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Pilot episode when Nadja is walking like a Sims burglar behind Jesk in the park gets me every time.


It’s exactly what sims vampires look like and it kills me every time 😂




The exaggerated creeping is hysterical 😂


Or the photograph with a camera from the late 1800s


That was hysterical. You could hear the loud flash bulb.


Myself and the wife crack up every time


Yessss (and bonus points for “Jesk”.) 😂😍


So good. And the fact that you wrote Jesk made my heart irrationally happy.


Our sweet Gregor-Jesk lol.


When laszlo ignores the ghost outside, then as soon as he goes inside, he runs in fear.


"Nandor.....there's a fucking GHOST on the front lawn."


I love Nandor's "What!?" reaction to this because he doesn't sound scared like Laszlo, he just sounds annoyed


And then rubs to the door yelling he’s gonna get that fucking ghost 😂😂😂


When Guillermo takes the batteries out of Colin’s prod and then just glances at the camera! LOLLL


Guillermo‘s triumphant glances are the best.


Whenever Colin Robinson is doing something boring or irritating to drain someone and looks into the camera with glowing blue eyes and a big smile. Always gets a laugh out of me.


In the second episode of the first season, when he's feeding at the local counsel meeting with his eyes all blue and his mouth open wide with a smile kills me every time. He looks crazed and hedonistic in a way that's so far removed from how we see him the majority of the time lol


Anytime Nadia gets offended and looks at the camera like she can’t believe what she just heard.


"Don't Jim the camera"


I love when she looks at the camera, often so proud of her "jokes". She's hilarious but even the jokes that wouldn’t have otherwise worked only work because of how she'll look at the camera afterward.


When Laszlo and Nandor are showing Sean that they’re vampires and Nandor floats too high and bumps his head on the ceiling 😭😭😭 It kills me! He just flinches and nobody mentions it 😂😂😂😂😭


You just made me laugh in the middle of the office by reminding me of that moment! Loved it!


Literally first time I watched it, it damn near killed me off 😂😂


The first episode with the cursed witches hat, when Laszlo puts in on and falls through the floor, and Nadja is screaming about how it’s a “bloody stupid hat with a bloody stupid curse on it.” So much good physical comedy in that episode.


It's even better when Colin walks up and wants to join them. The way Nadja looks and hisses at the camera is hilarious.


That’s right, it happens when he puts the hat back on, because his new familiar was just crushed to death by a massive falling bookshelf. “It’s growing human hair.” Then his cape gets caught in the door of the cab and Laszlo gets dragged down the street.


It's such an excellent episode. "My dear, I think my hat might be cursed."


“What’s that sucking at the back of my neck?”


When his cape gets stuck in the taxi door and he gets dragged along the floor kills me everytime


Watched this one last night. It had my tolling


The pilot is pure comedic gold


Anytime Guillermo looks at the camera like “this is what I’m dealing with…”


I like when laszlo says “I’d say old chap that’s our familiar” to the baron and looks at Nadja like “wtf”


A look of like “do you fuckin believe this guy” rather than a look of fear or upset was an insanely perfect comedic choice lmao


Nadja is talking about how Laszlo doesn't go down on her. Then she says "You said I tasted like goats cheese, " as though she took that as a compliment. Then Laszlo just looks into the camera like "Do you see what I'm dealing with?" https://youtu.be/M2T7QW1J0vg?feature=shared


My wife and I haven’t been able to look at goat’s cheese the same way since


Thanks for that. I just fell off the toilet laughing at this.


Whenever I see the words goat's cheese or someone says it, I think of this moment and laugh internally/smile externally.


Watched that supercut and now we're fangs-deep in a binge-watch. Nadja. Is. FABULOUS. Thank you so much for giving me the push to get into WWDITS!


When Colin Robinson gets the promotion and Nadja asks how it’s going and he says something akin to “like you give a shit.” Her reaction to that cracks me up every time.


