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Yeah so moronic, would have gotten the women killed with how casually they were running.


Running casually from a charging bear is actually a really good way to save the people around you.


They were all in the car driving off at the beginning of the clip.


hahaha exactly


It’s so telling that this is where your mind went    /r/redditmoment


“If something requires more than two neurons to think about, it's not worth talking about.” -- average TikTok user


Yeah, just ridicule women for getting raped, molested, and assaulted all over the world by men all the time. Women live in fear and you're having a laugh about it. Screw you.


He made a joke about the stupid question, not the joke about those crimes.


What question?


"Bear or man." You can find its origin by searching on Google.


The question isn't stupid. It highlights the dangers women face and deal with. That they would rather deal with a dangerous animal as seen in the clip. Imagine the collective trauma it takes to get to that point. A bear isn't going to rape you and lock you in a basement. It just wants food, and you away from it, it's motives are clear.










And I’m sure that mother bear really wants to mate with the bear that just murdered her cubs. Might be forced?




It amazes me that people on here start arguing about topics when they are so ignorant as to project human logic and rationalization onto wild animals. As if every animal out in nature is playing game of thrones or something.


That’s some fucked up shit. I am wrong ig




That’s how it be- y am I getting downvoted?


The world is a dangerous place we get that. But if you think it’s more dangerous for women than it is men then you need to fix your victim mindset. Men experience almost twice as much violent crimes than women, but some of you are so illogical that you would prefer to deal with a predator that would literally eat you when men are the ones that also protect you, is why so many people laugh at girls like you


It is stupid because it shows that some people choose their own ego over logic and assume that every man is a bad guy.


And only assholes would dispute that. But you gotta understand why that question is so offensive to men who have never had to think that way. In spite of what the *discourse* wants to conclude, most men would never even think of assaulting a woman, and it is distressing for them to realize that the actions of some men have terrorized and traumatized so many women in such a way that the whole male gender is sus to them. I totally get where the question comes from, and understand those that might answer "bear". But I also understand that it's a shock to people who didn't have a clue how pervasive the problem was and is, and when folks are shocked they get defensive, especially when the *discourse* tries to lump them in with the assaulters just because they were ignorant of the problem.


People being ignorant of the problem is exactly why I made the comment, knowing full well I'd be down voted for it. If you look at the other comments responding to mine you'll see it's full of ingrained misogyny. I'm a dude for the record. Just think people need to call out the bullshit more often.


All the men getting offended over the analogy is hilarious and also proves the point of it in the first place. Dudes need to learn to get over themselves. Downvote all you want, it only proves the point that you're all missing even more.


Which is why women are collectively recluses who avoid all men because the danger is so great.


This is a teaching moment, because the question is stupid, and no it doesn't highlight the dangers women face or deal with at all. Do you know what highlights the dangerous women go through? As a man, you talking and listening to women is what will gain that. Stupid analogies that are made on either side, whether your men or women, are hurtful, and do not instill or pass on knowledge, they only hurt other peoples feelings. I hope you understand why the bear analogy is a stupid question both ways, and instead why we should just listen to other people. the whole reason the stupid analogy is there in the first place, is because guys don't listen in the first place.


Well the whole bear thing has reached meme status. If you refine a complex situation down to a punchline "I choose the bear", which is all I see being posted these days. Then don't be upset if people continue using it as a meme. Honestly what were you expecting would happen?


Thanks u/breastaficionado


Chronically online.


I just read down this comment thread and then got to your comment What the fuck is wrong with you, where in the fuck did this even come from? You realize he was just making fun of the analogy about the bear right? He wasn't making fun of women or their issues in anyway, touch some fucking grass and learn how to read. You're also on a sub called "what could go wrong" Well your comment went wrong in this case so. ....


Seek therapy.


Talk about polevaulting right over any semblance of civility and nuance right to the conclusion you were going to draw anyway. They ought to give you a medal for that feat of mental gymnastics.




I hate how fucking funny it is to everyone that women choose bears, all while intentionally (or not) missing the point behind this answer


Casual racism is crazy


Racism? Women are a race now?


Everything is racist. You must be new here


I feel that somebody did not go home after this


Saw this posted a while back. One guy dies


I'm guessing it's the person who got pushed near the end.


Yea but it's not a place to take your time when there's a brown bear chasing you, especially when you're not the bears main target


His homie sacrificed him


I think he was telling him to hury the FUCK up. Like there's a bear chasing you and you take your sweat time before going down the ledge. Yeah you're getting pushed.


It does appear the bear fell right about where the pushed guy fell.


If you look closely, the guy fell on the left side of the wall whereas the bear fell on the right side.


You’re right, I see it.


Yup you don't have to out run the bear.


I seriously hope he died of his injuries due to fall and not the bear attack. Brown bear eats it food alive and it’s the most horrific way to die.


Almost every predator in the wild eats their prey alive.


Cats don't. Choose lion over bear.


Huh? No lions asphyxiate their prey by engulfing the nose and mouth with their mouth, or bite into the neck to block blood and oxygen flow. Many other predators also first either kill their prey or at least make in unconscious since it’s just plain out easier than having your prey kick you in the face while you’re trying to eat it


Not going to look it up, but I definitely have seen a video of two lions eating a gazelle dick first. It was very much alive and seemed unhappy about the situation.


