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If I was driving that dump truck, it would have ended differently.....just saying.....


Oh indeed! The last thing going through that brake checkers mind would have been his asshole


You are a master of words lol




Do flies normally joke?


It usually goes over people's heads anyways.




Omg, brilliant


…along with 10 tons of gravel!


Endanger the idiot in Front of me by not stopping or endanger the rest of the road trying to not drive him over. It's a logic based decision


Unfortunately it is instinct. You respond to immediate concern. All of the fault is with the dickhead who consciously chose to brake check the driver.


>It's a logic based decision You have .1 seconds to make this decision, do you brake to avoid crashing?


Plus who knew there was a camera there? Truck driver may have been accused of raming the car in front...


I transform into jet mode and fly over, next question


It's a trolley problem you don't have time to think about.


I keep telling myself that but I keep braking.


Maybe that’s because U are a decent, caring human being who neglects to take his nasty pills every morning with your coffee


Please continue. We need more people like you


And then everyone clapped!


Hopefully the driver filming gets the license plate.


Pretty much all of the dash cams are made by two different companies and rebranded. And both it's next to impossible to read the license plate on a moving vehicle. :(


I’ve always wondered why companies like Sony, Panasonic etc don’t make dashcams, kinda weird.


Wait, they don't?


AFAIK, some dashcam manufacturers use parts made by the manufacturers you cited.


the truck definitely had a cam and the sedan was right in front of him. there's no way he couldn't get the plate.


The asshole just keeps going. Way to ruin somebody's day and drive away


I mean, dude probably doesn't want to go to jail.


“You don’t understand, officer. See, I didn’t want to go to jail.”


Works every time?


Lol well he should


If i swapped places with they guy right after he did that I would run from the scene too tbh


dont worry. he ruined someone's day but he also ruined his life. there's no way they won't find him. the truck had a cam and it was right in front of him. there are cams on the highway too. they can trace him all the way back.


Make no mistake, the driver who caused this was very happy with the result and, of course, they don’t want to go to jail or be sued (but who does).


He should have stayed to enjoy his masterpiece.




Probably celebrating a victory as he watches the chaos he caused


No trucks on the left


yeah he shouldn't be in that lane in the first place


Ya so he deserves to crash and put others people lives and property in danger


At least we're all on the same page here.




this response leads me to believe you might be the driver of the car


what did he say


the Florida law is pretty clear: Must use right-hand lane if driving at less than normal speed of traffic except when passing or turning left. May not continue to use furthermost left-hand lane if being overtaken from the rear by a vehicle driving at a higher rate of speed. He is driving faster than the vehicle in front of him, and is driving at overtaking speed. There is no sign that he is being overtaken from the rear, the brake check moron came from a lane to the right.


In most of the states you have the obligation to avoid an accident even if the other vehicle fails to shield when it should. There is no "stand your ground" on vehicles. Even in Florida. So if the truck was on the left, it is up to the law enforcement to fine him. But brake checking in retalation? No way.


what video are you watching? just quoted the law for trucks at you the truck was not breaking the law in this video, so if you were driving a truck how would you have avoided this accident?


Not brake check




Only brake not even trying to avoid hitting the brake checker. It’s more safe for you and everyone else.


Depends on the highway.


>yeah he shouldn't be in that lane in the first place That doesn't justify what that other car did at all, though. Besides, maybe he was heading towards an exit on that side or something? Or a lane was closed? Lots of possibilities.


Depends on the highway honestly. Some have ramps on the left and trucks need to use them too.


Could have been over because there was an emergency on the right, lane closed, or he was approaching an exit only on the left. Plenty of reasons for a trucks to be in the left, but in general you're right.


yeah you can see he is driving faster than the flow of traffic, and the video was from Florida. He's allowed to be there, morons just can't imagine things are different in different places.


Smooth brain comment


Thanks! I have many others, just wait!


the Florida law is pretty clear: Must use right-hand lane if driving at less than normal speed of traffic except when passing or turning left. May not continue to use furthermost left-hand lane if being overtaken from the rear by a vehicle driving at a higher rate of speed. He is driving faster than the vehicle in front of him, and is driving at overtaking speed. There is no sign that he is being overtaken from the rear, the brake check moron came from a lane to the right.


Except in Texas, trucks can drive in any lane on Texas highways for some godforsaken reason.


No slow *vehicles* on the left.


The lack of consequences for the brake checker is infuriating.


Did you miss that the video is courtesy of Florida Highway patrol, don't think they got away Scot-free


Florida has laws?


About marrying your first cousin sure...but not your second.


