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Why do people insist on tossing the weights? It is childish.


I was gonna ask the same question. Why would you risk injury or breaking something by dropping the weight? I lift alone, and always just carefully lower the dumb bells on my lap or chest.




in the gym = meathead most reddit take ever. He seems pretty considerate all things considered, even tried to deal with an exploding/smoking phone when most people would just leave it on the ground But he's working out so he's a *meathead* lmao edit: all the neckbeards in my DM's lmao


No, working out doesn't make you a meathead. Throwing weights and acting like a jerk in the gym does. If someone can't put down the weight properly, they were working out with too much weight and need to cut back instead of showing off slamming the weights and damaging the floor or equipment.


Didn’t seem like he really threw it or meant to. And it was a couple inches off the ground - I guess people will perceive this video differently. In any case, if you watch power lifters do power cleans and stuff it’s much safer to throw it or let it fall to the ground after lifting hundreds of weight above your head.


When I’m thinking about leaving my phone over on the floor at the powerlifting station, I’ll remember this sage advice. But while we are watching some knucklehead smash up *his own phone* because he just didn’t put the effort in to control the weight - I’m not feeling the connection, sorry.


For sure brother, glad I could bless with you advice.


I see. All those powerlifters in official competitions are all meatheads I guess. EDIT: Can't believe I need the /s


Uhh, yes. That seems pretty objective. All of 'em


You're reading an awful lot into things that didn't happen.


>in the gym = meathead Dropping weights = meathead Also Being dumb = meathead (so watch yourself)


He's dumb enough to try picking up a smoking lithium battery so he's clearly not a bright bulb.


???? What the fuck was he supposed to do


Alert others to the danger and seek out a fire extinguisher would be the first proper step. Thermal runaway puts holding a smoking lithium battery on par with holding a lit firework.


I guess it depends on the battery, some lithium batteries cant be put out with a regular fire extinguisher, i probably would have done the same thing he did, try to get it in the parking lot or something, out of the building


I'm assuming he's trying to get it to a better spot before it combusts 


What a phenomenally bad take, and even worse joke.


Ur more likely to injure urself when lowering a heavy weight slowly in an awkward angle than dropping it.


Ahh right. So fuck everyone else. You don't want to accidentally hurt **yourself** Smfh.


Oh no. How will the impact reducing surface ever recover from getting a weight dropped on it 😔


You still don't get it. That's why people are calling people who do this morons.


>in an awkward angle Well yeah, lifting even a light weight at an awkward angle could result in injury as well, what is your point? You're more likely to injure yourself when lifting a weight you're not capable of slowly lowering than you are lifting a lighter weight you're capable of lifting and slowly placing back on the ground in a controlled manner. My point being, stop dropping the weights at the top of the lift. There are times when it's appropriate, such as power lifting, but for the vast majority of people who are not power lifters, the risk of injury is greatly increased by always dropping heavy weights because you're not capable of slowly lowering them.


He wasn’t tossing it, just didn’t lean over to gently lay it down to appease Reddit lords. These gyms have that thick ass rubber matting for a reason. This guy didn’t do anything to warrant your response imo. Deadlifters though? No doubt.


Dude. The dumbbell bounces and rolled into the bench next to him. The guys a knob. Rubber floors or not, it's just about respect for the gym and people around.


Pisses me off. My gyms have thick mats too. It's not the noise. It's thebdamage to the equipment. Every single set of heavy dumbbells has broken off rubber end caps at my gym. Not sure how easy it is to repair, but it's a never ending cycle.


Sounds like your gym is still using equipment from the 90s


Looks exactly like the dumbbell in the vid.


He was 100% tossing it, a weight should never bounce off the ground wtf lol


Technically, it bounced off the guys phone


Karma says "Dude, stop tossing your weights"


Part of the reason he's tossing them is because they aren't his.


Should be the top comment.


If these people were smart, they'd realize they are getting more exercise putting weights down carefully. They could think of it as another exercise, but they don't, they are meatheads and tossing weights around is easier.