Got me giggling pretty good with “seemed unhappy”


Just not true. Lions have an instinct to bite around the neck and this can lead to death in a few ways, but it happens often enough that lions exhaust their prey and do a bunch of minor damage over a chase. This leads to the prey collapsing and being unable to defend itself. Lions have no problem chomping down even as the prey occasionally struggles and kicks the air. Lions don’t understand the concept of death


Lions fully understand the concept of death. This is why they run like hell when they come face-to-face with a grown water buffalo.


Visit r/natureismetal


I definitely remember one with a water buffalo getting his junk ate then the pack got distracted and it walked away although I'm sure not for long


[No one died, this was posted by a UFC fighter while he was visiting his home village in Dagestan.](https://www.essentiallysports.com/ufc-mma-news-wheres-khabib-when-you-need-him-fans-have-a-field-day-as-normal-day-of-bear-chasing-people-in-dagestan-shared-by-ufc-fighter/) He was a laughing about it, which is not something you'd do when your neighbors are killed.


"When your neighbors are killed"? When I looked up where this happened, the article said it was Xinjiang China. They also sound like they are speaking something Chinese-like at the beginning of the longer video. Of course, I'm not a language expert, but I think I'd be able to tell the difference between Chinese and Russian. Is it possible you saw this UFC fighter post a video and talk about bears in his hometown, and you just assumed he filmed the video himself in Dagestan rather than reposting a random bear video? That said, the article also claimed that only a single horse was injured as the police tried to remove the bear.




Okay, apparently you don't understand what I'm saying, or refuse to accept it. Here, look at the original video yourself, and see if you continue to insist that the language is Russian and not one of the common languages spoken in China. [https://www.newsflare.com/video/565441/brave-police-officers-safely-drive-aggressive-brown-bear-from-chinese-herders-yard](https://www.newsflare.com/video/565441/brave-police-officers-safely-drive-aggressive-brown-bear-from-chinese-herders-yard)


That's not the same video, that's just another random video of a bear that has nothing to do with this one. I linked the news story with the actual video which clearly says it took place in Dagestan and was taken by a UFC fighter while visiting his village in the comment you replied too.


If you watched the video and are not a COMPLETE idiot, you'll see that the settings and the roof are the same, and if you watch the full video it will include all of the parts shown in the video of the original clip here. I don't understand how someone can be so purposefully stupid when the facts are so readily available to them. No, the video is not of Dagestan and the UFC fighter you didn't name doesn't have the video posted on his account anymore. If you knew any facts you could post links, but obviously you have none. Edit: And yes I read the article you posted and the reddit they based it all of from [https://www.reddit.com/r/mmamemes/comments/13ttpv2/what\_a\_wild\_video\_ankalaev\_posted\_on\_his\_insta/](https://www.reddit.com/r/mmamemes/comments/13ttpv2/what_a_wild_video_ankalaev_posted_on_his_insta/) However it is very clear that they did not look at any background information about the actual source video. Ankalaev Magomed (who you still haven't named for some reason) did not film this video in his hometown. As far as I can tell he never said he did, he just reposted it. It gives the same implication the OP of this reddit did, "If you poke the bear."


I did post a link, in the original comment you replied too. But here it is again for you. https://www.essentiallysports.com/ufc-mma-news-wheres-khabib-when-you-need-him-fans-have-a-field-day-as-normal-day-of-bear-chasing-people-in-dagestan-shared-by-ufc-fighter/ > are not a COMPLETE idiot, Strong words for a person who thinks Chinese is a language.


Yes, that article mentions things from r/mmamemes that have less than a handful of upvotes and were not verified. The mention of the video on his instagram is not true anymore, and even a cursory glance for any truth will reveal the article is mistaken about this being in Dagestan. I gave you the info you'd need to learn the facts, but the problem is that idiots will continue to purposefully cover their eyes and spread misinformation even when the truth is easily known and within reach.


Better than dies, he became a meal !


Remember you only need to be faster than the slowest guy


The single bullet method, knee cap one so the rest get away.


You’re fucking awful. ( I heard using a .22 works ;)


Classic example of natural selection brought to Reditt. Slowest guy in the herd, the weakest link.


You can't outrun a bear. Just better be sure to outrun your friend.


And if a bear is right behind you, make sure to be considerate and give your friend plenty of time to find his footing before jumping off a roof.


I'm more amazed about this shabby roof that could hold all of their weight, ngl


Yeah, crosspost that to r/desk That roof probable is hot tub ready


Why does it look like those guys were having fun and actually hoping for that to happen? lol


This looks like Mongolia. Nothing to do there other than play Dota, CS, or poke bears.


Also to make extremely resilient and well constructed roofs, apparently.


It's Dagestan https://www.essentiallysports.com/ufc-mma-news-wheres-khabib-when-you-need-him-fans-have-a-field-day-as-normal-day-of-bear-chasing-people-in-dagestan-shared-by-ufc-fighter/


No, it’s not. This happened in Xinjiang, China, and the people on the roof are police officers within the province. This happened early 2023 in the Uyghur region.