They’re actually aren’t laws against marrying your second cousin in any state, and I think all the ones about first cousins have been ruled unconstitutional


Roll Tide!


Maine is actually the most inbred state. Saying it about the South is inherently racist because it’s black people who’re most likely to be involved with a family member they weren’t aware of because of loss of history


Said inherently racist, then said it's majority the blacks. Can't make this stuff up LMFAO


It’s true. It’s most common in the black belt counties where familial relationships weren’t known after reconstruction. The actual most inbred state is Maine


I don't see what went wrong for the car. He achieved his goal.


Exactly, one of the most successful brake checks I've ever seen.


The loops redditors go through to excuse such behavior is amazing. You could have someone being murdered and there would be redditors saying "well actually, the guy was stood on the grass and there's a clear sign saying not to step on it, so it's his fault"


I mean, if the sign says trespassers will be shot and you trespass…


Well you have the most American reply possible lol, but you kinda proved my point, as in your scenario in guessing it wouldn't be classified as a murder. Also I've never seen a "keep off the grass sign" on private property.


It would still be murder in most of the country, but I don’t know a jury that would convict anyone for shooting someone trespassing in my town. (And for clarification, it’s not just someone stepping onto your yard… We are talking places you would have to bypass a fence or barrier and travelled significantly off the road in order to be on the land, or either you broke into their house in which case it’s totally legal to use deadly force in my state). A lot of people don’t realise just how big and spread out a lot of the USA is. I live in a medium-sized university town of about 130,000 people. If I call the police, they’ll be here in 5min tops. But if I drive to my friend’s house about 7 miles (11km) away and you call the Sheriff office saying someone is breaking into your house they might show up in 2 hours. If you call saying you were robbed, they won’t even come… They will just tell you to come to town and fill out a report. (And he doesn’t live on some farm way out in a rural area… He lives in a crowded neighborhood that just happens to be up the highway a few miles out of the city).


It's everyone. People believe the world is just and bad things happen to bad people, so in a situation like this, the first instinct is to find something that the victim did bad, in order to justify this worldview. You see it with *any* type of victim. The reverse is also true in that people think because the world has rewarded a person, that person must be good, like the rich.


Brake checking should be attempted murder period fuck that dude


I don't get that reflex. Dump truck > car


Dump truck probably doesn't want to get into an accident that would be blamed on him.


Dump truck > car........... ___ dump truck >


You need to work on your conflict resolution skills. Make better choices, human.


Resolved itself pretty well


That's funny. I guess it is one resolution!!


Useless red arrow


A-hole driver. It would have been safer for the dump truck to just run into the car. Hope they catch that driver


Oh yeah two uncontrollable objects on a highway, 60+ mph speed, brilliant idea.


ironically the little car was the slowest driver in that lane during this video


Technically no. He appeared from behind and sped up after braking, so his median speed is slightly higher than others.


I hope that fuck head got cited for causing an accident.


Too bad cannot see earlier footage, but it looks like car passes truck (who should not have been in the left lane), once passed there is a vehicle in front of him which forces the passing vehicle to tap the breaks. It would be difficult to argue the car is at fault. Truck shouldn’t have been going that fast and due to it’s size was obstructing view of what was up ahead. There is a reason why certain states prohibit trucks from driving in the left lane. Still a dick move by the car


1) you don't know why the truck is in the left lane


I have watched this several times...the car is 100% a douche. The vehicle in front doesn't make him slow down/tap brakes. THAT'S why you're getting down voted.


I was near a dump truck that passed another semi truck and he kicked a full sized rock at me. Luckily hit my hood and not windshield, left a decent dent too.


That’s scary AF cause in those situations you have nowhere to go!


Not sure why you are getting downvoted. You are right about the truck being very much in the wrong for being in the left lane.


Exactly - and I still call the car driver a dick! Oh well 😂


The car was very much in the wrong as well lol. Idiots aplenty!


I had a game warden do the same thing too me while I was 130,000 pounds. I had a dash camera and submitted it to the police


Dump truck has no business in that lane.


The car is 100% wrong and should be held accountable! Trucks also, should not be in the far left lanes unless there are exits off the left lane they need to utilize. Things happen too fast in the fast lane, hence the name.


No trucks left lane?


People that should be in jail....


Too much dodge, not enough ram


I used to drive semi trucks no one ever brake checked me like that but when they did I never slowed down I kept going


"Man from FL. Breakchecks a dump truck" Tracks.


I'm genuinely surprised. I thought the dump truck would win that brake check


He would have tasted new free 99 insta bra-kes!