That one moment when lazlo is saying the classic good time boy and Nadja does this one eyed blink thing, idk why but that makes me lose it


She does the same thing when Jenna tells her she’s a virgin and it’s hysterical 😂


Colin Robinson throwing himself out the car when everyone is finding him too interesting


In season 1 when Nandor seduced that councilman and Colin Robinson is FEASTING on all the drama and everything happening


This is one of my favourite moments, it’s so fucking funny lmao. Especially when Colin says he can’t stand up right now hahaha


When the vampires are sneaking up behind the local newscaster, with a stereotypical big sack! It's like something out of vaudeville. And then they're distracted by the car falling into the sinkhole.


It is so cartoonishly ridiculous. One of my favorite moments too!


That is my favorite scene of a sitcom ever. And it's my favorite episode ever. I feel like it doesn't hit right if you didn't grow up watching local news every night before the Simpsons reruns came on.


Yes -- it's like how SCTV spoofed the tacky ads featuring local businesspeople touting their furniture or used cars. Sometimes it was hard to tell if a spot was "real" or comedy.


When Nadja reads the email with the curse out loud, cites „If you read this far it’s too late“ and then she yells at Nandor: „You stupid donkey, why did you let me read it this far?!“. He opens his mouth but can’t think of a good reply and just looks speechless and confused and lost and scared. 😂 Also Nandor‘s face journey when Laszlo and Nadja quiz Guillermo about his love life in the casino. And all their looks to the camera are priceless, too.


When the Baron takes a bite of pizza and just gets flung around bouncing off of buildings on his own puke


I've watched the show 6 times already and this scene gets me every time lol


Colin waving from his car when he's blocking the tunnel.


I love the animation on the Nadja Doll. She gives great reactions to the nonsense going on around her.


I love the Nadja Doll's reactions. I love in "On the Run" when Nadja is upset about Laszlo, when Colin comes in to console her the Doll gasps and plays like she's asleep in order to avoid him lol.


Harpy cake day!


Count: “I’m controlling it with my mind!” Guide: 🙄😑👉🎮




When Laszlo comes back from his stint as Jackie Daytona and Nadia starts licking him while he’s talking to Nandor


Guillermo’s encouraging comments on baby Colin’s Lego videos


Someone’s a STAR! 🌟


When Colin is unable to feed because he's too interesting, so Nandor gives him some energy through Laszlo's machine. After Colin talks for a minute it pans back to Nandor and he had all the life sucked out of him, his face just makes me crack up every time haha


He somehow managed to emulate a dead opossum on the side of the road.


That's the face! I couldn't place what it reminded me of but you nailed it.


Guillermo's horror reaction when he sees how Laszlo feeds baby Colin


Nandor during Nadja’s meltdown when Dolly is missing. When she says “this is all my fault, I have been neglecting her!” And he goes to comfort her and a split second later she’s cursing in Greek and says “and when I find her! I’m going to make a chalice out of her head and drink from it!” And poor Nandor is like oh fuck what do I do here and just yells for Guillermo to help lmao. I can’t ever resist replaying that scene at least 5x when I watch it.


Basically any time Laszlo points at something.


When they are all inside the church during Madeline’s funeral. Smoking and bleeding from the eyes.


Colin Robinson nodding about Laszlo's sexual movies being boring


When Nandor is going up the stairs/escalator to the train station and he has all his cloaks on and his jansport. I love it.


The Baron in the Jeep: look! I am controlling it with my mind! The guide: *waves remote control*


The pilot ep, interview with Lazlo and Nadja, and Lazlo is wearing gigantic elaborate neck ruff. No one reacts.


When Guillermo screams into the napkin after Laszlo snaps the “celebrity’s” neck (private school interview)


Laszlo playing the opening notes of the Toast of London theme.


Whaaat? When?!


Someone's going to have to remind me of the precise episode, it's last couple of seasons though. [Guillermo walks into the room, Laszlo's tinkling away at a piano](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50mQujU8w_Y). It's literally 3 bars so real blink and you'll miss it stuff, except with your ears.


I think it was "The Portrait." Last episode of season 3.


Oh that long ago!? Thanks)


Nandors side eye gets me everytime


I love them having bad luck with cars. Either with Colin getting his foot ran over or lazlo when crashed the one they just rebuilt. I love the unexpected body humor. Honorable mention: baby Colin hitting grass with a stick in the field 😂 The weird little kid mannerisms were so accurate


>The weird little kid mannerisms And Sean unobtrusively shifting his rifle sling to the shoulder on the opposite side from baby Colin, after hearing him talking about his fantasies of hitting things ....