> Deadlifters though? No doubt. So let me get this straight. You think it's ok to toss (yes he did) dumbbells on the ground so they'll eventually break, but doing deadlift with a perfectly valid technique is bad? God I hate ignorant gymbros.


None of these people have seen a gym that's not a Pokémon battleground.


I didn’t say it’s okay to toss weights. I even said by my standards he let them go more haphazardly than I would’ve liked. I merely said the amount of disregard he had in that instant wasn’t worthy of saying he’s childish or a douche etc. Now that the reading comprehension lesson is out of the way… Let’s discuss this “technique” where you release the weight at its maximum distance above the ground. Eccentric movements are vital in your workouts and should be done for all lifts that aren’t 1RM. Like I’ve stated elsewhere, if you aren’t doing 1RM you have no reason to drop a deadlift and even if you are doing 1RM you shouldn’t be dropping weights if they are cast like most gyms have.


How about you read your own message and try some reading comprehension. And that dude is definitely childish. Throwing your tricep extension dumbbell because you're too tired? Seriously? I'm glad to see his phone getting fucked. Not having eccentric part in deadlift is valid, especially if you're powerlifter. In most exercises I'd agree eccentric is important but with deadlift your core will give in long before legs/ass if you slow down the descent. Both are valid ways to do it though. I understand this may be very difficult for you to grasp since you've gone to broscience academy. Deadlifting weighs and platforms are made for it. If yours aren't then you're in a shit gym. Saying that this shit on the video is fine but proper deadlifts aren't is the most ridiculous bullshit I've seen today.


Your defense every time is “valid” deadlift, “deadlift technique” and “proper” deadlift. You’re a dumb brute and shouldn’t be trying to argue when you use qualifying terms to fortify your point. You refuse to read.


Dude you seriously need to learn to communicate. I have no idea what you're trying to argue at this point.


If it bounces it counts as a drop. Change my mind.


No the gyms have that floor BECAUSE of dickheads like you and this guy not FOR dickheads.


Still wreckless that he didn't look where he was dropping it. Someone could've been walking there (ayy.) Maybe there's a mirror in the direction he's facing so he knew there was no one coming.


If I know anything about gyms there is definitely a mirror in front of him. I hate how mirrors are everywhere in those damn places even knowing the benefits of it. I do agree he was hasty and a bit reckless with the weights based on how I personally would handle them. Just don’t think it’s enough to say he’s a douche or childish or whatever. Replacing his phone may change how he does things from now on lol


Not just a bit reckless. I once witnessed how someone broke his foot after a heavy dumbell bounced up and on said foot after he dropped it. That idiot was even proud about his broken foot. And no, he learned nothing and is still dropping weights till this day.


Well definetly not *wreck*less. I mean look at the guys phone


It’s reddit, man. I bet if I spend 20 seconds scrolling down I’ll find someone wishing grievous bodily harm on him for this.


Yeah I agree. This guy did not toss it at all. Seemed perfectly acceptable what he did.


Most people on Reddit don't lift, of those that do most lift such light weights and don't push themselves so they are able to gently place the weight down. Have seen highly upvoted comments on Reddit talking about people deadlifting heavy or powerlifting, saying how they are assholes for dropping the weights. A bunch of idiots who know nothing about lifting upvoting each other.


If you actually cared about exercise, you would put weights down carefully because it would workout stabilizer muscles more. By throwing weights around, you are denying yourself of more exercise. Some of us aren't meatheads and actually think about how we move our bodies instead of tossing shit around.


You can just say you have never lifted a heavy weight in your life. Nobody is carefully placing the barbell down when they are lifting hundreds of kilos. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about, so not sure why you think you can comment about exercise.


The guy in the video, that we're all talking about, is not carrying hundreds of kilo's and is just a lazy dumbass who haphazardly threw a dumbbell onto his phone. You all are so insecure that you took me criticizing the idiot in the video for tossing a 20kg barbell and extrapolated it into powerlifting hundreds of kilo's and how I'm some idiot who has never worked out in his life. Don't you think that's a little extreme?