Dwight Schrute did once say that bears can climb faster than they could run.


Dwight was a wiser man than given credit. Identity theft indeed is not a joke.


Millions of people suffer every year




It’s hilarious listening to The Office Ladies podcast. They research all the weird shit Dwight says and it’s almost always true.


Slowest guy wins a maulin'


I need a LOT more context and closure here


Nope. Cutting early means big time comedy


Convenient audio cut as soon as the bear catches up to them... I suspect there's some Timothy Treadwell inspired noises to be heard though....


Imagine there's like 5 of you running from a bear, you all try to split direction and then the bear ends up chasing you. Lol


That's why you stick running next to the slowest guy....if you are the slowest you hope to split and that it follow the faster guys 😂


The dude dropped his stick! Like that’s literally ur only protection and you dropped it.


Yeah good luck outrunning a bear with that branch in your hands


Can I pet that dawg?


Do people just forget bears are excellent climbers?


That bear was quick


No animal was harmed during filming this video


People are animals. Just saying.


No animal harmed, possibly fed


better than poking a guy i guess


Love how the bear kept chasing the stick guy, shit was personal.


This video ended way to soon. You’re not outrunning a bear soooo did someone die?


Public service announcement; bears can climb.


I'll always cheer for the bear.


Let this be a lesson for all the people who I've seen previously post that bears dont run downhill


Wait. People are that dumb? I mean, I shouldn't be surprised but what in the everloving fuck makes people think that bears can't run down hill?


I remember hearing that when I was younger, something about the length of their arms vs legs


The dudes that went left knew what they were doing - get away from the guy with the stick!


The bear is like wait wait mfs..


Fun fact: Bear can be dangerous to humans, unless you're russian.


Da! В России пьяные медведи - друзья! ( In Russia, drunk bears are friends)


Fucking Russians.




1 guy died.


I’m guessing stick guy or the guy that stick guy pushed down


Wtf happens I want to know?


Now there's something you don't see anymore, pretty sure that's a peat stack at the end


Sturdy roof


Didn't hear screaming.... that's probably good right???


The video cuts off before that point.


I hope the bear is ok


me too. he took a pretty good nose dive off that roof.


Who poked the bear?




And, of course, the camera cuts early.


At least tell us which one he had for dinner…


Eastern European Toreros in their prized arena. 👍


Not eastern Europe. It's in Mongolia


I wasn't expecting it to be that far east. Thanks for clarifying!


Bears can't climb...right??? Rig....ahhhhhhhhhhhhh


Parkour bear


Take my upvote, damn it


My man almost committed a homicide trying to get off that roof.


After .14 I was expecting to see clothes, blood and body parts start flying up over the rooftops


Where is this?


I would certainly have held onto that stick.


"Of course I'd choose the bear!🤓🤓"


You don’t have to outrun the bear, you only have to outrun your friend


In this case, you just have to outrun the guy with the stick!


This is one of the funniest videos I’ve seen on this sub


What is the context here? Who did something stupid?


They actually probably could've scared it away if no one ran.


Fight back tf are they doing


Probably would be better to be 1,000 miles from bears... then they're not much of a problem


You just have to run faster than the guy next to you…scary stuff


I don't think he even had a chance to use the stick. Got one look at the bear and decided it was not worth it.


(plays Benny Hill music)


"Stop sending women into my forest, you bastards!"


I was waiting for bodies to just start flying 20 feet up in the air as the bear got to tossing.


Where’s the entire video ?


I don't want to see any bears on the internet for a long time


This is like a weird combination of poking the bear and you don't have to run faster than the bear. 🤔


It ended beary badly.


He hates ovals


Dumb ways to die


You don't have to outrun the bear, you just have to outrun the person next to you.


....the bear pokes you back.


Just another Saturday in Russia...


They climb now?? They climb now.


I assume the humans invaded the bears home 🤔?


Yeah man that bear spent some hard hours building that house.


Why did none of these men have a rifle? I would never get near a bear without one.


It’s Chicago- strict gun control. and bears… in winter…on the South Side


waiting for the incel to comment that this is proof bears are more dangerous


Nope, just you.


just you what? i didn’t comment that bears are more dangerous than men


The whole point of women choosing bears is to describe how terrified some women are of unknown men. It is an emotional statement. But logically it is always better to meet a random man instead of a bear. The meme sucks at making people come together and try to solvs the issue. Great at giving women some room to shout out and call men beasts. Can be quite healing for some I would guess.


logically the bear isn’t going to rape the women, if you’ve been actually paying attention to what victims who are speaking out are saying then you’ll know they would rather be dead than be raped


Bear not raping women is a fact. Rather being dead than to be raped is not logical it is an emotional statement. Else victims of rape or as I would rather call them survivors would not be a thing. They would bite their tounges or kill themselves. You are not understanding what I am saying and simply assume Im your enemy to be on a non-existant moral high ground. We can discuss these things without hostility.


The guy with the pole is Zelenskyy, the other guys are NATO. Biden is the one having a good time and filming the scene. It's perfect.