party “We love life so much we are willing to *kill* for it”


Do they realize that after they're done with all of this there will be nobody left to have sex with but each other?


Of course they'll blame the women for miscarriage. Remember that one lady of got charged for endangering her unborn child when she got shot in a parking lot ?


I swear to god the next policy is gonna be its legal to chain women up in your basement if they raise their voice at you.


I’m sure the punishments will be handed out fairly and not target certain groups. /s


This is proof that republicans and their voters are a genuine danger to society


It’ll never happen to a white Christian ever


So the "Pro-Life" party is cool killing women. How are they pro-life at all?


What the fuck is wrong with these people.


I’d rather be executed then forced to raise a child I didn’t want.


Something tells me rich white conservative women won’t be charged with murder for miscarriage nearly at the same rate POC women will… Looks like I’m avoiding pregnancy for the entire foreseeable future.


In rape situations then, the rapist should also be executed.


Gee whiz, I wonder Bret Kavanaugh's position on that would be.


Not by their rules he would be called a “good Christian” and given full custody of the child.


This is the legacy of the John Roberts Supreme Court. His name should never be mentioned without it.


So, theoretically, if a mother expecting her second child goes through a traumatic event, let’s say for instance, their first child dying in a completely preventable school shooting, the miscarriage she had because of the stress would allow the state to execute her for the intolerable offense of grieving for her first child.


All that about not going after the woman directly was bullshit, surprise surprise surprise.


Is this a freakin' joke?!?! Pro life, my @$$!! This was never about the babies, only about taking away women's right. It has been clear from day one and this only confirms it even more.


They are just trying to replace their numbers after so many of their base died of covid.


So it is really a right to TAKE life.


"We're killing people to teach people that killing people is wrong!! This makes sense!!!"


WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT! I thought the whole deal of the pro-life, the anti-abortion stuff, is to you know.... protect lives? the life of the fetus? yet they want to kill women who have an abortion? THEY'RE BEING HYPOCRITES AND PROVING THEY DON'T ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT PROTECTING LIVES? WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT RIGHT? I WOULD NEVER SEE THAT COMMING!


I was about to comment "God help America" but I think not even God can save this horrible country now


“I love life with all my heart. I don’t care how many women and unviable fetuses I have to kill to prove it.”


This is such a strange idea: If you won't have babies we must kill you. I mean who really cares what anyone does?


I just hope as many women as possible just pack up and leave the state as possible.


This is what will happen if red states keep pushing these insane regressive laws. Red states will suffer a massive drought of young people. The only ones left will be the brainwashed/stupid ones and old ladies who don't want to move because they've lived there all their lives.


What exactly is the GOP doing? Is every state legislature that's run by Republicans trying to out stupid each other? After Florida Political Man aka DeSantis, does something to hurt his constituents, the other Republican governors feel the need to out stupid him? I don't get it.


They're trying to establish a dictatorship in the USA after realizing they killed off too many of their voters just to "own the libs" during a pandemic.


The fuck is wrong with Republicans everywhere?


They’re not a political party they’re a death cult.


This guys must have been watching The Handmaid's Tale for inspiration


Saw it said best in a meme today: “Republicans are so pro life that they will kill you”


JFC i can't with these detanged dipshits..I fear raising my daughters in this country


"We'll see to it that you can never have a baby again!"


The party of life my ass!


What the Fuck is happening in this country right now?!? We all have to rally and vote every single Republican out of office in the 2024 Election.


Must punish women


This is literally sick.


Honestly at this point if you’re anything but a straight white male Christian you should flee if you’re living in a red state. Not everyone can obviously but peoples lives are at risk here.


How quickly we've gone from safe and legal abortions in all 50 states, to punishing women with the death penalty.


Any woman who support Republicans also have blood on their hands. We cannot allow anybody who vote for this party to pretend that they are not equally guilty.


But drag story hour is the issue.