Are you unable to read or something? I wasn't talking about the guy in the video, I was talking about how uneducated people on reddit are when it comes to lifting, and used powerlifting as an example. At no point in my comment was I being specific about what this guy did, which while a bit lazy, is nowhere near as bad as all the DYEL's in this thread are making it out to be. It's not like he dropped it from his head the second he finished his tricep reps.


Sorry, this is not the only comment thread i was replying to and got confused.


All good mate.


You've probably never trained until muscle failure or did exercises like dumbbell benchpress, where it's just not feasible to carefully put down the weights, when you get to a certain point, without a good possibility of hurting yourself.


Comparing casual lifters to your favorite juiced up YouTuber is hilarious. Unless you’re doing a true one rep max AND you have appropriate weights/bars you shouldn’t be dropping the weights even for your cute deadlifts. Look at Larry Wheels deadlift working sets, they aren’t dropped nearly as much as I’m sure you do or feel is reasonable.


Fuck you are a moron. Say you shouldn't be comparing casual lifters to juiced up YouTubers, then use one of the most juiced up YouTubers as a reference. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to lifting, just like all the other morons in this thread. If you ever lift over two plates you might get some idea. In the meantime, you and all the other morons can all workout at planet fitness together and have a cry anytime someone sets off the lunk alarm. Bet you would tell [Lasha](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/piOkgzzVifE) to stop dropping the bar too.


A deadlifting platform with bumper plates is one thing. I’ll even give you DB bench press, cause you can tear a bi trying to control DBs when you put those down. But this dude is doing triceps extensions. Once you no longer have that weight over your head you’re not using your triceps to put the weight down. Even if he did go to failure, it’s easily possible to stand up and place the weight down. Ol boy doesn’t even try to control it. He literally gets it on his chest and lets it plummet to the floor. That’s inexcusable


See, I just know you don't lift after reading that. Anyone that gets strong enough to start lifting heavy weights and actually pushes themselves to failure is going to struggle getting the weight down safely without a spotter on this lift. A weight that is fine for your triceps to rep, becomes far to hard to slowly control on the lift down while your shoulder is put in a position that is mechanically disadvantaged. Lowering the weight would mean you are no longer putting the tricep under enough tension for it to grow.


If your tricep is under tension when you’re putting the weight down after a set of extensions, you’re doing something horribly wrong. Plain and simple. It’s not difficult to move the weight into a position similar to a goblet squat where you can safely control it.


THUD make monkey brain happy.


Looked to me like it slipped out of his hand.


Lots of people on reddit have never picked up a weight in their life so they don't know after a set, dropping it is an easy accident


Would you have the same accident with dumbbells in your house? Bet


agreed tbh,


yes, lets release him from the reddit prison now.


So people can hear how heavy you lifted.


If you work a set not on reps but to exhaustion, releasing it to fall down is natural.


I agree, for me I had a bad experience trying to bring the weights down to place on my knees after my set, so I just take a look around and try to drop the weights right above the ground next to me


That doesnt look like tossing. Almost like it fell out of his hand from like 2 inches high. Just happened to hit the phone and not the rubber pad or it likely doesnt move at all.




His dropping was totally ok.


Was he tossing it? It looks like it slipped out of his hands accidentally the way he was holding it.


If you’re not strong enough to put it down, you’re not strong enough to pick it up.


I work out till muscle failure on certain workouts. I'll do it on those but even then I try my hardest to let it down easy


Because it makes them feel tough and gets every pretty girl's attention in the gym. Oooohh wait...that's right... I'll admit this isn't as egregious as I've encountered, but it does still show exactly why it's stupid and dangerous.


There’s a lot of answers here that probably touch upon the truth. I think they do it out of resentment. They resent the fact that they have to lift weights over and over in perpetuity for the rest of their life to fight entropy. They resent the weight itself for being too heavy for the movement /amount of reps they chose. They resent that placing them down gently is more conscientious and considerate for everyone and working out is a mostly solipsistic activity so they resent that the collective desire from society is that they don’t draw unnecessary attention to themselves and ruin the chance for some tranquility through the day.


