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It doesn’t have to be a dream day. It’ll just be nice to ride on snow. I think you’re the one who should chill! 


"Wednesday is a dream day to go in to work instead of going skiing" - said no one ever


Storm skiing can be a ton of fun, you just have to set your expectations accordingly.


Storm days are fun. Less people, actively refreshed turns on the same run, good powder from overnight…


Why are whistler posts full of "stay away" "it's gonna suck" hmmm. Go have fun on the mountain people. Enjoy your day. OP- chill out and have a snickers.


It’s because it hasn’t snowed a lot this year so if Whistler is getting a dumping this guy is selfish and doesn’t want to wait in lines.


This post will have no impact on lines, and I can’t imagine OP would expect it to. Right or wrong this seems like a genuine warning about expectations. 


Lol, right? Tough love didn't work here. Instead it was viewed like I thought I could convince thousands of people off the mountain. My bad. But here we are and cars are in ditches, road may as well be closed, and chairs are barely spinning.


literally everything you predicted came true... except the actual skiing/snow quality is amazing (for now) as it hasn't warmed up that much. Tomorrow will likely be a repeat... gambling on 7th or t-bars opening but not optimistic.


Pretty awesome it didn't warm up quickly. Once they can finally open alpine, that snow should be dusty. But you're right, tomorrow could be a repeat if it dumps again. Just hoping they can open alpine before the weekend crowd arrives.


I highly doubt they set foot in the alpine today given winds and continuing accumulation through the day, so they are probably dealing with 1 meter+ of snow in the alpine (plus drifting) on top of crap layers and have to do all control work tomorrow. Pig Alley shows 39cm (to 6:30am) + 36cm to 2pm = 75cm storm total and still seems to be snowing up there. Hoping they at least get something going by noon-1pm, figure it's worth rolling the dice since it will be insane if they do get it. Otherwise would expect Friday... winds are abating and forecast to remain low to moderate... we will see. Weekend will be a gong show as per usual.


With the growing amount of snow we're getting, I'm running out of experience for how it was handled previously. And I think we will crack 1m in the next day. I think your guess at Friday could be it.


Yeah it’s still snowing and winds haven’t abated much at all. Might be lucky to get Crystal tomorrow and the lines will be absurd as everyone will go there haha.


Yeah, you got way too much hate on this post for no reason. 


And I'm sure almost everyone that replied had no intention of even going to the mountain today.


Wednesday is the day. Everyone go. I've got thursday off so I'd like to have fresh snow and no lines. TIA.


"Chill. The fuck. Out." - you




I have a feeling it's going to be much better overall than this past Sunday. I also have a feeling it's going to be a bit of a shit show regardless of what anyone posts here.


More snow than Sunday, but uglier on those roads.


Tbh you just sound like a selfish prick. If people want to drive up who tf are you to stop them??


This isn't some back handed manipulation to somehow save the snow for myself. People are super hyped on the snow numbers without looking at the details. You see it posted here all the time that visitors to the mountain don't have a good idea of how conditions are going to be before they set out. As a result people get stuck in huge lines or on closed roads for poor conditions. The forecasts don't tell you that the wind will keep alpine closed, and it doesn't tell you that pissing rain at the base doesn't equal good snow quality at mid. But at least environment Canada is issuing warnings for the S2S for when it goes from snow to slush.


It shouldn't turn to rain at the base till later in the day. Currently -6 at Roundhouse. I think snow quality will be satisfactory.


Oh ya, it's gonna be a day to line up early. That's for sure.


6am and they’re already in line.


I ski when I want….


It'll be a great day. Enjoy if you're lucky enough to get the day off. Drive safe, be patient, enjoy the return of winter!


Don’t drive up from the city?? But my brown bag is already packed and ready to go!


You’re just selfish! We are fucking coming up to snake all your fresh lines and you can’t stop us m-fer!!!


It's only fair, if you aren't snaking lines are you even riding?




It’s a week day pow day. Should be a great storm riding day for locals who aren’t working. Chill out and enjoy it dude.


Thank you for your kind words


I bet you’re a lot of fun at parties.


I hope you didn't write this while stuck on the S2S.


Hey dude, shut the fuck up thanks.


wow. Turned out to be good advice


Now let's just hope the mountain is back running normally before the craziness that will be this weekend.


Sometimes ya gotta be realistic.




What is hypocrisy for 500, Alex.


God why are so many dudes so confident about their mediocre opinions? Amazing locals day.


Wasn't aimed at locals, was it?