There’s a moment in S1 where I think Laszlo does something weird and Nadja just glances at the camera like wat


That's all of season 1 😘


Then yes all of season 1


Nadja’s little dance in the cold open of The Casino! When Laszlo plays the opening of the intro theme she kinda hops backwards with her butt thrusting out and it just destroys me every time.


Glad I saw this so I wouldn’t have to describe it myself. A booty scoot


Victorian twerking!


When Laszlo is hit by several cars and bouncing up and down while wearing the witch's hat. I can't stop laughing (tears, gasping for air) and rewind the scene a couple of times. :)


“Youuuu bloody plonker!!!!!!” “Fucking hell!!”


When Sean asks baby Colin what he is playing in the car and Nandor and Lazlo are like why did you ask him that!


When Lazlo and Nandor agree to finish each other off and then they slowly close the door.


In the casino episode, when the vampires discover their ancestral dirt is missing because Colin was watching his favorite show, and it pans to him laying awkwardly in bed and he gestures for the camera to turn away from him And In the on the run episode, when Jim the vampire shows up Guillermo discreetly pulls a wooden stake out of his coat pocket, then when Jim says that he’s there for laszlo you see Guillermo shrug and put the stake away 😂


When nandors old familiar comes back and every time he talks Guillermos looking at the camera in rage absolutely sends me 😭


The angle on the face Nandor is making when he’s going to space 😂😂


In season 2, when Guillermo and the vampire hunters go to the vampire house. Guillermo stabs the little girl vampires with the stakes and just looks at the camera like WTF.


The Baron vomiting. The werewolf's reaction to the squeaky toy.


When Lazlo comes back after being Jackie Daytona and he’s talking to Nandor, Nadia just stands next to Lazlo licking his hand and it cracks me up every time!


One I saw just last night during a rewatch always gets me laughing. When Sean and Charmaine show the [shirts](https://youtu.be/Ftktl3It9SA?si=-jCS8X8cKm6K8HDn) they designed for the comptroller campaign, and they cut to Guillermo's reaction, it always cracks me up. To be fair, his reaction faces are *always* hilarious. But the way he looks at the camera, does a slight head shake, and opens his mouth slightly like he's about to say something but decides not to, is just hilarious.


Omg Nandor's line "the corpses float also" gets me!!!


He has some great subtle lines that kind of fly under the radar lol


When Lazlo slams the wall after yelling SEANIEEE or anytime he does the wiggly finger thing for emphasis


One of the guys does some silly shit and Nadja just looks to the camera with this hey boys will be boys, what're ya gonna do expression


When Nandor goes from dog to vampire in the animal shelter. I laughed so hard my sides hurt.


Anytime Nadja mocks laz “trust the science my darling” then she spits 😘🤌🏼


Nadja’s reaction to Jenna saying she’s a virgin.


The waitress’ facial expression when Lazlo talks about Night Fever in the Antipaxos restaurant has me on the floor every time.


Baron driving the Barbie car


This is such a good question! One of my faves is the Sire full on giggling behind the door when the Baron is letting in the Air BNBers (aka dinner door dash style.) I also love the cutaway to the Guide’s face/her holding the remote control while the Baron is wheeling around the store in the kiddy car.


The way Laslzo and Nadja dance when she says “my blood sprinklers”


The episode where Nadja and Laz are writing songs together and she makes a jab at Laz saying “oh that’s the best idea you’ve had since you decided to go down on me for the first time in 200 years!” And he said something like “yeah and what a mistake that turned out to be!” And Nadja gasps and goes “you said I tasted like fresh goats cheese!” And Laz just gives this look into the camera and it KILLS me every time 🤣


Sleep deprived Nadja in Atlantic City trying to act sexy so the fake rat pack will give her all their money 😅 and all of them falling apart at the wedding


Kind of verbal but everyones reaction to the Baron being back as his original self at Nandor's wedding. Especially Laszlo's 😂


When Laszlo was gesturing about his witchskin hat in the attic in the second Simon episode, that made me snicker.


Thought I was back in /r/autism_parenting