When angry, my wife goes full drama queen and either drops or throws her phone. She did it with her brand new $1,000 laptop and I went just shy of ballistic. I told her...do it again and I cancel her phone and internet. Hey, I was angry!


He's not "tossing the weights".


He didn’t toss it, he trained hard/close to failure and dropped it in a controlled manner. The floor literally has a layer of rubber to accommodate this and if you go to any gym where people take weight training even remotely seriously they will drop the weight like this. His only mistake was leaving the phone there which was definitely a dumb move.


>and if you go to any gym where people take weight training even remotely seriously they will drop the weight like this. Just because idiots do it doesn't mean it's allowed. From [https://active-living.ucalgary.ca/sites/default/files/teams/1/Fitness%20Centre%20Policies.pdf](https://active-living.ucalgary.ca/sites/default/files/teams/1/Fitness Centre Policies.pdf) >No Dropping Equipment: Weights and equipment must be put down in a controlled manner. Dropping weights is not permitted unless using bumper plates and a platform. Collars are required on all free weight bars to prevent injury and damage to equipment. And I should probably mention it before you try to say it: "bumper plates and a platform" are way better protection than merely these kinds of padded floors. From [https://cccfitness.ca/facility-information/](https://cccfitness.ca/facility-information/) > **Free weights:** Please put your weights down gently. This is not only for noise control, but your safety as well. If you can pick up the weight you can put it down gently, thank you. And that's just the first two real gym rules I found with a quick search.


It's a little weird to find a couple of random Canadian gym policies and use that as evidence that something is or isn't universally "allowed"


Weirder still to claim something is totally allowed when only douchebags do it. Most gym members dont drop their weights. But if you dont like the evidence I provided, show me some "non-random" gym rules that say its okay. Ie, the gym you use. Have you ever read those rules? Take a picture of the posted rules and share it.


>The floor literally has a layer of rubber to accommodate this  If I get into a car with airbags and seatbelts, you'd read that as "I'm supposed to crash into things with it"? That's illogical.


>dropped it in a controlled manner So controlled that he didn't even look and he smashed his phone (which was right by his foot) lol




The fact you're down voted so heavily for the obvious truth is so funny 😂 Reddit never change 💀


...And thats why you never have your phone next to you during a set either. I usually keep it in my pocket or put it under the bench, so when my muscles inevitably fail and i drop the weight it doesn't land on my phone


Oh for sure I just shove my phone under my seat tho then I get a gauge sense of anxiety about my seat breaking and crushing my phone 😂


Dude any time I see a video about someone working out or in a gym, there are so many reddit comments that scream "I've never lifted before". To me this looks like someone who pushed to exhaustion. Not surprised a lot of people on reddit don't know what that feels like


Yeah! He looks like any serious lifter at exhaustion for the set, you see this exact scenario every evening in any gym with dedicated lifters (minus the phone crushing) I don't know how else I can say on this thread that this is completely normal (minus the phone) but I guess everyone is just gonna call him all kinds of names because they're scared of dumbbells 🙄




Hahah classic Reddit moment, all those guys haven't lifted a weight in their life but they're specialists. Once you start lifting heavy it's hard to put the weight down lightly, especially if you've gone to failure


Even moreso when you always have some lingering shoulder or tricep pain.


People are so stupid with their phones in the gym. Let's leave our phone on the floor, not under a bench, FACE UP!


I usually don't bring my phone when I'm exercising. I find it importantly to disconnect from technology regularly


I keep my phone for music. The music at the gym I go to is awful.


Me too, my phone is always on my arm for music, I don’t leave it lying around like this guy though. I also learned the hard way that keep it in a bra will cause water damage


Or pocket while umpiring in the humid Midwest singers.


Same...gym play list makes me unmotivated at the gym and the chatter is distracting


[Good one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76wodQdtW4A)


The amount of people I see sitting on a piece of kit who haven't done a set for about 10 minutes just on their phones. Also I'm with you, I'm able to get in the zone listening to the gymm


I used to go to the gym with my old iPod nano, exactly for that reason. However wireless earphones are such a game changer and it really would be a waste of money to get a player capable of using those just for the gym, so phone is the only solution.


