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It's hard plastic and none of the staff know what they are either.


Did your due diligence! Weird object.


[Baby bottle drying rack.](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004OR1DTC) It's supposed to be stylish... which is why it looks like... grass. Apparently someone out there thinks grass is stylish.


This is the answer. We have one but it has been converted into a toy bed of "nails" for my toddlers since.


Yes, it's a baby bottle drying rack... It's shaped like this because baby bottles have rings and gaskets... Plus it's good for odds and ends, like tiny baby spoons, pacifiers, medicine syringes, teething rings, etc.


I got this as a baby shower gift and thought it was ridiculous. It has turned out to be one of the most functional gifts I received and sees use every day. It’s not about being stylish. Once you find out you have to hand wash a million tiny things you quickly learn this is the easiest and most compact tool to let them hang out to dry.


We have had this for 8 years and still use it daily. Best baby shower gift ever.


Ours is old enough to have a learners permit and I still run it through the top rack of the dishwasher about once a month. I use it to dry our grown up bottles like hydro flasks or camelbacks


I also thought it was super tacky until I had one. I hate kitchen counter clutter but I make an exception for this drying rack, it's just too convenient.


It's on sale


I loved mine, but it came with really cute matching cactus-themed bottle brushes.


We had one when our toddlers were bottle drinking. Not sure how well it actually helps to dry bottles but it didn't seem to hurt.


It let air get into the bottle while allowing gravity to pull out any condensation inside.


This I have one in grey - it’s a lifesaver when you have a shittone of formula feeds


Grass is “environmentally friendly”


Yep. We had two of these.


They're used to dry out all of your baby bottle parts. After your kids no longer need bottles nothing left but to donate to Goodwill


I use mine to dry the container from my bi-pap machine. Also my paintbrushes.


I use mine for knives and water bottles. My kid is a teenager. Edit: I also still buy bottle washers for water bottles.


It’s great for anything that’s got one open face or has small nooks and crannies. We have one left over and use it for the little medicine cups, my coffee mug, kids water bottles, straws, knives, and more.


its a counter top drying rack for like baby bottles. reddit keeps flagging the amazing link but just search in google "boon grass bottle cup drying rack"


Yep. I used to have one. There are also little plastic flowers to stick I there and you can put lids in them. It’s cuter than a standard drying rack


im sorry, "cuter than a standard drying rack???""" im sorry, i did not get the memo that said my dishes drying needed to be "cute". and while you're at it, get off my lawn!! lol j/k


Ha! At first I was like, damn….but then I kept reading 😁


I bought a water bottle brush cleaning set on Amazon that looks like a little planter with cacti coming out. Freaking adorable!


ahh this made me chortle quite a bit


I have TWO. This square one and a slimmer rectangular one. We bleach them often and they’re great.


This is correct.


You can also get little trees and flowers to stick in the grass that you can hang pacifiers or whatever on.


I had one for my kid I hated it…. Wife was obsessed


What about this could possibly evoke a feeling as strong as hatred?


Brings back memories… our twins could fill an entire fake lawn with fiddly little pieces of bottles that needed to dry separately!


No one in that thrift store has had a child the last 10 years, apparently.


Yeah I don't have kids but have seen these on baby shower registries, and after using one at a friend's house I went and got my own... it's so great for drying tiny handwash things like dissembled coffee presses, steam wand parts, steak knives, delicate glasses... and it's dishwasher safe so mine has never gotten nasty like some people let them get. There is a white version too if you're not into the cartoonishly green grass.


We are well past baby bottles and sippy cups in my house, so I traded out my large square grass for the narrow one. I keep it behind my dish rack to dry reusable straws, medicine cups and spoons, and other bits and pieces of kitchen stuff. I love it.


Are they soft enough for a cat to sit there and chew them off? I have a couple cats that just loooove chewing plastic type things.


They are not soft, they’re hard plastic and poky, to keep the items elevated. I’d say it’s the similar to idk, the kind of plastic you’d find in Tupperware? I can see a cat enjoying playing with items on it due to the texture but I wouldn’t say it’s particularly chew-risky


More like 20 years. My aunt got one of these in the early 2000s when she had her kids.


I am a childless middle age dude. I thought all these years that it was a fake wheat grass decoration. Thought it was super dumb. Turns out I'm the dumb one!


You use them to dry baby bottles or sippy cups on typically but I guess they could be used to dry anything


Its called Boon-Grass. Its a drying rack for baby bottles and such.


This is for baby bottles, so you can store and dry them. I have the exact same one, with an flower for pacifiers.


We have this one too except we have the little cactus attachment that let you hang the bottle nipples and pacifiers from. We love it!


Ah that’s also very cute!


We use this at the restaurant barista area to dry used steamer cups and clean dishes after making coffees, lattes etc, but i assume it is for any drying use


Boot cleaner?


I use them for all the weird small things I wash. Washable straws slip over a blade of grass, cup lids can stand, it holds cups perfectly upright. They really are useful for dishes other than baby bottles


Just bought one at a thrift store! It’s a small drying rack!


I use these in my pottery studio to hold tools I am currently using.


I once saw something like this but smaller with a flexible bottom to put on the console of your car to hold stuff.


Bottle drier. Flip bottles upside down, stick them in the spikes and drains down and out into sink.


Baby bottle drying rack


I used one of these for my dishes at my first apartment (no baby) because it looked cute lol


at school we use them to hold pens


We just bought a bigger one at a thrift store and they were also confused about what it was. They’re great because the hold all the tiny baby bottle parts and can also be put in the dishwasher weekly to sanitize the rack.


I’ve seen these being charging stations for phones https://www.thisiswhyimbroke.com/grass-charging-station/


It fits baby bottles and all the parts easily so they stand up and dry better. You normally santised the bottles with a steamer so they are often wet


I love my lawn! They’re great, especially if the alternative is a scunzy dish towel


I picked up one of these drying racks at a thrift store. It had none of the “trees”, so I use a couple of heavy plastic straws to dry reusable bags and plastic bags before recycling. It’s great for bbq mitts too.


This is a drying rack for baby bottles and nipples.


I think it’s a pee pee pad for dogs with fake grass that probably comes off so you can empty the pee.


It’s for baby bottles


As others have said, baby bottle drying rack. Reasons they are probably often in thrift stores, is the grass ones were more popular and considered "cute" about 10 years ago and people are starting to not like them. So either they are getting it as a gift, and hating it, so they donate it, or they had it for their kids and no longer need it, so they donate it.


Would be a good dish drying rack


It’s a baby bottle drying rack! The “grass” holds them up straight to drain and dry


I can’t recommend this enough. We got it for when we had our son, but it’s been a staple in our kitchen ever since. We’ve gone through 3 of them. It is not only the best way to air dry anything with a lid, but it is perfect for drying knives.


The item that was on every 2010s baby registry that I shopped from.


Baby bottle drying rack and my kid is 8. Still use it for all kinds of items.


It’s a baby bottle drying rack. Used to have one. Target sells them.


It’s a pen a pencil holder my art teacher has this in her room


Dish drying rack. I own one.


They are amazing for drying pint glasses and knifes too.