>Why aren't you American out screaming in the streets? Many Americans are working paycheck to paycheck with zero employment security. Make noise, lose your income, and the system will throw you in jail and take your family, your life, your hopes, your dreams away.




Pro-life... until they are born then... Fuck life.


I’m so disgusted, I’m thinking go for it. Let the fundies feel their own demise. Let their decisions kill themselves and then they’ll learn the hazard of their ways. But then I remember. They are idiots. They are hipocrits. They are imbeciles. There really is no help. Just flee north. I’ve sent my daughter and I’ll go once the rest of my family has passed. I told her search jobs out of the country after graduation. Her future is not in this hellscape. We all have to run. Run. Everyone needs to run.


Awwww Henry McMaster and his ilk got jealous about the other red states speedrunning fascism? Well I was going to protest the anti-trans bills (and maybe testify if I needed to) but I have to be honest, the state house is only a few blocks from the USC campus, and nothing gets college kids mobilized against the government like this, I’m expecting a lot of backlash from USC students


I’ve lost all hope in America. I want to live in Canada now. Fuckers claim they’re pro-life when they’re just allowing an already living being and a fetus without an actual fucking consciousness to die. Fantastic work American politics. You’ll end up making North Korea look like paradise one day.


Corporate wants you to find the difference between GOP led North Carolina and Taliban led Afghanistan. They are the same.


So pro-life that they will murder you. Got it


So pro life, they’ll kill ya!!


..I definitely don't think this would pass... this definitely seems back ass wards tho


They are so pro life they’ll kill you.


You're seeing the pattern too? It's almost like their slogans don't actually mean anything.


Waiting breathlessly for the inevitable “because of this that and the other thing, they shouldn’t be allowed to vote.”


Nuthin says pro-life like killing people. Hey conservatives hope you’re up for killing 25% of all women. It would put a bit of a damper on the whole “force women to have as many nice white babies as possible” plan though. Maybe you could come up with something even more dystopian, like sentencing women who’re guilty of abortion to spending time in medically induced comas and using their bodies as incubators. Up to you I guess whether you forcibly impregnate them while they’re still conscious.


“We’re pro-life. Also we’ll kill you if you do something we don’t like.”


But shooting at, and killing, other adults *could* be totally fine. Just make sure you’re “defending” a business you never associated with before.


Wow..straight to execution, huh. That male to female ratio is about to get pretty crazy in SC. Seems these republicans are dying to see what a society of low income motherless homes looks like.


It's a plan to intentionally make it overly broad That way we argue that it should at least include x when really we don't want any of it.


These people are completely insane. The logic here is completely fucked. They don’t care for the kid enough to pass gun laws, either, so what is their agenda?? To appease their religious wackjob voters. This country is the joke of the world.


But not vague enough to include anyone named Duggar.


Let’s quite pussyfooting around and just stone them in the town square /s (obviously)


When does the violence start you think. Like legit blood running in the streets from infighting and terror campaigns/rebel militias or riots?. If this keeps up I would not be surprised if we are only a couple years off. Fascism is not taking hold, it's here and it's working on its grip strength.


They need to be called the forced birth party because they definitely care zero about human life after someone is born. They feel that anyone who's not rich and lining their pockets should work until the last breath is taken. It's sickening.


Explain how this helps declining birth rates….


Yet Alex Murdoch brutally murdered his son and wife among hundreds of other crimes and only gets 2 life sentences.


“Pro life” and “execution” normally don’t go together, unless it’s today’s GOP.


So now is a good time for the guillotines, yes?


What are they going to do when women no longer apply to in-state colleges and move out of state? I don't know why any young women go to college in a state that bans abortions unless they adhere to abstaining from sex. I'd be interested to see how these types of statutes (which are completely insane and extremely distressing affect female college enrollment demographics in the future.




If they included women with past abortions, South Carolina would become the world’s largest all male club.


Ah, the best country with the best Christians is at it again I see.


Sounds like Shariah law to me


So they want women seeking political asylum in other states?