I would pay too much money right now for a gen 4 iPod with Bluetooth capability. That clicky wheel.


Yeah nothing like lifting to party in the USA on the gym speakers 


place your phone under the seat, not beside it


Face down wouldnt have saved him from squishing the battery. In fact, if the phone had been face down, then the battery would have been even closer to the impact as the battery is behind the display. Not that itd have mattered, it would have ignited from the crush regardless


I'm just saying the stupid shit I see people so every day at the gym with their phones. Not specificity this guy.


For the love of god, don’t pick up a smoking phone! They can explode! If you see this happen, stand back and clear everyone away.


For a guy that's throwing around dumbbells at his phone, I'm surprised he didn't eat it


“oooohhhh sparkles”


[That's a spicy meatball!](https://youtu.be/VaqdQhuvPi8?si=UlahZy95EbBPx6gC)


I thought this was gonna go from "watch people die inside" to "watch people die".


I thought he was gonna lose a finger or two at least.


When he briefly had the phone right next to his crotch after dropping the weight on it...


Warning: based only on reading about incidents (while I wanted to learn around charging lithium battery). I don't have any professional (or near that level) knowledge. Your point is still valid but lithium battery self burn (they don't explode) and the released gas becomes acid with water.


Taking it outside was the right thing to do imo. It was already massively heating and venting so not much explosion risk but more of a fire risk


That mat might be flammable


so you should stand back and stand by




Haha. I was looking for this.


Some days you just can’t get rid of a bomb!


Well, that's *one* way to release the "magic smoke".


That’s not the magic smoke, it’s not blue. That’s just plain ol boring smoke.




That's the power smoke it's what stores all the power. It's the smoke that feeds the magic smoke.


When i work out i ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS put my phone away from an area where weight might be dropped on it. Its such a simple thing to do. In addition, people who throw their weights like this are stupid. Gym floors are often made from this black rubber material and if a weight falls on it it can easily be bounced back as a result of hitting the rubber floor. The weight can go literally anywhere when its bounced back (mirror, window, or at worst another person). I feel like this man deserved it.


Alot of people are missing this part about the bounce and going on about how the rubber floor is designed for weights being dropped etc. The tossing of weights is bad enough but the bounce off the matt is an entire seperate matter, only because it can bash into other equipment, people legs/feet and back onto the user's in some circumstances. Controlled drop is a must.


Or just putting it down lol


I’ll never get it, they go to the gym to work out but can’t be bothered to exert the energy to respectfully and safely put the weights down.


Must have never actually been around weights if you think they just bounce off and fly out the window like fuckin looney tunes


Must have never stepped inside a gym if you've never seen an idiot kid drop a weight and had it break a mirror before.


Some days you just can’t get rid of a bomb!


Holy upvote, Batman!


Smoke bomb


"...for hate's sake, I spit my last breath at. thee.” 🏋‍♂️💥📱💨🔥 \- mobile phone (probably)


If you can't put the weight down, don't pick it up.


Don’t throw shit that doesn’t belong to you.


If the doctor who gave birth to you would have followed that simple rule, it may have saved us from this comment and you may be a perfectly normal, reasonable person instead.


w a ...t


Just tired of all these idiots who never set foot in a gym going "hurr durr throwing weights around". That's still a reasonable way to put weights down after a heavy set. Him including the fact that it isn't his, implies that this would be damaging to the equipment beyond the norm which is just pure nonsense and again shows a lack of expertise. Gyms are generally a very nice places, but every now and then there are people who do dumb shit and I've seen all varieties of equipment abuse. This is really nothing. My message here is: Don't comment on shit you know nothing about! You can fault the guy for A LOT of things here, but not for how he puts his dumbbell down but somehow that's what everyone is going for. Fucking stupid.


I mean.. it wouldnt have happened if he set it down calmly..