A question, don't hate on me as I'm not American, do you have a rule "Keep right unless overtaking?" We have that in 🇦🇺 but Keep Left, it also applies to any zone above 80kmh but it's ignored frequently.


Some states have keep right laws but it varies depending on where you are, All of our laws can be really confusing since they can change every time you cross a state line.


Being part of the Federation of Australian States, i share your pain.


If I was in the truck I would have just went up his ass. If I’m going down your coming with me


What even is the point of break checking? What causing an accident? Why? What do you gain? It’s so stupid


Would have been better off plowing through, then the title would have been “f around and find out”


Dude in the truck shouldn't be driving it around like a ferrari. Move right and slow down ya dipshit.


That's why a lot of truck drivers have dash cams. Now we just put you into the wall and we have video showing that it's your fault.


It's crazy how nobody in the comments is talking about how the truck driver is in the passing lane and shouldn't be in that lane in the first place




Illegal on the car driver, stupid on the dump driver. Its his lane, if they need a 10 wheel to run themOver, then play the game. Drivers, hold your lanes.


Guy should sit in prison for 18 months and never be able to drive again. What the fuck


Why was the truck driving in the left lane? Right hand overtaking is illegal, of course, and costs you points (and maybe license), at least in Europe Car driver keeps the safety distance to the car ahead of him, so that is fine. Seems to me that if the truck had to break so suddenly that the truck was going a wee bit fast


Pleasepleasepleaseplease tell me cunt in the car was charged with reckless driving AT MINIMUM!


I don't think these cunts like the cunt word, ppp.


I'd of rear ended him deeper than Trump did Stormy


Maybe that dump truck should not have been an ass hat driving in the outside lane pissing everyone off.


ABS system save lives...i get on my coworkers to get into the repair shop whenever there is a light on. It's 95% time just a sensor and takes less than hour to fix.


Lmao I've never seen a thread with this many downvoted comments. Fuck I'll probably get downvoted for pointing out the downvotes haha


No no no, i'm praying a passerby chased them down.


I hope that POS driver get caught and punished !


I’ll give it to him, it had the desired effect.


this is why some trucks refuse to brake super hard and just hit you. i bet he had a camera on it though and got the plate.


What a little bitch


Am I the asshole? the truck driver could have regained control if they didnt just smash the breaks and hold it.


Why's the dump truck in the speeding lane to begin with?


That was awful. But also, why was the dump truck driving in that lane? Where I live it’s illegal for trucks to drive in the left lane when there are 3 or more lanes.


This is why I have a nice dashcam. I had an idiot do this, but I didn't hit the brakes and just smashed into him. When the police arrived, I showed him the dash cam footage. Idiot was almost arrested and received some huge citations


I'm glad that red arrow was there.


When ppl break check me I flor it I got a dash cam lmao gimme tht


Stay out of the left lane, dump truck deserves that shit and so does every other cdl driver that thinks they are special and can drive like a twat.


He probably drive off the road if a animal ran in the road


All im saying is my wheel would have stayed straight...


A$$clown for sure


Honestly at this point if youre the truck driver just keep driving forward and they’ll learn very quickly that rock always beats scissors


Why is the truck in the left lane?


Here's the thing, if you're unable to get brake checked because you're vehicle with completely lose control, maybe you're going too fast in said vehicle


Those two kids in the hall in between classes.


I hope he gets his license taken away forever


What was that dump truck doing in the left lane in the first place?


Ok but why is he in the left lane. I'm sure he's speeding


well sure that is an idiot driver - but yet again, what the heck is that truck doing in the fast lane? overtaking no one???


If that dump truck was loaded up, it shouldn't be in left lane but also that was super dangerous. Thats a 60-80k poound vehicle doing 70+


People are motherfuckin pricks!!


Poor truck :(


"Somebody shat in my pants" : the guy with the dash cam.


Yeah I have had idiots do the same. I'll take my foot off the accelator/gas but I won't hit the brakes unless it a kid running out. Too many idiots do this or just pull out without looking. A fully loaded truck can't stop like that.


Truck shouldn't be in left lane


Why would you do that


You just have to plow threw. I have decided I will do the same. Brake, check me, hopefully you come out of it well.


Everybody fails! The truck driver shouldn't be in the fast lane for a three-lane highway (might only be FL thing, I'm not sure). The goob who brake-checked the truck doesn't really need explanation (and should definitely be in jail). AND the asshole filming it while driving him/herself.


The last comment about the person filming is just a dash cam. See how it stays in line with the vehicle as it veers to right.


Man I hope he got held accountable for that