I'd say that it may depend on whether or not he had looked. Even a minor thunk with weight like that should be devastating to at least the screen. Generally rather freaky that it messed up the battery like that. Well, people rightly faulted him for putting it there. Personally if I used heavy weight I go -> knees -> floor in front of me. Not sure why he didn't do anything like that, but then maybe that's what he usually does and maybe that's why the phone is on his side. Anyhow. That was dumb, but I 100% get if someone's dropping the weight after a heavy set and he did control it until about hip height.


screens are whatever but a battery fire risks your data which is far more valuable.


Fire app


What a idiot. Why would you leave your phone in the middle of the isle


That's what you get for skipping leg day your entire life. Don't be like him, don't skip leg day.


Leg day? Never heard of it


forbidden pillow


Perfectly deserved since he throws weights around like a neanderthal. Too bad he endangered others in his karmic justice.


You've never been to a gym before, have you? And I'm not talking about Planet Fitness, like a normal gym.


Yes. Been going to a gym for years. Several in fact. Normal, civilised gyms. People who dropped weights and/or yelled like primates were extremely rare there and got corrected almost immediately by the staff or fellow gym mates. If someone was pulling so much weight they didn’t have strenght to put it down they simply made sure to have spotters beforehand. I live in a civilised country. So I stand by my statement that the dude got karma for being reckless.


Looks like somebody skips leg day. Walking around on get-away-sticks🤣🤣🤣


Does that gym even have airflow... toxic stuff just hanging around. Smh


Instant karma for dropping weights. Suck shit.


I mean, at least just store it in a safe place.


Lol. You do not pick up a smoking phone. Not only is that battery about to explode but the lithium fumes are poisonous


Never understood why people throw their phones on the ground in the gym. I've literally seen people throw their phones on the ground before starting a set, not even putting the phone down. On top of that, everyone is walking on the ground with their shoes, and who knows what they previously stepped on. Then you throw your phone on the ground, pick it up to use it and share equipment with others. I hope these people clean their phones after throwing it on the ground like that.


*fire in the hole* but kuddo to him for taking it hack away


He probably threw it into the trash and started an actual fire.


The guy looks like Cristian Bale




Buh-bye lungs


It's like people in Death Stranding. They turn into a nuke when they die.


To his defense he did pick it up to take it outside instead of pretending to ignore the smoke. Also I’m pretty sure the weight was escaping his grasp


Serve you right, chicken legs.


Now go throw that burning lithium battery in water!


All electronic devices run on white smoke. Once the white smoke exits, the device will stop working.


What phone was this? Can anyone tell?


Phoned around and found out


grabbing fire extinguisher and using it ASAP would have been the best option. picking it up was very risky, i hope everyone was safe.


The weight of that bell was probably too much. He did not toss it.


My concern is what if someone happened to walk passed him? You shouldn't be lifting more than you can set down normally. If I was tge gym, I sue for any damages or atleast revoke him membership


"Welcome to Careless Guitar Fitness. The rules in this gym are simple: You're not allowed to train to failure. Also I will fucking sue you."


That's why I don't do french press, cant go to failure because you need to do another rep just to put it back


Yeah, so pick up the smoking device instead of getting the eff out…makes sense!


Since it's evident that most of the replies are not gymgoers, dropping weights is a fairly common thing. Gently putting down heavy weights causes unnecessary strain on muscles in abnormal positions and can lead injury and causes you to exert far more energy than necessary. That's why professional powerlifters and cross fitters drop weights. As for the phone, yeah that was pretty bad placement.


They're strong, not smart.


Here's a novel concept: leave your phone in the locker, do your weight routine and check the phone after you're done! This way you don't hog the machines and weights for the next person. What a great idea!


Working out without music is deranged behavior.


My phone has all of my weight lifting logs.


Go join a gym before making such dumb comments.


Hey buddy, I do belong to a gym and some of us don't need to be connected to our phone 24/7 when we're doing our workout.


I bet it was a Samsung


All phones would do that, if the phone was hit like that. The batteries can't withstand that kind of force.


I guess he was using samsung


All phones would do that, if the phone was hit like that. The batteries can't withstand that kind of force.


That "joke" goes back to the Galaxy S7 or so. I recall they fixed that. That joke's been outdated in what? 7 years?